THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, IjT. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1909. PA5E FTTH TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain and New Yorjt Stock. 1 By Leased Wire to The Times) . "New York, Sept. 2 there was a generally strong tone td the stock market trading In the first J 5 mln- utes, following irregular price chan ges at the opening: The most Im portant feature of the dealings was';"" "u'"" . eminent crop report has been dis ttiA hulfioa nt rallrnajt fauima anti tho ' decrease In the trading in the high priced stocks that have so long been established as being market leaders. Texas Pacific ranged around 39 and Kansas and Texas continued its up ward movement. The greatest gain was made in Union Pacific preferred, which rose a point. Steel common moved up , with other Industrials generally making fractional gains. New York Closing Stock List. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Amalgamated Copper 84 American Ice Securities .. .. S'i American Sugar Refinery . . . . ISO American Smelting 99 American Locomotive 69 American Car Foundry 67 American Cotton Oil 74 American Woolen 39 Anaconda 48 Atchison 118 Atlantic Coast Line .. . . ..133 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. .. 78 Baltimore and Ohio 117 Canadian Pacific. . . 182' Chesapeake and Ohio 81 Consolidated Gas 146 Central Leather ..44 Colorado Fuel and Iron . . . .v 4s Colorado Southern . . , 52 Delaware and Hudson 192 Denver and Rio Grande . . . . 47 Distillers' Securities 15 Erie ' 35 Erie pfd 53 V4 General Electric 168 Great Northern pfd 153 Great Northern Ore 81 Hocking Coal and Iron .. .. 74 Interboro . . 14 Interboro pfd 46 Iowa Central 30 Kansas City Southern 48 Kansas and Texas 42 Kansas and Texas pfd 75 LoulBVille and Nashville . . . . 151 Missouri Pacific . V . . .... TA New York Central 139 Northwestern 196 National Lead 91 Norfolk and Western 93 Northern Pacific 155 Ontario and Western 48 Pennsylvania 140 Pacific Mail 31 People's Gas Co 115 DpauDArl Ufaal for FW1 Reading 161 Rock Island Rock Island pfd Republic Iron and Steel . . Republic Iron and Steel pfd. Sloss-Shefiield . 39 . 76 . 37 .105 . 84 Southern Pacific 128 Southern Railway 31 Southern Railway pfd. 70 St. Paul 157 Tennessee Copper 37 Texas Pacific 38 Third Avenue 23 Union Pacific 201 U. . Rubber 62 Utah Copper 50 U. S. Steel 78 U. S. Steel pfd 125 Virginia-Carolina Chemical ..48 Western Union 75 Wabash V. 20 Wabash pfd. 53 Westlnghouse Electric. 85 Wisconsin Central 54 Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards, Ills. Sept. 2 Hogs receipts 15,000; market 5c high er; mixer and butchers 7.60 a 8.25; good heavy 7.80 a 8.25; rough heavy 7.40 a 7.76; light 7.75 a 8.25; pigs 7.00 a 8.05; bulk 7.75 a 8.15.. Cattle receipts 5,000; steady. Beeves 4.40 a 8.05; cows and heifers 2.25 a 6.40; utockers and feeders 3.15 a 5.20; Texans 4.25 a 5.50; calves S.50 a 9.25; westerners 4.40 a 6.50. Sheep receipts - 16,000; market 10c lower. Natives and western 3.00 a 4.75; lambs 4.40 a 7.75. New York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Tmes) New York, Sept. ' 2 Money on call, 2 to 2; time loans, firm: 60 dayB. 3 to 3: 90 days, 3 to 3; six months, 3 to 4; posted rates, sterling exchange, 486 to 487; with actual business in bankers bills at 486.45 to .65 for demand and 484.95 to 485.05 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged In rates. Cotton Port Receipts. New York, Sept. 2 Cotton port -receipts: New Orleans, 30 against 536; Galveston, 4,334 against 6,234; Mo bile, 144' against 209; Savannah, 6, 152 against 4.618; Charleston, 197 against 110; Wilmington, 122 against ; Norfolk, 56 against 15; Bos ton. 79 against 99. Total, 11,314 against 11,931. Interior Receipts Houston, 6,967 Vgalnst 5,978; Augusta, 1,162 against 6H; Memphis, 51 against 265; St. Louis, ' against 178; Cincinnati, 16 against . '15 2. -.Total 8,212 against MARKETS New- York' Cotton.? '(By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, : Sept.'; vJr-The cotton i mOfl'dt ttianart fttnAi G tn O. nnlntn hlgher n re8penge t0 better cables and room-covering. On the upturn Wall street was a ,large seller and some of the local bears put out cot ton rn thn lia.,a iVinf n Ki.111r.U . . counted, but the market absorbed it without losing more than a couple of points. Open. High. Low. Close. Sep. . 