: 4 V o 'I' ! i ' i 4 f - 4 t i. i 3C nn HAVE YOU RECEIVED A If so we wish to remind you that we have many articles both useful and ornamental for the home that will surely delight a young bride. STERLING SILVER. RICH CUT GLASS. HAND PAINTED CHINA. The quality of our wares is of the very highest. This statement will prove itself if you will give us a call. Jolly & Wynne Jewelry Co. Fayetteville St. I' MOTHER AND FOUR CHILDREN BURNED Pittsburg, Ph., Nov. 2 Mother love and anxiety for the safety of her child ren led Mrs. William Marlow, a miner's wife, to her death, together with four of lr children at their home in Penn. township at 6:30 o'clock this morning. Lyle Marlow, an eight-year-old son, was saved when his mother turned him out of the house and told him o re main at a safe distance while she went back through the flames to her loved ones. The boy Lyle was playing in the kitchen when suddenly the lamp on the kitchen table overturned. There was a terrific report and the burning oil was thrown about the room, igniting practically everything. The uncarpeted, dry flooring made good fuel for the flames. Mrs. Marlow picked up Lyle and carried him into the yard and reen tered the burning dwelling to awaken four other children asleep on the sec ond floor. By the time the mother reached the door the room was a mass of seeth ing flames, but she bravely battled up the burning' stairway. The boy watching in the yard caught a glimpse of his mother at a second story window with the baby in her arms a moment later. He waited a while and seeing no more signs of his mother or the other children became frightened and ran to the neighbors. They rushed there but were too late. Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upchurch of Glen Oak, Okla, was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought would cure a frlght ful lung racking cough that had de t, fled all remedies for two years. After J.-' six months he returned, death dogging 2jj his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, j? "and after taking six bottles I am rV as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infaliable for Ooughts and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat, - Cures Grip, Bronchitis. HemoiThages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. 50c i and $1.00, trial bottle free, guaranteed & by all druggists. ELKS TO AID. , Raleigh Elks to Assist in Getting Vp , Thanksgiving Dinner For the . "r ,, . Poor. . . , The Raleigh Elks will this year - j, f, co-operate with the Associated Char ' V ltles' general committee of ladies in , making gifts for the Thanksgiving .v n dinneds to the city poor. Besides their contributions, the Elks, who are everywhere noted for their true charity, are aiding in securing dona- tions and will also take part in the distribution of these gifts on the eve f " of Thanksgiving. The committee appointed by the local lodge of Elks to have charge of this noble work is composed of the h following gentlemen: R. D. Godwin, K.J. F. Hatch, L. Rosengarten,. and Will Taylor. THE STOLEN HORSE. An Old Proverb With a New Applica nt! tion. The woods are full of "so-called" ""' remedies for Baldness. You may call anything in creation a remedy, hut 'to use them Is like locking the stable after the horse is n stolen. , Baldness and Dandruff are caused by a germ If you don't kill the germ the germ will kill the hair. Scientist! have labored with the problem of a preventative for Bald seas for many years. ' "" ' Newbro's Herpicide la the product of a modern idea, and will cure Dand ' ruff and prevent Baldness because germs cannot exist when you apply Herpicide. Herpicide is a valuable hair dress firg and scalp disinfectant as well as -a cure for Dandruff. V:".? -- "i-t Sold by leading druggist. Sesd 1 10c. fat stamps for sample to The Ha . Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One v' dollar bottle guaranteed. ' - Henry T. Hicks Co., Tucker BuOd . , fnf Faannacy, special agenU. 