- r ' ' ' NEWS FROM ' DURHAM Progress Made in Trial of Barbee - Colored People Acquire Valuable Property In the Heart of Town Mi1. J, A. Thomas, Tobacco Man, in .;" Town-i-Richard Bethea Gets Five Vears Personals. J (Special to The Times.) Durham, N. C, Sept. 2 The Bar bee case continues through today with the state attempting to develop a case of positive identification of the prisoner and destruction of the alibi that Barbee is going to set up when his witnesses go on. Until court convened this morning there wasn't much strong testimony against the defendant. Iverson Wil liamson, a smart negro, gave positive evidence that, he saw Barbee on the night of the murder. Your Boy Ask your doctor bow often he pre scribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably sjr,"Very, very rarely.'' Ask him how often he prescribes a tonic for them. He will probably answer, "Very, very fre quently." Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a strong tonip,entirely free fromalcohol. No stimulation. No alcohol hallt. Ask your doctor about Aytr's Satsaparilla at a CONSUMER THE VICTIM American Consumer Victim I of Confidence Game JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Gospel Tabernacle. The preacher has traveled the en tire country and comes here in the general shake-up among the church people. He will be here this week and all of next. Judge Biggs yesterday sent to the penitentiary for a period of five years, Richard Bethea, who stole nearly all of the meat in the county. Bethea did the greatest business ever seen here in the shape of meat stealing. Mrs. Loula Llpscombe lost (UU noiinds bv his onerations and he But he was d hndreds of n0unds that he most too smart and his jawing" of. couldn't exnlain and he had to go up Hicks is believed to have been fnp st i,i mrrs nrnnmmcpri him Col bad policy for (he state. He was not insolent, but talked hack too much. The defense will begin putting on evi dence this afternoon. The colored people, John C. Scar boro and Dr. S. I.,. Warren, have pur chased the Mangum building on west Chapel Hill street and have acquired one of the most valuable pieces of property in town. The papers pass today and the con sideration is $13,000. This is the realty that caused a real estate war of racial meaning two weeks ago. The white people did not want the colored ones to acquire possession of a property so well up in town, but the colored ones put up the biggest bid and they get it. It is not known what will be done by them. Scarboro is an undertaker and may use tin.' building for that purpose. Mr. J. A. Thomas, head of the American Tobacco Company's busi ness in China, is here and going over the plant. Mr. Thomas is one of the biggest men in the department of the great ! trust and knows the whole business. He was with Mr. J. H. Moore, whoj guards the interests at Shanghai.! one of the guiltiest of men.. The grand jury yesterday failed to return a true bill against H. S. Dor sey, Jr., for attempting to kill Mrs. J. T. liutler in June. The young fel low was the enemy of Mrs. Butler.who was landlady jointly with Dorsey's father in the hotel. It was always known that great doubt was about the trouble and when Mrs. Butler failed to appear, the case was dropped. One -Hundred and Seventy-five Amer ican Manufacturers ' Sell Their Goods ' Cheaper : Abroad Than At Home Vet ' Say They Must Have Protection to Compete With For eign Manufacturers. - ' (By Cable to The Times.) London, Sept. 2 While declaiming to the American public that they must have a high tariff duty to pre vent foreign competitors from under selling them and driving them out of home markets, more tban one hun dred and seventy-five American man ufacturers are secretly selling their products cheaper to foreign consum ers than to American consumers. President- Taft, in one of his pre election speeches, declared that Where At nlent' 1 wag very rest,e8il and gen mrpt?nora wnro vivon a mu'or mtn' ... . . -. - . . , mi.. o r," ------ - - - eraiy 1 it'tL urvu uiiu uuixuiu. i " kidney secretions were an added source Ui. noouo jd. , ... ...ucv of annoyance, being very irregular in admitted the tariff rates are excessive ' passage. When I was advised to give and should be reduced." The pres-. Doan's Kidney Pills a trial, I procur- ident's descrintlnn hits each of the. a box " na woDDltt-Wynne more than one hundred and seventy- Whirh is Better Try and Experi ment or Profit by Raleigh Git- : Izen's Experience, s . Something new Is an experiment. Must be proved to be as represented. The statement of a manufacturer Is not convincing proof of merit. ' But the endorsement of friends Is. Now supposing you had a bad back. A Lame, Weakvor Aching one. Would you experiment on It? ' You wll read of many so-called cures, Endorsed by strangers from far-away places. " It's different when the endorsement comes from home. Easy to prove local testimony. Home endorsement Is the proof that backs every box of Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this case: Mrs. D. T. Moore, No. 311 South Per son street, Raleigh, N. c, says: i used Doan's Kidney Pills and found chem so beneficial that I do not hesi tate to testify In their behalf. Dull, nagging backaches bothered me for a long time and were frequently accom panied by sharp pains across my loins. ft Al til ST WEATHER. Highest Tenieratiire On 21); Lowest on the 24th. The monthly weather report for Raleigh during the month of August lias been received. The mean temperature was "7, while the highest was 95 on the 29th, and the lowest was 58 on the 24th. The total precipitation was 4.40; the heaviest being 2.19 on