THE EVENING TIMES, RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1909. r r r-rr- fry "iV PACS flTD 1 If III " 1 j ilr bl. Oils Stocks; Cotton, Grain and v. llaZe .' . New. York' Stock. Maflcet, , (By pealed Wire to The Time) NewVTorlvDec. 7;-rTr&ding in the market at the opening and during . ., . . the first fifteen, minutes was compar - atlvely small and without much pro - nounced feature, (frlcj changes being Irregular and abopt evenly divided v,. o.j Wo St. Louis . Southwestern preferred continued .strong, making a further advance .of .798, a new high record, 1516 t0 . 1517.' Aug., ' 14:4 Consolidated Oas was one of the1.. ... . . .. .. " " " v"" and renewed heaviness was developed . Oueri ' in Third Avenue. Reading, after, a'j. . 14 fractional decline, showed a firmer tone. .', .. . .' New York Closing Stock List. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Amalgamated Copper ; . 87 American Ice Securities . . . . 28 American Sugar Refinery . . . .125 American Smelting -.. .. -., 98 ' American Locomotive .'. .... 61 American Ca Foundry, ., . . j . 77 American Cotton Oil ...... 68 American Woolen ........ 33 Anaconda .. .. .. .. ,. .. 49 Atchison. v ....... . . ..121 Atlantic Coast Line . . ... . .134 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. . 82 Baltimore and Ohio . . , . ..116 Canadian Pacific .' 181 Chesapeake and Ohio .... . . 87 Consolidated Oas .TV. . .150 Central Leather . . ..... ..45 Colorado Fuel nd Iron .. .. 50 Colordo Southern , 56 Del ware and Hudson . . .'. ..184 Denver and Rio Grande . . . . 50 Distillers; Securities 36 Erie . . : . . . . , . . . . . . . . 32 Erie pfd. .... . . . . .... . 47 General Electric.. .. . . ..160 Great Northern pfd ..142 Great Northern Ore. . ...... 80 Hocking Coal. and Iron 86 . IIHnols Central .... .... . . 146 Interboro'.s . . . . . .... ..25 Interboro ...... .... 61 low Cen trail. ........... 29 Kansas City Southern ;. . .. 43 Kansas and Texas . . ..: . . . : 48 Kansas and Texas pfd. . . ,.73 Louisville and Nashville . . ..150 Missouri Pacific . . : .. .. . ..71 New-Vork-Centrai .;: -.127 Northwestern .'. ; .'. ...... 177 National Lead .;. . . 88 Norfolk and Western 9jS Northern Pacific 143 Ontario and Western i . . 47 Pennsylvania . . ..- .. ., ..130 Pacific Mall . . .... 44 People's Gas Co. . . . . . . . .114 Pressed Steel Car 62 Reading . . . . . . .... . . . .1U Rock Island . . .. . . .. .. .. 40 Rock. Island pfd. . . 8 Republic Iron and Steel . . . ., 46 Republic Iron and Steel pfd. . .106 Sloss-Sheffield' . . ,. .. .. 88 Southern Pacific .. .. ..129 Southern Railway ...... . . 31 Southern Railway pfd. . . . . .. 68 St. Paul v. .Vi ,. . . .. ..154 Tenn. Copper . . 39 Texas Pacific . . . . . . ... . . 35 Third Avenue ... .. :. .. .. 15 Union Pacific .. .. ..201 U. 8. Rubber ... : . . . . . 52 Utah Copper '. . . . 58 U. S. Steel .. .. .. 90 U. S. Steel pfd. .. .. .. .. 124 Virginia-Carolina Chemical . . 48 western Union.......... .,, .. 78 Wabash :. . . .. .. ;. .: .."21" Wabash-pfd 57 Westinghouse" Electric ....... , 83 Wisconsin Central . w . . 49 Corn Products ,,J .' 21 r ' " Chicago Grain. , . j . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Chicago, Feb. 7 There was a rush to cover by shorts in the wheat mar ket this morning. . May sold at 107 tii 1074 tn 1ft7 to 107. Porn wai fractionally higher uarter good buying. ' Oats were stronger. ; Pro visions were about steady. Opening: Wheat; VDen.7 101 tj 107; corn, Dec. -58 tov58,to ; bats, Dec, 40 to 41; pork, Jan.I 21.40; ard, Jan., 12.37; ribs, Jan., 11.37, " Wheat broke 1 today from the top nt longs.'