-V.1 'i.V - "I': t , X - - -. t-- - - , r ; - tAOS TOO THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, - i 4 7" s 4 4 'V 4 v.' 1 ' ?2 3 ii " 1 1 V' it DC IE DC 3E 1 THERE IS NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR YOUR EYES Failing of imperfect vision may be due to any number of causes. . These causes, can be determined oniy by very delicate v scientific tests. We are prepared to make these tests. EXAMINATION FREE. Jolly & Wynne Jewelry Co. Fayetteville St 3E JO Raleigh, N. C. Ill J! AIM. VS. MARYLAND Game Called at 3:30 This After nonnOn A. &M. Gridiron Agricultural and Mechanical College For The Colored Race. GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Young man, ROTH of us lose if you fall to seize the excellent facil ities and opportunities that the North Carolina Agricultural and Mechani cal College is offering to the Colored youth of the country to become skilled mechanics, successful farmers and well prepared teachers. Fall Term begins September 1, 1900. Graduates earning from $30.00 to $150.00 per month. Board and Lodging $0.00 per month; Tuition f 1.00 per month. Write for Free Tuition and Catalogue. JAS. B. DUDLEY, President, Greensboro, N C. V fc S&M.VN. CAROLINA. -" Xl.. ftlNTtReST I AYS mi I MUBAIUMMk MUi.llUilil IU p ON TOUR DEPOSIT. OFFICERS JJbTH.BW6S5" T.RjERMAN T.B.Crowder4 FVes. John A. Kemp WH-Harrington W.B. Grimes. V.Pkes. S.C.HOBBY A.R.D. Johnson W.W.VASS, Cashier.. ,C.Duncan J.W.Bailev' 1 George E.Hunt er. Maryland Ag.sles An'ivert Last Xijtht and Are in the Pink of Condition. A. & M. ia Good Shape and Expect to Make a (iMd Showing Against the Heavy MarjlandeiN. The (strong A. .& M. aggregation is to do battle vii:i another lilg fjotbal! team today on the local gridiron. The Marylander arrived last, night on a special sleeper from Washing ton'. Thin K thfir' initial appoaraneo in the Tar K! tajt.:! tirtd iliey are anxious to make a great impression by snowing tip the Farmers. They come with a big, heavy team, which has already this season succeeded in playing some great sanies ag;:in::t the biK nonhe.-!i teams. T.ioy are confident that they can make it in teresting for the A. ic M. boys, orj even walk off with the laurels. .The A. & M. team is in good con dition for today's game with the ex ception of .1. 1.. Vmi Malm, who Is laid up in inlii-w.j! i-y with a had knee. Mott, tae left i,i!.''d. who ha:; been sick, will l.e ;u tody's game and he will add a l.-t to the strength of the A. & 11. litu The A. A. M !". arc alsu anxious $3.50 Recipe Cures We1liM--lree tend Name and Address Today You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous. I hm in my possession a prescription fo nervous debility, lack o! vicar, weakened manhood, tailing nimory and lanio luck, brought on .by excesses, tmnatorui ntalns ot the tollies of youth, thvt has cured in many worn aod nervous men ntclit in ti'i-ir own homes without an; additional help or meai- cine that 1 tnink every rua who wist es to regain his majUy power autl virility, quickly lad quietly, Should horo ft copy. So I have netarmined to fend a c.ipycf the prescription ire orcn&rge, ina pu:ii. uruiiiar(v rt.tr.i en velope to any niun v,h. will write mo for it. yiBiii preseriiitinn rumen fnm a pliynieiau who has jnti.lvj a Mie;T.ul i;n:ly f m a and 1 am eouvirv-id iL is th - sun ht-cfinR combi nation fd- the euro ' ' ileiiti. m uiuiiood und vieor failure ever put to;r"!lier. 1 1 think I one it. my fellow man to send them a copy iu ccr.ridence so thai soy man anywhere who is weak and discouraged with repeated failures may strp drugging himelf with harmful patent medisines, secure what I believe is the miickeM-ae.ting restorative, upbiiildins, BPOT-TOUOHlMtr remedy ever devised, and o euro hinitolt at home qufetly aad quickly, just tiron nie a nno nee inis: Dr. A. R. Robinson. ili, Lucie Building, Detroit, Mien., and I wili send J on a copy of this splendid recipe in a plain ordinary en relope free of charge. A great many doctors vould charge S8.00 t' $5.u0 for merely writinn out a prescriptio'i like this but I send slltirely tr.u.- HERli is a gift that never fails to please a box of NUNNALLY'S. Every body likes it, everybody wants it, everybody knows it is the finest, purest candy in the world. You can make no mistake in taking or sending it to the most fastidious lady in the land. K fresh supply always kept ky HICNKY T. HICKS. TTCKEB nUIIilHN'G PHARMACY. "None Like Nunnally's." to mjiUe a -toad .diowins. because I hey know Wellington & Lee , is watching them in hope of administer inK defeat in Levinnton hpxi Satur day. The R4i:ae will he watched with in terest hy iiiirti.i n.iiilieni i en ms, he- C.'lllSe of I .ii' i iil:.iai'i.