THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1903. PAGE 8EVEH OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna. W. Va. "I feel that I owe the last ten years of my life to Lydia it:. pmKiianvs vcpe- 5-- tW-x table Compound. Eleven years asro I was a walking shadow. Iliad been underline doctor's (farebutgotnorolief. My husband per suaded me to try Lydia E. Pinkhani's vegetable Com pound and it worked like a charm. J t re lieved all my pains and misery. I advise, all suffering women to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Miw. Emma Wiieaton, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com- ftound, made from native roots and lerbs, contains no nareotirs or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on tile in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, til ceration,displacements,libroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. ALL DURHAM OBSERVING A HOLIDAY Business Houses are Shut Up and the Fields are Full of Sportsmen NATURE TELLS YOU. As Af.iuy a Raleigh Render Known Too Well. When the kidneys are Nature tells you nbout It. The urine Is nature's calendar, infrequent or too freipient action; Any urinary trouble tells of kidney Ills. Poan'n Kidney Tills cure all kidney Ills. Itnleish people testify to this. Mrs. L. H. Klnff, 318 K, Cabarrus tit., Raleigh, N. C. Fays: "I can 'ppeak in the highest terms of Doan's Kidney Pills, having unod them with the most excellent results. I suffered consid erably from dull backaches, frequently accompanied by pains across my loins. I was convinced that my (rouble arose from disordered kidneys, as the secre tions from these organs were unnatur al and too frequent in passage. When I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills, I pro cured a box from the Bobbltt-Wynne Drug Co. and began uslns them as directed. They benefited me at once and after I had taken them a short ; time I was cured." Cilv Pin-,'icady Ilesel ted Today, IJus. I For salo by all dealers. Price 50 iiu-s Houses dicing Closed iii'go cents. Fnster-Mllburn Co., Hnffalo, Ywi! ''nos to Vorfolk to Cheer New York, sole aeents for the United North Carolina Hoys Elks Pre- States. paring to Give Minstrel Which W ill Remember the name-Doan's and Kdipse All Former Efforts Some take no other. Comparison ISctwccn Durham and Itovhoro Toliavco .Markets Small Wreck on Southern Near I'nlvcr sity SlaMo-. MARKET OF THE WORLD INFLUENCED LEAVE FOR NORFOLK The New Commercial Stimu lus In the United States Felt Everywhere BALANCE OF TRADE n (Special to Tho Times) Durham, X. ('. .Nov. IT, The city has. been pracl ieally deserted today, all of tho loading business houses buying knocked off for the day and the fields being full of sportsmen, Person county wrapper, shows a much belter record on thirteen loads picked up from six different coun ties, in which Person fiKiircd. Dur ham's lowest figures on that tobacco were 22 and V4 cents, while Roxhoro dropped lo IS, and Durham's highest soared a hundred above the Per son capital. Moreover, Person coun ty s big 1,42$ pounds sold on this market, brought $:S 1.07, hut Ptr- Iteports Received by the Department of Commerce and Labor Show Im provement in ItoUi the infernal and I-'oreiU Commerce' of the t inted States and Also Improvement in the Commerce of Foreign Coun I lies Increase Partly Due to : Higher Prices Argentina Shows ' Remarkable Increase in Her Xa : lional Wealth. 1 Evervsnehaufferinirwomanowesitto wll are "hooting. son's 1.4 IS pounds, just ten pounds herself to Rive Lydia L". l'inkham's , The banks, warehouses, hardware less, only broach t $293. 93 or $20.50 Vegetable Compound a trial. si ores, shoe stores and nearlv all a hundred against the $20. G8 in Dur- t' ...... ....... i .i i : i -....iinl .. .1 : n I ii juu nuum iiiicflun i.n ,,,!. itu bout your case writet a couf itlen ial letter to Mrs. Plnkbam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. FEAR ZELAYA MAY KILL AMERICANS (By Leased Wire to The Time.