.; Corn held strong and elosed ; c better. Oats were c higher. Ions were unsettled.'- Grain quotations ranged lows: j y ' ' Wheat ' ' O Provls- 'fol- T h.. Open. Dec. J.07 May. 1.07 High 1.08' 1.08 .99, , Close. 1.07 L07 .,98 .68 .61 .61 ; ' y-i -"' v-.f ' "; . .48 ..40 . ' Jul. Corn- Dec. , ,f ".'68 .69 ...02 :.l$, ,41 .43 .40 May .' Jnly.i , Ontsf" Deo.': May, . July,., Pork,. Jan.. . May;", -f May. July - Jan. . - '.iw '..42 . .40 21.45 20.65 12.37 11.65 11.52 21.5T - 20.80 V. , 12.66 11.65 ' 11.66 ( 10.86 "10.80 - 21.48 ' "20.68 .;,.;;::--.:'.f 12.41 , 11.65 "11.47- M1.48 ,, 10.76 10.76 .11.40', i io.7 May, July. MARKETS V New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Dec. 7 At the outset ' ' i vas steady and unchanged at 3 points ( ,ower on caWeg wh)ch were about M 1 had been expected. Large sales of the spot article In Liverpool offset nedSe selling in that market which .uiuou iuo msauiuess mere. Opening: Dec, offered 14.48; Jan t 114.67 to 14.68; Marcn, , 15.02 nf; no May, 15.23 to 15.24; July, 45 to Oct., 12!9K fn IS 17 High. 14.54 14.69 Close. 14.53 14.67 14.80 14.99 15.06 15.22 15.95 15.18 14.47 13.32 12.95 14.44 14.62 Jan. . 14.68 Feb. Mar.' Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. 15.02 15.23 15.01 15.16 14.47 16.02 . .14 -V5 jl5.24 15.18 15.19 14.48 15.12 14.46 12.97 . ... . . Market closed steady. New York Siot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Dec 7 Spot cotton quiet, unchanged, at 14.S5. Sales, 465 bales. : BaleigH Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson & Co.) Good middling, 144c. Strict middling, 14 c. Middling, 14c. Liverpool Cotton. , (By Cable to The Times) Liverpool, Dec. 7 Middling, 7.83; sales, 10,000; American, 9,000; eas ier. Receipts, 74,000. American, 67,300. Futures opened steady.. Open. lose, 7.62 December . .-: Dec-Jan. . . . 6.74, 7.64 '7.66 7.69 7.72 7.74 7.75 7.74 7.72 7.36 7.68 7.62 Jan.-Feb. . . Feb.-March . . 7.69 7.71 7.74 7.76 March-April . April-May . . . May-June : . . 7.78 7.76 June-July . . . July -August . . 7.74 7.39 Aug.-Sept. . . . Sept.-Oct. . . . 7.90. Closed quiet. New Orleans Cotton. Open. : High. Low. 14.73 14.73 14.71 14.85 14.86 14.80 15.16 15.19 15.11 15.36 15.39 15.33 Close. 14.70 14.82 14.93 15.14 15.15 15.35 15.37 15.43 13.39 12.98 Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mby June July Sep. 15.41 15.45 15.39 o-t. 12.97 12.98 12.97 Market closed steady. Cot ton-sect Oil. (By Leased vWire to The Times) New Xork, Dec, 7 -Cotton-seed oil prices, based on' prime yellow, ranged as follows: .. Close. December . . . . . . 6.94 6.96 January . . ... . . 6.96 6.98 March . . . ... . 7.097.10 Max . . . . ' 7.17 7.18 July . . . :. 7.217.22 September . . . . . . 7.24 7.26 Market closed steady; sales, 5,700 barrels. Spot oil, 6.94 7.00. ' Chicago Live Stock. Union Stock Yards," 111., Dec. 7 Hogs: Receipts, 23,000; 5c. lower at yesterday's average. Mixed and butchers, 7.95 to 8.50; good heavy, 8.35 to 8.65 ; rough heavy, 88.00 to 25; light. .7.85 to 8.35; j)lgs, 6.25 to 7.40; bulk, 8.15 to .8.40. . captie;. ,:Meceipts, . &ao; steady ; Beeves, 4.40 to 9.25; cpws and heif ers, 2.25 to 6.26; stockers. andi feed ers, 3.25 to 5.15; calves, 6.50 to 50; TexanB, 5.00 jto 6.2 5; western ers, 4.50 to 7.50. , ; Sheep: : Receipts, IjOOO strong; native and western, 3.40v to 5.40; lambs, 4.60 to 8.00. New York Prevision Market. t New . York, Dec. 7 Cash produce 'Minneapolis No. 1 northern wheat, 108. " Wheat-rrNo, 1 northern New Yorw, 119 fob. - -, . , ' Corn .No. a mixed. 