fPUW t,nri?Ti-KTn rnn.ii,'Li. 11 at wmrr v rt iirTTAV r a vttatjw m imn t-t! page rivn XX LIU XU V JLJXIAXVA XXlUXlO; XlUiZtXA XX, V., DiXJ1MJ1XX f U J.XVi VJ iVJ-l x xv, xvxv. TODAY'S Stocks, Cotton, drain and Provisions. v New York Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Jan. l(K-A strong tone was shown tn the stock market at the opening, with Initial transactions in many stocks at gains ranging from 1-4 to 1-2 over Saturday's final but this strength was short-lived and fol lowed b:- a substantial recession. Steel common, which opened 3-8 hlgheri at 89 1-8, declined 3-4 and exerted an in' fluence on the rest of the list and be fore the end of fifteen minute's the list generally showed fractional net de clnes. The traction stocks, however wore better. New York Stock Closing Lftst. Amalgamated Conper .. American Ice Securities .. American Sugar Refinery ' American Smelting- ... .. American Locomotive . . American Car Foundry American Cotton Oil... .. American Woolen .. .. .. Anaconda .. .. .. .. .. .. Aachlson .. .. .. .. .. .. Atlantic Coast Line .. .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit -.. Baltimore & Ohio Canadian' Pacific ., .. .. r Chesaneake & Ohio ,. Consolidated Ova .. .. .. Central Leather .. ... . Colorado -Fue! and Iron Colorado Southern .. .. Deleware & Hudson .. .. Denver & Elo Grande .. Distillers' Securities .. ... Erie .. .. rr.. .. ... ., ., Brie, nref. .. .. ., .. .. General Electric .. .. .. .. Great Western .. .. .. .. Great Northern, nref. .. , Great Northern Ore .. .. Hocking Coal & Iron .. .. Illinois Central .". .. .. Interboro .. .. .. ., ',.... Iuterboro, prcf. .. .. .. . Iowa Central .. .. .. .. ., Kansas City Southern Kansas & Teua .. ,. . . . Kansas & Texas, pref. .. Louisville & Nashville .. .. Missouri Pacific .. .. .. . New York Central ..... Northwestern .. .. .. .. .. utlonal Lead .. .. .. .. .. Norfolk & Western .. .. .. Northern Pacific .. .. .. . Ontario ft Western . . . . . Pennsylvania .. , ., Pacific Mail .. '.. .. .. .. . Peoples' Gas Co Pressed Steel Car .. .. .. . Reading :r :r :: '.. . Rock Itlarul .. ., Rock Island, pref. .. .. .. . Republic Iron & Stee! .. .. , . Republic Iron & Steel, pref , Slossr-Slieffleld . . ... .-1 . . , . , Southern Pa'eiflc ... .. .. .. . Southern Railway .. .. .. . Southern Railway, pref .. . St. Paul .. .. .. ., ... .. . Tenn. Conner .. .. .. ,. .. . Texas Pacific .. .. .. .. .. . Third Avenue .. Union Pacific .. ., .. .. .. . V. S. Rubber ... ... .. ..', .... . - Utah Copper .. ... .. . 17.' S. Steel ....... .. .. U. S. Steel, pref. .. .. ...'... Virginia-Carolina Chemical . Western Union .. .. .. . Wabash .. .. ,. ., .. .. . Wabash, pref. .. .. .. .. .. . Westingliouse Electric :. .. . Wisconsin Central .. .. .... Corn Products .. .. ., .. .. . .. 87 1-4 .. 26 ..121 7-8 .7 100 1-2 .. 59 , .. 69 1-2 .. 66 3-4 ,'. 35 8-4 ..52 .. 121 1-2 .. 135 78 1-2 .. 118 .. 180 1-8 ... SO .. 156 1-2 .. 46 3-4 ..48 1-8 .. 61 .. 181 .. 50 .. 36 1-2 .. 33 1-4 ..51 1-2 .. 158 1-2 . . 35 5-8 .. 140 ..' 78 3-4 ..91 1-2 .146 . 24 3-4 .. 60 1-8 ' 28 1-3 tl 156 i2 70 5-8 122 5-8 162 88 1-8 98 142 3-4 48 3-4 135 1-2 40 1-2 113 7-8! reu 50 Mar 166 3-4 j Apr. . 46 7-81 M(iy 86 I June 44 1-2 103 1-4 85 135 1-8 32 3-8 72 3-4 153 1-2 38 1-2 35 ..18 199 7-8 60 1-2 58 3-8 87 1-4 124 56 3-8 76 24 1-4 55 3-4 81.1-4 49 7-8. 5 i.o Chicago Grain. . -Chicago, Jan. 10 There was a lower opening of the entire grain list this morning. Wheat showed losses of 1-4 a 5-8e; corn l-4o and oats 1-4 a 3 There were fewer offerings in all- the pits. Wheat ranged from lower in -July to higher in May at the close. Corn was from to 14 higher to unchanged and oats were a shade lower. Provisions were about steady. Grain quotations ranged as fol lows: v Open. " High, v Close. Wheat May . . 1.13 1.14 1.13 July . . 1.03 .1.03 s 1.03 Sep. .'