J -J. J. v,; J i-'.y: i PAGE TWO THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1909. if' i'S. i IS -V 'Wif-ii'; DRAFT LIST ANNODNCED Great Monber of Miners Go liiQher Up (merit nnd those enjoying good plc-t , tn res cannot afford to miss these. 0.ir especially worth seeing Is "Be ifore ilie Masl." ! Vuiidetlllc Cli.uiftes Tonight lit I lie ! fiem Theatre. I "Mine. Meredith" will appear in 'the newest c.reat on in spectacular MICHIGAN DAY AT WHITE HOUSE MRS. MARY GRKOOVITCH serpentine dancing, in tho "Dance of j (the Midnight Sun", with poetry by I Beverly, Mass., Sept. 2 This Is f Mr. Meredith. This is the only danre .'Michigan day at the summer white the Drafting Prwess Several l, " ' ainievine, ana is a Bought Outilsht Tenij'le, of A. & sirons .eanire act. All Big League Cubs .Muke I'se j Of I'lUlipsbiirg, Montana, Tells now j She Was Cured of Dandruff. I Mrs. Mary Oregovlch, of Phllps buig, 'Montana, under date of Nov. 26, 1899, writes: "I.had typhoid fever this summer, consequently was losing my hair terribly, and my head In places was perfectly bald. Nijwbro's Herpl cirie had just come Into use in Philips burg, and the doctor strongly recom mended It to me. After 3 or 4 appli INCREASf!) VflN'ftSlMER M. and Wake Forest, York (ilnnts. tr.illbli' ('lea nsi tn tiike I Bv Lease .1 Wire to The Times.) Cincinnati. ().. Sept. 2 The I'ol-j lowing Southern players are among! those listed in the National Baseball j Commission draft list: I American League: By New YorK From Richmond, Revelle: from! Portsmouth, Va., Clunn. By Philadelphia From Augusta, . Hornsbert; Charlotte, Gorman. ' By Boston --From Nashville, Ton nemann. j Bv Detroit From Louisville. i sen. By St. Louis From Hoiision. New man. By Cleveland From Roanoke Shauehnessv. Schmidt and Touch- ! ettevilh stone; Savannah, Murc!i; Roanoke, Newton. By Chicago From New Orleans, Raftes; Atlanta, McMurray; Roa noke, Ryan. National League: By Brooklyn From Memphis, Daubert; from Mo bile, Bittrolf: from Oklahoma, Me Cormlck; from Waco, Holmes; from Hannibal, Prout. By Chicago From .laek'sonvifTe, Weaver. By New York 'From Norfolk, Temple; from Birmingham, Dickin son: from Wilson, N. C. Buck or Buckingham. The following are the purchased southern players: American League: By New York From Rocky Mount, N. C, Joseph Walsh; from Marion, Farrell. By St. Louis- From Houston, Kil lifer and Rose; Galveston, Johnson. By Philadelphia From Atlanta, Frank Atkins. By Chicago From Shreveport, Ar nold Gandil. By Cleveland From Goldsboro, Harry Otis; Roanoke, Walter Doane; San Antonio, Stark, Harry Abies, Winchell, William Mitchell: Chatta nooga, Baskette. By Washington From Shrevep.irt, William Yohe. National League: By New York From Dallas. Louis Drucke; trom Shreveport, Klawitter. By Brooklyn From Mobile, Wheat; Winston-Salem. Raymond and Dent; Anderson, Lee Meyers; Shreve port George Smith; Houston, Blake ly: Chattanooga. Forbes Alcoclt. By Cincinnati From Macon, .las. LaFitte; Atlanta, Castleton; Chatta nooga. Johnson; Birmingham, Ellum. By St. Louis Shreveport, Har mon; Galveston, Johnson; Shreve port, Wablings, James, Reiger; Greenville. Betcher, Raleigh. Goes to New onoozer, tne bull-dog with the college educat. on, in a wonderful dis play of canine intelligence. "The Harrison West Trio", is in new songs, dum-ps, and comedy, featuring the cleverest juvenile comedians on the stage. Something new in ihe latest fea ture moiicn pictures. This is one of the best bills the management have yel secured. Visit the Gem this week house, as Senator Burrows and State ! cations- my hair stopped falling out, Chairman Blodgett, of Michigan, 'and is coming in again quite have appointments with the presi- J thick. 