-v ft f f 1 T'lTfT i THE JNEtG TIMES, ItAltEIGlir O- M01?D AT. AUOUoT 9, dCCD." ' '-'.V;V,.;'-',.rfYft'w1t...'V';' . i ' ' 1 - ' ? is, ! 4 "V i . .. ' T V '-" A MIDLAND TWILIGHT. The cloud-pluraed afternoon has flown . along the household street, It at shadows flicker. . Freshly Btrown. .,. .'-Jha iwy .wbtr.r-.flar an4.fleet Hushed,, furtive footsteps dodge ., and .-V -ereepand hunting voice caH,-,,. "I spy,' and "JOn. fwo, three fop you, ; arpundthe street's still halt ' The mttle Whins Of twilight blow. Upon . the hop-scotch Chalk. Home-turning footsteps come and go jsilbng the SdlStecroaJ.v . - The little wind of tvflipht blow closed . ,lower,andlfr;Jtree: . Andilar.and near a singing voice cries, The ildiicl-plun?eaSa?tSoon has flown, Blow-wlngtqg.fsrrlien and bright; And all the dreams .her hours have known tarn ..with her toward the J -flight" A;-" ' The spacious night, that quivers far in silver keeps the gray, , Ifcyopd 'the Brat cool, snewdi-op star ' above the roof1mmed way. ' Home and at night profound for me, ... , and happy their wide grace . Thrills through the wind, the full stirred tree, fleet game and white . . starred space., peep by their ways may my soul live, , j-as. by her halidome, , P Through all' he . cloud-plumed day XI Ume.hours.and when to my great I,'4 !,nome,.i . :'.'-'' Home and the night, at last I come, so is a.e tt be for me: Peacef In my heart, a fresh voice ' singing, "All sorts out In free." . Mrs. R. It. Thompson left today for Spray, N. C. - Miss Blanche Brown, of Goldsboro, Is visiting Miss Mary Howell on Boylan -- ""''Miss Ruth Ivey, of this city Is visit ing .Miss Pattle Moring for several days. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Norwood have gone to Gu,llford College where they will visit Mrs, S. H. Lamb. Miss 1 B. Telfair who has been visiting ' Mrs. Thomas Badger left to day for her home In Greensboro. - Miss Cahoon, of New Berne passed through the city today enroute for Mars Hill where she will enter school Mr. Chas. B. Park and children, of Raleigh; who have been visiting Mrs. R-.H.- Gower, of Clayton, have re tvMed.. Mrs. T. B. Wilkinson, of Raleigh, Mrs. W- U Llpscombe, and Mrs. H. W. Whedbee, of Qreenvllle, N. C. left to day for Toxoway where they will spend the summer. ''I lit. and Mrs. W. L. Hanah and daughter htt today for f Chapel Jlill. u rfinuh ha been 'Suite sick 'And V while here she has been an Inmate of ' , Rex Hospital .. t :.y.-.: - 'l' Miss Nellie PUlter, of Durham, spent 7, several hours In the city today. Miss ':. Puller was In the city on her way . home from Greenville, N. C. where she i attended, the ordination of her nephew, V Rev. B. P. Huske into the ministry of ''the Episcopal church. Mrs. C. C. Baker has as her guests her 'I sister and brother-in-law , Mr. and Mrs Ju Marsllllot, of Memphis. Tenn.. and her brother,; Rev. J. Gilmer Buskie, of , Goldsboro. t STATEMENT From Buffalo Lithia Springs Water Company. The State Board of Health of North Carolina having reported certain samples of our water, ex amined by its chemist, as polluted, we have written to all dealers in this state to return to us every bottle of our water in their possession. - Had we have known there was any water out that was even suspected we would have taken it up at once and not have waited for the authorities to take action. This was a matter of surprise to us, as we have a Sanitary Chemical Analysis of our, water, made every 30 days and our Chemist reports the watet puire at its source. Npt content with the .lindifigs of me Chemist we have from time to time ' other Chemists make Sanitary Analyses. We have also had Bacteriological ' Analyses made of the water by recognized authorities, who report the mt.er nnro at its source. Every effort will be T ' 'i' ? 