mm PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1909. " ,1 Mm--- 1 4 1 t , 4 " 1 J - 1 ' i 4 z : ', ,1 r I 11 SINGLE TRACK STEEIi BRIDGE ACR6S8 NU.GARA BRIDGE, The Gattis touring party will cross tliis famous bridge uurt the two Contestants who win this trip have the pleasure of looking ut wonderful Xiiiguru from this bridge. will SUMMER fcAPITAL NEWS Henry Clay Frick Playing Mine Hosf Several Government Ol'licials Have Made nnd Will lake Their Head quarters at the Prick Home This Summer Other Government News. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Beverly, Mass., Aug. 24 Henry Clay Frick, of Pittsburg, who has expended $2,000,000 on his summer place, Eagle Rock, at Prides Cross , ing, told tbe newspaper contingent here today that he believes the ex pense was justified because he is able now to watch the movements of his neighbor. President Taft, from his high terrace that looks down on the presidential lawn. If he wished to do so Mr. Prick might use a powerful pair of field-glasses and see every movement by those left on the estate. Because President Taft receives no house guests over night, owing to Mrs. Taft's poor health, Mr. Frick is playing mine host for nearly all of the distinguished visitor to Beverly. Several government officials have made and will make their headquar ters at the Frick home this summer. Senator Nelson V. Aldrich, of tariff fame, is to spend tomorrow night with Mr. Frick. He will arrive in Beverly tomorrow. He has an ap pointment with the president for Thursday. Secretary of State Knox will arrive here Saturday nd spend a week with Mr. Frick. Ambassador Reid will be here Friday. It may or may not be worthy of note that the present attorney-general, George W. Wickersham, did not allow official duty to influence him outside business hours during his visit here a few days ago, for he was the guest here a few days ago of Eben Richards, son-in-law of Partner Pierce, of the Waters-Pierce Oil Com pany, of Texas. The Waters-Pierce Company recently paid a heavy fine to the state of Texas. Solon Farrubacker, president of the Baton Rogue board of trade, and Charles L. Fuguar, secretary to Gov ernor Sanders, of Louisiana, visited the president today and asked him to use t lie government steamer "Stran ger on his trip down the Mississippi from St. Louis next October, so that he may spend three hours instead of two, at. Baton Rouge. The president had planned to use a slow steamer. 'Twas a Glorious Victory. There's rejoicing In Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I coukl not work nor get a;out," he writes, "and the doc. tors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks, I feel like a new man, and can do good work jigain." For weak, sore or dis eased lungs. Coughs and Colds, Hemor rhages, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands un rivalled. Price .We. and $1.00. Trial Bottle free. Sold and guaranteed by all druggists. PROPHET GEORGK IN THE CITY. Tlie Negro Prophet Arrived Here Yesterday .Makes No Predictions For Raleigh. George, the Prophet, the colored prophet whose predictions have been the source of some comment by the papers, particularly in the eastern part of the state, "blew in" yester day from Wilson, and will sojourn here for a week or two, speaking at the Edenton street mission tomor row night. George began his career as a prophet in fiew liern auouc eigni years ago, and has been predicting dire calamities for some towns ever since. He says a few of his proph ecies have come true. When questioned as to what would happen to Raleigh he replied that this city must be all right for the spirit, had not. spoken to him con cerning it. His garb is one that at tracts attention. The suit is white and his head is adorned with a crown of white set with large jlass jewels. STREET GAR CRASHES INTO STEAM ROLLER ( By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Aug. 24 Twenty per sons were injured, probably mortally today when New York and Queens county trolley car, bowling along at 25 miles an hour, crashed into a steam roller at Woodslde, L. I. A dozen men and women, several of the latter with children in their arms, jumped from the car just before the collision and miraculously escaped serious injury. SEND X CUTTER. AFTER MISSING AGENT (By Leased Wire to The'Times.) Washington, Aug. 24 At the de partment of commerce and labor . this morning it ws said that the expected report of Walter B. Lembke the de partment's agent at the Prlbylofl Islands showing tbe number of fur seals killed this year by the lessees of the islands, the North American,- Com mercial Company, and which should have been in (Washlngton not later than August 10 is still missing. "The reason for its non-arrival Is a mystery to this department," said one official. "It may be due to the fact that there has been serious trouble between representatives of the Unljpd States the foreign seal pouchers, most prob ably Japanese. If nothing is heard from special agent Lembke within a few days it is possible the department may send a revenue cutter to the islands from Sitka, the nearest point there for the purpose of making an In vestigation of the reason for the delay. Seward is out of telegraphic communi cation with the islands." i the Best TTTTThTT? as 1 I XIII Mil I II 1 O World. ; MISS ISA ELLISON'S Fl Miss Musa Ellison's condition is more tavorauie today tnan at any time since the accident. She has been resting as well as could be ex pected under the circumstances, and the hope of her recovery grows brighter, though she is by no means out of danger. It will be something like ten days before the danget line is passed and her recovery assured. The Crime of Idleness. Idleness means trouble for any one. .t; :he same with a lazy liver. It caus es constitpation, headache, jaundice, sallow complexion, pimples and blotch es, loss of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's New Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and build up your health. 