THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1909. PAGE SEVEN JOHNSON'S HOOTERS OFFER TEN TO FOUR NOT EVIDENCE ENOUGH TO CONVICT WHITLEY FROM The American Automobilist A type of manhood all of us are proud to acclaim-7-"A country man of mine." No matter if touring our own glorious country oiif fifteen round the countries across the seas everywhere he awakens respect and admiration as a sportsman and a gentleman. Every American automobilist knows that The King of All Bottled Beers B (Ry W. W. Naughton.) San Francisco, Cat.. Sept. 9 Bet ting on the result of the Johnson Kaufman bout continues remarkably light. Johnson's backers are still of fering adds 10 to 4 that the champion will get the better of the contest with but few takers. Kaufman's friends are betting 2 to 1 that Kauman will last the full ten rounds and a number of small wagers have been made along this line. One Kaufman offered to bet J30 against $100 that Johnson would not last ten rounds and this was quick ly snapped up. Johnson will arrive In the city to day about the noon hour and will go direct to the arena. Kaufman will re main at Millett's until one oclock and will then 'make his way to Coffroth's pavilion in company with his handlers. Roscoe Taylor and Tommy McCarthy who are to appear In a preliminary will enter the ring at 2 o'clock Jahnsan and Kaufman are expected to be in their corners very Shortly after 3 o'clock and if the Taylor-McCarthy bout comes to an end within ten rounds it is likely that Johnson and Kaufman will begin fight, ing before three. Very light work was the rule at both camps yesterday. Kaufman went out on the road and tried his hand at sprinting several times. In the after noon he went in for a t'.hort spell of shadow boxing. Johnson's program was practically the same. Dr. Abernethy, the great Knglish ia o ciiruarh hrpw rf mnlr nnrl hnrvs nf nnsnrnasserf p-xcpUpnrp. It is . - "-f , brewed from the finest barley American soil gives forth, and from physician, said, "Watch your kidneys. When they are affected, life is in danger." Foley's Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys, corrects uri nary Irregularities, and tones up the whole system. King-Crowell Drug Co. Fayettcville and Hargctt streets. the rarest hops grown in the district of Saaz, Bohemia. The Most Popular Beer in the World Bottled only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, U. S. A. CORKED or with CROWN CAPS COUSINS SUPPLY CO. M. I. Heuberg & Son, Prop. Distributors Richmond, Va. STORY OFTHE MEXICAN FLOODS PEARY'S DASH COST ONE LIFE (By- Leased Wire to The Times) -Monterey, Mex., Sept. 9 Village priests who arrived here today told of the destruction by the recent floods in outlying districts. Their stories indicate that the havoc is more widespread and terrible than was at first believed. The priest of Arramberi lias inform ed Archbishop Lenares that Arram beri was destroyed and, that his peo ple are wandering over the country in search of food. Their condition is pitiable. The destruction of the roads has made it impossible to send relief supplies. The story brought by the priest of LaAscension is even more appalling. He says his town and its population of 2,000 souls have entirely disap peared. He does not know where the people are. They may have taken to the bills or they may have per ished. "Not a stone was left upon a stone in LaAscension," the priest said. "Where there were once rich farms is now nothing but water. I saw peo- ( open WilteI.. (By Cable to The Times') London. Kcpt.9 Commander Robert E. Peary's last and successful dash to the Pole cost one human life, that of Prof, Hoss G, Marvin who was drown ed four days after the pole had been discovered. From Battle Harbor, I. biador, Commander Peary cabled brief chronological history of his dash. According to his own statement, the explorer spent two days on the top of the world, arriving there on April , 1!M! ond leaving on April 7. after copious observations had been taken. Cotnander Peary's brief outline, as cabled here, is as follows: "July 6, left New York. July 17, left Cape Sydney. August 1, arrived at Cape York. Greenland. August 8, left JStuh, Greenland. September 1, arrived at Cape Sheridan, Greendand. September I to February 15 wintered at Cape Sheridan. "February 15 the sledge expedition left the Roosevelt. March 1 the ex pedition started north off Cape Col umbia. March 2 passed the British record. March 2 to 11. delayed by open water. March 11, crossed 84th. parallel. March 12 to 15, delayed by March 18 rrnusivl 8."th pie wandering aDout just line va- parallel. March 22, crossed 86th. paral- grants, seeking rood and shelter. j id. March 23 passed Norwegian record Another priest from Allende says Rafter encountering open water. March that place also has disappeared with 1 24 passed Italian record: March 24 to large loss of life and that the neigh boring fields have been converted into lakes. The priests were more than a week making their way to Monterey. They described the destruction as the most awful that ever has been experienced in Mexico. Aid is urgently needed in 26 held up by open lead. Match 27 crossed 87th. parallel. April 2, parsed 88th. parallel. April , crossed 89th. parallel. April 6, reached north pole April 6th. and 7th. at north pole taking observations. April 7, left pole. April 23 reached Cape Columbia. April 27, leached Roosevelt; July 18, Roosevelt left