71c In eleva tor. ' i :,. ; . : . ... OatNo. S white, 45 46o In elevator. ,.''' :: Rye lo. 2 western, 8Ste fob. ' Barley Feeding, 63 65c. Flout Spring patents, 5.65; wln-r. ter straignts, o.oo. ' I - Mill Feed Bran, 24.35. ' Pork Mess, 25.50. Lard Prime western, 13.65., ', ' , Tallow Prime City, , Coffee No. 7 Rio 8..v y Sugar rGranulated, 5.16. After exposure, and when you feel a ld coming on, take : Potby's JHoney . W'w, pi ""'iii!,for4 both-of thheltf, - - remedy J It stops the cough, relieves oall-bearers were: Messrs: the congestion. tt'uj0s. O.' Brown, Chas. McKimmon, ' riZZTJ?'. PaninJ.A. Bragassa. I. 8-5 rayetwvui ttnd-Brrtt stets..- BY Provisions: I THE TIMES' DAILY : FINANCIAL STORY ifiv Charles W. Storm.) York. n.f. 7 I-"Itnrlf r nnonarl iriUilaW&Wali- street today, with some general pressure from no par no par . a ti T , J ," f"-c'" auurva were support- eu, as was union facinc and Read- ing under which leadership the list recovered something more than the early loss .during the. first half hour Of .'the SB8sjn.. Brooklyn Transit dl - slaved 'MreAath n'ea its ton nrlMB Atchison and St. Louis and South western were also higher. The railway list, particularly the shares of those railroads affected by the western strike" was dull. London operators were waiting for a full context of the president's mes sage today. Prices in that market .indicated no important change in convictions. The Bank of England is fortified with all tne gold neces sary to finance, the government through the election crisis and it is likely to reduce its discount rale be fore the end of the year. On the New York curb prices of copper and silver shares were steady. New York Col tun Letter. (W. T. Mibbs & Co ) I New York, Dec. 7 The market was waiting for new developments' today. Therefore trading was very light fluc tuations beintf narrow nnd; ' unim portant. The Liverpool "markets did not srniv a continuation r'of the. strength today ns reported in the cables of the last three days and this together with light outside speculative demand at present caused a very dull and dragging maiUet from the open-' Ing. There was enough support from leading bulls however, to readily ab-1 ?orb everything offered on concessions and restrain the bear element and re actionists from attemntinir to hammer the market. I After opening quiet at about last night's close, there was a decline of i 6 to 7 -points with January slumping to 14.62; March 14.95; May to 15.19 and July to 15.14. This was .duq chiefly to scattered realizing to ' even up ; speculative contracts of the profes ! clonal element. The market was stead- ier during the afternoon ehleflv on the support from bulls. " ; ! The census bureau's repoi;t on the amount of cotton ginned to December IHl lb UUU qjlllUlTUW IIIUI IIIIIK it I 1U o'clock. It is expected to be about aaOO.OOO bales. - I f While still bullish for the long pull 1 ijt would be more advisable to even up speculative contracts to some ex-; tent before the publication of the government's crop estimate and wait for sorn setback before buying again. ' Cotton Port Keeeipts. .' (By Leased Wire to The Times) . New York, Dec. 7 Cotton port re ceipts .were as follows: ; New Orleans, '3,248 against 0: tialveston, 29,702 against 49,717; Mobile, 2,321 against 5,451; Savan nah, 4,825 against 12,221; Charles ton, 435 against 88d; Wilmington. 1,380 agalnstr 3,115; Norfolk, 2,709 against 5,084; New York, 0 against 3.60; Boston, 0 against 64; Philadel phia, 0 against 32; various, 0 against 183. Totals, 44,119 against 95,462. Interior Movement: Houston, 9, 079. against 32,729;Augusta, 2,077 against 3,655; Memphis, 6,490 against 6,537; St. Louis, 2,658 against 5,044; Cincinnati, 233 against 1,557. Total, 19,536 against 49, 522. I Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Daily by L Rosenthal & Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Butter. . . ........... .30 to 35c Eggs' . . . 