THE EVENING TIMES: KALEKJH, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1D10. PAGE SEVEN 10 Inch Hammered Brass Jardiniere For $2.00 J' MAHLER'S RICH CUT GLASS NEW GOODS ARE COMING EVERY DAY TO MAKE OUR STOCK COMPLETE. Remember it is all New Our sale cleaned up all the old goods and you can shop with the satisfaction of knowing it is fresh and new.'; Special showing this week in Mercerized Cottons, Colored and White Linens, Long Cloth, Cambrics, Bleached Domestics, Gingham and Percales. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Company. WE SELL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. 6 obbitt - DRUG COMPANY Ifc.lh I 'hones, 109. We recommend Dr. IV Tooth Brushes, 2 LIQUID VENEER Makes old things new. Easy to use. A child can apply it on v WOODWORK, PIANOS, FURNITURE. Wholesale and Retail. Thos H Briggs & Sons The Big1 Hardware Men. RALEIGH, M. O. Money to Lend In Wake County Only. On either Real or Personal Security. V B. F. MONTAGUE. Boom 18-10 rnllen rtulldhig, City Umbrella Stands, Vases, Fern Dishes, etc., in Ham mered Brass at Equally Low Prices while they last. FOR THIS WEEK we are selling at greatly reduced lrices a number of patterns in Rich Cut Glass that we are going to discontinue. IJon-bon, $1.2."; Celery Dishes, $2.75; Howls, 82.75; Vases $3.00; Comports, : fsa.a5.'- MAHLER'- SONS. SHAKHSMITIIS. Wyiie J. N. Johnson's sizes, 25 and 35c. THE BEST SALESMAN is u neatly-trimmed and brilliantly illuminated display window that at tracts the attention of the shoppers and will usually bring thein into your place of business. LIGHT YOCK WLMHWS WITH ELECTRICITY. CAROLINA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY. F F V Hams Klngun Reliable Hams. Busy Bee Hams. ric-Xic Hams. Caro Shoulders. Kingan B. Bacon. BOTH I'HOXES. RUDY & BUFFALOE. CONGER ON STAND Considered It Blackmail He States to the Senate In HcuriiiK of Senators A lids mid Conger of New York State- Senate. Charged With Bribery, Conger ou Stand Says He Considered tlie Mat ter blackmail He Tells of Meet ing of Allds and His Brother Frank. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Albany, N. Y., Feb. 17 More bombs were expected today when tiie senate hearing into the bribe charge brought against Senator Jotham P. Allds and Senator Benn Conger, was resumed and the bombs came. Many prominent women were in the galleries, among them being Airs. Martin W. Littleton, wife, of Allds' chief counsel; Mrs. O. P. H. Belmont, Miss Inez Millson, the suffragette leader, who was recently imprisoned while working in behalf of striding girl skirt waist makers in New York; Mrs. James W. Wadsworth, wife of the speaker; and Mrs. Tim otny L. Woodruff, wife of the repub lican state chairman. The name of Jean Burnett, the leg islator now dead, accused of accept ing a bribe, came up immediately when Senator Conger in taking the stand was cross-examined by Attor ney Carr. The senator In answer to questions said he had talked to Mr. Burnett about the amendment to the Stevens-Malby bills. He said he had conversation with Mr. Allds within a day or so after the bills had been re ported from the committee and this conversation took place in the corrt dor of the assembly chamber, he as serted, and there was no one present at the time. According to Conger, Allds said: "Ben, you fellows think you have that bill bottled up in your commit tee but don't forget, my boy, that there is a rules committee. I under stand there is something doing with that bill on the floor. You had bet ter get your American bridge fellows down here." Senator Conger told of talking with his brother Frank over the long distance telephone, and later arrang ing a meeting between Frank and Allds, at his apartments at 67 Jay street. Frank Conger and Allds, he said, talked for fifteen or twenty min utes. Questioned, he deceiared he broached the Stevens bill, the subject of the consultation. He saw them together three or four days later. Closely questioned as to his atti tude, Conger said: "1 considered it blackmail rather than robbery." The answer was stricken from the record. Continuing, the witness said he did not consider Allds proposition bribery. "I considered it blackmail," he said again, and the remark was once more stricken out. A moment later he made the same reply and for the third time it was stricken out. Then when Carr said, "You didn't consider it bribery," Conger rcplier, "No." Conger testified that shortly before the alleged meeting between his brotiiir and Allds he had a talk with the latter on corruption in I lie legis lature. Conger said his brother visited Al bany also once a week and told him in advance of" Moe coming. He said Fred Saunders, of Madison county, then a committee cle.'k in the assem bly, was at the table with himself and Moe when the latter