1 zzzzza zwwvmn'mimTsm m liViiMQanx np$s ka;>mDT, October 9, isoV - '1 M". -.w f" ' 'I i . fa i ft I .? 5 OCTOBER WEDDINGS 7 , ,' , Do pot delay longer in' placing orders for engravedin '' - vHin Our fall samples represent the very latest shape and forms that Have been accepted by refined and 'fashionable society. W--ddr not "follow we LAt) in originating artistic effects with fine material. -Our price arsr the 4oWsk- - Send for samples, which will b&MtiplleiJ fire of charge: T P. STEVENS ' ENGRAVING Ca', Wedding Stationery Engraters, If U" 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. SOCIETY. THE NORTH POLE. 'tStwn TJiujle Wrry's point of view. It's ftrfgfoty cutis ter me to see de bttta'ffee. &at skune fokes aire raisin' 'bout sklvverin de norf pole; i"Wen don" yo" fegit, de creates- questun . I what yo' gwlne do wid It, bless yo' soul! )Deys a mighty lot o' fuss and kick In' up de dus' 'Boot who should hab de honors ob dig great skiwerment, !Wen his all 'bout de same Jest fer de sake o fame ,What's de dlffunce to us ef dey did - or didn't went? , Apex, N. C. W. Frank Booker. Miss Phyllis Woodall is spending a few days in the city. Mrs. H. EL Royall, of New Bern, is Visiting Mrs. U A. Taylor. Mrs. R. H. Purgersbn, of Neuse, is isiting Miss Katherlne Ennis. Miss May Lincoln, of Meredith Col lege left today for Greensboro. Mrs. P. D. Gold and Mrs. W. G. Beasley, of Greensboro, have gone to Wilson. Mrs. W. E. Stinson left today for Barclaysville to visit her mother, Mrs. A. W. Gregory. Mrs. Warner Goodwin left today for Shelby, where she will make her home in the. future. . V Mrs. P. Barrand, of Scotland Neck, has returned home after .a visit to Mrs. George Strong. Tuesday Afternoon Club. There will be a meeting of the Teus day afternoon Club, with Mrs. .1. Y. Joyner, Tuesday afternoon, October 12 at 4 p. m. This Will be the first meet ing of the season. ' THB WOMAN'S STORK xx 8 WE HAVE THK AGENCY Fall and Winter (0 I House Wearables. 4 Our exhibit ot Dressing Sacks and Bath Robes have never been equaled. They have just j g been received and are among the pret- m m tiest wearables for the women folks we S S have ever shown. & display, prices from FAIR WEEK o ARE VOU READY? g You will need something extra for m ,S thfe great week in Raleigh, and you 1 $ should not fail to come here to find it g Perhaps it is a Coat Suit or an Evening g ' Dress. Well, we have both. Perhaps V yit is a separate Skirt j Too wiD always find . i liAjuig iu any rcauy - iu Jr .-... wk..i Mrs. Jjfrnes Leach has returned to her home at McCullers after a visit to Mrs. W. E. Stinson. Mrs. George Elliott has returned to her home at Linden after a visit to Mrs. Franklin McNeill. Miss Bennie Davis will leave this afternoon for a visit of several days to relatives and friends in Louisburg. Mrs. Chas. Hancock and children returned to their home at Charlottes ille, Va., today after a visit at the home of Mr. Garland Jones. Brazilian Tea and Musical. A Brazilian Tea and Musical will be given in Edenton street church M. E. Sunday school, Wednesday afternoon at five o'clock. The musical program will be rendered by some of the best local talent. This will be followed by a tear, at which will be server "Mate" (Brazilian tea) and the curios brought over by Miss Mary T. Pescud. mission ary from Brazil, will be exhibited. All are cordially Invited. A silver offering will be taken at the door. The entertainment is under the manage ment of the Junior Epworth League and that means a delightful nfternoon to all who attend. ST A : 3C R Y-BR VTOX. The following announcement will be of interest: "Mr. ami Mrs. John Calvin Bruton announce the engagement of the daughter Zula Virginia to the Kfverend Walter Adair Stanbury. The marriage will take place in December." .Miss Huton is a charming and popu lar young woman of Fayettevllle. Mr. Stanbury. since coming to Ra leigh as pastor of Edenton street church has made many friends who will rejoice in his good fortune and promise us a good preacher. THK WOMAN'S STORE W FOB I'KKKLKH PATTKHNS. 