35c. Hams Sugar Cured . 17 to 18 c. :; , North Carolina ,26c. , Virginia'. . 27 c Bacon , "''MJtV!1"'; 3i to 50 . . ... 50 to 60r. ,11.25 bu. . .60 to 70c. bu. , -. . . .6 to 15c. . 1 .'. . . 40c. pk. . 5....J7.00 bbl. . . . . f 2.00 bag. r ... . . 16C Qt. Spring CWck ens Hens Irish Potatoes Sweet potatoes Cabbage. . .-. Onions . .' . . . Flpur , .-..... Mal: . . . . ... MR.. JOLLY'S FUNERAL. Conducted From the Residence of ! Her Daughter Tjhls Morning. The. funeral services of Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Jolly, widow of the late Nathaniel Jolly, were held from the' residence orner daughter. Mrs Jhn- VV. Crawford21 south McDowell street,"' this morning at 11 o'elock. Thef services were conducted by Rev. tir V DtAHk,i r.nA. Kr.r;.y.r.T :r:rr floral offerings were beautiful, show- ! Ing the love 'and, esteem In which Mrs. Jolly was held. She was one of Raleigh's oldest residents, being 78 yenr,s old. , ..' , - -, I Hlie Is survived by : two children. Mt;'B, r. j0Uy and Mrs. Jolin 'Craw- Wynne ad Dr. J. M. Fleming. : r . T : LOCAL BRIE JI Mr. James II. Walton who has been travelling for the Guaranteed , Seed Co., spending- the last three months In a tour Of Texas, New Mex ico, Oklahoma, etc., returned to the city last Sunday night. The meeting of the board of stew ards of Edepton Street Methodist 'church an'ounced for tonight has been postponed until some' later date of .which due notice will be siven -J Summons has been issued bv Mr. M. Ashby Lambert In the suit against thn Pn-nMnn Pnwor nnrl T io-h Onrw. pany- He aBks for $250 for Personal - , 1 i . ininrifm - , T . president 01 chowan Baptist Institute, Prnf. Hob- goodi of oxford Sem inary, and Dr. W. j Potest, tiresident of wiir lrnrat College, were among thos,, here today on their way to attend tlu Baptist convention In Wadesboro. 1 jr,ES Bessie Roberts, daughter of Mr, . H. ,-H. Roberts, was carried to r.ex j-iospuai inis morning to be oper ated on for tumor. A special school tax election is be ing held today in district No. :(. St. Matthews township. Me?sra. Locke Craitf. 'A. F. Curtis and Zebuion Weaver, of Asheville, are here attending supreme court. BAZAAR OPENS TOMORROW. Annual Christmas llazaar Will Open Tomorrow Night Willi Concert by Local Talent. The annual Christ mas I3a.;rir, given by the ladies of the Church or the Good Shepherd, will open tomor row nignt. mere will lie a concert, given by some of the city's best local talent. The booths are both numer ous and attractive and there will he on display some exceptionally fine fancy work. Refreshments are to he served every day and, on Thursday the Indies will serve barbecue. The bazaar .continues until Friday night and shoppers In search of Christmas presents can find some presents can find some dainty and d-'nty and useful articles. lc W ANTS lc. Classified advertisements for this column will be accepted at one cent per word for each issue, CASU with order. No ndvir Useutenta under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less thaa 10 CKNTS an Insertion. Each flgnre charged am one word. lc. WANTS lc. WONTED BY COMPETENT YOUNG man stenographer, employment at once. Eitiier part or whole time. L., care l'imes. 6-3 1 WANTED Position as stenographer by young lady of considerable ex perience. Willing to begin at mod erate salary. Address 'Stenograph er", care Times.' 