1 i" , i, , tm m w ... iwwy 'i-yi gnE EtENINfl TIMES, BalEI&B, ft 0.; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER MM, '' n'JlZ.LJ CS-f'J- If 1 TTEMOCRATand . jRpublican,tBap: tist and j ew here is one treat , which all can enjoy in conlmon ? NUNNALLY'S candies. No doubt about their purity or fine quality. No question - that they are the most delicious candies that can be made. Every box is fresh and generously assorted. A freih upply always kept by , HBNBV T. HICKS. TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY. "None f Like NmwallyW "LENA RIVERS" TOMORROW I NIGHT. - ,siThere Jsa saying, nowadays, that ' pHotographerl' do two Kinds of work: They take "pictures and they make likenesses. Sometimes the results of a person sitting before (he camera Is one and sometimes it is another. Without; entering into the merits of i Im case it is a noticeable fact that Hie pictures of Miss Edna Marshall, who comes to the Academy of Music tomorrow night bears a striking re semblance to those of Miss Rose Slahl. Both have the strong, well pointed chin, both have a large head of golden hair (and in both cases it is real), both have the full, sensitive lips and the delicate, distended nos tril, that inevitably bespeak the art ist. The same indescribable eye that can beam with a smile or glisten with u tear within the twinkling of the same second, is also common to each. Outside of all this there is still the expression, the indefinable something which tells the beholder that the pos sessor can feel and suffer Is also to be noted. BETTER EQUIPMENTS f htv -i'.? '"" ' . V .! '-"") sc. ;. . New Cars-Being Put On and ;;the Road Double-Tracked Handsome New Stel-frama RJoctrtc Lighted Cars IJeine Put on All ; Over the; Syntem Reported t That- 7 Have Been Ordered For This ' State. The Southern Railway has placed an order for a large number of hand some cars which will be put In serv ice over Its system as soon as they can be built and delivered. Several are already in service in the state, and it Is said that an order is with the Pullman Car Company for 75 of these cars to be used in North Carolina, principally on that section of the road between GoldsbOro and Asheville. , The passenger traffic on that por tion of the system is very heavy, and this improved car service will fill a long-felt want. These- jars ar light ed by electricity, 'wnicfc Sre the first to adopt this method on local trains in the state. Those whtf have seen these cars and ridden in them say that they are a decided improvement over those "that have been in general use in. the past,. . " ' . ",. The road is being rapidly double tracked. All that part between Char lotte and Greensboro except a small section, has already been double tracked, which will greatly expedite transportation and lower the risk. 'It is only a question of time when the whole system will be double tracked and all the trains equipped with these modern cars, and the puh lie wilt be glad when that day dawns NOVEL MASSAGE CREAM. Pert ofeti Skhfc. F0M4 TUfftctjt , WHnkJes' and Clears Complexion. Thb most delicate skin will quickly respond, to the soothlotr and tonic ef fect nf TTnltflN unit whsi. Kin ,.A'. skin food is Used pimples are soon a ibliig of the past. y ,,. ... As a massasre cream, or aften shav ing it is unequaled, removing' all irri tations, and making the skin soft and velvety. Apply a 'little to the hands or face after washing- and surprise- yourself with the dead skin that comes off. ' Hokara is the only massage cream tlia't is an antiseptic, arid pimples, ec zemas and all skin blemishes Boon' dis appear when it is used. Athough far superior to the ordi nary massage creams, and sold pn a guarantee of "best you ever used or money back," yet the price Is a trifle only 26 cents for a liberal Jar. Sold and guaranteed by Henry T. Hicks company. OlffiTOPiyiAVORS For the Blood. It is sometinies necessary to" help the action of Hokara skin food with a remedy that" will cool and cleanse the blood and regulate the liver and bowels. Hokara Blood Tablets have been prei pared specially for this purpose. A large box costs only 60 cents, and Is sold under guarantee of satisfaction or money back by Henry T. Hicks. Co. son, Harriet Hawkins, Siblet Thomas. When calling for these letters Please, jSayl'Adyertlsed'i i. ,. . OCTOBER WEATHER, "THE SERVANT IN THE HOVSE." MatiiMH