1,JJ . lair ana coiaer tonigat.L3,.s-r l mmmmmmmmmsmm. '..t PRICE 5 CENTS THE Washington,. Oct A i Fore cast tor North Carolina for io alght and ; Sunday r Generally wmmmmm H1I.B EDIT " '" 1 1 'I" """'"""!"'"Mil , ;';Y ,V?fti.-.;S J g fff ' j ;T5$ riSiMO?:itBwu:.MC ? MissiAfioisr: i& BIGGEST succiill ALL THE FAIRS relcca to ItaEai Scit Wiii Patrii BcLHia After la ttcdeni Thes , Ttis' Lw JZi ;1P0RTAHT EVENT THE EMI -PEACEFOt i rmr Drawn Up tq Salute , Him and for Miles tbe Royal Train Passed Between an Unbroken . Une of Troops JPifty Thoamnd Troop Unard the Baler of the RasaUns and Utile r Choice Is Given ' for a Demonatrmtion Against , Hlu-iU Sosperta Who Mlfht Have Led In a Oentonatration Against the Caar Have Reea Arrested An Import ant Event. ' McCsrren Was Taken" to Hoai.ltal Tnetidar and OiteratMl on. For Ap pendlcititjM-HIa Gondltlbri VWaa Critical From, the "First,' put He Put Uu a Brave, Fi(ht For. Ufe, and Kot Until .tH End M'aa Near IHd He Glt9 UtoWa Mother. Welt and Had Not Be4 Informed of Her Bon'a lHnettsTwo Nck es ' Only I Relatives Present at HJm Death. I . ' X?f A r f if 1 ' Greatest Fair In ie Ifislofy of The Agnl& Sboetjr OTHER (By Leased Wire to The Times) j Npw York, Oct. 23 In a modest little house-- In Brooklyn ' a gray- litary display seldom equalled in J haired little wonan lay sick In bed. aem num. m, anwiar eqaa.ou.,jc t, 8no asked 6on nor wi.bs vue nwuHNPnaw know tnat..her boy.. p6trk;k Mc. Racconigi, Italyi Oct. 23 Car iholas,- of Russia, arrived here to v to the booming of guns and . a -:,. .-.vMra. Kmelinc 1'uiikliurwt, the English suffragette leader unit the voimnltiec of American suffragettes who greeted her on her arrival at New York,'- She fa an advocate of tfw militant itroi&ganda und has served two terms in En'.ish fails while leading her followers in assaults. Just as she arrived news of the sentencing Of. her daughter to ten ayn iniirisoniiient was bi-oufsht to her. "If the present party remains in power in .England,", she said, ''e nil! Ie going jto the polls witliin tfo years." Af ter'her presentation to an American audience in Carnegie Hall, Xew York, she will four the East, lecturing fop the cause. At the extreme left is Miss Inez Milholland: two to the right of l er is Miss Kate Keesan; in white ,.nnder the banner is Mrs. Pankhorst and at her right: la Mrs, Harriet S. Blatch. er of the Rssias. The meeting the tear and Italy'a, king, ia one the jnoSt important events or Its id that baa occurred la years. Its ect ia ito plan to curb A,ustrU In i Balkans. Mthongh there was a touch of tm- tyabont the actual kreetinga he sen the' czar and King Victor imanuel, the two -monarcha were ty thousand mea J header.lhad died at 1:06 o'clock this morning In, St. Catharine's Hospital For days the little- woman had re ceived no word from her son. They told her he was busy, that, tho mayor alty campaign -enkrossed him. . It was feared that when she learned of her, son 'a death it would kill her, McCarren died after a brave fight, fn which Jie wai liept alive for daye rounded by beir covrta and the Ur by that same will which brought founding-country,' resembled:. fTa?T7- . m ae before a battle,-o thick werejW .went to St. Catherine's Hospital. troODa.'.i''i ; "'. ' '.'ct .."";,.' lorooKiyn, last iuasuay, una was uy -lttle chaa was left fr a demon- wftttd on. for. ppenaita, tm Be was iuJ'&r,-?iM JW-JKr fhOTd feeld on to ts ho: tolihtyeid la Mf r;inn Hft M p grip of his ,yJJL? A Itew ration naa oeen arrestoa. . :Buubvu, wua? nu ry posalble precaution. wbb taken IjieWd' no fear.' the end was quiet nra van t . either a ahow bt. dlsaB- ana peacerui. . xne aemocrauc jeaa- val or -a more serious attempt. A ler lapsed, Unto.: unconsciousness at Nevertheless, it could not be de-J 12:30, after two neices, the only rel d. that there was danger. RENOUNCE VATICAN New Spanish Cabinet Will Pull Loose From Rome New - Radical Cabinet Will Try ' to Come Prom inder the Pope s, Au . thorny Alfonso Drives Through 8treets Will Give Details of Fer rer Trial publicity. -($y GWfno-The Time.) 