Tlll-i EVENING TIMES: KALEKJ1I, X. C, MONDAY, FEBJtUAI. V 7, 1910. PAGE FIVE TODAY'S MARKETS BY WIRE. Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Mr. James E. Shephard, Jurist, Dead. Provisions. J ' Xew York Stock Market. (Dy Leased Wire to The Times) : New 1'ork Cotton. -' (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Feb. 7 Heavy pressure N'p,v York, Feb. 7 May cotton cross, appeared In the stock market agaliiNit ed 'he 15 cent mark this morning- mi the opening with an absence of de- an active trade and first prices were New York ma nd around previous quotations and " to 13 points higher. Bull sentiment tion of the Initial transactions and generally were a greatly stimulated by the strength proposed by made ut declines runging from frac-"n Liverpool spots the large sales and Wall street ! THE TIMES' DAILY ! FINANCIAL STORY tlons to over one point. First sales of a continued .Steel were 4,000 from 79 1-2 to 78 7-8 j Chester, uguinst 80 at the close Saturday. Amal.' Open, gamated showed a loss of 1 1-4 and) Feb.''. ..... active business at Man- High. Low. American Smelting fell 1 1-4 to 80 3-4. liock Tsl.and and Chesapeake & Ohio also yielded over one point and Read ing, the strongest feature last week, Joined with other stocks In this down ward movement. At the end of 15 minutes the market continued heavy. 72 1-4 20 1-2 lis 77 1-2 47 7 ,i-8 f.7 1-2 170 37 1- 2S jN'cw York Closing Stock List. ( 3y Leased Wire to The Times.) Amalgamated Copper .. .. .. .. 72 American Ice Securities American. Sugar Refinery American Smelting .. . American Locomotive . American Car Foundry . American Cotton Oil .. . American Woolen .. .. , Anaconda .. .. .. .. . Atchison .. .. . Atlantic Coast Line .. . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Baltimore & Ohio Canadian Pacific ... ..... Chesapeake & Ohio Consolidated Gus Central Leather .. Colorado Fuel & Iron .. Colorado Southern .. .. Delaware & Hudson .. . Denver & Rio Grande .. Distillers Securities . . .. F.rie .. .. ... .. .. ..' . Krle. pref. .. .. '. tiitierul Llectrie Hi rut Western .... ... ... Cleat Northern, prel. treat Northern Ore .. .. Hocking Coal Ac Iron .. . Illinois Central .. .. .. . It.terboro Inlerboroli pref Iowa Central ... . . .. . . . Kansas Citv Southern .. . Kansas & Texas .. Kansas & Texas, pref. .. Louisville ft. Nashville ... Missouri Pacific .. .. ... . New York Central .. .. ., Northwestern National Lead ... .. .. .. Norfolk Western Northern Pacflc .. .. :. . Ontario & Western .. Pennsylvania .. .. .. .. . Pacilis Mall .. .. .. .. .. Peoples' Ohm Co .. . . .. Pressed Steel 'Car .. .. .. Heading .. .. .. .. .. .. Rock bland Rock Island, pref. .. .. Republic Iron & Steel .. . Republic Iron & Steel Slosf-Slieffield Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 14.94 14.99 14.79 1 1.97 15.03 1 4.S9 V4.8X H.9fi 14.42 14.1:: 13.37 13.43 12.9:: i2.i6 12.X4 12.84 12.73' 12.79 Market closed linn. 1 1.74 14.25 1 ::.:::: 12.NS 12.84 12.70 Close. 1 1.95 14.96 14.9! 14.95 ' 14.:!S 13.4 12.96 ' 12. S4 12.79 ( By X iv Orleans Cotton. Leased Wire to The 'Times) Feb. Mar. A .... J-4 "' 1-8' may June July iu hep. 32 47 lit 124 (W 109 17. 78 ""N Oct 35 1-2 1 .. 33 m 7-8 Open. High. Low. 1...09 15.21 11.95 1-8 15.21! 1 ) 0 14.71 I !. 