. .98- .99 .98 Corn May . . .68 V4 .68 .68 July . . .68 ,68 .68 Sep. . . .67 .68 .68 Outs - May-. .47 .47 .47 July . . .44 .44 .44 Sep. . . .41 .42 .42 Pork-; Jan. . . 21.82 .... . 21.80 May ; . 21.2 21.90 81.90 July . . 21.85 ...... 21.92 ' Lurd Jan. . . 12.47 12.50 12.50 May . 12.00 12.02 July . . 11.95 12.02 IJibs - -" , ' ... ' Jan. . . 11.55 . '. ... . 11.57 May . . 11.42- - 11.50 11.50 July . . 11.40 . ... r 11.50 1 Chicago Live Stock. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) Union Stock Yards. Ills.. Jan. 10 Hogs-r-receipts 45,000; 10 a 16c lower; mixed and butchers 8.25 a 8.65: a-ood heavy 8.55 a 8.70 rough heavy 8.30 a 8.45; light 8.20 a 8.50; pigs 7.25 a 8.40; bulk 8.45 a 8.65. Cattle receipts 24,000; market, steady; 10c lower! beeves 4.25 a 8.00: cows and helft-rs 2.10 a B.W; stockers and feeders 1.25 a 5.25: calves 7.00 a 7.90; Texang 5.00 a 6.25: westerners 4.25 a 6.25. j Sheen receipts 18,000; market etrona; native and western S.75 a 6.25;, lambs MARKETS New York Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Tiniea) New York, Jan. 10 In the face of poor cables from Liverpool the mnrket opend firm 4 to 14 points higher. There was commission house buying good Wall street support and covering by shorts. The census bureau figures were regarded as fully confirming the gov- "'"V, ' ' a veiy Opening Jan. 15.70 'bid; March 15 95 a 15.96; Alay'16.15 a 16.16; July 16.12 a 16.14; Aug. 15.80 a 15.81; Sept. 14.47 a 14.50; Oct. 13.73 a 13.75; Nov. offered 13.60. Open. High. Low. Jan. . 15.70 15.72 15.05 Feb. . ..... ..... ..... Mar. . 15.95 16.02 13.06 Apr. . . . . May . 10.16 16.19 13.32 June . 16.00 t6.0U 15. Co July '. 16.13 16.19 15.32 Aug. . 15.80 15.82 15.00 Sep. . 14.45 14.49 13.75 Oct. . 13.74 13.76 13.14 Nov. . 13.42 13.42 13.42 Close. 15.03 15.03 15.11' 15.21 15.341 13.31' 15.33 ; 15.00 13.73 I 13.16 12. SI Market closed weak. Now York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to. The Times I New York, Jan. 10 Spot cotton quiei,. points lower, at Sales. ! is extremely bullish, as it confirms in Liverpool Cotton. j effect the "extremely low crop est.i (By Cable to The Times) mata of hMjss,ooO put out a month Liverpool, Jan. 10 Spot cotton ; bv the airl ieitnrni invP:n, ti,0 Steady; middling, 8.32; sales, 5,000; Americans, 4,800. Receipts. 6,000. and closed barely Open. Close. Futures opened steady. January . . , . Jan.-Feb. . . . . ' . Feb.-Mar. . . . . .. Mar.-April . . . . . 8.04 8.12 8.13 8.17 8.17 8.19 '8.20 8.20 8.18 7.92 7.41 " 7.18 8.04 8.04 8.07 8.10 8.10 8.11 8.13' 8.13 8.12 7.85 7.38 7.16 I April-May. . . .' , 1 April-May . . . . . I May-June .. .: . June-July .. ' Jwiy-Aug. ... ...... 1 Aug.-Se'p. . . . . Bep.-Oct. Oct.-NoV "T New Orleans Cotton. Leased Wire to The Times) j Open. High. Low' Close. (By I Jan. 15.67 15.84 16;08 15.67 14.83 14.67 14.88 15.08 15.22 15.36 15.. . 15.48 12.68 13.11 16.09 16.41 16.41 15.25 July Sep. Oct. 16.55 13.90 13.66 16.60 13.95 13.67 15.4 4 12.60 13.1'2 Market closed steady. Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson & Co.) Good middling, 15 c. Strict middling, 15c. Middling, 15c. Receipts today, 20 bales. Cotton-seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Jan. 10 Cotton-seed oil prices, based on prime yellow, ranged as follows: Closing. January .... March . . . . . May ;. . . . i . . ... 7.457.50 . . . . 7.50 7.52 . . . 7.54 7.55 . ,'. . , 7.58 7.60 . . .7.45 7.52 . . . -. 6.95 6.99 steady. Spot oil. July . . . . . . September . . . October . . . . Market closed 7.40?. 03. Cotton Port Receipts. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Jan. 10 Cotton port' re-, reipts were as follows: New Orleans 1,418 against 9.988: Gal veston 5,692 against 12,843; Mobile Six against 1,503; Savannah 4,378 against 2,722. CUarleston 530 againt 793: Wil mington 6004 against 1,740. Norfolk 1,579 against 1,79,8: New York 0 aguliiEt 706; BoBton 177 against 0; Uhil adelphia 0 against 205; Pacific coast 1,729 against 0; Various 0 against 234. Total 23,123 against 32,380. . Naval Stores. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Savannah, Qui, Jan. 10 Spirits Tur pentine Ann 59; sales 53.- receipts 111, Rosin firm; cales none; receipts 603, Quote WW 6.95; WG 6.80: N 6.65; 1 M 6.10; K 5.70; I 4.60; H 4.35 to 4.45: O 4.45 o 4.35; F 4.20 to 4.25; E 4.20: D. C. B. A. 4.20. . ' . ; 1 St. Louis Grain. (By Leased Wire to The Times) St, Louis. Aid., Jap,: 10 Clash wheat No. 2 ltd 132 a 133; CornXo. 2. 66: oats No. 2, 48 1-2. , Vlose Wheat May 113 3-4; July 102 1-8. .- .. - -..'" Corn May 68 1-2; July 68 1-4. . Oats May 47 1-2, bid; July 44. Mttnl Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) , 'New York, Jan. 10 At the metal eastern VnJ central Kentucky the exchange today, while ., a generally ( thermometer ranges from ten - to firmer tone was shown In commodi- twenty below zero. ties, trading continued light. Cop- j -. . per was np He. In the bid and asked; ftvifl Quit the "Giimc". prices for deliveries np " to April.' Augusta, Ga., Jan. 10 Lawrence Tin was up about He- bid. Lead Wolfe, prominent in newspaper cir and Spelter unchanged. , ,cles 1 Carolina and Georgia, for two Quote: Copper, spot, to . April, years hews editor of the Augusta Har 13.37H to 13.62H; Spelter, 6.10 to aid, will leave the "game' 'at an 6.25; Lead, 4.67H; .Tin, 32.83 to,' early date to engage in forming In 33.00 ,, BY WIRE. THE TIMES DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (Bv Charlej.. W. Storm.) New York, Jan. MH-Fbllowlng a higher ranee of pi-ices In Lon-Jon for Amerlenn share, stocks openerl rtrong position will be made of the' ferpcious and falrlv active in Wall street to- animal is not known but in all prob duy. O:lnF were confined In nearly ' ability it will be the beginning of a every case to snmll flaetions. These, howeVei-, Wen? wiped out and replaced with losses shortly after the opening, with heavy .selling of Steel common made Its appearance. Steel declined a point from the opening quotations and unsettled the balance of the list for a time. : . At the end of the flr.t half hour, however, buying of Reading on a lib eral scale caused a rally In the gen eral lUt lr. which a!! standard railroad and industrial shares .participated. All the louses Aveie wiped out and fractional gains took their places. J Among the specialties to show strength were Loclede Gas uiul . Vir-! ginla-CaroIina Cliemioal. j Mining shines were strong and active on the New York curb. Xcw York Cotton Letter. " ( By W. B. Hibbs & Co. ) New York, Jan. 10 The market was extremely feverish and uncertain from the ntipninir .tnilne . Tha ron,iu iNOjoumil, official report showing, only A.Sifi nO' linlus vlnnail fv 1..... ....... i market o,.f-n,d ti,? :,n,i ,.tivn this despite Liverpool's failure respond to our sharp advance of Sat urday. There was a rise of 12 to 17 points from Saturday's close, during Uie.inlt.Uil trading, January going up to 15.72, March 16.02, and May and July to 16.19 and August to 13. S2. The market looked in good shape for a further advance, but just at that time the bulls distributed heavy selling orders. Ttjis, with fresh heavy selling by the big interests who sup ported the market during the bad breaks of Wednesday and Thursday had a demoralizing effect on trade sentiriient In tl)e face of such a bullis ginners report and prices broke 40 to 55 points on the active options be fore, this selling movement ran its course. Reports of excessive margin calls of $10 per bale on new business by some of tire leading bull houses was also a heavy perplexing feature, mis unsettled the market to such an ex tent that there was no really good buying until after May and July had slumped to 15.&5 and March and January-to 15.40 and 15.45. Even the rallies were only moderate and trade continued in a nervous and uncertain position up to the close. Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Dally by M. Rosenthal & Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Butter . . . ....... .... .30 to 35c. Eggs . . ................. 35c. Hams Sugar Cured . 17 to 18c. North Carolina ........ 25c. Virginia Bacon Spring Chickens Hens , frlsh Potatoes , . . ...... ..27C. ........... .16c. . . .... . 35 to 50 ....... . 60 73c. ........ Jl. 25 bu. . . !. . . . . . ?1.00 bu. Sweet potatoes . Cabbage.. . . . . Onions . ...... Flour ......... Meal s Peas ... . . . . . . 5 to 15c. ........ 40c. pk. j .f7.007.50 bbl.( $2.00 bag. ........ 15c. qt. AITOIST GETS FINED. Mr. Walter Spruut of Wilmington Fined For Running Down Bicy clist. . (Special to The. Times.) Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 10- In Pender county superior court jester-1 day afternoon, a verdict was render-' ed asainst Mr. Walter Sprunt, a well j known young business . man and i prominent autoist of Wilmington, in favor of Mr. Hanson Futeh, of Bur-: gaw. The suit for damages resulted i from a collision which occurred about two years ago in this city, as a result of which the plaintiff was knocked from his bicycle by Mr. Sprunt's au tomobile. The jury brought in a ver dict for $400, the plaintiff having - brought suit for $2,500, alleging per- W.VN'J KD nianent and serious injuries as a re- lor two suit of the accident. Two Wilming-: Times. ton physicians, Drs. Robert Harllee - - " and Russell Bellamy, were Introdttc-, WANTED AT "ONCE One Milne ed as expert witnesses and the case! Algebra and Bailey's-Botany. Ap was hard fought. This action is in- j ply Times otflce. 10 2t. teresting, as it is oue of the few au- tomobile accident recoveries wuich j WANTED AT ONCE Your attention have yet been granted by the courts ' to the fac t Wliitingi Bros, are re- of the state. Cold In Louisville. N Louisville, Ky., Jau. 10 The col d- est wekther experienced in this state in manyears is prevailing today. In (prangeburaj SrC; WADESBORO SCOBES AGAIN. ' . Hotel Proprietor Starts a Zoo With - Wild Cat As Nucleus. : : '(Special. to The Times.) Wadesboro, N. C, Jan. 10 Wadesboro again comes to the front. Mine Host, L. J. Huntley, of the al ready famous National oHtel, always anxious to give his guests the best entertainmentn in every way. has se cured a splendid specimen of the wild cat-family. This particular an imal was caught in South Carolina and brought , tp Wadesboro securely cnged and is now on exhibition in the hotef lobby, llr. Huntley purchased it from the captors. Just what dis- zoological garden for wide-awake Wadesboro. CLVB OFFICERS ELECTED. ' rM,K, kii-fliih Meet .mil Kiwi tit. 1 .leers. (Special to The Times) Wilmington, N. C. Jan. 10 The annual meeting of the Cape Fear Club of this city was held last even ing at the handsome club house. The meeting was presided over by the re tiring president, Junius Davis, Esq., and committee reports, etc., were presented. , Mr. George B. Elliott, as sistant general counsel for the Atlan tic Coast Line railroad, was elected president, and Messrs. V. A. Dick and Thomas W. Davis. Esq., were elected members of the governing board. SEYEHED HEAD. FOCXD. Heml of Neai-o Infant Eiwml Cut l-'i-om l!oly. (Special to The Times.) ' ' Wadesboro, N. C., Jan. 10 The i head of a negro, infant, evidently cut O- . tVntn tlio linrtv wlih u i.