I 1 i t -1 f, -1 i or infeoted, they cannot nourish the fibrous tissue around i i they constantly discharge into the flesh around the. I iu-ure,' germ-laden matter which gradually eats into the i ny tissue and causes ..Die for Sores and ulcers, a medicine that can purify the r hope of a core.' 8- 3. S. has long been recognized as th L'ood norlflers. eossessin the Qualities necessary to remove 7 from the blood. a healthy, condition U and thus makes the nm and any medical advice free to all who write. . ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. :ireh Service h CUITRAl, 'METHODIST CHURCH - Rev, I . B,1 Jones, pastor; preaching at U a. nu iby John T. Pullen; Sunday school, 9:30, R. K Prince, superintend ent' Fiworth, 'Xeague, Tuesday, 8:15 i.s m., J. H.' APayhe, president; prayer i idhT. Wednesday, 8:15 p. m. The J THe" elasa- meets in Its room at 9:15, J. v. a Weaver,' teacher. T'UESBYTERlAN Rev. M. McC. V hite.Uw IX ? Services at 11 a. m. and 8:15, p. m.; Sunday Bchool, 9:30 a. m. Westminster, League, 7:30 p. m.; Wed nesday. services,' 8:16 p. m. .BAPTIST Ro E. f'.arner' will preach at 11 a. m. and at ..15 p.'m.; Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; i 0,11 services Jin. the court house. All in " vited. " h . i - 4 " i , t , FJRST, BAPTIST Re v. W. C. Tyree. T. Ci pastor? ,Dr. J. R. Hunter, super, intendent"! of ? Sunday school; junday school. :30 a. rn.l preaching at 11 a. m. ai1 8 p, ta.i Monday, 8 p. m., Young pimple's! meeting; Wednesday," 8 p. m i prayer meeting. A cordial invitation to- all services, f EDENTON STREET METHODIST ' Rev. ;W. A. Stanpuryl pastor; services - tomorrow -.t IV a. m. and 8:15 p. m.; 'Sunday school 'at ,9:30 a. m., James X3 Brown, ('superintendent; Epworth ifeagae? meet Monday night; Prayer ' meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. , ''fltO , MILLS BAPTIST Sunday s School, S p-jr, J. W. Wallace, super intendent;, church services at 8:15 p. m. a-t conauctea dt w. Kicnarason. 1 '4,-A6lfcN- t "AC&E "BAPTIST- Ho v. A. , J, lonelier, VastO""- Rev. Jiio L.. Cook - " Will preach at ll a. m.; no services at rt' bight.;: Congregation - will worship at "' . Favetteville street church at 8 p. m.; V! Sinjday 'school, 9:15 a. m., N. B. Brougbton, stfperfnte rtendent. ' jSI. SAVIOUR CHAPEL Rev. John H. jCrosby, minister In charge. Sixth ? 'v Rnnrtav ftr Trlnltv. Sundav school. i f t a. m.; night' service and sermon, 8:15 - o'clock. Seat' all' free. Everyone In- 1 -'Ited. ' -CHRIST CHURCH Rev. Mnton A. ! Barber, rect5r Rev. John II. Crosby, assistant.1 Sptth Sunday after Trinity. ' Sunday school,' 8:30 a. m.; divine ser- vtrtet' and sermon, la. m.; evening .piayer, 4 o'clock. 'Services during the i week',- Wednesday, p.: m. and FH- Reduction Makes 4,' 20 and 33 1-3 Lli w 4t ouuip -'-Tliis sale has been on just one weekyet in its ,:infaiicy-long enough however, to make its impres .Vfsioirott the young men of this community. ' "'':' If you need a Suit here's your chance, whether 1 itte a two-piece extra light-weight or medium, or a ' thfee-piece medium weight.' They are all here and are included in this discount sale. - - A discount of 33 .13 per cent, is put on a lot. of Suits placed on a separate table, good enough for a long ; an dcheap enough for you. . . 7. :3SENGARTEN CO., FAYETTEyiLLE STREET, f;, heals;-.:;;;. Jo SORES MID ULCERS s and. Ulcers la the very simplest way. It Jutt oei lood and removes th cause, and th place is bound impurities and morbid matters which nave been tn ulcer open are no longer .absorbed front the blood. i of salves, lotions, plasters, ete., can never produce i not reach the source of the trouble: At best they 1 or reduoe Inflammation; such treatment is working on .reaching thB causa. . Everv nutritive corpuscle in the the ulcer to enlarge, since impure While curing the sore or ulcer S. 8.8. of the flesh by supplying it with rich, cure, permanent and lasting. Book on day, 10 a. m. Free seats. Strangers and visitors cordially invited. FAYETTEVILLE STREET BAPTIST Rev. J. L. Cook will speak at the night service; there will be no morning service, as the pastor will speak at the Tabernacle Baptist church. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. HILLSBORO STREET CHRISTIAN Rev. L. F. Johnson, the pastor, will preach Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m Sunday school at 9:45, C. H. Stev enson, superintendent. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST There will be preaching Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. by W. A. Simpkins. and Sunday night at eight o'clock by Elder Asa D. Short, of Virginia. Public invited. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEP HERD Rev. I. McK. Pittinger, D. u., Rector. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion at 8 a. m.: Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; service and sermon at 11 a. m.; evening prayer at 6.30 p m.; services on Wednesday at 10 a. in., and on Friday at 6 p. m. The seats are all free and strangers and visitors are cordially invited. Foley's Honey and Tar not only stops chronic coughs that weaken the con stitution and develop" Into consumption. but heals and strengthens the lungs. It affords comfort and relief in the worst cases of chronic bronchitis, aithma, hay fever and lung trouble.-r- K:ng-Crowell Drug; Company. Weather Conditions. The barometric depression over northern New York has moved to the New England coast, causing thun derstorms in the New England and middle Atlantic states, and North Carolina. The temperatures have changed but slightly over the east ern half of the country; in the west and northwest they have generally risen. In the south, the weather con tinues warm, and only a rew scat tered local showers are reported. Heavy rainfall is reported from the following stations: Wilmington, N. C, 1.06 inches, and Montgomery, Ala., 1.5S inches. The present conditions indicate lo cal showers in this viciuity tonight or Sunday. C. H. RICHARDSO. . Acting Section Director. in Prices Clothes Per Gent. Off. " x .'. -t'- . - i'-.-i y," ...iL-..i.1...ii-j--r-iiin.'. ' " ta CAN YOP ANSWER IT? r i . i!.f Jt yon can give the three ' best answer to the follow-- - big qdestion , you will be awarded $10.00 for your thoughts, -v , There are a thousand and one answers that could be given, nt yon must have the . three BEST, y O '. All answer will be pub . llshed in The- Evening Time , and three -judges will decide ; who has the tfifce best ans-. 'm vera, -; ; ? No person will be allowed . O- ' to submit over three answers Only three will be counted, The person giving the three best will be awarded the prize of 910.00 for the trou- ble. ' Do not go into a lengthy discussion,, but make your answers short and to the 0l- point.' - Say what yon mean. Nothing personal will be innted. We are after facts. If two or. more persons give the same answers, the ones bearing the first date will be counted and 'given credit. ' - Here is the question; send in yonr'' answers today: 'WHr IS THE EVRNINQ TIMES' NORTH CARO- LINA'S LEADING AFTER- NOON NEWSPAPER?" Send all answers to the Question Editor, -5 THE EVENING TIMES. ANSWERS. Raleigh, N. C, July 15, 1909. Why The Evening Times is the leading afternoon paper: Because It is the only afternoon paper in Ral eigh, and Raleigh is one of the dear est old towns In North Carolina. Of coarse her paper leads. MRS. I. C. HILL, 112 Fir wood Avenue. July 16, 1909. To the Editor: The Raleigh Evening Times is the best afternoon paper In North Caro lina:' 1. Because it is the only afternon paper in the state that has full leased wire dispatches. 2. Because it reaches the readers within a radius of the Capitol City by supper time. 3. Because it carries the largest and best line of advertising of any paper in North Carolina. ROLAND L. HAMLET. Tarboro, N. C., July 16, 1909. Question Editor The Evening Times, Raleigh, N. C. Dear Sir; I enclose herewith ans-1 wers to the question "Why i The Evening Times North Carolina's lead- j board of directors of the state hos ing afternoon newspaper?" . which pital at Raleigh met' in stated sassion answers I hope will prove winners. ! on July 14th, 1909. " Besides the reg- But. whether they prove winners or not my estimate of The Times is ex pressed in them: Your truly, J. E. DIJPREE. My three answers to the question, "Why is The Evening Times NorUi Carolina's leading afternoon paper" are: . 