12 l.i. -If Ki.i: 1 1 i; o i: ill i : .50 .00 .IS .80 Market closed verv ' 12.67 si end v. Feb. 7 Official publira federal Incorporation bill the administration upset today. Kven tho; o who favored such a law were alarmed at the Idea of giving congress the right to amend charters at any time. It was argued that this would tend to keep business upset and make the affairs of every corporation depend on the result of evm-v imhlle elnetl,.,i M'Mt. r....t,,. 15.05 1 of tm. aw euust,(j.a withdrawal from 14. .16 till urlininiuli-iition of itnmu ,,r.itu tvw.i..t ardent supporters. The geneial opinion in tile street was that the bill would never be enacted into a law. , Selling of stocks because of this bill cart led many shares down to their pre vious low record and in some instances new bottoms were established, notably In Amalgamated Copper which hit 7.1. Steel went within a fraction of Its pre vious low price. Pennsylvania yielded easily under modern liquidation and the Hairiman storks were lieavv. I Hill: actions were not on a hcavv scale and there was nothing panicky, about the market. I n ok. i s reported irooil hllYtnir hv oiht lot inveUor I .on . I I don yhowctl material declines m nearly 1 o.4 '1 all American stocks. I 15.52 I In the late trailing abroad A niei leans I 1.7 1 1 Were firmer. i l". ",2 I the New York curb market the' mull class copper stocks were lieavv Willi tilitie oalition making a new low record for the year. Nevada Con solidated sold above, its previous price. I'ressure Increased as the session Close. I a.Uo 1 . I i 29 (Continued From Page One.) ly for James, there was a good high school at this place, and he entered !upon his studies with the determine-' 'tion to get tin education, but these j plans were interrupted by the break ing out of the Civil war, when he was' only fourteen. William enlisted and I went to the field of conflict and when killed had attained the rank of lieu-, j tenant. j I Young James was anxious to enter the army and in lsiil attached himself to the' lGth Virginia regiment which was then stationed al Norfolk. Because of his youth and being too sjiiall to carry a musket, he was made a "marker" for tin '-regiment, and after some months service tie was dis charged. In hope of seeing his guardian, young Shepherd went to Mm phey's station, near Bltickwaler. -There he learned telegraphy and was assigned to duly first under General Jones in West Vir.j ginla, afterwards to the headquarters j of General John C. lli'ei kenriilge where he distinguished hinisi-lf by his de'vo-' tion to duty. The close of the war .found him' stationed at Wilson. His brother whomj he had depended for counsel was dead. and all his properly gone. He secured a position us telegraph operator, at Wilson, which he held for several vears. In the meantime he was study ing under competent instructors, and Picturesque Switzerland (Continued From Page Two.) been had lie remained, in free Ameri ca. of earthly possessions on the ma terial side, the labor of the years would in our own land yield more: but happy in the love of wife and children:, near ti that olil mother who cared for him when he could not care for himself; with wants more simple, with the struggle I'm- place and position less fierce, will not life give to him treas-. urcs as precious as he could have found in tlii'igrrat cities or on the broad prairies of the west! Somehow I can't help thinking that his decision, to re turn anil take. up. in