12.39 12.40 12.38 12.38 Oct. . 12.44 12.53 12.38 12.41 Nov 12.42 Dec. . 12.53 12.61 12.45 12.47 Jan. . 12.47 12.60 12.43 12.45 Feb 12.47 Mar. . .12.55 12.63 12.45 12.51 Apr 12.52 May . 12.58 12.66 12.52 12.56 Market closed steady. Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 2 Spot cotton, 12.80. Sales, 30 bales. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. Sep. 12.30 Oct. . 12.37 12.50 12.31 12.33 Nov 12.36 Dec. . 12.46 12.54 12.40 12.41 Jan. . 12.51 12.63 12.44 12.45 Feb 12.49 Mar. . 12.64 . 12.65 12.60 12.61 Apr 12.65 May . 12.72 12.80 12.68 12.68 Market closed steady. Cotton-need OH. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 2 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. September 5.73 & 5.78 October 5.79 5.80 November 5.74 5.76 Decembar 5.68 5.70 January 5.69 5.71 March 5.77 5.80 May 5,80 5.85 July 5.85 (a 5.95 .Market closed., quiet; sales, 700 barrels. Spot' oil 5.76 & '5.77! Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool. Sept. 2 Spot cotton, ensv: mlHrilinir. fi.SS: sales. 10.000. of which 8,800 were American; re ceipts, none; futures opened easier and closed quiet. Opening. Closing. Sept. . . . 6.59 6.63V4 6.67 Sep.-Oct. . 6.54 (S'6.59 6.61 Ms Oct.-Nov. . 6.54 (6,6.58!,. 0.60 Nov.-Dec. . 6.54 Vi 6.60 Dec-Jan 0.60 an.-Feb. . 6.54 Vi 6.60 Vi Feb.-Mar 6.60 Vi Mar.-Apr. . 6.54 Vi 6.C1 Apr.-May . 6.54 6.61 Vi May-June . 6.52 Vi 6.59 Vi June-July . 6.54 July-Atig. . 6.52 6.57 Vi Chicago (train. Chicago, Sept. 2 Weak cables caused a decline of about in wheat at the start, but the market is get ting fairly good support from com mission houses and buying of Decem ber by Bartlett-Patten caused a turn upward with December now above the close of last night. Liverpool comes 1 to ld. lower against our decline of to c. yesterday. Corn was firmer with September selling at 65 to 65. Oats steady. Provis ions steady to unchanged. Opening Wheat: Dec, 93 to Vi; May, 97 Vi to Vs : Sept., 97 to . Corn: Sept., 65 to ; May, 59. Oats: May, 40 to Vi ; Dec, 37 Vi; Sept., 37. Pork: Jan., 17.75; Sept., 22.87. Lard: Nov., 11.90; Sept., 12.32. Ribs: Sept., 11.87. Wheat closed Vi to c higher; corn was up Vb to c. for near-by, but off for deferred months; oats were Vi te Vic higher and provis ions were easier. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: Wheat Open. High. Close. Sep... . .97 .98 .98 Dec.'.'. .93 4 94 .9414 , , May . . .97 V4 .98 .97 C'orn Sep. . . .65 .66 'A .66 Sep. . . .57 .57 Vi .57 ' May . . .59 .59 -58 Oats Sep. . . .37 .3814 8 Dec. . . .37 Vi .38 .37 Bay . . .40 .40 v40 Pork Sep. . . 22.87: 22.87 22.85 Jan. . Lard Sep. . Oct. . Jan.1 . . Oct, . Jan. . 17.75 12.35 12.30 10.55 11.815 11.75 9.42 17.80 17.67 12.35 12.35 10.60 11.87 11.75 9.42 12.22 12.22 10.52 11.75 11.60 9.36 i-r-There was only one case In t police court this morning. Lissle Haywood, colored, submitted to being, drunk and I was ' Bned $4.35, : BY WIRE. I Provisions. THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By T. C. Khotwell.) New York, Sept. 2 Trading In Wall street today assumed a sudden aspect of brightness, alter a dull opening, upon the publication of the govern ment cotton report for the month end- Ing August. 