THE EVBN1KG TBJIIS: RALEIGH N. G, MONDAY,JANtTAEY 10, 1910. i --Jem? -cat" " - , kssWiUBsnifcsa PEOPLE'S' pulpit:;-; Scram by f CHARLES T .RUSSELL, Pastor, Brooklyn" Tabernacle, . ... .iiQOO - Sunday. December 19. Pastor BtuA ell spoke today from the above text, Brooklyn Tabernacle was crowded with an attentive audience, as .usual. IWe report the discourse, as follows: Only those who come to an advanced degree of knowledge of God's Word can realize bow Divine Judgments are all good all blessed. Under the hv fluence of the fog of superstition, not understanding aright the teachings of the Scriptures, supposing that- tbey taught eternal tonne p for the great majority of our race, we feared Upd, rather than loved him. We dared not say that such a judgment was wrong, malicious, devilish, yet we were unable to see it in any other light; hence the general perplexity of Christendom, and the . general alienation of heart,' and many intelligent minds driven to in fidelity, and the dislike to think about God and bis supposedly terrible pur poses respecting our race and the gen eral awe respecting the Bible and the fear of its misunderstood teachings. But now in the dawning of the New Dispensation the Word of God is shin ing as never before; one passage illu minating another, "our fear gives place to reverential love and filial aw. We begin to understand that thewment doctrines which we received are whol ly foreign to the Divine character, which, n the contrary, is distinctly marked by Wisdom. Justice. Mercy and LOve toward all. We find our selves now in agreement with the Scriptural declaration that God's judg ments are "righteous altogether," and we delight in them. Instead of a judg ment of eternal torment as a penalty for sin, we find a Judgment or sent tence of death. We agree to the right eousness of that verdict or Judgment God had the right to demand of his creature the obedience be was able to render. He had a perfect right to de stroy bim In death when be refused the blessing of life eternal on the terms of obedience. Seeing this, how rejoiced we are to note the Divine Mercy in the Plan of Redemption for the sinner and his offspring through the sacrifice of Christ! As a result we have good hope in his Judgments: for him who once Judged us worthy, of death has with equal Justice redeem ed us and-granted us the opportunity of eternal life through the resurrec tion. It was another part , of the. Divine Judgment against our race that, in stead of the death penalty coming in stantly upon Adam and Eve. it came gradually, that through the processes of gradual dying they might the better learn the lesson of "the exceeding sin fulness of sin" the intent that, when granted the new trial secured by tba merit of Christ's sacrifice, they migb profit by it the more. The same princi ples apply to all of Adam's posterity. "The whole creation groaneth and tra valleth in pain together until now waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God" (Bomansvlti. 22,19). They are waiting for the establishment of Christ's Millennial Kingdom under which they shall have a full opportu nity of coming to a knowledge of the Truth. . ' , This is God's provision for the world in general. What God did for the lit tie nation of Israel during the Jewish Age, and what he has been doing for Spiritual Israel since Pentecost, In this Gospel Age. are matters separate and apart entirely from his general deal ing with the world of mankind. The natural and the spiritual Seed of Abra ham are exceptions to tbe rule, They have been Ranted special privileges and blessings not granted to tb4 world , in general natural .Israel under the Law Covenant and spiritual Israel un der the Abrahamlc Covenant. Prom these two nominal Israels special "over comers" bare been chosen or elected. These .shortly, in association with the Redeemer, will constitute the Kingdom of God. The overcomers of spiritual Israel, becoming the Bride of Christ by resurrection "change" to the heav enly nature, will be like him and share hla glory and constitute the Kingdom class in the highest sense. Ths over comers of natural Israel.' resurrected to the perfection of earthly Mature, will constitute the earthly phase of the Millennial Kingdom. 