v sw.j THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIOH, N. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1909. ' 4 tft If TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain arid New York Mock Market. New York, Oct. 9 The stock mar ket opened weak with United States States Steel common under- heavy pressure and showing a decline of over one point in the first few min utes, the first sales being reported as 10,003 at 87 ft to 80 W against 87 at tho close yesterday. . Other stocks generally showed fractional declines nt. the start, ranging from V to below yesterday's final prices. After the first few minutes a steadier tcno developed. New York Closing Stock IjiRt, Amalgamated Copper 81 American Ice Securities .... 25 American Sugar Refinery . . .132 American Smelting 9 American Locomotive 58 American Car Foundry . . .-. 69 American Cotton Oil 74 American Woolen 38 Anaconda 46 Atchison ;.121 Atlantic Coast Line 134 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .... 78 Baltimore & Ohio 117 Canadian Pacific 184 Chesapeake & Ohio 88 Consolidated Gas 143 Central Leather 50 Colorado Fuel & Iron 43 Colorado Southern 52 Delaware & Hudson 188 Denver & Rio Grande . . .... 45 Distillers' Securities 15 Erie . 34 Erie, pfd 4 9 General Electric j 164 Great Northern, pfd 151 Great Northern Ore . . 80 Hocking Coal & Iron 79 Illinois Central 150 Interboro 15 Interboro, pfd. . . . , 4 7 Iowa Central 29 Kansas City Southern . ..... 44 Kansas & Texas 43 Kansas & Texas, pfd 75 Louisville & Nashville 151 Missouri Pacific 68 New York Central 13S Northwestern 1S9 'National Lead 8S Norfolk & Western 90 Northern Pacific . . .' 152 Ontario & Western 47 Pennslyvania 147 Pacific Mail . . . . '. 35 Peoples' Gas Company 115 Pressed Steel Car . . , 46 Reading. , .163 Rock Island 36 Rock Island, pfd. 74 Republic Iron Steel . ..... 45 Republic Iron & Steel, pfd. . .106 Sloss-Sheffleld " 91 Southern Pacific 129 Southern Railway 29 Southern Railway, pfd 68 St. Paul 157 Tennessee Copper 35 Texas Pacific . . 34 Third Avenue . 20 Union Pacific , 204 U. S. Rubber 49 Utah Copper 47 U. S. Steel 87 U. S. Steel, pfd. . . .127 Va. -Carolina Chemical 45 Western Union 76 Wabash . .' 18 Wabash, pfd.- 48 Wcstinghouse Electric . .. ... 86 Wisconsin Central . . ...... 53 Corn Products 21 3. I 7 Chicago Grain Market. Chicago, Oct. 9 There was a dull and lower market in wheat this morning. May sold at 103 to 103; corn was c lower and the volume of trade was small. Oats were about steady. Provisions were higher with an advance of 5c in the price of hogs. Dullness with a narrow price-range was the feature in the market today. Wheat was to c. off. Corn was to 12c. lower, oats 1 to un changed, and provisions were 2 to 7J4c. higher. Grain quotations ranged as toi; lows: - -. : " J y Wheat ' , y .. Open. High. Close Dec. . . 1.02 1.02 1.01 May . . -1.03 1.03 1.03 July . . .984' -98 .97 Corn Dec. . .58 .58 .58 May . . .6d .61 .60 l July . . .60 .60 .60 Oats Dec. . . .39 .39 .39 " May . , .41 .41 .41 Pork Jan. . . 18.50 18.55 18.50 May . . 18.25 Lard Oct. . . 12.10 12.15 12.15 Jan. .-. 10.85 10.87 10.85 Ribs Oct. , . ..i, .... 11.35 Jan. . . 9.70 8.70 9.70 . Bank Statement. . New York, Oct. 9 Clearing house hanks: Average cash reserve, ,25.38 per cent. Reserve, decrease, $143, 925. Less U. S. deposits, decrease. $135,800. Loans, decrease, $36, 673,000. Spec.e, decrease, $11,686, 000. Legal tenders, decrease, $709, 000. Deposits, decrease, $49,004,300. Circulation, increase, $44,000. Ac tual cash reserve, 25.59 per cent. - MARKETS New York Cotton. ' New York, Oct. 9 The cotton mar ket this morning opened steady, 2 td 7 points higher. An accumulation of overnight, selling orders Induced by yesterday's close here temporarily off set strong cables and the advance here was not up to Liverpool's lead. Once these orders were disposed of, however! the market immediately turned stronger and was soon selling 10 to 11 points up. Opening: October offered 13.18; November offered 13.20; Decembe: 13.24 to 13.25; January 13.24 to 13.25; March 13.33 to 13.34; April offered 13.33; May 13.36 to 13.37; July 13.32 to 13.34; September of fered 13.20. Market steady. Open. High. Low. Close. Oct. . 