1 0.1 to ascerxain now - 'Board bca4ne polluted. ii i fmmimrit hottlinfi bottlin&r . VIM Saeman.1 of New York, best Sanitary Water Expert in America. r; ii' iPhs' Watinnal nnthnritifts iinll be asked tO advise with us in building an absolutely up-to-date Bottling Plant, and no expense will be spared to make the plant and its ? output all that " it Duffalo Lithia Spripgs.l' Biif f alp Lit h ; Virginia. ' Mrs. David Stewart, of Macon, Ga., is visiting Mrs. J. P. Wray. ' Mra J. K. Mcllhennjr passed through the city today enroute to Norfolk Va. . .. . '. ., Miss Elisabeth Duncan has gone to Goldsboro where she will visit her aunt Mrs. Freeman. , ... :'i .;:: : ':;', -Miss Mary toward who.- has : been vlaitinr Mrs. Robert Strong Jelt today fw her home in Tarboro. , Miss Swannanot ' Home - passed hrm,gh th. oltv todav enroute from Franklin, Va., to her home In Clayton. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Broughton and their guest, Mrs. T. C. Dixon, of At lanta, Ga-, spent Sunday in Durham. Miaa Tsabelle Price who has been visiting Capt. B. P. Williamson left to day for her home In Washington, D. C. Misses Marshall and Alice Cole have returned from Rocky Mount where they have been visiting Miss Lena Everett. v. Alhert L. Murray Is visiting in New York and Hartford, Conn. PERSONAL fr.i Kflwurd L. Mills. Auditor of accounts in the Internal revenue de partment of the United States govern ment left today for Durham. MaJ. H. L. Grant returned tnis morn ing from Goldsboro. Col. Ashely Home, of Clayton, is in the city. at VI ITarnhpA. editor of the Winston-Salem Journal, fs In the city Mr. F. M. Johnson of the Excelseor Paint and Paper Company left today for Durham. Judge E. W. Timberlake, of Wake Forest . is In the city today. Captain Phillip Ralston, of Louis burg is among the visltiors In the city today. Mr. C. D Tucker left today for Bal timore. ' Dr. H. McKee Tucker left today for New York where he will take a special course In New York Post Graduate Hospital In the diseases of women and children. Mr. John Haywood, of Montgomery, Alabama. Is visiting Mrs. Burke Hay wood of this city . ' Mr. E. J- Brewster left today for Selma. f .; Prof. J. B. Carlyse, of Wake Forest rniieK nased throusrh the city today on his way from Wake Forest to Manning S. C, where he will speaa i morrow. Messrs. R. P. Holland and Hamilton Underwood, of Fayetteville, who have been spending a few days in the city with friends returned to their homes today. Col. A. B.. Andrews has returned from Tate Springs. Mr. A. "L. Latta formerly of Raleigh but now of Charlotte is spending a few days in the city. LOCAL BRIEFS , . y . m The premium list of the forty-ninth State Fair Is now ready for distribu tion, and may be had by calling at the secretary's office in the Carolina Trust Building or writing to Col Joseph. E. Pogue, secretary. i. ft rt hA tue wauci buiuuiw uj mo tlant is being torn down who we believe to be the la Sprinrjei fnthri n IU1UI mm WE OUR August CloanTlIp Sale Has f Uled our store with anxious buyers. We are offering some remarkable bar gains, in -Summery Goods. Here is a chance for ydii. WATCH U S, mm OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. In Squire Separk's court Saturday Joseph Morris was bound over to Superior court under a $50 bond for an assault with a deadly weapon on one