31 - Raleigh, N. C iiii " n WOMEN WATCHERS AT THE ELECTION (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, Nov. L'-Due of the odd ties or today s municipal election was the presence of women watchers in the voting places. Police Commissioner Baker gave orders than any accredited representative of party was to be re sognized irrespective of sex. There is a legal cloud of the authority of non voters, but till it is settled in the courts. Commissioner Baker decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. In two districts at least and prob ably more, the prohibition party was represented by women, volunteers from the Political Kuua'.ity League the suf fragettes organization. The work of distiibulinr the ballots was the first hard task of the police. In one precinct jilone the papers weighed more than four Ions. Among the Republican watchers to day was "Bob" Taft, son of the presi dent, who came from Yale with iifty members of the Yale city government club, of which Yk is president. He said Jie was following his father's footsteps, and was ready if necessary to go as watcher to the Tammany strongholds. Young Taft's station was on third avenue near 70th street. He got up at 4:30 to be on the job. College students from Princeton Harvard and other colleges also work ed today under the volunteer watchers committee. John I). Rockefeller and J. Pier pont Morgan did not vote today, as they did not register. Mr. Rockefeller is conducting a political fight of his own in Greemburg and Mount Pleas ant against the saloon forces. Governor Hughes came down from Albany to vote. . . "Big Tom" Sullivan the Tammany leader, voted, too, in spite of a re port that he had failed to register. He registered from a new address and the bowery got a needless shock of fear. JOHNSON AN AUTOIST. Colored Pugilist Says He Will Wngcr $ 10,000 That He Can Bent Other Pugilists Driving Auto. New York, Nov. 2 Jack Johnson thinks that he is the best automo bile driver among the fighting fra ternity today, and says that he will wager as high as $10,000 that he can beat Kid McCoy, Bert Keyes,- or Stanley Ketchel over any route. Johnson claims to have gone five miles at the rate of 57 seconds to the milo over a circular track on the other side, and says that if any of the fight drivers think they can trim him all they have to do Is to roll the dough up on some counter and hop In the car. A race between Johnson and Ketch el would bo a bear .right now. They fined Steve $20. in Frisco the other day for speeding. Maybe he's trying j to boat Johnson's record at bolngJ hooked by the bulls. You never can tell. FAKE DICK GAME. Faker Caught With Duplicate Dice and IleatPn by Other Players, New York, Nov. 2 Passengers ar riving on the German liner Kronprin zessin Ceclliex told of a "fake" dice game in the saloon of the liner, in. which several prominent, men were fleeced out of various sums of money. A free for all fight followed which was stopped by the ship's captaiin and a dozen stewards. .The game began last Sunday night. Richard Kellar, a Mr. Hay and a Mr. Jinny, Americans, were .: playing a game backed by a man entered on the cabin list as Giffon Milton, but believed to be a professional. Milton was winning steadily when Captain Granville Fortescue, an aide at the white house during the Roose velt regime, entered. He detected Milton cheating and stretching his hand across the table grabbed Mil ton by the wrist, forcing him to drop a concealed duplicate dice. : Accusa tions followed and finally the fight, daring which Milton was . severely beaten. - ':. MAPS FOR SCHOOLS State Maps May Be Secured For a Small Cost Arrangements Made to Furnish Maps of the State 88x24 Inches to the Schools for Twenty-live Cents' They Are. Excellent Maps, and No Doubt Many Schools Will AvalL Themsclves of This Opportunity. .-' Through the assistance of the Cor-:, poration Commission arrangements have been made with Rand, McNally and Company, map publishers of Chi cago, to furnish an excellent map of North Carolina to the schools of the state . State Superintendent Joynor has taken the matter up with all of" the county and city superintendents of. schools. i The s'ze of the map is 5Sx24 inches. It is printed upon heavy map pajter, mounted with sticks at top and bottom and tape on the sides. This is a first class map in every respect, ; and is to be delivered at a cost of( only twenty-five cents. ' .