Cape these outlying districts, particularly , Sheridan. August 8, passed Cape Sa- as the authorities are busy with Mon-blne. August 26, left Cape York. Sep terey and its vicinity. j tember 5, arrived at Indian Harbor Bustamente and LaEscondst have . Labrador. heen added to the list of riestrnvert ! All the members in good health ex- villages ' I'-'ept Prof. Marvin, who unfortunately, Th Tji i,.ia . o.H,., was browned on April 10, 45 miles north ing its banks at Matamoras, causing much damage to that city. No de- tailBof the damage or loss of life are kno'wfl. Communication by rail with Matamoras has been destroyed since; AtigijsLlUZM ana lime mtormation is rtoblnsvllle obtainable from there. I of Cape Columbia while returning from 86 degrees north latitude in command of a supporting party. A Narrow Kscape. Edgar N. Uayliss, a merchant VESTEROAY'S GAMES. National League. Chicago, 4; Pittsburg, 2. ' Boston, 2; Philadelphia, 6. (First game.) Boston, 3; Philadelphia, 5. (Second game.) New York, 7; Brooklyn, fi. (Kirst game.) New-York,1 a; Brooklyn, 6. (Second game.) a merchant ot Del., wrote: "About two years ago I was thin and sick, and coughed all the time and if I did not have consumption it was near to It. I commenced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and it stopped my cough, and I am now entirely well, and have gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to the I good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." King-Crowell Drug. Co., Fayettcville and Hargett streets. American League. Boston, 6; Washington, 3. Cleveland, 7; Detroit, 4. St. Louis, 2; Chicago, 4. (Kirst game.) St. Louis, 0; Chicago, 4. (Second Game.) Philadelphia, 8; New York, !. Southern League. Atlanta, 2; New Orleans, 4. Birmingham, 2; Memphis, 3. Nashville, 0; Little Rock, 4. Montgomery-Mobile; rain. Virginia League. Roanoke, 6; Lynchburg, 2. Norfolk, 6; Portsmouth, 0 Richmond, 1; Danville, 0. game.) Richmond, 1; Danville Second game.) Secretary Knox Back. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Sept. 9 Secretary of State Knox returned to Washington yesterday and spent the day at the state department. He came here from Beverly, Mass., where he re cently has been in conference with President Taft. There have been several important matters pending to which Secretary Knox wished to give his personal attention. IVH'h Kevisal Ready. They are busy in the secretary of state's office today sending out Pell's Revisal of 1908 to the various clerks of the superior courts of the state. Those whohave seen a copy say that it is a most valuable book to the legal profession, and will be wel comed by the courts and lawyers. AFTER THE MURDERER. the Name of Man Re for Miss .Milliiian's Police Have sponsible Death. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Detroit, Mich., Sept. 9 Chief of Detective McDonnell stated early to day that the police are in possession of the name of the young man who is supposed to be responsible for the condition of Miss Mabel Millman, whose mutilated body was found in two sacks in Ecorse Creek Monday morning, and that, it was expected an arrest, would he made today. After a gruelling examination by the police, Martha Henning, chum of the dead girl, confessed that Mabel had confided her condition to her and asked her to help her in securing a doctor. The Henning girl recommended Dr. Friteh and called the doctor by inquest of the Millman girl. The case against Mr. .1. P. Whit ley, charged with selling one-half pint of corn whiskey to Buck Buffalo Tuesday, was heard by Police Justice Stronach this morning. Mr. Whitley was represented by At torney R. N. Sims, while the prose-, cution was attended to by City Attor ney Clark. The first and only witness for the state was Buck Buffalo.- He stated that he went to Whitley's store, on the corner of Blount and Martin streels, some time Tuesday afternoon and one-half pint of whiskey from Whitley, paying twenty-live cents for it. Said he had been drink ing. (Jot il from behind the counter, he thought. On cross-examination he stated that, he did not know exactly what ! time it was, nor who were there; that! the store has glass front; that many people, many of them ladies, traded there. Said he was arrested for be ing drunk soon after leaving the store. Here the state rested. Mr. Whitley was the first witness for the defense. Stated that he had been in mercantile business six or eight years. At present location three years. Store has large glass front j and side door opens on Blount street. No partitions. Buffalo did not enter j my store Tuesday, only came to the t door. Witness told him to leave as I he was drunk, and he left. j Cross-examination. i I do not drink. Sold near beer un-j til week before city license wont into effect. Have never had any whioiiey j in my place. Did not send Uunalo twenty-five cents Wednesday morn ing. Someone 'phoned me to send him something to eat, but paid no at tention to it. Mr. Jackson, next, witness for de fense, said he was at Whitley's when Buffalo came up. Whitley told Buck to leave, and ho left without entering the store. Haw no whiskey. On cross-examination he said he had had a drink today. Was sent to the roads about, eighteen or twenty years ago for refusing to tell where he bought whiskey. I order my li quor, a gallon every two weeks. Doc tor prescribed it. for inc. Took a drink once with Wiii'tley at Milhur- nie. Ernest