13.1S 13.25 13.18 13.22 TJov 13.20 Dec. . 13.24 13.38 13.24 13.30 Jan. . 13.24 13.32 13.24 13.29 Feb 13.30 Mar. . 13.32 13.40 13.32 13.37 Apr 13.38 May . 13.37 13.44 13.30 13.41 June . , 13.38 July . 13.33 13.39 13.33 13.35 Aug 13.05 Market closed steady. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close. Oct. . 13.03 13.09 13.03 13.06 Nov 13.09 Dec. . 13.16 13.23 13.15 13.20 Jan. . 13.29 13.36 13.29 13.31 Feb 13.41 Mar. . 13.52 13.54 13.49 13.51 Apr 13.54 May . 13.59 13.59 13.56 13.59 June 13.58 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton. (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, Oct. 9 Spot cotton, easy; middling, 7.24; sales, 7,00; re ceipts, 2,000; futures opened easier and clospd very steady. Open. Close. Sept.-Oct. . fi.69 ffi 6.72 fi.fifl Oct.-Nov. . 0.95 0.98 Nov.-Doc. . 6.93 . 0.96 Dec-Jan. . 6.91 6.95 6.96 Jan.-Feb. . 6.91 6.96 6.96 Feb.-Mar. . 6.91 6.96 6.96 Mar.-Apr. . 6.91 0.96 6.96 Apr.-May . 5.94 ft6.95 6.96 May-June . 6.91 (ft 6.95 6.95 June-July . 6.91 6.95 6.95 Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson & Son.) Good middling, 12c. Strict middling, 12 c. Middling, 12 c. Receipts today, 250 bales. Chicago Live Stock Market. Union Stock Yards, Oct. 9 Hogs: Receipts, 4,000; market strong to 5c higher; mixed and butchers, 7.45 to 8.10; good heavy, 7.70 to 8.15; rougli heavy. 7.40 to 7.50; light, 7.30 to 7.9'0; pigs, 5.75 to 8.00; bulk, 7. GO to 8.00. Cattle: Receipts, 600; market steady; beeves, 4.50 to 8.80; cows and heifers, 2.25 to 6.25; stockers and feeders, 3.00 to 5.10 7.00 to 9.50; Texans, 4.50 westerns, 4.5 to 7.25. Sheep: Receipts, 1,500; calves, to 5.50; market steady; sheep, 3.00 4.50 to 7.25. to 5.00;, lambs, Cotton-seed Oil. New York, Oct. 9 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. October . fi.28(ii 0.35 November .. .. .. .. 6.256.3t December .. 6.26 6.29 January .. .. .. .. 6.35(6.30 February 6.38 6.39 March . . .. .. .. ... 6.46 (i! 6.47 May . . . 6.566.57 July . . ... 6.63 & 6.65 Market Closed firm; sales 4,700 barrels. Spot oil, 6.29 6.31. Naval Stores. Savannah, Oct. 9 Spirits Turpen tine: Firm; 59; sales, 82; receipts, 595. Rosins: Firm; sales, 1,320; re ceipts, 2,630. Quoted WW, 6.75; WG, 6.50; N, 5.90; M, 5.60; K, 5.55; I, 4.65; H, 4.35; G, 4.25; F, 4.15 to 4.20; E, 4.00; D, 3.95; C, B, A, 3.90. New York Provisions. New York, Oct. 9 Cash produce: Minneapolis No. 1, northern wheat, 101. , Wheat No. 1 northern New York, 111 f.o.b. Corn Easy; No. 2 mixed, 69 In elevator. Oats Nominal; No. 2 mixed, 42 in elevator. Rye Nominal; No. 2, western, 76 f.o.b. 1 Barley Dull; feed, 58 to 60 c.i.f. New York. Flour Dull; spring patents, new, 3.50; winter, straights, 5.40. Mill Feed Dull; bran, 23.35. , Fork Dull; mess, 25.75. Lkrd Dull; prime western, 12.65. Tallow Firm; prime city, 6. Coffee F.rm; No. 7, Rio, 7c. Sugar Firm; granulated, 5.15. WIRE. 1 BY Provisions. I ---iiMij-Ljiiii ; r THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY i (By OHABLKS W. STORM) New York, Oct. 9 Wall street sold stocks freely during the early trading today because of the expectation of an unfavorable bank statement that would probably show a loss in cash of about. $7,000,000. As a result of this selling standard shares declined . from 1 to 2 points with Union Pnclfic , and Steel Common under the heaviest pressure. Steel broke through 87 or : X points under the high record of the early part orthe week. Union Paci fic sold at 203 (a net loss of 1 points from tlie closing figure of yes- ! terday.' ! In enlto nf rh a'Dnlrnnau nf TTfitnn Pacific there was a good demand for Southern Pacific. As a result of fresh reports of an early stock issue by Pennsylvania those shares were steady. The com pany is expected to issue about $80, 000,000 of new stock in the near fu ture. A further decrease is reported by the committee1 on car efficiency of the American Railway Association. In the curb market speculation continued excited in LaRose and Ni pissiug. Both slocks held steady at about the closing figures of yester day. American shares were generally lower in London because of the even ing up contracts by professionals pre vious to the publication of the New York bank statement which they be lieved would be very unfavorable. New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hibbs & Co.) Now York. Oct. 0 Heavy rains of Olio or two inches In Texas at about a down points, with temperatures down to near the light frost stage in the northern part of the state, stimu lated bullish sentiment this morning sufficiently to prevent liverpool from responding; to our decline of late yes terday, and on this our rAirket was bought and bid up to 10 points in early trading. The advance carried Janu ary to 13.3::: March tol3.41 and May (to 13.44. Despite free realizing- by local traders and some evidence of further selling by some of the leading bulls most of this improvement was maintained up to close. There Is talk. of the big shorts not havUig fully edvered as yet. and also rumors that certain of the bull in terests in control of the October option are contemplating squeezing that month by taking up all the cotton their contracts call for, and bidding its prices up during the next fortnight on the shorts. The stock of cotton here is now about 36,000 hales, but may be increased before the end of the month to 50.000 bales. A manipulated advance to much cur rent of March and May options would start a lot of cotton here from nearby Southern points and thus materially increase present low stocks. Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Oct. 9 Nothing said in money. Posted rates: Sterling ex change, 481 to 486, with actual business in bankers bills at 4 85.70 for demand and 483.25 to .40 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Daily by M. Rosenthal & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Butter . . . ......... Eggs . . . Hams Sugar Cured . . ' North Carolina Virginia . . . . Bacon . . . Spring Chickens ... Hens . . frlsh Potatoes Sweet Potutoes . . . Cabbage Onions . Flour Meal . Apples . . . ..' Butter Beans Peas ... Corn . . Snaps Okra . . .30 to 35c. .30c. .15 to 17 c. 25c. ...... 27 c. lbs. . 25 to 45r. . . 50 to 60r. . . .$1.25 bit. . . . . 75c. bu. i . . .5 to lc. j . . . 35c. ' k. j . . $6.50 bol. . $2.10 bag. ,35 to 50 pk. ', .... .20c. qt. j 15c. qt. ! 20c. doz. i 25c. pk. ' ... 10c. qt : THK COOK-PEARY OONTKOVKRSY i Will B' Discussed by National Geo graphic Society at Meeting Mon day, i i (By Leased Wire to The Times) 'Washington, Oct. 9 A meeting of i the board of managers of the initio-I nal geographic society is to be held in Us quarters in the Hubbard Me morial Hall, Sixteenth and M. streets, northwest, Monday, at which time the Cook-Peary controversy is to be gone over and discussed as much in detail as the facts now in the possession of the board will permit. A meeting of tho executive com mittee of the board was to have been held yesterday, but was postponed by President Willis L. Moore, of the so ciety, in order that the entire board might be given an opportunity to par ticipate in the discussions simultaneously. lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per word (or each issue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this bead will be charged. No Adv. taken for less than 10 CKNTS an insertion. Each figure charged as one word. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED Man Must bo willing to" learn and capable of acting as our representative; no canvassing orj solicit. ng; good income assured, i Address National Co-opera tivp Realty Co., J 122 Maiden nidg.,! Washington, 1"). C. WANTED Applications for stenog raphers, postoffice and railway1, mail service positions. Booklet j telling easiest and quickest wayi0 secure tnem tree, write now. Springfield School for mail service, Springfield, Mass. 9 1C-23-30. WANTED To buy six second-hand office chairs. Address "Office," care Tho Times. 9 31. WANTED Gentlemen table board ers. Hutchings House, 119 west Martin street. 8 4t. WANTED Experienced stenograph erdesires position at once. Good education. Address XX, care The Times. 0-4 1 WANTED Couple wants to rent or lease a 5, 6, or 7-rooni house. Must have modern conveniences. State location and price. Address, "C. R. B." care The Times. 20-tf WANTED You to get your team from the Sycamore Slables. Both Phones. East Davie Street. 4-tf FOR STYLISH, UP-TO-DATE LIV- ery, phone the Sycamore Stables. Both phones. East Davie Street. 4tf. PVRPLE STRAW SEED WHEAT for sale. Guarantee Seed Co., of fice with. Raleigh Milling Co. 2-tf MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, Ci gars and Cold Drinks at Bragas sas', Academy of Music Building. 28-12t FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nice rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, with or without board. Apply 110 Fay etteville St. 5-tf FOR SALE. ICE CREAM ANY FLAVOR AT Dughi's. 25c. quart, $1.00 gallon. FOR SALE Five of the most desir able build ns lots on Boylani Heights. Address "Lots" care of Evening Times. Sat., Mon., Wed. FOR SALE A splendid high grade Mhlin Piano. Cost when new $550; now $275. Terms made to suit you. Darnell & Thomas' Music House. 8 2t. FOR SALE A nice, well-bred Bay Colt, rich color, four years old and well broke. Price $150.00. This colt was raised at Berkshire Farm, near Raleigh. This is a bar gain. Apply to John C. Drewry. 27 t. f. BUY WHITE SATIN OR DAN VAL- ley Superlative Flour and you will get the best. 8 t. f. WANTED Lady for Bindery; one with experience in folding and sew ing books. The Seeman Prlntery, Durham, N. C. 8 3t. MRS. L. F. MEDLIN & CO., SUC- cessors to Toyland, Capital City 'phone number -K'.K. WAXTKI) At once a. Linotype Ma chine Operator for night worK. Book' composition. Must be sober' und rel'able. Address the See man Printery, Durham, N. C. 8 St. LOST Pair of Spectacles. Finder, will return to this office. 8 2t. ; WANTED Retail merchants toi know that White Satin and Dani Valley Superlative Flour can be had at Dewar & Wilder's. 8 t. f. ! THE MANrFACTl'RERH WILL DE monstrate from 11th to 13th the many uses to which Paraffine can be used at J. R. Ferrall & Co.'s store. 8 2t. HAVE YOUR PIANO PUT IN FIRST class playing order' by a competent man. You will And him at Darnell & Thomas' Music House. 8 3t. j TALK ABOUT NORTH POLE, BUT Dughi's Cream is talk of the town. ; 25c quart, J1.00 gallon. ,. DK WAR & WILDER WILL GIVE! one barrel of Wn'te Satin Flour to the person who exhibits the best one dozen yeast rolls at the State Fair, made of White Satin )t Dan ! Valley Superlative Flour. t. f. ' MISCELLANEOUS. MRS. h. F. MEDIJX & CO., SVC cessors to Toyland, will be open to night. PIANO KEPT IN GOOD PLAYING condition by the year for 5.00. One straight tuning, $3.00 Leave orders at Darnell & Thomas' Music House. 8 3t. A SPECIAL JJAROAIN IN A USED Everett Piano in good conditin. Darnell & Thomas' Music House. 