pMM'S Stocks, V Cotton, Grain and New York Stocks. (By Leased Wire to The Times) . New . York, i July 19. After the -first few minutes of business this morning a moderate Irregular tone developed In the stock market but In the maporlty of cases strength ' was displayed. St. Paurtetalned a net Improvement of .about a point. Union Pacific advanced 'AilV DMl'n aluJkTM- Cla4-..1a ,'a nlAalno S a .jiWTjtehilfficord. At the end of the flfrsr nfteen!ninilte8, Consolidated das, Reading, anadkn Pacific, Great Northern prefrred, Qeneral Electric, II lhmls Central arid-Rock Island prefer red retained net advances of from 12 to 1 per cent. "(By Leased Wire to The Times) New York Closing Stock List. Amalgamated Copper , 81 3-4 American Ice Securities.. 38 American Susar Refinery.. .. ..127 American Smelting 93 7-8 American Locomotive CI 1-4 American Car Foundry 62 1-8 American Cotton Oil 73 3-4 American Woolen 34 Anaconda.. 47 3-4 Atchison.. .. ..' 116 7-8 Atlantic Coast Line 131 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 77 7-8 Baltimore and Ohio 119 7-8 Canadian Pacific 18C Chesapeake and Ohio 78 5-8 Consolidated Gas 140 Central Leather.. 32 5-8 Colorado Fuel and Iron 44 5-8 Colorado Southern 56 Delaware and Hudson 192 1-2 Denver and Rio Grande 47 1-2 Erie.. 36 Do, pfd 53 General Electric 166 Great Western 11-8 Great Northern, pfd 150 1 Hocking oal and Iron 64 3-8 Iillinois Central 1?4 3-4 Interboro.. 15 1-4 Do, Dfd 47 1-2 Iowa Central 29 1-2 Kansas City Southern 45 7-8 Kansas and Texas 42 1-8 Do. pfd 73 Louisville and Nashville 144 1-2 Missouri Pacific 73 New York Central 132 7-8 Northwestern 183 National Lead 86 1 Norfolk and Western 92 7-8S Northern Pacific. 153 5-8 Ontario-and Western 53 Pennsylvania.. 138 1-4 Pacific Mail.. . 29 1-2 Pressed Steel Car 44 Reading.. 155 5-8 Rock Island 35 1-8 Do, pfd... 73 3-8 Republic Iron and Steel 32 3-4 Do. pfd 106 7-8 Sloss-Shefflld 84 Southern Pacific 133 3-4 Southern Railway.. .. .. :. .. .. 30 7-8 Do pfd.. .. . .. .. 69 3-4 St. Paul 155 5-8 Tenn. Copper 36 3-4 Texas Paciric. .' i. 34 7-8 Third Avenue 19 1-8 Union Pacific ..197 U. S. Rubber .. 38 1-4 U. S. Steel 71 3-4 Do, pfd.. 127 5-8 Virginia-Carolina Chemical.. .. 51 3-4 Western Union 72 Wabash 21 1-8 . DO, pfd.. .. 56 1-2 Westinghouse Electric 84 3-8 Wisconsin Central.. 55 1-4 Western Maryland 6 7-8 Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, July 19. Market easy and off 1-2 to 7-8 on easy cables, continued favorable weather and Increased re ceipts southwest. Local crowd bearish but not selling much. St. Louis got 200,000 bushels of new wheat this morn ing. Opening, wheat, September, 1.10 5-8 to 1-2; oats, September, 41 1-4 to 1-2; corn, September, 65 1-4 to 3-8; ribs, Sep tember, 11.35; lard, September, 11.67; pork, September, 20.80. .' Wheat closed to 1 lower for the day, after an unsettled session. The feature of the day was the heavy buying of September and selling of December by the Armour house. Oals were weak. Provisions were slow. -. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheat- Open. 1.19 1.10 1.07 .69 ' .65 .65 .45 .41' .41 High. 1.21 1.11 1.08 .70 .166 .56 - .46 .41 .41 Close. 1.18 1.10 1.07 .70 .05 .55 .45 .40 .41 July. . ; Sep. . Dee.. July"'. Sep," Dec.- Oats July .. Sep. . Dec. . Pork July . Sep. . Jan. . Bibs July . Sep. . Oct. . Lard July , Sep. , Oct. 20.65 20.80 1175 .; 20.97 21.10 17.8.0 20.95 21.05 ,17.80 11.67 ii.i i iff 7 a 11.60 11 R7 11.47 11.42 11.10 11.35 11.07" 11.12 Raleigh Produce Market. ; ' (Reported oy L. H. Adami.) Butter, 25c. ' Eggs, 17 20c. . Bam, 17. . Spring chickens, 2 0 3 0c. I Rent, 40 45c. - Peaches, 60 60c peck. MARKcTS Nl'W York Cotton. New York, July 19. Cotton opened weak on reports that the drouth in Texas had been broken and on unfav orable,' cables. A lot of cotton was thrown on the market, and there was little attempt to cover shorts. The chief support came from traders who felt that the list was entitled to a rally and this eventually carried prices up about 10 points from the early'low level Opening July, 12.00 bid; August, 11.92 to 11.94; ' September, offered 11.90; Oc tober, 11.92 to 11.93; December, 11.94 to 11.95;' January, 11.90 to 11.92; MJrch, 11.91 to 11.92; May, 11.91 to 11.92 Open. High. Low. Close. May .. July ., Aug. ., Sep. . . Oct. . . Nov. .. Dec. .. Jan. .. . March . 