IlfffUDE'SiCUnE v TOIl nHEUT-IATISH In a disease so painful fta'beumatism, medicines containing opiates" . amd nerve-fitiintlno rtmffi am often used'. "" Suob treatment f iia,mrniia tin only because it frequently cause the sufferer to become addicted to the drug habit, but medicines of this nature are always injurious to the system. 1 Rheumatism is a disease of the blood,' and its cure depends entirely upon a thorough purification of the circulation. As long as the blood remains saturated with uric acid, an inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles and tendons of the body will exist, and the pains, aches, soreness, and hot, feverish flesh of Rheumatism will continue. The one safe and sure cure for Rheumatism is SJS. S. - It is nature's remedy for this disease, made entirely of the healing; cleansing juices and extracts of roots, herbs and barks from the natural forests. S. 3. S. does not contain anything that is in the slightest way injurious to the, system. It is absolutely and purely vegetable, and free from opiates or sedatives of any kind. S. 8. S. cures Rheumatism by removing the urio acid from the circulation, it makes the blood pure, rich and heaalthy so that instead of depositing sharp, uratio impurities into the muscles, nerves, joints and bones, it nourishes every portion of the body with natural,, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who write and request it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. lKtarttm IjlUMI 'tips HI J Way down yonder in the old coin fields of Virginia now ilia sweetest of corn from which the famous ft. W, ones Com WhUlfia am made. Q No corn u quite so sweet no whiskey quite so pure and delicious. A trial' will convince. J The following brands are guaranteed under the National Pure Food Law : W. JONES CORN WHISKIES. " 100 Pmnf ' 1 Gallon of Whiskey and jug. 1 Gallon of Whiskey and ius. . . $1.65 2 Gallons of Whikey and jug, . . 3.30 S!Jon U. H P 5.00 , 4 Gallon, of Whiskey and jug! '. 6.60 t Gallon 4 years old Whiskey, . 7 50 uwivu v jcmn lhu w nisaey, . 1.10 4 Quarts 10 "-ars old Whiskey. . ji Uallon ol Whiskey and jug, . 3 Gallons of Whiskey and jug, 4 Gallons of Whiskey and jug, A'z Gallons of Whiskey and jug, . 'A Gallon of Whiskey and jug, . . Q All goods shipped by express in plain package the lame day order Is received. J Remit P. O. money -order, express money -order or registered letter. (( Complete Price List upon request. $2.15 4.30 6.50 8.60 2.50 3.00 4.00 1.25 THF C-LARKSVI LL WHISKEY H0U OF F ICE SUPPLIES V Emm Blank Books, Typewriters, Carbon Paper, Type. .writer Pu per, Loose Leaf Books, Waste baskets, Desk Baskets, Ink, Paste, Mucilage, Etc. Waterman's- Ideal Fountain Pens. The Office Stationery Co., JAMES K. THIEM, Manuger. 12 E. Huigett St. Times Building. Capital City Phone. 844F. THE GOMPERS CASE Article In Federationist on In , junction Case Samuel Gomperg Discusses Editorial the Expected Decision the Cele brated Injunction Case Possible Re sults of Decision. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Oct. SO In the No vember issue nf thp American Foilor. I u. ationlst, organ of the American Fed eration of Labor, Just published, the following editorial by Samuel Gomp ers, president of the federation and. editor of the publication, appears, The important decision referred to is the Bucks Stove Range case, of which James W. Van Cleave is president of the company, has not yet been hand ed down although it has been expect ed for several months. The district court of appeals does not meet again until Tuesday, so that the decision pflnnnf honntna Iritrium until Km ot the earliest. It is not probable jOther new industry. MINERAL LADY :.V; WRITES ABOUT The 'Best Tonic She Ever Used in Her Family " Cardui, the Woman's Tonic Mineral, Tex, "I have a few words to say," writes Mrs.:' A. J. Halo, ot this place, "on the merits of Cardui as a "I have used it in my family and have found it to be Just as represent ed. "It Is certainly the best tonic I have ever used, and I hope that my words will lead some suffering lady to try it." If one lady out of" the thousands who read this letter of -Mrs. Halo's will try Cardui, her letter will not have been written In vain. Will