-.ii:l il will ninke with such teams as V. i: 1., Ilielt iKond College. George Washington and others. The prospects are bright for a great and excitins game today. The game will he called at :;:;!( on the A. & M. .-Unlet ic field. Go Willi a Rush. The- dutnund for that wonderful jtomach. l.iver and Kidney euro.. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills Is astounding all druggists say they never saw the like. Its because they eycr fail to euro Sour Stomach Con stipation, Indigestion, Billiousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chiils and Malaria. Only 2f. cents at all druggists. IXTKRKST IX FOOTIUIX. Eion Entliusiastic Over lefeat of ltiiiKli.'ini. ; (Special to The Times.) Elon C'olleKe, Oct. 30 Interest in football continues lo increase and a good team is beinj; fast developed. The first practice same with the tjreensboro Hish School resulted dis astrously for Elon in score, but did great . good In showing the team her weaft" "po'l'ntis and "so preparing it for such success in 'the future,' That this practice did much good, the second game the team played gave evidence. In the K.-irtie with Bingham, played last .'Saturday, . at niitlinKj.on. th Lstoro wait 11 to f. lit fjr of .Blah. ine Kion team waa superior in every point to the opponent, not only in weight by in skill and speed, and but for the blinding rain In the, last half, which came in the faces of the Elon totuTi, so l:pt them from seeing who had the ball. Bingham -would not have scored a touchdown. . Last Thursday evening Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Moffitt entertained the Ladies' Aid Society in their ' hospit able home, watch was decorated for a trip to the woods, with beautiful colored leaves. A charming contest was given in keeping, with the deco rations and the prize was won by Mrs. M. A. Atkinson. I")r. Mol'fltt will leave next Satur day for eastern 'North Carolina and eastern Virginia conferences. He is rapidly maturing his plans for rais ing the endowment and meeting with cneouraging8t!cress. . Mrs. :V1. A;"Ioff.tt. mother of Pres ident Moflilt, has been vis'ting on the Hill for the past lew days and is now gone to Salisbury to visit her daugh ter, who resides In thit place. ilZAtrrirJL.COMPLJION .' . ;.-..-;-'. IH TIN KAVt : ; ; Nadino!aLCr;am ' The supreiiw boauty re I thousands. Nadinolf banishes tan, sallowness, freckles. Dimoles. liver , spots and other facial dis coloration!:' . Worst case in 29, dir. RiJ the -'porn and tissues of all Ira ' puritieit; leaves the sfcia clear ..roft and healthy. Directions mat Onaraam Fa eica tackasa. SOc. iM JI.iK) by Men data Tailot Cauuteis ot Mill. frsftni ry mfKWC TUK.E7. C3.. Ktrit, tea. A Hurry Cp Call. , Qtilck! Air. Druggist Quick !A box of Bucklsn's Arnica Salyo-rllero's a quarter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned himself, terribly John nie cut his foot with the axe Jamie's scaldedPa can't walk from piles Bil lie has got boils and my corns ache, Sho got H and soon cured all the. fam ily. Its the greatest healer on earth. Sold by all drugsrists. GREEX-f JORO Vs. RALEIGH. HiRli School Teams Will Battle for Hdiiiirs on Cone Alhlet:c Field This Afternoon. (Special to The Times) Greensboro. N. C, Oct. T.0 The elevens of I ".in Raleigh and Greens boro High Schools will formally open the football season in ihis city mis afternoon at. t'one Park,, when they will clash in two twenty-Bvo min ute halves, thin being the first meet ing of the two teams this season.. The local team has played two games this season and in each they have made an excellent allowing, tae work of Coach S. Clay Williams, a PILES CURED AT HOME JY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If yon suffer from Weedine, S toll Ing, Mlnit or prolrudintt Pile, fienil me your audresn, and 1 will toll you how to cure yuurelt at home ty the new absorption treatment; and will also tM'tid Home of this home treatment free for trial, with references : from your i.wu locality If requested. Immediate re lief nnd iroinnent cure assured. Send uo moue.r, but tell others ot this offer. Write tndat to Mrs. M. Summers, Box I Notre lame. lad. former Cnrol'na tackle, has made a great, difference in the tearri work of the sqund sinca the opening ' game with Durham and the boys are confi dent of victory in today's game. The Raloifib. eleven renche.l here at 12:13 today, a comniiitee, -from the local utuletic association and rnany fatudeuts of the high school meeting tacm at the train and es corting them to the Guilford Hotel for dinner. They will ho entertain ed tonight at the hemes of different