1. It is the only afternoon paper published at the State Capitol, and Is therefore of more interest to the people of the state than any other afternoon paper. 2. It gives the most complete tele graphic news service of any afternoon paper in the state, covering both gen eral and state news with a thorough ness and correctness which make' It a decided leader. ' (' ii. Its editorial columns are con ducted on a high plane, discussing public questions with marked abllHy, yet with perfect fairness to every one, and, like its news columns, both local and general, its editorials are always couched in 'such language as to make their reading by every .mem ber of the family not onl permissabie, but truly helpful and elevating. J. EDGAR DUPREE, Tarboro, N. C. Wilson, N. C, July 16, 1909. Question Editor, The Evening Times, ..: Raleigh, N. C. Why is Ihe Evening Times .North Carolina's leading afternoon paper? . ,-1. Because its telegraphic service embraces all the world's repent hap penings and is-given to The Times readers in a condensed readable form. 2. Because its editorials are dem ocratic in principle and conservative and with - the single' exception of a morning daily, the 'subscription price of which is J 8.00 per year1 the best edited of any paper in the state 3. Because on account of the ex ceptional train schedules out Of Ral eigh The Times' patrons in all' sec tions of the state receive the- paper each day at an earlier hour thfin they do afi'y otlyr afternoon paper, there by getting- "Today's News Today". . Very respectfully, "i" MISS ROSA McFARLAND. 1 ; 1 ; , Telephone Operator, '';' ' Salioi, ry, N. C.July 15, 1WI9. -- ; Mr. Question Editor, ..: v ' The Evening Tijnes,' ; :-. ;K f? Ralelghi Vt. Cr- ' ' v"Why Is The Evening Times North Carolina's leading afternoon paper V r: It gives air the news of the state. at ihe Capitol and the people of the "-." ir-w f Ralolgh.-.- y -, " ' 2. It Is not demagogues, but con eervative in tone and stands tor the good and right always. .- 3, Its general g& up is good and It is th.e best edited -of any evening paper - In the state,?: its', telegraphic news is most complete: r MISS AiM..E ETHEL COLLINS, ' i 524 SouthChurchrStreet. ,; . '-..., .,;, ,: . ...;Y; A ,5 - ' i A JNght .RiderVRald. . . :The worst night riders' are" calomel. croton oil or aloe pUla. i Not so with Dr; King's Newl4fe PiUsi' They never distress or inconvenience, but .always Cleanse the system, eurlng Colds, Head ache. Constipation, JIalaria, 25c. st all druggists. , 'iK, v',.'i ;s ; i . i : ' NEWS FROH KINSTON. , : Good Artesian i Well New Rural Route to be4 Installed, topecial to The' Times) Kinston, July ; 16 Mr. Leslie Turnage, the well-nriller, has just se cured a good overflow at a depth of 245 feet for the Knott Brothers tor bacco warehouse, on Washington street. The well, which is located at tne cuming itti front-of the ware house, is of good,'' Clear water and runs 20 gallons to the minute. The overflow was secured after about 10 days work, y This tlty unquestionably Is blessed in itfe water. The city wa ter is-supplied by four eight-inch overflow wells ranging in depth from 250 to 400 feet.'t f About the city are several such wells for use of the pub lic and many- individuals have had overflow wells drilled for private use; About the first of September ' a new "rura'route, will be Installed in Lenoir county. .'