-.) San Prnneisen, i'al., Xov. "7 !' ar that resident Z'-laya will mussm-re AiiiPi'lean prisoners who are eonltii'-d in NIcaruKimn Jails wa expressed to day bv passengers if the steamer I'ilv or Para, just arrived In port. Til 'V told of the execution of forty eiliziis of Xlcnraxua at Corinto by a llyiiiR" squad under . orders from - President. Zelaya because they eh.crcd upon re ceipt of news of a victory by the in surgents now In arms against the Zcluyati puvcrnment. Evnvy precaution is being taken by President Zelaya aceorilinff t" tin- ie- port bfotlslH by the t'itv of Pari prf.venl the landitiK of pasetigers or crews of ships arriving at Cirinto, and thus it is th'ill'ht he hopes to keep news of tii" I'oniliiions existing iii i he republic from naehiiiK tin- outside wor'd. . ' MHt I 'AST DltlVIVG Xew Two Men Tried for Itaeiii" on Hern Avomie. Henry Olive and Kitnuan Hells were tried in the police court yester day morning for fast driving. It seems that they were driving on Newbern Avenue and dee'dod to try out, their respective horses. They were let off with paying ti'.e 1 CltiiJ pei I aek.ifM y's Honey and Tar cures coughs '. s!rei"i'Tis tho lungs and ex- j 'R '! i'ie genuine in a yellow I Drug mercantile estahlisnmenis are observ ing the day. Then; are more people who live aero away than one sees of iten and few visitors are in the city, !a rather disagreeable proof that Dnr j ham is a good place not lo be in. Tho l churches, the Methodists excepted. have been open today. The lilks are preparing finally for their minstrel to be given soon for the benefit of the v.oitny poor and Director Criibbs will be here next week, it is supposed. This aninifiir theatrical is expected to draw enough crowd to get up something like $."i00 for the poor. Mr. Urubbs has-always been success ful here and conies soon with enough paraphernalia lo stage tho biggest one that is going, lie takes but a week to develop his cast. A special train of seventy people left the station at midnight over the Seaboard, taking the Durham sports who will see the game this afternoon at Norfolk. There were four cars besides tae baggage coach and one sleeper. The train is scheduled to reach Norfolk th's morning at fi:4." in good time for to breakfast. It will return tonighl. reaching Durham before 7 o'clock to morrow morning. The Norfolk special is much the same outfit that meant to go to Rich mond, the annual football crowd re enl'orced by a goodly number of Trin ity boys. The sympathies of the crowd were with the A. &. M. boys and the bigger part of the money dis played was on tho North Carolina farmers. What wagers were placed were at even money. The Roxhoro Courier of yesterday carried tome intereet'ng tobacco fig ures in support of its belief that Rox horo is the best tobacco market in the state. There wore reported twenty-five loads of tobacco making out 19,047 pounds. It brought $ 1. 2X9.25, or an average of $22.0") a hundred. This was a capital average, but this mar ket, acknowledging its debt to the (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Nov. S'. That the new commercial stimulus folr in the I'nited States has influenced the mar kets of the. world is shown in the re ports received by the department of commerce and labor. The records not only show Improvement in hoili the internal and foreign commerce of the I'nitod States, but. are now showing improved conditions in the foreign commerce of many of the nations. If the old theory that tie 'balance of trade", that is the e-,,.-, ,, ,.v. puns evr imports, is h naunfcler of l'iIi. iio.,perii.y of a nation, is cor rect, then nearly ail the m uprri. s ihe world have reason to eoagra- ai;,; -themselves pon an iiicveas;. or w.T.iui on i he pus!, year. Tnc in.-i- ,isc in foreign commerce, both in t.;,. case of the I'nited States and of other countries, while indicating ju some degree an increase in tin- iiaantiiy of .merchandise moved, are in par: due llo higher prices. .Inst itv li.u.- i-i-e. in many articles immediately foliowei'. , tile couimerciui depression of Km".! jan advance in prices !ins. in must, .cases followed the Improved trade ; conditions of 1909. I I For the six months ending v.'i'h last June, Argentina showed a re markable advance in national wealth. While her imports gained $9,000,000 I her exports showed n clean increase !of $2.s,0d0,()00. This is one of the most remarkable showings on record. Australia shows a steady and healthy gain. While there is recorded a slight decline in imports, there is an increase of $7,000,000 in exports lover t lie corresponding period of I I SOS. Austria-Hungary, for Ihe seven mouths ending with July last, increased her imports $ 1 8,000, 000 :ind exports $2,000,000. For the eight months ending with August. ham's favor. The general average per hundred was largely in the local market's favor, Iloxboro showing up for $22.05 against Durham's $27.2.ri. or more than $4.50 a hundred better. It isn't denied thai these are fane;, prices at bo'h places, if they hadn't ; been they would not have been dis played so conspicuously, but the thir teen farmers that sold in Durham had 11,414 pounds against the 