'Madrid, Oct. 23 Spain. today ts oh tne verge or an .open rupture witn the vfttlcan..: The new radical cabi net, headed by Senhtor Moret y- Pren dergast, which has already taken an jmH-elftrlnAl Rt.nnH nnH-tTie mfnlRter atlvea present, had kissed him good- of f0reign affairs, Senor J. Perea Ca- rne excitement ,ojer5ine.execuun i oy. :,.t ! , , t ... , ballero, who has been Spanish an Francisco Ferrer .t :.ijarcemn.i,(rjar.;!aicuarren,;natt noi spoKen ior bassador at Rome, --la prepared tQ ich swept alt JBurope, nas noi yei ian, nour or nore previously, ana neiur-e the denunciation of the concord- aiaea, ana tne auaruuinuj w? wirevognuea-ine young woman ouiy us i ant wnn the Vatican, It was learned ted to utllla e te,oppartu.iuiy. ior a alight, motion pf .the eyes. I today; He is now on his way from emohstration against ope czar. ; The . last sounds he' heard before I Rome. ill and other, Bointt,, however, tn ppslng,:into his last eleep were' the for the first time, since the Ferrer lat'sU adopted a' unique plan,: of votcea: of the Rev. Father Henry Zlm- case came into prominence, King Al- pplhg all attempts at, manlfesta- mer and a dozen of the hospital nuns, fonso drove through the streets, ab- w and directing that; the radicals chantlng . the solemn Latin prayers solutely unguarded. On every side b the czar' by completely ignoring f0r the dyih'g. ' he was greeted with respect and en- presence. ' v .. ' :he first atop of the czar's train sr It had passed the French-Ital- line was at Turin,;; There he was Mallv' welcomed "iiv three. Italian erals The atatlon was filled with ps, who . had cleared the sur- ndihg streets tor many blocks. the disposal of the Italian author- a., wbb a atrpng force of Russian ret service men and soldiers. " 'be route from Turin to Racconigi i even more heavily; guarded than first stage of the journey in Italy. It was announced that the funeral will be, from the Berry, street . home and that! there will be a solemn re quiem mass In the Church of St. Vln. cent De Paul, in N.orth Sixth street, which Senator McCarren attended, probably Monday morning, For hours before Senator McCar- ren's death It was expected momen tarlly. time. He delegated a "committee' was to break, the news of bis passing to his mother. He selected for this sad task his neices, Anastasla and :i that Raccoglni, however, the chief ef ' w Trr 1.! . Prapces McCarren; hla physicran, Dr. nrmway .rJ'"V-Peter. Hughes, and the Rev. Father t ? J?Z?T r. anally father Carrol, weii et thiisiasm. . He occupied; an open car riage ith Queen' Victoria, nd they were cheered as they1 passed.' The drive has .done much to reinstate the klni in the good graces of his peo ple.':;' x"; . - -'-,- ,;, ' . Among the incidents In the after- math of the initiisterial crisis," the challenge to duels" made by Senator He was delirious most of tbe fQrtusa and Deputy Serlano to the Do l4i CJerva,' today attracted jnuch attention. De La Clerva is also the defendant in several liberal actions brought' by Jburnalista. ; ! .while the new ministry today took up its wfk actively, the opposition is already beginning to form, a solid front against the Radicals ' V Ohe of the' first anhouncemehts of Senor Moret was that the new cabi net wOuld carry out to unfulfilled promise of the preceding ministry to give the details of, the Ferrer trial full publicity. ,,' to the McCarren home and was ad- WOMEN JURORS 1 CALIFORNIA ihgeri were iorblddev to .approach $ tfcora townj and thVllberty of the f.OOO , ibltatii had been greatly reatrlct- W.o t death.of her son but