"' t - THE EVENItTO TIMES: KAtiElfcll ST. C., MokDAYiACII 7, 1910. ACU HI CUT ' 4 TABOURETTES! GOLDEN OAK Very special. The greatest Bargain you can buy in a Tabourette. Special Prices prevail every day at the People's Popular Store. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. Raleigh, N. C. THE WEATHER. Forecast till s . in. Tucsilav. Ftir Rjtl'iKti and viciniiy: Kail to night and Tuesday cooler tonight. Fin- North I'aioiina: Fair tonight and Tucsilav, cooler tonight; moderate to. bri( wostorlv wimls. WFATUKI! IM'ITH )S. ' The ilisUirtiance that occupied the northwest on Saturday moved oast ward across the Lakes anil is now passim; off tlii' noi thorn coast. It is attcmk'd by rain in Xew Knglaml and by snow (lurries in its rear ovor the Lake region. Somewhat colder weather prevails' ovor the northern and central districts, but conditions are still com paratively mild, in all .sections of the country. The weather is clear throughout the Southern States. It will be cooler in this vicinity tonight and will continue fair during the next two or three days. 1.. A DKNSi .". Section Director. DEATH OF H. ,L SAXDKKS. Died lit His Home in Johnson County Yesterday Afternoon. Mr. H. J. Sanders died at lii.s homo in Johnson county, Sunday afternoon. March fi. at four o'clock, in Ills sard year. Mr. Sanders leaves a wife, who is 78. two sons and two daughters, all of whom reside in Johnson county except one son. Mr. J. A. Sanders, who is man ager of the National Biscuit Company, of Raleigh. He served three years in Confederate army, was always 'willing and anxious to help a neighbor and was honest and upright. The funeral will bo held at the family burying, ground In Johnson county this afternoon at four o'clock. : iui.li i ri nsr.i i;t;. Ili-maius of M-s. Susan Kaynor Me-.- Milliu Interred in t'il ' Cemetery Tl'is Morning. The remains ol Mrs. Susan: Itaynor .McMillin. the wife of . Claude L. Me Millin. of rittsbuis. I'll':, wore interred in the I'olk family Iniryim; plot In the city cemetery this morning, at lrt:3v o'clock. Mis. McMi'.'in. who was a daughter of Hi.' 'hue. Hon. Kenneth Kaynor. of ttiis city, died ill Pittsburg, I'a.. March j; 'where her funeral service was con ducted. The' remains leached Raleigh yesterday . afternoon and were placed in the parlors of the llrown V'nder taking Company until this morning, when they were into nod in the City Cemetery, the service being 'conducted by Hey. M. A. Barber, rector of Christ chin oh. ". . . The remains wore brought to Kaleigh by her husband and two sons by a former marriage. Messrs. Arthur V. and Kenneth R. (ileiinon. of Washing ton .City. .Mrs. McMillin was a native of Ral eigh, her mother, being a daughter of Col. William I'olk and a sister of Bishop Polk. She was fifty-three years of ago.. She recently '.visited Raleigh for the purpose of making arrangements for the removal of her . mother's remains from Texas to Raleigh. but her own death occurred before this could be done.'' . DAMAGED BY FIRE Home of Mr. Henry E. Iitch fore Damaged Saturday berstiip is active and Its prospects bright for a useful' and helpful Chris tian work. ' BACK FROM CONVENTION'. Suerintendent Joyner and ! Prof. Harper Back From Indianapolis. Stata Superintendent J. Y. Joyner and Superintendent of Kaleigh Schools P. M. Harper returned from Indian- m .I.. iui,i..i u..... apous Saturday nieiu nucie mcj nu . . L , . , ... . been attending a meeting of the De- erably Damaged by Fire and Water rtment ot Iupi,ritendents of the saturuay Arternoon i-rooaoiy Natlonal Educational Association. They Caused by Defective WlrinK report a pleasant and profitable trip. Again the Alarm Was Out of There were sixteen or eighteen hundred Working Order.' 'superintendents ami others prominent I in educational work all over the United. Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock states present, fire was discovered in the home of Mr. t , Henry E. I.itehford on North Blount street. The blaze started in the attic and burned a hole through the roof, but fortunately the damage to the house was comparatively small. flic Ore was discovered by neighbors and the alarm given, but once more the city alarm system would not work, ilnnkriiiitcv tnd.iv and the . telephone had to be c ailed ,lablm,eg s KiveI1 UpOIl IIU IWIIIf IIIO lC..llimtOl. "U ..,.-, . ,e.l 1 - lire-men-did good work, and in a short ' '- " " time the blaze was extmgulsheil. a lie I damage to the house by lire and to the WH1 tiMl.wirwiw.iraM furniture by water amounted to several ' '. hundred dollars, covered by Insurance. Ihmrd Met in Keituliir Session 'lotiay Tho tiro is supposed to have., boon With All Meniliers I'li'sent. aused by defective wiring. . ;.,...., r '. ......, ,iul.i, l ,ie mm' u oi i on in u'iiMiun.-.tiiii;i.i met in regular "session this, morning witu all nionilicis present. Nothing but routine business was transuded BANKRUPTCY PKTITION. A. J. Ford of Wilson Files Voluntuiy IVtition. A. J. Ford, a harness dealer of Wilson, filed a voluntary petition In Tho amount of it $1,836.16 witu PLANT SEED REAP HARVESTS. Anything- In thn seed Una 1. H.I Adams. . 4 3t. WANTED Copies' of The Evening Times of October 27, 1909. Times office. . , tf CHEAPER MEAT Eat Vegetables , I have a large, complete stock of Fresh Seed. L. H. Adams. 4-3 1. FOR RENT Dwelling and store ad joining, No. 324 S. Blount Street. Modern conveniences. Appiy to Jo. H. Weathers. , 3-1-tf SWEET MILK 10c. a quart. Ral eigh phone 2431. C. H. Anderson. 4-6t HICKS' DRUG STORES SELL EL Scdillo Cigars. 20 t. f. SEED All varieties for Garden or Field planting, h. H. Adams, 310 S. Wilmington St. 4 3t. LETTERS ItY TELEGRAPH. FOR SALE A nice horse, buggy and harness. Family broke. Ap ply to Plummer's Stables. 15-tf SEED CORN The earliest is North ern -grown. 1 have all kinds. L. II. Adams. 4 3t. Western I nion to luaugurale a Xew,,,,.!, ,llc !- session Letters I'nculled For. - ( , Service known as Xiglit Letters i at Xomi":il Rates. Announcement is made iiv the Letters remaining uncalled for in 'the Western I'nion Telegraph Company , iialeiKh. N. ('.. post '..fflee for the week that it will ' shortlv be prepared to ending M:rch .".i!;. li'io. h:indle 'Ions night messages at the! Miss Nellie Ash. rates customarily charged for ten- Miss Willie Cooper. Mrs. Janey Curtis. Miss Harriet Crowd er, Florence Kail field. Mrs. Ernest Eugene Gillespie.. II attic Hourl, Miss Maty Dickens. '.Miss I tush.' .Miss Lillian Steed. Mrs. II. T. Tucker, Miss J no. is not earning Thompson. Mrs, V. (1. Yates. 1'liese wires must be main-1 W. E. Board. . C. Heard, W. E. word day messages. It appears that the Western I'nion has a large unemployed mileage of w ire at night which anything. EDEXTOX STREET CHUiCM. Sei vices at .Both Hours by the l'as toe, lie- . H. .M. Xoi tli. " Kileiitoir street churcii was lilled at bolh ser-iecs yesterda' Willi an iu leresled consiogirtlon. Ever.v one who hems .Mr. 'North timls .:oiinthing help ful in his ...sermons.'- At I lie morning hour h" made a sleet talk on Hie Seeranient of the Lords Supiier. pre paratory . luiliii'iii. . At the pleai hod : Heavenly aitmiiiisterinp the oin- . evening hour Mr. North an cxeollent si.'rmon on the vision of Jsaiali, bringing out many helpful thoughts. HEATH Ol Mil. lilTKAI.OE. Died al His Home in SI. Matthews Township Sal unlay. Mr.- "'ad Ibiffal'."