und Niglit, Hnturday, Novem ber th. "It would have been well-nigh inv - possible 10 years ago to have put 1 faprift. int. the pouse4ntorthe theatre," says the Chicago, Journal.' "Either it would have frightened the audience out into he street or it would have been called a great sacri lege. But we look upon it now as' being neither fearful or wrong, but as ii work of great beauty and power, carrying the healing word to an ail ing people. How incalculably far our stage, has advanced in a, few short years, or how'greatly our view-point has changed ! We have' come to de mand that the dramatist shall show us he has some big and righteous pur pose; before we will name his play great. This gradual change from re sentment to acceptance of a great thought dramatically expounded or a great lesson dramatically set forth has made possible a masterwork like 'The Servant in the House'. It is a great play for the man who thinks he is a saint or for the man who knows he is a sinner. It will stay here 10 weeks. It ought to stay a year." ADVKRTISE1) LETTERS. Letters remaining uncalled for the Rnleigh, N.'C, postoffice for the week ending October 30, 1909 Women's List. Miss M. E. Aubry, Miss Malinda Aubry, Mrs. F. M. Cook, Miss Emm Daniel, Miss Alice Dunson, Miss Jullia Driver, Miss Evelyn Farrell, Miss Cassil Gregry, Esser Hall, Miss.Nan nie B. Humphrey, Mrs. Lillia I very, Mrs.uZ. V. Look, Miss Annie P.. Mus Miss ii Mc grove; Miss Wlllitf McBride, Miss A. Smith, Mf!(: S.' A. Tucker, Mrs. Bet- lie wwiajms. Prof. H:FV Anderson, James W. Artin, John Brinkley, John W Blount, A S. Ballentine, J. S. Bland Calvin Brackeen, A. Cbrey, Geo, Casper, w. 3. Davis, A. L. Feagle, John A. Hughes, C. P. Hedrlck, N. B W, G.J5JBg,.JX.B. Martin -fco., yy. H Mayo, A. O. Mueil, H. R. Nobull, Wil bon Neuwell, W.' Boyd Newscome, Eu geon, Purvis j. (X. Parker, John Rat liff, Jas S. Sanderson, Roy Sluder, John W. Smith, F. C. Smith, J. W. Tucker, Julian Tucker. Letters Returned From Dead Letter Office. Lola M. Brown, Francis McCloud Laura Torrell, Minnie Tucker, Alice Lillie, Effie Wilson, Bennie Atkin All Bay Horses are not of the same value, nor fire 'all - remedies called . Croup and Pneumonia Cures of the same value. We know Vlck's Croup and Pneumonia Salve does the work more quickly. and surer than any on the market and is the original and largest. Take no chan ces; get the original Vick's. r t 4 "LENA RIVERS. Highest Temperature Was!?1 Degrees , on 23d, Lowest 34- Degrees. TWe meterologlcal sumrfiry for the month of October sent out by the Ral eigh station shows that the highest telnperature was 80 degrees and the lowest was 34. The date of the highest' was 23d and the lowest was on 29th. The mean temperature for October during the past 23 years is 80. The tolal precipitation was 1.52, the greatest amount in 24 hours be ing .68 on the 23d. The average pre cipitation for this month during the past 23 years is 3.36. The prevailing direction of the wind has been NE, with an average hourly velocity of 7.2, the highest be ing 34 miles per hour on the 23d. The number of clear days was 19; partly cloudy, 8; cloudy, 4. The days on which .01 inch or more pre cipitation occurred were 5. There were three thunderstorms, 5, 11, 23. There were six frosts, reported : 13; 17, and 25, light; 26 and 29, heavy, and killing on 30th. Town of Lucama in Hands of Two Factions Citzenuf Refuse, to Pay Taxes as ' There Are Two Boards pit Alder . men Since the Mix tip There Have --Been TwolttayoreTwo sets ot;Po Mce Of fteflri and Two Tax Collect orOId Board' Claim That Elec- WHs'on, N. C., Nov. 2 Municipal matters are in a muchly mixed mud dle In the town of LucamaC find has been, ever since, the last tow election In that burg', Tip "old board" and the "new board" are the way the powers that be are referred'to by the natives. At the last electiJn:j so the "new board" claim, the required- no-' tice of the election was not given, but that they, the "new board'' and thy '-old board" put out tickets, and that they, the "new board" receiving the largest number - of votes, .declared themselves the rulers of the town. The "old board" claim that as they failed to comply with the law (an oversight) that the last election was no election at ail and are holding over until their successors are duly elected.. ; ,. Slnee the. misub there has been two, mayors, two. sets 0f