the Scow Pf automobiles : hearing . -'T: slan and lUHan police an army mediately -suffered a relapse and it i raced through the town and not was feared that she would follow the ingle nook 1 the 'entire village senator before the day edded, overlooked' , Phfi Operation , ,for appendicitis, larly today there arrived the last bleb resulted fatal!, was performed ichmept of troops, which ihclud- h Senator McCarren Tuesday. Ooto- our regiments of lhfantryt two of her 12. ; Wfcen tola that only fkn,pe- Ine guards, two of cavalry, boa of lve ,him. a chance of saelleri- aM bhe of carabluerl. : Mte, the senator displayed his charac- mong those who are in Jtacoonlgl twlsttc coojftessf retoafklng to the Prime Minister Oiollttl, foreign doctor, '-'Well, what's stopping, you T" Ister.Tittonl and Mayor ..Nathan i Senator McCarren ; jcatne of Irleh lome. The latter is a socialist, stock, but was born la New England accepted the invitation to come t , East, Cambridge, .Mass,,: in July, (By Leased Wire to The Times) ' after he had got" the consent of V89. v..When; still an infant hla j)ar-l ,v l. Angeles, Cal., Oct. 23 Trium- fellojr soelallsta in the municipal nts moved to .Bt'ooklyn; ,wherehe phantly oyercomlng all the obstacles icH pf 'Rome. ,:;, " :, -s.rv'--v; fMety4 a publlfeischporeducatidn'. hich" Inipeded. her way to .the juty he presence of the minister wis When '.still 14 hla. teens he- got ls box la-superlor Judge Houfler's court le necessary by the rattflcatlon bt first job, as a cobper. ;,Jie spon turned thurtday.Mrs. Johanna" Bngelinan, Russo-Italiatt treaty . altectlhg the his attention, , however; , to pdlltica. the woman juror, was on the point of cleaof. theiwo hatipna 'In ,the Hi took up la asi prellmlharyiliid parUclpating in the trial of a.dam ians, where they , have, . Joined then pegah : the torinaUod of tb age case when ahe'was peremptorily Is to guard against usupation on gaalsaaonthat he maiatathed - even challenged by the lawyers for tbe de part of Australia.; The Servian I whlle. be .was on. his death-bed. While I feiise,,and compelled to retire. . , . s, .which resulted In the over-1 ho wai dying tbe fight of his foes kept ; f Within a rew days Mrs. Ehgelman w of the mini8try,.adds; great in-u'p,' and it' was even rumored that! will cease to be the lone jury woman. Bt to his proposed agreement. : i McCarren had been betrayed by his Thirty women will today' be summon- he czar wa vgreatiy fatigued, by lieutenants. - t- v; , ; 4 ; ledT as part of a panel of sixty,frpm three day railraad Journey from l .'Long Fat'' was . . the v nicknapie which juries will he selected in po sea and as aooav aiv'taa yposftltHa I giTvMaari1! tbe outset of his I lice Judge Williams' court nex week ested in tne apanmenis eei asiue i career, and "Long pat ne remained i aii mese, it x . unaereiooa, witi NEW YORK CONTEST Effect of McCarren s Death on Campaign Speculation As To Who Will Step Into Her Shoes Judge Uaynor's Tenement Houses; . nder Fire Odds In Betting Drop. THE WRONG MR. JONES Circus Teamster Gets Another Mans Money Order Cashed bim. Ito his death: is expected, that the car will de- ; gift 'first pblidcaL copqueaU, were Monday, alter ne nas eajoyeana th old . 14th. lBth, 16th, anft .ijth! Mn;lfJeB-.lBV-.Mf--" .w"fiMi of Bro6klyfi. He was elected (prominent club women.' uret of the program for his en- ilnment. to the assembly. , where he served (Continued- oa Paca Xwa,. : etarft Oriffith Will Manage Roda.. Clnclqnatl, Oct 83 Clark Griffith hat been re-engaged as manager of he ClaolBdiitl. Reds 'next season. ' - .By Cable to the Tlmfs.V t r X. New.; ?