'Mankind may see and bare Intercourse with these, but will not see nor have direct, inter course with the glorified Cbrlst, Head and Body-tbA King of Jl6ry. .V. -, Qed Will Judge His eepie.; So far as the world is concerned, it has been under the one general sen tence of Divine Justice, "dying tbou shalt 'die." But so far as natural and spiritual Israel are concerned, they have been dealt with as freed from the orig inal rtnter" and on trial for life . or death afresh under God's Judgments or disciplines. ThuA Jt it written. ''Je hovah Will judge bis people." Not all under these Judgments' have under stood them-tot all wet In the condi tion of heart to receive their Instruc tions. "The secret of the Lord Is With them that fear him; and be wilt stow tbem his Covenant" (Psalm xxv. 14). Thus, during the Jewish Age. Israel often lapsed Into more or less of dark neks and Idolatry and failed to see their special' privileges and' ttation sblp to (3od under their Covenant. But imongst tiwrn wr Hi us Blessed Judgment?. "With Mr Seat Hot I Dane The Is Aettgt YevWfthMySpttWiAi. Me, I Will 1 9wk IMS Esnys hi "WW Jhf Msmsu Am AUsd la tt EeitaV me laUbfaatt el the WorM tan R 1 swim Uswahnviyj. ' who with- tht eye of faltti .discern the righteousness : of V God's' dealing with them;, Of these were ths 'propb te who' rehearsed the Divine' dealings and rewards and punishments, that they were" true and righteous altogeth er and merciful In the extreme. . : Similarly during ' this Gospel - Age Christendom aa a whole has not been In the condition of heert 6 beat, to un derstand, to appreciate, the judgments of the Lord. But some have been "Is raelites Indeed", who possessed the se cret of tb Lord and who were able to rejoice to his judgments bis righteous dealings. They realised by faith-God's love 'for them. : "The Father himself loveth you" (John xvt, 27). By faith they approprtated the Apostle's . assur ance that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are. the? called according to his purpose? (Botaans vili, 28). ' - - : God's Judgment In the World. ' We have seen that God's judgments in the past have been merely with these who shall constitute the Seed of Abraham (natural and: spiritual), through - whom, v according to the promise,-Vail the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis xxvill. 14). We now no'e the fact that our text does not relate, to. either of these, for their Judgments' could be discerned. only by the eye of faith. -Our text refers' to the world's judgmentiffsurlng the Mil lennial Age. . Then God's judgments will be abroad in the earth not mere ly confined to one nation or specially called class, but will include . every member of Adam's race. And while these are declared to be the Lord's Judgments, note the fact that they will be administered by The. Christ of which our glorified Bedeemer shall be the Bead, and his "members," wbtn glorified, shall be the Body the Church. The Judgments of the Lord abroad in the earth will not mean havoc and dismay to mankind in gen eral, but the very reverse relief, as sistance to all who come Into Una with the righteous arrangements of that Kingdom designed for their uplifting from sin and death conditions; : The Judgments of that Millennial Day of a thousand years will be severe even to destructiononly against the willfully, the deliberately rebellious, after they shall have been brought to a clear ap preciation; Of right and wrong, good and evil, and their penalties, life and death. .