aldermen, two sets of ppllce,and tax collectors. Xast Saturday onaof the officlals(?) tpid this corfesDiflident that the cit izens refuse to pay their tax on the ground that they are net sure wliere they are. at; that somet'me ago a ne gro wished to open a restaurant in the town, and that one of the tax col lectors went'" t6 him and said: "Be fore. you go into business you will have to take out license." The ne gro was about to pay the required' amount, when the . other collector, who overheard the conversation, re marked: "If you pay your money to that man I'll close your business and run you. In." In consequence of which the negro left the town and. is conducting a cook house around a lumber ramp near Kenly. ! j BOYLAN-PEAUCE CO. BQYLAN-PF AX.2 COS WINTER QUARTERLY STILE BOOK NOW READY, PRICE 20c. 'WITH FRE-PATTER1T. ? MAIL 11c. EXTRA. , : - -;f-'l v- Gompers And Other Lost Their Fight fled. The mere fact that the defend ants are the officers of organized la bor in America, lends importance to the cause arid adds to the gravity of the situation,- but it should not be peremitted to influence the resuit. If an organization of citizens, however Mexican Up for Selling Booze. (Special to The Times.) . - Wilson, N i.C. j Nov. ,2-00,-180- ' lawce. may disobey the mandates ;of chos, a Mexican, was run in by the the courts, the same reasonine would render them subject to individual de fiance. The one has no greater rights in the eyes of the law than the other. Wilson police Sunday moraine for re tailing. He was before the mayor Monday morning and bound over to court. MANUFACTURE SHOES. Winston-Salem Company Organized With $130,000 Authorized Capital Stock. ; The Dixie Shoe Manufacturing Company, of Winston-Salem, filed a certificate of incorporation with the secretary of state today for the pur-: pose of carrying on the business of boot and shoe makers, manufacture and sell all kinds of leather goods and own and operate tanneries. It has an authorized capital stock of $150,000 and commences business with $30,000 paid in. V. E. Ballou, of Winston-Salem; j W. H. Wellard, of Greensboro, and W. F. Milton, of Mountain City, Tenn., are the, principal stockhold ers. Both are subject to the law, and neither are above it. "The inherent power of" the court to preserve an orderly administra- telligent. healthy stnte pride in the The bustle, stir and activity in the Dry Goods StorjeB i'v is brought about by the crisp ;jnbrnings and bracing weather. Cotton is up . and creeping higher. This in itself creates bustle, stir and activity in every quarter. NEW MODELS IN TAILORED SUITS; : A fortunate purchase put us in bunch of beautiful Suits in the latest 4 possession of models. Loose, semi, and tight-fitted. Values running up to $30. Choose from the lot at ..V I .V., .v'. .. .,$2i SEPARATE SKIRTS. " s" ' We crowd such, value, into our $4.98 Skii'ts man is satisfied to buy' until she has seen our collection. Rarely ever does she look further. Vhlues $6.00, $6.50, and $7.00 for . . .,'..,-.,".-.. ;. . . .. .j$4J& : SELECT LINE OF DOLLAR DRESS GOODS: We are proud of our showing of Dollar Dress .Goods and should be pardoned if inclined to brag. The goods will bear us out in all we have-to savf-'Bee theitf 'on the tables. Choice . . . . . .: .'. . . . . . . . .' r; , ;V. . .". .;. $1.00 Choicest Trimmings to Match. .f NEW HATS EVERY WEEK. ,', ;.' .The Swellest. -Millinery is always sTiown here! Fresh ' lot of trimmed Hats every Tuesday. "Pattern Hats at one-third off. Sheets and Pillow Case Specials. North Carolina and California Blankets. Down Quilts and Comforts. Marseilles and Honey Comb Bed Sprsati Carpets, Rugs, Lino!ei!ms and Mr.liings. ' mam it u :?1 ! 11 BO YLAN-PE ARC E COMPANY. Ambrassador James Bryce WiO Be Here Special Court For Xee County. uovernor Kitcnin nas ordered a, special term of court for Lee county, to begin November 39. It will be for one week and for the trial Of civil cases only. Judge M. H. Justice will preside. j ... Military Crisis In Bulgaria. (Bv Cable to The Times.') Vienna, Nov. 2 A military crisis has been precipitated. In Bulgaria a the result' of a quarrel betweein .Kin's Ferdinant and his minister of war, ac cording to a dispatch from Sofia today The attitude of the army Is said to be menacing. THE SMOKE FOR THE MAN "WHO KNOWS'' PORTUGESE CIGARS. THE HICKS VRVG COMPANY. Bottl F bones. tion