8 3t. ANY LADY C.tX EASILY MAKE; from $1S0O to $25.00 per week! working for me quietly in her own' home locality.' Tiiis is a bonafide ' offer one which will pay you toi investigate, even if you ran only; spare two li.mr:; pr-r i:i. No in-: veslment required. Turn your! spare time into money. Write me; at once for particulars. Address; Harriet M. Richards, Box 30. Wn-i man's Building, .loilet, Illinois. ( SALESMAN' WANTED On comniis-; sion or $7" and up per month with, expenses, as per contract. Experi-i ence unnecessary. Premier Cigar. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. I WE CAN I'SE A FEW MORE ;OOI live agents. Mui.t ho lni:,t U.rs. Write at once for our proposition. The Wabash Pottery Co., Rose ville, Ohio. PATENT YOl'It IDEAS AND MAKE money. Send for my book "How To Get Them." Best service. Joshua R. H. Potts, Lawyer, Wash ington, D. C, Chicago and Pmki . delphia. AGENTS $75 monthly selling Star Egg Beater; worits wita one hand; lightning seller; sample free. E. Thomas Co., 0120 Barney Blk., Dayton, Ohio. POSTOFFICE CLERKS AM) CAR- riers wanted. Examinations will be held in Raleigh and many other cities in November; particulars free. Washington Civil Service School, Dept. 017, Washington,! D. C. CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ARE paid well for easy work; exaniina-' tions of all kinds soon: expert ad- j vice, sample questions and booklet 017, describing positions and lell-j ing easiest and quickest may to so-, cure them free. Wrto now. Wash- ington Civil Service School, Wash-j iirgton, D. O. ; MAX INTERVIEW 151'SINESS PEO- j pie, nothing-, to, sell, steady work, . weekly remittance and expense al-! lowance. Corporation 137, Lyric1 Bldg.. Newark, N. J. ' NOTICE New method shoe repair-; ing. Having installed tiie latest ; improved up-to-date Shoe Machin-: ery, I am now prepared to do all work in my line on short notice, i Very best White Oak Leather used : in all work. All work guaranteed; to give perfecet satisfaction. Your patronage solicited. Work called, for and delivered. Moore's Klec-: trie Shoe Shop, Home Building,' Fayetteville street. LADIES Insist on bavins Dr. Mar-j tel's Pills, the standard reined...! Best, safest, most reliable. At all ; druggists. Send for book, "Relie:" ; for Women." French Drug Co., 30 W. 23d St., N. Y. City. Sat-tf NEW YORK CLIPPER 18 THE GREATEST THEATRICAL SHOW PAPER IN THE WORLD. $4.00 Per Year. Single Gopy, 10 Cts. ISSUED WEEKLY. Sample Copy Free. FRANK QUEEN PUB. CO. (Ltd), ALBERT.!. PORII5, . . IM IiUSHEUS EDGAR W. LOSES I Paris, Oct. 9-rWord was lvi-eived I" day from Berne, Switzi'rtaiul, Ih. , Edgar W. Jlix, the Ainerk-sin ballon! 1st who made the great llii;ht froi Zurich to Warsaw, a distance of 63' miles, has been disqualilied as til winner of the international trophy. It is claimed that Mix descended a" an Intermemediary point in Uolieinia and this disqualified, according to tht rules of the race. Mix, is due to arrive in Paris today, does not, apparently, yet know of any such action by the Swiss Aero Club. He stated before leaiiig Berlin that some boys had cuught hold of the dangling anchor rope of his balloon near Prasue and had pulled the ear with in a few feet of the ground. He protested so vigorously however, that they let go, he says. Death of Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. Hettie Morgan, wife of Mr. J. R. Morgan, died yesterday at her home in Cary. She leaves besides her husband, two children. , The funeral services will be con ducted tills af terenoon. MIX ps ROPHY ' We want to send HAYNER B0TTLED at our risk on our guarantee it will please you or it will not cost vou one We want to prove to vou what delicious whiskey this is. , We want to convince you of the extraordinary saving our DIRECT FROM DISTILLERY pUa of selling means to you. HERE'S OUR OFFER WE WILL SEND YOU Full Quart Bottles of Hayner $T).20 Private Stock Bottled-In -Bond L Whiskey Express Prepaid for I Cu,,:l5 slui pej :n plate fcdld ene-no mailca lieu U arrives try It every