-. ,( well-Known em. -ten .if St. Matthews township died al his home Saturday aged Hi! years, Tile funeral was eondueled from New po I'.aptisf ehuii-h yesterday, after noon :nt u o'clock. Mr. Huffaloe, , is survived by foul children. Mrs. James Hough.. Mi s. L. A. Hough. Mrs. t. M. Tillman anil Mr. ,1. S. liuffaloe. II -Tiio .Sunday afternoon services at the Soldiers Home yesterday afternoon . were conducted by K"V. A. U. Wil cox. . of Central .eliiireh. There wore a number of holies present to assist in Ihe singing and tie- service was great ly enjoyed by the: old soldiers. ..: It's hard lo bow politely to the inev itable. '.: :'".. METHODISM THE Sl lMECT. .. ' - - ' ' Rev. A. D. Wilcox I'reaoliinu' a Series Of Seriiious at Central M. E. Cliiireh. Yesterday morning, at Central chun-li. Key.. A., D. Wilcox began a series of Sunday niorning talks on the "History. Spirit and Doctrines of Methodism." . These talks are going to be very interesting and instructive, for Mr. -Wilcox is a llueiit speaker, and his sermons are always interesting and helpful. His subject yesterday was "The S.,ii and Seed '.of' the Great Awakening." The. evening services -are always evangelistic, ami a large," attentive con gregation listened to. the sermon based nn Hi. .text "Thi is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole- earth: and thi;- is the. hand tliat is stretched out upon, ail the nations." Isaiah I t - 5 - - Mr. W. A. Lane, of Norfolk. Vie., w ho has boon here in attendance-; upon the Laiio-Christman marriage, 'being a brother to the groom,, returned home today. . tained in tiny event to take care of the regular day business, and it is apparently the idea of the new inter ests in the Telegraph Company to let tile public have the benefit of them. The announcement states that "A1 special night letter service will be'es-j tabiished as soon as practicable. The charge for this service will be the, standard day rate for ten words, fori the transmission of fifty words or less, and one-fifth of such standard day rate will be charged for each ad ditional ten words or less." To be taken at these rales, "Night Letters" must be written in ylain English language, that is to say, code words or connmtneations written in foreign languages will not he accept ed. Tile messages will he taken at any hour up to midnight and trans mitted at the company's convenience during the night for delivery the fol lowing morning. For the present, the new service is confined to West ern Inion offices in the mi ted tSales. 'The tariffs for night letters are so low, it is expected that the new service will be largely availed of by business : concerns and others to quicken their correspondence by us ing the telegraph instead of the mails. A night letter sent by tele graph will reach is destination at the opening of business .loura the following-morning, thus saving as much as three of four days when long dis tances are involved.. Heard J. A. lia'kcf,. W. K. Hernodd, Ed. Cooper. K. .M. i 'okho. I. A. Craig. Grover C. Crouch; '' rover C. Crouch, it. R. Dearden. Ji :. It. H. Dearden. Jr., Mr. Editon. . T Ellis, Louis Freed. Rev; M. L. Grissoiii, J. J. Graves. John i Hughes, Elie lliiiton, E. H. Kelly. Isaac H. Kittieli, lock Mouian. W. H. Norden. J. W. IVarson, A. M. Pallard. A. B. Rogers. -Nora Itodgers. Joseph Sutton, Doctor M. Speed, C. ( J, Stune, BMmond Taylor. M A. Wright. Henry Wiluink, Samuel Young. Margaret 217 NC LA. Emilia Perry, Viola Woods, Oley Dunne. Jane s Lynn. When calling for- these letters please sav "advert ise'l." Most people' grab j instead of watting f at the first chance r the main chance. Announcements WANTED Your qtiantlty Idler writing to do. It costs less than 1 cent each, with names and ad dresses Inserted In same type. E. It. Carroll, Mgr. Raleigh Chd. Let ter Writing Co. Fhone 811F. I WEIGHED OCT, FRESH STOCK Seed. Select Seed Irish Potatoes, Oats and Garden Peas. h. II. Adams. . 4 3t. I MR. CAMPAIGNER: We can write your letters (typewritten original process), insert the names and ad dresses, fold them, mall them, and guarantee readers at less than one cent each. Raleigh Advertising and Letter Writing Co., E. R. Car roll, Mgr., C. C. Phone 841F.i Your Clotlios Tor Easter STORAGE OR SAMPLE ROOM FOR rent, 329 S. Wilmington Street. . is t. f. - (March 27th) should be ar ranged for , now. We have an elegant line of Spring Woolens and the latest, met ropolitan fashions ready for your inspection. SELECT Y0U PATTERN today and get us busy far enough ahead of the rush to insure you perfect clothes, delivered on time. Our tail oring is excellent, but oui' prices are modest. A. C. HINTON, North Curoliiiu'8 Foremost Tailor, Rooms 20-2IO-211'212, Carolina Trust Ruilding, RALEIGH, X. C. J FOR THE MAX WHO KNOWS El Sedillo Cigars, Hicks Drug Stores. 