you bo that lady? Remember you will really Lm. I l ying no experiment. Cardui 1 a standard part of the stock of every up-to-dato drug store. It is not a new untried, untested, labratory chemical, manufactured al kaloid, of by product of coal tar or that It may not be handed down for some time after the. date mentioned. The editorial Is ill part as follows: "Perhaps before these words ap pear in print the c'ourt of appeals of the Distrlot of Columbia will have hande'd down its decision upon the appeal of the-American Federation of Labor in behalf of Samuel Gomperg, John Mitchell,, and Frank Morrison from the 'sentences imposed upon them by Justice Wright, of the su preme court of the District of Co lumbia, the men charged with violat ing the injunction obtained by James W. Van Cleave and Company against the American Federation of Labor, its officers, members, sympathizers, counsel, agents and friends. "Whatever the decision of the It has been in use for half a century. Time has tested it and proved its real, true, genuine merit in the light, not of a labratory test , tube experi ment, but of actual experience and fact. Cardui Is a proven success. It will pay you to test it yourself. Get it at the nearest drug store. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga . Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-pagc, "Home Treat ment for Women," sent in plain wrapper on request. nient upon the defendant's Compers, Mitchell and Morrison. "If the decision be as indicated, the situation will not be changed one Jot.- The imposition of a fine of one court of appeals may be, it must ul-: cent, or imprisonment for an hour timately lead to a victory for labor, for the utterance of conscientious be lief and the faith that is within us, is a denial of free speech and of free press." A Product of the largest distillery s in the world. " J anaissaemi "WUTAKB MSBKIrWI.W )CuCBa)lCsllft Direct from distillery to your home. Full measure and prompt shipment guaranteed. i oo proof -bottled by the Government. 4 Full Quarts, $ 5 OO V 6 Full Quarts, 6 50 12 Full Quarts, 12 OO Express Prepaid CLAR KB BROS. & CO., Distillers H . Clarke & Son s, RICHMOND, VA., DISTRIBUTORS. and a victory for labor will mem a victory for all the people. Should the court sustain the appeal and an nul the sentences it will maintain be yond question the right of free:speech and free press. If it should' sustain the decision by Justice Wright it will simply mean that an appeal must be taken to the highest court in the land to obtain a final, determining word as to the judicial concept of ex isting constitutional guarantees. Even should the highest judicial tri bunal of our country fait to main tain the right of "free 1 speech and free press, there is still a higher court, the court of the public opinion the conscience of the people. "In the one event that is, the court sustaining free speech and free press it will be the perpetuation pf the principle for all time to come in America. In the other event that is, 'the refusal to sustain labor's ap peal it will beyond doubt inaugu rate a movement that will have for its explicit purpose the re-establish nieht, the re-emphasis of the right se cured bv the magna charta and em bodied as the first amendment to the Western North Carolina and Virginia constitution of the United SJtaterand in wagons and retailed in quantities the constitutional guarantee of every . of from a pint to a gallon, but every state in the union. effort to locate the right wagon has "It is held by jurists that a court been fruitless and the officers were WHISKEY CAPTURED Within 50 Feet of County Jail in Greensboro Nine Gallons, Wagon and Negro Cap tured in Stone's Throw of police Station Owner of Whiskey Cap tured Also Police Have Long Sus pected That Whiskey Was Being Brought Down From Mountains. (Special to The Timer. ) Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 30- For a .mltA.. r n. . 1. .. 1. .,,.11 1 i UUUJUC1 UL UllMJlUa LUC LJUlllTC llilVt a" . been aware that whiskey was being e-1 . ,. . . . .. , Drougtit nere trom the mountains or BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. 