rf THE EVJ3NINdTIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1909, I f ' V PAGE TWO T leal EsQ&tte Psate ;.S if. r - 11 t -"-31!- ii ii " - ii-iiTjii Almost any piece of real estate in this city or near by can be "sold" if the owner is willing to sacrifice not only his legitimate profits but some of his original investment In that case the owner is, also, "sold. For, in or about this city, there is to be found a buyer for any piece of real estate WHO WILL PAY WHAT IT IS WORTH-and this ALWAYS means a profit to the seller, unless he has paid a scandalously high price himself. The old point, "FIND THE MAN' persists, of course. And the old solution, SENSIBLE ADVERTISING, remains the best one. To apply the solution to your case you must sinVy size the matter up in a.cold-blooded way, and decide for yourself to use the newspaper. You should use the one that reaches the xtW WHO II WE MONEY TO INVEST. That proposition will lead you in a straight line to our counting roo The readers of this newspaperute rea(ers 0 ts advertisements. They are urged to be always. "Ad-reading" and "ad-answering" are preached0111 rea(krs as cardinal virtues in modern living. They read ads. They buy advertised things. THEY ARE A'E TO BUY REAL ESTATE. THEY READ REAL ESTATE ADS. THEY WILL READ YOURS. Now is the Time to Look lor a Revival of Real Estate Activity. Push it Along phoneits; THE EVEMMG TIMES raleintc 3QC DR. FREDERICK COOK UPON HIS ARRIVAL AT THE CITY OF COPENHANGER The crown prince of Denmark and representatives from national civic and scientific organizations greeted the explorer at the pier while the crowds cheering vociferously, milled about them beyond the cope of the police. The police tried to form an open ing for Cook to walk to an automo bile, but for a time this was impossi ble. Shouting and throwing their hats in the air the men lost them selves in their enthusiasm, while the women cheered and waved their handkerchiefs. Some even attempt ed the "Hobson greeting" for the ex plorer. Finally after a great deal of diffi culty Cook managed to get down the gang-plank and at the sight of him the crowds gave vent to their enthus iasm without stint. Slowly a road was cleared through the press of hu manity and Cook was bundled into the automobile. Then started a tri umphal journey towards the Hotel Phoenix, where accommodations had been reserved for him. All along the route the jam was so great that the car moved at a snail's pace and frequently had to stop to avoid running down the ex cited mobs who rushed Into the street in front of the machine, shouting in Danish and cheering tumultously. Crowds had surrounded both the American legation and the Phoenix hotel, but as soon as it was learned that the explorer had started for the hostelry the crowds surged in that direction. A number of persons were slightly injured by being squeezed and tram pled, but none were seriously hurt. As the Interviewers gathered around Cook in the Phoenix hotel he Bald: "I have found the north pole. Scientists must decide for themselves whether I am speaking the truth or not. I shall submit the evidence to them In absolute assurance tat they will find the claim Justified." As soon as Cook arrived at the special apartments Bet aside for him In Hotel Phoenix he was Immediately surrounded by representatives of va rious ; organizations and nearly crushed. The members of the geo graphical' society -on hand were so enthusiastic that they proceeded im promptu to drink the explorer's L3C GIVEN AN OVATION health. The hotel became a pande nioniuni filled with wildly cheering. jostling masses of people, all trying to get near enough to the American to grasp his hands. Many who had been commissioned to extend invita tions tried to fight their way through the jam by sheer force and this nearly precipitated a riot. During a lull in the uproar Minis ter of Commerce Sansan delivered a speech to the assemblage in the hotel, welcoming Dr. Cook to the city and inviting him to attend the banquet tonight. Dr. Cook arose to reply and the noise broke out afresh. Finally he managed to say that he would gladly accept the invitation and that he intended remaining here for sev eral days. Cook has shaved off his beard and mustache and does not much re semble the published pictures of him self. A Hot ilia, of torpedo boats iu the harbor thundered salutes as the Colonial Danish steamship came into the harbor with the daring explorer, who has planted the American flag at the top of the world. Dr. Cook's eyes dimmed with tears at the scene of his triumph. The American yacht Feodora, owned by W. Gould Brokaw, with the American legation party, consisting of Minister Maurice Francis Eagan and Secretary Charles Richardson, followed the Hans Egede Into port with American flags fluttering proud ly from her mast peaks. The harbor was alive with yachts and steamers, all bearing great crowds of people who cheered Dr. Cook and thronged the rail trying to get a glimpse of him aboard the Hans Egede. The Danish and Amer ican flags, intertwined, fluttered from every peak. The piers and house-tops wei"B black with excited, shouting masses of humanity and flags were strung from window to window. The police and city guards found it nearly im possible to handle the crowds about the uays while the police boats found maratime traffic in such a snarl from the unprecedented number of boats in the harbor that the Egede and the Feodora could scarcely effect a land ing.' The scene was stirring and for a moment a mighty