was with him. On direct testimony Conger had testified that he and Moe break fasted in his room. Today ho said tney look the meal at the general table. Conger tried to explain but Mr. Carr would not allow him. He said he did not count the bridge money after breakfast. He did not want to have anything to do with it. He repeated here that he "knew it was blackmail and the answer was again stricken out. "Didn't you testify that this was bribery?" he was asked. - , Judge Van Wick objected and was sustained. The giving of money under duress it was declared, does not carry the intent necessary to con stitute bribery. Asked if he kept tally on the mon ey congress, said he directed its di vision and placing in envelopes and saw it counted. "Wheer did the envelopes come from?" "I had them In my room." Asked if he gave the full namos of the recipients to write on the enve lopes, the witness said he didn't re member. Conger said he met the man who got the $4,000 in the assembly corri dor. He admitted that he watched the envelope, which was larger than the others to be sure It was delivered. "FRAUDS UPON THE PUBLIC" Is what some physicians have called patent .medicines, and it is undenia bly true that some are frauds and some are even worse, because they arc injurious. On the other hand, there are many patent medicines such as Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, and others, which are of real worth, and are recommended by, physicians of recognized standing. HUBBARD A WITNESS Testies In Favor of the Cotton Exchange Argued That Business of Hie ( ul (on K.Ychnngc is Legitimate Diuii founded at the Proposition Made by the Government A Moral Question. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Feb. 17 The first witness before the house agricul tural committee today ou the hear inges on cotton futures was S. T. Hubbard, former president of The New York cotton exchange. Mr. Hubbard made a conservative argument to show that the business of the cotton exchanges is legitimate.' "I am dunifoundcd," he said "to see the government some forward with a proposition that business must be done under a precedent, rather than under conditions that arise from day to day." He said ihe cotton ex change is not local to New York but represents every state in the union, and its branches extend to the business marts of the world." "It is not necessary," he added, "that every bale of cotton should be weighed, sampled and examined at every change of ownership. This is one of the rules of the exchange. The south is the seller, and the ex changes operate in its interest. Cot ton exported to Liverpool is this, that when the contract it made here it is not accepted in Liverpool at the price made on this side, the Liverpool exchange deducts for any damage that may be done in transit. The seller loses this. Americans have the right ' to buy and trade in anything excepi foreign ships but this was prohibited by law." ! In closing his argument Mr. Hub bard declared that if the exchanges could not do business under the proposed law they would find a way : to do it, intimating thai the busi ness could be carried on in Liverpool. Mr. Hubbard was followed by Mr. jL. Mandlcbaum, of New York, who !said he was a cotton broker, and a ! member of the New York cotton ex change. I He was dramatic in his testimony. saying he had been trying to determ ine what the pending bills before the committee have for their object. "According to the Burleson bill," he said, " a man can buy all the cotton he wishes, but he could not ' sell it." ' I It seemed to him that congress i wishes to make it a moral question. If is is immoral Tor the cotton ex changes to exist why should con jgress permit the New York Coffee 'exchange? He said if the cotton exchange is legal, then every bale of cotton sold is for delivery. He said it might not i be known generally, but the only ones who are fighting the cotton ex changes are the spinners, arc forming themselves into a trust, and if they could kill the exchange it would place t he farmers at the mercy of the spinning trust. ITCH GOXE IXSTAXTLY PROOF AT : 13 CENTS. What eczema sufferer would not spend -5 cents to cure that, terrible agonizing itch? I Since our repeated recommenda tions failed to induce some Eczema sueff rers right in this town to try D. D. D. Prescription at $1.00 a bottle. we arranged with the D. D. D. Lab- had ' foundation in fact whatever, oratories of Chicago to offer a special Senator Davis replied that he did not trial for the present at only 25,"ow it for a fact, but "by jinks", he cents for this special bottle. This believed it to be so. nominal price is made to assure aj Senator Owens said the exhibition . trial by every skin sufferer. whic h the senator from Arkansas was The remedy will convince you