1 used to be troubled greatly dent. Thev will discuss Michigan wlth dandruff, of which I am now quite politics as well as national affairs. Walter E. Clark, governor of Alas ka, will see President Taft this after- I aiu,, ci i. .i ivciTtr mi tun man ui iiuilS , as to the management of Alaskan af , fairs. Director of the Census Du ;rand will also call during the after ; noon. ' There are still several vacancies ;of supervisorsh'ps and appointments! cured." Kill the dandruff germ with ! Herplolde. Sold by leading druggists. ! Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The j Herpicidc Co., Detroit. Mich. , On Shown In The 1909 Corpora lion Assessments Delaware VACATION jY Railroad Increase $701, 7"0 Oilier Corporations Show An Increase of $1 5,7S.'$,6.'jS-!-Tlie Sum I er 4 of Ranks Increased Iast Year 37. Total Valuation Xr.irly $18fl,Mft,' 000. : v " ". ' 1 The corporation tommission ne dollar bottles guaranteed. Henry completed the assessments of the Hicks Co., Tucker building Phar- . T. I macy. special agents. Health and Renuty Aid. I Postmaster General Hiiehcock is .'osmetics and lotions will nut clear j si 111 in Beverly. He spent an hour your complexion of pimples and ( with the president in the executive blotches like Foley's orino Laxative. ofni.es tnis morninK. After his de lor imlif, ,1 ion. . stomiieh and liver; , . . . , . , , I'lll ' III I III, 'I I 3IIH III MINI I,, ,,Ult;i jhecanio 1,'nlted States territory. Dr. Cook and two Esquimaux who which will probably be made today. jhad st,lck t0 him were tne nrst and liiibitii.il constipation. ! tin- system and Is pleasant, j -Klngt'rowell Drug. Co.. Fay- I and ll.ugett streets. I for his golf. .H STICI-: ROI5KRTS' COI UT. "THE WOIJV Eugene Walter's famous play "The Wolf, which will be seen at the Academy of Music Friday night, Sep tember 3, had its first New York pro duction at the Bijou -then followed an extended run at the Lyric Thea tre. It tells the story of a girl who was deceived and sent to her death in the Canadian Hudson Bay country. Her half brother seeks the man and finds him attempting to lure another girl to ruin. It happens that the half brother loves this girl, so he takes her away, but the villian and their meeting is the most, effective inci dent of the play. The two men meet in the dark and fight for life and for the possession of the girl. The au-; dience simply hears the two men as they toss and struggle. Finally there is a moan and the listeners know that deaih has come to one of them. But which one? The moon creeps up. and the victor strikes a match and holds it above the victim's face. The right man has been vic torious, and the play has a happy ending. A Triangular Mix-up Straightened Out by the Judge. In Jus! ice Roberts' court a Irian gular mix-up was straightened om by 1 lie judge. Ivey Million, colored, complained 1 ha t Ed. Harris committed an assault and batter upon Betsy Watson, while walking with him, ihe said Hinton. The evidence which Ivey produced made Ed. Harris guilty ami Judge Roberts snt Ed. to the roads for :'0 days and to pay the costs. This judgment made Relay Wat son mad, for she liked Ed., and she swore 0111 a warrant against Ivey Min ion for selling her a half-pini of yellow corn whiskey. This roused The ire of Ivey, who swore out a counter-warrant against Betsy Wat son for running a blind tiger. After much Munchausen testimony the judge said he was at a loss to say whether these cases should have a Scotch verdict or to call it a dog fall or whip-saw, but that he was sat isfied both were frivolous and malic ious and that both cases would be dismissed and complainants marked private prosecutors and each taxed with the costs in his and her prose cution. So Ed. Harris went, to the roads for 30 days and costs. Ivey Hinton paid $8.05 and Betsy Watson paid $3.95 and Ivey and Betsy went their way. while the judge paid the constable his fees and settled with Sheriff Sears for board and lodging furnished Ivey and Betsy. State vs. Ben Cook, cell, vagrancy, was called. Ben did not like Judge Roberts' prescription for vagrancy and asked for a removal of his case. It was sent to Justice C. A. Separk. Stale vs. S. P. Bason, colored, civine