1 lannel Kimonas. m See our window S 60c. up. or Shirt Waist something to your 2 - wear gariiiem. . V! , W. 'v.' V,.. . :WW .1. 1 Miss Sarah Cowan went to Durham today, v. .'.Mr. ana Mrs.kJ.""B. TBM'laB; tatty: for Richmond. Miss Jessamine Clayton today. . Telverton went to Rev. and Mrs. J, Marvin Culbreth, of Smithfield, returned home today. Miss Nannie Pratt went to Oxford today. 1 Miss Kate Walker left , today for Bennehan, where she will teach. Mrs. S. E. Page and Miss Louise Page left today for Petersburg, Va.' Miss Ruth Whitley, of Wakefield, was in the city today going to iMon cure to teach. Miss Carrie Payton of New York, Is in the city as the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. P. Betts. Mrs. S. .E. Linton returned from a visit to Rockingham and Mt. Gillard toda y. 'Mr. J. W. Faucette, of Washington, N. C, is visiting his sister at the State Hospital. Mrs. 3. A. Bryant returned to her home at Warsaw today after a visit in the city. - Mrs. H. B. Greason went to Hender- ton today to visit her daughter Mrs. W. T. Whitten. Misses Etta Rollins. Pauline Holt, Lina Norris, of Holly Springs, were in the city today. Miss Bessie Dunn returned to her home In Wake Forest today after a visit to Mrs. W. N. Kener. Mrs. J. R. Ragsdale, of Fuquay Springs, spent a few hours in the city today returning from a visit to rela tives in Granville county. - Miss Fannie Johnson went to Wil mington today to attend the mariage of Miss Sadie Williams and Mr. Wil liam Johnson, of Asheville, which takes place next Tuesday at noon. Mr. Lonnle Winston, of Durham, ar rived In the city today to visit his sister Mrs. Brown. Mrs. A. W. Haywood is on a visit to Mrs. Burke Haywood. TWO CHARTERS TODAV. A Lumber Company and a Gold Min ing Company File Certificates of Incorporation. The Nlbelung Gold Mining Com pany filed a certificate of incorpora tion today with the secretary of state, among the objects for which it is in corporated are to secure mineral lands and to operate , mines. The principal office is In Caldwell coun ty and the postoffice address Is Mor ganton, R. F. D. No. 3. The author ized capital stock is $100,000 but may organize and commence business when $1,250 is paid in. The incor porators are Sidney H. Bourne and Henry E. Wood, 43 Exchange Place, Borough ot Manhattan, New Vork, and R. W. Taylor, Morgantoh, R. F. D. No. 3. The Parks Lumber Company, of Roaring River, was chartered today to manufacture- lumber, spokes, bob bins, etc., with an authorized capital stock of $25,000, but may organize and commence business with $5,00t) paid In. The stockholders are L. J. Salmons and H. E. Parks and oth ers. ... ELOCUTIION RECITAL. First Series At Meredith College Yes terday Afternoon. In the auditorium of Meredith Col lege yesterday afternoon at five o'clock the first recital by students of the school of elocution was given. The recitals were greatly enjoyed laat year and the public will be glad to learn that they will be continued this season. The selections were well chosen,, the young ladies winning the highest by their delightful interpretation of each one. THE DVTY ON TOBACCO. Collector Ixteb Sent Instructions For Stricter Enforcement of the Law. , (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Oct. 9 Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Hilles has sent to Collector of the Port Loeb of New York, City Instructions for .the stricter enforcement of the tariff law In regard to importations of tobacco. The instructions say that much to bacco has been imported under the 35 cent a pound duty as fillers, when in reality It should have paid the duty of $1.85 as wrapper tobacco. MISS ROSA McAHAN OF BUTTE. How Ater Two Yean She ' Found ' Remedy for Dandruff. Miss Rosa McAhan, of 211 West Quarts street, Butte, Mont., says: "Herpiclde has thoroughly cleansed my scalp of dandruff, with which It was entirely covered; and it . has stopped my falling hair. I have tried many different) preparations in the past two years, but none took effect except Newbro's Herpiclde." " Dan. drnff is a germ disease and Herpiclde is an infallible destroyer of the germ. Destroy the cause, you remove' the eueti. n.ii iub aanurun germ Ask your druggist for Herpiclde. It Is a delightful dressing', allays Itch ing; makes the hair soft as silk, Sold" by leading druggists. Send 10c. in. stamps' for sample to The Herpi clde Co., Detroit, Mich. .. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Henrjt T. Hicks Co., Tucker Building Pharmacy, spe cial agents .-, v ' ,;. CHANCE Mrs. Jori6s Was in a Seritfus Conation Before she Helped Herself Wi tb Cardui, the Wo--; man's Tonic. Dexter, Tex.--"I certainly was In a serious condition when I wrote you for advice," writes Mrs. Calvin Jones of Dexter, Tex. 'I suffered a great deal with those dizzy, fainting spells, but after taking several bottles of Cardui, relief finally came. 'Cardui prepared my system for the dreadful change and when it came It was notfealtas bad as tftos dizzy spells had before. I now help every day with the houseWbrk and am getting along fine. "Cardui Is certainly fine for female complaints. My neighbors praise It and so do. others." Take Cardui when you feel 111 in any way, weak, tired, miserable, or miner the weather. No matter what the Immediate cause It will help' you to brace up. give you new.force and vim, help you to throw off the trouble that troubles you. Cardui will not Interfere with any other medicine you may be taking. It is a gentle, harmless, non-mineral, non. poisonous, non-intoxicating tonic, that every woman ought to take when she is looking for health, strength, beauty and itality. r. N. R Writ to: Ladies' Adisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper on request. GOOD GOVERNMENT ASSO. Will Meet In the Rooms of the Cham fie of Commerce Monday ' Evening. The annual meeting of the Raleigh Good Government Association will be held in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce Monday at 8 p. m. There will be a number of addresses and a general review of the work of the as- soclation will be made. i men. Brethren, if you want har The call of Chairman R. H. Battle mony, and you said you did, don't is as follows: i continue to throw things in our faces "The regular annual .meeting of J that have appeared for the past few the Raleigh Good Government Asso- days. T. G. COBB, elation will be held on Monday even-1 ; ing, October 11th, at 8 o'clock, in the I rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. There will be addresses reviewing the workrof the association. All Inter ested in good government of the city are cordially invited to be- present. "R. H. BATTLE, Chairman." A NARROW ESCAPE. Edgar N. Bayliss, a merchant of Robinsortvllle. Delaware wrote:" About two year ago I wan thin and sick and coughed all the time and if r , did not have con- j and It stopped my cough, and I am i menced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and it stopped my cought, and I am entirely well, and have gained twenty eight fwunds, all due to the good re sults from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." King-Crowell Drug Co. corner Fayetteville and Hargett streets. 1 Wake Forest Quartette. Tomorrow is Rally Day at the Tab- ernacle Sunday school. The services j begin at 9:30 a. m. Wake Forest I College quartette will be present and j aid in the special exercises. Every j member of the' school is earnestly' urged to be present and friends gen erally are cordially invited. WHAT ABOUT NEW FOR THE Let us furnish your spare room which you will need for Fair Week. We have a complete line of everything useful to beautify the home. Tho Raleigh T. E. Green, See. and Treas. 17 E. Martin and RALEIGH, N. C. Prescript , Particular people always us. Tftey are certain of getting satisiaction at the right 1." price. KING-CROWELL Drug Co. r . i ,, .'