1 BOYLAN-PEAT.CE CO, rtTr. JS i 1 1 1 ( 1 -i i.r" -r WINTER QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK NOW READY, PRICE 20c. MAIL lie. EXTRA. ' WITH FREE v PAXIEBN. BY Prosperity in le Hisf The bustle, stir and activity in the Dry Goods Stores is brought about by the crisp mornings and bracing weather. Cotton is up and creeping higher. This in itself creates bustle, stir and activity in every quarter. NEW M0pELs4NA0llfistJITS. v " A fortunate purchase put us in possession of a bunch of beautiful Suits in the latest models. I fXtOoBe, semi, and tight-fitted. 7 Values running up to $30. Choose from the lot at $22.50 SEPARATE SKIRTS. - We crowd such value into our $4i)8 Skirts no wo man is satisfied to buy until she has seen our collection. Rarely ever does she look further. - - Values' $6.00, $6.50, and $7.00 for , ., .... .... .. $4.98 SELECT LINE OF DOLLAR DRESS GOODS. We are proud of our showing of Dollar Dress Goods and should be pardoned if inclined to brag. The goods will bear us out in all we have to sav. See them on the tables. Choice rv $1.00 Choicest Trimmings to Match. NEW HATS EVERY WEEK. The Swellest Millinery is a I wars ahmvn hem Fresh lot of trimmed Hats every Tuesday. Pattern Hats at onehird off. r " Sheets and Pillow Case Specials. . . North Carolina and Calif e-rajia- Blajikets. Down Quilts and t niiorisy ; r- t Marseilles ancUtongy C&Bed Spreads. Carpets, BugsX-iholcuas and Mattings. 5?T tNO T. POLLEN, Prealdent. The Raleigh CHARLES BOOT, OMhlM Savings Bank. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,0OO.CJ. ; row per cent, lnterestt paid oa depomlt. CU la the buks w wrtU for further lnfornuition. - . . SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOftHENT. 18 The Commercial National Dank Eighteen Years Old September 30, 1909. BETTER, BIGGER, Tlt0Nasn of appetiis in an iuj unction ami con tempt case may tultc cogniaaiMid of the entire case, both as. to.'lln! jijw and the facts, as well aa the Ken tenceu imposed. It is even intimated that in view of the prejudice and vindictive spirit exhibited by Justice Wright in his language and sentences of twelve, nine, and six months, re spectively, that the court may take cognizance pf that also, and though practically the court may reverse Jus tice Wright's decision, it may also impose a so-called nominal punish- WHAT IS HYOMEI? Vou Have Heard About the CuIiutIi Cure UobbittW)iine Drug Co. Guarantees. Hyomei Is a wonderful antiseptic, so powerful that it promptly destroys germ life, yet its action on the mucous membrane is extremely soothing- and healing. It relieves catarrh 1 in five minutes; it cures in a few weeks or money back. It is made chiefly of eucalyptus and eucalyptol tuke(i from the eucalyptus forests of . inland Astralia The medi cal profession kuows that eucalyptus is an absolutely certain germ destroyer and with active principles of eucalyptus as a base Hyomei is made more effi cient, pleasant and quick acting by the addition of Thymol, an antiseptic and disinfectant , largely employed in the LlBterlan System Oualacol and other important medicinal agents ate also included in the Hyomei formula, which; without doubt, is the greatest destroyer of catarrh germs the world has ever known. Hyomei is a powerful, penetrating antiseptic that is pleasant to use.. It does not contain a cart I tie of .-cocaine. bpium or any habit-forming. 6rliH jurious drug. No dosing the stom.ach whqrt your use Hyomei. i Just breathe it lh through tho small lnhaler that comes with each outfit. Sold by leading druggists everywhere and in Raleigh by Bobbltt. Wnne Drur Co-., 11.00 for complete outfit. - jj ;;. l. ; . ., ., 1 .... a ' - on the verge of giving up in despair, hen early yesterday morning a one horse wagon was seen to drive iuto th o county hitching lot, which is not fifty feet from the front door of the county jail, or more than a stone's throw from the police station, and the suspicion of an officer who hap pened to be passing by was at once aroused. Warned by previous experience that if they were to be caught with the goods on II would take quick and immediate action. Hie officer hastily summoned every member of tire force on night duty and surrounded (he wagon. Notwithstanding aH xit this precaution, the owner of the wagon and conterils succeeded in