WW P IL E gc CI! RE n. (I. CATTLE CE-ELECTEOt BAriauET TO-iasirf Bent to Demonstrate the Merits , .Pyraaiia PHe Cure. of tyhat It frits Done For Others, It Can Do For Youi We have testimonials by the hurt arpfa (showing all-stagea, kind and de ! greerf . Of piles which have been eufed by, Pyramid Pile Cure. If you could read., these unsolicited letters; you would no doubt go- to the nearest drug store and buy a. Vox of Pyramid Pile Cure at once, price flfty; ' cents..-. ,' -"'.''' ' We do not ask you to do this. Send President of Raleigh Opod Co verment Association A General Review of the "Work of the Good Government Association From ts Beginning to Present Time Officers Elected Next ' Meeting in December. The annual meeting of the Raleigh Good 1 Government Association was held last night in 'the rooms of the chamber of commerce. v The meeting-was called to order by President R. H. Battle. In his address Mr, Battle reviewed the work ' us.;ypur name aid address and we' will 'of the association from its beginning semi you a triaj poena ge y roan ir'e. uowu ioTne present lime, rne spea i 'VTeJliow .what the ft-lal . package i ker thefc Related the history of the hviH do. "In many cas It has cured i movement; hbw- it went before the nil Mftrhnnf fiitViit traolmpnr If it ... . - 7 i IPtriUiailira Q Tt l I no tunntmAtil If- in ':ir--riiir-r: r v:,ceived at the hands vuu . Ul UBgrnv, a., wr v r.ni.i u -- i""1 Is fair, Is It not?. Simply All out free coupon belojir and mail today. FREE PACKAGE COUPON Stll out the blank lines below with your name and address, frut out coupon and mail to the PYRAMID DRtlQ , COMPANY, ,190 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mih.' ' A trial package of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent you at once by mall F1RE5E, in plain wrapper. ' Name Street City and State ENTRIES ARE DOUBLED Extlliitqrs Occapiing Double the Space of Last Year of ihe Wake county- representatives, particularly in the senate, and after the request for the commission was refused the advocates decided to appeal to the citizens of Raleigh through a mass j meeting, and after a hard campaign in which some of the best citizens of Raleigh took .part, the movement won. There have been requests for a reduction in taxes, but this is im possible now, on account of the finan cial condition of the city. The. bond ed indebtedness is $342,500, $100, 000 of this bearing 4 per- cent, in terest and the balance 5 per cent., be sides a debt of $16,000 left by the old administration. Under the char ter the annunl salary, list is over $30,- i 000. Besides this the city must raise $16,000 interest annually on . the i bonded debt. The necessary expenses jare about $104,000, while the re ceipts are :$1 06,000, which" loaves only about. $2,000 to reduce tilts In debtedness. He said the new admin istration had made improvements along all lines, and ns soon as the debt was paid and the Interest pro vided for without bonds, the taxps would be reduced. A resolution introduced by Mr. N. B. Broughton endorsing the present Von Can Safely Ent One, if Too Take Two Minna Tablets Afterwards RobhittWynne Guarantees Them. It is really a pitiful sight to see so many thousands of people worrying about What they can eat and what they can't eat Dyspeptics, they call themselves, but they stretch the Imagination when they do it ; All these people heed to make them healthy, cheerful and sound appetite is a box of .