r. 1 1 I M f 'V - 'turn M"p- ft 4 AIM OF LIFE. for live in deeds, and years; in thought?' not breaths: In feelings, riot in figures on a dial. SVo should count time by heart throbs, HH n$ost Uvea -i s i.WBo "thlnlM most, fells the noblest, acts the longest: Lives in one hour more than in years do some Whose fat blood sleeps, as It slips along their veins. Life ts'Wut a means unto an end: that , t-.nd, Beginning, mean, and end to all - BAlgs-iGod. The 4ed have all the glory In the world. i k:As Phillip James Bailey. fT,-rr ' : Ills. Sasle McGee and Miss Martha Harrtspf Franklinton, have returned home after a visit in the city. Mrs.T. Jenkins, of Neuse, has returned home after visiting friends In the city. Miss Minnie Burns has returned from a visit to Sanford. fr-r. 5 J-e-e- Miss Isabella Brogden, of Kingston, returned home yesterday after a visit to Mrs. J. B. Koonte. Miss ChaJrtty Gardner has gone to Dover to accept a position as steno grapher. - Ex-Judge and Mrs. R. W. Winston, have returned from Durham. Mrs. E. R. Sykes has returned from a visit to relatives at Durham. Mrs. W. F. Massey, of Salisbury, Md.,- is the guest of Mrs. C. F. Massey on Park Ave. Mrs. James F. Jordan is visiting her Ister, Mrs. J. Hugh Parham, at Klnston. Miss Minnie Warren has returned from a visit to Florence, S. C. Km., Charles H. Belvin, Jr., and children have returned from a visit to Mrs. Belvin's father, Mr. Daniel O. Long, at Graham. Miss Annie from Weldon. Travis has returned Mrs. J. W. Crawford, of Willow Springs, has returnpd home after a visit in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blankenship, of Lynchburg, Va., are visiting Mrs. Lawrence Nichols. Miss Flora Creech has returned from a visit to Mrs. Ross McKimmon at Toronto, Canada. Mrs. J. D. Riggan, and Miss Ruth Rlggan, of Fuquay Springs, arrived in the city this morning to spend a few days. - Mrs. John R. Smith, of Goldsboro. spent the day in the city. Rev. and Mrs. Marvin Culbreth, cf Smithfleld, spent the day in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gordon, "f Lawreneeville, Va., after stopping over with friends in the city left today for Oakridge. Mrs. D. A. Baynes returned to her home at Winston-Salem today after spending the night with Miss Louise Saunders in the city. """""""'A Surprise Marriage. Selma, Oct. 8 Yesterday evening at 6:45 o'clock, at the residence of Rev. W. H. Puokett, Miss Allie Mann, formerly of Apex, and Mr. C. G. Wiggs, were quietly married. The marriage was a surprise to all their friends, who had no news of it until they came to the new Wyoming House and registered us Mr. C. G. Wiggs, and bride. The bride has held a position with the Southern Bell Telephone Co., of this place, while the groom is a pros perous farmer and vetinary surgeon. ASK BOBBITT-WYNNE DRUG CO. Parts tan tage, the Hair Grower, is Wow Sold in America on Money Buck Plan. 'It's a mighty good thing for the wo men of 'America that Parisian Sage can iiojr be obtained in every town of consequence. No preparation for the hair has done So much o stop falling hair and eradi cate dsndniff and. make women's hair beautiful asaj.ian Sage. Parisian Sage the cmly certain de stroyer at the dandruff microbe which Js thfc cause of 97 percent of hair troubles. t these iiemldous, persistent and de ettiieHve . ltttle devils thrive on the ordinary hair tonic. j JPMMlwf3MS0iisachi an. extraordinary , lapi.ulcfc. acting rejuvenator that VfMtUWyvn Drug Co. who is the afeo.' Hi .Raleigh guarantee it to cure .dafiarurr, stop railing hair and itching scalp 111 two weeks or money back. ; Parisian 8a is -most daintily per- ' fUrtlea, It iaJ Ideal preparation, not atleky c t dJ ls argnlnoent dressing for tnert . Who 48ire luxuriant, lustrous baitftUiai compels, admiration. , " Ahd a We bottle of Parisian Sage - .costs, only SO cents at JJobbltt-Wynna phtg Co; and at leading druggists all vej -America. - The girl 'with" the AubiirW hair -is art :- every- fMu&itffft Made n Atnarka by-GtroUx Mfg. Co., Itierast, y ,T,.f jiUo will nil mail prdw, an , charges .prep aid. TRUTH ABOUT CATARRH.HttBFOLK MO SOUTHERN Sensible Methods Will Cure" It. Bob-bitt-Wjmne Guarantees Hyomel tp Cure Catarrh. Catarrh can never be cured by taking medicines into the stomach nor by sprays, atomizers or douches. Intelligent physicians have long ago discarded such ideas and not one of them would be worth consideration were It not for the fact that unscru pulous persons spray upon the ig norance of the people in regard to new discoveries. Catarrh is caused by germs and just as long as these germs thrive in the folds, crevices, nooks and corners of the mucous