19, 04 7 of the Roxhoro market. Taeie , was no effort to single these farmers out, though their weed was selected (specially for these figures. i The Durham buyers pay high tii bute to the Person leaf, t.hey pay it two ways, first in high prices end hen in acknowledgement that there is nothing finer. '!ut i' is believed that there is no market in North Carolina that is paying these prices and that's why everybody wanu that toi ncco fair he'd lu re There was a small wreck yesterday near University, when several freight cars left the track and blocked traf tic several hours. The derailment occurred about 9 o'clock and when the westbound passenger ran up to the station, it had to wait until 1:30 before R could move, reaching Greensboro about three hours kite. The eastbotind train, due in Raleigh at 12::;0, did not reach here until 2:15 in the af ternoon, its schedule time being 11:117 hero. Taere was no one hurt in the wreck. Notice has been given through the prpers that Cephus l.udd, a young Belgium shows a gain of $.14,000,000 fellow serving time because of a con- Imports and $14,000,000 in exports, let ion of retailing, has applied The European countries, as a rule, do through his attorneys for a pardon. ' nt show the same prosperous condi The grounds are not mentioned in "on5 that prevail in both North and the pardon but those who are oppos- South America. Brazil announces a 'd to il are given proper prepara-' sharp advance of imports over ex tion for a figut if it is to be made. : ports to the extent of $31,000,000. It q,qio;qq mm a D S3 Q t t i B a a s E3 u a 0 4 n a " It's your move djEctn Board Conn Vhsy The Best Whiskey in the World, in Q'.'.-tli! y. pi' ffr.'cl. :UcrIoard rn V!ii.:,i.y Miprrior ffral i J' v i 1 1 it: i .lice be in every lionn It H the Best Whkkaij coughs. coMs ;ui'l grippe-. and tun irish i ii u' ami s'n- !,! yew and intrenicly' I'cau or el: 1 1tiii lii'iitj'.i product :imi should U iio'jsi'hokl remedies for i ail pulmonary troubles, a i i a o a D 4 c IS 1181 (9 il at Distilled by Clarke Bros. Co. Peoria, ILL, It is understood thai things have happened since his conviction tend ing towards proof of l.add's inno- S3 4 B 9 All Express Charges Paid, f 4 FULL QUARTS, PRICES 6 FULL QUARTS, 1 12 FULL QUARTS, $3.25 4.73 9,00 H. XPRE CLARKE & SONS, 1 J , m "ft If I (Incorporated.) Distributors . . Richmond, Va. U 5:V I 1 , ll MDideirSime 17 ' VERYBOD Y CAN HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR NOW, and they don't have to wait weeks and months for results either. You w ill notice marked improvement utter the very hrst application. Danderine is quickly and thoroughly absorbed by the ;calp and the hair soon shows the effects of its Konderfuily exhilarating and liie-proJuritia" qual ities, it is pleasant and easv to use simply apply it to the scalp and hair once a day until the hair be gins to grow, then two or three times a week till desired results are obtained. Grows Hair and we can PROVE IT! This Great Hair-Growing Remedy can now be had at all dniircistii in three size. 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. rDCC'focii'iw li'er'l" (1 it I Vi S i-u it r.t with I .ii.l I Daadarlno Htt! will iil ft Urte ramrltf ueo Cut I tiv rjturn uiil t" tiyoi. vim ' This ' utlt thw fr-7 xihh ! tli Out RRtVltm ClMfflll cittoaa f with Hisir uun. uuJ a'Mr I liv In nhei' vt nuip f C- 1 i IT V " WnW I cence. Ho was sent there at the'. May term of court. Kditor James A. Rohinson he ing Kiven a chimes henulit today by I the Arcade Theatre, the. Kun man j ravins raised about $1,500 to buy tho Kpiscopal church a set of chimes. There hasn't been an issue in a year or two that hasn't had some ap peal in behalf of the chimes which Mr. Robinson is making as a thank offering; for deliverance from Mines.-;, tt has been a slow process but he has hammered away until he has made the world take notice. I A Scalded Iloy's Shrieks lioriii'.ed liis grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought he would die, Buck lea's Arnica Salve wholly cuied him. Inftiliiabl for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever. Sores, IJoils Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands,. Soon touts Piles. :2Se at all druggists. is believed that Brazil attributes her prosperity to the industrial invigorat ing seen in t lie I'nited States. The Latin-American republics realizo as never before that, their prosperity is i """' ' inter-dependent with that of their 01 ln"s- To what exts-nt the Pavne- : great northern neighbor. jAldiich. t;riil' net entered into the in- According to the statistics Japan is ' ereastj of imports cannot yet be as buying less mid less abroad, and in- ceitained. creasing her exports rapidly. Herj Imports show n decrease of S21.000.