-o-na tablets. The stomach of a dyspeptics is over worked and run down. It needs help to digest the food, but more than that it needs a prescription that will cleanse, renovate, strengthen and put elasticity into the stomach walls. Mi-o-na is the prescription that will do this and do it so promptly that you'll wonder why you didn't try it before. It stops belching ot gas and distress after eating in five minutes. It is un doubtedly the greatest sjomarh tonic ever given to the public by a specialist in stomach diseases. Leading druggists everywhere sell Ml-o-na. Bnbbitt-Wynne DruR Co. sells it In Raleigh for !0 eents a large box on ' the money-back plan. Test samples free from Booth's Mi-orna, Buffalo,, N. y. EKNS NOW BE Arm FOR 1 BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN PEAIICE CO K WINTER QUARTERLY STYLE ROOK, ILLUSTRATING THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL V 5 t t v ft womeniaf on t (non There's a KABO CORSET for Every Figure. An Expert. Corsetei re will demonstrate the beauties of the Famous Kabo Corset, fit your form' with the right model or give you the forrect stylo num ber of the Corset host adapted to your figure. Buy whenever you will. HpHE impression you great deal by the corset mom U (Inn Mm, RntAM Vittv Henri of I.ivp i Stock Eighty-four Head Entered, administration and expressing the In One Day Poultry Exhibit ntconnaence or tne association in it, Show In Itself Ferari's Trained Animal Show. Great iwas unanimously adopted. Mr. W. N. Jones, in the course of some remarks upon the opportunities ' - .. - ! of the association, advocated a ''town .The prospects for the greatest fair meeting" in order to get an expres in jjthe, history, of the state continue aion from all the citizens. tOigrow .nngnter , every nay. rue. Mr. J.: h.- O'Quinn said that the space is rabidly, being taken up and moement should include the county , when the -gates are opened next weekj . vr everylnch of, available space will be niittee be appointed to inquire into '-occupied; . - ' ' ' the different departments and to make ' Mr. JV. n: Hutt, who is in The suggestions' as to the best manner to westeia part or ine'ate, writes vrom get the clty financeg m good condi ABoeTiue mat xue iruu aiinuy l...0 tion which wftg adopted The chalr Eb?. n8t he hM. eY!r' appointed on that committee Walter aeen. in aispiay wjw occupy ao. Die Clarki Jh George Hnter. James J .. .rr.wW'. C. J. Hunter, J. G. Ball, and nt rkW Ana anvji( (nana thnci imfah ho. i '. l"a" "c After the election of the following a-.Hnna r h.t th tlvAlofflcers the meeting adjourned to Jii. .iiivi, m meet the second Monday in Decem- nthPr vor, ThrA Ia rtn ntrv of bev: President, R. H. Battle; vice flffv: ThAnH. n,hr nf tpn nn,i nf Presidents, Leo. D. Heart, George ' t.wPlv heart nf ..ttta ri tuiv Hunter, Carey J. Hunter, N. B swine.' all these entries hein in one Broiightdn, Ivan Proctor, Josephns daV,' Which shows how fast they are D"n'els. K. L. Harris, and W. N coming in. iJones- 4 u v ivuiii j cjtuiuti mil uc niuiuoi j a show within itself, all the noted I strains of chickens, ducks, geese, tur-i keva i nlerAnna tv an wall nu mnnv Henderson raff and Wonderful specimens. . . The flower show will be a bower of . u . ji i A ... rant flowers; odd sneclmens of na- ma Club, interested in art, literature, ture; af great variety of beautiful I music and amusement, held its last flowers including all nature adorns meeting wJth Miss Jull- Cooper, at herself. Will make a scene that all I her hospitable home, corner William nower-Wvers will delight in. i and Char'es streets. It is composed tne of the features of Mid way -will ,of tne yonn8 Iadies of our town and be Ferari's trained animal show. several yo'"e married ladies. Mrs. This show haB excted favorable com-lSvdl,ey p- CPer is president. Mem- meot wherever it has been. There oersjU ,s resinciea to twenty. OM) Cures catarrh or money back.-, Jubt breathe it in. Complete oatfit, inclnding innaierfi. iarera ootues ouc, JJruggista. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE An Important Meeting to be Held this Evening Regular Monthly .Meeting This 10 veil -. ing at 8 O'clock Arrangements to be Made For the Great Farmers' National Congress, Which' Meets Hereof oveni her 3 Other lluslness. THFrALMA CliUB. Club Holds Interesting Meetings Personal Mention. (Special to The Times.) Henderson, N; C, Oct. 12 The Al nrs five complete nets to every per- Studles at present confined to formauce.. Jn one of the nets Caro-, onaaespeare. ivmg nenry viii un dina nerforms with a collection of .'der di8cu8sion at this meeting. monnrHn mimaa nH wooroi nt