-?';, Mark the atatement of the Prophet David when prophetically referring to the Millennial Age; he points out that the judgments of that time will be a cause of gladness. He says: "Lt the heavens be glad. And let the earth rejoice; Let men y among- the nations, Jehovah ' rsigne'tb. : .: Let the aea roar, and the fulness thereof; Let the odds rejoice, and all that are therein. Then shall the trees of the- wood sing aloud At the presence of Jehovah, ' BECAUSE HE COMETH TO JUDGE THE EABTH. O five .thanks unto Jehovah, for he IS ,. s-ood; For his mercy endureth forever." . I Chronicles xvi, U-M. A Millennial Judgment Day., Mark the words of St. Paul respect ing what God. has in reservation for the tcorli. He "says Ood "hath ap pointed a day the thonsand-year day of Cbrlst in the which be will judge the - world In righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained"- (Acts xvii. 3D. In this work ordained for our Lord be is to have associates the "elect" Church, htt "members." of whom the Apostle writes. Haying. "Know ye not that the saints shall judge the .world?'' (I Corlnthiana vl, 2.) And. tbe Ancient Worthies enumerated by St. - Paul ' (Hebrews lx; 3S-40I will also be judge", but on the earthly plane as representa tives o the heavenly. Kingdom. As It is written. - i wil) restore thy4 judges , as at the first and thy counsellors as at the beginning" (Isaiah 1. 26).' . : Our All-Wise Creator, who has thus made provision; both for the heavenly and the earthly ; ludges 'of . the ; world in - the' election from Israel add ; the election: of ; the-. Udspel' Age.' as'...tnu' demonstrated .to: the; few who; under stand "tb secret of thet Lord" .'nhe mystery" hidden from; Ages' and di periaAQoas past.. : It; is trrldent that there will .be no disappointment., no fauure. In respact to Ood's great oath bound Covenant tnade- wlth AbrAham -"In thy Seed shall all th famillAA of the earth be blessed." Ths basis of th blessing It the redemptive work of Christ finished at CAltary. Th outworking of tnit blessing will come through the glorified Lord and his Church, "bis Body.'! The first work will be the eAtABliAhmenL a. right eons government in" the band of those already pro. An absolutely loyal to God and t hi righteousness "fAithful even unto ."estb.? We may bate full confidence that .--in that Klna "righteousness will be laid to the line and Justice td the plummet," is God has promised (Isalsh xxtiil. IT). Not only so. but we may have full edsfi dence ; that mrcf wilt hive a. fr hand there to do -all for tbanklnd tbit would be reasonsble And possible, 'I'hs comblnkUos of a strong f dveraaiitil with marcirut asslstaiU ll reprettiiUd by th ftrtt tht Mir trortf tm r eiy tt grat King, tat Itou ttHi Priest and Prophet snd Teacher. Even so, also, the, Church shall .be ktbgs na priests" tbeiJr .ofllce, their trv lce. trill 'be combuattofe of foiini And beaHog. instrtctlng and untitling! r Everything done will eA.under-4bft JteadT of judgment-righteous 4)falin t Ere'ry good deed, yea. "eyery good ef fort, will. 'be rewaWe-lts Jadgmeot a bless'log. an IncreAso fc hN monyrwtth tb Lord and mti!h fetoarati tar deyelopment And restlWUoeai pkysi fcAl TexjwWoncea (ActSHUi; 19-2l. In stead of. the ways of darknesc srlUrbi th way of light' , Instead of tb-broad .. . s. .ajvw . rWNv: I A- .-. s .