order for money upon another and not providing for its payment. Ba son said "Me. too. don't want a trial by de jedge". and his case was sent 10 'Justice E. M. Bledsoe for hearing. i POLICE COI RT RKCEIPTS $1,318. Rnleigh Police Court Collected liess in Three .Mo'itlis Than Ashevllle in One Month. The fines and cosls collected in fiiile gh police court for June, July, .'iiul August amounted in $1,318. For June the amount was '(i, July $102, and August $t(ul, each month showing a decrease from the pro ceeding month. The Asheville police court fines and costs amounted to $i;,."i2;;.29 for the same period, or more ihan Ihe re ceipts by 1 lie llaleij'h courl in 12 niont lis. f.'ermiin Challenge -Yr Clip. Marblehead, Mass., Sept. 2--Vlee-Admiral Barandon, of the German navy, who is in this country as the representative of Emperor William at the international Sonder class races intimated today in an interview that a German challenge for the American cup is a possibility of the not distant t'ttiro. Planning Big Reception For Dr. Frederick A. Cook- I'r. Abernethy. the great English physician, said, "Watch your kidneys. Wlu'ii ihcyare affected, life is In danger." Foley's Kidney Remedy makes henlthv kidneys, corrects uri nary irregularities, and tones up the whole .-ysteni. King-Crowell Drug Co. Fayrtteville and Hargett streets. Pilot Mills Revival. The largest crowd yet present filled the Pilot Mills Baptist church last night to hear Rev. P. G. Elsom and three young men professed convers ion and much interest was mani fested. A good meeting is expected tonight at S p. m. All invited. AT THE REVELRY. Last nighl the crowds that visited the Revelry were more than pleased. Hertzler and Bartell have won a place in the hearts of the theatre-goers and are by far one of the best comedy teams that have ever ap peared in Raleigh. Tonight an en tire change of program will be of fered, both In pictures and vaude ville. Miss Bartell will sing one of the latest song hits of the season, "Down in de Sugar Cane." Miss Benjamin will offer an entire new act, with new songs and jokes. The pictures today are of unusual Many people delude themselves by saying "it will wear awav," when they notice symptoms of kidney and bludder trouble. This is a mistake. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy, and stop the drain on the vitality. It cures back ache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and makes every trace of pain, weakness, and urinary trouble disappear. King-Crowell Drug Co. Fayetteville and Hargett streets. Xew Church Rally. The Evangel Baptist church fs preparing an interesting rally meet ing to be held next Sunday night In the court house for the new church building movement. Such speakers as Mayor Wynne, N. B. Broughton, Jno. E. Ray, and others are expected to speak. The public is invited. Ms TOR TORPID LIVER. A terpM Hw deranges th wbote aystara, mad prodaces StCK KTAIUrHFf Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rfcen Mtism, Sallow Ski anal Piles, ;Twr to o fcettor renrrfw'tlwM ' ,-5e omd'eeasMthM DR. TUTT - It. X P'LLS, a trial wUl prove. Go With a Rush. The demand for that wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills is astounding .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..say they never saw the like. Its because they never fail to cure Sour Stomach Constipation, ' Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills arid Malaria. Only 25 cents at all drug gists. At this point six Esquimaux with 46 dogs returned, and the crossing of the ice-packed sea was begun three days later. On March 30 the observations gave latitude 84 degrees 47 minutes. longitude nk degrees 36 minutes This indicated that a rapid advance must be made if the pole was to be reached before the ice began to break up under the summer sun. Solid earth was left behind and the daring explorer found himself beyond the limits of all life. There was no