THE EVENING TIMES: RALEIGH, N. 0., TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1&10. PAGE THREE (iiitnt to Ik An Oriole. The following from the Baltimore papers will be read with interest by North Carolinians: 'in speaking along the subject of pitchers, Dunn referred' ,to Bob Gant, who, while- pitching for Trinity Col lege at Durham, N. C, last spring, held the Philadelphia Nationals down- to a 0-to-0 game for eight in nings and then allowed them but one hit in the. .ninth,, which later gave them a run. Dunn's chances of bring ing Gant here in June, when he fin ishes up at college, are stronger, as there is little doubt but what Doc Adkins could land him. It was Ad dfe's Jong experience in the box which developed Gant, for since Ad die has been coaching Trinity a marked Improvement, in the young ster's form has been noted. Gant's erratic form when- he first entered school was almost a byword with his fellow-students, and It was never known when the lad entered the box whether' he would pilch a .shut-out game or go all to pieces on the get on. Due to .several years training under one old at the game, Gant now shows wonderful form and is also re liable." American. j "Addle (moaning Doc. Adkins) has Ins eve on a big six-foot-tour 2110 poiuid college- pitcher 'Hig Hob' (intit, at "Trim'tv College, N. C. The "big fellow bus :i lino record for shut out and no-hit games, lie held the I'hillio Nationals, with Covaloski, the I'lilc, down to a one-hit, one-run game l.'isl spring. Bobby will finish school in June and he will toss a few for the Hints to show what speed and El; III lie has." Hun. Charlie Doom, of the Phillii':;, invented a new catcher's glove. h.e Trinity lo I'lay l'liillii-s. It 1s altogether likely .that I lie Philadelphia gami'S will Trimly will lie played, one in Southern Pines and the other in Durham. If there is no hitch tile first game will lake place March 12, and the second at home on a later dale. The other grimes Man ager Crawford will announce the I:i I -If r pin t ol l he week. . I.iihI night two prominent Carolina college coaches were seen hobnob bing together on the streets of Ral eigh, Frank Thompson, of A. & M., and Horner Benton, of Wake Forest. These two are close personal friends, but when it; comes to athletics, par ticularly baseball, they had rather give each other defeat, than most, any- iiiuiK i iiai cuuiu ue sugKtme.u. cacu will use every effort to make his team win from the other, and, in fact, each would rather his team won from the other than defeat every other team in the state. This is good, healthy rival ry which does not Interfere with per Wills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are un equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues - are widely recognized, as they pos sess peculiar properties In freeing the system from that poison. Ele gantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. THE REVELRY I'ICITHES CHANGED DAILY. Tin Two New Itiogiapli Films: "The Last Deal." "The Woman From Alellon's." The New Metropolitan Introducing three clever, clean and refin ed Vaudeville Acts, Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs. GEAR AND GEAR, Aerial Act. LOUISE HUDSON, Comedy Ventriloquist. MR. AND MRS. FRANK GIBBON, Comedy Sketch Team.' ' ILLUSTRATED SONGS MOVING PICTURES Matinee 3:30 . . , . . . . Nights, 8:30 and 9:30 . . . Rheumatism is instantly relieved by Moms Pric, 5e., soc, and .ooi sonal friendship. Both coaches ex pressed themselves as being well pleased' with the outlook' for' their teams for the coining season. Coach Thompson said he had a big bunch of fine material, most of them being men of experience. The burden of the .pitching will be on Sexton, Rob erson, and Stafford, though two new pitchers will be developed.' ' Coach Benton said while Wake Forest had almost an entirely new bunch they were snowing up wen. in ere are 35 men working for the team,- and they are working hard. Christy Mathewson, the star twirler of the Giants, who is now with his club in Texas showing off a few things that even Manager Mt- Graw did not seem to know. Mc Graw had an idea that he had a new "hit" and "run'' scheme that would be a Winner. He had "Matty" pitch a few hard ones in and Instructed the men a6 bat to hit "at" and run un der certain conditions. To get the ball and the conditions were what MeGraw wanted, - but the running was a failure. MeGraw was about to give up in disgust, when Matty ad vised him to try it over again. The next time, by his quick comprehen sion of a new method. Batty brought to successful fruition the very trick MeGraw was planning. .