silence settled over the multitude. But only for a mo- nient; then cheerink broke out which echoed and re-echoed. The .hit land and other torpedo boats in the har bor which had belched forth the world's welcome were lying ponder ously at anchor, giving a martial as pect to the impressive picture. . In response to the enthusiastic greeting Dr. Cook stood upon the bridge of the Egede waving his hand. His slender figure was easily recog nized and the enthusiasm broke out afresh. The steanipr Melcheor. bearing the in. tubers of the royal geographical society party, of which Dr. Cook is the official guest, met the Hans Egede L'.'i miles outside the harbor and fol lowed lier in with the Feodora. The festivities which commenced upon his arrival will be continuous through out Dr. Cook's stay in Copenhagen. The American legation was deco rated resplendently with the flag of the Tinted States. It was surround ed by a great throng. So great was the enthusiasm felt in the coming of the American ex plorer that preparations for his re ception and entertainment went for ward all night. Consequently there were conflicting arrrangements. but guiding hands soon brought order. Invitations of every sort poured upon the American legation directed to Dr. Cook and it. was soon made evi dent that, if he took part in all the festivities planned he would soon be wishing himself back at latitude 90 with its scant fare. Hundreds of telegrams from A mer le and all parts of the globe were at the legation awaiting the arrival of Dr. Cook. They were mostly con gratulatory. Besides the reception of Dr. Cook in audience by the king, numerous entertainments were planned. They included banquets by the minister of commerce, the municipal council of Copenhagen. American Minister Eagan and the Koyal Geographical Society. , As the day advanced the enthus iasm increased. The City Guard had to patrol the streets around the American legation all day, while launches bearing parties steamed about the harbor inspecting Hans Egede as If it had played some part in the discovery of the pole. Fireworks were exploded and those on board the Feodora planned a reg ular "Fourth of July" display by buy ing Roman candles and skyrockets. The great number of strangers in town was an impressive feature of Dr. Cook's reception. They came from the continent and the British Isles and all were anxious to meet Dr. Cook. There were many scien tists and geographers among them. Accommodations were scarce, but i hat did not matter. Many persons Mill not go to bed al all but stood ii ion the harbor front all last night expecting every minute that the Hans Egede would arrive. Thousands thus went without sleep, but this caused no diminution in the enthusiasm. A big banquet will be tendered Dr. Cook tonight in the city hall, when he will formally meet the minister of commerce, the members of the city council and the royal geographical society. Two of the most interesting personages at ill's banquet will be Mio. Amundsen and her daughter, who were among the last white peo ple to say goodbye to Dr. Cook at Cape York before he plunged into the northern solitudes. The Americans in the city spent the day celebrating in their own way. A number of Anuiv-an 'ourists had hurried into the city from European and British poin'r und tlv ein .upris ing way in which they to. ;:bout to honor Dr. (''int.- amazed the Danes. Newspaper , onespop.dents were numerous in the Danish capital .and they Httempii il never to :.Iiow the explorer to vr- out of tneir sight. Cook's baggage excited considerable interest, for ii was in his '..'ggage that the corroboration of hit- won derful discovery rested. The authorities n Arctic explora tions he ie t i.lay expressed fear that Dr. Cook will lind it impossible to produce ahsohii.. proof of hi.- discov ery Of the note, despite the ;e that experts wii. hn.e examined lis re cords say they are accurate as far as it is possible to test them. In the New Administration .Making Good? In a include to the sermon at the Tabeinacle K.-iptist ehuivh Sunday night the pastor will discuss this ques tion, following up to What be said some weeks ago about what the people bad a li-hi to exnect of the administra tion. The ,it;- fathers ami public at large will he Interested in the dis cussion. Setvh-l. hegins at'M u'clck. At tl a. lit. the pastor's subject will be, "For saking the First Love." Hair Story Is this your sad story? "My hair is falling out terribly; and what is left is rough and thin." Now listen to our glad story: "Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly stops falling hair, destroys dandruff, keeps the scalp healthy." Does not Color the Hair tf'ep, Vigor. iftiA the Ingrtdienh of Aytr't Hair Your doctor will adotte gem waely. Vhen follow hit a Joke. 4. 