ho Sketcn: The play as a tribute to Jineet fneclnieEi of lions' in the world. the sirit ot. Henry .VIH and In nifiarAn' aPt iii h .n o Af iiizaoeia miss uuve narris. the rarest and most valuable animals in existence, a cross of leopard and . I The English love of pageantry as expressed in Henry VIII Miss Julia Cooper. titer. .' Another feature in a srlant Eussian-JaF, perhaps the largest! Qeen Katherine as the spiritual ever exhibited bv anV show, which elenent contrasted with Anne Boleyn -does a number of difficult tricks and,-tne external element Miss Rebec- seems to understand everything said ca Wat kins. t This evening iit S o'clock the regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will,, be held at its rooms and matters of much Importance to the city are to be considered, chief among these being the arrangements of the meeting of the Farmers' Nation al Congress here, which begins Nov. 3rd. A great deal is to be done, com mittees are to be appointed and vari ous lines of the work to be handled. Funds are to be raised, as Raleigh has pledged itself to put up $500, which Is always placed in the hands of the exe cutive' board of the Congress by the city where a meeting is held. A thorough canvass of Raleigh Is to be made for the fund. People from prac tically every state in the Union will be here and letters containing requests for quarters, are now coming from points in the far northwest. Special trains will bring delegates from Chi cago, St- Louis, Memphis and other points. Raleigh has been very ex tensively advertised by the Congress. Quarters have been secured at the Tarborough House and Park Hotel for the delegates, and the Yarborough will be headquarters. Of course the city will be canvassed so that other dele gates can be placed in boarding-houses and in private homes. From a business point of viow this Congress means much to Raleigh and to North Carolina and a fine oppor tunity is afforded Raleigh to show its public spirit and its hospitality. The state is making special preparations for this great meeting, the most im portant one of farmers ever held in Norm Carolina, All tne dele gates should be made at home here. Naturally much money will be expended here by them while in the city, not only for board and lodging but in other ways, and a nine im pression of Raleigh may bring about investments here and new settlers al so. The Chamber of Commerce se cured the holding of this meeting here and naturally expects the community to stand by it in the matter. At the meeting this evening there will be a report on the matter of es tablishing a deylng and finishing plant for hosiery here, and other matters will be discussed. t t t t $ BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. Copyright 1909 Kabo Corset Ca. Kabo Style 690 is an extremely lone, close fittingr corset with medium bigb bust; is well reinforced at waist tne where the greatest strain comes to a corset: made of make is governed a you wear. v No maker of fine gowns would ever .attempt to give you a stylish appearance, un less you wore the right corsets. Kabo C orsets gi ve your dressmaker the best figure to work over and the results show it. Kabo Corsets are up-to-date in style and are comfortable. We carry a full line of them. Prices $5 to $1 Kabo Corsets are guaranteed not to rust nor break. t s t s You Kabo. batiste; 12 incb front clasp: supporters front and sides: white ouly, tuts IS to 30. Price, $1.00. CORSETS TO FIT ALL FORMS. buy Corsets for fit, style, and comfort. AU those you find in the to him. These with many other fea-i naraciers 0t .woisey and uucjt- tures o to maktf this one of the 'ngnam irnss uenevieve copper, greatest attractions oh the road, will be seen heW at the fair week. , ' " - . The Road to (success. has many ' obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health, but Electric Bitters Js the grtatest health builder the. world has ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver kid neys, bowels, .purines and enriches the blood, and, tones and Invigorates