'page eight 1ATHERS' RUG SALE! SENSATIONAL PRICES, STARTLING VALUES! SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1310:00 A. M. . ROOM SIZE RUGS. Royal Wilton Velvet Best made 9x12 feet $29.99 , Smith Wilton Velvet Their best Seamless .. .. 9x12 feet.... 25.99 Smith Colonial Velvet Seamless 9x12 feet 20.81 Beattie Velvet Seamless .. .. 9x12 reel 19.02 High Grade Velvet 3 Seams 9x12 feet 17.74 Smith Axminsters Best Made 3 Seams 9x12 feet 19.06 Smith Axminsters Saxony 3 Seams 9x12 feet.... 18.57 Manhattan Axminsters Xone Better 3 Seams ... 9x12 feet.... 17.98 Smith's Brussels 10 Wire, very heavy Seamless . . 9x12 feet. . . . 16.66 Smith's Brussels 9 Wire High Grade Seamless, 9x12 feet.... 13.55 Smith's Tapestry Seamless 9x12 feet.... 9.99 Smith's Tapestry Seamless. . . ., N-IixlU-C reel 11.39 Dobson's Tapestry 9 Wire 3 Swims 9x12 feet.... 13.33 Special Tapestry 7 Wire 3 Seams 9x12 feet.... HJ.3X Smith's Manor Tapestry --Seamless 9x12 feet.... 11.61 Lenox Tapestry 1 Sea in 9x12 feet 12.72 Utopia Taapestry 3 Seams 9x12 feet..... 10.77 Victor Tapestry 3 Seams 9x12 feet 9.99 Ingrains 9x12 feel 3.83 , SMALIi IUGS. A xmi utters Host Quart. v .. .. 36x72 inches. .. .$3.17 Axniinslevs Dost Qual ly 27x60 inches.... 1.91 Axminsters Best Qual ly 27x54 inches.... 1.74 Axminsters Best Quality Mats 99 Velvets--Best Quality 36x72 lurheK 2.28 Velvet? Best Quality 27x51 inches. . . . 1.1,6 Royal and DihMrts Smyrna at corresponding prices. There are several liunliil of llu-se Rugs ili lliis Special Sale atr.l the low price will move tlicm quickly. CARPETS 2.VX OKI-' REUI'LAR PRICK. While we are gelling Rugs we will cut our great line of Carpets. Over 100 Choice Patterns from which to make your selections. While we are cutting we will put iu several lots of choice 'Matting and Linoleum. Weathers Furniture Company, .: IU1 East Martin Street. HEAnyCARTEKS FOR KI-OOR COVERINGS. IMS REV. I. P. CONDUCTS REVIVAL liev. L. B. Jones of Central Metho dist church, has been most fortunate in securing Rev. Leslie P. Howard to conduct the revival meetings in prog ress now at the church. Mr. Howard is one of the young ministers of the Xorth Carolina con ference, and one of special power and promise. He will be remembered by many who heard him in the Trinity-Wake Forest debate in this city not many years ago. He has since preached in this city and has always made a most favorable impression. His presence promises much for the success of the meetings. If the sermon preached by .Mr. Howard last night is an index of what is to come, his congregations certainly have good things in store for them. He preaches with feeling, as from his own personal experience of Christ. v His message was certainly a mes sage for this day, based upon these words: "Will ye also go away?" and Simon Peter's loyal answer, "iord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast' the words of eternal life.' No one should fail to hear Mr. Howard while he is at. Central, for they will miss a rare opportunity. Services every night at. 7:30 to which the public is cordially invited. PIRATES TAKE THIRD GAME OF THE SERIES Pittsburg took the third jjuiiu of the series from Detroit yesterday by the score of 8 to 6. The game was fiercely contested throughout. being mixed with errors and spectacular plays. Pittsburg started off with a rush, scoring five runs in the first inning, and driving Summers from the box. Another was added in the second making the score six to nothing, which lead looked hopeless for the Tigers, but with that nevei-give-up spirit that has characterized Jenning's crew they came back good and strong, scoring 4 in me seventh. The Pirates put two more over in the ninth and the Detroitcrs did likewise, the final score being S to 6. The features was the hitting of Buth, who made four safeties out of five times up. Cobb made a two-bagger and a single and was an Important factor in the scoring. The series now stands Pittsburg -', Detroit 1. .Score by innings. R. H. E. Pittsburg 510 WW 002 X 11 2 Detroit 000 000 402 6 12 3 Batteries: Summer!'. Willctt. Works and Schmidt; Maddux and Gibson. Hits off Summers, 4 in one-third in ning; off Willett. " in six and two third innings; off Works, 4 in 2 inning. Attendance IS.277. Mrs. Joseph K. I'ogue has returned from a visit to her son. Dr. Pogue. at Washington. CROSSETT SHOE "MAKES LIFES WALK EASY" IT isn't necessary to model a 1 shoe after Noah's Ark to make it comfortable. In fact many a so-called"sensible shoe" is merely big, shapeless and ugly Ugh! . The average foot needs a shoe that will give it snug support as well as comfortable covering. PRICE $4.00 OTHERS AT Wo. TOP COATS AND SUITS . We have them the Jsiud that you'll need from now The prices for both top coats and suits run from - $12.50 to $32.50. J. ROSENGARTEN CO., on. AS TO ALIENS Under at Premium Laws Previous to tlxr-Act of 1000 Almost KIDNEY TROUBLE Out-of-order kidneys, act fine and backache of bladder misery