- . Aa Casolf able- Problem , Wbich Has Puxkhfd PhyslctaoA of AU Schools. A Trial PackAge f Stuart's Dyspepi ' - - si TAbkts Sent Free. . . There' ssems fo be no logical reason read idestttctlon vrtt thA setf when We consider the fact' that it masses -going;.: dowi theTeon-t'th tomb-srlH be rthe-; highway of'-talk nessi' instead of Stores of sttttojblrss We are Assured that All the 'stnmWmg stone -Ahall be gathered, out of th,e way, : instead of beastly violence, olrt masterfn'g tenptatlons anffbeseftnetrts, devouring . mankind because Qf vtheit weakness to resist. the Adversary; thA Bible assnres us that Satan - trill bA bound and that tbe wild beasts"1 of , rice and degeneracy Into subjection. hurt nor. destroy . In, ,alr God's holy Kingdom." "And an highway shall be there, and It shall be called, Tb way of hoUneka" (lsalah xl. 6; xv. 8v.. The ' Messianic. Psslm (seventy-seo-ondv . finds its application "to that gl. rious Millennial epoch'. ; Thus' we . read, "Give the King thy Judgments O GouV secretes : digestive- fluids and acids which are powerful enough td disinte grate' and.' digest meats, eggs, fruits, cereah?,!' vegetables and other forms ot food. taken, Into It. - .'In- animal which were killed while In full . digestion the stomach has Un dergone .complete elf-digestion after death, when the body was kept warm; and-In .human beings who have died suddenly; while digestion was going 111 Al be 'btoughA,. " " foiinq- at the autopsy that ThM' '''nothinjgvSliaU w M wramcn wn uiseai- and portions, of the intestines. The Question naturally presents Itself.-"What protects the stomach from self-digestion during life r Dr. Hunter declared that the "principle of life" in- living things protected this organ from being digested by . its own fluids, but Dr. Barnard successfully demon- and thy righteousness untA the, King's i strated that the hind legs of a living Son.' He shAU- Judge thy peopfe with frog, when 'introduced tbroogh fistula righteousness; and w-ueor wltn'jtttlg-(or artmciaj. opening into the stomach ment (Justice). He : Ahall. judge ' of a dog 'undergoes complete digestion the poor of the jedplt,' he 'shall' save ' and Dr- paTy through similar expert the ehfldrea of-the 'needy and-'shall, ment,:founa that the same was true While the normal stomach Is Immune, from self-digestion; . there are many break in ntaoM i th Anmrnianr. . ' ' He shall come down like rain upon the mown- nassi a1 aHowera ' that - wafrr th.eartb. . In hIA dAvBh'Wl tha risnte8a on record, .however, in which A eons Sourish; And abundance of peace . long-atandlng gastritis, and perverted so long as thr ntoon, endureth." "The People - Will Lssr Righteous liess.'' f . digestion, nas completely digested or eaten away the tnUcuous membrane lin ing of the. stomach, and In some in stances has engendered gastric ulcer, AS already shon,v God's dealings In 'which ate Its way clear through the tbe psst have been with the world only i stomach wall, and caused a fatal pert lm the sense of executing s; general tonltis. - . .. sentence for Adamic aih-Hi deAth sen- In all cases of perverted function: of tence with all that that 'Involves of ' the stomach, which manifests itself by mental, moral and physical degeneracy -dying. AU of God's special-Jndg; ments have been with' those-who were justified to special relatioimhlb through the numerous' well-known symptoms of Indigestion- , and. : dyspepsia, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets act as a corrective faith.- If we were to Judged the hum- i m;up. l .TBTy-T,.!': h.