$,.;; .9Q!kT3 rfwjle;... death of - Patrick H, jjMtCarren, the Brooklyn democratic leader, is re garded as a: factor of some import ance in-the mayoralty campaign, the chief speculation is as to who will step into his shoes. It was assert ed today that the coming visit of Richard Croker,- formerly Tammany chief, before election day has for its object the straightening out of this tangle, v : - The rapid fire campaign in which candidates are shot about the city to a dozen points a day, continues un abated.''. :-' :';: One of the sensations of the day was' the - charge made by Assembly man George A. Green that. Judge Oaynor, the Tammany candidate, has been frequently complained about W the tenement house ' department of the jetty in regard to the condition of , the property he owns. 1 V; - -J According to Green, who produced papers from the-department files as proof the.eomplalnt.B have been .nu merous and some, . . of the improve ments-ordered have not been made. , Judge Gaynor .was also scored by William M. Jvins, -who is supporting William R. Hearst , tbe civic alliance candidate. Ivins 'declared In a Coop er Union meeting that the defeat of Gaynor and the rest of the Tammany candidates 'was the most important question of the campaign. Otto T. .Bannard, the republican ticket leader, in a tour of the upper Eastslde, attacked Tammany in sev eral speeches. ' ';- Bannard declared today -that he was gaining votes rapidly and was more confident than ever of victory, The same whs made by the support ers of the other two candidates. ' William' Randolph. Hearst has car-. rled his campaign into Brooklyn in earnest, making -his strongest; effort in.ther heart of Senator McCarren'B old-Stronghold., Mr. Hearst, makes the ris8ttlocal to Brooklyn, advo cating subways and other' improve- nients demanded- by residents of the borough.. . v, ' . ,-, the odds, in the betting , dropped today,, Judge 'Gaynor; being weaker, It had been,2 to 1 on Gayhor around - democratic strongholds, but today the price felt to 2 td 1. G. h .Jones Gets-Hold of a Money Or lcr of Another .Man by the Same Name and Gets in Trouble The Last Mun I'rovcs His Title and ihe First Jones is iu -Tail. . ' Heney Gets Nomination. .' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Fanfranctsco, Cal., Oct. 23 The recount of vqtes cast In the recent direct primary election for district attorneyon the democratic ticket has been cpncluded. ; Francis . J. Heney is . declare dthe party's candidate by sixty-five Totes over Char lea Flckert, republican , and union, 'labor nominee for the same office.- ' ' '' -. Storm In Kentucky.'. '. - . " : jLOulsvlUo, Ky., , OCU 28 A cy clonic storm swept 4 Kentucky ..last night,' doing considerable damage to property. Frankfort.: received . the brunt of It a,nd many buildings show the effects today. - . i ' Yesterday;, a -man (ini.Ung;. h.lmsll fHt Jon es p reilGitiea Ji ftpi&Iftrc I'M v.-.'Sft' order department at the post- office and asked that a money order for J 17 made to G. L. Jones be cash ed. Hs put ui a plausible tale, at the same time exhibiting a letter from a man named Rawls, explaining that the money was for payment for labor performed by G. 1j. Jones for him. He received the cash and de parted. Later in the day another G. 1.. Jones called at the postoffice and in quired for a letter, saying that he was expecting one from a Mr. Rawls, of Nashville, Tenn., with a money or der for $17, and showed a letter from Raws, KiiyiiiR that he would send him the money to Raleigh. The postoffice authorities Imme diately got busy and had the lirst Jones arrested and the second one de tained as a witness. The case was heard this morning by United States .Commissioner John Nichols. Tho witnesses were sepa rated and put through a rigid exami nation. Tho bona fide Jones put up a straight story. He said he was a native of North Carolina and had worked here in Raleigh in Martin's and Ashe's mills, and that hte name was George Leslie Jones. Investiga tion proved these statements to