Is relieved FA1E1TEV1LLE STREET. Any Allen Except Chinamen Could ' after a few doses of Pape's Diuretic, be Naturalized, But Tnder the I Pains in the back, sides or loins, Strict Enforcement of tlie New Law rheumatic twinges, debilitating head fl,i., 4,: r: Ui,,t n..t .ache, nervousness, dizziness, Bleepless- ' ' . ' ' ness, inflamed or swollen eyelids, worn out feeling and many other symptoms of clogged, inactive kidneys simply vanish. i Frequent, painful and uncontrollable urination due to weak or irritable bladder is promptly overcome. The moment you susp-et any kidney, bladder of urinary disorder, or feel j rheumatism coming, begin taking this 'harmless remedy, with the knowledge that theiV is no other medicine, fit any I price, made anywheiv else In the I world, which will effect so thorough 'and prompt a curt, as a fifty-cent Itretmcnl of Pupe's Diuretic, whicllj uny druggist can supply. This unusual preparation goes direct to the out-of-order kidneys, bladder and urinary system, cleaning, healing and strengthening these organs and glands?, and completes the cure before you realize it. A few days treatment with Pape's Diuretic means clriin, active, healthy kidneys, bladder and urinary organs and you feel Hue. Your physician, pharmaeisl, baukel or uny mercantile agency will "tell you that Pape, Thompson &, Pape, of Cin cinnati, Is a largo and responsible mpdieiiw. concern, throughout worthy of your confidence. Accept only Pape's Diuretic fifty cent treatment from any drug store uny where in the world. Washington, Oct. 12 Previous to the enactment of the act of June, 1906, creating the bureau of natural ization almost any alien, save China men, who were by special act of cong ress excluded from the country, could be naturalized. But with the passage of the lrtw regulating the naturaliza tion of aliens citizenship has advanced to a premium. - In other words aliens who have been careless in the matter of tak ing: out naturalization papers to give them all the rights of American citi zenship have discovered that the law means something. The records of the bureau of naturalization show that hundreds of aliens who thought they were naturalized, hud faulty papers; the law had not been complied with and they were still aliens. The bureau, by t lie strict enforce ment pf the law and the, literal con struction of that, clause confining nat uralization to "free white persons, aud to aliens of African nativity and to persons of African descent" has caused any amount of work for the courts. But in nearly every case the lower courts have sustained the con tention of the bureau. I'nder the rul ing of the bureau eft naturalization the words "free white persons" ex cludes from citizenship Armenians, Coreans, Turks, Syrians, in fact all people who live under Oriental rule all Asiatics. This ruling is based on numerous court decisions and therefore the officials of the depart ment of commerce and labor, under whose jurisdiction the bureau is, feel confident that in the cases now pend ing in the courts the bureau will be sustained. In answer to an inquiry the bureau today cited Judge Colt in the case of Sailo (a Japanese), C2 Fed. 126, where the court stated: "The words of a statute are to be taken in their ordinary sense, unless it can be shown that they are used in a technical sense. From a common, popular stand point, both in ancient and modern times, the races of mankind have I been distinguished by difference in I color and they have been classified as' the white, black, yellow, and brown races. But there are numerous decisions, some broader than the other just cited, that sustain the ruling of the bureau excluding Armenians, Core ans, Syrians, and others. The sec tion of the naturalization laws which is being vigorously enforced and caus ing an immense amount of corres pondence for bureau, officials at pres ent, is the amendment passed by congress in 1873. specifying "free white persons", and "African nativi ty and African'descent" It has been only four years that this section has been applied to aliens with any de gree of consistency, for the amend ment was often overlooked. Since the strict enforcement of the naturalization laws many curious cases have come to light. As an il lustration of the efficiency and zeal of the officers of the naturalization ' bureau ,it has not been a great while since a mayor of an Illinois town was shown to lie an alien. lie was a wit ness in u case, and when asked if he was a naturalized citizen, answered J in the affirmative. When called on to produce his papers they .were found ! lo be faulty. He was Informed that he was not a citizen of the United States. As the mayor's intentions as to naturalization had been honest and he had not wilfully violated the law the bureau did not make any trouble for him and the mayor was enabled to comply with the law in 90 days. He has lived In the country Tor 30 years believing that nearly 'all. that time he was a naturalized citizen. h WAY fiOFS A : r,. 