25c. at all druggists. Mil BARRETT WILL -ACCEPT PRESIDENCY ACAIN Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. S. Nsbaum, Batesville, Indlhna, writes: "Last year I suffered for three montlis witn a summer coio. so uis-. .y tressing that it interfered with my bus- P Iness. I had many of the symptoms or hay fever, and ii doctor's prescription did not reach my case, nnd I took sev eral medicines which seemed only to aggravate it. Fortunately I insisted upon having Foley's Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey and Tar with the same success." King-Crowell Drug Co., Faycttevile and Hargett streets. Hero Is the tnost remarkable Bale in th history pf th Shoo Business. We are. offering all Tans, standard make 9f Shoes at sweeping price; reductions we can't print the nn ' here. - The makers woil't alloyr it. But you- Will knovj toe name befpre you buy. It's on every pair.' And it's a house hold' word the world jiver, . Yoii may - be wearing this very ."make of Shoes right now. At stay rate -thousands of fclty) men (and women) have worn it for years and are wearing it today. They regard it as the Finest make in the world and a bargain even at igular pricea. y. It's the only make that haa ALL the easentUl features of correct custom style, quarter-size fittings, and PROVED QUALITY. - " ' Here arc tfie tfice reductions: , f S.50 Shoes Beedoced to . . . . '. ; . $2.87 94.00 Shoes Reduced to . . .... . . $3.O0 45.00 Shoes Reduced to .". . . i t V3.73 . n .- These stupendous bargains will go quickly. You most act quickly. EDGAR E, BROl'GHTON, Haberdasher, Raleigh N. CL mum Thriced Armed is the home which has Vick's Cro)ip and Pneu monia Salve, the new idea and perfect success. Try it. 25c. 50c, and $1.00. All Druggists. Atlanta, Aug. 24 Charles S. Bar rett, in a statement today says he will accept re-election to the presi dency of the National Farmers' Union at Birmingham convention in Septem ber, if he is chosen. He had form erly given it out that he would not serve. There is no doubt that he will be re-elected unanimously. OXK CHAISTKR TODAY. Quality and Price-Cutting Features in Our Big Discount Suit Cleaii Up. For tbe next few days, in order to make a clean sweep of all our spring and summer suits the discount will be made to almost suit the individual customer. i We yet have some choice pickings among a diversified lot of choice suits. . Suits that were made up . for, spring wear are just the things you want and need for early fall wear. . The same stamp of approval is on these discpunt garments that . characterizes all 'suits bought from this store; - You've only to look to appreciate a big lot of exceptional values. The Holnifs-1'orbet-Hani Company, of Mcbane, Chartered to Do a General Mercantile liusiuess. The secretary of state today char tered the Holmes-Corbet-Ham Com- jpanjvof Mebane. The purpose of this company is to do a general mercan tile business. The authorized capi tal stock is $.10,000, but will begin ; business with a paid-up capital of '$4,000. The incorporators are John A. Holmes, h. C. Corbett, and W. E. Ham, all of Mebane. i . ' Seared With a Hot Iron, or scalded by overturned kettle-cut , with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by gun or in any other way the thing needed at once Is Bucklen's Arnica Sa.lve to Subdue infiamation and kill the pain. It's earth's supreme healer, infallible for Boils, Ulcers, Fe ver Sores, Eczema and Piles. 25c. at all druggists. , Death of An Infant. ; Little Grace Vernon Ellington, the ; 17-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar E. Ellington, died this .niorning at 3:30 o'clock, after an 111 . ness of eight, weeks. ;The funeral services will be con ducted from the residence, 616 West Hargett street, tomorrow morning at ll o'clock by Rev. A. J. Moncrief, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle I church. The interment will be in1 Oakwood cemetery. .. TORPEDO BOAT FLUSSER. J. A beautiful line of patterns for fall suits will be in noxt week. Drop in and let us measure you up - ROSENGARTEN CO.; FAYETTEVTLLE STBEET, in Now Swiftest Boat in the American , " -Navy. '. Washington; Aug. 24 Reports to the navy department say that the new United States torpedo boat Flusser, one of the 'new boats now building for the navy, had her preliminary builders' trial on the course off Rock land, Me., last week. She made a speed of 31.03 knots, which makes her the swiftest vessel In the Ameri can navy. The best previous recdVd for speed was about 30 knots. Tor pedo boats in the British navy, how ever, have, made as high as S knots PERFECTION OIL STOVES BAKES AND COOKS PERFECTLY WHITE SHIRTWAlStS We make a specialty of Jaundering White Shirt waists. Easily soiled, but the problem is easily: solved you will send them to us to be laundered. 'Phone for our wagons, they will call for and deliver your pacaKges. Oak City Steam Laundr Co., Both Fhones, 87. RALEIGH, N. 0. RY STATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES AND SPECIALTIES. Everything for the Office, Blank Books, Carbon Paper, Inks, Typewriter Paper, Fountain Pens, Letter Files, Typewriters,, etc. , BEST LINE OF POST CARDS IN. THE CITY. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, ( JAMES E. THIEM, Manager. Capital City Phone 844F. Times Building. 12 E. Hargett Street. Thos.B.Briggs&Sons; fiATJETGH. JT C The Bis H&rdw&re M- SUPPOSE Your Income Stopped TOMORROW Would it not help a great deal to know that you have a Savings Ac count with us. MECHANICS' SAVING X BANK. That is the way you can buy a piece of Furuiture from us and, arrange for tin pay ments. Make the payments "to suit yourself" and yet in buying this way you do not have to pay a higher price. x ye will furnish your home, from te kitchen to the parlor, in he cheapest or in the finest, and you can make payments on what you buy "to suit yourself". CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, CAPITAL CITY PHONE 252. RALEIGH PHONE 157. 203-205 Fayetteville St. 8-10 E. Hargett St. Seat tg m - 25 SUITS AT - mm V Worth two and three times as much. All good.styles and pat terns. If you want one you'll have to hurry. AU sizes NOW. STRICTLY CASH ' LOQK AT OUR WINDOW . PlSPLAYr .., ., ; HABERDASHERS, PAKyrTEWLLtf BTRFtr ItALEISa, H. CX an Hour. j : t -' 4 r I

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