t f THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1909. fiVT TODAY'S Stocks,: Cotton, ... New York Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) '. New York, Aug. 24 The market opened with the Bafreneryous . irregr ularity that was a feature of the early trading yesterday, a nbmber of Btocks on Initial sales showing substantial advances, while others started .the day's trading with material declines. As trading progressed some heavy selling , orders appeared, causing sharp declines in a number of the leading issues, with Union Pacific the most active stock on the floor. Un ion Pacific fell from 210 to 208 within the first few minutes trading and was followed on this reaction by nearly everything else in which there was any degree of activity. New York Closing Stock List. Amalgamated Copper . . American Ice Securities . American Sugar Refinery American Smelting . . . . American Locomotive . . American Car Foundry . American Cotton Oil . . American Woolen 85 . 24 .131 .100 . 61 . 67 . 73 . 37 Anaconda . 49 Atchison . . 119 V& Atlantic Coast Line . '. 137 Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . . . 80 Baltimore & Ohio 118 Canadian Pacific 186 Chesapeake & Ohio 82 Consolidated Gas 14914 Central Leather 39 Colorado Fuel & Iron 40 Colorado Southern 53 Delaware & Hudson 193 Denver & Rio Grande 49 Erie 37 Erie, pfd General Electric Great Northern, pfd. . . Great Northern Ore . . . . Illinois Central Interboro Interboro, pfd Iowa Central Kansas City Southern . Kansas & Texas Kansas & Texas, pfd. . . Louisville & Nashville . Missouri Pacific . . New York Central . . . . .168 .153 . 82 .156 . 14 . 47 . 30 . 49 . 42 . 75 .154 . 74 .142 Northwestern. . 196 National Lead . . 92 Norfolk & Western 94 Northern Pacific . : .156 Ontario & Western . 49 Pennsylvania . HI Pacific Mail 32 Peoples' Gas Company . . ..117 Pressed Steel Car 50 Reading 161 Rock Island 40 Rock Island, pfd 78 Republic Iron & Steel . . .... 38 Republic Iron & Steel, pfd. . .105 Sloss-Shef field . 84 Southern Pacific . . 134 Southern Railway 31 Southern Railway, pfd 71 St. Paul i . . .158 Tennessee Copper 38 Texas Pacific . . 39 Third Avenue 23 Union Pacific 200 U. S. Rubber 54 Utah Copper 51 U. S. Steel 77 U. S. Steel, pfd 125 Va.-Carollna Chemical 48 Western Union 74 Wabash . . Wabash, pfd. Westinghouse Electric Wisconsin Central . . Western Maryland . . ... 21 56 ... 86 ...55 . . . 6 Chicago Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, Aug. 24 Wheat opened weak and lower; heavy receipts in the northwest, good . selling, lower cables and accumulations of bear tac tics served their purpose to depress the market to the lowest level In the week. Corn and oats shared a like fate in the early trading. Provisions 5c. lower. Wheat closed irregular, to lower. There was considerable trad ing during the entire. session. The market at one time showed loss, but regained it before noon and then took another slump, Corn and oats were c. Provisions were stronger, 6c. higher. Grain, quotations ranged as follows: Wheat "...' Open. High. Close. Sep. . . .97 .98 .97 Dec. . . .94 .94 .94 May . . .97 ,f 98 '.98 Corn .. '. j,v ' , Sep. . . .65 ' .66 .66 Dec. . . .55 .56 .56 May . . .57 ' .58 .57 Oats Sep. . . .36 .37 .36 Dec. . . .36 '.36 .36 May .39 .39 .39 Pork Sep. . . 22.47 22.50 22.40 Oct 21.05 Jan. . . 17.55 17.65 17.55 Lard , Sep. . .' 12.00 12.15 12.12 ... Oct. . .11.92 , 12.10 12.10 : Jan. . '. 11.36 11.37 11 37 Ribs . P , t Sep. . . 11.67 11.72 11 72 , Oct.,. . 11.45 . 