membrane that line thj nose, throat and chest, just so long wil you have catarrh. There is only one way to cure ca tarrh, and that is to kill the germs. There is only one remedy that will kill the germs when It gets where ihe germs are, and that is Hyomel. Hyomel. is made chiefly from Aus tralian Eucalyptus and Eucalyptol combined with the germ killing an tiseptics. Just breathe it in through the hard rubber inhaler that corner with each outfit and relief is immedi ate. Used regularly for a few v;:is Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me) will cine chronic catarrh. Complete out fit $1.00 at Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co., and leading druggists everywhere. Cures Indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stom ach, belching, and cures all stomach dis ease or money back. Large box of tab lets 60 cents. Druggists in all towns. Mrs. York. L. T. Medlin left today for New- Mrs. James for Ha' if ax. Mrs. George ham today. E. Lilehf-.nl left today Mitchell went to I'lir- Mrs. George Melton, was in the city today of He Dr. NViTl' and Mrs. Bynimi. of Oklahoma, in tlie city today going at Mon- head. Mrs. homo ; I'iog t city. .1. A. MeGeaehy it Wilmington t' few days with returned t' day, alter : Mi llie Mis. :. Williams, today afte While ai ( 'lintoii, id .Miss Minnie returned homo vi.-it at tie- hoinc ,,f Mr. C. B. YViMiams KKXXTXISS BOOK CIA" IJ. Glance At Southern Literature Sub ject of Vestertlny's Meetiiif;. "A glance at Southern Literature" was the suhjei t of the meeting- of the Konntniss Book Club with Miss Mary Latta yesterday afternoon. Some of the "subjects on the program were: Famous Southern Writers ami The Rescue of Capt. John Smith by Po.-a-huntas. The readers were Miss Sarah Cheshire and Mrs. Watkiris Rohanis. The meeting was a delightful one and greatly enjoyed. - Delightful Dance At the Club. Winston-Salem, Sept. t A delight ful dance was given in the rooms of the Twin-City Club last evening. Ex cellent music was furnished by Slack's Orchestra, and not one thing happened to mar the pleasure of the occasion. Those dancing were: Miss Boyliin. of Raleigh with Jim Hanes: Miss Lacy with Robert Mc Arthur; Miss McDonald, with Chas, Bailey; Miss Lora Ferrell, with Sam Hines; Miss Louise Horton, with S. A. Walls: Miss Lois Brown, with Clarence Cromer; Miss Lil Fairish, with P. J. Bitting; Miss Elizabeth Hill, with Sullivan Booe; Miss Mar garet Ludlow, with Henry Sheldon: Miss Annie Ludlow with Joe Cannon, of Concord: Miss Margaret Gray, with Frank Abbott; Miss Emoir Barber, with W. C. McNair; Miss Gilchrist, of Wilmington, with W. . ('. Northup; Miss Frank Hanes, with Wilson Gray; Miss Ruth Hanes, with Robert Follin; Miss Lucy Brown, with Gene Gray. Stags Watt Richardson, of Roids ville; P. J. Lyons, Paul Montague, Will Hill. "Mill Maslin, Peter Wilson, Jack Glenn, James Scroggs, Jim Asliby. --. Chaperones -Mr. and Mrs. I,, ti. Shafer, Dr. and' Mrs. R, o. Apple. THK WOMAN'S CLCB. First Meeting Held Ycslelflay After noon, yesterday afternoon being the li 1st meeting" of the Woman's Club for the Neason, the occasion was a delight ful reunion of the. club members, ami lfter the business of the meeting the social side was greatly enjoyed. The meeting was presided over by the president. Mrs. Palmer Jerman. A large number of new members were enrolled, reports were "made by the different departments and the new year books were distributed. The new work of helping Rex Hospital was a sub ject or interest and a committee was appointed to" see how best the club could aid in the furnishing of the new building. :: LOCAL -ROTRFS The date for the Oxford .Orphan Asylum concert Is Wednesday, Oct., 13, at night. Marriage license was issued today to Carl Jj. . Ray, of Creedmore, and Ida Belle Bailey, of Wake Forest. Superintendent J. Y. Joyner left yesterday afternoon for New York to attend a meeting of the executive com. mlttee on the national educational con vention, y - - - IMjV'-.J.'vS.' Catr, f Ottrtiam, . was a .Visitor here ; this morning. , TD REDUCE RATES OCT. 15 Clerk of Corporation Commission H. C. Brown has received a letter from the Norfolk & Southern Railroad stating that the pas senger rate for the Raleigh Divi sion would be reduced from 3 to 2 1-2 cents per mile, effective October 25th. Under the present rate law newly built roads are allowed two years to put the law in effect, and that time Is now out for the Norfolk & South ern. Instructions have been issued to alt agents of that road that in making detachments of mileage to only detach actual mileage, This to take effect Oct. 25 to and from all stations in the Raleigh