-hV. mM. ha VtlBetfaA An'Hri.h..Mli: as " lacteal giBU. wiucn iori, uib lennlum by the "little fioek of vnaturAI 'food, and at the same time -assisting prevenrtng all -possibility of such Israel, ssved under God's Jadgftienis conditions arising us win cause per In advance of the millennium, th put- verted function,: gastritis, gastric ul cme of the world's Judgment would; cer, or the eating away of the mucouif not Appear favorable. .'But these wpttl membrane of the stomach, ndt be t;- 'crltAtiona; , Present1 co 't Stuart's Dyspepsta TabieU ire ex dltfons sre permttted fa order i to test ceedlngly powerful digestives, a single and to prove the faith, as. well as tl grain being sufficient to digest 3,000 obedience of those who ar under trial grains of fqod, including meats, vegcr or Judgment And who, by Teison of tables, cereals, eac. They digest al the fall, have such a faith as permits bumenous and starchy foods equally well. - Whenever tne stomacn is in a (Weakened condition.' and so lacking. In tone, , that in ..furnishes an Insufficient amount of .gastric Juice, such symptoms as heartburn, biliduSness, headache are sura to appear, and make one feel generally miserable. r ; . L- Such symptoms, can, however, be Overcome and done away with at ohce. Simply take one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and forget all about your digestive troubles. They do their iwork promptly and. thoroughly ! every nartlcle of food being completely di- them to map the glorious ieattires of the present caH. Consequently Vfev! then wilt vbt wJh wUt find ,th'greft reward now offered Matthew-VlI,-l4: This is as God designs It. becaaae h lis selecting; a spAdat ctosA. .Bnt thA; arrangements mad for niahklAd In general are thAt the' darkness and sin of tbe present time shall flee away. The dawning of the Millennium morning, with the rising of the Sun of Jtight eonsnesA with heAling bi bis beams (The Christ In glory, to enlighten the wosld). will mean that, knowledge will geated, and fermentation, decompoal be granted the world facts; evldenceA.; tion, and flatulence and heaviness In proofa: The'wrorldWlUnotbefeqttfred stomach after eating, relieved and to "walk by faltli and aot? --ba? sight." cured. Purchase ' box from , your aA Are the "elacr? o this iwUt Htbe. j.druggist today,' price 60 cents. Also Instead of tbe ays of of tbA' preg: send us your name and address for ent tin Will be the ey unHtntaii- froe sample. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 4m fknowledce). then. Instead of tka .150 Stuart Bldg., arshall. Mich. secret Of the-Lord belng.kept frtni the world. sH ot bis, gracious .purpoasA will' then stand fully revealed: "The knowl edge of th. glory of. God shall fill th whole earth as the waters cover the great deep" (Habakkut II, 14). As a re sult none shall seed' to say' unto' bds neighbor and to bis brother. Know thou the Lord! for all shall know him:! from the leait to the greatest of them. Bvery kne shall bow And every tongue con fess to the glory of God (Homans xlv. 11). When every gboddeed shall receive fromptlyand manifestly its rewsrd.and , every Avfl deed shall receive prompt-1 iy its punishment, the world will, speed ily learn to atoid the punishments and to win the rewards by obeuleuce to tbe law of the Eanguom. , u ''-V ";.'TVsWa'.l-'OurTeat'v-;:.. The Christ,: JAAns! fn Hd. And the ' - Three Killed in Wreck. . (By Leased Wjre to The Times) Shreveport, La.; Jan. 10 As the result of a collision in the . freight yards, here at midnight between a switch engine and Texas & Pacific passenger rain No. 63, three persona were killed and one man injured. PLOREXCE DAVIS. Will be Seen Here Thursday In a new '.:.' Play. . ;..'.:. .,,.. Florence: Davis, a most estimable actress, more especially, belonging to GhttKfc his. Bodyv MoW th sMtemeut-, the. unctions comedV school, and Whb "Wit r soulJ,lW''r:' Wlrwl tbhjlt is a most welcome vtsltof td! . thb the southland,, a section of the pntry xiViiiik.i1 lrljere.