j-j making before the country made his stantly for it takes the itch away the remarks utterly worthless. He pro very moment vou start to wash the ceeded to explain the blh, which he skin, and it cures as we KNOW. , Heny T. Hicks Co. and Tucker Build : ing Pharmacy. I- :- WRIGHTS SECURE AN INJUNCTION (By Leased Wire to The Times) New York, Feb. 17 Judge Hand in the United States court today granted a temporary injunction to Wilbur and Orville Wright in their proceedings against Louis Paulhan, - toss it to the winds," he con the French aviator, in connection Mnued. "I never had any for him, with t.ieir dispute over airship mau- anyway." ufacture. I The bill was finally passed, with The writ restrains Paulhan fromenator Davis being on:y one to using me tiytng macnine wnn wnicn ac nas neen giving exiuuiuons an over the country. The injunction Is granted pending tuc hearing of the patent lutringenicut brought by the. Wrights. Legislative Caucus Defeated. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Jackson, Miss., Fob. 17 Follow ing a sensational debate the legisla tive caucus proposition was defeated. Tho usual crop of rumors proved ' groundless and there is no Indication of withdrawal on the part of any can didate. j The fifth ballot resulted as follows: Vardauian, 66; Percy, 43; Kyle. 20; Byrd, 15; Street, 18; Alexander, 2; j Anderson. 3: Noel. 1. Necessary to choice, 85 ORDERED TO LEAVE AH American L amps Will Have to Clear Out Kstrada Says American Tramps Will Have to Fight or Flee the Country. Says They Are Demoralizing the Revolutionary Army Consul siof. fatt Says That Merchant Ships Will Land Them in the Vnited States. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Orleans, Feb. 1 7 American tramps and adventurers will have to clear out of Nicaragua. That Is the latest edict of Estrada government issued to the request of the United States consul, Moffatt, who is called "the King of Nicaragua" by the. in habitants of Bluefields. Consul Moffatt secured the order from General Estrada in the Interest of good Order and peace in Bluefields, because American tramps, it was said, were disturbing conditions so that it was difficult to prevent frequent brawls. Since the revolution the American adventurers have been coming into the country from all quarters of Latin-America in the hope of securing something soft when the government was over thrown. Consul Moffatt saw this state of affairs was resulting in demoraliza tion for the revolutionists. After consulting with General Estrada he gave them the undesirable choice of going to the front and fighting for the insurgents or being deported. At first the Americans were inclined to laugh at the order, but Consul Mof fatt communicated with the com mander of one of the American gun boats. A squad of blue-jackets ar rived in Bluelields and the "Cabal Icr- ous de Industria' were informed that they could either go aboard tuc merchant ships sailing to the gulf pons of the United States or Amcri-, can cruisers would take charge of them and land them at some place on the C'arribean coast. Thereupon en sued an exodus so that the saloons and other resorts of quarrelsome Americans are empty. : SENATOR DAVIS STIRS UP A ROW (By Leased Wire to The Times) Washington, Feb. 17 The bill providing for the construction of pipe lines through public lands in Arkansas, which passed the senate but was recalled from the house in order to enable Senator Davis, of Ar kansas, to discuss it, was brought up in the senate today and was the cause; of a row between Senator Davis and Senator Owen, of Oklahoma. Sena tor Davis declared that the legisla tion was in the interest of the Stand- jard Oil Company, which he charaac- terized as "a gang of thieves and rob bers." "The only place where they should bo permitted to go is straight to hell", ho said. "Where they would be met by that arch devil, John D. Rockefeller." He challenged any democrat to vote for the measure except the: senator from Oklahoma, who, he said, ho understood was in terested in the corporation. Senator Owen arose and said that the , statement In the ."impudent 'speech" of the senator from Arkansas i said was introduced by Senator Clarke, of Arkansas, ana in the house by Representative Johnson, of Ar kansas and reported favorably by Representative Johnson, of Arkansas. It had also been recommended by the secretary of state of Arkansas, Discussing Davis he said "He has iiu iiutiici ciuiiu iui ruin luaj upon .the senator from Oklahoma. lie has also forfeited his respect, and 1 want him to remember that." j "So far as his respect is concerned" replied Senator Davis. "I do not give" (here the senator stopped short and merely snapped his fingers.) votc jn tuc negative. A Safeguard to Children. "Our two children of six and eight years have been