THE EVENING TIMES; RALEIGH, N. 0., MONDAY,SEPTEMBER 20, 1909, : otitis mi mm ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) ' , Washington, Sept. 20 Officials of ' tbe postofttce 'department are , much pleased With President Taffs" speech endorsing postal savlpgs banks. ' It itfeans that the. administration" Via 1 aaaRe this question an Issue in the 'house, and that It , will force Speaker "Gannon td Hhow-htB hand. ; - " v Several bills providing for postal savings bafcks were introduced in the house during the extra session, snt they :wer not taken up' for con sideration because - there were, no , committees appointed to which, they hills are how : before the committee 6n postofflce and post roads, of which Representative Weeks, of Massac bu- ti&Jie!'J'a:-chairman. ; Mr. tjlM-U'bi opposed to the : postal.' savings bank scheme, as is also Speaker Cannon. With such op position advance it Is very evident that President Taft will have a lively fight to get this pet measure through the house. : The postal savings banks doubt b6 a leading feature in the president's message and also In the postmaster general's report.' THE KIND OF ENUMERATORS. Farmers 'and Crop Reporters for the . Census of Agriculture, -j (By Leased, Wire to The Times.) Washington, P. C, Sept. 20 For ty-five thousand enumerators out of the estimated grand total of 65,000, ,.w,ni uo husu iiu, ucai, iu ana neros, nas restored health to thou-gather-lag the fedulred Information : sands of women, v ' ! concerning agriculture for the thir teenth Decennial' U. 8. Census. Di rMrptirandpurposes making every effort tp 'secure progressive farmers and jcfop reporters for these places. hIr-jictlon is hased upon the recotn . inendatlohs of Chief" Statistician Le . brand Powers and the advisory board of. special agents composed of pro- ; fessdrslor economics and farm experts who. have .-been assisting in the for- , mulatfon of ..the schedule of inquir ies ..concerning farm operations and equipment It . is believed that the selection of this class of men, already familiar with, statistical methods of Scarngdata and reporting it In com prehndlble form, will add greatly to therefflciehcy' of , the -census and to the scientific Value of the Information obtained. Director Durand does not anticipate any difficulty In procuring '. ... . t ..... enumerators or inis Kinaas uiere are ' in; every state of the union hundreds iSf' crop' reporters acting for, the de partment 'of agriculture, representa ' tives of .-state boards of sericulture. etc'"' "' - '" ; ;- . ' -!, "The agricultural schedule which is : to be placed in thehands of .these enumerators li tfea'rtng" completion' by the Census biireAU.? The advisory noara.'.wno are acquainted witn prac tical' agriculture, US varying" condi tions, and who are active hi their respective-states in assisting the farm er, to improve their, farm methods, have been most earnest and so ef fort is being spared to make the schedule' as simple as possible, and Vet secure the greatest amount of Im portant Information concerning agrl culture. '. '.:ya ' By means of the census schedule an' effort will be made to secure an accurate statement of the total num ber'br acres of land In the 'farms Of the country; by states and c6unttesr also he Improved area, number, and site of farms. On account of the growing importance of tenancy in many parts of the country, consider able Information' will be secured as to whether farms are operated by own ers, tenants or hired managers. In formation about the value of farm, buildings, and other permanent im provements; and of the . farm equip ment, - both . machinery, implements, and live stock, will be secured. An Important part -of the Schedule will be that enabling a study of the crops and crop products of 1909. The enumerators will , ask about areas, quantities produced and value of crobs, in the i case of all the principal crops grown. In all parts of the United States. This inquiry covers grains and seeds, hay and forage crops; and alt Important-special crops such as fruits, nuts and vegetables, cotton, tobacco, rice, hemp, potatoes, broom corn; etc. By-products, like flax straw for tow and twine; and such manufactured .; products : as wines, cider and vinegar, dried fruits, sugar, syrupj etc.', will not be overlooked by th miMtlnnH In the Hchndnla '"-The inquiries Concerning Hve stock and their stock products, also include cattle, work animals, sheep and goats, swine, poultry and bees. .The facta as to the number and value of live stock at the tjjne of the enumeration are to be secured In some detail, taking Into consideration