-. j In order to arrange fo- this oppor-, tunity, contract for as many as three thousand impressions will have to be made. The maps will bo delivered to county superintendents and c'ty su perintendents in lots of not Icsj than fifty. Superintendent Joyner has called upon the superintendents by special letter to take the matter up, u.'ging them to try to have one of the maps in every school room in the state. To quote from his letter: "I have no doubt, if you will lay this matter before your teachers that probably every school In the county, white and colored, will read lly raise the twenty-live cents to se cure tills map. Many of the teachers would be willing to purchase the map themselves for the schools. It would be best for the children to purchase it by penny collections, if possible. It will stimulate their pride and in crease their interests." If the county and city superintend' ents will join their efforts, the schools will without, doubt have this map of the Old North State. It seems to be tiie best, if not lac only oppor tunity ever made for every school to get a good map of the stale at an ex ceedingly small cost. Kills Her Koe of 20 YeurH. Tho most im'i'ci ::; enemy I had for iiO years," declares Sirs. James Dun can, of Haynesvllle, Me., "was Dys pepsia. I suffered intensely after eat ing or drinking and could hardly sleep. After fnany-rernedles had failed and several doctors gave me up. I tried Electric Bitters, which cured me com pletely. Now I can eat anything. I am 0 years old and am overjoyed to get my health ana strength back again. For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Kid ney Trouble, Lame Back, Female Complaints, its unequaled. Only 50o at all druggists! FOOTBALL VICTIM BURIED WTTHHONORS (By Leased Wire to The Times.) West Point, N. Y., Nov. 2 Lying on a gun caisson, the body of Cadet Uugelie Byrne, West Point's foot ball victim, was drawn to the grave today with the honors due a military hero. Six horses drew the martial hearse. and following the flag draped coffin was the full force of the cadet organ ization of the military academy. Harvard was represented at the funeral by Captain Hamilton Fish of the crimson football team. President George P. Gardener of the student council and Charles L. Day, former Harvard and West Point football player and Harvard coach. Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure- Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. Piles Is a fearful disease, but easy to cure, if you go at it right. ' An operation with the knife is dan gerous, cruel, humiliating and uiince eesioiry. There Is just one other sure way to be cured painless. Bate and in the pri vacy of your own home it Is Pyramid Pile 'Cure.'- We mail a trial package free to all who write, ., It will give you instant relief, show you the harmless, painless nature of tills great remedy and start you well on the way . toward a perfect cure. Then you can got a full-sized box from any druggist for 00 cents, and often onu box cures. . Insist on bavins what vou call for. If the druggist tries to sell you something Just as good, It Is because he makes more money on the substi tute. ' The cure begins at ouco.and contin ues rapidly until it is complete and permanent. You can go right aheud with your work and be easy and comfortable all the time. It is well worth trying. - Just send your name and address to Pyramid Drug Co., 92 Pyramid Build ing, Marshall, Mich., and receive free by return mail the trial package in a plain wrapper. Thousands have been cured In this easy, painless and inexpensive way, in the privacy or the. nome. -.,. No knife and Its torture. No doctor and bis bills. . Am druggists. 60 centt. Write today I for a tree package. Parlor Suits. These suits are the highost type of perfection, and the pur chaser who gets the $27.50 sult.at '$21.00 getB the t-ame pro portionate value as tho one who gels the $125.00 value at $N7. ."(. 1 Note the saving in this dissolution price:' ' $27.50 Suits for . . ". . . $St.iHt 33.30 Suits for 33.00 4.1.00 Suits lor . . . . . . . . 32.30 55.00 Suits for ( 38.50 85.00 Suits for 62.50 125.00 Suits for . 