20 t. f. ." TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER FOR one of the New Official Maps of Wake County. You can only se cure them from The Evening Times. 30 t. f. To Democratic Voters. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Register of Deeds for Wake County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. C. II. AXDKRSOX. G.1TTIS' MUST HOOK LET. RAILWAY SCHEDULES. ALL TRAIN'S LEAVE I XIOX STATION. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Going North. Going -South. ll;to p. in. 12:201.. m. Z.K- a. to. 4:lo a. m. 3 1 : ::r a. m. - 4 : or. p. in. 1L':0,", . m. 6:d"i p. in. (b) G:U0 p. m. Khoody Ar. 1U:UG u. m. Soiitiiein Railway. Going Kast. Going West. 4:H0 a. m. 2:0 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 8:3.j a. m. 6:30 p. m. 4:05 p. m. Raleigh and Southport. Going. South Arriyo Ra!igh. . 8:00 a. tn. 10:.r.O a. m. 4:15 p. in. 7.2a p. m. Norfolk & Southern. Going Kant. Arrive Italeigh. (a) :in a. rn. (a) 11:27 a. m (a) 4:23 p. m. (b) 9:37 p. in. (a) Dally, (b) Daily Kxecpt Sunday. Mr. ('. II. (iatlis ;ets Out a Hand, some Folder of the Georgia & I loi iila Kailroad. .Mr. ('.II. Gat lis, general passenger agent of tile Georgia and Florida Railway.: has just issued a handsome folder of iiis ro;d. It is the first booklet ever issued by this new road which will probably become one of the Soma's great systems.' and from the front page to the hark -page t:ie hand' of Major Cutis: can be seen. I liis iti- rmio from Augusta, Git.'. ii Madiboi), i'la.. and it is uuderstood that it will lie extended to lower I'lnriila ami it lias been hinted that it. would soon connect from Augusta to Columbia with Italeigh as its ob jective northern point. One tiling, however. 'is certain, .Major Gattis will keep its passenger department alive and after all t.ie business in its sec lc. WANTS lc. Classified advertisements for this colnmn will be accepted at oe rent per word for each lsaue, CASH with order. No adver tisements under this bead will be charged. No Adv. taken for less thaa 10 CENTS an tnsertloa. Each figure charged aa one word. lc. WANTS lc. FOR. lU'.NT Modern two-story sev en room residence at (.12 West I. am Street.'. Apply -llij West Har geit. 7-lt. Dot; l.osr Black setter puppy, wjite in breast; answers lo name of Oiilv. Return to Jno.'M. Worn hie, :!1 1 V. Harget Street. : 7-tf. Druggists say that GOWANS King of External Preparations will do all that is claimed for it. It in absolutely certain that if our claims were not well founded the popu larity of the wonderful remedy would not increase in the astounding proportion that it does. From everywhere come most encouraging letters; sales are multiplying and while your money will be refunded cheerfully if our Preparation fails to do what we claim for it, it is a singular thing that instead of want ing their money back patrons want, more of the great External Prepa ration. Ask for it and buy TO DAY. Have it in the home. Winter weather is on you, and you do not know what will happen tonight. Take no substitute; your druggist keeps it and there is nothing made "just as good". Demand Gowan's use Gowan's, and you will get results. Three Sizes: f 1.00. SOe.. 25c. Have recommended Gowan's Preparation for Sore Throat, Congested Lungs, Stiff Necks, Sprains, and any Soreness or In flammatory condition and have never been disappointed in re sults. A. TORRENCE & CO., Druggist. Pittsburg, Pa. NFW (Til IS( II OPENED. Congregation of Evangel Church Hold Ser.viees at