ages, sex and use of animals.' Furthermore, data will be secured Telatfng . to the number and value of each species of animal raised purchased and sold, and the quantity and value ' of animal : pro ducts, such as milk, cream, butter and cheese, wool, eggs, honey ' and Wax. " --jl few special questions of a gen eral nature may be Included to secure valuable Information. Among these is one which will be made concern lag1 the area ana character ot -wood land la farms. There will be but one schedule for agriculture. There may be a small sehedule for the enumeration of ani- ttftta Ttt 'cities. -This will be carried YOUR BACKACHE WILL YIELD To Lydia E Pinkham's vegetable Compound Rockland, Maine. "I was troubled jor a long time with pains in my back im Biwymiu was nuseraoie m every way. 1 1 doctored until I was dis couraged, and thought I should never get welL I read a testimonial about Lydia . Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, and thought I would try it After tak ing three bottles I was cured, and never felt so well in all my life. I recommend Lydia . Finkham's Vegetable Compound to all my ineuos.- jars. WILL yoTJXO, 0 Columbia Avenue, Rockland. He. Backache is a symptom of female weakness or derangement. If you have backache, don't neglect it To get permanent relief you must reach tne root oi the trouble. .Nothing we know of will do this so safely and surely as Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com pound. Cure the cause of these dis tressing aches and paina and y6u will become well and strong. i . The great volume of rnisoMcited j ZtJIlrJJylV Vu6omiZtooU Mrs. Plnkham. of Ivnn. Mass- invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to heal t a nee of charge. .. by the city enumerators and it will cover horses, milch cows, chickens, etc., housed in barns, stables, etc., in the. cities. No attempt. will be made to get the area of city gardens or va cant lot cultivation.' Go With a Rush. ' The demand .'for that" wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney cure. Dr. King's. 'New Life ;Pills is autounding all druggists ' say they "never saw the' like. Its because they ever fall to cure Sour Stomach Con stipation, Indigestion, Bllllousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills and Malaria. . Only 25 cents at all drug gists.;.' -v ;i..; ;'...,. , TRYING TO STARVE, ; Man Arrested .in the Long Island Murder Case Refuse's to Eat. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New! York, Sept., 20 Augustas Schwartz, the boarder In the Nelson home at Central islip, L. I., who Is under arrest in connection with the killing of Irving J. Nelson, the dem ocratic committeeman, Is trying to die by starvation in the East Islip jail. He has not taken a mouthful of nourishment since his arrest 'Do you want to die?" asked Jail er Havens, when Schwartz refused his breakfast today. "Yes; I want to die," he moaned. "My best friend has been killed. Why should I want to live?" f Schwartz is being closely guarded no prevent any attempt at Suicide. A Jailer watches- at the door of his cell day and night. He is not allowed knives or forks, and even his bed is stripped of linen so that he cannot make a rope to strangle himself. Meantime there are many import ant new developments in the great Long Island mystery. The police dis covered today that when Schwartz was arrested in the early morning af ter the tragedy he did not wear a single article of clothing that he had on the night before. Not Mrs. N. A. Spenre, Through the similarity In names Mrs. Annie Spence, wife of Mr. Neal Spence,. whose death occurred last week, has been confused with Mrs. Metta Spence, Wife of Mr. Neil A. Spence. . A number of friends have offered their sympathy to Mr. N. A. Spence, who wishes to correct the painful mistake. ' : ' King's College Jouinal. kings' business College has just Issued a neat eight page college Journ al which gives a great deal of infor- 1 motion concerning the colleges and the ; students. The Journat la a credit to the two schools located in Raleigh and Char lotte and should be of great Interest to the students and friends of the schools. : - -4 ; MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. A veritable edition de luxe among railroad pamphlets has been Issued by the Grand Trunk Railway System to proclaim amongst tourists the glor ies of the cities ot Montreal and Que bec. The brochure is beautifully printed and generally arranged in the artistic style of earlier days, when the ornamentation of a volume was regarded as an important incident to its presentation of reading matter. It is also very well