mm - THE EVENING TBOv ALEIQH, N. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1909. t i I .J J(X H. WEATHERS, Pres. , . ' - FAB H. WEATHERS ,See.-Treas. ', JPZt. JOHNSON, Vice-President. , Woathors Furniture Company, 121 East Martin Street. CERTAINLY ENDS KIDNEY TROUBLE 7 "FAIUUXn No. 5. Agrnts for the Celebrated FERRAXI) PIANOS unci ORGANS, as well as other makes of merit. We can save you :f-l !-; per rent on your in--strunient. See us and save money. 5 SUrilEriECODBtllSW liUtheran Services will lit; hold lu the Sunday school building of tire Edentou Street. Methodist church. Sunday, October 10, at 8 p. m. Preaching by the Rev. Geo. W. Alen neii, of Greensboro, N. C. Subject: "The Lutheran Doctrine of the Lord's Supper." . All are welconiu. Evangel .Baptist Rev. J. A. Heilis will preach at 11 a. m. and at S p. in. Sunday school 9:30 a. ni., W. D. Hol loway, superintendent. All invited. Edenton Street Methodist Rev. W. A. Stanbury, pastor. Services to morrow at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., con ducted by the pastor. Sunday school at 9:3(0 a. m., Joseph G. Brown, su perintendent. Epworth League meets Monday night and prayer meet ing Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. West Raleigh Baptist Services tit 7:30 p. m. Preaching by Rev. .1. S. Farmer, pastor. Sunday school I!: 30 p. m. Wednesday night prayer meet ing 7:30 p. m. Choir practice Thurs day night 7: SO p. m. Christ Church Rev. Milton A. Barber, rector; Rev. John H. Crosby, assistant. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Divine service and sermon 11a. m., Rev. T. H. R. Luney will preach. Evering prayer 5:30 o'clock. Ser vices during the week: Wednesday 6:30 p. m. and Friday 10 a. m. Free v 4.seas. Strangers and visitors cordial :; ly invited. Tabernacle Baptist Rev. A. .J. Moncrief, pastor. 11 a. m. subject, "A Worthy Walk." Sermon by the pastor. At 7:30 p. in. there will be an ordination service, in which Mr. C. C. Wheeler will be ordained to. the full work of the gospel ministry. A :r sermon appropriate to the service will brpfeaciied hy tlu pastor. Rev. .1. A. Campbell, of Ituie's Creek Academy, will deliver a charge to the candidate. The Bible will be deliv eied to the candidate and the ordain ing prayer made by Rev. Livingston Johnson and H. C. Moore. 9:15 a. m. Sunday school, N. B. Hroughton, su perintendent. Sunday will be observ ed as Rally Day in the Sunday school. Special program of select music. Public with strangers and visitors cordially invited to all services. Hillshoro Street Christian Rev. L F. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at. 9:1 5, C. H. Stephenson, superin tendent. Preaching and reception of members at 11 a. m. Preaching at 8 o'clock. Song service 7:45. Re vival services during the week. Song service every evening at 7:45 and preaching at 8 o'clock. Presbyterian Rev. W. McC. White, D. D. Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. During the morning service the communion of the Lord's Sup per will be observed. Sunday school 9:i!0 a. m. WestmJnster League 7:30 p. m. Wednesday service S p. m. St. Saviour Chapel Rev. John H. Crosby, minister in charge. Eigh teenth Sunday after Trinity. Sun day school 10 a. m. Night service and sermon 7:13 o'clock. Seats all free. Every one invited. Fayetteville Street Baptist Rev. John L. Cook, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school 9:::0 a. m., J. T. Pullen, superintendent, f'liurrli f tliofiootl Shepherd Kev. f. McK. I'ittenger, D. D., rec tor. Kighteenth Sunday after Trin ity. Holy communion at 8 a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Service Suits that are Personal in Feeling. Wo have long since learned that suits must possess the same characteristics in their make-up that men do, and when this is done and the suit and the man gets to gether tit ere is bound to be a lit. ' ' . There are not as many pe culiarly built men as you'd suppose; there are more suit models than you'd think for. 7n our immense stock of the highest type of ready-made clothing we have a suit for -you one that feels right. Our styles for young men have all the snap and vigor that's possible to get into suits. . The blues ,and grays the leading fall colors are here hi all styles and shades from $16.50 to $40.00. Other well made suits, $10.00 to $15.00. J, ROSENGARTEN CO., FAYETTEVILLE STREET. The Hundreds of folks here are needless ly miserable and worried, because of out-or-order kldnoye, backache or blad der trouble. If you will take several doses of Pape's Diuretic all misery from a lame rack, rheumatism, painful stitches, inflamed and swollen eyelids, nervous headache, irritability, dizziness, worn- Ant, sick feeling and othea' symptoms will vanish. Uneontrolloble smorting, frequent