since infancy subject to colds and croup. About three years ago I started to use Foley's Honey and Tar, and it has never fail ed to prevent and cure these troubles. It is the only medicine I can get the children to take with out a row." The above from W. C Ornstein, Green Bay, Wis., duplicates the experience of thousands of other users of Foley's Honey and Tar. Klng-Crowell Drug Co., (Fayettevllle and Hargett streets. Where a crazy man Is superior to others Is he Is willing to stand by bis convictions. GRAND JURY AFTER THE NIGHT RIDERS ( By Leased Wire to The Times.) Covington, Ky., Feb. 17 The spe cial federal grand jury called to in vestigate t he workings of the Bui Icy Tobacco Society convened here today. The government has much evidence,1 gathered by a large torce ol secret service operatives, bearing on night riding in Kentucky. SXOVV IX THE WK.ST. Blizzard and Snow Storm With Severe i Cold. ' By Leased Wire to The Times) - St. Louis, Feb. 17 A blizzai'd raged in the 'southwest all night, i Snow commenced to fall today in St, Louis. It is accompanied by a high wind and is drifting, causing delay to railroad traffic; It cold at Kansas City. Is cloudy and Snow at Springfield. (By Leased AVI re to The limes) Springfield. 111.. Feb. 1 7 Eight inches of snow fell here curing We night. ' Cold at Denver. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Denver, Feb. 17 It was two be low zero here today. Severe Snow Storm. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 17 The worst snow storm in three years has raged in Indianapolis and vicinity the past 24 hours. Fully one foot of snow covers the ground and drifts of several feet have caused delays of from one to five hours on city and inter-urban car lines. The recital of Shakespeare's King Henry IV tomorrow evening at Mere dith College, by Mr. Hannibal Wil liams, of New York, is not a number in the concert-lecture course. TicK ets on sale at Klng-Crowell Drug Co. Office Supplies Cabinets, Loose Leaf Books, Letter Files, Oliver Typewriters, Wutcr man's Ideal Fountain Pens, Cash Boxes, Invoice Books, Etc. Everything For the Office. EASTER CARDS AND BOOKLETS. The Office Stationery Company, JAMES E THIEM, Manager. Capital City Phone 811 F. 11! E. Hargctt St. Blankets and Quilts Nicely Laundred. If you lutve any of these that need laundry in??, we want tlie job. We have made this plant competent to take cave of just such work. Trv us and be satisfied. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH N. C. Plain facts about Whiskey is "jam up" to the standard of purity. It is a straight Rye Whiskey and is made in the largest whiskey distillery in the world. Every gallon of Clarke's Pure Rye is aged in Government warehouses from six to eight years. It is bottled in bond and guaranteed 100 proof. Clarke's Pure Rye has a rich mellow llavor and marked food value. For egg-nog and other whiskey drinks it is fine. The medicinal value of Clarke's Pure Rye is a very im portant item. Every good householder should have a sup ply in his medicine chest. CLARKE BROS, ic CO., Distillers, PEORIA, ILL. NOTE THESE WHOLESALE PRICES 4 Full Quart 6 Full Quarts 12 Full Quarts We prepay H. CLARKE & SONS, Inc., RICHMOND, VA. IMSTI5IHCTORS FOR CLARKK ISROS. COMPANY. PILES Quickly Cured liiHinni Itelief. Permanent Cur Trial Package Mailed Free to All iu Plain Wrapper. Wo want every man and woman, buf fering from the excruciating torture of piles just send their name and ad dress to, us and get by return mail a free trial package of the most effective and positive euro ever known for this disease, Pyramid Pile Cure. The way to prove what tills great remedy will do in your own case, is to juU till out free coupon and send to us and you will get by return mail a free sample of Pyramid Pile Cure. Then after you have proven to your self what it can do. you will go to the druggist and get a 01) cent box. Don't undergo an operation. Opera tions arc rarely a success and often lead to terrible consequences. Pyramid Pile Cure reduces all inflamation, makes ' congestion, irritation, itching, sores and ulcers disappear and the piles simply quit. No kn lie and Its torture, No doctor and his bills. For sale at all drug stores at 60 cents a box. ; Free Package Coupon Fill out the blank lines below with your name and address, cut out coupon and mail to the PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY. 210 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. A sample package of the great Pyramid Pile Cure will then be sent you at once by mail, FREE, In plain wrapper. Name Street .. .. .. City and Stato .. .. .. .. .. c. t. Mcdonald, XOTARY PUBLIC. Room 201 Tucker Building, RALKIGH, N. C. Times Building. $5.00 Express Paid 6.50 Express Paid 12.00 ExprcR ?id the Express V ft X - . . . - . . , :