mem'uorri of the local team, a recep tion being oua of the features. plann ed for their entertainment' tonight. AIX' IV READINESS. !lS For Cnrolina-Rlchmdnd College Game .ThR: Afternoon at Chapel Hill, t (SiifveiVlii The Ti'miv; 1 . N f'rinnol fflll " NT Vv n..l tf Thiu afternoon the teams of Carolina and' Richmond College line up against each other. " Last year the game was extremely exciting, duo to' tho act that in the Brst ft Richmond Col lege was tho victor The changing of tae score in ho second half Is an ex ample of Jhe fighting spirit to be shown today. ' . The game with Richmond College is the last to he played .during! this season at Chapel Hill. Manager Joy ner had only two games ' here .this year, the one with Wake Forest .arid . the one to be played tomorrow. On account of this fact great crowds of te students will attend. Mrs. A. M. McPhetera, Miss Susun and Marguerite MePhetcrs and Mrs. A. M. jioPheters are. visiting Mrs. Hal. M. Worth-at Asheboro. The Rootl to Success. . has many obstructions, but none HQ desperate ns pwr health, but Electric Bitters is the greatest health builder the Avorld lias ever known. It compels perfect action of stomach, liver kid neys, bowels, purines and enriches the blood, and tones and invigorates the whole system. .Vigorous body and keen brain follow their use. You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters if weak, run-down o-.' sickly. Only 50c. Guaranteed by nil drueelsts. TV COBB'S VISIT. in Grand Reception Awaits Him Wilson Monday Night. Wilson, N'. C, . Oct. I!0. .-"Ty" Cobh will reach Wilson next Monday nigh!, mi his way home from New York city. He conies with the Her.ild-At hinta touiUis who are heading for Atlanta so says- a let ter received hero by .Mr. George L Morgan. In the party are Capt. F. D. Hughes. E. D. Hughes, E. Reed Holliday. A. L. Westard and "Ty" Cobb. There are four automobiles used by the party a. touring car, runabout, roadster and the famous "Pathfinder," which averaged two hundred aad eight miles perday for one hundred consecutive days, after having been run five thousand miles on demonstration. The party will be met next Mon day night and escorted to Wilson by a procession of automobiles. They will be royally entertained at tho New Briggs and by tho. members of Na hunta Club. Only One4 BEST" Raleigh People Give Credit Wrhere Credit 1st Due. v People of Raleigh who suffer with sick kidneys 'and, bad backs want u kidney remedy that can: be depended upon. The best . is Doan's Kidney Pills, a medicine for the kidneys only, made from pure roots nnd herbs, and th only one that la back ed by cures In Raleigh. Here's Ral eigh testimony: Mrs. W. V. Hudson, 411 Newborn Ave., Raleigh, N. C says: ','Doan's Kidney Pills proved to be the best kidney remedy I ever used, and it gives me pleasure to spea kin their behalf. I suffered a great deal from kidny trouble, the principal symptom of which was a dull, miserable pnin across my back. I could no t rest well and upon arising in Ihe' morninc I had no strength or energy to begin the day's work. Tho kidney secre tions, also gave mo a great deal of annoyance by their too frequent pas sages and plainly denoted by their unnatural appearance that my kid neys were out of order. Obtaining a box of Doan's Kidney Pills from the Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co., I used them according to directions and was af forded prompt relief. After taking them a short time, -every symptom of my trouble had disappeared and since then I have had no return at tack." For sale by all dealers.,, P'ito 50 cents. Fo8ter-Millburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. . . v Remember j the . name Doan's and take no othet. , INSURE YOUR HORSES AND MULES IN THE Sural era Gieiiipsiy A Home Company Doing Business in North Carolina Alone With a large paid in capital, that has for years dealt justly and honorably with all its patrons. A little less than two cents per day will carry one hundred dollars insurance on your horse or mule, protecting you against loss by death from ray'cuincliiding.acddtnit, disepei-fire orfiglitaiiig INSURE AT ONCE, DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. SEE OUR SPECIAL AGENT, , D. F. FOOT, JR., MfflMglhi, NoFttto Caifoltoa,: ?; V -s f andtget a policy as good as gold. We have or want an agfent in every town in North Carolina. SOOTIHIEMM LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, GEO. C. PENNY. Pres't and Gen-Mang'r. ; Geo. M. Harden,- J. C. Welch, W. W. Smoak, Vice-Presdents. a E. MENDENHALL, Secretary! T. F. WRENN, Treasurer HOME OFFICE, HIGH POIN", N. C. - 1 ' ...... v i . t. . . j , ' mm r -.. - -K '