. The route will, run from the Deep Run postof flee ' and will make a1 Ir$uit and come east near to the-Woodington section. This ronte will supply a long felt 'want among the people of that neighbor hood,' who have suffered considerable inconvenience and delay In receiving their mall. " S A rainfall of .43 inches vesterdav afternoon relieved the oppressive heat and cleared up the atmosphere con siderably. - The, thermometer ' had reached a' maximum of 95.5 degrees whn the storm came up and in an hour and a half dropped to 76, reach ing a minimum of 55 last night. Many people with chronic throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief , in Foley's Honey'and Tar as it cures stubborn coughs after ; other treatment has failed! L. M. Buggies, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The' doctors said I had consumption, and I got no better until,. I, took Foley's Honey and Tar. .It Stopped the hemorrhages and pain In tny . lungs and they are now as - sound ' as a bullet." King Crowell Drug CO.s" ' ASSISTANT PHYSICIAN For State Hospital to be Elected August 11th. The executive committee of the ular routine business, they instruct 1 - , ... r j a ii . . eu lilt) auuei uiieuaBui iu can a meet ing of the full board to be held on Wednesday, August 11th, at 10 o'clock, for the purpose of electing another assistant physician, and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the board. It was the opinion of the committee that the salary of the new assistant physician would be small at first, to be Increased from time to time, ac cording to the proficiency of the man. All applicants are requested to make their applications to the superintend ent. ' Sevs Mother Grow Young; "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use .Electric Bitters, "writes Mrs. W. I Gilpatrlc of Dan forlh, Me. "Although past- 70 she seems really to be - growing young again. .She vsuffered untold misery from dyspepsia 20 years. At last she ctuld neither eat, drlnk: nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health." They , in vigorate all vital organs, cure- Liver ani kidney troubles, induce sleep, im part 'strength and appetite. Only B0C at all druggists. . y '..-;.. i. ii,-) iii iV ' i hi X-'.' anothb:r escaped convict. Crowd'.-r Michael, Colored, Gets Away .vw a. From Camp.-. ' Crowder Michael a copper-colored negro, twentyeven years old,' five feet -nine inches high, weighs 176 pounds,, brown eyes, black hair, scar on-back of head.8entenced to'xha state's prison from Rutherford coun ty, April 16th, 1908, for a term .of thrpA vpnrtt fnr lnrnenv. PRrnned fnm the convict eanjp near Leechville.fi Beaufort county, N.C, July 12th, 1909.. -v--.-::'; i ;v;'';.-' . .For his recapture t prison' au thorities will pay a reward of $25.00 and all necessary expenses. ' . ' , Tortured on a Horse, a ' "For ten years I couldn't rids a horse without being lb torture from' plies;' writes U S. Napier,-of Ruglesn,. Ky.r 'when all' doctor ftd other remedlesi f ailed, Bucklen' Arnica. Salve cured m." Infallable for Piles, Bufns, Scalds, Cuts, Bolls, Fever-Sores, - Eczema, Salt Rheum, ' Corn, ; ZSo. Guaranteed by all druggists. ;;.: r :r ? , " -'- - Deprived of Title. ' v , (By Cable to"Tha TimesV .,' . Madrid. July 17. The official decree depriving : the,- infant .Alfonso .of Or ' leans, the king's cousin, of his tltl,", because h married. JTlncesa Beatrice, jeensent. W aubllshfcd todays 'y because he'married. PrlncMs Beatrice, ?1 . SEND IN YOUR t PRESCRIftlONS :)- this' evening, as we t, 1 will ' be . closea to- - r '. -Drop. ; 'in ;,.'W.,tl(,. morrow,-; ' ": v" on : your way- home and git yonr Sunday Cigars. 'A- Masoic Tentple O. G. KTNG, prletor. r; C. C. Phone, No.' 244. Raleigh Phone, No. 154. ' ":" '" j ' "5.'v- : RAILWAY .'..-.... JSi. :-i-.vt: -jr. Scenic Route to the West TWO PAST ' VESTIBCXB TRAINS WITH DINING GAR 8&RY1GK. Through Pullman Sleeper to Lont. viile, Cincinnati, Chicago, . , ; and St. liooia, , ; v Lv. Richmond. 3:00 p ra 11:00 p m Lv. Char'sville 7: 00 p m ' 2:52 a m Lv. Lynchburg . 4:00pm ....... Ar. Cincinnati. 8:15 am 6:00pm Ar. Louisville. 11:30 am 7:30pm Ar. Chicago... 