11.92 12.01 11.79 12.00 12.00 1I.79 11.94 11.94 11.73 11.90 11.90 11.80 11.94 11.97 11.75 11.79 11.78 11.74 11.75 11.75 11.74 11.77 11.76 11.78 11.95 11.91 11.92 12.00 11.98 11.99 11.77 11.76 11.78 Market closed steady. New York SMt Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 19 Spot cotton, 12.40; sales, 800 bales. . New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. July . 12.02 12.02 11.97 11.90 Aug. . 11.75 Sep. . 11.95 12.03 11.77 1T.77 Oct. . 11.89 11.95 11.63- ll.f5 Nov. . 11.62 Dec, . 11.74 11.95 11.63 11.66 Jan. . 11.73 11.97 11.06 11.67 Mar. . 11.88 12.05 11.75 11.77 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, July 19 Spot cotton, easier; middling, 6.60; sales, 8,000, of which 7,200 were American. Futures opened steady and closed easy. Openings, Closing. July 6.51 6.36 July-Aug. 6.46 6.36 Aug.-Sep 6.41 liept.-Oct.. .... 6.37 6.30 6.28 6.26 5.25 6.26 Oct.-Nov.. .... 6.36 Dec-Jan 6.34 Jan.-Feb 6.38 Feb.-March.. .. 6.35 March-April.. . . 6.35 April-May . . . . 6.26 6.26 6.26 6.26 Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling, 12 3-4. Strict middling, 12 5-8. Middling, 12 1-4. Receipts, 10 bales. Cotton Port Receipts. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 19 Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans, 667 against 386; Gal veston, 2,918 against 1,814; Mobile, 915 against 520; Savannah, 934 against 197; Charleston, 0 against 14; Wilmington, 12 against 53; Nor folk, 14 against 150. Totals, 5,460 against 2,666. Interior Receipts: Houston, 351 against 693; Augusta, 0 against 457; Memphis, 558 against 155; St. Louis, 316 against 106; Cincinnati, 244 against 138. Totals, 1,469 against 1,549. New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 19 Money on call, 1 to 3; time loans, Arm; 60 (Jays, 1 to 2; 90 days, 2 to 2 3-8; six months, 3 3-8 to 3 ; posted rates sterling exchange, 486 to 488; with actual business in bankers' bills at 487.35 to .40 for demand and 486 to 486.10 for 60 day bills. Prime mer cantile paper, 3 to 4 ' per cent for the best names. New York Provisions Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 19 Cash produce: Minneapolis No. 1, northern wheat, 131 to 132. Wheat Firm; No. 2, red spot, nominal, 145 f.o.b. Corn Easy; No. 2, mixed, 78 in elevator. Oats Quiet; No. 2, mixed, 56 tn elevator. , Rye Dull; No. 2, western, 90 f.o.b. Barley Firm; feed, 72 to 73 c.i.f. New York. Flour Dull; spring patents, 6.40; winter straights, 6.50. Mill Feed-Steady; western bran to arrive, 25.75. Pork Strong; mess, 21.50. Lard Dull; prime western, 11.90. Tallow Dul; prime city, 5 9-16. Coffee Easy; No. 7 Rio, 7. Sugar Quiet; granulated, 4.85. Chicago (Live Stock Market. Union Stock Yards, 111., July 19, Hogs, receipts 30,000; market 5c to 10c higher;- mixed and butchers, 7.65 to 8.30; good heavy, 7.95 to' 8.30; rough heavy. 7.75 to 7.90; light, 7.60 to 8.10; pigs. 6.65 to 7.55; bulk, 7.85 to 8.10. Cattle, receipts 24,000; market 10c lower; beeves, 5.10 to 7.45; cows and heifers, 2.30 to 6.10; stockers and feed ers, 3.00 to 5.00; Texans. 4.75 to 6.00; calves, 6.35 to 8.55. Sheep, receipts, 20,000; 5 to 10c lower; native and-western, 2.00 to 5.10; lambs, 4.75 to 8.26. by Provisions. I THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STOKY - . , (By T. C. Shotwell.) New York, July 19.-rNew high rec ords for Southern Pacific, Atchison anil the Rock Island shares were features of the i early trading in Wall Street today. The market opened with most Issues showing slight gains. Shortly after the beginning of trading, South ern Pacific sold at 153 1-8, the highest price In its history. Owing to the con- tlnuous good weather throughout the corn belt, stocks of roads whose lines traverse max territory were airung. At chison reached the new high record of 117 1-2 and Rock Island common 35 3-8 and preferred at 74. The Hill shares were also strong. Great Northern preferred advancing half a point and Northern Pacific 7-8. Union Pacific was steady at 198 3-4; St. Paul