PAGE SIX "I'W T V I r ..THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1909.- - I i in to 5 1: I - Keep The Complexion Beautiful Nadine Face Powdef (la Cmu hnt(Mr Produces soft, vehreR appearance o much sa mired, and remiifia onti washed, off. Purified b) a new process. Will no clog the pores. Harm lor as water, rrevents renin of discolorations. White Flesh, - Fink, Brunette Br Irailat TotlM Cmm Or Mail. Price 5 oao, MONEY BACK If Not Entirely Pleased fnputi try NATIONAL TOILET CO, Parta, Ttae SOCIETY. A EAR TO EARTH. I sought for Truth. I long had thought She dwelt on high, frsm the world apart, I found her, nearer than I sought, In the Ive anld trust of the human heart. I listened for Truth. Her voice I deemed. Was the voice of wisdom, deep and strong; I heard her, sweeter than J had dreamed. In the simple notes of a little song! Eugene I'. Dolsoii. Miss Mamie Pugh has returned from a visit to Apex. Miss Edith Fanner has returned from Petersburg. Mrs. B. H. Love has gone to Rich mond and Washington. Mrs. H. M. Goodwin has returned from a visit to Littleton. Miss Annie Root has returned from a visit to friends at Durham. - Mrs. R. W. Hodges, of Georgetown, is visiting Mrs. A. L. McDonald. Prof, and Mrs. W. A. Withers have returned from their trip to Denver. -- Miss Reba Johnson, of Roanoke Rapids, is visiting Miss Lizzie Bellamy. Mrs. Miller Hallowes. of Jackson ville. Fla., is visiting Mrs. Clarence Johnson. Mrs. O. Kyle, of Decatur. Ala., has returned home after, a visit to Mis. Hightower. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry II. London have gone to Linden to visit Mrs. London's parents. . -tt- Miss Leonitu Denmark and Mr. Polk Denmark have returned from a visit to .WkdesborO. l THE WOMAN'S, STORE xx f - Mt WE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR PEERLESS PATTERN S.v Jj to : y I A new lot to to to to to to to to to to m to of strictly Tailor-Made Shirtwaist 98c $A new lot of pure linen Tailor-JVfade Shirtwaist $ MASONIC TEMPLE .... JtALEIGB, N. C. Miss Pearl Adams has returned to her home at Greensboro after a visit to friends in the city. ...... Miss intzabetu Duncan has returned from Beaufort, Where she. has been spending the summer. Miss Louise McClenneghan has re turned from Florence, S-sC, where she has been spending the summer. . Miss Jane Culbreth is home after a a visit to Wilmington and other points in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. A. S. Yates and children have returned from a visit to K,lchmond, accompanied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bettie E. Harris. Mr. W. H. Williamson has gone to New York where he will meet his wife who is returning from Brookline; Mass. Mrs. Williamson will stop at Graham to visit relatives before re turning to Raleigh. Miss Mabel Kelly, of Henderson is visiting Miss Sallie Jones. Mr. J. S. Maun, of Middleton, Hyde county, is visiting at the home of Mr. J3. ?f. Spencer in the city. Messrs. E! Murphy and Pat Simmons, also of Hyde.who have bfen Mr. Spencer's guests have entered A. & M. College. Miss Bertha Lowry, of Johnson county, is visiting at the home of Mr. J. B. Allen on West- Peace street. Miss Ella Davis, who has beeii spending some time at Black Moun tain, N. C, will arrive in -the city this afternoon to visit Miss Annie Duncan Mrs. Marcus Crocker left today for Franklinton. where she will visit Mrs. T. B. Justice. Miss Ebie Roberts will resume her music class on Tuesday the 14th. at her home corner Halifax and Lane streets. Mis. H. H. Roberts and daughter. Marie, are spending a fortnight at Norfolk. Va.. visiting Mrs. Roberts sis'ler. Mrs. ii. m. rsowen. Mrs. Virginia Harrison, of Newbern, is visiting the family of Justice H. H. Roberts. A Raleigh Artist. The following taken from the Little ton "Times-Herald will be of Interest: "Miss Dixie Washington Leach, the irt critic of Raleigh, is here visiting her brother. Cape J. P Leach, and liinking the health giving Panacea vater.. Miss Leach executed the ex cellent Lee art calendar and other vorks of art in miniature portrature md Southern character, and has just eturncd-from a .commercial tour re turning to her studio in Ralelgn. Caunon-Hrown. Concord. Sept. 2 Mrs. J. W. Cannon, Jr., entertained a number of friends and visitors at her home on Spring THE WOMAN'S STORE to to to m to to m m to m to m to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Jo let HAIR NETS: We have them in all colors and the very best, largest, pure hair nets made, at 25 cents. JET BUTTONS: In all the sizes wanted from 15c. to $1.00 a dozen. The line is absolutely complete. See These OPPOSITE street last evening in honor of her sister, Miss Oh la Brown, who is to marry Mr. .Martin L. Cannon tomorrow evening. Mrs. Cannon's guests in eluded Miss Brown's bridal party anil other voune- neonle of lhe citv. "Miss Brown will this evening entertain the Dtiaal party at her home on South Union street, following a rehearsal at the church. The maniaire will take place tomorrow evening at All Saints Episcopal church. LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. C. H. Heine has qualified as administrator of the estate of the late Mr. NeKbitt, deceased. The old Law Building coiner Davie and Fayetteville streets is being vaca ted prepnralMi y to being razed lor the erection of the new municipal structure and auditorium. Mr. Albert Walls, of Ceeilton, Md who has been in the city for the past few duys as the guest of Messrs. Cliff and Fred Hoover, left last night for his home. Mr. Watts made many friends while in Raliegh who wish to see him and tile Hoover's back with us next year. Deputy Sheriff R. H. Biggs, of Wendell, brought Herman Evans, of Apex to jail this morning.