mm EVENING TIMES : RALEIGH, N. 0., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 19i0. . j nan? :; Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. THIS WEATHER. UorociiM .(til K I'. M. Tuesday. For Raleigh and vicinity:. Fair, continued cold tonights Tuesday fair with rising temperature. For North Carolina: Fair and con tinued cold tonight: Tuesday increas ing cloudiness and warmer; moderate northeast and oast winds. eallier Conditions. Pressure is high over the' oasiern 'portion 1 the country, attended hy lair much colder weather from New England to -North, Carolina. At S o'clock this morning the temperature was two below zero in Boston, two above in New York City, in nl.; Wash ington, l.S at Kulcigh, and the freez ing line extended southward to .cen tral Georgia.- .-The temperature. is also ii hoiit. zero in Wyoming and 'North Dakota, Mil the barometer is con siderable lower over the west and warmer weather prevails '.in the cen tral and southwestern districts. In creasing cloudiness is reported over the southwest and rain is, falling in eastern Texas. The weather -will continue 'fain find cold in this vicinity tonight, and fair with rising temperature on Tues day. Wafer should. he cut off from exposed pipes. I,. A. DENSON. , Section Director. . MAKING OF CHURCH MEMBERS. Siiliei of Splendid Sermon At Cen trnl Church. The. theme Rev. A. D. Wilcox chose for .us m.'irmng sermon was "The making of a church member;" using these words lor his text. ' For other lounda'tions can no man lay than that IS laid v.-mob. is Jesus Christ." He said -that the foundation laid in Christ is certain and eternal and can never be uprooted and yet men in part are dissatisfied and are trying to substitute various reforms and pmlosopmes as the remedy for all evils. : No set of laws, the wisest evei drawn up can cure the evils in man. I tier can serve only as a restraint. foundations are only crutches which enable the morally ana po-ttticallv weak to walk the streets of the moral and political life until thev gain strength from the higher source.'- .lesus Christ is the only foundation. God is the supreme ruler .of the universe. His mind sways, His hand. '.controls. It is a great mistake to lay down anyt.iing as n basis of activity, except the great foundation already laid. '1 he church nas never 'professed lo lav down qualifications' for salva tion. Sue can only furnish the proper atmosphere for the christian activity. The churcli has no right to determine which of its members are Baved and which are not. There is only one wav by which a man may become a christian. ''"There is abso lutely no basis for the certainty of Druggists say that GOWANS . 'i King of External Pi-cparations will do all that is claimed for it. It is absolutely certain that if our claims were not well founded the popu larity of the wonderful remedy would not increase in the astounding nronortioii that it does. From everywhere come most encouraging letters; sales are multiplying and While your money will be l-efiuidcd cheerfully If our Preparation fails to do what we claim for it, it is u iiiigulai- thing that instead of want ing their money back patrons want more of the great External Prepa ration. Ask for it and buy TO- IAYv Have it in the home. Winter weather is on you, and you do not know what will happen tonight. Take no substitute; your druggist keeps It and there is nothing made "just as good". Demand Cowan's use Cowan's, and you will get reinilU. Three Sizes: $1.00, 50c 2oc. LiACiiitiE THE KIND YOUR MOTHER USED j other just as good. Sold for cash or easy payments at prices most attractive. Raleigh, N. C. sahaiion except Christ's words. "Ye must be born again."' Taere is a distinction between real religion and church membership, but it has never '-.'.been laid upon the .church lo (leie.