-. A1. Wolgust. The lightweight champion of the world was born in Cadillac, Michigan, in' 1888, but now lives in Milwaukee. He has fought seventy one fights since lie entered the ring four years ago and has only lost one of them. -'.'.-'" '; Trinity's Home Schedule. The schedule for games on home grounds between Trinity College and visiting teams has been arranged by "Senator" Clyde Crawford, manager, and it shows 21 games for the year. This is far and away the best home series of the entire athletic seasons past. It has been many a year since there were 20 games offered, in fact IS is generally called high water. And these generally include about four prep, schools, while there is but one such game this year, and that ,vith Trinity's young brother, the park school. The biggest interest will center in the Wake Forest game. It is the one state college game in which the peo ple here are interested. Not since . Prices 5 and 10 Cents. . Prices 10 and 20 Cents. ZW' J. . .- : :.. .j.-. Piles Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent '' Cure ' "Trial Package Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper. s Piles is a fearful disease, but easy to cure, If you go at it right. An operation with the knife Is dan gerous, cruel, humiliating and - un necessary: x.There is just one other sure way to be cured painless, safe, and in the privacy of your own home it is Py ramid Pile Cure. We mail a trial package free to all who write. ,-. ,, Yt will give you instant relief, show you the harmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start yon well on the way toward a perfect cure. Then you can get a full-sized box from any druggist for 50 cents, and often one box cures. Insist on having what you call for. If the druggist tries to sell you something just as good, it is because he makes more money on the substi tute. The cure begins at once and con tinues rapidly until It is complete and permanent. . You can go right ahead with your work andNie easy and comfortable all the time. It is well worth trying. Just send your name and address to Pyramid Di ng Co.. 92 Pyramid Build ing, Marshall, Mich., and receive free by return mail the trial package in a plain wrapper. . -' . " Thousands have been cured in this easy, painless and inexpensive way, In l lie privacy of the home. '- No knife and its torture. No doctor and his hills. All druggists, fit) cents, day for a free package. Write to- "Big" Williams was on the team that came here from Wake Forest has there been certainty of a good match and for the past seven or eight years there have been few games. Since going into the S. I. A. A. Wake For est has not come here at. all. Manager Crawford went to Ral eigh two weeks ago and from there to Wake Forest to arrange the game. He wanted to get a series with the Baptists and he was rewarded. There will be two games, one in Wake For est April 30, 12 days after the con test here. In another week Manager Craw ford can announce the schedule com plete, which will have 30 or more games in it, not including t he Phila delphia games which are more likely to be played. His schedule for the home series will be: March 15 Trinity Park School. 19 Atlantic Christian College. 24 I .a Fayette College. 25 LaFayette College. 2H Amherst College. 28 Amherst College. . April 1 Trinity College (Connecticut). 2 Trinity College (Connecticut). 5 Richmond College. 6 Hampden-Sydney (Virginia). lS-r-Wake Forest College. 20 State University (Kentucky). 21 State University (Kentucky). 25 University of Georgia. 20 University of Georgia. 29 Eastern College. 30 Eastern College. ' May 4 Central University (Ken tucky). 5: Central University (Ken tucky). 10 Washington and Lee Univer ..' sity. 11 Washington, and l.oe University.