the shadow of these hills the broken thread or the life of 'earlier years was a wise one. Is this sentiment''.' Well, take the sentiment out of life and what 'have, you left, when the end conies if you see nothing more in the passing days and years but the opportunity to make pound Of coffee. ."'I f shoes and $:i on a CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West TWO FAST VICSTIHI'LE TRAINS WITH JMX1XG CAR SKRVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville. C;"ciiinnti, Clucago, ;:ul St. Louis. Leave Richmond Ai-. Chu. .ottesville i Leave Lynchburg Ar. Loui.-ville P. AI. 2:00 . 5:25 4 : 00 A.M. 11:00 P. M. S:(a P.M. 0:45 9:25 P. M. 11:00 four cents on ; cents on a pair barrel of sugar? A. M. 10:00' il : oo 6.1 0 7:30 . M. 5:00 7:10 7:17 i. km sai ls ms H.u:;i:i. .li:(lf . Allen Ruled There Was Not Klionyll i:iiieiiee to Molif llini. f Special to The Times. ) using every eti, tion. He decided to what money In itio law school North I'arolina. ill to secure an educa- lake up law and with laid saved, lie .entered ol (he I Diversity ol was admitted to tin- am! opt ned up his othce .99 S I .NO ' pref Southern Pacific .. ...... Southern Railway .. Southern Railway, nref. .. St. Paul .. .. .. .. .. .. Tenn. Copper .. .. . . .. .. Texas Pacific .. .. .. ... Third Avenue .. I'nlon Pacific .. l S, Rulvber .. t'tah .Copper .. . .. .. lT. S. Steel .. .. I". S. Steel, pref. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Western 'Union.... .. .. .. Wabash .. .. .. ;. .. Wabash, pref .. Wc-stinghouse Electric .. .. Wisconsin Central Corn Products .. .. .. .. , 424 117 2B . 133 3-4 63 1-4 17 138 5-S 18 1-4 45 1-2 19 3-4 34 311 1-4 70 112 60 3-4 116 153 1-2 74 7-8 Of 1 1-34 43 3-4 130 1-8 29 1-4 106 1-4. 36 1-2 . 156 1-8, 41 D-8, 82 33 3-4 I 99 72 1 120 1 126 1-4 60 144 3-4 30 1-2 26 3-4 10 1 180 1-4 35 1-4 44 1 75 1 118 47 1 69 18 " 40 I 61 46 17 Llvei-iool Cotton. ( Uy Cable to The Times) Liverpool, Feb. 7 Cotton linn : American middling. .S.I 4: IS. 000: American. 1 4.000. Futures closed steady. 1-ebruurv . . . . Feu.-Mnrch . . . March-April . . . ' Aprll-Mav . . Ma.v-June . June-.Iulv .... .lulv-Augtist . . . August-Sept. . . i Sept. -Oct. . . . . Oct.-Nov. ... . Nov.-IX't. . 10.00;). opened spot, ik RecciptH. firm and lengthened until price bleaks ul from one to lour points were recorded lor Sleel couimoii, Anialgamaled. .-siiutliern Pacilic and keading went olT . two points or more from Satuiday's close. 7. SO . 7.8 1 7.cS() 7.83 ye. 7.80 7. SI 7.7S 7. SI 'i 7.78 7. SI 7.75 7.78 Vi 7.72 7.75 7 to 7 11 ti.97 7.00 Vi 0.78 O.SOVi U70Vi C71', FOURPARDONS WERE ISSUED bar In lMjS, 111 Wilson. In 1871 he fin im-il p Maj. 1 hoinas Mparrow Winshington. .. ( . In lSil he nianieil Mi llrown,. daughter of Mr. S and sister ol Associate Ju II browp. Mr. Sheiherd began to lake part in politico, and Mas chairman of the dcmin-ratie exeeiil ive committee. All the w hile In- as enjoying a rapnllv growing law inactiee. In . 1875 he I'l-prescnled lieaufoi t and Pamlico counlies m the consliiulional irtnerslup with and movei! to 4 Lliabelh I. Brown. I lee George (ioldsboio. N. ('., Feb. 7 Tin- murder case at Princeton,, recently repoi ted in the State paier- from this city, l-'iniik Langley. being niurderi d in that' Imvn by Mime unknown parly or 'parties again came to the limelight in this city Saturday afternoon last when l.em J. Sauls, one of the vming m-.