31. The report was the ' the lowest In percentage issued fori the same months since Sept.. 12- ,c ,,c,m'1 ",cu l""tt of almost one percent over that the previous low reemd. The crop est). mate for the month of August was greatly reduced frmii the figures made public by experts. As a result of the filing of the report the market became sudden active with the Harrlman shares assuming the leading role. Union Pacific preferred advanced one point. The common Jumped 1-8. So great was the interest displayed by foreign markets in the crop con ditions of this country that the Liver pool exchange remained open two hours after its usual closing. Steel was a prominent factor in to day's trading, and although its ad vance was less than a point over that of yesterday it displayed great acti at the noon hour just vity. It close) about one point over yesterday s closing. The general Inactivity of the market in all leading issues was due. according to those falniliar with the street, to the approaching holidays. The market will be closed on Saturday and will open asaln on Tuesday. Showing rather more than its usual proportion of activity, Pennsylvania advanced with comparative ease and it was said that with the steel busi ness that road is now attaining, record figures, surpassing the high figures made by that stock two years ago would be reached. American Hide & Leather also brightened over the opening today as a response to a high ly favorable annual report which showed more than 10 percent earnings by the preferred. New York Provision Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Sept. 2 Cash produce: Minneapolis, No. 1 northern wheat, 99 Vs. Wheal r'lrm; No. 2 red. 108 Vi f.o.h. j Corn Kirm . elevator. ! OatsDull; No. 2 mixed Vi in No. mixed, 40c. in elevator. Rye Dull: f.o.l). No. western, i be. Ba rley Dull; feed. I.f. New York. Flour Dull: spring patents. 6.20; winter straights, 5.20. Mill Feed Steady; bran. 23. :!". Pork Firm; mess, 22.50. Lard Firm: prime western, 12.65. Tallow Quiet: prime city. 5 9-1 6c. Coffee Quiet: No. 7 Rio. Ttijc. Sugar Firm: granulated, 5.05. New York Cotton Letter. ( By W. B. Hihbs & Co. I Voiu Vfu-I.- Suikt 9 Tho nfivpcn ,. .., " ,.,, ' , nCall by the Raleigh Real Estate today shows condition of the crop to' Lie average dale of August 25th to have been the worst on record for that period. It makes the condition 63.7 per cent against 71.9 last month, 76.1 last year and 73.6 the average condition on August 2."th for the past ten years. The previous lowest con-1 dition on record in the last thirty years was 64 in the crop failure year! of 1902, and prior to t hat 6 1.2 in ' 1S96. The condition at present in1 the states of Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas and Alabama, is the lowest on record in the history of taej agricultural bureau report for Texas and Arkansas, which are only a few points better than the lowest percent ages ever recorded for those states. The crop in the Carolinas and Geor gia averages about 75. This is the best part of the belt but even the "Shoemaker Rye Whiskey 100 Proof Bottled In Bond Express Prepaid TBADI KABK 5 Full Quarts. $5.00 Send your mull orders to "he old reliable bonne." Write for complete price llat. Uum cinb...S4 00 fit 00 Vn. Mountain (7 yean old)..... 4 00 12 00 Cabinet Rye 2 TS T SO XX Red Rye...: 2 BO 6 50 Va. Apple Brandy 3 Til T BO Yadkin R. Cora. 2 50 7 00 Georgia Con.... 2 SO 8 SO All Ooodi Guaranteed Raft Moaty or Express onto to Lazarus-Goodman Co., ROANOKE, , VA. ... condition there is tinder the ten year average. The condition in Texas is' 59, Arkansas 60, Oklahoma 56, and Louisiana 48. This confirms fully the crop calamity threatening for the last several months and to which we have been calling your attention to in these letters daily since then. The market advanced but 10 to 13 points from the quotations which prevailed just before the report was announced. This was because of con tinued aggressive opposition from bear element and b'g spot dealers and ecent sold-out bulls. But for this the price would have gone to over 13 cents. After the active options had advanced to 12.61 and 12.66 for De cember to May the bear leaders stepped in and sold and hammered the market down to 12. Later the market was firmer on heavy foreign selling and outside buying. There is nn rtniihl cnttnn will nl- tilmitely sell very much higher. Wei. w0lld continue to advise adhering to i . , Jne bu" 8 de 0,1 thi" l?P and , i1""""" " i'u,D continuing scalpinp; operations. Naval Stores. (Uy Leased Wire to The Times) Savannah, Sept. 2 Turpentine: Kirm; 5614: sales, none; receipts, 974. Quote: WW. 6.25 to 6.50; VG, 6.00 to ti.25; N, 5.75: M, 5.50; K, 5.40: I, 4.50; H. 4.25; G, 4.05; F. 4.00; K, 3.85; D. 3.10; 0, B, A, 3. 