urination (especially at night) and all bladder misery ends. This unusual preparation goes at once to the disordered kidneys, blad der and urinary system, and distrib-- utes its healing, .cleansing and vitaliz ing inlluence directly upon the orga"" and glands affected, and completes the cure before you realise it. The moment you suspect any kidney or urinary disorder, or feel rheuma tism coming, begin taking this name less medicine, with the knowledge that there is no other remedy, at any price, made anywhere else in the world, vhich will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a fifty-cent treatment of Pape's Diuretic, which any druggist can supply. Your physician, pharmacist, banker or any mercantile agency win icu you that Pape, Thompson & Tape, of (In- cinati concern, thoroughly worthy or your confidence. Only curative results can come from, taking Pape's Diuretic, and a few days' treatment means clean, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary, organs and you feel fine. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store anywhere in the world. Unusually large Cccket for This Term ' Salt Agatart th American Tobacco : Company Comes Up Not Tuesday. Case to Determine Whether1. Com pear Is Combination in Restraint of 1'Mde. . '' . j Washington, Oct. 9 The fall term ! NOTE TEUSTDlf. KbowJ As m Raleigh Beader ToaWell. When th-kidneys are sick, Nature tells you about It The urine Is nature's calendar. Infrequent or too fxegjuent action; Any urinary trouble tetla of kidney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kidney Ills.. ' lialelgh people- testify to this. Mrs. L. H. King, 318 E. Cabarrus St;, Raleigh, N. C.j says: "I can spoak !n the highest terms "of Doan's Kidney ! tl 1 tc htivintf iiha thftm .with thA mwit of the United States supreme court results. J suffered consld- eruuiy iroui uuii uauivauiivs, iichuquuj accompanied by pains across my loins. and sermon at It a. ni. and at S p. m. Services on Wednesday at lit a. m. and on Friday at 5 p. m. The seats are all free and strangers and visitors are cordially invited. Central Methodist L. B. Jones, pastor. Usual services conducted by the pastor at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30, R. E. Prince, superintendent. A special series of meetings will be held during the week. Rev. L. P. Howard, of More- head City, will assist the pastor. SEW HKATIXCJ SYSTEM. WfU he Installed at Carolina His ' torical Society Clioses Officers Other News. (Spec:al to The Times.) Chapel Hill, N. C, Oct. 9 The new heating system will be In opera tion on October 15. This will be a great improvement over last year's system, as the circuit of the hot wa ter has been made Into two groups. At the same time that the heating apparatus is complete the seats in the convenes next Monday. ftniemtor of the august tribunal wjjl hot be In his accustomed seat when the court meets at noon. Associate Justice William Moody, of Massachu setts,, it was Announced at. the office of the supreme court clerk yester day, will not be able to sit. Justice Moody has been in ill health for some time. It Is also reported that Associate Justice John filarshall Har lan, of Kentucky, may be prevented from, being present Monday. He, too, has not been enjoying good, health since the court last adjourned, The docket of the supreme court is unus ually large for this term. As an il lustration of this 23 cases are set down for Tuesday next. Two of them ure very important. One is the suit of the United Statos against the American Tobacco Company, the big "trust-busting" case that Attorney General Wickersham has been pre paring for some time. The other is the suit of the Southern Pacific Rail road against the Interstate Com- -tnerce Commission, to prevent it from enforcing certain freight rate man dates. The attorney-general will not ap pear for the government in many of the cases, but the department of jus tice will be represented by Assistant Attorney-General Ellis, or Solicitor- General Bowers. Mr. Wickersham, however, will personally conduct the government prosecution of the to bacco trust. James McReynolds, for mer assistant attorney-general, will assist Wickersham in this case. The government case against the triujj is to determine if the American Tobacco Company is a combination In restraint of trade. Lower courts have held it to be such. Some phases I of the decisions of the lower courts, however, were not satisfactory to the department of justice and the case before the supreme court Is not only the appeal of the company, but also of the government. The lower courts held that United Cigar Stores were not parties to the original suit, but the department of justice holds to the contrary, and must be so in cluded. In this case the government is seeking to have the American To- I was convinced that my trouble arose from disordered kidneys, as the secre tions from these organs were unnatur al and too frequent in passage.' When LJieard of Doan's Kidney Pills. I pro cured a box from, the, Bobbitt-Wynno; Drug Co. and began using them as directed They benefited me at once and after I had taken them a short time . I was curoji." ... For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUbutn Co., . Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. SHOW FROM CUBA. I Application Received Today for Space on Midway at Fair Oct. 1S-23. The State Fair management to day received an application for space on the Midway from, one of the big gest shows in Havana, Cuba. This gives some idea of bow the reputation of the North Carolina Annual State Fair is spreading. In this connection it might not be amiss to mention that several re markably excellent shows from Can ada have been already ' booked for the great week of October 18-23. By the way, th aggregation of shows this year will be nothing short of marvelous, among them bepg the Merrlmac and Monitor show of Jamestown celebrity; Ferrari's -famous trained wild animals; the Flea Theatre, showing flees drawing car riages, fighting duels, riding bicycles, juggling, operating a carousal, per forming stunts on slack wire, panto mine ballet, running races, riding in automobiles and other things too nu merous to mention: the Infant Incu bator; Kemp Sister's Wild West Show: the famous London Ghost Show, to say nothing of the innumer able free attractions given every day during the week, Including the Great Davenports, dashing over an 80-foot high wire on a wheel of fire; Frees and Gennett as Happy Hooligan and Loucian Ann in the box car trick, and as aerialists and trapeie and roman rings; the novel balloon race, two balloons ascending to dizzy heights and each dropping two parachutes at bacco Company thrown into the hands, the same time; many acts by theWild of a federal receiver, for the pur- chapel will be ready. The new seats pose of making sure that the combi- are onera chairs and the seating ca-: nation is dissolved. The American pacity will be increased considerably. All the members of the academic de partment will now. attend the chapel. exercises which are held at twenty- five minutes after nine. twenty minutes. Tobacco Company is a huge holding company, which has control of a large number of tobacco and related corporations. The su,it to dissolve is lasting for based on the claim that the company is operating in violation of the Sher- The editors and managers of the man anti-trust law. If the govern college annual, the Yackety Yack, ment should 'win this case there is are all ready and an excellent book is expected next spring. Dr. Sloan, of the University of Vir ginia, spoke in the Y. M. C. A. build iug Thursday night. Ho comes in the interest of the Rochester Convention to be held at Rochester, N. Y., on the 2th of December, vastlng till Janu ary the 2nd. This will be a conven tion of students from all parts of the world interested in missions. A large delegation is expected to go from the University and Mr. Johnson, the Bible study secretary for North and South Carolina, is arranging to have the joint delegations attend in a party. for which he is arranging little doubt that It will also be suc cessful in the suit for dissolution of the Standard Oil Company, now in the lower federal courts in St. Louis. If the government loses both cases it will practically nullify the Sherman law. West Show, winding up with the at tack on the overland stage coach by wild Indians. In short, it might not be out of place to say that paid shows and free attsactions will have more in them than three circuses combined. y tor Wosr rv.1 Yv. A Smart VU Xegal MPS. Drus Model WE HAVE a numVer.of smart diets models in regsj Shoes. iWf bound, to win tec approval of the best-drened men ' in town. Ant) the fit of these Regsl dress models is juit as , neat as thwr, appearance. r REGAL SHQES are always built after the latest, exclusive custom styles and always fit Kite nuide-to-measure sheet, because they are made in, quartetj-dfti. Your dress shoes should be absolutely correct thats why you need Kegait.:, . ' ;' $350 EDGAR E HAI1ERDASHER, 200 Fayettejiti? tit,, Ibateigfa N. O. 00 u4 BROuGfUON, We Laundry Sweaters. Haven't you a Sweater that needs cleaning for tt fall wear? We make them 1 ook as good as new; Oak City Steam Laundr) Co., Both rhonea, C7. stAUOOB, X. O. J NO T. PHIXKM, President. CHABJUEUI BOOT, OMhl The Raleigh Savings Dank CAPITAL AND SUHPLTIS, $700fX0QL Four pec eeafi Intercut paid on epostt. , OOl lis t bak, or wi Is farther tafonnatfcnv . '. '" SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FQll XOTj? Slany people delude themselves by saying "it will wear away," when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble. This Is a mistake. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy, and stop the drain on the vitality. It cures back- ache, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and makes every trace of pain, weakness, and urinary trouble disappear. King-Crowell Drug Co., Fayetteville and Hargett streets. , TRINITY COLLEGE GLEE CLUB. To Be Organized Siiortly for Annual Tour Class Officers Klected. Trinity College, Durham,' N. C, Oct. 9 The sophomore class met this morning after chapel and chose tlte following officers to serve dur- a special - in thc term ot 1909 and 1910: Mr.4 Pullman tar. Mr. Johnson made a w. m. Muse, Jr., of Durham, presi- short talk Just preceding ur. sioan, jcnt; jir. Frank Cooper, of States In explanation of his plans. vlIle vjce president; Mr. Hal McCoy, The Kappa Alpha fraternity inlti-jof Asheviue wa8 elected athletic rep ated J. T. Larkin Saturday night and ; resentative. , the Sigma Nu fraternity has recently initiated R. P. Blackmer. The Junior Order of the Gorgon's Head has initiated J. W. Cheshire, W. T. Joynerlnd J. M. Battle. ' Th Doclibl Diilt Association has :lt:tcd its officers and tno candidates for the team, are now trying for places. The president and captain of the team are T. W. Voils and W. A. Dardea, respectively. C. C. Garrett, captain of the var sity football team, has been elected president of the Guilford uouiuy Club. This club now has a member, ship of thirty and Is about to take the cup from Mecklonbsrg county for having' the largest county club in the University. . At a recent meeting of the Histor ical Society Dr. J.,.- G. deltoulhac Hamilton was chosen president and Dr. K. IV Battle permanent vteo pres ident. " The other officers were W. B. Rodman. Jr recording secretary and C. E. Mcintosh, corresponding secre tary; This ctah give a plaee for ex pression for both faculty and stu dents interested In history. The pa per presented before it are of state wide importance. A Hurry Up Call. Quick! Wr. DruggWl-QuIckl A box of Bucklsn'a Arnica Salvo Hers a quarter For th love of Moses, hprryi Baby's turned himself, terrlbly-ohn-nie cut his foot with th axeMamie's scaldedP cau' walk from ptles-BIl-lle has got botts--ant my corns Ache. She 4. it and soon cured alt the fam ily. IW t greatwit hler m earth. Sold hy all druggists. The freshman class alone remains to elect their officers. This will prob ably be done tomorrow. X The first meeting of the Trinity College Glee Club was held this week in the Craven Memorial Hall. The object of this meeting was to try out new voices. A great ' many . asniciinta were on hand and from the showing? made the first nigh some good -material will -be secured for the annual tour, which takes place a week or two prior to Christmas. It is hopefl that the club will not , do as tho club of last year did. gamely: to get strand ed on the road and have to walk into camp. V . " t The meeting of the Science Club, which was to have been held Tuesday night, has been postponed unlil Mon day night, when Prof. Flowers will deliver an address on "Simon New- oomb," who receatly died. Mr. J. S. Wrenn, of Slier guy, came over to the Park to be present at the "Tombs" initiation. Mr. Wrenn was business manager of the "Chronicle" last year and now is with Wrenn Bros, at Siler City. The Emergency Rpedy. Ifi'sPills will save tke dyspeptic from many tiys ot misery , and enable Mm to sat batever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to asslmilste and nour- -Ish the body, give keen sppetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elsgsatly sagar TaketCNo Substitute. Our IFall iiii of Furniture antf Housefumishings are complete. We have many new arrivals that are well worthy of yoiir consideration." You should noa make a selection of any piece of Furniture before insppc;ing our Mammoth Display. Here, - we always ar range the payments to suit the purchaser, anoTat prices that can'e be beat. a v.. I-a. . K- CAPITAL FlRNITlinE COrdPANY, RALKIGBI FHOKB 157, CATTTAIj CITY PHONE 253. 203-205 Fayetteville 3t. 0 Vick'S Pneu- Croup and monia Salvo will save sick- and ness dollars.' rclinblo. suffering Got Vlck's, 25 nd . the to and 1 1.0. Is Your Boy Readyifo Fall and Winter? If not, brag himhere and we'll make short work of it-rGood Wo?fc tyipt Our Fall lines are in for Youthsroys, and Children, and every style 'bat is destined to add fW to this "Home of Good Clothes" is fully represented. The best Children's, and Boys' All Wool Sweaters ever offered for. $1.0C and $1.50. ) " ' V t - 'Mothers'.' to see our line of Boys Suits and Furnisltfng Goods will keep you smiling. 4ROSS (SL LINEHAN COIPAY The Home of Good Clothes.