4-3t WANTED A reliable man In every county In the state.' Can make big money. Address, XZ, care times. ; tf- WANTED To rent hprso and buggy for light work for three or four months. Address ,;W. C." care The Times. . 7 30 t. f. WANTED Position aa clerk or husU ling worker till Jan. 1. Well known. Address "H", care Times. 7-2t MISCELLANEOUS. STARLING'S WOOD YARD, 308 W. Cabarrus Setreet. $ Capital City Phone, 9f!iY is the place to buy wood. 6-4 1 DO YOir EAT MEATS? Call on Saniierford - Bros. for Choice Steaks, Sweol. Juicy Pork Chops, All-pork Sausage 20c; Sander ford's Reliable, 15c; Fresh Tripe and Ch it lings daily. Brains most every day. City Market, Phone 13S. It l'IRSt CLASH, CP-TO-DATE, AND ' modVrnly equipped lodge room, with splendid paraphernalia accom modations. Also privilege of gym- - nasium, club room,' reading and writing room, shower and tub baths, hot and cold water connec tions, lavoratory, etc. For terms apply to J.- E. ; Turner, Alaccabee office. 6-6t FOE BENT. Ff) : RRNTPlea8ant ufurni8hed , room8 .housekeeping.-103 NortS . 2t . .. ' ' - -.- foii bbnt two front ofucw m Apply Mrs. F. 4 t. f. ucKer. tX)H KENT OR SALE Store and 4 ' room house on Rockquarry road. i Apply to StaudCs Bakery, East Hargett street. . v . 4-3t ' LOST. M)!T Cameo Pin Odd frame, be- tween hnspltal and Academy. Rf- . wardjf Hijr,ne .TJmes III Tit n 0 nm II I HO U B III AVMK 4 COMEDY CO., In "Tulib's Visit". HARRY GILBERT AND LEE EVA, Comedy Sketch Artists. ROBERT GARNELLAS ELSIE In Their Original Comedy Sketch, "An Old Fool". THREE REELS OF PICTURES VA Magnificent Removal." "Cure For a Bashful Fellow." "Student's Predicament." PRICES: Adults, 10c. Children, Tic. Gallery, 5c. to All. Matinee, 4 P. M. Night, 7:0 to li:O0, Program Changed Tlimsrtiey. NOTHING REPEATED. Pictures Changed Daily MID-WINTER RALEIGH CHORAL SOCIETY, .Mr. Wade Drown, Conductor.' Assisted by the Celebrated Rus shin ISai'itonc, ALBERT GREOiOROWICH JANPOLSKI. Meredith College Auditorium, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0, 8:30 P. M. The Musical Event of the Season. Tickets, $1 and oOc. at Klno-CrovcH's Drug Store. J Notice of First Meeting of Creditors. United States District Court, Eastern Dis. of North Carolina. In the matter of D. L. Godwin, Bank rupt. In Itankruptcy No. 3111. To the creditors of D. L. Goiwin, of Smithfield, in the county of John ston, and district aforesaid, a Bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December. A. Dv 1909. the said 1). L. Godwin was duly adjudi cated a bankrupt; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held be fore the undersigned referee at Smithfield, in said district, on the loth day of December, A. D. 1909, at 11 o'clock a. m., at. the offlces of Pou & Brooks, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. V. H. J30YDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C., Dec. 4,' 1909. Further notice is given to creditors in the above cfase, that an order will be entered at the first meeting , of creditors (if no objection he made J thereto, and it shall appear for the , best interest of the estate), directing the trustee to sell any real and per sonal property belonging to the bank rupt, after proper advertisement, without other or further notice to creditors than this notice. This pro cedure will be adopted to save delay In the settlement of the estate. V. II. BOYDEN, Referee In Bankruptcy. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 4, 190!). 