-inine who are saved and who are. lost," for." human judg ment" 'is-' noi infallible. Tno doors of the church are open to nil and that is why it litis folks in it who are no; perfect, and people, say' of them .1 hoy are not li i-ng' .any ln-tter than those out of 1 lie eniircli. Tne qualifica tion;: fur membership are a desire to know (iod and to follow after Him. He said be believed that there are few men who have deliberately join ed i lie church hi fool the; world. There are more who have joined from a motive not wholly wort.iy, and there are many who have stumbled, hut t hey are . si ambling towards the cross, and ibey should be kept in the chinch; it is the proper place for them, II one waits to come into Lie church until he feels perfect, or ar good as the best man in the church, they will never'. join,-for .perfection and growth comes by long service and experience. The world is guilty of a great mis take in making the .church stand for the thoughts' of all its members. The church is not built upon tne ac tions of men but upon faitn, the weakness of one of its members does not weaken the foundation. He used as an impressive illustra tion the picture of life's travelers struggling-' tip. a steep , hill, while others lire coining .; down. On" : this journey I hey pass each other, and for a short -while are on the same plane of life, but soon those going down pass on to lower things, while those struggling upward.; are- approaching I he cross. In his closing remarks ho said he hoped his sermon would carry two messages to the hearts of his hearers, first, that the members of Central church would so live thai the world would have no cause to criticize; that their lives might always shine for the Master. , His second message was to those who were out of the church, urging them that they should not try to live the christian life outside of its at mosphere. Do not criticize the mem bers who are not living right, but turn your thoughts inward and pray God to give you a revelation of Him self., At the evening service Mr. Wilcox spoke directly, to the young men,, us ing; these words as the subject of his remarks: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain bahblings and oppositions of science falsely so called." I Timothy t',:2b.. JMKVVTION DAY AT ST. -AGNES. List of Gifts Received by the Hospital ! The treasurer of St. Agnes Hospital Wishes to "ecknowledge the kindness of the flowing friends "who sent gifts for Donation. Day at the Hospital: -.Frank' 'P. JlaVwood. KM: Mrs. R. B. Raney. $5. 00; Christ Church. $."i.00i Yiuing & Hushes. $10.00: C D. Gill & lUlpany. $r..iKi: John T. Ptilh-n, ?5,00; Have recommended Gowan's Preparation for Soro Throat, Congested Lungrt, Stiff Necks, Sprains, and any Soreness or In flammatory condition and have never been disappointed in re sults. A. TORRENCE & CO., Druggist, Pittsburg, Pa. T. P. Jermah, 11.00; Miss Lucy Darnell, $3.00; H. J. Brown Co.. $6.00; W. J. Latham. $1.25; Miss Nettie Davis, $1.00; Mrs. C. Braam, .25; Brltton Fearce, $5.00; Miss Patty Reeves, $1.00. Supplies also were kindly sent by: J. R. Ferral & Co.; H. T. Hicks ft Co.; The Misses Reese, Dr. and Mrs. V. B. Turner, M. Rosenthal & Co.; W. B. Mann & Co.: Boylan, Pearce & Co., Miss Mattle Bailey, Mrs. I. McKay Pitttnger, Mrs. W. C. Reed, Mrs. Leigh Skinner, Mrs. unanes n. jonnson, jure, indigestion. Dyspepsia or out-of-or-Charles Root Mrs. R. P. Giersch, Mrs. der 8tomacn ,fl mere, mMer of Battle, Mrs. L. P. Aldrich .pepsin. Over fifty yards of mill ends were " your stomach is lacking in ai sent by the Pilot Cotton Mills, and a gestive power, why not help the barrel of flour and a sack of sugar by stomach to do its work, not with Perry & Pearce, also supplies by the drastic drugs but a re-enforcement Revd. and Mrs. James E. King, Mrs. A. J. Haywood and Mrs. Sallle Smith. DEATH OF REV. ALVIN BETTS. One of Raleigh's Oldest Citizens Passed Away This Morning. Rev. Alvin Betts died this morning at !:10 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Dowell, on New Bern ave nue, in the S2d year of his age. ' He was one of Raleigh's oldest citizens and was a familiar figure on the streets of the city, with always a m.der 8tomach and uy9pepsia are gen pleasant word and smile for all he erav relieved five mimltes after met. He had been in feeble health for; .,.,- Iitn. ninnenRiii several years, but had only been ill for a short while before