Division between Raleigh and Washington, N. C, and Washington and New Bern. This reduction will be read with much interest by the people along this line. AVDIEXCE WAS DELIGHTED. The Lion and the Mouse" a Great Play That Charmed Every One. "The Lion and the Mouse," the play that never falls to please with its dry humor, and comical situations and ibove all its freshness and wholcsome- ness was the attraction at the Academy last night. The play should have been greeted with a full house and those who failed to see it missed one of Hie greatest treats ot the season. The whole company was a good one, very character being well played, the "Lion" and the "Mouse", of course be ing the principal characters. Mr. Walter Edwards as "John Binkett Ryder", the "Lion", did splendid work, and wtts well matched in the "Mouse", Miss Carolyn Elberts as "Shirley Rossnibeiv" Some o tin.' most de lightful scenes of the play occureil be tween these two. Miss Eiberts especi ally delighted the audience and at tin' ud of the third act as she rusted from the room, with the words "Marty your son. no thank you"! She received quite au ovation and as she responded to the curtain call she was greeted with cheers of applause. Mr. Charles P., Pitt, as "JoflVr. on Ryder" is due a large share of the praise as he did some clever acting and figured in the most of the comi cal situations. Miss Etta Baker Martin, as "Mrs. John Burkett Ryder": Mr. Geo. Sydenham, as "Hon. Fitzroy Bagley", Mr. Luke Martin, as "Judge Rossmore" are all worthy of the high est praise. The play was well staged and the costumes were beautiful. The story of the play is too well known to need any recounting. Its very cleanness and freshness will make it be remem bered as one of the most delightful of the plays of this scaroii. DAN MIZELL NOT GUILTY OF CRIME OF BURGLARY The case of State vs. Dan Mizzell, who was on trial tor the capital of fense of burglary was finished yes terday afternoon, and in a short time a verdict of "not guilty" was re turned. concerts and lectures to he given this Robert Jones, alias Keith, charged j season, with the murder of his own child, Tills organization has been enthus was nol urossed this morning. j lastically received in all their en The case of State vs. Joseph Mor ris for assault with deadly weapon was then taken up and occupied the attention of the court for some time. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. When court resumed its sitting this afternoon, Grant Evans and Walter Walden were put on trial for stealing a chicken. The case against Bertha Brown, it is said, will certainly be taken up at 4 o'clock. Ex-Governor Aycock, wiio withdrew from the case yesterday, has withdrawn his withdrawal and will appear. TOYLAXn ( H.W'GKS HANDS. Mayor J. S. Wynne Sells to Mrs. Metlliu & Co. L. .Mrs. I.. F. Medlin & Co. tins pur chased the toy store on Salisbury street known as "Toyland" from Mayor J. S. Wynne, and will have charge of that business in the fu ture. Mrs. Medlin, accompanied by Mr. J. D. Riggan, left today for New York and other markets to purchase an additional slock of goods, jmd when tli la new stock arrives the store will, he one of the largest of its kind in the state. Mrs. Medlin is thor oughly familiar with this line of bus iness, having been with the .T. 11, Itig- gun Company for about 14 years. Miss Lucy j. Brown, who has been in charge of -"Toyland" for Mr. Wynne, will remain with the new tirni. 1SHAM THOMPSON ESCAPK. Nejrro ConUct Escupes From State Ffinn Near Tillery. fciuperintendent J. J. Laughing house, of the State's Prison, has sent out a notice of the escape of Isliain Thompson (Thomas), from the stale farm near Tillery, which occurred on the 4Ui instant. He Is described as a dark glnger-cake-colored negro, 64 years old, five feet 5 inches high, woight 180 pounds, brown eyes, black hair, and a small scar on the back of his head. He was sentenced to the penitentiary from Craven county September 30, 19"07, to servo throe yoarn for l.ir ceny. ' : SSI toi This is the comparative differ ence in the prices in our Suits and others. We have 200 New Suits for Monday Will tell you all about it tomorrow. WATCH US. Wo OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Ul'-'1' ''lijni.t.ill Bl.v.MtML vn This evening at 8:30 o'clock in the auditorium of Meredith College will be heard Victor and his Venetian Band. This is the first of a series of gagements and will delight a large audience this evening. Only a very few season tickets re main unsold and these may be had j at King-Crov. ell's drug store until 7 I o'clock. Single tickets are also on ' sale at $1.01 each. j AT THE