the whole system. .' Vigorous body and keen brain, follow their use. You can't afford to ; slight Electric Bitters lf weak,' run-down or sickly. Only 60c. ' Guaranteed by lf druggists. . ... AI1 j After the meeting adjourned sal- next ads, oysters and many other delica cies or tne season were served. There were some visitors present. The next meeting will be held with Mrs, D. Y. Coopr, Jr. ., Dr. John Hill Tucker will leave No vember first, to, take the position of resident Burgeon the next eight months In the Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in Baltimore, Md. It is Dr. Tucker's present inten tion to locate in Durham and con tinue one day each, week in Hender son at his office here, after finishing his term of service in Baltimore. His wife and little daughter will remain here for the present. ' Mrs. V. D. Machin and little son, of Isle of Wight, Va., are visiting Mrs. W. W. Parker. Mrs. Alice Cheek, widow of Gen. W. H. Cheek;, and her daughter,. Mrs. Moore, of Burlington, are visiting Mr. Alex Cheek In west Henderson. Miss Mary Judd, of Texas, is visit ing relatives and friends here. Mrs. Sydney P. Coojer, Mrs. D. Y. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, F. LAWRENCE WALKER Announces the engagement of CHARLES B. HANFORD, Accompanied b$r MISS MARIE DROFNAH, In the Merry Comedy "The Taming of the Shrew" Preceded by THE OLD GUARD (A Story of Waterloo) PRICES : 50c, 75c, $1 .00," "$ 1 .50 Seat Sale on at Tucker Building. VAtfDEVILLH AT THE Gem Theatre TODAK ALL NEW ACTS. MM' WILTON AND ,1010 ' WILTON," In Rcliiifd Comedy Hkrlch. Ill' I) VAVti, Singing and I):iik Iiii Hlnck-I'Mcc Comedian. MOTION PICTURES. Til E STAMPEDE. THE NEW MAIL-CARRIER. SPRING HAS COME. Matinee, 4:15. Night, 8:00 i SPECIALS TRAINS State Agricultural Fair, Raleigh, N. C, the Big Days, Wednesday, Oct. 20, Thursday, Oct. 21. NORFOLK ANDSOUTHERNR.R. Exceptionally Low Roupd Trip Fares. SCHEDULE. 1 Leave Arrive October 2 Wilson Neversyn 11a i ley Middle:;'.' Zebu ion Wendell Kagle Rock ' Knightdnle Boushiill Edgcton RALEIGH ;0(h. October 2lst. (V. S.) A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. M. M. M.. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. 10:05 10:28 10:'J4 10:48 11:03 A. M. 11:13 11:19 11:29 11:43 11:52 11:55 Kotiiriiinu siK'ciai trains win leave union station, uaieign, at u: P.M.. October 201 .;, and October 21st. . ALL TICKETS' limited to return until October 24th, on all regular Hid Kpi'cial I ra ins. APPLY to w. S. Williams, T. A., Wilson, for complete Information, j or address: II. C. H P 1)0 INS, (I. P. A., W. W. CROXTON, A. G. A. P., Norfolk, Va. A Full Assortment at a Low Price 8:30 A. 8:53 A. 8:59 A. 9:13 A. 9:28 A. 9:38 A. M. 9:44 A. M. 9:54 A. M. 10:08 A. M. 10:19 A. M. 10:25 A. M. :50 " The State Convention of Daughters f the Confederacy will be held in Wilmington. 12th to 17th of October. Mru.V W. 'O, Shannon is one of the state officers' and will attend,. Mrs. John D. Cooper and Mra. A. C. Zol licoffer: ar- delegates for. the Vance County CbApter of Henderson. Mrs. w. ;ft Bverett and Mrs. Clar- ejuce Everett, pf Atlantaj' Ga.. after a Cooper, Jr., and Miss Genevieve pleasant viBlt to Mrs. Brooks Parliam, Cooper are on a pleasure trip to New returned home yesterday. York JClty. SKATING Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights ' Only ' ' 8:00 to 10:30 P. M. . ' ''. Glenwood Skating Rink, Clarence H. Lumsdeu, Manager. AT THE REVELRY. VAUDEVILLE AKT LASIjEV, Illack-i'ace Comedian. THE AXDEKSOXS, Slnninj; mul Dauciug Sketch. PICTURES THE SEALED KOOM. THE ECHO. figf Mjg m ms OTEY'S BARBER SHOP, Yarborough House. Clarke' Pure Rye Bottled in Bond . High Grade Bourbon Bottled in Bond Pure Corn Whiskey for Medicinal use Pure Juniper Gin 4 Bottle Assortment 1 of each $ 3.73 Express paid 8 Bottle Assortment 2 of each 7. 50 Express paid 12 Bottle Assortment 3 of each 10.00 Express paid This is a special offer of products made in the largest . distillery in t)ie world. Order today. CLARKB BROS. & CO., Distillers, or H.Glaek&Sohs,SBu?b