-a m mm f.X. ill', k '"0l AZUV J tft& WaTHER. Forecast Until 8 n. ro. - Sunday r or me eiuife Biaiv; r air wwamor. r I ..111 .. I .1... ..... I . W A la Hilll SIVlUtt CIBUI WR1U1C1 'f! IJl IUV Atlantic Spates. The western trough of low pressure Is advancing ..east ward, attended - by cloudy ' weather and rain from the eastern slope of the RockJ Mountains over the Mississippi' Valley. It has caused heavy rains in eastern Texas, and portions of Louis lana, Arkansas and western Mississ ippi. This disturbance iff- being fol lowed by high pressure with much cooler weather, except, in the extreme north, where the temperatur Is ris ing. The conditions are favorable for fair weather in this vicinity tonight- followed by increasing cloudiness on Sunday. L. A. DBNSON, , Section Director. For Raleigh and vicinity: Fair to night; Sunday, Increasing cloudiness. Dr. Abernathy, the great English physician, said, "Watch your kidneys. When they are affected, life Is In danger." Foley's Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys, corrects uri nary irregularities, and tones up the whole system. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. j Wanted, A Square Deal. To the Editor of The Times: Unfortunately, there has been a great deal of boasting through the papers by the "stay ins" that the re sult of thejgjjeensboro convention of the Jr. oTuTa. M. this week was a complete victory for them. Had some of us contemplated this desire since the meeting to leave the wrong Im pression on the public, no doubt the result would have been different. Those who herd grievances (and they were legion ) were more liberal than had been expected, loving the order as they do, as devotedly as those who were pleased to term themselves the "stay ins." The truth Is, both fac tions made concessions, for the sake of harmony and continued good fel lowship, and for either faction to claim a victory is misstating the facts.. It is unfair, unjust, and Bur- prising, after the agreements reached j at Greensboro between honorable DEMOCRAT and ' Republican, Bap tist and Jew here is one treat which r all can enjoy in common NUNNALLYScandies. No doubt about their purity or fine quality. No question that they are the most delicious ' candies that can be made. Every box is fresh and generously assorted. 1 A fresh supply always kept by 1 HENRY T. HICKS. TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY. "None Like Nunndtty. " SOMETHING HOME Furnitnre Co. J. M. RIOOAX, Mgr. 18 Market Streets. J ions! bring their prescriptions to ivier vanay. m. m mm V 11 !Agdin to 1 RifirtmSSlI' I BcssiEiKiTGnaCax Royall & OordeiiN Furnifum Co.9 127 Fayetteville St FINE SHEFFIELD WARE II. MAHLER'S 'SONS, - - - - . RALEIGH, N. C. JEWELERS mmM for the Great State Pair by buying your Dresses and Shoes of us. All the newestt and best in Broadcloths, Serges, Panamas, Fancy Weaves, Checks, etc., from 25c. to $1.50 per yard. New Silks for Waists and Dresses, from 25c. to $1.00. See our Special in Silks for Street and House Dresses at 50c. Irvin Drew Shoes of every style, shape and price. . - . New arrivals in Children's Hpse at 15c. November Patterns and Style Book now reaay. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Company We sell Pictorial Review Patterns. Mag azines Pltic 2 your orders wilK borne pieople ataoTyou don't lose. . x 'r We have all the new fictions of an? note on bur counters.- " Call and see our 50c. Boohs. ALFRED WILLIAMS & COMP'Y. THE BALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COUP ANY. . .WITH :. ,'" .. . , .) ' Am nnsarpassed bifstorf behind K since IMS. Safety to Its Depositors. Accommodation to tta' Ciulomert.' WiUliig service to Ite Friosds. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, ' i , F. H. BRIGG8, , , PresldeaC . ' .Cailder. Plummets Stables (Successor to WoodalTs Stables,' East Morgan Sreett.)' C ' . Fine Urery and Boarding Stables. , Special attentioa all i faorsM V. Boarded Kith as. ' '.. 47 LETU5MOVETOU 9 BAOOAOB TKAKSFER'AM) MOVtSQ A SFECIAIiTt. Mr. PBBCT THOMAS, fate ojt the J. W. fmc4 MoJ Ooroitaay,' MW . 'ager. :Ope Da and Nlgnt. Pboaee 7. . ..... - ....... ,..r ., ... ., the Front Our sales of the Hoosier Kftcfren Cabinet have been a great feature. You should ex amine the Hoosier and let us tell you WHY. - Raleigh, MVC If you can't buy STE R LI N G SI LVER You can buy SHEFFIELD The only plated ware t Kat we&rs a generation. .: I V, WE FURNSH AT f t COMBINATION K PRICES : : : . - ' - ' JJ 1 f r