written, and gives an. interesting description ot the two most interesting cities . in Canada, with many Illustrations from photo- graphs. Sent free to any address. Apply to r. P. Dwyer, 290 Broadway, New. York. J ISTAHTLiriB SITUATION ; fORESTRV RESOURCES (By Leased Mre tfr The Tinies) , Washington. Sept, 5fQ-A surtllng situation, has developed as the result of taking , of stock of. the. foresjry re sources of this coiintr.' aecordlntr Treadwell. eieyCland, Expert, In I the I bureau of forestry; in a bulletin made ! public today entitled "The status ot forestryin the United States." - It has jShown, Mr. - Cleveland de clares, that we are still destroying the forest as we use If, that we are taking from it every year three and a half times as much wood as is add ed by the new growth that less than one-third of- the growing trees felled by the lumberman is - ever, used at all; that one-eleventh of all the for ests Is swept by fires every' year, and that on the average, since 1870, for est fires have yearly cost $50, 000,000 in timber and fifty lives. , ABDUL HAMID A MANIAC. Former Sultan Loses His. Mind En tirelyRemarkable Core . Pre-. scribed.-' ' .;:"'- ; ; '; r.v;.' Salonica, Sept. 20 Haunted by1 the vision of his beautiful harem favor ite, whom he slew Just before being sent into exile, ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid has become a raving maniac and the guard over him was doubled today to prevent him from commit ting . suicide. The former sultan roams through his villa muttering and railing, allowing no one to ven ture near him. The most remarkable cure ever at tempted has been prescribed for the former ruler. A carpenter shop is being constructed near his villa so that be can employ himself at work. Abdul frequently employed bis spare time while sultan by doing wood cut ting, and the workshop has been con structed in order to offer his mind dis traction. The days of Abdul Hamid are apparently numbered. Broken in mind, health and spirit he is living an unhealthy life, frequently going for days without eating or removing his clothing. He imagines everyone a spy and suspects the servants of trying to poison him. His entourage is constantly exposed to brutal treat ment and the freaks of his bad hu mor. .ie former sultan's memory has gone entirely, and, upon hearing the name of Drilderu, his loyal follower and former vizier, mentioned, he ex claimed : "That dog Is a spy." A plan to release Abdul and at tempt to reinstate him, in his former power has been given up on account of the feeble condition of his health News of his death is expected at any time. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Will Devote Considerable Space to the Interstate Commerce Law. Washington, Sept. 20 In his mes sage to congress In December, it was learned today, the president will de vote considerable space to the Inter state Commerce law and the railroad rate law. President Taft has re quested the attorney general, Secre tary Nagel, Commissioner Prouty and Representative Townsend to consider the features of the Interstate Com merce act, the Sherman anti-trust act and the railroad rate act with the view ot preparing needed amend ments so as to make those acts con form to changed conditions. The president is stalsfied that these acts are far from perfect and that if en forced as expected by some of the courts, great hardship would follow and much harm be done to legitimate enterprises. This legislation, it is asserted, will be pushed by the president, and these facts he will place in his message can not but have a potent influence, It Is believed, on the national law-makers. EDENTON STREET CHURCH. Services Yesterday Preparatory to the Revival Which Begins This Week. The pastor, Rev. W. R. Stanbury, occupied the pulpit at Edenton Street Methodist Church yesterday at both morning and evening services, the sermon at both hours having especial reference to the coming revival. The subject of the evening discourse was the responsibility and obligation of man. Even from the hour of his birth he is loaded with obligations, which continue to Increase through his life. God has laid the responsi bility upon him ot choosing either death or life. ! This evening at 8 o'clock services will be held in the church, conducted . by Rev. E. K. McLarty, of Greens- j boro, who will assist Mr. Stanbury in the special revival. All during the week at 8 o'clock and at 4 In the at-, ternoon services will be held, to. which the public is most cordially in vited. Policeman McCrary Gets a Tumble. Market Policeman McCrary Is car rying ; a number of very painful bruises as the