his death. The news will bo a surprise to many,nn(l y(m wln Riwayg go to the table and will be the occasion of deep re-; witi,., i,,,;,,- appetite, and what you grot, for Mr. Hells was known and , pat wl), (ast0 Kood, . because your liked all over the city. stomach and intestines will be clean He was born in Harnett county j in, fr,,sn, and you will know there June IS, 1S2S. He married Miss I, )rp not KOing to' be any more bad Lucy King, of Asbury, July 1830. j nights and miserable days for you. Her death occurred a few years ago. rney freshen yon and make you feel For several years Mr. Betts was a pastor in the Italeigh association. Ho Is survived by four children, all of this city, Mrs. H. J. Dowell, Mrs. Joe IT. Weathers, Rev. S. J. Hefts and Mr. W. F. Belts. He also leaves two brothers. Rev. A. D. lletts, of Greens boro, and Mr. Archi Hefts, of llar-'ten net t county. . . . " The funeral services will be eon ducted from the Tabernacle cbiin b tomorrow morning at I I o'clock, con ducted by the pastor, Rev. A. .1. Mon crief. The 'pall-bearers will be: Active Messrs. "W.. A. Cooper, ,1. M. Edwards. C. R. Boone, J. G. Room hour, R. N. Simms. A. II. Moone ham. ' . ' Honorary -Messrs. N. It. Itiough ton, T. W. Rlake, W. C. Richardson, .1. C. Birilsong,! Y. H, Holloway, and .lames I. Johnson. Tribute to Mr. lletts. In the death of Rev. Alvin: Retts who today went to his reward ill that realm beyond the stars, at the ripe old age of S3, the poor of Raleigh lost a more than friend, for he never failed to minister unto them, and to give theni not only his companion ship as a visitor, but 'spiritual advice full of good At the associated charit ios office ho will certainly be missed, for be Was always ready to aid the .superintendent in making visits to the sick poor, ar.d year after year devoted himself to this work, which was only one form of his spiri tual activity which has set its mark upon this community, lie was a gen tle and kindly soul, who said and did only fine things, and so he will in all truth be missed. I take peculiar pleasure in paying, this poor tribute to the memory of a man whose life was marked by so many worthy deeds. R. S. STKPHENSOX, Superintendent. .. The Ellises Here At The Grand. After concluding the most successful week in Its history, The Grand Theatre opens this afternoon with an excellent vaudeville bill that it is confidently ex pected will prove in every way as ' popular with the theatre-goers of Ral-i eigh as anything that has yet been offered at this popular amusement re sort, and that is placing a high stand ard. Several weeks ago. the manage ment of the .Grand began to arrange the clever offerings for this week After a great deal of work selecting the best acts and eliminating whatever lw thought not finite good enough;- be has( gotten together a show Unit will be a most decided success in every respect. which will no doubt be another record breaker this week. The best talent has been procured - reganlless orex.K.nse.t and the Great Ellises, the Marvelous j Exponents of Mental Telepathy, will open their engagement today at the matinee, Willi otlier tngn Class ann n.i.iii-'i' -i n-nauii; aim niuunm clever vaudeville headliners. direct j Oils colored boy, willing to do any from the larger theatres from the east. thing and stick to his work. Ap ei n and western vaudeville circuits. ' ply 32a S. McDowell St. 5-2t Madam lillis presents a must wonner ful entertainment, one that is mys-; WAxTEIV-Students for King;s Bus- tenons, and -will name and fullv cle-, . ,-, ,, ... ., . , . scribe accurately any and all articles! ness College Night School. Inves with her eyes blindfolded, will .callj-'.'. tgate Chartier Shorthand. 14-tf. those in the audience by their full ' ' ; : names! - Reveal their thoughts! Call J '.'VnV 91TV their questions from the stage and an-j DnHa, swer them '-correctly.;' The Kllises havej ' r rrputfil n ,ir Kpnntinn nil over the. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Resi United States, and are booked to play return engagements at every theatre where they have appeared for the past few months, having already played re turns at Augusta, Ga.; Atlanta, Savan nah, Macon and many other cities. .,., . . There Is no question but what Mrs. FOR SALE A nice horse, buggy Ellis was originally talented, or gifted . and harness. Family broke. Ap by nature with this peculiar power, as ply to Plummer's Stables. 15-tf she is commonly acknowledged to be . : . " - one of the greatest, adopts In this par- poR SALE About two and one-half ticular line that the world has ever produced, aiul will prove to be one or the most Interesting, weird, mysteri ous and sensational woman who has; ever visited Raleigh, and If there is anything that the patrons want to know, juts ask Madam Ellis. It looks like another big week at this comfortable amusement resort, and judging from the booking for the next ten weeks, the patrons will get a chance to see some of the biggest head line vaudeville acts appearing in any theatre. The pictures promise to be HERE IS A REAL DYSPEPSIA CURE The question as to how long you are g0ing to continue a sufferer from of digestive agents, such as are na turally at work in the stomach. People with weak Stomachs should take a little Diapepsin occa sionally, and there will be no more Indigestion, no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach, no heartburn, Sour risings. Gas on Stomach or Belching of undigested food, Head aches, Dizziness or Sick Stomach, and besides, what you eat will not fer ment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these symp toms resulting from a sour, out-of- Go to your druggist and get a 50- oenf case of Pape's Diapepsin now, nu,. life Is worth living. bettor than ever, the illustrated songs, the beautiful selections by the Grand orchestra, in fact the Grand is pre senting a great big dollars worth for live ami ten cents at the Maiinees and ami twenty cents at the - night performances.. Ask Madam Ellis. 11. ISANQUET TOXIC.MT. 1 Giorsoirs This Evening " Honor of Robert Glockling. Raleigh Local No. 30, of the Inter national Brotherhood of Bookbinders will give a banquet at Giersch's this evening in honor of Mr. Robert Glockling, president of the International- Brotherhood of Bookbinders. Tomorrow night Mr. Glockling will speak at a public meeting in Macka bee Hall in Briggs building. lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisenieiits for this column will be dc&pted t oae cent per word for- each isue, CASH with order. No adver tisements nnder ttil head will be charged. No Adv. taken for less thaa 10 CENTS an Insertion. Each figure charged aa one word. lc. WANTS lc. WANTED Copies of The Evening Times of October 27, 1909. Times office. tf WANTED Couple to board private family. Address "VV" care Times. 1-tf ; WANTED To buy at once four or five second-hand office chairs. Ad dress ."Office" care Times.. WANTED Young man with knowl edge of Bookkeeping, three years' clerking, desires employments B. Times office. 29 t. WANTED LUMBER Want to buy your lumber. Write at once to Eli B. Halloweli & Co., Raleigh, N.'C. . 5-St . HOARDERS WANTED Nice rooms, cheaper than keeping house, all - , , ,' ( jj Moi.gan - . . r . . treet. . o-4t "! ' " dence, corner Lane and Person street; nine rooms with large stables and harn'es. .. Lot 70x210. Apply to L. C. Weathers. 31- t. f. million feet of standing timber, about one mile from Zebulon, N. C. Address Box Raleigh, N. C. '. ' 7-3t.v SIX HOUSES FOR SALE $2,0OO Will pay handsome returns on in vestment. Address 1307 Hlllsboro Street. Thur., Sat., Mon. FOR SALE Fresh mileh cows. R. E. Gattie, N. Bloodwortb. St. It FOR. f SALE-Tan-Vard " property; 7 1-3 acres situated north end S. A. L. yard, side-track along side of it. For terms, apply to L. R. Wyatt, at 120 Fayetteville afreet, Raleigh, N. C. 79-11-14-16-19 FOB BENT FOR RjENT Modern house; good lo cation. Apply Darnell & Thomas. 7-tf ' FURNISH ED ROOM FOR RE NT- Modern conveniences. 319 West Edenton.St. 4-3t STORAGE OR SAMPLE ROOM FOR rent, 329 S. Wilmington Street. IB t. f. ' MISCELLANEOUS. WOMAN OF REFINEMENT TO DE- vote all or part time to high class light order work. Address B. WE SELL COUNTRY GROUND Meal. T. L. McCullers & Co. 24-tf MOXEV TO LOAN For clients on Raleigh real estate on easy terms. R. N. Simms, Attorney, 208-9 i Tucker Building. 