the 1st and 2nd. The number of days clear, partly cloudy, 7; cloudy, 11; days on which .01 inches or more of rain fell, S. There were four thunderstorms on the 1st, 7tli, 2Xth and 29th.. The prevailing direction ,of the wind was northeast, and the highest Ihey do not risk any opinion on the! velocity was reached on the 29th, tobacco outlook. Mr. T. B. Yuille, who lived here several years ago and built what is now known as the M Cabe house, is also in town and run ning through the business. Mr. Yuille is one of the big New York tobacco men. None of these gentlemen will give an interview on the tobacco outlook. It is understood from local men that they expect the prices mu'ntained and the farmers to get all that is coming to them. Rev. W. F. Meminger, of New York City, last night began a pro tracted evangelistic meeting in the which was 31 miles per hour. The Roail to Success. has niaiiv obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success to ilay demands health, but Electric Hitters Is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It com pels iieifect action of stomach, liver, kidney?, bowels, and purities and en riches the blood, and tones and in vigorates the whole system. Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters if weak, run-down or sickly, only ."0 cents. Guaranteed by all druggists. five American manufacturers, because each of them is selling his wares cheaper to foreigners than to Amer ican consumers throughout the three hundred and sixty-live year. The fact that an industry regularly sells its products abroad at lower domestic prices not only shows that the industry is overprotected, but that the American consumer is being made the victim or something similar to a confidence game by being over charged. Evidence from a variety of sources, official and unofficial, from publica tions and directly from actual busi ness transactions, shows clearly that t he practice of selling protected Amer- j lean goods cheaper abroad than at home, has become a general business custom. It is reasonably certain that the great bulk of American manufac tured goods, amounting to practically $490,000,000 for the year ending June 30, 1908, not counting the crude or partially manufactured goods, are sold to foreigners at prices much lower than those prevailing in United States. Except in rare cases these goods are not sold at a loss. This discrimination against the Amer ican people has cost them incalculable but enormous sums of money during the past ten years, during which time Drug Co. They afforded me prompt relief and soon disposed of every symp tom of my trouble." . For sale by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United days of the states. Remember the take no other. Save Money and S3? Wear -- y.-.-ii. the Best SPIES! (he Vorld. . Here Is the most remarkable sale in the history of the Shoe Business. Wo are offering all Tans, a'stnndnrd make of Shoes at sweeping price reductions we can't print the um here. The makers won't allow It. lint you' win ' know ItM , name before' yon buy. It's on every pair. And It's a hooter hold word the world over. Von may be wearing this Tery make of Shoes right now. At any rate thousands of (city men (and wemien) have worn it for years and are wearing jit today. - They regaM.it as the Finest make in the world and bargain even at regular price. ..- 1 ' i- " It's the only ntake that has AM. the essential features of correct custom style, quarter-size fittings, and PROVED QUALITY. '- - - - ' Here are the price reductions: t3.RO Shoes Reednced to . . . . . $2.87 94.00 . Shoes Reduced to ....... . $3.06 93.00 Shoes Reduced to ... . .. ..J.7 . These stupendous bargains will go quickly. Ton most act quickly. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, Haberdasher, Raleigh, N. 0. tf name Doan's and consumer must pay the price the trust demands, or go without ma terial. The trust can not be so in dependent here In England, because the moment it asks an unreasonably high price, the consumer, having the entire world as a marketplace, Is free to buy of the steel trust's competitor. In America the high tariff wall keeps the steel trust's competitor out of the market, leaving the consumer, high and dry, at the mercy of the monopoly. A Narrow Escape. Edgar N. Havliss, a merchant of Robinsville, Del., wrote: "About two years ago I was thin and sick, and coughed all the time and if I did not jne have consumption it was near to It. I commenced using toley s Honey and Tar, and it slopped my cough, and I am now entirely well, and have gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to the good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." King-Crowell Drug. Co., Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. WHITE SHffiTWAISTS We make a specialty of laundering White Shirt waists. Easily soiled, but the problem is easily ' goJjK U you will send them to us to be laundered. 