0. Ayr Co., Lowlll, Vul. :ric rE V. . C. A. KKCEPTION . . The Xew (Jir!n at Meredith College (iveii u Delightful Kcception Last Night. The social life of the school began at Meredith College last night with the annual reception given the new girls by the Y. W. 1". A. This is always given on the first FVic'-iy night after school opens and offers an excellent opportunity for every one to get ac quainted. The rooms of the lower Poor of Fair cloth HaTnrpre all thrown together ami by eight o'clock they were thronged with a jolly merry crowd of school girls, renewing 'old aipiaintaiiees and making new ones. Attractive little cards with the sug gestive sketch of an ofd dog looking down patronizingly at a little chicken were distributed, the game being to get as many names as possible on your card. The prize, a bllliken hat pin was won by Miss ulive Boone, one of the new students. Apples bearing quotations were also distributed, the old girls matching their quotations with those of the new girls. Both contests created a lot of fun and proved to be a successful 'mixer." There were several delightful solos from Miss Minnie Hayes and then just before the crowd dispersed. Miss Elizabeth Lovell entertained them in her own inimitable way with a reading from Uncle Hemus. (WRKIKKS AT THK (.KM. Twenty-five Times Curriers the Guests of (ieni Theatre. Last night twenty-five, small boys were made happy and twenty-five pairs of hands aplauded the numbers on the program at the Gem Theatre, anw why not? ' The carriers of The Evening Times were the guests of the management of this popular place of amusement, und never before did a more appre ciative audience greet the vaudeville stunts, nor more wide-eyes view the moving pictures. For one hour joy re'gned supreme in their little hearts and It was with a sigh that they filed out of the building, but with scam pering feet they hurried home to un fold great tales of the evening's amusement. Twenty-five little fel lows are today singing the praises of the show and giving vent to heart felt expressions of the pleasure they had last n'ght. Great fellows, these. Twenty Injured In Klot. I By Leased Wire to The Times! New York, Sept. 4--Twenty per sons were Injured, three seriously, today In a riot between union tailors and strike-breakers in Williamsburg. Friends of the combatants joined in the battle, which was watched by a crowd of 1,000. . . LAKE STEAMER LOST PROPELLER By wireless from steamship Puri tan, off South Haven, Sept. 4 The steamship Mackinaw of the Crawford steamship line, with 250 aboard, on her maiden voyage from Saugatuck to Chicago, broke down with a wrenched propeller shaft before dawn today fib miles off Grand Haven and rift ed helplessly for several hours, blowing her siren to attract help as she carried no wireless equipment. The steamship Puritan answered the call and stood by the Mackinaw after the captain of the latter vessel had requested Captain Crawford, of the Puritan, to reach Grand Haven by wireless and order tugs sent out. Holiday At I'ostofhVe. Monday, September Gth, being La bor Day, a national holiday, the usual holiday hours will be observed at the postoffice in this city. The money order and registry departments will be closed. The general delivery and stump windows will be open from 8 to 10 a. m. and the city letter car riers will make only one delivery, that being the first trip in the morn ing. The rural carriers will not make any trip on that-day. SWEETS are graded, by degrees, from crude liquid molasses to refined NUNNALLY'S candies, fhere are all sorts in between, but none beyond. People may start with a lower grade ancTgradually cul tivate the taste for a higher. But no one who tries NUNNALLY'S is ever content with any other kind. A fresh supply always kept by TUCKER BLDO. PHARMACY H. T. HICKS CO. "None Like Nuntally'' LOCAL BRIEFS Contractor W. M. RJggsbee's countenance was illumined this morn ing with a broad smile, the cause be ing the arrival of a ten pound boy at bis house this morning. Buck Mayfleld was taxed with the costs amounting to J2.35 this morn ing by Judge Stronach for cruelty to animals. - Marriage license was issued to one colored couple today, Harvey Williams and Nannie Williams, both of Raleigh. Trof. C. W. Keeble, of the KaMch High School, has returned from a visit to' relatives in Murfreesboro, Tenn. Mr. W. B. Dunn. Jr., of Wake Forest, was here today on business. 'Mr. and Mrs. William Ji Irwin left this morning for their home In Phila delphia. Mr. W. C. Brewer, of Wake Forest, was in the city today. The secretary of State today authorized the Wilmington Cotton Mills, a corporation of Wilmington to change Its name to "Bellwlll Cotton Mills." All of the banks in the city will bo closed Monday, on account of Labor Day. Dr. W. C Tyree has returned from his vacation and will preach at both services at the First Baptist church tomorrow. Ellas Vanover left last night on a visit to his parents in Flat Hock, Ken tucky. Mrs. Morgan Entertains. Wendell, Sept. 4 Mrs. A.'T. Morgan charmlngly'entertalned at her home last evening In honor of her two nieces Misi.es Laura Norman, of Raleigh, and Mary W(ggs. of Qebulon. Pleasant games and guessing contests were in dulged In and delightful refreshments were served. At a late hour the guests departed, voting Mrs. Morgan a most charming hostess. Those who enjoyed '.Mrs. Morgan's hospitality were: Miss Lizzie Richard son with Mr. Joe Hester, Miss Hettiu Dean, with Mr. Hubert Hester, Miss Nannie Wheeler, with Mr. Oscar Gris wold, Miss Susie Harris, of Durham, with Mr. G. L. Brlgstoek, Miss Earn estlne Barns, with Mr. James Nowell, Miss Pattie Richardson, with Mr. Jack Stalling, of Wilson, Miss Katie Cbrstman, with Mr. Ross Conyers, Miss Maggie Richardson, with Mr. Jesse Hood, Miss Jennie Hester, with Mr. Batton, Miss Laura Norman, with Mr. F. G. Baker. Miss Mary, Wlggs, with Mr. Foster May and JIIss Irma May. with Mr. Ben Mattox. Health and Beauty Aid. Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of . pimples and blotches like Foley's brino Laxative, for indigestion, stomach, and liver trouble and habitual constipation. Cleanses the system and Is pleasant to take. KlngCrowell Drug. Co.. Fay ettevllle and Hargett streets.