be correct. ) The defendant Jones was then questioned. He said his name was. George Lewis Jones, and that some time ago he worked as a carpenter for Mr. Rawls, a contractor, and that the money was for the services then rendered. Both of the , Jones were then brought face to face and the second man caught in a number of contradictory statements, and when confronted with them, finally . con fessed that he got the money and had spent niost of it. He. gave his home as Los Angeles, Cal. In default of 5500 bond for his appearance at court he' waS committed to jail. Both men were; employed with Barnum and Balley'B circus. COURT NEXT WEEK Three Weeks Term for Trial of Civil Cases Many Other Attractions Besides the Fair and the Week. in. Koleigh Has Been a Big One People - Looldnu Forw ard to a Greo' State Exhibi tion Xet Year TJhe , Time ..For Such An Event Propitious,' As Next Year Will Mark the BOth Annivers ary of the Fair Fair Has Reached High Water Mark . and lime is Kipe For the Great Exhibition. ; Court Convenes Monday for a Term of Three Weeks With Judge W. R. Allen Presiding One Hundred ami Seventy-one Cases Set for Trial Motion Dorkct Has Forty- live. ffl'V ' The OctoBer ternrof "Wake county superior -"court' 'will "convene Monday for a three weeks' term for the trial of civil cases only. The calendar, as arranged by the bar, has 171 cases for trial. 84 of these be'ng set for the first day.' The cases set for the first week number 110, the second week 36 and 25 for the third. The motion docket con tains 4 5 cases. It is not likely that all these cases will be tried at this court, as some of them will occupy considerable time. There are over a dozen divorce cases. It is quite likely that good many of the cases will be continued. UNITED STATES MAY INTERVENE - ft : THE WEATHER. ' . Forecast until JH p. m., Sunday: 'For North Carolina: Generally fair and colder tonight and Sundays " The southwestern disturbance hafc moved rapidly northeastward with Increasing, energy and is now central hear Cincinnati. ' It is attended by brisk, to high winds and is causing cldudy weather from the middle Mis sissippi Valley to New England with rain from Illinois to ; Ponsylvanla. This disturbance Is, being followed by high pressure with a decided fall In temperature southward f to i Texas. The weather f is fair In the Gulf States and throughout the southwest Generally fair Weather is indicated for this vicinity with colder late to night and on Sunday. L. A. DENSON, ( By Leased Wire to The Times) New Orleans, La., Oct. 23 That (he Tnited States is either to inter vene in the Nicaraguan revolution or officially recognize the insurgents as indicated here today in the sailing of the American steamer Dictator for Hluefields. Despite the closing of the Atlantic ports of Nicaragua by Pres ident Zelaya, the. department of com merce' id labor authorized Port. Col lector McCall to clear the Dictator and she sailed at noon,, carrying United btates Consul Trimmer, of Cape Gracias and a big cargo of mer chandise and . supplies. Nicaraguan Consul General Altsciiul, refused to approve the ship's manifest, hut this action on , the part of President Ze laya's representative has been ; ig nored, which indicates that the gov ernment is about convinced that the insurgents under Estrada have over powered the Zelaya government. Consul Trimmer arrived here last Sunday and reported' that, a famine was imminent in the Atlantic towns of Nicaragua because of a lack of food supplies. This had much to do with the government's determination to clear the Dictator despite the of ficial closing of Zelaya'8 ports. HOJfc PARTY LAST NIGHT. Chief Marshal McGeachy. Entertain ed Friends at Theatre. Major N. H. McGeachy, of'Fayette villeY chief marshall of the State Fair, hhd a number of his friends -at a de