-. . Hoarse Coughs, Stuffy Colds. Pain in chest and sore lungs, are symptoms that quickly develop into a dangerous illness it the cold is not cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stops the cough, heels and eases the con gested parts, and brings quick relief. King-Crowell Drug Co., (Fayetteville and Hargett stretes.) IXIU STIHAIi CONGRESS. Anson County School Children Meet. at. Wadesbom. (Special to Te Times.) to Wadesboro, March 1 A large number of children will gather in the Wood mid 'Iron Works buildliis Saturday frnm cverv u,.timi nf flip nniintv nn 111. - " -- .... -.-ii.-i.hi .ii mi- him ui me ijiiiiiuen s iiiuusiriai i nnuress 10 oe held under the auspices of the Woman's Hetternient Assmiiitinii of Anson county. In this -county there are 40 rural schools and each school will elect two delegates one boy and one girl to represent the school In the congress. At this meeting short addresses on In dustrial education will Vie delivered by prominent citizens and the children will be taught to mount pictures which they will carry back home as models and at the next gathering prizes will be award ed to the schools whose scholars have none tne Desi worn, mis garnering 01 cildien is under the auspices of the Betterment Association, of which Mrs. I , ... !. . ,, , Eugene Little is the enthusiastic presi-! dent and who has the support and assistance or Colonel John T. Pntrlck, the leader in the Velopmellt. line of Industrial de- LaGripp pains that pervade the en tire Bystem, LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain, are quickly cured by ! Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mildly InvnllvA nata and fArtnln In rpaulta I King-Crowell Drue Co., (Fayette- vllle and Hargett BtreeU. AMUSEMENT METROPOLITAN The bad weather last night could not have kept very many away from the opening of the Metropolitan thea tre, as the house was crowded from gallery to orchestra, and nothing but ords-of praise same from those who witnessed the performance. As reviewed by a representative of this paper it can be easily said that the Metropolitan opened its doors with as clen and as neat a vaude ville show as has ever been seen in Raleigh. 'Three strong acts are given and each one is of the highest type. The manager of this house is to be congratulated on the booking of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibbons, in a comedy sketch act. This act is out of the ordinary, not one of these "knock down acts", but an act that is re fined and up to date. Gear and Gear, the aerial artists, won considerable favor among the patrons of the thea tre last night. Their net is good. Miss Louise Hudson, ventriloquist, was also recognized us an artist of ability in her act. The illustrated song witli quar tette came in for their share of ap plause, receiving encores which they responded to several times. This theatre has been made en tirely anew. The walls have been re painted and each window is draped with heavy green curtains, which add much to the appearance of the inter ior. The old boxes have been torn away and an orchestra pit lias been installed. Levin's orchestra furn ished the music. The scenes are good and one especially, a drop-curtain, which is ii good likeness of Fayelle ville street. When I his curtain was lowered last night it created' quite a stir among those present..-.' Beginning this ufieriiooii at 3:30 o'clock a matinee will be given every afternoon, at which time special at tention will he given to children ami their attendants. Night performances will begin at S;30 and !i::iil, Willi im entire change of bill every Monday and Thursday nights. GRAND Sig Reinfleld's Refined Lady Min strels opened their second week's en gagement yesterday at l lie Grand to appreciative audiences, -with an- en tirely new : performance from the Grand overture to the finishing num ber of the olio, and is indeed a most decided hit. all through. Among the new and. popular, song' hits rendered during the minstrel is "You Can't Guess', by Miss Esther; "My South ern Rose," by Miss Beatrice; "Child hood," by Miss Flo; "Marry Carrie, Harry," by ' Miss Isabelle, and "The Only One," by Miss Nellie, all sung in a most up-to-date style, and are received with appreciative applause. The