-ii ar rested on 'the 'charge of being an ar: complice:' in the. crime, applied lor a habeas corpus hearing before Judge W. 1:. Allen in this citv. The hearing was held Saturday afternoon and after hearing the evidence of all the witness es Judge Allen .staled that -he did not see any evidence that would justify the state in longer detaining and holding tile defendant, and, therefore,, thc prisoner was discharged. I Judge ii. 11. Allen was ' summoned 'to Chapel Hill the first of last week on of. tin- serious Illness of liis has pneumonia,, hence tile civil the calendar for the last term were- continued until the "April Arrive Cineiiinati Arrive 1'Iiiea.c.o 5:25 Arrive Ht. Louis ; 5:.",! Only oii( nis'iit between '.Raleigh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. : lii-ecl Connections lor AM points ! West and Northwest. ! Ql 1CKLST A! I HOST KOL'TK. , The Line to the Celebrated Resorts of I ' Virginia. ' l-'or descrijitive .-natter, schedules and Pullman Reservation, address V. O. WAR TIIFV. I). P. A., K chniond, a. JXO. It. POTTS, Gcn'l. Pa-Atfenl. HUBBARD BROS &C( HANOVER SQUARE, NEW !OR'. MEMBERS of New York Cotton K change, New Orleans Cotton e change, Associate Members Live pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the ptl chase and sole of Cotton for fatuy. dellyery. CorresDomdenee UtU ... i . - A 7o INTEREST. Compounded ; Quarterly j Deposits made in tht firs! three days draw interest from first of the month. i' THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. I convention. Iliou-'h thi ther of the convention he most prominent workers author of that, provism .-oMiKcst mem was one of il s . and was Hie n in tin- con- Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson & Co.) Chicago (.rain. '(By Leased W ire to The Times) Chicago, Feb. 7 Wheat .opening; ranged 1-2 to 1-Sc lower tills inoj-nlug The market was quiet but. thcleeling wan greatly mixed with the trend un certain. Corn was 1-4 a 3-Xe lower Oats were oft fractionally. Provisions werep strong with hogs. The big decrease in the visible sup ply of wheat overbalanced nil else in the trude. After 11:30 o'clock it changed the weak-kneed bears to hulls, the close snow I tie, advances ot fa Corn was H It c lower; oats lost 'g li and provisions were lower. I drain quotations ranged as follows: Good middling, lac. Strict middling. 1474c. Middling. 1 1 c. Receipts today. o bales. Cotton I'ort Kcccipts Today. I by Leased Wire to 1 he I tnies. I New Vork. I-cb. 7 Cotton port re ceipts were as follows: New Orleans. 1.40,i against 11. lul: Galveston, a. 2(17 against - II. Mobile. s&4 against l.:s33: 8a vatiuna.i. 97M against 3.022: Charles ton. 170 against 006: -Wilmington. 2j0 against 532: Norfolk. 22s against 1.100: New York. agaiiirit 2a: Boston. 100 against o: various. st 1 tut ion ment. In lsTti he the neaulort In 1SS2 he court jude vacaucv can un mins county rovorn. account sou who cases of of court term. The many friends learn with regret of Amanda Sauls, wil'i which occurred in I. Mrs. Sauls wiis a Mis the this-- city death of. of S liieago last dster of . the will' Mrs. I .1 BIS 111 if" t i (V aw - m --ir m OFFICERS- ? TKOKAsB.CBOWDER,PrjKlw. (' William B.GRiMES,vicc"Vesidnt S i VU.UAM W.VASS, Cc .