bottle if you like. Then, if you don't find it all we claim one of the most exquisite whiskies you ever tasted and equal toanyyou could buy in your city for 85 send it back at our tx,t:ntc and your $3.20 will be returned by first mail. THINK OF 1T-THIS IS AT THE RATE OF ONLY BO CENTS A QUART FOR THIS HIGHEST GRADE BOTTLED IN BONO WHISKEY. a whiskey that is distilled, aged and bottled under U. S. Government supervision every bottle sealed with the Government's BOTTLE D-IN-BOND STAMP positive assurance that it is a STRAIGHT whiskey fully aged, full 100 per cent proof and full measure absolutely PURE to the last drop. TRY it-Th&t'ft all we ask. The expense is all ours if it fails to please you. Send us your order TO-DAY and be suru to address our nearest Shipping Depot. THE HAYNER DISTILLING COMPANY, Div. 5143 St. Louis, VIo. Dayton, Ohio. St. Paul, Minn. Jacksonville, Flai. New Orleans, La. K :o :!:. st Troy. Ohio. Established IMS. OuriUl. I500MO Fully PI6V m r AY. ON Officers T.H.Briggs LB-Crowder, Ptes. W.B. Grimes, V. Pres. W.W.VASS. Cashier.. IH is made in the largest distillery in the world, having a capacity of 3600 bushels of grain or 400 barrels of whiskey per day. We have now in Government Bonded Warehouses 140,000 barrels of whiskey to be sold through our distributors direct to consumers. i 4 Full Quarts . . 6 Full Quarts . . 12 Full Quarts . . Express Prepaid 100 proof bottled in bond. Full meas ure and prompt shipment guaranteed. CLARKE BROS. & CO., Distillers oa II. CLARK 17 ewinaanamai ''"""c&B&llitoilnl RICHMOND, ' fit ' WHISKEY Bottled in Bond Whiskeys All Our Goods Guaranteed fader The Natloaal Pare Food Uwi Kstabltsheil thiiiy years record for handling; only reliable Kooils. Send your mall orders to us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Orders Idled day received, shipped In plain packages WE PREPAY KXPRESS 'SHOEMAKER" RYE WHISKEY ffif&i00 1Gal. 4Qts. 12 Ql Lazarus Club, "Cream of Whiskies". .. .$4 00 $4 00 $11 l Virginia Mountain (strt., 7 yrs. old)... 4 00 4 00 12 I Albemarle Rye, "fine" 3 00 3 00 8 ! Cabinet Rye 2 50 2 75 7 ! XX Red Rye 2 25 2 50 6 I Red Cross Malt Whiskey 3 50 3 50 11 ( Yadkin River Corn 2 50 2 50 7 1 Georgia Corn, pure white or yellow... 2 25 2 50 6 ! Virginia Apple Brandy 2 50 2 75 7 ! Shoemaker Rye (bottled In bond) 5 full Qts. 5 00 12 C Send trial order to-day for any of the rcpie.ented or money refunded. Complete price list and booklet of all We never disappoint." "Quicker than the quickest." Every cman . is Interested and should know i about the wonderful Marvel SF"E" Ask oar dranift for it. If be cannot bupdIt &h MARVEL, accent no . .. W..4 -j, ltr trated book aled. It olven full Darticnlare and directions lnvaiuMt le talwUm HAflVEL CP 4 a. 23d St.. How Y& I lilllk M.r... S3 exi : nam you a trial order of - IN - B0ND WHISKEY . cent a rich, pare and to Indicate contraM. AYNEi? WHISKEY BnTTIFfl IN BOND wwnm nsnuHK eoKPl "Urn mj bubtoct. tw, 1 Order for Ari.. CJ.. Colo., Idaho. Mont., g Nov., N. Mex., Oro., Utah, Wain, of wyo. mtut be on tha bana of 4 Quart to $4.00 by Expreu Prepaid or 20 Quart for 1 5.20 by Freight Prepaid. If S3 INTEREST COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY YDUR DEPOSIT. Directors. T.RJerman John A.Kemp W.H. Harrington S.C.Hobby A.R.D. Johnson E.C.Duncan J.W. Bailey George E.Hunter. $ 5 00 6 50 12 OO & SON YA., DISTRIBUTORS. above.' We guarantee the quality as brands of Whiskeys lent on request. LAZARUS GOODMAN CO., KUANUKE, VA. o mi HUBBARD BROS&CO- .;' HA.VOVKR Sgl AKK, !VKW VOUK. MEMBERS of, New York ' CoLtotr Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex-'' chaiigo, A sfeociate Members Hvor"" pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLTCITEJD For tho rmr-': . chase aud sole of Cotton for futinVv dellvery. Correspondence Invited, f J' a Mill!, A v V 1