malting his escape, but the wagon, an 'old lame mine, nine gallons ot wniskey and a negro were captured and carried to the police station, while several offi cers went In search of two white men who were seen with the wagon be fore it entered in the hitching lot. In a few minutes they returned with Jesse Hanner, who claimed that he was only hired to take care of the wagon and team, but his tale was not satisfactory and he was sent to the calaboose in default of $300 cash bond. With the dawn of day Haaner began to long for freedom and much to the surprise of the police, he' wrote an order upon a local bank for $300, which, upon investigation, proved satisfactory and : he was released. Hannei was followed by anJfolBtiej5 and as a result the real owner of the outfit was captured and placed In jaH to await a hearing in municipal court today. The owner of the wagon, who proved to be Tom Stewart, a former resident of this city, was not so well ffceed and he will be forced to remain in jail until his case is called. VAUDEVILLE AT TlIK Gem Theatre Knliic C'lii'.jive ToXv. .)v':'.hc c thi; moi:ts. in tin- lirtniK't ic Kkr(" "The Hjl!ictii I'iiriy MISS Itl.AM'MK A I.! ItACll. Si nxs Mtmoli'jr.f". U people with' symptoms of kldnoy or bladder trouble could realise their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Rem edy. This great remedy stops the pain and. we irregularities, strengthens and builds up these organs andi there U no danger of Bright's disease or other serious disorder, D not disregard th early symptoms. King-Crowell Drug Co., corner Feyetteville, and Hargett Ii Mlierea ttrMaeli Balaeir. adrir kMnu ch, Uiehlnjr.and cttrej aU ioosaeh dis mjm rv nxnnn tusnki Lirt tim ttt ash. Utt 60 ami. i VmAektt h tii totrtA ! Mr.. fc, Mrs. Ike Fort, of Wake Forest, spent J, HolU&ssworto, Motion pictures. ' ALL .NEW M3ATI BK 1L.M. -A. Qoeoooeooooo9aoo909o?o03oooaoaooooa c'- '"rico ! Cal. I HowMsnr BRANDS. Per C.I. lltow Msnr . BRANDS. Cibn Rye, g yrs. ol; J4 SO J Nelson -ouibon, 7 yts. Qasl--Biie. 6 yft. old j V.00 i Country Club's Blend &umesr4ner .Hi. Rye : i . H1.0I4 : : ' . I i0 1 N C.Coin '" Se Mi. Rye, 5 y old' 3.50 j Mountain Com Hieh.peRy..6yr,old 50 I I "'".j fs om" Certified Ryt,6) ts. old 3.75 j old Vs. Apple Brnndr $3.50 RAMI. HIPPING PT.. oe&e ooooe 00 0000 eooeoo 000000 ooe e 00 ode a mmm 0eoe o 0000; O Order Now !! 7 EAR. OUT THE ORDER HUNK If you want some mellow ildirioin Wlii-fccy, jusr wruc in uic space aoovc tnc nurnbrr ot gallons, tear out along the perforated line, and mail with posl- oliico or express money order, or rcgi3tcrcfi letter. The vvniskey will be shipped you the day order is received, in plain package, express charges prepaid. I Guarantee satisfaction. : FRANK MILLER, Richmond, Va. - 1 na. nuust uf QUALITY FOR THIRTY-SIX YEARS SATURDAY, OCTQBEK 30, ' MATINEE ASiD NIGHT. JULES MUBRAY PBE8EMK PRICKS: Matinee: Adults, 91; Children, 50c Night: $1.50, 1.00, 75c., BOc. Pneumonia, Grippe and Colds are the most prevalent diseases. : Rice's Goose Grwtse Liniment goes to the root and effects quick, certain care. Doe baby have Croup? : Don't dc lay t begin at once nsing Rice's on, m waae treet, Bpeni . " . t- - the day in the elty with her sister, uew lnaraevusueiy, ana luuuiy curea. Tues-t Tbnrs., --L"l 1 . I I SuOwn Rv. m I I f Old Henry Rye. . . . 3.50 K I f Jeffenoa Club Rye, . . . 3.50 ' I I Cnaamood Rye. ... 4.00 II Hishvire Rye. . . . 5.00 I I N. C. Tackehor Com. . 2.00 I I N.CSwlow Corn. . 2.50 If ViriW. Corn Whiikey, . 3.00 II TryOMII.Ctoa Wh3.. 3.50 II Old Burro Cora Whiie,. . . k7WU . . r atif i)'f.tlii mm Good Whiskey costs you more than ' doctored" brands. The reputation of this Old Reliable Mail Order House was built on the following well known ALL EXPRESS CHARGES. UR SPECIALS. - g'. W9" FnllNfMrls, $2.t5. S M Fsl Qurb, $3.15 S Fsll In Jan- laBoitfa. Gal. 3Csl. Ossrls.tS.0 $5.75 6.45 7.20 , 8.70 9.50 9.50 11.40 13.50 5.75 7.20 8.70 10.00 4 Fall Qts. I full Ota 2.70 3.20 4.00 4.00 4.50 , 6.00 3 JO - a - W.-v, . . . . .3.00 . 6.7i Oo Bdrntrf if 59- 10.0 atr:rrmr 4.00 2.60 3.20 6.45 is COUSINS SUPPLY Wz Vi th, OtJtWMMadOrJH. JiL ifLH ' t ft, IV 3 J I'll 6.50 anTMaillllliilWir'' 1'TiaBs......sBss.sBa' r"MAfuNSuri-i ,cHt0K.vlWIHI It I mi