-nir. PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS uompounaea varteny Pl-MIlt I, Mlltl';. iiinii i.vr; iiKsi-r I'KOM TIIIiKK IUVS of nl the F1KST of . 1 late JOHN T. I'l LLLX, I'rcs. .. M. WLST. V.-Ctcs. CHAS. HOOT, Cashier. was eleeted cluiirman of county superior court. ' I was appointed superior by Ceiy. Jarvis to till a -ed by: tin- resignation of and was elected to that, next iriectioii. I (lovernor Kilchtn pardoned oho man tiaturdav and two sentences were commuted and one man pardoned to day, as follows: Leu Brittoii. ot fcurrv county, con-. Judge Mills. VICted ot .stealing a nockot book. Tile office e.i tin pocket, book' was afft rwnrds roimd'-' 1,1 ,SVl he was nominated and it appears as it it had not been .stolen. I he sentence ot .1. it. McCauloss. of buncombe, was commuted to a fine or $2.-i0. Henry ratterson. ol Johnson county, sentenced to serve one vear. was pardoned.- Charge false pretense. I he sentence ot Henry Voting, of Richmond county, .sentenced tor nun-: dor. was commuted so Hint lie will lie released ut once. Mary King and was probably -S'i years of rigc. She lived in the . neigh borhood of St. John church in iiiis city for many years, up to about six years ago, when she moved lo ( 'liicago iih her granddaughter.;' She was bill icd iul that I'.iiy.. The Raleigh S avingsBanti' against 2D.26G. 13 0. Total. S.723 againsl ( ollon-xcci! Oil. Illy Leased Wire to The Times l New York. I-eb. 7 Cotton-seed oil prices, bused on prime yellow, ran as follows: MIL Wild, I AM nOKTCIJ l)lvl). Died I his .Morning in Hospital at Richmond, a. ( Special to I he I lines. ) (iold-sboro. N. C. I-Vb. 7--cws was received aeie today ot the death of Mr. William Dortch In St. Luke's Hospital in Richmond. Mr. Dortch. who was a student at supreme court lustier bv Itv. When Chief Justici died in 1I3. Judge Shepherd was ap pointed to succeed him. which iiosition he filled for about two vears with honor to Ii i m si -I I and tile prolcssion. IP was unanimously noniinatcd to succeed himself, but went down with tile rest of Hi'- democrats when the fusimdsts captured the state. He was .engaged to lecture to; tin i'linimcr school at the Cnivi-rsity. which 'place he held until lvii. When .Indue .Manning (lied he was ottered the position of dean of the law school. llllt llee'illl ll. .; Ill Iv.h he returned to active prac tice, forming a partnership with his son. S. Hrown Shepherd. He has ap- In many ' important cases. I hem being the South' Dakota London. l-t:b. 7 - Marlin i-.ken- inil elected ''''i.'g, tile Swedish scientist accused of big major-1 mailing bombs to prominent men in Merriman : Stockholm, is dead al .the Brixlon jail. He was being held there. pend ing extradition .yhen' he was sudden ly stricken..; It is riimored . thai he took poison, Sheiiheril was a and a member of the mil church. altiUate it es til lit to Wheat' ' Open. High. Close. May . . 1.08. 1.10 ' 1.09 July . . .99 1.0 1 1.00 Sep. . ..." .95 .90 .90 Corn May . . .CoVi-- .65 ,G5 July .65 Vi .65 -65 Sep. . , .65 .65 .65 Oats May . . ."16 .46 .46 July . . .43 .43 .43 Sep. . . .40 .40 .40 Pork -. May . . 22.10 22.30 22.20 July . . 21.97 22.15 22.02 Lard May . . 12.10 12.15 12.15 July . . 12.05 12.12 12.10 Kibs Muy . . 