11.52 11 50 f Jan. . y 9.15 , 9.27 " 9.27 MARKETS Grain and New York Cotton. New York, Aug. 24 Bullish cables were ineffective this morning Owing to reports of general rains in Texas and Oklahoma and the cotton market accordingly Opened easy, 1 to 3 points lower, followed by further slight declines after the call. The trade was again largely of a profes sional nature and the market almost entirely a weather affair. j Opening: August offered 12.40; Sept., 12.22 bid; Oct. 12.21 to 12.22; Dec, 12.25 to 12.26; Jan., 12.21 to. 12.22; March, 12.22 to 12.23; May, 12.22 to 12.24; June offered 12.22; July offered 12.21. Open. High. Low. Close. 12.37 12.29 12.28 12.26 12.28 12.26 12.27 12.29 12.29 12.30 Aug. 12.35 12.37 12.25 12.29 12.29 12.28 12.21 12.30 12.20 Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 12.25 12.22 12.30 12.29 12.23 12.20 12.22 12.30 12.21 12.22 12.il 12.22 Market closed steady. New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 24 Spot cotton quiet, unchanged, at 12.75. No sales. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, Aug. 24 Spot cotton closed steady; middling, 6.72; sales, 5,000; American, 4,100; receipts, 6,000 ;v futures opened quiet and closed steady. Opening. Aug. . . . 6.60 6.62 Aug.-Sep. . 6.50 6.52 Sep.-Oct. . 6.4 9 6.48 Oct.-Nov. . 6.45 6.46 Nov.-Dec. . 6.44 6.45 Dec-Jan. . 6.45 Jan.-Feb. . 6.44 6.45 Feb.-Mar. . 6.43 6.45 Mar.-Apr. . 6.45 6.44 Apr.-May . 6.43 May-June . 6.44 June-July Closing. 6.63 0.53 6.48 6.47 6.46 6.46 6.46 6.45 6.45 6.44 6.44 6.43 Cotton Seed Oil. New York, August 24 Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Opening, August " .. 5.32 5.38 September 5.345.36 October ' 5.39 5.40 November. .. .. .. .. 5.405.43 December. 5.40 5.43 January 5.47 5.50 March 5.63 5.68 May 5.585.59 Market closed quiet; sales, 1,700 barrels. Spot oil, 5.35 5.37. Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling 12 Strict middling 12 Mldling 12 1-2 3-8 New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hibbs & Co.) New York, Aug. 24 After hesita ting and reacting four to five points in the tarly trading the cotton market grew firm, and on a fair outside de mand rallied 9 to 10 points, holding firm at the advance. Nothing of special importance Inthe current news. Liverpool was 1 to 2 better than expected and port receipts were 6,500 bales against 17,900 last year. Dispatches from Texas report still further damage from hot and dry weather the past week. Cables report better trade at Manchester -and more demand for spot cotton. New Orleans and the west have been the principal buyers today and indications are for continued steady advancing market. Cotton Port Receipts Today. New York, Aug. 24 Cotton port receipts were as follows: New Orleans, 1,333 against 487: Galveston,' 4,077 against 14,183; Mo bile, 1 "against 961; Savannah, 981 against 2,158; Charleston, 6 against 75; Norfolk, 67 against 88; Philadel phia, against 41; -various, 548 against . Total, 7,013 against 17,993. Interior Movement: Houston, 2,- 336 against 12,596; Augusta, 196 against 414; Memphis, 343 against 505; St. Louis, 156 against 200; Cin cinnati, 69 against 85. Total, 3,100 against 13,800. . New York Provision Market. , v. (Sly Leased Wire to The Times.) : . New York. Aug. 24-Cash oro duce Minneapolis No. 1 norther wheat, . ; . ... Wheat Dull; No. 2 red, 110 3-8 fob. Corn Firm; No. 2 mixed, 80 in elevator. Oats Nominal; No. 2 mixed, 43c in elevator. Rye Nominal; No. 2 western, 76c fob. - " . Barleys-Steady; feed, 57 to 58 cif New York; , Flour Dull; spring patents, 6.30; winter straights, 6.25. Mill Feed Firm; bran, 23x.60. Pork Firm; mess, 22.00. Lard Firm; prime western 12.45. i. Tallow Dull; prime clty.S 9-16C Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio, 7 3-8c. Sugars Steady; granulated, 6.05. BY WIRE. ! Provisions. J THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (B. T. C. Shotwell.) New York, Ausr. 24 London wnt over higher prices today and as a re sult Wall street had a firmer opening. This induced selling but the offer ings were light. After a half hour of