pom irons Bcjojixms mim I, r'T . 1-?rv?iShe cam to mV and : looked Into my Si ;?iAd jfouni'thereiwhat she sought. H wa asleep. 'XtblnJCBarielt her look, . Out of the world, she chose me to be 7,' .herhild V Because, She wanted me no other. She passed them by with pitying gate. l the other sleephur ones. ' But over me she bent so long that he the man beside her Pulled &t her sleeve, all lovingly, arid .. called her back From the dim world where, face to .... face,. , .-.In silence supreme, our spirits met "This one," she-; said. So low he bent to hear. "This one to -be our child. Beloved, this!" . . And then she hid her face from him and me. , My, own poor mother had laid down '. and' died. For everV Joy lor me, her son, and grief tor one Who violently left life after my life be- ... gan., ' Her lover was he and my father. I can claim that I was the child of love no lesser thing! And now again the child of love since , she has chosen me Whom life denied a child Across the space between our souls She came to me, wise-eyed and empty armed, And made my life her life and her life mine. Because she wanted me no other! By Luclne Finch Miss Nina Richardson, of Pine Ridge Farm Is visiting in .the city. ..'l " "'Mlsi' May Montague left -lasti night for Bridgeport, Conn., where she will visit friends. ..Mrs. B. F. Montague, and daughters Slisses Annie and Marjorie left today lor Waynesvllle. Mrs. W. O. Riddlck and daughter left today for their home ln Greensboro after visiting Mrs. N. A. Dunn of this eity. Mrs. W. M. Lang, of Farmville, N. C passed through the city today en route for Hickory where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. James Lang. e-e Mr. and Mrs. T. Cam Allen, of Washingtton, D. C, after visiting rela tives in the city left this morning for Durham, N., where they will visit Mrs. J. A. Masori. Mr. F. K. Borden. Miss Mlldren Bor den, Miss Dewey and Messrs. Edwin and George Daniels arrived in the city yesterday in a machine from Goldsboro. They, expect to spend several days in the city. W rHB,WOMAir9 8TORB m HAVK THE AGENCY Wa frv t.n malrp mir T news value to you. Every 4f : --; ffi new 10 xeu you ana louay we nave some ucwa ui (IJi extraordinary value. . (fi $ ' . 91 $ Our buyer, who is now in New York, has just jfi jjj shipped us a new lot of Linen and Crash Suits j S which reached lis this morning. These suits are . easily valued from $7.00 to $10.00, but realizing that the season is getting late we have maae a Dig "slash" in the prices, offering them from $3.98 tox $4.29; these 'Suits include all sizes and are the very latest ideas of styles. The colors are varied fa and include Old Rose, Pink, Brown, Blue, and m white. In, the shipment, which reached us today, fl were a few Princess JumDers. which are well worthy of your inspection. A few more Skirts left 'from the last recent 4$ shipment. If you have not seen the Chiffon, H Panama Skirts you don't know what' you have missed. - g , "If it's something new we have it" ft'-.. . - m IIASONIC TE1IPLB - - Are 'iroor fiolrs "Droppin g One by 'ff 3 ,, -'fe-OneT W - - , '; ! If your scalp itchea you are doubt-leas-.- suffering from ' dandruff. The dandruff germ Is digging up your scalp in little flakes, called dandruff and supping the, life of the hair bulb. No hair preparation that is a mere hair stimulant and tonic will cure dandruff, because it won't kill the germ that causes the trouble. . Newbro's Herpl clde is the latest scientific discovery; and It .wHL ikill the dandruff germ. Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect; kill the germ and-you wll have no more dandruff, falling hair or bald ness. Sold by leading- druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The HerPlclde Co., Detroit, Mich; ' One dollar bottles guaranteed. Henry T. Hicks Co. Tucker Building Pharmacy, special agents. - Mrs. and Mrs. H. A. Bland and little son John Henry, left this afternoon for Mr. Bland's old home in Pender, to Spend some time. The many friends of Miss Myrtle Belvln who recently underwent an operation at Rex Hospital, will be gald to learn that she is slightly improved. Marriage licenses were issued yes terday to two couples. They were Mr. S. H. HurSey, of Durnam. im. j.. anu Miss Bessie Teasley, of Morrlsville, N. C, and Mr. Edward K. Leesom, of Raleigh, and Miss Maude Alice Jjove, of King, N. C. IN HONOR OFMIS8 MILLER. Miss Evans Delightfully Entertains at Musical Contest. Miss Miller, of Goldsboro, was the guest of honor at a delightful at home given by Miss Mary Evans Tuesaay afternoon from 5 to 7:30. A : musical contest was the Chief event of the afternoon, the prize be ing won bv Miss Saidee Robbins. The