1 1.75 11.87 11.82 Julv . .11.75 11.82 11.80 March . Mav . . . . Julv . . . . September . October . November . Spot oil. ; ban i Is Closin Co ('( fit C" ('i (a .00 ((I 0 I .20 .26 .24 .05 .47 : sales. .0(1 St. Louis (.rain. , (Bv Leased W ire lo l lie l lines) St. Lotus. Heh. 7 Cash whear No, 2 red, 120 (ft 12 oats, N"o, 2, 45. Futures -Wheat: July, 99. Corn: July, 65. Coals: 12. ." corn. o. t ne Slate ( niversilv. was carried Richmond several weeks ago to be operated on lor appendicitis. He ed l was apparently doinj; well and w:ien his lather leli .11111 fcuiudav he was bright and cheerful. . I he news ol his deaih. winch ot ciirred at C:;;0 this niorning. came as a shock-to .us many friends and rela tives here. 1 he body, accompanied hv nurse. Miss Hatlie Dillon, will be met at Rocky .Mount by Iriends and will ar rive here at !):;itl tonight. He was eighteen years old. The funeral will be held tomorrow altenaon. services to he conducted by Rev. Busiile. rector of St. Steph ens' hpiscopal church. .1 t i 7 0 7 t S 7.51 10.- , lleareil among ' bond e j Judgi inaroii . I-dUSCiH I Death l-ollowcd Operation i (Hv Leased Wire to The 'Thai I liaitimoie. Md.. Feb. 7 Judge Janus : 1-; shepherd, ol Raleigh. N. t'.. x . Justice of tile supreme court of1 North! ' 'arolina, died at tile Presbyterian l'"ye . and Hospital in this citv today.: : iiniiieiliaU'lv tollowing an operation oi-t throat trouble, . The death of . Judge) .Shepherd was caused, the physicians isav. In heart trouble, superiiuli d by, ; (lie operation. Judge Shepherd's body! will he taken to lUileigli for interment. I j cLLi:i to kayi:tti: illi:. . si'Lt i.l .mi:i:ti(; Ol flic Sliai-clioiih is of Hie Raleigh liiiiliiiug a oil Loan Association. Next ..Thursday night.. February 10, I HI u, at S: nil .o'clock', in t!ie: rooms of the Chamber of Comiiii-rce.- Very important and iili; are urged lo lie present. THOMAS 1!. VO.l ACK. . I'residctit. .1. C. ALLISON. SiT-Trcas. ' NOTICK OF S.VLI-:. - L'nder and .by' ylrltie of the' 'power in the uiitk-rsigtied conieircd by a clause of foreclosure in tiit- mortgage liereiual'ter set out, t ho undersighed will, ou ..March 1st, T.lltl, expose for sale at public auclioti to the highesl bidder for cash at -.the .court house door in the. City of Raleigh at 1J o'clock, noon, the''' following desciib cd properl v: First tract. Five contiguous lots, being of lot No. 663; Shaffer's map, ning at its southeast corner, intersection' of lidenton and streets, running thence north Capital and Surplus Deposits over . . . . I iillr Lei- lent, paid on Deposits, made ihll lil ; I lie hi st I lu ce ilays of iv. of tliat on. mil. $ 75,000. 700,000. compounded (iuurLerly. leioslUv jnoiifli bear interest fi-oui the first,. W W ITH CASH UFSOI KCKS OP 3 ieoplo ol fins scrlion every l ll rile. . .lOSFFII L DROWN. I'm. Ill One and a Half Million Dollars I. ami mill unlimited credit re sources, this Rank oilers, the itiinale lianking lacility. Cull or R I r ( A. L1TCHFOIID, Casliier. ij The Commercial National Bank, Raleigh, N. C. . idi m. CVlllie : jas:- .1. .1. 'I'l .( ' A J. a ptirl i Ra.v sheet 1 !i , corner, ol lot 1 with a bad: ill'gill- it ! he . Ray with i leet lo t lie noilheast No. t'lti:,': thence west street . .10!) leet lo the Mi- i northwest corner ol I lin llcitic White .May, 110 ; May, 05&& Ti ; May, 45 ; July, Xew York Money. . (My Leased Wire to. The Times) New York. Feb. 7 Money on cali, 2 per dlent: time loans, easy; 60 days, 3 per cent; 90 days, 3 3; six months, 4 per cent. Posted Rates: Sterling exchange, 484 !"; 487 . with actual business in bankers bills at 486486.05 for demand, and 483483 for CO day bills. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. , Xew York Provisions. New York, Feb. 7 -Cash produce Minneapolis, No. 1 northern wheat 111. Wheat No 2 red, 129. Corn--N'o. 2 mixed, 71 c in ele vator.; Rye No. 2 western, 89V4 f.o.b. Barley-Ftedilig, nominal. Flour Spring patents, 5.80 ter straights. 5.60. Mill Feed Spring bran, 25 27.10. : ',.;- Pork Mess. $23.50. Lard Prime western. 12.55 Tallowy-Prime city, 6. Coffee No. 7 Rio, 8. Sugar Granulated, 5.13. win- to ' Corporation Bill In The House Today (Conl inued From l'age One. I eluding (ho tax on shares. Annual re ports to the commissioner are pro vided for and financial reports on div idends, and the directors of execu tive majority are to bo held account able. .V sliding scale of fees is arranged, the minimum being $250, for which a j firm with a capital of $20,000,000 1 muy enroll itself and secure the pro tection of the government law. : Miss Loula .McDonald. Visiting Durham, Learns ol the Leath I Her I ncle. ! (Special to The' Tinies) i Duniatn. 1-eb. 7 Miss Loula ; Donald, of Raleigh, who. has been : lot : -.thence south to the' 'southwest j visiting lie family of Rev. mid Mrs. corner of the. While lot; thence west .1. C. Troy, left yesterday morning for j '58 feet to the northeast currier of lot j ; Fai-lteyi!ie, where she was called by I 'No- formerly, owned by -Patsy ' I the death Saturday night of lie 'Mr; Charles W. Troy. i Death came about 7: 15 after long illness, which had been greatly : accentuated by pneumonia about 'a .'ear ago. Mr. Troy lost his wne IMit; and was at that time living in iiini TliO.M I'rit-iV, c.vrky :.i.-'iir.;Ti-:!;. H. V. .!.''K;-:c.. IT. TIIOS. .'IL II Ii Hit iS, ti josut'A i',.. ni'i.L: or .1 AM KS K. MHKi'lH-:! 1 1 ION It Y A. i.(;NH! V ASlll.K'Y llilliX!:, i'l ASiiiiv 1.. i;.Ki-:i;. it.-. f. moxtaiu' ;;. Ill 01 !':: rilild siiir: f'-I'lH .!. i: I', o esiiir i'l'esi i'l'i-a A. A. 'THOMPSON. Vice-Pres. ,i. .1. THOMAS, CUuiu of Board. ::: SIIKI'HKKD- Attorney. DIRDCTOKS. Hoard.: iilvii!. Raleigh Collon Mills. .. I'nioii -Central Lite Insurance Company. it li uinia I rttst Company. Richmond. a. is.. I T.'. .'P.riggs ii Sons, Hardware. . Ferrall, & Co.. CI rocers. : lephi?i'd A;- shepherd. Attorneys at Law. i nicy at !.;:v., I'iltshoro, N. C. . . nt clavton liaiiUing (oniiianv, Clayton, N. X deiii Yirgi'iia Cotton Mills. . . ; . list. II. S. JF.RMAX, President. The merchan is National Bank, r.i.i:i;h, opth c.auolina. Uepo-.-t o Condil ion of T! uiiclc, j Christmas; thence south in 5 feet to Chicago Iilve Stock Market. Talladega. Ala., where was in 'the purcantile business. He hud since lived with his parenis,-.Mr. and Mrs. .1 WY C. .Troy, of FayettevUle, and was 4 1 years of age. : lie' leaves thi.-e brothers and foil' sislers. Mrs. C. C .McDonald, of Ral eingh, lining one of the .sisters. Mrs. i W. II. Hardin, of Gastonia. wile of 'the Kiiscoiml minister: Mrs. AY. L. ' Hardin, of Wayuesviile. and Mrs. Wasjiington, Feb. 7 A bulletin of-Etta Troy AVyche. of Waynesville. the United States department of ng-: complete I ho sisters, while Rev. .1. C. riciilture issued today reviews itii-'Troy. of Durham, and 11. W. Troy, of ports of farm products for the last . Alabama, are the brothers. The fun- . 