87.50 MEN HURT IN BIG FIRE (By Leawd Wire to The Times I New York Nov. 2 Five firemen were injured and seven persons were saved from dentil today during u lire in the three story " iipjirtmcnt house at No. 210 Ainsley street, Williamsburg. One of the firemen is dying. Two girls and a woman figured us heroines of the fire. One of the girls saved her younger sister, another ce- ' er invalid brother down a ladder, and the woman rescued her three children. The fireman weir injured by the col lision of a ladder upon which (hey were standing. Tln-y are George Derby, who is dying. William Carlton, who was cut and liruis-ed, Thomas Con elly, cut about the head, Charh'S Koesy ner. bruised and James Padeson. cut and brulued. They were taken to St. Catherines Hospital. WOMAN ATTACKS BURGLAR. Succeeded 'in Getting Pistol Awny Frotn Him Husband is Stabbed. (By Cable to The Times) i j . S n , ionaon, ixov. i urappiiug wun a burglar, Mrs. lx. H. btorr, one of the most beautiful society women of Eng - land, disarmed him of a revolver, only to see him draw a knifo and fa tally wound her husband last night. The affair took place In the magnifi cent country home .of the Storrs, Corse Hall, at Dukinfield, Cheshire. The robber was discovered by Mrs Storr. With great presence' of mind she closed in on him almost before he realized that she had seen him. Back and forth they struggled, and after a terrific fight Mrs. Storr wrested the revolver from the thug's grasp. Mr. Storr, attracted by the noise, dashed to his wife's aid, but before ho had closed in on the robber the latter stabbed him fatally. The in truder then fled. BALLOONS AS TARGETS. Army Will Be Drilled in New Kind of Target Shooting. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington. Nov. 2 To devise .some means of defense against aerial invasion, the bureau of ordnance of tiie war department Is about to be gin a series of experiments of shoot ing at air craft with cannon. . The experiments will be carried on at the Sandy Hook proving grounds, in New Jersey. Captain Charles De V. Chandler,' of the signal corps,, left Washington yesterday for New York to make arrangements for the bal loons to be used In the tests. He will be stationed i. temporarily at Fort Wood, near vNew York City, for the purpose. Three balloons of compare ively small size will be used. At the beginning of the work only balloons- will be used, but as confi dence is obtained the field operation may be extended. No one will occupy the baskets of the balloons when fir ing Is in progress. Big Fire At Buffalo. Buffalo, N, Y., Nov, 2 The West ern Transit and Knowlton Company's warehouses in Ganson street, near Michigan steet, were completely de stroyed by fire last night- Three ca nal boats' lying at the rear ' of the buildings v were also destroyed and city 'elevator "B" across Buffalo Creek sustained serious damage. The total loss will reach $250,004. One man was hurt. ""' ''':':';'' ... ';; North Carolina Postmasters. : Washington, Nov. The follow- ing fourth class postmasters were ap- pointed today: ' 'J, I Crol,na-Ft,r lleA. Tucker; . Jarocks, I Sarah"' B. Relfe; Smyrne, , Mamie K. Wade; Wlllard, Geo. J. Powers. : . - Handsome Library Let us again jog your memorythat this stock of Furniture must be sold by January 1, 1910. In the lot are a fW of the prettiest Library Tables you've seen anywhere and they're going to be sold before vou get here-unless vy6u "Huriy ". From $8.50 to $40.00. . You can scarcely think of a piece of Furniture or Houscfuynishing that' was not in 'this store at the beginning of this sale. A Everything. is turned loose at a great big saving to you. From 20 to 40. Carpets and Druggets. GOMPERS COURTS DECISION (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York. Nov. L' Samuel Comp els learned of the tustdining of his sentence bv the District of Columbia court of appeals at the Hotel Victoria this afternoon. He :!(': 'With all due respect to the majority of the court, I cannot surrender my constitutionally guorded rights be cause a judge will issue an injunction invading and denying those rights. Chief Justice Sheppard's dissenting opinion is in defense of the constitution and those rights. The minority have ultimately inevailed. and have become the laws of the laud and the gcnerallti accepted rule. I have an abiding faith that the rule in this case will prove ro exception. "It 1 mush ko to jail 1 sliujl haw the consciousness of the fact thato other men li:ive in the past bctm compelled to . suffer in defense of justice and right in the cause of humanity, and for the I rnalntainance of human liberty. "I intended to stay In New York to- morrow to finish iny report of the an BUal convention at Toronto and to al- so attend the wedding of the daughter ,' f a friend. of mine, but I have changed my plans and shall leave so I can get , to Washineton tonhrht. I want to be j within the Jurisdiction of the eoirt 1 whatever disposition is made. ' Mr. (ionipcrs was reluctant to dis cuss the decision, but declared that the case involves more than the imprison ment of three men. "Every restriction to his utterances," he said. "I shall avail myselw of every constitutional right in fighting the entrance." This last remark was in reply to whether the case would be carried to to the United States supreme court. "I expect that all three of us will be at the A. F. of L. Concentlon in Toronto next -.Monday," the president declared. Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and ex pels colds. Get the genuine in a yel low package. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., corner Fayetteville und Hargett streets. Only Two Cases In Police Court. There were only two cases in the police court this morning and in both these cases the defendants were dis missed. James Smith, manager of the New York lunch room, was charged with erecting a sign in violation of the ordinance, but the case against him was dismissed as one of his clerks put it up during his absence from ths city and he had it removed Imme diately upon his return. Lawrence Hudson was tried upon a charge of assault. In this case twelve witnesses were examined and much time was consumed. The de fondant was dismissed as the evl dence tended to show, that he only 'ejected a man from this home who was using .abusive language before his wife. Mr. John W. Hinsdale, Jr., appeared for the defendant, CUT WIPE'S THROAT. Man Runs Amuck 'and Commits ' Triple Murder. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Pottsvillo, Pa., Nov. 2-J-A triple tragedy occurred at Pino Grove, near Mabany City, Pa., today when. John' Schuck cut his wife's throat from ear to ear, killed his twelve-year-old daughter in a similar manner and then ended his own life by blowing off the top of . his head with a shot gun. . ' " He is believed to have gone sud denly insane over financial worries. Heavy Customs Receipts. ' -; (By. Leased Wlro to The Times.) Washington, Nov. 2 Customs raj celpts yesterday were the largest yet collected under the new tariff law. The itoUI wa M.MMM, of which l,477.30 wa coHA at the-New York custom Te large receipta yesterday were due jti" to the imports of Vrench good, Kt New Torlt. Receipts for the wme day last year were I9M.8W. , Going at 20 per cent Off. Another household,, necessity that will mo a off quickly, .lust think of buying Carpets, Ruga, and Druggets at a saving or from 20 to 25! A few rolls Matting. If you are in noed, or think you'll be next spring, it will pay you lo invest now his interest on your money. , CAPITAL FURNITURE CO. Hargctt Street. RALEIGH is made in the largest distillery iu tlie world, having a capacity of 3600 bushels of grain or 400 barrels of whiskey per day. We have now in 12 4 Full 6 Full 12 Full Jo Sfhose "Who Want the Siest 4 We offer many brand of bottled in bond Coodi-Mhe products of the bed whiikey dutillen in the country. Try some of the following. Their names ere a guarantee of high quality, and your ordering from us is a guarantee that there will be no delay in shipment. Let us ship you trial order to prove to you that we Anr.l ..rv l 1 A I LI h hiu, we : rrompi mau wruci nnnc SKellioood , Chlckt Cock Cotrtell . . Criterion J Petersburg is the nearest point lo order from, hence we are able to give you lite quickest service. J Remit P, O. or express money order, registered letter, or certified check. All pergonal checks are held for collection. . 9 Complete price-list upon request. Write for ft. Plummets Stables (Successor to Wooda It's Stables, East Morgan RreetC) Fine Livery and Boarding Stables. Special attention all bones Boarded with us. ' -Vr & & LET US MOVE YOU - , BAfJOAOB TRANSFER AND MOVING A SPECIALTY. 4lr. PKRCT THOMAS, late of the J. M. Pace Mulo Company. Man. : ager. Open Day and Night. Phones 379. 18 The Commercial National Bank - ' , ; . .RALEIGH, N. C.; Eighteen Years Old September 30, 1909. ' BETTER, BIGGER, STRONGER. Tables Fayettevillojitrect. N. C. Government Bonded Warehouses 140,000 barrels of whiskey to be sold through our distributors direct to consumers. Quarts Quarts Quarts $ 5 OO 6 50 12 00 Express Prepaid 100 proof bottled in boud. Full meas-' ure and prompt shipment guaranteed. CLARKE BROS. & CO., Distillers :' on H. CLARKE & SONS, RICHMOND, VA., DISTRIBUTORS. PrrQuut. . $1.00 . $1.00 $1.00 Y .-V ' 1-

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