'a i v . M 1 r " - , si 0 m zz m w THE SOUTHERN TEXTILE ASSOCIATION OCT, 20 The fourth quartely meeting of the Southern Textile Association will be held here Wednesday, October 20, during fair week. This asociation, though not quite a year old has a member-snip or over 300 superintedents and overseers, and rapidly grows. The association started last, fall in Charlotte. The spring meeting was held in Greenville, S. C, the sum mer meeting in Spartanburg, and the fall meeting will be held here. mi XT III , . . 1 ... 1 J .... il I ne meetings win ue ueiu iuui uuig and night, in order that the mem bers may have an opportunity to take in the fair and the textile department of A. & M. College. The following program has been arranged: Weaving, by Prof. William Nelson, formerly instructor in the Lowell Textile School. The Spinning Frame, by Supt. T. F. Cuddy, of Clio, S. C. The Card Room, by Supt. Alfred X. Landau, formerly of the Magfnnis Mill, X. O. Power Economy in Mills, by Chief Engineer G. F. King, of Kings Moun tain.... Humidifiers, by Mr. W. P. Hazel wood, of Atlanta. Care of the Operatives' Health, by Supt. A. S. Winslow, of Clinton, S. C. HAVF number of smart dress model in :. Regal Shoes. They're bound to win the ' approval of the best-dressed men in town. And trie fit of these Regal dress models is just as neat as their appearance. REGAL SHOES are "always buQt after the latest, exclusive custom styles and always fit like inade-to-nieMure shoes,- -because they are made in quarter-sizis. $400n $g00 A Smart Regal - Dress Model Your dress shoes should be absolutely correct . that's why you need Regals. $35Q EDGAR E BROUGHT ON. ' HABERDASHER, ' 200 Fuyetteville St., Raleigh, N. 0. We Laundry Sweaters. Haven't you a Sweater that needs cleaning for the fall wear? We make them look as good as new. Oak City Steam Laundr Co., Both rhonet, '67. RAIiBl&II, N. O. JbO T. rCLLKJN, Preuiieut. CHARLES ROOT, baahtet. The Raleigh Savings Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000 08. ( Four per cent. Interest paid on d epoit. Call ! the bank, or write -tor farther Information. SAFETY DEPOSTT TIOXES FOR KENT J Night on Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton, of Fort Edward, N. T climbed Bald Mountain to the honje of a neighbor, tortured by Asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma.. This wtffiderfui medicine soon relieved and quickly cured his neighbor. Later it cured his son's wife of a severe lung I trouble. Millions believe Its the great- j est unroat ana iung cure on ear in. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs are Burely eured by It. Best for Hay fever. Gilp and Whooping Cough. 60 cents and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drugglst(i. ur of Furniture and Housefurnishings are complete. We have many new arrivals that are well worthy of your consideration. You should noa make a selection of any piece of Furniture before inspecting our Mammoth Display. Here, we always ar range the payments to suit vthe purchaser and at prices that can 'e be-beat. CAPITAL FURNITURE COMPANY, CAPITAL CITY PH0WE 252. RALEIGH PHONE B7. 8-10 E. Hargett St 203-205 Fayetteville Si. THREE CHARTERS TOIMV. Ae, SoHtuiem . Pines and Lenoir Draw the Prizes. The Apex Insurance and Realty Company, filed a certificate of incor porat'on with, the secretary of 'ptate today. .. It proposes to do a general real estate and insurance business.'! The authorized capital stock ls.S2u, 000 and will commence business with $3,300 paid in. The incorporators are C. P. Sellars, L. S. and' P. J. Olive, J. R. Cunningham, L.-J. Sears, S. S. Rogers, Paul W. Schenk and A. B. Hunter. , ' v The "S. P. Building Company," of Southern Pines, was chartered to deal in real estate, buld and rent houses. The authorized capital stock Is $25, 000, but will begin business with 11,00 paid in.. The incorporators are Arthur 8. .Newcomb, FredericKl Bloomer, D. F. McAdams and R. E. Wiley, all of Southern Pines. , A certificate of Incorporation, was filed by the Moore-Stone Chair Com pany, of Lenoir, for the purpose of manufacturing chairs and all kinds of furniture. It has an authorized! capital stock of $1 25,000 and " will commence business with 116,000 paid In. The Incorporators are O. Pi Lntz. Joe O, Moore and T. J. Stone, ail of Lenoir, '. Is Your Fall Boy Ready for and Winter? If not, brng him here and we'll make short work of it Good Work,loo. . Our, Fail lines are' in for Youths, Boys, and Children, and every style that is destined to add fame to this "Home of Good Clothes" is fully represented. The best Children's and Boys' All Wool Sweaters vever offered for $1.00 " and $1.50. N ' v v "Mothers" to see our line of Boys Suits and Furnishing Goods will keep you smiling. ' . 1 ; CROSS (8l LINJSHAN The Home of Good Clothes. - 7. ' I 9At9TkVlllJ6 8TREET I s C'.i- ..71: .A:

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