J. M. Blake; ' . There was o marriage license issued Saturdey to Mr. Raymond Edwards and 'Miss Nannie Fowler, ioth of'Aa lelgb. ' M. .Long a white man who was caught in Florida and wanted In Brunswick county tor blockading was carried to Wilmington this morning by Deputy Marshall R. W. Ward and J. B. Jordan. He will be tried for block ading In United States District Court which will convene In a short time. Mr. James R. Toung, Insurance commissioner, went to Oxford today to attned the funeral of the late Mr. Ed. Cooper which will be held this after noon. Mr. Young will return tonight. Gov. Kitchln has offered a reward of $100 for the arrest of Dock Tipton. who killed Mac Webb In Mitchell county on April 1st, 1907. -Tor the benefit of the many in quiries as to when the Supreme court meets, the Evening Times has been asked to state that court meets on the 30th day of this month. August, and that on that day the examination for law license will be held: , Getting Ready for a Big Thing. The "New York Sunday World Is preparing . to give each week Six Studio Sketches of Stage Beauties. These pictures are by Archie Ouon, the famous painter of stage people. The first set of six, panel photo sijto, in bright colors, will be' given Sun day, Aug, 22. Next Sunday (Aug. 15) the words and music of "Red Domino" will be given. This two-step song 1b by S. R. Henry, author of the famous Barn Dance, "Down - at t!ie Huskin Bee." ' VJ : Washington, Aug 9 Civil engineer A i. Monocal of the navy has been exon erated by a court on Inquiry at the Boston navy yard. He was charged with misconduct while in charge of the yard of docks at the Pensaeoia, navy ;'Kffiaw'8!VlolBtrJrdlcum' Powdered; f Price 25 Ccnt5;pcrf:pound: , .Cf' A 1-..: :.'- (' v t it 'fStnG-CROtVELL Drtrn;Cb; mm D0W I ;- AMUSEMENTS TONIGHT. ' '' The Gem Theatre has secured two high class specialties for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's vaudeville bill. 4J : The Three Casads. the . fashion plates of vaudeville, introducing Mas ter Sylvan Casad; the boy comm.ediu.iM with the big voice. This trio puts on a very clever musical sketch that has pleased every audience this sea son. Mr. Edgar Bcrger, gymnast, hand-balancing and Juggling. One-of the best acts of its kind in the south. SQUIBBS VIOLET AND i CARNATION ' TOILET ' i TALCUM t POWDER 25c. Package. . 7 I ilTO HICKS VUVG C0MPJNY. , I Both Phone . 11 1 r i ij Ml). IK ' ' "K, w , ' s-a. i'.:" .'i'v " 3 laDurin ibrmonth Peduced riatwilceBox R6ckerij Coolers, MUST Roillilinlfuilffiil H. KABLB;S SONS, ITnaiimainiMl hat&ltrl Mmrrl. 1 tjirvai rvmnMlum. Park41k6 01 A ExprewJon, Physical Culturecdagogy, BuBlneM, to. wrp Muia w nw i or our muuog wiwibbwwmui u w -, UXMKY JtlOHB STOCKARIX A. M. ttm C. M. BUSBEB'S WIMii PROBATED. The Will Waa, Probated at Eleven O'clock Today. . - . The will of Mr. Charles M. Bus- hen ws admitted to. lirobate , this momma- at 11 o'clock. There were no special bequests, but the property was left one-half to Mrs. Busbee and one-half to his children. The will was probated in holograph form. Mr nnrl Mra Thnmasi flower aave a delightful ice cream social Saturday nle-ht some nine miles from town on the Rock Quarry road. The event Is an annual affair and is always looked forward to with much anticipation in that section. ThlB year about 150 guests were present and' the occasion was hlirhlv enioved bv all. A number of Raleigh people were present. Mr J. B. Holland U. S. denuty col lector of Dunn, passed through the city enroute for Mongomery county, N. C. Sheriff Harward, of Durham