160 years. The data presented are tial services were held yesterday af- particularly interesting in view of the! ternoon. present agitation for relief from high prices. j J-'.IISM IMPORTS. Union Stock Yards. Ills.. Feb. Hogs receipts 38,000; steady. Mixed and butchers 8.25 a 8.70: good heavy 8.30 a 8.70: rough heavy 8.30 a 8.45 light 8.15 a 8.55; pigs 6.!," a 8.05; bulk 8.50 a 8.65. . . Cattle receipts 16,000; 15 to 20c high er; beeves 4.40 a 7.85; cows and heifers .-.u a v.ia; siocKers ana leeueru s.w a C.50; Texans 5.00 a 6.25; calves 6.50 a 9.00. . . StheiWOeelnld 19 IVKI mai'lrai oli'n o . 10e. higher;.-nattve and western 3.75 a tne arerageror "ve yeajs 1901-19051 4.55 .0; lambs 5.76 a 8.90, . ; waa , trifle over $45r, 000, ' . 1 1, 4 "The farm products imported Into the United Slates during tho fiscal year 1 907 the year of highest rec ord," says the bulletin, "amount in value to nearly $627,000,000. Tho .imports for 1908 wero vajued nt I $540,000,000 in round numbers and Xavul Store. Savannah. Ga Feb. 7 Spirits Turpentine Firm; 59; sales, none; receipts, 177. Rosin Firm; sales, none; receipts, 1,117. ; "j' Quote. WW, 7.30; G, 7.05; N, 65: M, 6.30; K, 5.75; 1, 4.70; H, ; G. 4.43: F, 4.42'; E, 4.37; 30; C, B, A, 4.20. ; Fdeulon street : tlience east 107 let ! i I with Kdenton street to the beginning. being the same land this day sold by the party of the second part to the in 'flirty of 1 lie fust part, this, mortgage. j being given lor a portion ot the pur- I chase price I hereof. t Second Tract. j Four contiguous lots, being part of 'lot No. Hill, Shaffer's map of tile City jof Raleigh, beginning at its soiith- I west corner; running thence, east !t:i j feet: thence north 195 feet to a back i street :tlience West !!:! feet ; thence with Ray street 1 !i 5 feet to the be ginning, being lots Nos. 20, 21, 2 1. and 2". according to the map of Lie Ray property, being the same land described in a deed of even date by the parly of the second part to the party ollid first part, this mortgage being given to secure a portion of the purchase price thereof. tnts property is sold under a mortgage from Edgar L. Haugliton to th0 Raleigh Real Estate and Trust Company, recorded in Rook 212, Page 124 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county. Raleigh Real Kstate & Trust Co., v Mortgagee. This Jan. 27. 1910. WOMACK & PACE, Attorneys for Mortgagee. Jan 28 30 days. Merchants National January :?, 1010. ISank al Close of liusiness, ( . . Ili-siiiirccs. ! Loans, .ami discounts. ,$ j Overdrafts.;.':'".' secureti j and :. Miseciiri-I .'. ..... V, S.' -Ilomls lo recti r'e I ci-::ci la I ion . . . I 1 'rcniitni'.s " on I'. S j' Iton-is . . . . : . ..... j.-'" I'lh'iiking house, -.T-ii-nl- ; ! 1 arc ami (ix. il res . . . Cash on hand ar.d due. j from hanks . .'. j iRedeiiipiioh fund wil h I . I ivasitry . . . Total . . . . . . :, . ...$'!', r27. 166.01 ' I I on, nun. no 1 .0112.77 4 5,00l).no rs,i!5.5li .,000.00 28. X iabilitles. Capital slock . , Sttrid'us: ". . ,',.'. Undivided prolils Cit'culai ion Deposits . . . . Total .$ 100,000.00 4,000.00 I ."3,175.95; J 1 00,000.00 J 1,01!,753.0S . $1,257,2X&S : THE RALEIGH BANKING & TRUST COMPANY. WITH An unsurpassed history behind it sinco 1805. Safety to it Depositors. Accommodation lo its Custouiers. ; Hilling wrvice to its friends. CllAS li. JOIINSOX, V. U. BU1GGS, t rroHidcut. CasUier 'i :i e, c