score cards were especially attractive and unique bearing the quotation in music, "Should Auld Acqualntance'Be Forgot." Delicious refreshments were servea during the afternoon. Miss Evans naa as her .guests: Misses Miller, Susie McGee, Mary King, - Alice Wilson, Saidee Robbins, Julia and Jane Cul- breth; Ara and Bettie Jordan, ueorgia Powell, Rled Pope, Ella and Corrjna Mial and Ellen Stronach. PERSONALS Rev. Livingston Johnson left today for Greensboro to attend the Piedmont Baptist Association. , Jurge R. W. Winston left today for Greensboro where he goes on business. Dr. J. B. Carlyle passed through the city today on his way to his home in Wake Forest from S. C. ij i."u ;':V;' FOR PEERLESS PATTERNS. Hvfirt.iRftmfinta be of real day we have something JJ 4 m m ; - RALEIOB, N. 0. tji 0? ' ; - - I ' A 6 - ' " ' ' -J , 1 ' " ' ' ' :. ' -:, :: : - Al l ::.-;. .. .;!...- ., ...... V . ,r ',?. '-.,;-;":.'.." : TO WOQLLCOTT'S COME DOWN TO OUR Aupst Cloan-Up Sale We have some rare bargains waiting for you. Those Cwho have been are our greatest advertisers. THERE IS mm OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. FRANCX7M-PHIIiIjIPS.r' Quiet But Pretty Home Wedding VW- terday Afternoon. Miss Swannie Phillips, of Whitehead, N. C, and Mr. David Francum, of Lenoir, were united in marriage yes terday afternoon in' this city. Miss Phillips with, Mrs. J. I. Fender, has been spending- the summer with Mrs. Fender's mother,. Mrs. J. A. Po teat, at South Cottage, Meredith Col lege. The marriage was performed In the parlor of thp cottage yesterday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Mr. Livingston Johnson, officiating'. The marriage which was very quiet, owing to lllnes in' both families, is an event which will be of interest to friends throughout the state. Both brire and ffroom have been students at the State School for the Blind in this city for several years. The many gifts received by the young couple of the loving interest shown in decorations and arrangements told of the high esteem in which they are held. Summer golden rod, grasses and ferns made a peculiarly attractive decoration in the parlor, while the hall was brightened by sumac with the first hint of autumn in its leaves. The couple left on the afternoon train go ing west and will be at home after August 15 at Lenoir. N. C. If you are all run down Foley's Kid ney Remedy will help you. It strengtb ens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood that de press the nerves, and cause exhaustion backache, rheumatism, and urinary ir regularities, which sap the vitality'. Do not delay. Take Foley's Kidney 'Rem edy at once. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., FayetteviUe and Hargett streets. Railroad Man Assassinated. " (By Leased Wire to The Times) '; Stanford, Ky.j Aug.' 12 3 C. Eng- Ieman, agent of the Queen ft' Crescent at Kings Mountain, was assassinated in his office last night, shot' In the back of the head. . . -. REXALL SlfffTER SHOOT : Is the best remedy for the pain, reduce the inflamation. Applied to face and hands will keep them away. Price 25c. tt' , KINGCRQJfEtL Drucj Co. '' "ciusiye Agebts foY Tftijlti'i Candies. - j A REASON. M9 TIGER USE NOT HEARD Cases 4galnst Edwards Again Postponed Only Two Cases Tried in Judge Stron ach's Court Today- Peter Nipper Charged With Affray Found Guilty. Edwards Case and Others Post poned. In Judge Stronach's court this morning there were only two cases tried, the first of which was the case against Peter Nipper, charged with an affray with Walker Brown, color ed, and with being drunk on ;. the. streets. The first witness, Charles Jeffries; colored, swore that Nipper threatened to kill Brown and that Brown struck Nipper with a rock and then whipped him severely, until be, Jeffries, took Brown off of Nipper. : Nipper then came on the stand and testified that he went out to see Brown to collect some money that was due him, and that he had a fight and was nit by a rock thrown by Jef fries. , During the giving of his testi mony his conduct on the stahd was such that Judge Stronach severely reprimanded him. - Walker Brown then took the stand and swore that Nipper threatened to kill. him, and that he threw the rock that hit Nipper in an attempt to kill, Nipper first. '-"v :. f ; Because "of the straightforwai'd testimony of. the negroes and the; tes timony of several 'men as : to their good .character, Judge Stronach said "that there was not the, least doubt mosquito bites. Stops , v 1 i Y'f i 'i ( . During the month out all of Our Summer Goods at greatly P&uced Prices. , rt:V; ! "fttfrigerators, Ice Boxes, Porch Chaire,! anJ Rockers, Ice Crearii Freeze, rejR Coolersammocks, Swings, eM v v Royall & Cordon Furniture Co.r 127 FayetteviUe St - Rilslgh, ti.: C H. IIAHLEE'S SONS, SKIRTS-i-SKI am AU Voile, Cififon, Panama, : and Serge Skirts must go to make room for our BIO TALL- STOCK; We are offering all these Skirts at a big'sacrifide;:;.:.