became more active for the first time in many weeks, and advanced nearly two points. Wabash preferred was a fraction higher. Profit-taking continued In the steel Issues on a light scale. The common declined 318 and the preferred 1-4. Spec ulation in these shares was not us heavy as recently. American shares were strong In Lou don under leadership of Union Pacific. Gioux wad the strong issue on the New York curb market during the early trading. On a moderate volume of transactions it crossed 10. New York Cotton Letter. ( By W. B. Hibbs and Company.) New York, July 19. The market was subjected to further aggressive raids by the sold-out bulls and leading operators who took the bear side last week to shake out the Wall Street. Chi cago, Southern and other outsiders who hud been such large buyers dur ing the recent bullish activity. These drives seemed to clean up the re maining scattered weak long specu lative interests. There was no evidence that any of the big operators here, at New Orleans, Augusta and Chicago, were influenced to any extent by this movement." Reports circulated before the opening here and at Liverpool that 'the drought in Texas had been broken by heavy rains caused much anxiety in the early trading but proved to be exaggerated. We believe the scare over the tech nical speculative position of the mar ket d urine the break of one .cent per j p0un(i or J5 per Daie during the past .four days from recenf high prices has more than discounted the favorable sentimental effect of such anticipated rains in Texas, which are yet to occur. It Is our opinion further prices have been as unduly depressed on this slurtlp to 11 7-8 cents as thev wrv riled too high during bulgoa iunt. week ajfd today, to 12 7-8, w ni(l rather ad- were to a conserv.iiv -i.iun on uio bull side and nrmtinu fwvor pur chases of the ritw rou oBtlons. We feel if such uroHaB are now Judiciously made m further declines they will sliow aoort wont in the near Suture. Cotton-seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 19 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. July 5.505.60 August 5.55 5.64 September 5.69 5.70 October . . . 5.81 5.84 November 5.70 5.74 December 5.64 ?569 January 5.71 5.7 2 Market closed quiet; sales, 1,500 barrels. Spot oil, 5.50 5.63. y Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Ga., July 19 Spirits turpentine Firm, 45; sales, 85; receipts, 617. Rosins Firm; sales, 1,886; re ceipts, 1,681. Quote: WW. 5.75; WG, 5.65; N, 5. 35; M, 5.00 to 5.25; K, 4.25 to t .00; I, 4.20; H, 4.00; G, 3.85 to 4 95; F. 3.80; E, 3.60; D, 3.20; C, B, A, 3.00 to 3.20. THE GLIDDIMES STRIKE BAD (By Leased Wire to The Times) Minneapolis, Minn., July 19. The Glldden automobile tourists departed from here at 8 o'clock a. m. today for Mankato, Minn., their estimated speed for the day's run being three minutes to the mile. Today's run of 132 miles is the shortest of the entire trip and the contenders got their first taste of real gumbo roads. The talk of stiffen ing the schedule was dropped today after striking the bad roads. There is also a prospect of rainy weather ahead. Great crowds turned out today to see the departure of the Gllddenists from the city. Dr. Eliot For Governor. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Boston, July 19 There Is in this city a strong movement to make ex President Charles W. Eliot, of Harv ard, thU next governor of Massachu setts.1 ' ' The movement is said to be non partisan and Is taking the form of a monster petition, which will be pre sented to Dr. Eliot asking him to run. . THE JONES.KEXLY CASE, ., Argument of Counsel Consumed the Whole Day. The argument of counsel In the no torious Jones-Kelly case began this morning with the opening speech for the state by Attorney J. N. Holding. He was followed by Attorney W. C. Doug lass for the defence. Attorney Farmer, of Wilson, and Mr. H. E. Norris spoke for the dPtense. and Solicitor Jones and Hon. (.'