of its affairs, and to enforce its orders and decrees, has always been recognized. In many instances, as in the case at bar, punished for con tempt is the only means by which the court can enforce its lawful decrees. With a proper exercise of this power the purpose of its creation and organ ization is made effective; without it. it would become an impotent and a useless adjunct of government. If a citizen, though he may honestjy believe that his rights have been in vaded, he may elect when, and to what extent, he will obey the man dates of the court and the require ments of the law as interpreted by the court, instead of pursuing the or derly course of appeal, not only the courts, but government itself would become powerless, and society would soon be reduced to a state of an archy. "The judgment is affirmed with costs, and it is so ordered.'' Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison were sentenced by Justice Wright, of the district supreme court on Decem ber 23, 1908, to serve terms of 12, 9, and 6 months, respectively, in the district jail for contempt of court in (violating an injunction in the Bucks Stove and - Range ' case. ' James" W. Vancieave is president of the com pany. The courb enjoined the de fendants from printing in the "un fair list" and the "We Don't Patron ize" list of the Federationist, the otr ficial publication of the' American Federation of Labor, the name of the Bucks Stove and Range Company, and they were also prohibited from criticising the company' in cpeeches. The court considered that the in junction was violated and-the sen tences followed. An appeal was im mediately taken to the district Court of appeals. Today's decision fol lowed." At the United States district at torney's office In is morning, after the decision was rendered It was said that, Gompers, Mitchell, and Morri son could appeal from the decision. Ail that is necessary to be done is for their attorneys to note an appeal, and the defendants may remain at lib erty under their present bonds until the supreme court decides the ap peal. rising generation. i Ail persons interested in :ts pur poses are invited to become members of the association. Regular members pay fl-a year;,those .who wish to do more to promote the interests of the organization are'coi'dia-'iy Invited i become "sustaining members." the annual Of Which is ?".oo. The Patterson cup, v.-.'i c'.i ia pre sented annually "to that resident of the stale wuo, during the twelve months from September 1st of t-ie previous year to, September. 1st of f.e year of award, has displayed, either in-prose or poetry,-without regard to its length, the greatest excellence and the highest literary sldll and gen ius," ' will be -presentei Thursday evening." It was won last year by S. A. Ashe. The present officers of the associa tion are: President, Junius Davis, oi W 1 mington; First Vice President, Ben jamin Sledd, Wake Forest ; Secon ! Vice President, Mrs. Margaret Bus bee Shipp, of Raleigh: Third Vic? President, Mrs. E. E. Moffltt. eigh; Secretary-Treasurer,. Clarence H. Poe, Raleigh. A GAD Tmrnrm Kigtit, yiY ,-v77 1'" - Mr I jTS iff 1 .. I I I m rl I I I m I -Jt. II f Ul J M M It Ml I S I I I V- i m :-. i i mm i s i- ii i . mm - m I M ll I v s I V- ' I I I ISA S I r I I Jilt Jl WSyS- Yi vvi I II I I . y I ':: . w. Not the Man. Mr. J. W. Parrish, of 1 1 1 South Wilmington street, desires to state that he is not the J. W. Parrish who, was arrested and fined in the police court yesterday for being drunk. SKATING Trie s:-25c, 50c, 75c, S1.00 ' 11 kjatnawMitmnsm iixuxjaeiasan TKiiJiiif-. "TitrTm riMi iTMliift High School Betterments The High School Betterment Asso ciation will meet in the high school building tomorrow, Wednesday, at 4 p. m. - All members are requested to , be present. TUESDAY, THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. Saturday Afternoons, 3 to 5. ADMISSION FREE. Glenwood Skating Rink Clarence Q. iumsden, Afaaager. !H e a It is time you should begin, to think of the coming winter. Get that Stove or Heater now but see ours before you buy. ; Here you can get anything for the home. Pay for it as you please-neither cash or time pay ments. .' . the Raleigh Furnitnre Co. T. B. Green, Sec. and Troas. . jry m. RIGGAV,, Mgr. 17 G. Martin and 18 Market Streets. RALEIGH, N. C. if I hi I f ' i. .ii-iiltii,i-iii,dt.- M. IJiWi..ll-.iMllM