- $5.60 to $ 7.50 Skirts for .:$4.68 $8.00 to $ 9.00 Spirts'for . . . .,. . . .... . . .HSLCS $9.00 to $12.00 Skirts for : . . . . $7:C3 Something new in this great Clearance Sale Everybody will have an equal chance to. get ond of these Skirts. Select the Skirt you want, lnake us a payment and we will gladly reserve it until you are ready to have it delivered. ! You do not have to' jpay extra when buying from us on credit. These Skirts will be. sold in this way and at the prices mentioned. Come and bring your friends. Sale begim "Sat urday, August 14, and lasts until August 2ist LADIES FUBMSHMG CO 113 E. Hargett St. - - - - Raleigh, N. C. Below Rosenthal's Grocery Store. . in his mind but that the negroes told the truth." So acting on this judg ment Judge Stronach released the ne groes and suspended' Judgment in the case of affray and fined Nipper 15.00 and costs for being drunk on . the streets'. Judge Stronach then called Nipper before the bar and' warned him that if ever he appeared In court again oq a substantiated charge of be ing drunk on the streets that there Would .be no more lining but he would be sent to the roads.. s ! ; . The, nest case to receive the atten tion of the. court was. the .case of Hu bert T.JEd wards on the charge of sell ing whiskey. . One of bis attorneys, Mr. X Walter , Watson, made a motion for the 'postponement of this case un til tomorrow. . At .this time City At torney Clark .and Mr. , Watson had some spirited words.. . , , ; : . i Judge Stronach continued the case until , tomorrow . . morning at 11 o'clock. , ;The court then heard a motion for the pontlnuation of the case against Mr, J..B. Bissett by Mr. J. A. . Far mer, of Wilson, who will appear for Mr. JB, Bissett, who Is also charged with selling whiskey. The court tieard. this motion and continued this case until next Tuesday morning. . The-case against W.-P. Matthews was postponed until tomorrow morn ing, r . , : " The case against , Lissie Baldwin .was continued until tomorrow after noon at S o'clook. :" ' The. next case was against LUlie Jordan, charged with vagrancy. Of ficers Willis and Denning testified to the woman's reputation as being that oV a lewd woman. She was sentenced fo thirty days la the workhouse. 1 n' 1;' 'ST' ..ItSK'Jii' of August we c!e3U YOUE SHARE ; j of the prosperity of the eonntqr can be secured by Jndicioua In . vestment fh,DkuBonda. tiiii The prices o( jthesp brilliant have neveridnced-i-t. lsion tinually dvanclnhHM Why kot Invest now and .pot , alone hve the value of jrpnr .javestsmeati bonce each year, bat aJsq.have the pleasure of veaitriig -the Diamonds? :!:;'t. Clear, perfect, White Ctenis. JEWELERS RALEIGH, . O. 1 wsati-T-t-.Ai 1. RtS-S Kl RtS" Si " :)... rf. ':'-SsiJ LOCAL BSIEFS - ThffHev. iDr. PitWngcrTias return ed from Lincoln Lithia Springs where' he spent twd weeks the 'guest of Qen. R. P. Hoke.- He speaks In the highest terms pf the Lincoln Lithia water and of ail the appointments connected with that delightful resort. y :. - t , .The . insurance -department paid over to the State of North Carolina for the July collection the largest amount that has ever been paid over' for any One month. The amount was'5s,Mt. 16. E,-Governpr Thomas J.. Jarvis, of Greenville, Is a visitor to the. city to- day-'. :.. ' :v.,W'45;:: Dr. W. W. Stanceli. oif Columbia. Tyrell county, was yesterday elected to , the position of assistant physician at the State Hospital to succeed Drv C. L. Jenkins, who was promoted"by be Ingr transferred a physicla- int charge of the epileptic group or1 soiotty buildings.-:. l.; . -" '".-.I: " 'ri:yty;'i:l&'&'?yf"'in':''., F. B. THerry, of'wafwtfck county, was brought to the Wakef county jail , last night from FayettevMIe- toy Officers of the United States Government. H was charged with::, violation df..th Postal laws and was brought her to await trial at ,tho November term of United States court. I , ' Rev. Jt, J. Bateman, pastor M the. Park Place Baptist Church, of, Notffolk, Va Is on a visit to the city and will speak at both, services at' the 'Fayette Ville Street Baptist Church on Sunday. Mr. Bateman s well known here, Wert he Was pastor the Fay etteVllle "Street .: baptist Church for sometime, ;Many.;. of the friends or Mr", bateman 'wilt be , glad to know of his presence In the1 city and that he will speak here on next Sunday. ; . , . -' J . PSA h