GEM. ; You have all seen clever dancing acts, and the Gem Theatre has had a good many this season, but if you : want to see the cleverest difficult j dancing act in the profession, don't j fail to see "Smith and Cline" in their classy dancing act, "Dancing some." The nianagcment wish to call par jtieular attention to this act. ".Vnff Sed." j Miss Kaiheryii Martin, in new I songs and costumes in her original act, I he Life of a Woman in Song." Something new and interesting in feature motion pictures today. Visit the Gem tonight. j "(.'HAS. II. HAXI'OIU)." ! A host of hilarious memories is I awakened by the mention of "The 'laming of the Shrew," for those who have seen the play and those who . have not will have an opportunity lo ' do so at the Academy of Music on i Tuesday, October. 12. Mr. Charles B. Hanford. whose previous presen i talions of plays in this city are a suf I ticient guaranlec for the reliability of ; and those his manager, Mr. K, Law i fence Walker announces for him, has arranged a special production of this favorite play for his present tour. Mr. Hanford will appear in the role of "1'etruchio" and the favorite actress, M'ss Marie Drofnah as "Katherine." The scenery and cos Prescriptions Particular people always bring their prescriptions to us. They are certain of getting satisfaction at the right price. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. . J Sole Agents (or tfuyler'u Candy. -tU L9 tumes have been designed on a most elaborate scale. The offering at the Academy of Music for matinee and night, Satur day. Oct. !), will be the rollicking col lege play, "Strongheart", from the lien of Wiiiiani C. DeMille. This popular play, which run for two years after its opening at the "Mud sou" theatre, truthfully portrays col lege life at Columbia. The scenic in vestiture supplied by the management is exceedingly elaborate. The cast supporting Mr. King is, with few ex ceptions, the same that, was associa ted with h'm last season. Their first game on (he Home grounds will be played by the llal eigli High School against the onalil son Military School of Fayetteville tom'd'imv afternoon at S.-:0 at the A. & M. Athletic Park. Admission .J.V. School children, I ". Meeting of Encampment. Capita! Encampment, No. IS, I. O. O. F.. will meet tonight at 7::i0 in Odd Fellows HalUn the Home build ing. Patriarch C. F, Lumsden is just, back from Seat lie, where be attended the session of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, and will give an interesting account of his trip. A NEW EHA IX Roller Skating Dustless Anti-Slip makes the sport an Ideal One. No DUST OR SLIPPING Sr.atiiif; at Mghts Only, ou Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Commencing October 12, t'nder New Management. Glenwood Skating Rink, Clarence H. LiuumIcii, Manager. f Again to mm Royall & Borden 127 Fayetteville St. FINE SHEFFIELD WARE H. MAHLER'S SONS. JEWEL KltS for the Great State Fair by buying your Dresses and Shoes of us. All the newest and best in Broadcloths, Serges, Panamas, Fancy Weaves, Checks, etc., from 25c. to $1.50 per yard. New Silks for Waists and Dresses, from 25c. to $1.00. See our Special in Silks for Street and House Dresses at 50c. Irvin Drew Shoes of every style, shape and price. New arrivals in Children's Hose at 15c. November Patterns and Style Book now ready. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Company We sell Pictorial Magazines Plac ? you" orders with home people and you don't lose. We have all the' new fictions of an? note on pur counters. Call and ace our 50c, Books. ALFRED WILLIAMS & COM P'Y. THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. : WITH . ( An untmrpiiflftcd history behind it since I86S. Safety to its Depositors. Accommodation to its Customers. - CHAS. K. JOHNSON, . .. President. Plummer's Stables (Successor to Woodall's Stables, Enst Morgan Sreett.) Fine Livery and Boarding Stables. Special attention all horses . Boarded, with as. LET US MOVE YOU & BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND MOVING A SPECIALTY. .... . Mr. PERCY THOMAS, late ot the J. M. Pace Mul Company, Mas ager. Open Bay and Night Phones 879. the Front Our sales ofvthe Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet have been axgreat feature. You should ex amine the Hoosier and let us tell you WHY. Furniture Co., Raleigh, N. C If you can't buy STERLING SILVER You can buy SHEFFIELD The only plated ware tHat wears a generation. ItALKHill, N. C. i Review Patterns. W WE FURNISH AT H COMBINATION F PRICES : : : Willing service to its Friends. P. a. RMGGS, Cashier, 7 V

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