. R. Ayoock also spoke for the stati-. Mr. Aycock began his speech ot 3 o'clock. He was sun speaking at four. The Judge's charge will follow his speech and the case will go to the jury at a late hour today. SUNSHIXKRH LEAVE. All Anticipate iv Fine Vacation at Beaufort. This morning at 6:30 o'clock the Sunshlners left for Beaufort over the Norfolk & Southern. There were about 50 in the party and they nad a special car to carry them. All an- j ticipate a delightful trip and a good time on this outing. Reserved Seat Sale at the Gem Thea tre Oilier Notes. The Gem Theatre will have on one of the most expensive bills this week they have had since first introducing vaudeville. The expense has grown .to be such an enormous amouat that I it has compelled the management to" J have reserve seat tickets. The flrsi 250 seats will be 5c. extra, making a total cost of 15c. for a visit to the Gem. J The Musical Cales, who will he here this week has been with the Primrose Minslrels jfor the past t wo seasons, and will join them again after filling their engagement in Raleigh. ATTEMPT AT KOIUiKKY. Kobber Snatches ling Containing $81)0 From Woman, But is Caught. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, July 19 A bold at tempt to rob Mrs. Rose Sleishman, of 91 East 1 8:td street, of $800 was made in the Drydock Bank at Third street and the Bowery today by a man who gave his name as Aaron Woldberg, a cigarmaker. Woldberg snatched the handbag containing the money from Mrs. Sleishman as she was waiting to deposit it and fled into the street. He was captured and taken to the office of the president of the bank, Andrew Mills. He put up a hard fight in the office and was overcome only after Mr. Mills, the cashier, and a clerk had pinned him to the floor. On his person was found a Drydock Bank book with an en try of $20,000. Woldberg had de posited just $20 and the entry had been raised. He was arraigned and held, charged with assault and rob bery. GOVAfl'S PREPARATION EXTERNAL A UTIGDDTt ror Mountain or Seaside.' Initant miet for Croup, CiAlt, Sore Throat, Sunburn, Insect Bites, Burns, Sprains, Bruises. Rheumatism. Swelling, Reduces Fever. FRUIT JARS AT T. & Co. L. McCULLERS DON'T FORGET THE DANCE AT Glenwood Skating Rink Tuesday night, July 20. Ladies free. Open from 8 o'clock to 11 p. m. Those wishing to learn to two-step and waltz will have the opportunity of entering for the season. Prof. AVorley will make excellent music . for this dance Tuesday night with the Caraleigh Band. If you don't wish to dance come and hear the music. Don't forget Tuesday night. 19 2t. MOTEL ST. DENIS' BROADWAY and 11th STREET NEW YORK CITY. Within Easy Across r.f V.v'-vj i'oint nt ItiUTOLit. Hair liifK'k frm Wurmtnakpr i " 5 minutes' walk of Slimminc lilsti l -r. NOTKI) FOR: Kxrclli'iirp of Online Comfortable Appointments, Conrleou? Sftrvlct? and Humi'ltke Surromnlinpa. BOOMS S 1.00 PER DAY AMD UP Very Commoilioun Sitmpl KouniH at RenNoiinhle lliiteu. 1 EUROPEAN PLAN. Table d'Hote Breakfast 50c. n TAYLOR & SON, Inc. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING OAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleeper, to Loiiln- vllle, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Louie. Lv. Richmond. 3:00pm 11:00pm Lv. Char'sville 7:00 pm 2:52 am Lv. Lynchburg Ar. Cincinnati. Ar. Louisville. Ar. Chicago. . . Ar. St. Louis . 4:00pm 8:15 am 11:30 a m 5:25 p m .5:58 p m 6:00 p m 7:30pm 7:10 a m 7:17 am Direct Connections for All Point West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. The Line to the Celebrated Remrto of Virginia.. ! Fur descriptive matter, schedule nd Pullman Reservations, addree W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., Richmond. Va ' JNO. D. POTTS, Geo! Pas Agent. If You are Read This! Wherever your store may be the rent is bigj and you pay for frontage. Is it not a mistake, there-' fore, to confine the attracting power of your store to the hours of daylight? A mind may decide a pur chase of goods seen in your window while YOU ard sleeping if your windows are illuminated at night. USE AN EECTilC after dark. It will draw trade, familiarize people with your store, burn your name indellibly into their minds. You can buy an Electric Sign from THIS Company whose function it is to make this a pros perous city, because of its well-illuminated store fronts. Ask our Sign Experts about it. WILL YOU HELP? CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. lc. WANTS lc. ) Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted ut one cent pep word for each issue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an insertion. Each figure charged as one word. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED Single Colored Man Cook, with recommendations. Pri vate family. Box 571. 16-3t MISCELLANEOUS. BIG BARGAINS IN HOSIERV. .25c. values for 19c. Black, Tan, White and Grey. Hunter Bros. & Brewer. 7 t. f. FOR GOOD PRIVATE BOARD IN the mountains. Rates reasonable. Address Jas. W". Bynum, Waynes ville, N. C. 7 t. f. FOR RENT VOK RENT Nice front room on south side Masonic Temple. ' South ern exposure. Apply to John1 C. Drewry. 15-Bt FOR RENT Two story house, cor ner East and Edenton, to desir able party without children, owner to reserve one room and board with renter. Address, H., care Evening Times. 15-tf , ! FOR RENT New 8-room house with modern improvements, corner Boy- lan avenue and Devereux street at $20 dale, ing. per month. John W. Hins Citizens National Bank build 16 t. f. FOR SALE. FOR SALE AT A GARGAIN Shares in a concern doing business which will pay splendid dividends and double your money within one year. Absolutely safe, sound and j legitimate. Investigation solicited, For particulars address J. T. Evans i Pine Level, N. C. WANTED Two strong men to work at moulding. None but steady men need apply. Apply to J. H. Gill. 16 3t. FOR SALE Horse and Buggy (Bab cock, rubber tire.) Horse a good driver, suitable for ladies, . Outfit complete. Will sell cheap. Ad dress Box 401 or call 'phone 281 (Capital City.) Mon., Wed., Fri. I OR SALE Soda Fountain or will exchange for automobile. J. P. Winston, Louisburg. 17-3t. rONY BUGGY, RUBBER TIRE; Pony delivery wagon, very nice and good. R. E. Rogers, E. Mar tin street, Raleigh. 17 2t. a Merchant, WANTED To buy small good farm, 20 to 50 acres; good cottage house, orchard; not over two or three miles out. Must know soon. Wil liam Bruner, Raleigh, N. C. 17-3t WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 unfur- nished rooms, for light housekeep ing, in private family. Good loca tion. Box 401, City. it WANTED A salesman at once; $80 to $120 per month to right man. Box 401, City. it CRAB APPLE FOR JELLY AND Preserving. Leave orders at B. P. Williamson, 122 West Hargett St. ID 2t. CELERY PLANTS 2,000 Giant Pas chal, the best. Apply to B. P. Wil liamson, 122 West Harkett St. 19 2t. I'M BRELLAS REPAIRED Porter, 209 S. Wilmington Street. Delicious White House Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. . United States District Court Eastern District of North Carolina. In the matter of John A. Forbes, bank ruptIn liankruptcy, No. 304. NOTICE FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. Tn the creditors of John A. Forbes, of Wilson, in the county of Wilson and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby iriven that on the lfith day of July, A. D. 1909, the said John A. Forbes was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the Fp(1era' court rooms, in the city of jtaieign, in said aistnct, on tne 29th jdny of July, A. D. 1909, at 11 o'clock i a. m., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. V. H. BOYDEN, ' Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C, July 17, 1909. Further notice is hereby given to creditors in this cause, that an order will be entered at the first meeting of creditors if no objection be made there. t0)' directing the Trustee to sell any or all the real and personal property be longing to the estate of the bankrupt, without other, or further notice to cred itors than this notice, provided it shall appear to the Court for the best Inter est of the estate. This procedure will be adopted to save delay in the settle ment of this estate. V. H. BOYDEN. ' ; Referee In Bankruptcy. July 17, 1909. 19-2t. HUBBARD BROS & CO. HANOVER BQUAJUU RKW VOKK, MEMBERS of New York Cotton Bx ehangs. New Orleans Cotton Bx ehange, Associate Membors Liver pool Cotton tssoetatlMi DBRe SOLICITBD rer tas oor skase and sale of sot ton fai future . aollrarr .Oorceaooadefteo UvNaoj,