5; 25pm 7:i0am Ar. St. Louis . .5?8pm 7:17am Direct Connection for -All Point West and Northwest, QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTH. Tbe Line to the Celebrated Resort of Virginia. ; ;j ;v:'.' For descriptive matter, schedule and Pullman Reservation. addreM . W. O. WABTHBN, D. P. A., Richmond. Va. . JNO. D. POTTS. Geq'l Pas. Agent ' Ice Cream, 25 Cents Quart. We Are Open at Night. . BKTTS' 1CK CREAM. Capital City Phone 230. PRQfESSIQNAL Dr. Sam Norris. Dr. Ernest Douglass Norris & Douglas, ' 7 DENTISTS. 4 22S Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C, . ' We will do . your Dental : work promptly, neatly, and substantially, and 25 cheaper; than any other firatMclas Dentist in the state. We will give you a written guarantee that work done by us is first-class In every respect, and will preserve; the teeth and remain Intact permanently. come, w e Qf ! Ktn w,ii ms mwmnjtmm' i m anwi Coyer spring sfp& toal whjph will be coming in a little laten We aire not going into full details I maWng a reUcbii tHatu 1 5; Cross style,. Our, Mkes are , from the best Iwjieiifyou Slyoi are getting thfiSjee oir lncJlpw shbyii iof thewe Sc f - j J pi v w.k v lxa krRKKf- . Jm0'mm0' fY9VtkvtLLto STREET 1 t; : Save- 'Mdttey i; 4 Here is the Tnost remarkable sale in the history of the V; i i Shoe BnsIhessWq, aye offering all Tans, a standard make of , Shoes at sweeping prico-eductloii8--we can't printi tf lname,,V ;f rherevf The makers won'allow It. But yon Wilt know ;the name before von bnv: it's on every pair. ' Andrt's a 1oneoWi, vou hnv. hold word the world over. make of Shoes right now. . At any 'rate thousands of (cityl : nien (and -women V have worn, it lor yean and are wearing it - today. Thejj regard H as - a uargam even ai ngmmr. .price. ,r.f-.. ,v? -.iw-K.w,vr'.a'K:; w Adit's, the only make (that has ALL the essential featnresof ; (' correct custom style, quarter-size fittings, and PROVED! .' QUALITY; , 'r ; ' 'r h::';;;r': Dcrc arc the price rcdicte: ;.;J;;t....?i "' ' ; 3.B0 ' Shoes' Reeduced to . . ; ..... ; . : 2.87 ; : ' , . .v . ' . $4.00 Shoes Reduced to . .. . . . . V. $3.00 ' , 5.00 Shoe Reduced to . . . . ; . . 3.75 V -, Ttiese stuiendon8 bargains will go quickly, l'ou must act quickly. . . N EDGAR E . Ilaberdasber, 'f','it -'f Ii"J; "uKJn;;rt ri Editor now or secure scholarship IlilcHOLAllSlllPi M Rate stops July 2X Get ouW'blg Illustrated catalogue its ' FR,f3. ; DRAUGHAN'S CAROLINA BANKERS Indorse Draughoh'g as. THE BEST. Addrss, . JNO, T. DRAUGHON. Press Fisher 1 " " 1 . WHITE We make a specialty of waists. Easily soilefl, but the problem is easily solved if you will send them to us to be laundered. 'Phone for our wagons, they will call for, and deliver your pacakges. ' Oak City Stekm La ...Both Phones, '87. .- ;.-v :bJ RAIiEIGB; IT. C M SPECIAL SALE . -t Porch Rockws, Chairs, Settees ivlWbhiy. iaM ",a few days ioner. Read thesepriccs and" gel tVusy. : ;:"v : $0.00 Rockers for . . 93.50. Rockers for . . " $23 Rockers for . . !2.75 Rockers for . . $2.50 Rockers for . . 81.75 Rockers for; . . , 95.00 Settees for . . . $4.75 Settees for . . .' $2.50 Arm Chairs for $2.25 Arm Chairs for f 1.50 $2.0O $2.6fll. $2.25 $2.00 $1.45 $4.15 $.4.90 $2.00 $1.75 CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, CAPITAL CITY ' PHONE 352. RAUKIGH PJHONE 107. ; 203-206 Fayetteville St. . . '8-10 E. Hargett St. are zomz to make a K i .' ' ' " r' . -- y!'- . : J'l " ' ntivthn I m." 1 1 'v ' i sjjn 0&mim&m,m00m&J i '";y;-''' V ' Von inay be . wearing this very, theVt'lnesll; make in the world and ; I BROUGHTON, Raleigh, N. O and enter later. You must hutry Special C01LEGE Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. f : " I laundering White Shirt :OF: ;"-:t v-ii,;.''....'M',:.. . '.: IjOWEST PRICES KER MADE ON . THESE GOODS. ... NO GOODS CHAjtGED AT THESE PRICES. A Few Other Goods at special . Ueduction. ' ' ' . clean up or our I fall goods - i we say that we : " " ,;y c:fl$tfic manufacturers and . '; '' ' BAliEIGH, K 0, II J. I J' f ;F,r mm ,,r3,., "V.. "til 9- -i-W ! ,j:,rl'?: l '-tih

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