-shor has .appeared durfni;th centuritej; lpiM'ff past several years with Bplendhjl ue i'At'.'l','1)w cess, la how touring under-the dlrtc- MliJWpii tloa of A; G. DelttmAter, who- has M'flWrAiAflM4s. Ub.t provided his s newly ' acqulredgtA tajsiKUUtA.'Bijr fua-4'AtAi;to. You A Suffragette," 4n whlbb; Miss n;zoetsie)mtrswnrtclJ-?y Davis Is said -to hav exceptional p the . exerclso of 'her pprtuultles for fine talents. S.s ; Mr. Delamater, it will be remeiri bered, Was largely responslblA for the good fortunes attending V. C. Whit ney's attractions, be haying been en wen to take heeiltftfUAtt, A Ah insv Lu'':-.lartellfett dl r.Wii And - the -dAv AtAr mtimf' tU Peter t 101. : la thfli'altnt tfmu th " , j . tj , - . - ', , , . , JJCJ a AVll OVVI VUD wBaHD AiAtn m BHRr rra xm w.g aged for mMy yeg ia an gecutiv capacity with Madame cnuman Heinx, Luia Glaser. Mme. Blauvelt and other noted stars under tho Whitney management. In having secured for Miss Davis ''Are You A Suffragette" Mr. Dela mater firmly believes that he has struck the popular chord of desirable Amusements, inasmuch as the- pres ent Aeason has awakened an entirely new Impetus In so-called legitimate comedy I hence the countless admit irs of Miss Davis will undoubtedly gladly show a double appreciation in her this season's offering, Which, it Is needless ( to say wilt be ptAsnted with proitbr regard fef lively east retirement .in order to ereato whoie- AisJl-Ai kwi.aA.ea. ie,J : stsb-sfcsssi? A- hy IringdAm came; thy willbA done a aarh avAu ai it IrdduA iu aeaven." t . Ung ef MssAA And tits LSms, Tabs Who now art able to "slug in the nlrtt" because ot their apprecla- ttloa of ths Divine Flaa. are prophAp illy declared i to "sing.' thA son of :osas, the : servant of God and tbe n of th LAmbv AAytny, Great 4 hi injlgbty; Just iad ifne'arA thy WAyt. boa King of AUnts. Waa AfiAlt ftd jfsar thee, O Lordi And glorltt thy laaAset for tbo oaly art holy: for all jBAOoas shall Adate aad workhJ$ Ufora ItheA. 'becAtM of: tbA mantfestaUoa of khjr WghteAttA isAUair (JUteutioi tv, snm lAUKbtAf. History. if I Oftr entire) siovk: ot,"Wftoa-Velvet,- Body Brassls;: TapVstries, Aadi Iagntha : 'Carpute,- Arithoat --. .. reserve U o!TM f or one vreek At-ifeW York eost. TMm PptlteriU, Mureaqaeb, HAH HM Stairs, AH : the Druggets, Bags, yBieV Cocoa, and ChlaA Stsaw' MatttagA s incloded -ji.tjiev.v-':j-.r.r Doae in ot6e fa jcotaptetelr oat-do an pAst efforts and UhcdedlMHy cl at ertt p4f la atodk t - before rttvIasfttHi rsr spHag llueA, VnitbdttnM. Jn rd to faciUUt duick salea Are) Will 2 f auhi knA t kfl rHUt hnil, Hnin ulFRK-SV HP mlWlI'. ' '.:'". ' - V 1 . ' ' 'r fami TBtTBT AND JKVUlOli VELVET CARPETS. ,t? x , ' ,r.0 WHtoaVpWcarpeUfor .'. '.: t. .k&W Smith VelvAt (Carpets At . , ,.-t.' ..'..- '-. AjlOfi' Stnitft VeltetvCarpefa; :at- . . -.';.:'.', 1 .'.- ; ';'. $'.ttVt ' - IbS&i.Exlra Axaflnsar OArpeta at . . . .' . , .'. -1. $M 10-wlr Tapeptry , Brussels ... ........ . . . . . s jeJvSft' t-Wlr' TapAalfy Brussels .'. . . . . .; .'' . . . . . . . . : $ 'if iwire. Tapestry Brussels , . . . , .'. ....... . . - AKD.WIDB INGRAIN CARPETS. t$.. All-wool l3xtra-8uper. Ingrains.. '.. .. .. .'. .. .. tttSc.-c.:C.'Waol Ingyalns i. aad and1 40c fJew Crop Mattings ...-.V. t. . .'. .:. . .y .. . OFFIGB MATTtVGS AND HALTj RUNNERS. 75c Plain and Strifte CvcoaTMatUng. 590- fandy Napier -ijlAttlifg .. . . ' ' ? ' ' ;t 9 x 12 FT. ART 8 1" mm SQUARES. s e a, . $40.90 Bigeldw WlUoa Velvet S85.00 Body Brussels . , : j ., $S9.0 Smith's WUtofl, Seamless iaaa.00 Blglow Blectra 2100 Smith's Axminster v . :. S$.00 Smith's Sean)less Velvet iA,79 8iMK if?-.-- 931.00 SanfoH'a AxmlnstSr ; . -. . . fT? aio.o wanuess. Tapestry Brussels. :-.. ; . . ... . . . . .v'., i..viJW''- 'iliJtIO One SAahti Tapestry .... . ., . ' 9 Three SeahiXBrusse : J . 