sign of wild animals. On the niuht of April 7 the sun swung over the ice and there were sunburns as well as frost bites. Observations on the fol lowing day showed latitude 8fi de grees, 30 seconds, longitude Sit de grees, 2 seconds. The north pole was then only a lit tle more than 100 miles away. Extended marches were no longer possible. Dod after do geither suc sumbed or was killed to feed the oth ers. From the 87th to the 88th par allel there were indications of a land of ice. Observations on April 14 gave lat itude 88 degrees 21 minutes, and longitude 95 degrees, 52 minutes, less than 100 miles from the pole. The temperature was below 40. Signs of land were seen every day. Astronomical observations were made every day. Finally a strip of land 30.000 square miles in extent was discover ed. It was inhabited bv nolar ani mals and game of considerable va riety. . On the morning of April .21 the pole was in sight. The sun's altitude gave 89 degrees, 59 minutes, 46 sec onds. The party quickly advanced, and in a few hours Dr. Cook stood at the north pole. The American flag was t planted ana tne long sought-for pole man beings to plant their feet on this exlreme northern point' of tho! globe. There was a celebration. The j Lhree men cheered with delight. I From the hour of midnight until I midday the latitude was 90, the tem-j perature 38 and the barometer i 29.83. Tho north pole was a field of snow. and ice. There was no life nor land. On the morning of April 23 Ihe lhree men, with the dogs that re mained, 'began the long march back. . It. was figured ihal there would lie a continued easterly drift of ice, so the course was forced further to the westward. The polar summer was advancing rapidly and below the S7th parallel the character of ihe ice changed very much. The weather, too, became bad. There were gales and the sky was darkened with storm clouds. The pany could nol afford '10 wail; for better weather, as starvation threat ened. The t'red men and dogs pushed forward as rapidly as they could, and on May 24 the skies cleared long enough to take observa tions. They had reached the 84ilT parallel, near the 97th meridian. The ice here was broken and the expemtiou encountered many spaces of open water. There was not enough food left to reach the chachs on Nansen Sound unless the explorers made 15 miles a has va- ' Hons corporations in this state, and there is shown a decided increase over thai of last year. The appor tionments have been sent. 0111 10 ihe j various counties. The valiint'on of ihe railroad prop erty is placed at S86,:i4ri,rr.1, which j is an increase of $761, 7.11 over Inst I year's assessment. ' All other corporations, including banks, telephone and telegraph com- ; panics, building and loan associa- J tlons, etc., are assessed at $99,fi."i3.- j t 4 4 2. These show the greatest in crease, being $15,735,653 more than last year. There nr.1 3X5 banks doing busi ness in the state, valued at $lf!,S!)2. 83 1. Tin's is a gain of 27 banks and an increase in valuation of $1,393, 527 over the report of last year. This report shows a good healthy growth along all business lines in the siate, even though we have gone j through a panic. The prospects for ilie year jusl beginning are brighier than ever, and the increase will doubtless pass any year in our in dustrial history. B Tho renowned summer resorts, superb hotels and unrivalled beauty of diversified panorama Of lake, forest and mountains attest the appropriateness of Its sub title "A Summer Paradise." In three Pullman fast trains nrntpr'teri hv Automatic hlock sig nals or luge steamers, the tourist' may travel to Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Lake Champlaln Ausable Chasm, Lake Placid and other Adirondack resorts hlghesf standard, of train service; meals, on train or steamer; moderate 1 1 I ,. thrnltirlinlll t Vl I a region. Fishermen can fill their baskets with trout from Lake George, bass or pickerel from Lake Cham plain and the Adirondack streams are full of brook trout. , ; Ter-centenary of the Discovery of Lake Champlaln will be cele brated in duly. 300 p. ill. guide sent free cents postage. New map folder on re quest. Summer schedules effective June L'Tlb. N. Y. .'