-vrhe negro is charged with an assault with a deadly weapon. v ; . - PERSONALS Mr. O. E. Penny, of Falls, N. C. has arrived in the city and has accepted a position with Ilurber & Towler. ' Mr. Thomas A. Purtin lert this morning for New York to purchase fall stock of goods fqr the firm of Thomas A. Partin Company. Mr. Robert Royall, of Wake Forest, is a visitor in the city today. flEXALL SKEETER SHOOT Is the best remedy for mosquito bites. Stops the pain, reduce the inflamadon. (ui Applied to face arid hands will keep them away. v Price 25c , . iw&cnmm- ofucr co. i delusive Agents tot Two Items "ITI rl rlQ ,l(0)ff POST OFFICE. TWO CHARTERS TODAY. I. umber Company For Linden mid Drug Company For Turboro. The secretary of state today char tered the Jones-Cake Lumber Com pany, of Linden, R. F. D. No. 2, to deal in all grades of lumber and build houses. The authorized capi tal stock is JliO.OOO, and will com mence btisinestk with $10,0(ld. The stockholders are Jno. M. Jones and Jesse M. Jones, of Godwin, and J. M. Cake, of Norfolk, Va. (leiiiliiato of incorporation was filed by llic VV. M. MacNair Drug Company, of Turboro, to do a whole sale and retail drug business. The authorised capital stock is $20,(100, but will begin business with a paid up capital of $G,G00. The incorpora tors are W. M. AttieNair, W. P. M Craw, and B. B. I'lyler, all of Tur boro. 'A Hurry-up Call. tjuleltl Mr. Druggist Quick! A hox of Buckley's Arnica Salve Here's a (luarter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's, burned himself terribly John nie eut ,hi.s foot, with the axe Mamie's sealded Pa can't walk for the Piles Billie has . boils and my corns aehe. the got it and soon cured the whole family. Its the greatest healer on earth. Sold, by all druggists. INFORMAL SMOKKR. After the banquet at Oiersch's Cafe last evening the Red Birds retired to the Capital Club, where they were the guests of ' Messrs. Louis Smith, James MeRlmmou, II. H. Carr, John Stron ach, ,Tom Heartt, E. T, Hall, Jr., and George C. Hall, at an iul'oruial smoker. ' Mr. H. H. darr was the toastmas ter, .which fact in Itself assured the success of the occasion. Speeches, smoking and other things were the order of the evening, which as one of the players expressed ' It, "Was the best-time 1 ever had in my life." A : ecu "if .2 liujlti' i Candies Refrigerators and Ice Boxes at Cost. Late in season. Don't want to stor BUY NOW even if you have to put asido. .liwiffdryou Other Summer Go odo- & 127 Fayetteville St H. MAHLER'S SONS, Royall Borden Maaaz Placs your orders with home peopU and you don't lose. . , ; We have all the new fictions of any note on our counters. Call and see our 50c. Books vV':' Alfred Williams & comfy; Plummer's Stables (Successor to Woodall's Stables, East Morgan Sreett.) Fine Livery and Boarding Stables. Special attention all Boarded wjth ps. . ' ; ,';S ? j& LET US MOVe YOU 0 j& R.(;;AK TRANSFKR ANI MOVING A 8PECIALT1T. : - ; Mr, I'KRCV THOMAS, late of the J. M. Pace Mnle Company, Man agcr. t)jM-n Day SMALL AS WELL AS LARGE ACCOUNTS ARE INVIT&. , , ; Same careful attention given to all business intrusted to The Commorcial National Bank RALEIOH, N. C. - Capital and Surplus . . . . . . . . i . . . $225,000.00 RALEIGH BANKING: & TRUST COMPANY. , An unsurpassed history behind K since IMS. Safety to tt Depositors. Accommodation to its Customers. .v " Willing service to lt IktMkv. CHA8. E. JOHNSON, President. 1X7 17 1 1I G 1 1 1 IT " rn become disabled y ae' WW d rlll J J IlJMliines a policy In Th TlhMrtMl nual premium yon can become insured against accidents and illneaaVl. H such happens ive will pay you a stated 'income durtnf yoia- onJlneBenjL, - .Lets talk to ,ou.t DTOWwftttf'.'? THE HUNTER-DRE Wliy Cir ' STATE ;.MopiCyTemple I I H tlM. Meal Chrtotlaii Hoias8ouool : frprat.. um.v- -wM I' 4 i. ,KEFtlon'phykiatCulturi",,Waioi!y, 1 jiu,s Vuilo..Ri(h ataai'Md maintained Tirlun 4 at . . tnUned lntructori. Take. only nioatV btmiivnaai tr-M' th . ... .maaw" ft iimutiiTeeora, JuG-J m ' w'ltaloru'otaio(ibe(or(ieituigUiaallitot9iii ... ti ... Furniture Raleigh, IL C HANDSOME NECKLACES . , , ... : -. . In Pears, Coral, etc, perWy matched and - flnliihed. A1Q Beautiful Valliere. Derigas set with Diamonds, Pettis, Oarw nets, Topax, etcH await th oriU.: cal and exacting purchaser at this establlshatent. r ,. v ut' An inspection we know mitt bring exclamations of delight,' for these stocks have only the boat and are very reasonably priced. .:' : : "iwelbrs RAiiKiGH, m. a V. WE FURNISH AT ines ?oh horses and MgtH. l'bones H7tf4 ;, us. AGENTS, lirieK puuiuii", nwam new j-.siv , '.4 IN . f '-, Hs,. Ar i

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