311. Raleigh Cotton Market. Good middling 12 1- j Strict middling 12 3 : Mldllng 12 NO CHKAI'EIC SHOES. Boston, Sept. 2 The price of shoes instead of being reduced as a result j of the removal of the duty on hides i I will be increased. The reason is that 1 the price of hides which determines that of the shoe is not materially af fected by the tariff and is at an ex cessively high point because the de mand for hides greatly exceeds the supply. This is the substance of a statement issued by President Charles H. Jones of the Commonwealth Shoe and Leather Company. Valuable House and Lot For Sale l a dec .Mortgage. By power of sale in a certain mort gage by O. A. Lynch and L. H. McCall land wife, dated 22nd day of May.' 19J.S, and recorded in Book 231, Page IH, Register of Deeds' office, Wakei I l county, tne undersigned will on Sat-' client on Hist mortgage or other urday, the 2nd day of October, 1909,' good security. Grimes & Burnhill, at 12 o'clock 31.. at the court house1 Attorneys. Raleigh. 2-e.o.d-tf. (Joor of Wake county, expose to sale : ; T at public auction, to the highest bid- .miss EI5IE liOISEHTS WILL KE der, for cash, that parcel of land in ; same her music class on Tuesday, the the town of Raleigh, Wake coun-j ti,t, i i f , . ;I ner home, corner Hal ty, adjoining the lands of Dr. An-! i;ix and Lane Streets. derson, and others, as follows: 1 Beginning at an iron stake on the i ACADEMY. KOCKV1LLE. Ml)., KOH Southwest corner of the intersection of North Boundary and North Blood worth streets; thence East along the South side of North Boundary street 105 feet to a stake; thence South 52 Vi feet to a stake; thence West 105 feet to North Bloodworth street: thence North along the East side of North Bloodworth street 52 Vi feet to the beginning. Being Lot No. 4 of the John B. Stronach property, con taining l-S of an acre, more or less and being the same lot. that was con veyed lo O. A. Lynch and L. H. Mc- Trust Company by deed recorded in Book 23 1, Page 48, Register of j Deeds' ofliee for Wake county. j Terms for sale Cash. ! MRS. M. L. ANGIiLL. j Mortgagee. j 2 3ttd. i ATTRACTIVELOW RATES To Chicago, III., Account Bankers Convention, Sept. 13th to 18th. VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. For the a hove occasion the Southern Railway announces the sale of round trip tickets to Chicago. III., and return at very low rates. Tickets on sale September 10th. 11th. and lath, with final return limit to leave Chicago, not later than the night of .September 2dth. Bound trip rate from' Raleigh $L'7.V. Uoldsboro $:!9.8u. Durham, $27.30, j Henderson, $1!7.3(, Oxford, $27.30. The Southern has two trains a day making direct connection for Chicago. For further information as to Pull man reservations schedules. jtte, apply to your ilea lest afnt or address the undersigned. It. H. DcKUTTS. Travelling Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Having qualified as Executor of William D. Crowder. late of Wake county. North Carolina, I hereby notify all persons having claims against the estate of my said testator to present the same to me. dulv Verified, on or before the 15th day of August, 1910, or this notice will be pleaded tn bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to me. This August 12. 1909. T. B. CROWDER. 