-nii'o u-!te found near the southern limits of town ,- Saturday evening. Coroner Fenton was notified and is still at work on the case. The body has not been found but evidence pointing to a negro girl has been discovered, al though she denies all knowledge of the affair. The coroner hopes to lo cate the guilty parties today. Leases Hotel I'nmeriy. (Special to The Times.). Uailey, N. C, Jan. 10 Mr. Hamill, an experienced 'hotel F, A. man, has leased the old hotel Johnson here and will run an up-to-date hotel. The old building has been remodeled and will be a great improvement to the town. i LAW BOOKS, ETC., KOI! SALE. . Pursuant to an order dated Janu ary 5th, 1910, by the clerk of .Wake County, N. C, I will on Tuesday,! Feberuary 1st, 1910, at 12 o'clock M, sell at public auction for cash, at tiie County Court House Door in Raleiga, N. C, a lot of law'and -other books; ene one-horse surry, one one-horse buggy, one revolving iron book case, one share (of the face value of $100.00 ) of S percent cumulative first preferred slock of Raleig Mill ins Company and -other personal properly, all belonging to the estate of Judge Thomas 11. Purneil, deceas ed. An itemized list of the articles to be sold can be seen at my. office in Tucked building, Raleigh, N. C. This January 10th, 1910. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Administrator of Judge Thomas R. Purneil, Deceased. January 10th, 1910..- do to s. lc WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for title colnmn will be accepted at one cent per word - for each Issue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less tha 10 CENTS an Insertion. Each figure charged ae oee word. lc. WANTS lc. 1 WANTED- -Three rooms lor light housekeeping. Must be within t'.iree blocks Kayetteville street. Address "Rooms," care Times. . !0- Lt. -.'.."...". -To rent two office desks uionlhs. "Desk", care ' 10-3t ducing stock and have bargains to offer. 10 5t. . : : I WANTED Good Cook for small family. 17 E. Cabarrus St. 5 t. f. WANTED AT ONCE Four men boarders at $3.00 per week each. ArirlreKs 21 X S Swain street. WANTED By willing and obliging West Hargett Street, will, after Jan colored girl, position as house girl. UUI.y 17th, be with the Masonic Tem Address "House Girl." care Times. ' )U, rapor shopt whepe he wl WANTED-r-Copies of The Evening! Times of November 8th, 1909. Times office S t. f. J WANTEl)-To rent Typewriter; must I . be cheap and in good condition. ! Address A. B. C, care Times. 7 5t. WANTED Two rooms and board in private family for young married couple. Central location. Refer ences exchanged. Address "M. A." care Evening Times. 4 t. f. WANTED By young man of expert- ence, position in dry goods or shoe store. X, care Times. l-7t WANTED Autograph letters of Joseph Hewes, signer of the Decla ration of Independence. Liberal price. Address "Altro," this of fice. . . 29 t. f. AftKXTH TO SELL ADVERTISING wraping-paper and bags as side- j line in North Carolina. Special de signs. Samples light. Commis sions libert.1. Men visiting small towns preferred. Paper Dept. Kemper-Thomas Co.. Cincinnati. FOR SALE. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE My 12-roofti residence, 615 Hillsboro street or will rent to a desirable tenant. Jas. A. Sanders. 3 t. f. . TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER FOR . one Of the New Official Maps of Wake County. You can only se cure them from The Evening Times, r 30 t. f. f : , - 7 I-'OR SALE Two choice horses, for family driving. One Runabout buggy, almost new, One set of harness to match. Call at Syca more Stables for inspection and ful particulars. Tues-Thur-Sat. 1 FOR RENT FOR. RENT Furnished room with all modern conveniences. 210 S. . Blount St. 6 t. f. FOR RENT Furniiee-heated, -furnished house with seven rooms; all modern improvements; stable on lot; good garden; on ear line. Ad dress Box 602. 10 2 1. MISCELLANEOUS. WE lll'V SECOND-HAND Kl'RNI- tr.re and House Furnishings. The Furniture and Stove Exchange, 111 E. Hargett street. 10 5t. NOTICE A Block of Our Ice Cream will serve eight people.. -'-35 cents. We have two-horse power motor for sale also at a bargain. Fur 111 an Belts. LOST One Auto Pump and Inner Tube. Liberal reward. Carolina Garage Machine Co. FOl'ND On the street, a package; owner can get same by describing and paying for ad. Apply to Times office. 7 t. f. : I'TKNIKHED ROOM FOR RENT- ' Apply Gltl S. Salisbury Street. 