-j l-'orced Into Kxlle. 00(1 i forHftf seven montho ondlnK with : Wm. Upehurch of Glen Oak. Okla, Jul last while her exports jumped was an exilo from home. Mountain upward S,lMln.ouo. Russia shows a air, lie thought would cure a fright tremendous advance of $?f,,000,000 ful lunnr inching cough tlmt had do in exports over imports. Imports ' n'J ''" remedies for two years. After into the I'nited States for the ten sl:: T,i"nt'' he : returned, death dogging i months ending in October lust were I)Ib stc;,s' "TlK" 1 began to use Dr. :$1.195,:iMV(Ki. as against $J00.- 8 . 'ovc,y'" wl'itM' 000,000 in the same period of the i,lUei' t,lk'Bt"' bt,ules 1 "m , ., tM-',uu ot as well as over." It saves thousands preceding year; while the exports yearly frori desperate lun diseases, were $ lei(.0,000.000, as against $1,-Tnfalinble for Cougnts and Colds, it 4.'!, OitO, 001 for the tirst ten months dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat, i Cures Grip, Bronchitis. Hemorrhages. 5 ' Asthma, Cmup. Whoonlne Couch. 50c and S1.00. trial bottle free, guaranteed by all drusfrists. ramiaioiarafcrQ a d a pop d A lady from California write In wimtanc a follows: I hae bH!D tuiui: yuur wd derfnl hair taule fur several mill) tui and ttt larc i nm now blt-sfid with a wonderful Milt ot tmlr lltut nt(aniirrs nvt'r 4 luetic tu lenuili: (lie braid is ovcrn mcne around. Another from New Jeneyi Attt:r usIijk bixib IhiiUu I atu liappy to nay tbut I Uhms a ul u bead of Unit uuyonc tu New JTit-y. j ZKIiAY.V'S ACTIO.V. ThrJws Many Aim-ricans Into Prison in Effort to Kxtort Money. (By Cable to The Times) I Panama, Nov. 25 President Ze laya is I'liowlug every American lie can lay hands on, whether lie be tour ist or busiues.j man. into prison un less he contributes to the Zola wa. fund, according to Edgar S. Harris , of Columbus. O:ilo. Harris declared .several Americans were conlined in ; the prisons at Managua and that there and elsewhere tey are ueid in communicado until "they ac.ede to Zelaya's extortions. He iiimselt had been insulted and practicully driven: out of Corinto, ho said. j ! A message from Porto t.'ortez, ' Spanisli lioudtnas, re.o;ts th.u (eh;-! graph advices from Managua say it is believed 4n Nicaragua that the gov- ', eminent authorities in . Port Limon. t'orfla Kica, and former Presiden llaphael Iglcsais 'and his followers have aided the revolutionists. ' rEMOCRAT and Republican, Bap tist and Jew here is one treat which all can enjov. in common N U N N A LL Y'S candies. NTo doubt about their purity or fine quality: No question that they are the most delicious candies that can be made. Every box is fresh and generously assorted. Green, Sec. and Treas ZKI.AVA CONFIUMS IT. Telegraphs Represent stive Ht aniii Coufin.jiiio Keeis:io:i of nnv ii'iil ?Vr.!ee. Pan- Cati- E. j. m. i;j(;;; ." Can't we .send yon a hut Kvoiy Sdne ,e sell, liotli aie ;',ii!H';:i?tee1. We have i.Vi i- ,!10 at "3I:;leiei" CoeU Stoves. STOVIS, s toves, STOVES. let E pre pare you for winter. 'leaier (Coal or Wood), and put it up'.' Heaters and Cook Stoves and Kanges, i'.cd customers in Raleigh using our ;err ( 'Jy I'-:'.' :.ii; Cable t . '. Nov. rhe Time.-1 Ii' s norcli.isers. m ( UKDIT. to t.' of 1' Xi .11 reiin in ( oiiiirming the Ciiimoii th: the ill i P A freh supply always kept by HKNUV T, lilCKS. Tl'OKRR Itl'IIiDING PHAIIMACV. "None Like NunnaUy's." eeeut:or. c mil l.enp i;-,; f;:-.-1(-.-. :i revolv.; urn. sis i-ip.i-o i vi rii'.-ins ;o. iiiine ! :-ap tilld th i' one m' : i. n d '.";.k:i:eil r-v.r : he ;,' .i.ii.tlire. I'.mnon an-l (;ra-e we; r r!'i;;ninto P in :ii! i" i Tin wev.. . 'ecled. I'll.-, pl.-aued f;n;it I'e i ond.'!!!!!."1!.' tn d H!; il' e trace With the laws of the t'a'inon vas c:!'4.!i.e(; i-, jolutions. !le v as eu;-fr jdurn.- in 1!0T. but. -via: 1 j his promise not to nieiidii Central Anu ricali jiolitica. 1 H 3 T Ho I WJ ft. . I.'-.m Ai.uii.i: ;:4 il.iiiu Furnitnre Co. ei'ts. Raleigh, N I lie' :nin i w- I-; "in ' ile stTenwtit of Comllti lie CitJseus National B&it St .it-.-:;; 'lit Novemher 10, 10OO. :K'-Ol I,'''!-" . j MA15IMTIKS. j Capita! . . . . . ... . . $ 1 00,000.00 j Surplus ;ind profits . . lf:0,730.14 i Circulation . . ... .100,000.00 j Deposits . .... . . , -9TS.R44.8Si '.On i . ! 11 llile Pol .1 1 . ':-:'..' -.' : I T ...... .no i. u:;iiyr pah o. duposits. ?1- ra l'

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