4-6t WOMAN OF BUSINESS ABILITY TO learn Corset Fitting. Competent to lake orders among ncqnaint-i ances. Address Unbreakable. I ONLY OFFICIAL MAP OF WAKE ' County ever issued. Constructed by Government Expert. Can be secured only from The Evening Times. 80 t. f. ; VK SKU. Al.l. CORK SAI'SAfil T. L. MfCnllers & Co. 4-tf ACTIVE WOMAN TO TRAVEL state and appoint local representa tives. Experienced agent preferr ed, but not obligatory. Salary and expenses. A-l references. Ad- dress Manager. CIRCULAR 'LETTERS Exact Du plication of typewriting. Names and addresses inserted in same type. Quick service. Write for prices. Raleigh Advertising and Letter Writing Co., Ernest R. Car roll. C. C. Phone S41R Ads. so licited. Written, Placed. Mon., Wed., Fri. TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER FOR one of the New Official Maps of Wake County.' You can only se cure them from The Evening Times. ; 30 t. f. KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE GIVES the best business training, guaran tees positions. For new catalog, address J. H. King, President, Ral eigh, N. C. 14-tf. WANTED Students to take Char tier Shortland, King's Business ' College Night School. Can learn this system in about half the time required to learn a Pitman system. Address J. H. King, President, Raleigh, N. C. 14-tf. RAILWAY SCHEDULES. ALL TRAINS LEAVE UNION STATION. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Going North. Going South. 11:15 p. m. 12:20 a. m. 2:05 a. m. 4:10 a. m. 11:35 a. in. 4:05 p. m. 12:05 p. m. ; ' 6:05 p. m. (b) 5:00 p. m. Shoofly Ar. 10:05 a. m. Southern Railvvny. Going East. Going West. ; 4:30 a, m. 2:00 a. m, 12:30 p. m. 8:35 a. m. 6:30 p. in. 4:05 p. m. ' Raleigh and South port. Oolng. South : Arrive Raleigh. 8:00 a. m. 10:50 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 7.25 p. m. Norfolk & Southern. Going East. ' Arrive Raleigh, (a) 6:15 a, m. (a) 11:27 a. m (a) 4:25 p. m. h) 9:37 p. m. (a) Daily. b) Dally Except Sunday. Our spring and summer woolens have ar rived and are now on display. We are showing all of the new shades and weaves, which embrace many new and attractive patterns, both in foreign and domestic weaves. Call and let us have your order for present or future delivery. A. C. Hinton, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor, Rooms 209-210-211-212 Carolina Trust Building, Raleigh, N. C. Reduction 50c. Ties now 35c. 3 for $1.00 EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, HABERDASHER. FAYETTEVTLLE STREET .... . . . RALEIGH, N. O. CAPITAL CITY PHONE 722. Mardl-Gras Celebration New Orleans, La Mobile, Ala., Ponsncola, Fla., February 3-8, 1910. Greatly Re. duced Excursion Fares Via Norfolk and Southern Ry. The annual Mardi-Oras Carnivals, celebrated simultaneously at New Or leans, La., Mobile, Ala., and Pensa cola, Fla., from February 3rd to 8th, inclusive, will be more elaborate than upon any previous occasion. Tickets sold by Norfolk and South ern Railway February 1st to 7th, In clusive, limited to return February 19th. Tickets may be extended by paying $1.00 at destination. Stop overs allowed. Get complete information from any " CROSS & LINEHAN CLOTHES. There are scores of game fighters, but there is one champion in each class. He is a man who gives men the biggest "run for the money." Champion of their class are our SUITS AT 17 Formerly $30, $28, $25, and $22.50 cracker-jack crea tions in fancy mixtures which have proven so popular this season and which are going to be even more so next season. Some black unfinished worsted in late models. And the man who needs shirts, whether for dress or for rough usage, can get just what he wants in our line of pleated 'and half shield bosoms in fancy patterns, form erly $1.50, at $1,00. FAYETTEVILLE STREET .... RALEIGH, N. C. mm FROM ticket agent of Norfolk and Southern Railway, or addre. i H. C. Hudglns, G. P. A., Norfolk. "VS. -AT- TOYLAND in Neckwear

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