7 3t. ""."- . NOTICE Parties wishing the ser vices of Henry Biggs for treating corns, apply 430 Corner S. Blount and Cabarrus Streets. 7 6t, ONLY OFFICIAL MAI OF rAKE County ever issued. Constructed - by Government Expert. Can - be secured only from The Evening Times. 30 t. f. DO YOIV WANT PANTS,.. CHEAP? Whiting Bros, have a special sale on now. 10 5t. HOW ABOl'T IT Your cash?. it will go a long ways at Whiting Bros, now; they are having special sales. 10 :t. KEEP YOl'R CHILDREN'S FEET dry. Whiting Bros, have the right kind of shoes for them. 10 ot. IF YOU will try our BLUE RIBBON BRASS AND NICKEL POLISH. SILVER CREAM POLISH and WAXENE i and do not like it your money will be returned. Thos II Briggs & Sons The Big Hardware Men. RALEIGH, X. C. S. B. EQiUELS, i-oi-mt-riy wiiii m. v. utinuioe, at is glad to see and serve his patrons. 8. B. EQUALS, .Masonic Temple flarher Shop. HUBBARD BROS SCO. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the par chase and sole of Cotton (or futon delivery. Correspondence UriteJ THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. IS G IV I N G AWAY SMALL SAVINGS BANKS. CALL "AND GET ONE. Wake County Savings Bank jicgiiniiiig January 1, 1909, "Will Pay Vc ntcrcst on Deposits COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Deposits Made During First Three Days in January Will YOUR 1910 BANK ACCOUNT Choosing the hank through which to transact your financiul affairs during HMO is an important inuMi-i- which should receive most careful considi-i-nlion. We invite you to open an tit-count with this Institution, which uniformly extends courteous und efficient service to its patrons, and by reason of conservative management and ample capital and surplus, af fords unquestioned safety. Deposits small ns well as large arc invited.. The Commercial National Bank OE RAL E. B. CROW, Cashier. JOHN T. 1'1'LLEN, l'rcs. N. 31. WEST, The Raleigh Savings Ban! Capital and Surplus Deposits over . . . . Four Per Cent, paid on Deposits, made during the first four days of any of that month. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK . OF RALEIGH ".' Extends to everybody its cordial good wishes and the season's kindliest greetings. Merchants National Bank, OF RALEIGH, N. C. One dollar will start an account with this bank. We will furnish you with a Savings Bank and Pass Book. Four per cent, interest paid in Savings De partment. Start an account for the girl or boy, and in this way teach them the importance of saving. E. C. DUNCAN, President. , Wui. H. WILLIAMSON, V-Pi-es. W. B. DRAKE, Jr., Cashier. AY. F. UTLEY, Sec. V-Pres S. J. HINSDALE, Asst. Cashier. THE RALEIGH BANKING- & TRUST COMPANY. . WITH ' ' Au unsurpassed history behind it since 1803. Safety to its Depositors. , Accommodation to its Customers. Willing service to its friends. CHAS E. JOHNSON, F. H. BRIGGS, President. , Cashier Stockholders Keelfr The annual meeting of tlte Hunter' Drewrjr Company, of Raleigh, will b held in the office of the Company ia the Masonic Temple on Tuesday, January 18, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon. C. T. McCLENAGIIAN, Secretary. Stockholders' RIectir.j. An adjourned meeting- of the stockholders of the Wendell . Land Company, of Raleigh, will be held in the office of the Secretary of the Com- pany, in the Masonic Temple, on Tuesday, January 28, 1910, at 12:00 o'clock, noon. ' JOHN C. DREWRT, Secretary..'- Stockholders' Meeting; An adjourned meeting of the Cap-, itui Construction and Development, Company will be held in the office of the Secretary of the Company, in tb Masonic Temple, on Tuesday, Janu ary 25, 1910, at one o'clock p. m. - JOHN C. UKKWBi, . Secretary. Draw Interest April 1st, . EIGH. - ' ,R. S. JERMA5?PreaJPt. Y.-l'ies. CHAS. ROOT, Cashier. - $ 75,000. 700,000. compounded quarterly. Deposits month bear interest from the first 0 O o o o Q C '.I i 1 xri I on