hesitation the market became firm with Consolidated Gas, Steel and Reading in leadership. Rubber first preferred was another strong feature. Cora products was more active than for some weeks, advancing across 2G. Harriman stocks wer quiet with only nominal business in them early in the day. The professionals in the street hesi tated to make heavy commitments un til the arrival of Harriman, when it is expected that something definite re garding prvsical condition can be learned. Steel shares were helped by a statement of Judge Gary that the trust is developing several processes to cheapen the cost of production. He says the trust is expending $l,000,0CO a month at the Gary Plant. Wheat continued quiet In Chicago with a sagging tendency. On the curb market the silver shares and porphyry copper were steady with business light. Directors of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific met today and de clared only the regular dividend on both stocks. Although this had been expected some persons pretended to be disappointed and sold stocks, with the result that there was a slight de cline following the announcements. In the last hour, however, renewed strength appeared because of the ar rival of E. H. Harriman at Quaran tine and a statement by him that his health was better. Xaval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times) C.,,.nnr.U Ann- OA Q t- 1 1 1 1 a Tn ! pen tine: Firm, 55; sales, 274; re ceipts, 838. Rosins: Firm; receipts, 2,718. Quote: WW, 6.50 to 6.90; WG, 6.25; N, 5.65 to 5.75; 5.40; K, 5.25; I, 4.45; 4.25; G, 3.85 to 3.90: M, 5.35 H, 4.20 F, 3.80 3.40; C, 3.85; E, 3.70 to 3.75; D A ! j j f 3.20 to 3.25. Chicago Live Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Union Stock Yards, Ills., Aug. 24 Hogs Receipts, 9,000; 5 to 10c higher; mixed and butchers, 7.50 to 8.25; good heavy, 7.80 to 8.25; rough heavy, 7.35 to 7.65; light, 7.50 to 8.20; pigs, 6.85 to 8.00; bulk, 7.65 to 8.10. Cattle Receipts, 5,000, steady; beeves, 4.75 to 7.85; cows and heif ers, 2.25 to 6.40; stockers and feed ers, 3.15 to 5.25; calves, 6.50 to 8.50; westerners, 4.50 to 6.40. Sheep Receipts, 20,000; market steady to 10c lower; native and west ern sheep, 3.00 to 5.00; lambs, 4.40 to 7.75. Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Daily by M, Rosenthal & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Butter 30 to 35c. Eggs . . . 25c Hams Sugar Cured ...15 to 17c. North Carolina . . . .22c. Virginia .27 c. Bacon . . 15c. Spring Chickens 25 to 45c. Hens . . . '. 50 to 00c. Peaches $1.60 bu. Figs 15c. qt. Irish Potatoes $1.25 bu. Sweet Potatoes 30c. pk. Cabbage 5 to 10c. Onions 40c. pk. Flour . . . ..... $7.00 to $7.50 bbl. Meal $2.10 bag. Apples 30c.' bu. Butter Beans . . 15c. qt. Peas 15c. qt. Corn 20c. doz. Snaps 25c. pk. Okra . ....10c. qt. Melons . . l5 to 25c Tomatoes . . 15 to 20 doz. New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 24 Money on call 1 to 1; time loans, firm; 60 days, 3 to 3; 90 days, 3 to 3; six months, 3 to 4; posted rates sterl ing exchange, 486 to 487 with ac tual business in bankers bills at 486.90 to 487 for demand and 485.30 to .40 for sixty day bills. Prime mer cantile paper unchanged. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. Sep. . 12.10 12.20 12.09 12.20 Oct. . 12.19 12.24 12.17 12.20 Nov 12.20 Dec. . 12.1? 12.24 12.16 12.19 Jan. . 12.23 12.28 12.19 12.22 Feb. 12.24 Mar. . 12.36 12.42 12.36 12.37 Aur. . ..... ..... ..... 12.38 May . ..... ..... ..... 12.40 Market closed steady. The Revelry Theatre will give the first thousand people who attend emu telescope at uynn ooservatory the amateur performance Friday to be the first man in the world to an nieht a check eood for a jo-word nounce that the Halle comet has come (Want ad. In The Evening Times. 