county, is In the city for the day. Masonic Meeting. Reeular communication Wm. G. Hill Lodge, No. 218, A. .F. and A. M., will be held this evening, AuguBt tn, at 8 o'clock p. m. All Master Masons Invited to be present. Work in first degree. Wm. P. LITTLE, W. M. C. BIRDSONG, Sec. . A Wonderful Week at "The ReTelry." The management of this little play house claim that they have booked the greatest vaudeville show ever of fered the public of Raleigh for this week. Every act booked is. a "top notcher" and the program Is so ar ranged as to appeal to everybody who loves high class, refined comedy and music. . ; ';v.'.' ' 's;r'-"-,'S 7 .' Patterson and Titus,' better known perhaps In the East as "The College Chums" are the greatest pair of sing ing1 and dancing commedians ; ever, seen In Raleigh. - "'.''; ' Miss -Edith Moore, who" has "been delighting the audiences-for the laat two weeks, will he here "ode more week and during that time will sing a number' of new . songs, - some- ' of which have' never before been heard in Raleigh. From an artistic stand point Miss .Moore's work has never been equalled ;ln a vaudeville pro gram. r:; -V'--- ;-y :'' '"-4-- i ... MUM Iva Donnette and her Canine Plckanny hare Just finished up a thirty-five weeks' run tinder he man agement of Norman Jeff ries, of. Phil adelphia, and heir act, while U is one that will be keenly enjoyed, by", every one, will appeal especially to jthv. chil dren, ker trained dog .Is . little wonder. The .Wednesday .matinee Will begotten up . particularly -to please the little folks and at thai time, the' Revelry management have invited, the children of the 'various orphanages to be their guests. .: Washington, Aug.; 7 A telegram was' received here today announcing the death of Barney Layton, assist ant sergeant-at-arms of the senate 1n I of August eide2?r! ' 6t'flr'V,,"2ia'''l ypuRSBE:;-- of the prosperity flf th country - can be secured T)f Judicious ln ' ' ' estnient in Diamonds. ' Thi price of these brilliant ha ve . never redncedlt 1 con tinually advancing so "why not invest now and not alone have the Value 6 your Investment . Iiance each year, bat also hsiva the pleasure of wearing - the Diamonds? .. Clear, perfect, Wltite Gems, ,EWKLEhs BAuaa o. - ,(ltaiM Alt ' ConnerfStOryol icthtflndlvMual.. stated h.ft3 THEY ARE HERE 200,005 1! V RED CEDAR SHINGLES I viry anil Dixie Cement Plcvster. P0WELL& POWELL (Incorporated)' PHONES 41. SUPPOSE Your Income Stopped TOMORROW Would it , r not help i a great fleal to know that you have a Savitlgtf Ac count with us. MECHANICS' SAVING -" RANK' " v'tfpIK;.!JCI 'J ,i " .. uicK DauaJDgs. immnetvs.ii;xoiioiuiQi OavmpuA. ConeortBt lectures, teoala, buksfr MHH IVW M HKM CHESAPEAKE & OHIO. railWay: Scenic ! Routs la We Vest t-.-... , .... . . Vvi TWO FAST,, VtSTIBCTJB" VRAlHI . wrrnimtji CABWRyica through Pulhfcne"jD jLofjIs. . trllle, . Cincinnati, Oblraco,' 5 .' ' : :';jmI'8.XxuIs. Lv Richmond 00 p'tt 11:00 p m " Lv. Char'sville 1: 00 pm t: 61 1 m Lv. Lynchburg .' 4:00 pm Ar. Cincinnati. 8:15am ' 0:00pm Ar. Louisville. 11:30 am - 7:30 p m ' Ar. Chicago. . . 5:26 p td " 7? 10 a m Ar, St. Louis . .6:68 pm 7:17am Direct Connections for - AH .Phbttl . ;' ' S' Wees and Notthweet. ' . ' QUICKEST AKD teEST ROTJlsX ', The Line to the Oeletwated Beeorle , : , of Virginia, . i r'Poe Oeecriptive wtter, .echedulee aa4 Pvllmae Reservations. aAlreee , ..t , f W. O. XtATTZS , ' , P. P. A. t: omd, TsW 4 mo. a potts. ; I .i' Si ''V ' t Ml 'n i California, , ; ' x - ' ' f -

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