Bridgets: Was at Whit ley's store between S and 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Buffalo did not enter store. Only stayed there a few minutes. Cross-examined, he said he took a drink whenever he wanted to. I or der my whiskey. Usually attend whiskey trials because I love to hear them. Mr. Poole. I clerk for Whitley. Have never seen any whiskey in the store. Place too public. A number of character witnesses were introduced, who said the gen eral character of Mr. Whitley was good. The court held that there was not sufficient evidence to convict and dis charged the defendant. "OUR NEW ASSORTMENT" of Fall and Winter Woolens the latest novelties of Foreign and Domestic markets awaits your early consideration. OUR TAILORING insures you Clothes Satisfaction above the ordinary for a moderate price. Place your order now for present or future delivery. s I II North Carolina's Foremost Tailor. Carolina Trust Building RALEIGH, N. C. THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. WITH An unsurpassed history behind It since 1KA5. Safely lo its Depositors. Accommodation to its Customers. Willing service to its Friends. CIIAS. Ifl. JOHNSON, V. H. BRIGGS, President. Cashier. WMTJP TVJ CI U 17 ,r ya become disabled by accident or W El A ill J MX flZj illness a policy in The Pennsylvania Af Aflf,inFrIT,"""cs,,I,,ty ComPanf wl'l assure you of iUlllliJl mAIVEill 1 an income.. By paying a small an nual premium yon can become insured against accidents and illness. If such happens we will pay you a stated income during your confinement. Ijct us talk to you. THE HUNTER-DREWRY CO., STATE A OHNTS, Masonic Temple .......... . Raleigh, Bi , O. WILL BKAIt IT HKAVKI.Y. appointment was made and together they visited the office of Dr. Fritch. Here the Millman girl had a confer ence with the physician and on leav ing the office she informed Miss Henn!ng that everything was "fixed .Mrs. Marvin Informed of the Death of Her Son, Mcniliei' of Peary's Party. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Klmira, N. Y.. Sept.. 9 "It is God's will; 1 will try to hear It brave- "p'ly," exclaimed Mrs. Mary Marvin, An j mother of Ross G. Marvin, the young scientist who met. death on the Peary expedition, when she received a dis patch trom ner oaiignter in wiikes barrc. Pa., today, confirming the news. Marvin was Peary's first assistant. Summer's Stables (Successor to Woodall's Stables, Knst Morgan Sreett.) Fine I livery and Hoarding Stables. Special attention all horses Boarded with us. & L,ET US MOVE YOU j& j& ItAGGAGK TRANSFER AX1 MOVING A SPKCIALTV. Mr. PERCY THOMAS, late of the .1. M. Pace Mule Company, Man- tiger. Open Day and Night. Phones JJ7J). The next day she left the boarding 'and a professor at Cornell University. house of Miss Henning, supposedly to keep the engagement made with the doctor. ncrease In Revenues. (Ry Leased Wire to The Times. ) Washington, Sept. 9 The report of customs receipts from all ports yesterday received by the secretary of the treasury shows a continued increase in the revenues. The total for the day was $1,445,669 as com pared with $1,138,987 of last, year. More than $1,000,000 of yesterday's receipts were from New York. He was born in Klmira, IM., Y., in 1880, and worked his way through college. Commander Peary wired to Mrs. Marvin's daughter to break the news to her gently. STREET CAH MEN VOTE AGAINST WAGE SCALE Chicago. Sept. 8 Eighteen hundred men, employes of the Chicago City Railway Companies in the referendum vote taken on the proposition of ac cepting the tentative wage scale are declared to have voted against and I 300 for It, thus placing an immediate settlement of the long drawn trouble In the background and forcing more conferences between the unions and the. officials of the traction company. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of Set Facsimile Wrapper Below. SMALL AS WELL AS LARGE ACCOUNTS ARE INVITED. Same careful attention given to all business intrusted to us. The Commercial National Bank RALEIGH, N. C. Capital and Surplus ........... .$225,000.00 Magazines f, WE FURNISH AT Is COMBINATION ( First 2. Many people delude themselves by : saying "it will wear away," when they , notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble. This is a mistake. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy, and stop the drain on the vitality. It cures back ache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder , trouble, and makes every trace of i pain, weakness, and urinary trouble disappear. King-Crowell Drug Co.,' FayelteUlle and Hargett streets. I Tery mall and aa eaay to take as ragar. CARTER'S HlVER & WlirMaW ' ' ' FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION omnvxMn mu.tnavi 11 I nrely YtfetaMa., CURE SICK HEADACHE. PRICES : : : Place your orders with home people and you don't lose. We Have all the new fictions of any note on our counters. Call and see our 50c. Books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & COMP'Y. Statement f Coudilion The Citizens National Bank. Ralelgli, N. C September l, I9n(. I resources. . U. S. Bonds, par . . .$ 200,000.00 Loan and investments. 726,022.12 Cash ......... 98,336.33 Due from banks ... 182,187.42 1.20fi.31.r.S7 Liabilities. Capital . Surplus and profits . . Circulation ...... Deposits . 100.000.00 178,697.09 100,000.00 827.938.78 1.206.r.r..87

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