1 lc. WANTS lc Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for each issue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this head will be charged. No Adv.. taken for less than 10 CENTS an insertion. Each figure charged as one word. lc. WANTS lc. LADIES' COMBINES WANTED OR will make them up. Write Mine. Gates, Norfolk, Va. 24 "t. WANTED Young lady to board in private family; board reasonable. Address C. J., care Times. 21 2t. WANTED A boy or young man who; has had some experience to prove and correct galley and set heads. Apply to Evening Times office. tf WANTED Good, Sober traveling Salesman of experience for whole sale' grocery house in Louisiana. Address with full information, Wall Grocer Co., Lake Charles, La. 20 3t. WANTED Two good solicitors. Ap ply Circulation Manager, Evening Times. 10-t WANTED Sewing Call phone 85 5M, 28-tf. for children. Capital City. 'LADIES WANTED To inspect hos iery. Pleasant work; good wages from the start. Raleigh Hosiery Company, opposite Penitentiary. 19 12t. MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY TO LOAN On good city or country real estate in Wake coun ty. Peele & Maynard, attorneys. 20 6t. BARBECUE WILL BE SERVED AT Woman's Exchange Wednesday. It ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn good income, corresponding for newspapers. Experience un necessary. Address Press Corre sponding Bureau, Washington, D. C. 23 6t. BARBECUE AT change Monday. WOMAN'S EX lt ACADEMY, ROCKVILLE, MI)., FOR Boys Ideal Training School; home life; Individual care and in struction; fits for University or life. Address, W. P. Mason, U. S. N. A., Principal. 9-20t BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMO- ..djated. Rooms, bath, electric lights and table board. 219 East Morgan street. 20-4t WANTED At once good brick-layers. Lay, Wake Forest. four or five Address W. T. 24-2t FOR SALE. FOR SALE One horse and buggy. Dr. Glascock, Masonic Temple. 9tf FOR SALE Five-room cottage. Good barn. Fine residence section. Near Car line. Price low. Terms to suit purchaser. Address, "A L." care The Times. 16-tf AT THE SYCAMORE STABLES AN other gentle pony, buggy and har ness. Also a nice gentle lady-broke sorrell mare, buggy and harness for sale. East Davie Street. Le- Mav & Lassiter. proprietors, lltf ' FOR RENT FOR RENT Handsome residence on north Person street. Inquire ot R. E. Prince, Raleigh N. C. or Mrs. J. C. Winder, Millbrook, N. C. 20 3t. Delicious White House Tea; in quarter pound net tins for j 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. HENRY G. TURNER, M D. Fourth Floor, Masonic Temple. Rooms Nos. 409 and 410. OFFICE HOURS: O to 11 a. m. 8 to 5 p. tn. PHONES: Office, 5!U. Residence, 33. Halle Comet. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Lynn, Mass., Aug. 24-Prof, He ber Doust Curtiss has returned here from Santiago, Chile. Professor Cur- tlss expects, with the aid of the pow- .into sight. Statement ' RICHMOND INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Condition December 31, 1008, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of capital paid up in cash $200,000.00 Amount ledger assets December 31st previous year, $292,- 122.76; increase of paid-up capital 292,122.76 Income From policyholders, $142,740.97; miscellaneous, $13,446.63; total 156,187.60 Disbursements To policyholders, $55,154.97; miscellaneous, $50,701.43; total ,. . 111,916.40 Fire Risks Written or renewed timing year $12,772,925; in force 88.580.25 ASSETS. Mortgage loans on real estate $152,200.00 Value of bonds and stocks 127,795.77 Cash in Company's office 4,972.69 Deposited in trust companies and hanks on interest 29,500.67 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, HtOS 21,924.93 imprest and rents due and accrued 1,755.37 Bonds and stocks 3.184.73 Total $341,334.06 LIABILITIES. Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 19,007.02 Unearned premiums 61,262.35 State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued 1,500.00 Total amount of all liabilities except capital $ 81,769.37 Capital actually paid in cash 200,000.00 Surplus 59,564.69 Total liabilities $341,334.06 President, J. F. Smith. Secretary, D. H. Cortelyou. Home office, 1621 Richmond Terrace, West New Brighton, N. Y. Attorney for service, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Business Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, August 19, 1909. I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Richmond Insurance Company, of New York, filed with this department, showing the condition of said company on the "1st day of December, 1908. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commmissioner. Statement. RALEKiH UNION SOCIETY, RALEIGH, N. C. Condition December :M, 11107, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of ledger assets December 31st of previous year $ 26.45 income from policyholders, $5,236.00. Total 5,236.00 Disbursements-to policyholders, $."),0t;0.O0; miscellaneous $187.45. Total 5,247.45 Benolil certificates in force December 31, 1907, Number 1,327 Amount 152,595.00 Benefit certificates written or revived during year Number 33. Amount 3.795.00 Benefit certificates in force December 31, 1908. Number 1,360. Amount 156,390.00 Claims incurred during the year Number 44. Amount 5,060.00 Claims paid during the year Number 44. Amount.. 5,060.00 Assessments collected during the year 2,040.00 ASSETS. Cash in Association's Offlco $ 15.00 Total admitted assets .$ 15.00 LIABILITIES. Not. given. BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1008. Benefit certificates in force December 31, 1907 Number 1,327. Amount, $152,595.00. Benefit certificates written or revived in 1908 Number, 33. Amount, $3,795.00. Benefit certificates in force December 31, 1908 -'Number, 1,360. Amount, $156,390.00. Claims incurred during the year Number, 44. Amount, $5,060.00. Claims paid during the year Number 44. Amount, $5,060.00. Total amount premiums or assessments collected or secured during the year, $2,040.00. President, J. V. H. Ray. Secretary, .las. A. Watkins. Home Office, Raleigh, N. C. Attorneys for Service, Officers. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, N. C, May 12, 1909. I, James U. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Raleigh Union Society, a fraternal Order of Raleigh, N. C, filed with this depart ment, showing the condition of said order on the 31st day of December, 190S. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. "Shoemaker" Rye Whiskey 100 Proof Bottled In Bond Express Prepaid TOADS KABE 5 Full Quarts $5.00 Send your mall orders to us "the old reliable house." Write for complete price 114. 12 Qtn. n oo Lnternn Club. . .$4 00 Vn. Mountain (7 yearn old). ... . 4 00 Cabinet Rye 2 75 XX Red Rye 2 SO Va. Apple Brandy 2 75 Yadkin R. Corn. 2 KO Georgia Corn.... 2 50 All Goods Guaranteed Remit Money or Express order to Lazarus-Goodman Co., ROANOKE, VA HUBB ARD B ROS & CO. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sole of Cotton for future delivery. Correspondence invited. FOURTH OPERATION. Governor Johnson Will Go Into, Hos ; pital September First. Aurorai '.'III., Aug. 24 Governor Johnson, of Minnesota, will go into a hospital September 1st for a fourth operation for appendicitis. 12 OO 7 50 6 50 7 50 7 OO 6 50 A 15c. SOAP FOR $1.00 DOZEN. A few packages of this Soap prepared especially for us by Alfred Wright Company placed on sale today. THE HICKS DRUG COMPANY, Both Phone. COPYRIGHT ASK FOR INFORMATION. V' i -" i i 1 W r" j. k J fir f A - . "j. Ir - it r . 1 jc'i , t I, . 1 ' p. if - .

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