'Executor of William D. Crowder. R" N. 91m ms. 208-9 Tucker Building, aleigh, N: C Attorney for Executor. - o. a, w. 6t lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for tills column will be accepted at one cent per word for each issue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CENTS an Insertion. Each figure charged as one word. lc. WANTS lc. COUPLE WANTS TWO FURNISHED rooms in private family for light housekeeping. Convenient to down (own. Slate price. Address R. V.. tare The Times. It ' WANTED A young man for collec tor and ofiUe work. Moderate sal ary to begin with. Excellent op portunities. Address in own hand writing, "Collector", care Evening Times Office,' and give references. I -lit WANTED Two good solicitors. Ap i ply Circulation Manager, Evening ! Times. 1 0-tf WANTED By young man. position in small drug store. Have worked in drug store 20 months and am employed at present. Object to experience. Can furnish best of reference. Address It. care Times. l-4t 'LADIES WANTED To inspect hos iery. Pleasant work; good wages from the start. Raleigh Hosiery Company, opposite Penitentiary. 19 12t. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Practical experience from start. Careful instructors, tools given, di plomas granted. Wages Saturdays. Positions waiting, wonderful de mand for graduates. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 28 St. MISCELLANEOUS. H.AVE t O.IHMI Bricks for sale. 2 :'.t. SECOND-HAND V. B. Maun. WE H.AVE SEVEIt.AL THOUSAND dollars to loan in Wake county for Boys Ideal Training School; home life; individual care and in struction; fits for University or life. Address, W P. Mason, U. S. N. A., Principal. 9-20t SAUNDERS STREET PHARMACY Fresh Drugs. Your patronage in vited. Reginald Hamlet. Phone 420. 3$-6t UMBRELLAS REPAI RED Porter, 207 S. Wilmington St. 2-2f baseball grounds Tuesday after noon. Return lo W. W. Smith, it SCHOOL HOOKS AT HALF PUK E at Smith's Old Book Store. 2-:it FOR SALE. I'OK SALE One horse and buggy. Dr. Glascock, Masonic Temple. 9tt 'OH SALE Five-room cottage. Good barn. Fine residence section. Near Car line. Price low. Terms to suit purchaser. Address, "A L." care The Times. 16-tf FOR RENT I'OK KKXT Until January 1, 1!)1(), or probably longer, S room fur nished house. Electric lights, bath, etc. Two blocks from busi ness centre of the city. Address Furniture and Stove Exchange, 111 E. Ilargett. UO-lt I'OK KENT front room, gan street. One nicely-furni sited Apply 20S E. Mor-l-::t FOK ItEXT- Five room house. Mai den Lane, West Raleigh. Apply to W. A. Howell, Pillion Park. 1-21. LOTS KOK SALE Fronting Hargcit street on the Governor Holden property. C. A. Sherwood. 28-tf-e.o.d. Delicious White Bouse Tea in quarter pound net tins for 15c; especially for Ice Tea. Just as good as White House Coffee. First-class Grocers. Every Woman U lniereotea ana rnoma kdow About the wonderful Marvel wjrn." Ask our drneriat for IL If h. cannot (utoIt lh. MARVEL, .cent no i ottwr. bo sand tamp for IllaB- ,k.'"'"i,ih.T",r?", KM1 U IwUm. aURVSl CO - K. 234 St.. few ToC Kant Leek. A Rapid Flow Fountain Syringe. Guaranteed ( not to leak. Prices from , $1.50 to $3.00. i inc. JiiOAJ DRUG COMPANY. Both Phonea. V 0 ill '..ii r . y - I' -V . CONFIDE TO IS YOUH perplexities about interior deco rations and we will give you free our expert advice regarding the pattern and style of paper you should put on a room, as well as the proper color-scheme to use with your furnishings. WEATHERS & PERRY, Decoration Department, RALEIGH. N. C. Appliances Cheerfully Quoted On. New North Carolina Mackerel, Roe Herrings, Cod Fish and Mullets, AT . J, R. FERRALL & CO. LEAPING GROCERS. Fayrttevlll Street, RjtlAlgh. If. O. SUPPOSE Your Income Stopped TOMORROW Would it not help a great deal to know that you have a Savings Ac count with us. MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. HUBBARD BROS SCO. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For fcne pur t chase and sole of Cotton (or future delivery. Correspondence Invited.

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