lUjhtful box party at the teatro last night to witness the "Bohemian Girl" His Guests, were:.. Mr, and .Mrs.' M. .T. Bowen,. . of Fayettevlle; Mr. Pel- ham Moorman and Mnjs Rosalie Williams,- of (Red Springs; . Mr. David Jones, of Favettevllley arid Miss Bes sie Haywood, of. Norfolk,. Col. Geo. Xk of Wilmington, and Mr. O. O. Sanders, of Fayottevllle. f Today Is like the quiet after the storm, there is a' loosening of the tension of excitement" that has been at the highest notch In the city dur ing the past week. . Never before has Raleigh had so many splendid at tractions, brilliant events and delight ful amusements packed into one week and there has been no lack of peo ple to patronize them. That Raleigh has had something worth enjoying has been fully evidenced by the tre mendous throngs that have over-run the city since last Sunday, v Beginning with the opening of the fair on Friday down to the time of closing the gates last night it has been the biggest success of any fair in the history of the state. Y- The large aggregation of really good show on the midway has been greatly appreciated "fcnd - enjoyed. The check that wai ' put on all djis order and gamblViB4,Pfelfh'Ao the suws of the olOB,'r'V The exhibits wefe large and 'better thari ever -with a much larger nunjg ber of exhibitors.' ' The ' free attrac tions were all that could be desired, keeping largo crowds amused all day.'. The races were of an unusually high, standard, several 'records being bro-. ken during the week. . The chief marshal and his aides, as well as the special fair police, de serve the highest praise for the ex cellent order which was preserved. While the fair was the, great big feature of the 'week there was no lack of other amusements, the big football game betweeen A. & M. and Kentucky, on Thursday, and the star attraction, Barnum ft' Bailey's big circus yesterday afternoon and. night, claiming their share of- the thous ands of visitors. The splendid circus parade yesterday morning brought. pleasure to an immense thromjf, many of whom were , hot fortunate enough to see the inside; of the big tent. .. '';;:::;,-:; - .;. ' . There was no let-up of the excite ment at the close of the day,' for as the brilliant illumination of Fa' etteville street burst forth,' 1',. became the popular place for, he crowds. .to iind amusemeent. .With a good show at the Academy every-night, as well as other social attractions,' the an- nual Capital Club dance and Mar shal's ball there was enough enjoy ment for everyone. As it is the purpose, of the fair management and. North, Carolina Ag ricultural Society to ,go forward each year, and as this fair. Of, 1909 could hardly be surpassed outside of a great state exposition, the; 'people are al ready looking forward to that great occasion next, yeaf.' t ;: v; The time is bfopitlous; as next year will mark tne . BMa anniversary of the fair. Interest as gradually been increasing ,l the. event during the past year unyl ft, has reached a high-water mark, which should be marked by the .celebration' of a two weeks' exposition." iii tne enlarjg Ing of the grounds; .irecon of. new and suitable building the state will have a great occasion tolook for- ward (o. It will be an exposition worthy of the home-coming of tpe children of the Old North State from far and near. t:fVr ,: -U' . . " - FHiSiil.'4giaj,'i -'j .; The races yesterday continued 'io . be of chief importance and, although no records were broken thqy Jtept up the high standard established during the week. itn i y ' First Race. ' ; 2:25pac"e; stake 300. m Major Viceroy?" I1. . k 1 J " i . 1 Hero'. .- . tJ.. ? 2 2,2 Rocky Mountar 1, Bertha W.". . . v 8 Time: 2:!l,.2:Jii, r i ; Second Race; . v '! trot.. s'tlt isnn.s"' igO . . . t . Die. (Continued on ,Fg Two.) ;. -k mi 0 .4 7 Mi "Mi- -'r '.: , I.'. m