result of falling from a step-ladder this morning. About 8 o'clock he mounted a ladder In. the police court room to wind the clock. . The ladder slipped and threw him- Into the ante room, giving him a number of painful bruises, but for-, tunately no bones were broken. He is carrying a bandaged arm and is limping around this afternoon as wit- nesses of his flight from time, No rocks, please. m BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CPs I rup "kTY A DTrbr 7 arrrvi nAAir...mTT innn a -t k nArrnrrtinv tiow nrtmr vin?irv -Di-ksair L THE QUARTERLY STYLE Something over Two Hundred Suits exemplify the most favored styles in Woman's prpss, fof MMd .flinter, as shown in the sample rooms anid f agones of America's greatest Mantua-making establishment 1 BOYLAN Have the ladies of your family driven you into bringhtening up the home a bit? Fresh Wall Paper for the walls and new shades for the windows. We will sell you the Wall Pa per at a very small price and give you the choice of the finest collection in the state. We furnish expert hangers to do the work. v WEATHERS & PERRY, Decoration Department, RALEIGH, N. C. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO FAST VESTIBULE TRACTS WITH DINING CAB SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Loitfs vllle, Cincinnati, Chicago, and St. Xjoma, Lv. Richmond. 3:00 p m 11:00 p m (Lv."Chhr'sviIIe 7:00 pm 2:52am Lv. Lynchburg 4:00 p m Ar, Cincinnati, Ar. Louisville. 8:15 a m , 6:00 p m 11:30am 7:30pm Ar. Chicago. . . Ar. St. Louis . 5:25pm 7:10am .5:58pm 7:17 am Direct Connections fur All Poluu West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTS. The Line to the Celebrated Resorts of Virginia. . Fur descriptive matter, schrdolcw nd Pullman Reservations. addreM W.O. WARTHEN, 0. P. A., Richmond. Va. JNO. D. POTTS, Oen'l Pan. Aaanl i3ltM(i is. wm m m , BOOK -FALL J909. A 15c. FOR 20c. niHions OF THE DAY. TAKE A LOOK AT THE NEW YORK STYLES. Tailor-made "Suits, Silk and Woolen Costumes and Prin .' cess Dresses . . .... . . . . ..... . . $15.00 to $65.00 New Tailored Skirts in all colors1 ancf blac''-?::---,: a :. ;:-- "; $4.98 to $12.50 THE MILLINERY SALON OPENS. Vacation is o,:er and the full force of Milliners and salespeople have returned and all are busy opening up the stock of Hatsf ames and Trimmings. Apparentlyy::,!,iminutidn is seen in the sizes of the New Hat ShapesWver there is a frame for every face, ljewtchingly',jclirBaing, and the price run is from Mfe ? $2.50 to $7.50 NOVELTY VEILINGS IN VARIETY. Button Automobile Veils, Tuxedo, Russian Mesh, White Lace and Magpie Veils, White Chiffon with Silver, G i It, or Jet Beads. NEW LINE OF HAIR GOODS. Artificial Hair Goods is a new departure for us. Everything bought within the last ten days. New Chig nons, Puffs, Switches,' 'Transformations. Ask to see the Tri-angle Puff with Curls. "SPECIAL" BRAND SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Third lot, and probably the last that we will get this season. Full size double bed Sheets, 81x90 inches 55c. Hemmed Pillow Cases to match, 36x42 inches. , . . . ,11c. NEW LEATHER GOODS. Shopping Bags and Hand Purses, Patent Enamel, Aligator Skin, and Seal Grain Leather. Black, Tan and Colors. All prices, from . . ......... . . $1.00 to $10.00 - PEARCE COMPANY. HENRY G. TURNER.M.D. Fourth Floor, Masonic Temple. Rooms Nos. 400 and 410. OFFICE HOURS: 0 to 11 a. m. 3 to 5 p.m. PHONES: Office, 531. Residence, 33. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE IT. The W. K. King Sanitary and Disin fectant Fluid, the Ideal Coal-Tar Dis infectant, true germicide and deodor hizer. A powerful antiseptic aad purifier. ' ' ' PUT UP BT W. H. KING DRUG CO., RALEIGH, N. O. For Sale by All Druggists at 25c. Per Bottle. CALL AT H. M.OLIVE'S CITY TRANSFER. Both Phones, 529. Office 809 S. Blount St pillNI!IIJIJjpjj Most OTEY'S BARBER SHOP, Yarborough House. R Ketj , a ill Vtw Economical Known to Science. vffT' no t J Wf 4 0 j ONLY UNSOLD, THEY GO AT COST. It will pay you to buy and keep until NEXT SUMMER. Thos.n.Briggs&Son& BILliaE, ff. 0. The Bif Hardware Mm. California Canned Fruits. Herald Brand (L. O.) Peaches. '. 30c. Melrose Brand (L. C.) Peaches, ,25c. Nile Brand Yellow Peaches. .. .20c. Herald Brand (BarUett) Pears. .30c. Melrose Brand (Bertlett) Pears. 20c. White Cherries 30c. Red Pitted Cherries 20c. Herald Brand Pine Apple . . . .25c. Sliced and Graded. Anything you need Both Plumes. RUDY & BUFFALO! SUPPOSE foil Income Stopped TOMORROW Would it not help a great deal to know that you have a Savings Ac count with us. H MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. si 1 i SV