6-2 1 FOR SALE. FOR SALK Two cholcs horses, for family driving. One Runabout buggy, almost new. One set of harness to match. , Call at Syca more Stables for Inspection and ful particulars. Tues-Thur-Sat. VOll SALE We will sell at auction Saturday, Dec. 11, one new high grade rubbertlre- buggy. Come and. see it. The Raleigh ..Auction House. .- 7-4t HUBBARD BROS &C0. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS or New Tork Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association.1 ORDERS SOLICITED For the fcur v chase and sole of Cotton for futun , elivry- Correspondenee Invited CONCERT 11' yon v;ii)!, jo nuke your t-liildreu- happy get them a jiair ol! oiu- Foot Form Slioes like this one. We have them in patent, Tan, Red, and Viei Kid at. popular prices. PEEBLES & EDWARDS, 12 E. Martin St Raleigh, N. C. ' II Si m lAwc Bottled in aii uur uuoramccu j ..3 kuib juoio ftes tail Kuuua. ntuu j m uiru viuciia w us. tisiacuon RuaraDieed orders filled day received, shipped in plain Dack "SHOEMAKER" RYE WHISKEY SSWfii00 u-8stT ' " Lazarus Club, "Cream of Whiskies". .. .$4 00 $4 00 $11 00 Virginia Mountain (strt., 7 yrs. old)... 4 00 4 00 12 00 ' Alb?rnarle Rye, "fine"......., 3 00 3 00 8 50 Cabinet Rye 2 50 2 75 7 50 XX Red Rye 2 25 2 50 6 50 Red Cross Malt Whiskey. 3 50 3 50 11 00 Yadkin River Corn 2 50 2 50 7 00 Georgia Corn, pure white or yellow... 2 25 2 50 6 50 Virginia Apple Brandy. 2 50 2 75 7 50 Shoemaker Rye (bottled in bond) 5 full Qts. 5 00 12 00 ' fiAnd fitful Arr1r (n-ilflv fn antr ft., a . w. . Complete price list and bopklet We never diMppolnt." ) i "Quicker then the quickest. ' f A SAVINGS BANK UNDER THE SUPERVIS ION OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 7 We pay 4 interest in Savings Department. Small accounts receive the same courteous con-' sideration a3 large ones. If you have not already opened, an account with us do so by January 1st, 1910, the beginning of our interest period. Get one of our Savings Banks and start the New Year right. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK of ; Raleigh, N. C. Statement ef Tiie Cilizetis Statement, tUCSOl KiI;. U. S. Bone's, par , . . .$ 'JOO.tlon.OO Loan.1; and investment:!. 7'JS,5 14.15 Cash ......... II 1, Due from batilifi . ... 2-I9.B25.49 !. Total . .. .$1,359,275. 03 Total ............ J 1,359,278.03 , ! NO IVTnESTPAID OX DEPOSITS. ' - T ; ' t , .f . - THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. ; . WITH ' . A unsnrpassed history behind It since IMS. Safety to Its Depositors. Accommodation to Its Cnstomert. Willing service to It Friends. CUA8. B. JOHNSON, P. H. BBIOGS, President. Cashier. . Coles' Hot Blast Gives more heat and consumes less Coal I satisfied customer I "This is to certify that I have used erai years and have found them fuel-saver. On one occasion the wenthcr became a little warm, closed the drafts nearly down, 44 hours later -th weather turned cooler, opened np drafts and In a few minutes had hot : stove. I can cheerfully recommend the Hot piast Stove as thct best X ever used." (Signed) Carle A. Woodruff, Brig; Gen'l V. 8. Army, retired. t CAROLINA HARDWARE COMPANY, . ' i We control the sales of this Stove 4 Bond Whiskeys ! unucr he national Fore Food Uwi i iwuiu iui UHiiuiinir nniv ra lan a WE PREPAY KXPRRfifl oKlfirT 1 Gal. 4Qts. 12 Qte.f II l of all brands of Whiskeys sent on request. I.AZARI'S.fiOnnJWAN'. Cft ' ROANOKE. VA. Condition National Bank, November 10, 1000. t'liBILITIKS. Capital . . .": . . Surplus and profits Circulation . . . , Deposits ..... . 100,000.00 180,730.14 100,000.00 978,544.89 Heating Stoves than any Stove made.: See what v-'' Coles' Hot Blast Boaters for sev- t In Raleigh. ft ! V " Hi t 'if m