olio consists of new musical numbers, comedy sketches, songs, monologues, and good dancing. The new wardrobe worn in the change of program is, very pretty, and adds a great deal to the clever performance offered by these pretty young ladies, entitled "The Little Prince," were more than well received, the act Bellows, Temple and Bellows, who present an exceptionally . cleve" act. being different from the regular run of vaudeville acts, and the piece is well acted by the three clever 'people who are presenting It, which makes tears and smiles appear on the pat rons faces during this beautiful sketch. Little Prince is a most won derful child .performer, -.and no one should miss Seeing him during their engagement at the Grand. New pic tures are run and beautiful selections rendered by the Grand orchestra. It's a good show and everyone was pleased. . Adv.-It EVEHVlSODY DELIGHTED. Xewbro's Herpiciile Destroys the Dan droll' (ii'iiu anil IVevcnts ItnlditcKK. Quinine and rum and a whole lot of other things, are pleasant to rub on the scalp after washing it free of dan druff, hut not one preparation of the general run cures dandruff and fall ing hair. It is necessary to kill that germ, to lie permanently cured of dandruff, and to stop falling hair. Newbro's llerpicide will positively destroy thai germ, so that there can be no more dandruff, and so that l,..f.. ,,-ill iri-r 1 v.. ...l.. .ta.. .-"-jllic 11(111 Mill fi'W" (!. HI Iflllll., . Uf" stroy the cause, and you will reniov the effect." gists. Send pie lo The Sold by leading drug IPc. in stamps for sam Herplcide Co., Dei roil. Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Henry T. Hicks Co. and Tucker Huilding Pharmacy, Special Agents. EM M.EM I'KESEXTEI). ISoynl .Xrc.'iniiiu Held An Eujoyililc .Meeting; l,nst Xlglit. Raleigh Council of the Royal Ar- cannlll !u,j ., most enjoyable nieet- jng iast njgin. ... ' ,,,, Regent Herman Heller was pre- , " 1 sentcd Wl,h a "tiiu.l souvenir spoon, suiianiy engraved, me presen- tation being made by Mr. John E. Ray. On behalf of the council Mr. Chas. U. Harris presented Past Regent Jno. E. Ray a beautiful watch charm. After the meeting the members enjoyed a smoker. Every man has theories about rais ing a family before be marries, BOYLAN-PEARCE 0. BOYLAN-PEARCEiCO. THE An export coi'sctiore direct from New-' York will he here to exhibit these lat est styles. . She aecouiijlisheswonderful figure hnnroveinont with the long shapely lines aiul wonderful tit of La ("Jreetjue Corsels. (Jome and lei her show yon how. 1o add lo your shapeliness and" bodily comfort. Our Tailor-Made Spring Suits - - ..-'-. . . ' '" ; ...''. I - ' The new Spriny,' and Slimmer styles, il' anyi liinn, a. lil lh' bit snifiricr ami more exclusive than usual. They arc jus, sin-h styles as you'd see .on Fil'lh avenue or 1 he boulevards ol' Paris. Kvcry shale and weave ihat a woman could possibly-wish for. The Twilled Sere Siiils. Wide Wai'e Worsteds, Diag onals, plain and fancy stripes, shepherd che !;: and no ciiy .weave.-', lH'lirvt'he perfection ol beauty so ardcnlly sought. Di r hobby is to :v!i .he most stylish SuiK obtainable at ' :,-$25.00 You are esoeciallv invited lo see l hi;" 'l.'-:') I in."'.' e i;a ve oth -. m-. some " '. . ' ' ' " ; '" less in price, ol hers a lillle hiirlier. ' ' ' ' Reinfield's Lady Minstrels have been re-engaged for this week Presenting an entirely new Performance, New Ward robe, new Songs, Dances, Jokes, a Festival of Song, a Jubilee of Melody, as an added attraction "The Little Prince." NOTE. A beautiful company souvenir given to every one attending THE GRAND at every performance during the week. Matinee 3:30 - - - - Night 8 and 9:30 1,100 Comfortable Seats. LA GltECQlE IS THE QUEEN OF EXHIBITION AND DEMONSTRATION OF e Oofsefs who so ably represented the denionstraiion is free, and in fi'ood old town of ours. The Mme. BACON, 1 lave a nt-tinu; at 1 he hands of LA ;RK)lTK people last March in Ibis store, and sold more Corsets than has ever been sold before or since in 1 he same space of tiine in this no wise citlail.s any obliga tion tn buy unless you so de sire. I an Avalanche of Presenting the one act ALL CORSETS. it Merriment. And . . playlet ATME