'Phone for our wagons, they will call for and deliver your pacages. ; Oak City Steam Laundr Pa, Both Phones, 87. ' HAT,WTnn, x, & PLKASI RK PARTY ROKKKI , the system has been gradually grow ing up almost wholly unknown to the average American citizen. " '' But, hush! Mr. Average American Masked Robbers Hold Up Young Men Citizen ! You are not supposed to and Take Their Valuables. know anything about the fact that j (By Loased Wire to The Times) you are being overcharged tor near ly every manufactured article you buy. That is a trade secret. The fact that your local merchant laovnffht IS The Hauie of Kuppeaheunet Chicago Our Fall Suits and Furnish ings are rolling in; we invite yon to do likewise if it's only to see what will be correct in style we want you all the same. We are planning better things for the young men of Raleigh. Let Us Make Your Fall Suit Our custom tailoring department is going to We a mighty factor in these parts from now on. Come in and select your own suit, not by a little "2x4" sample, but by a suU pat tern. The prices run from $18.00 up. Some beautiful patterns for separate Trousers, and the prices are indeed pleasing to purchasers. This is a new feature in our business. It was added to accommodate those particular fellows who want that which is not earried in regular stock. pays $4.25 for a Stevens' No. 105 shotgun that is sold to the foreigner for $2.80 is not supposed to be any .of your concern. Nor that the local retailer must pay $8.40 per dozen for Fray's genune "Spofford," No. 107 braces when the foreigner can have j the very same article for only $0.30 per dozen. In the case of braces the British consumer thus saves 3 1-3 per cent as a direct result of not hav ing his market curtailed by a pro tective duty. I Shotguns and braces are not excep tions, nor is the cited difference in 1 the import and export prices unusual. I The same favor, often in greater pro portions, is extended the foreigner in the purchase of practical all Amer-. ican made goods. An exceptional I case would be one in which the ' Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 2 Three masked robbers, evidently foreign ers, held up six members of the Hip per-Dipper Club, an organization composed of young men from the leading families of the city, tied them to trees and then quietly cleaned out all the valuables on their persons and in camp and went on their way. School Children ..... , - ..U Call on us for Your Tablets, Composition Rooks," Penclle, etc. We irtve Posl Curds wlfli each purchase you make. STATIONERY. OFFICE SI PPMKS A.VI) SPECIALTIES. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMBS E. THI EM, Manager. Capital City Phone 844 P. Times Building. 12 E. Hargett Street. Warning. Do not be pursuaded into taking any thing but Foley's Honey and Tar for chronic coughs, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma, and lung trouble, as It stops the cough and heals the lungs. Klng Crowell Drug Co., Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. J. ROSENGARTEN CO PAYETTEVILLE STREET. 0 i Us Officers T.aCftowccft.PkEs. W.B.6wmes.VCPs. WW.VASS. CAjHiesu tttthi 7h RALtlOM.yitOWdUMA. "V -t f. 7 INTEREST W COMPOUNDED SEMl-ANNUALlY J fe ON YDUR DEPOSIT. n Directors. rlU T. H.Brisgs T. R Jerman . John A. Kemp WH. Harrington S. CHoosy A.rta Johnson E.C.Duncan J.W.Bailey GeorgeE. Hunter. American retailer was given the samel price extended the foreigner. Coincident with the growth of the' export business of American manu facturers, has been the development of the organization and systematiza tion of the scheme of granting secret favors. The more perfect the organ izaton the more complete the silence as to the extent of price concessions, rebates and discounts. Having gathered so many manufac turing concerns into one great dom inating organization in' the American market, the trust organizes into one department all the export business of all the concerns under its control, and this export department then sends its own special and well-trained agents out into the foreign mar- t'tlta nil nl'op tha nmt!H irhai'A thiwa ut?iua live uiiu Been unu secure uiisi-; ness for the big master trust at home. Naturally, the greatest of the trusts has the greatest of the trust j export" organizations. The United 1 States Steel Corporation has been the ' leader and master In this, as in the domestic field, and some years ago organized all the foreign business of all its branches, divisions and subsid iary companies, and centered It in one great department, which is a corpora tion in Itself, called the United States Steel Product Export Company. Its principal offices are in the great Hud son Terminal building, in New York, and its active agents are all over the world where steel business can be ob tained. These agents will cut prices for the people1 of any section in the world except the American people. The American consumer of steel and steel products, from barb wire to Bteel rails, must paythe steel trust the most unreasonably excessive rates for inferior products owing to the faci that the trust 'has a monopoly en ImdHnan tnaflrafa fit tflltnAnf ItM. ....v ... m ..u ..v.u wj u . . v v hibltlve' tariff rates. Toe American Qa OUR LONG EXPERIENCE in liniments as a druggist and our personal use of it proves to us Vick's Great Antiseptic Liniment is by far the best. It does not burn but slightly and for a second, yet is perfect an tiseptic and healing remedy i for family or animals. 2.rc. j Druggists. i 0 Sfl St OUFSOlf' That is the way you can buy a piece oft Furniture from us and arrange for the pay-! ments. Make the payments "to suit yourself " and yet in buying this way you do not have to pay a higher price. ' - We will furnish your home, from the kitchen to the parlor, in the cheapest or in the finest, and you can make payments on what! you buy "to suit yourself". y CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, CAPITAL CITY PHONE 252. RALEIGH PHONE 197.', 203-205 Fayetteville St. 8-10 E. Hargett St ; Our Stock of Spring and Summer CLOTHING .' . i u ........ i ' AT AND BELOW COST. J Many Medium Weight Suits that can be worn rail Fall and Winter. ' ( If you need a suit come down and look them over; Fit, style and quality and price can't be beat, i CROSS 8l LINEHAN COMPANY The store for men "who" care. f ATPTTEVILIjE street'