1j? $4M z4-fn. Btgl'dwtelectra Bugs for. ,. .. f&OO 3.0-ifl EirgtoWvElectra Rligs farft, .' t ., ' fLOft lg-ln. Blgrowlectfa Riga for. .' . . v , ' " v ' " .iMPERrAL SMVRKA KCGSv , -. S.S0 47 ft. 8myrnV Best Made . ." . : ' rf fl $5.7,1 W.OO'SC-ln. Smj-rnas Best Made . gj,ra $4JtO,3Q-A. Smyrnas Best Made V- , . .' .V .. ' - ai.o .is-in.. srayrnas nest Maae . . . . . . .-... . . . , , . . . ; . yi.oo .. AT vRO PAIR WARNING TO EVLItMWDY. ' ' ' . ' " ' The Carpet stock Inventoried, several thousand dollars and the nnotaticas entAils A,lHMUv loss, hence" these prices aw not guarahOeed longer than one vptt. Now It's u to you- Don't tlainA ns if yon bav. not totton; ypur share In the specified tlm 'twill t e ro fanlt ot oarn - IsBgAU .ii--ri i-rji Academy. Thursday night in her new Play. I 4 THE PRINCE. Elliott Dexter Stars (a His Own Com .... pany This Season. i' The first tour ater of Mr. El liott: Dexter has proved, so far to be sk completely successful venture, ac cording to the:, clippings!. from, .news paper criticisms' 1 other cities where Mr. Dexter has already appeared this season; In the modern romaatic. com edy, "The Prince Chap."- Taja play. written by Edward Peple, author of numerous other excellent dramatic works, affords Mr. Dexter what the critics term a most advantageous op portunity, for he has not only estab lished bis right to tbe front rank ot dramatic stars, according to reports from other cities, but has been declar ed by many to be the best suited to the title role In this, play of all. the actors who hare appeared in H dur ing Its three years Ju Europe, . Amer ica and Australia. The centra) figure is a young American artist,, making a meagre living in Lotlddn ln'.aa at tempt to win - fame ; and .fortune, whose other burdens' Are added, to. by his beng forced by duty td adopt a lltle five year old gir the child of -a friend vrfjo has died In poverty., cTX. Is his : bringing aprt , tbla- xhlid through babyhood, girlhood anj .Womanhood-that form the narrative ant heart Interest of the ltf. while the comedy elements are1 given y a num ber 4 or laughable -ebaraoters. .. Mr. Dexter cornea to ithejAadeiay Friday night' to jJ'Tbo, rtoce.thap." MATINEE AND NIGHT. ' . WEDNEHDAV, MNTART life 1910. . Retsu-n KngAgewat of EugaA WaiVAfa Play At Ral life, PAID 1NFDLL buabkitieali Aoolaoded br ' TWO MILLIONS FIVE. HTNDRBD -I - THOUSAND PERSONS. ' As thA Most Popular Play of tiiA . American Stage. - Ptoaonaced by Every Dramatic Critic in this country, the 7 . v" GREATEST AMERICAN DRAMA Record Run ot TWO Years in . , New votk. to ba pitestnted here wtttt Specially Seletod rAa Oastt .New and Elaborate BtHalo AeAesaisHea,:- i , PRICtat; cjgn; SOC. 1.6 At THE It . as w. e ol Pc'JIe zz'tiUt,: ALL THE VJBSSL- A RIOT OF MEIUUMEN, XAfV'Vrii FERN AND MACK The Orlglual Ex-Collegian in a Clean-cut COmedy Act. " And Others. ' " " AMATEIRS TlKSDAV. . ' BEST MOTION PICTPUSSi. MHtintv, 3:ao. - ' , Evenings at S;Od and 9:80. ADMISSION' REMAINS THE SAME C3 Darnell .& Thomas .. -V ' - ...... I -'..';...'.'. A 35 to 25 per cent Sdved oh .Pianos by Buying Here We buy directly front the manufacturers add pay loot cash. In this way we get many concessions In- price which Ua average dealers do not -, ' Wa do not only give you the benefit ot lower pHces, but all that of long, time payments. t :. ... r t ' ' : ' . A small cash payment Is all thai la rooulr Ad; balance In monthly or Weekly Installment. ' ( lREE A Plaao 8toolA& ScArf With aacklAad.v ,, 'J ' I 'SlAp In today Ahd let tts Abo ivk ths many . mAtUlbfr ' Taa tSRtSMAk. AW ana itoaaaV be 8Acn at ' W Nlht, S6c,, ?SC, f 1,00 Aftd fl,ftO, f i r . I .' .i MJc pariA will

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