. Information Office, 1354 Broadway, A. A. Heard, G. P. A., Albany N. Y. HAMS AND B. BACON. V. F. V. lfame. Tennessee Country Heme. Rosy Bee Hams. Kingan's Reliable Hams. Kinglmn'e Pic-NIc Hame. Caro Shoulders. 1 I Virginia Smoked Hides. Kingan's Breakfast Bacou. Fore and Compound Lard. Both Phones. RUDY & BUFF ALOE NEGRO PREACHER TRIES TO TAKE SAW IN JAIL Yesterday afternoon between five and six o'clock Rev. S. P. Bason, a colored preacher, made an unsuccess ful attempt to get saws to Bud Hall, a negro prisoner in Wake county jail. Hall had written a letter to some day. Considering their condition 1 one on the outside and made arrange they could hardly do their miles. menis to have the saws sent him, A large tract of land, extending also to have some money ready in northwest, was seen to the west at 1 case he made his escape. This letter the 83rd parallel, while the ice ! fell into the hands of Chief Stell, who changed to small fields nnd the tern- I turned It over to Jailor Parham. perature rose to zero. j Yesterday afternoon Parson Bason The next 20 days were traveled I walked into the sheriff's office with through heavy fog and mist and then ! several packages and asked that they when the sky cleared the expedition was far down in Crown Prince Gus tav Sea. Here was open water and small ice between them nnd Heiberg Island. Dr. Cool; and his two followers were now face to face with starva tion. Then tho party pushed on, hoping to reach Lancaster Sound and find a Scotch whaler. In the early part of July further progress northward was impossible and Dr. Cook crossed Ihe Firth of Devon into Jones Sound in quest of food. With an occasional bird to eat the party pushed eastward toward Baffin Bay until the early Septem ber frost stopped further advance. The club is camped on Raccoon Creek in Beaver county. A passing woodsman discovered the victims' plight and released them. They built an underground house, where they remained until the sun rise of 1909. They started for An nootok on February IS. and reached the Greenland shore on April 15. Here Dr. Coo.k met Harry Whitney. Dr. Cook then traveled northward to the Danish settlement and reached Upernavik on May 21, 1909. The party now was entirely with out food, ammunition or fuel. At Cape Sparbo game was located. The party was forced to use the bow and arrow, the line, the lance and the knife, but with these primitive wea pons they killed enough musk oxen, bears and wolves to sustain life. 1 1 I.. ,-, 1 1 . . T I . . 1 1 . , Tl 1 lie given iij diiu nan. .Ml. Iuriiuill snatched a Fneeda biscuit package out of the negro's hands and hastily tearing it open found two saw3 that had been broken up into some four or five pieces in order to get them in the cracker box. Bason did not deny knowing they were in the box, but declared he did not intend to take them in jail. He was told to sit down, but Instead of doing so made a dash through a window and out footed his pursuers. Last night Constable Byrum, Dep uty Harward, and Policeman Barrow located the preacher in the house of Dave Saunders, on Southeast street. Byrum went to the front door, while' the back way. Upon entering the back yard a bull-dog made Officers Harward and Barrow seek the heights of the fence, whereupon Par son Bason made a dash out the back door. Deputy Harward, leaving Po liceman Barrow to entertain the dog, pursued the negro, and caught him when he got tangled up with a wire fence. He was given a hearing this morning by Justice of the Peace Up church and bound over to court under a $100 bond. Hall is awaiting court under a number of charges, and had it not been for the vigilance of the officers he would, no doubt, be now sawing his way to freedom. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE IT. The W. K. King Sanitary and Disin fectant Fluid, the Ideal Coal-Tar Dis infectant, true germicide and deodor trlzer. A powerful antiseptic sad purifier, PUT CP BY W. H. KING DRUG CO., RALEIGH. N. O. For Sain by All Druggists at 200. Per Rnttln. PERFECTION OIL STOVES BAKE AND COOK PERFECTLY Thos.Origgs&Sons. XALEiaH. V. 0. The Bif Hardware Mem. Batavla, Java, Sept. 2 Jhe town of Bezoeki, in southwestern Java has been nearly wiped out by floods, fol lowing cloudbursts and upwards of 600 natives drowned, according to a dispatch received here today. Great damage was done to crops and houses by the floods. . Yesterday Justice of Peace Separk handed down his decision In the .case against John Lee Weathers and C.'R. Ellis charged with forcible trpas. The case was dismissed nd the prose cution taxed with the costs. ;v - Cl'RE FOR ECZEMA. Gives Relief in a Night and Makes Complete Cure In Short Time. The remarkable demand for Hokara, the skin food, at, Henry. T. Hicks Co., Is not a surprise when it is remembered that even lit the worse cases of eeiemaj It stops the Itching with the first night's application, begins to heal up the diseased idcin almost immediately, and cures chronic cases in a few weeks. In lesser troubles, such as pimples, blackheads, barber's Itch, acne rash, piles, etc., a few day's use will usually cure. In order that no one may be kept from using Httkara by the cost liberal Officer Isaac Rogers returned from Richmond yesterday afternoon, bringing with him Hilman High, wanted here for forgery; and placed him in Wake county jail. ' High refused to discuss the charges against him, hut says he will protect the girl, Ida Markham, with whom he eloped. It is reported that he made an at tempt to commit suicide while id jail nl Dlfilininnil Kul n Atln-. - alaeri lr 1. 1H fm- S nt. of onr " ""-""". .-twcr T. Hicks Company. Furthermore. lf . rned the authorities and precau Hokara does not do all that is -claimed t,on were taken t0 Prevent his carry- for It, even this small sum will be re-, '"8 tn'8 out turned. ; , , ; HILLtlMN HIGH LODGED 'IN WAKE COUNFY M He seems to fear that he will' In some way be done violence by ' the For the Blood. I girl's' relatives. As a precaution he It Is sometimes necessary to help the was taken from the train at 'John action of Hokara skin food with a son etreet and brought In a carrlags remedy that will cool and cleanse the jaj , The trial will probably hot take HENRY G. TURN ER,M D. Fourth Floor, Masonic Temple. Rooms Nos. 400 and 410. OFFICE HOURS: O to 11 a. m. 3 to Bp. m. PHONES: Office, 531. ; Residence, 33. CALL AT H.M.OLIVE'S CITY TRANSFER. Both Phones, 529. Office 300 S. Blount St. Come and Get One blood and regulate the liver and bowelB, Hokara Blood Tablets have been pre pared specially:, for , this purpose. A t place''nntll nest week, as a number terra box coeta only GO cents, and U 'f witnesses live a good distance from anM iindMP rnirmitH at satisfaction or ' here, and ft will take several davs to ' money back by Henry T. Hicks. Co. get them. ' - - - THEV ARE HERE 200,000 RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ivlry and Dixie Cement Plaster. Will you use an electric sign we buy it for you? if ASK US. CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY. P0WELL& POWELL " !.'. " j - (Incorporated) PHONES 41. SCHOOL NOTICE. The public- schools will open Mon day, the 6th of September. Children not entitled to free tuition will be admitted upon payment of the tuition fees monthly in advance to the un dersigned and settlement of arrears, if any are due. ;. New pupils must apply to Superin. ' tendent Harper for cards of admis v': slon. Prompt attendance on the open Jmr dny is very important, y order - I of thr School Committee, 1- . .." G .ROSENTHAL, Secretary. . -1 1 .bI A.

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