New Place of Worship. The cimgregaiion of Evangel Bap tist church which has been worship ping in the court house since organi zation, a little more t.ian a year ago, held the first service yesterday in its own home at the corner of Davie and Dawson streets. The new churca bought this property some time ago and has litted up the house already upon it for use temporarily. Later u churca building will be erected. The services yesterday were very, interesting and appropriate. The con gregation, thankful at getting into' their own home, gave to the service a note of thanksgiving and rejoicing. "Roosevelt was the best organiza W. B. Holloway is the superintend ent, there were several speeches. Among those who talked were Messrs. Walter Hicks and Floyd El som. Mr. .1. M. Broughton also made a speech of felicitation to the congre gation. The speeches were followed by recitation by the Sunday school children. The sermons of the pas tor, Rev. P. G. Elsom, at both morn ing and evening service, also Voiced the spirit of rejoicing. There were large crowds at both services. The new church is well located. Its mem- WANTED. Lady 'or gentleman of fafr education to travel for firm of large capital; salary $1,07 2 year ly, payable, weekly; expenses ad vance:!. Address George G. Clows, I'liiladi Ipuia, Pa., Dept. A. 7-1 2-i!i-2i; KOI! ELECTRIC WlltlXG, TELE- ..phone and light work call .1. W. Mangum. Capital City 621). 7-6t. KSIDEXT MANAGER, SALESMAN wanted, for this district; elegant opportunity, experience unneces sary, good pay. American Cigar Co., Cincinnati, O. 8-12 15-19 22-26-29. FOI KENT Two nice rooms In good location; furnished or unfur nished ; suitable for light house keeping. John D. Berry, 424 E. Jones street. ' 7-lt. FOR .RENT New 6-room cottage $10.00 per month. Apply Darnell & Thomas. ' 5 t. f. OXLY OFFICIAL MAP OP WAKE County ever issued. Constructed by Government Expert. Can be secured only from The Evening Times. 30 t. f. WE SELL ALL PORK SAUSAGE. T. L. McCullers & Co. 4-tf 5x20 OR 4x20 CYPRESS SHINGLES. Contractors can get a close price now. L. H. Adams. 4-31. IF YOl' WISH GLASSES THAT FIT, call W. S. Barnes, Optometrist. C. City Phone 727. V 3 3t. SHINGLES AND LATHS A full stock of the best quality now on hand. L. H. Adams. 4 lit. !'"Olt SALE Remington Typewriter. Good condition. Will sell cheap. I), care Times. . 3 t. f. JIST RECEIVED FRESH LOT OF country meal. T. T. McCullers & Co. 3 t. f. SPECIALTY SALESMEN' OF ... AIUL- ity wanted for this section. , Good salaries paid if first class record lias already been made selling pianos, farm machinery, sewing machines, or some such high class specialty, otherwise application not considered. Give experience and references. R. H. Heslan, 79 Wall street, New York. Our first display of the famous Hawe's Hats for spring wear have arrived. The shapes, both in the soft and stiff hats are exclusively Hawe's block, and will prove extremely popular. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, HABERDASHER. FAYETTEVTLLE STREET . - . ... . RALEIGH, N. O. CAPITAL CITY PHONE 722. FILING CABINETS Gel Prices From I s llefore Buying. We'll Save You Money. LOOSE LEAF BOOKS Everything For the Office. Eusler Curds and 'We Furnish The OHloc." Booklets. The Office Stationery Company, JAMES K TU I EM, Manager. 13 E. Hurgett St. Tunes Building. Capital City Phone 84 IF. Our Shoes the Best WHY? THE XEW ELECTRIC VACIM Cleaning1 Machine just arrived. 'Phone 934R and get our price. R. E. Williams. 5 2t. : 1 ; THE BEST VARIETIES OK SEED Irish Potatoes, Onion Sets, Garden Peas and Tomato Seed. L. H. Adams. 4- St, Because They're Made Our Way There. isn't a trade made Shoe in the market that's good enough money's worth for our. patrons. You reaUv get "custom-made Shoes" here. We take the factory standards and improve them. The best hands in the fin ishing room only must handle our Shoes. A little better Strings,-Eyelit. 4, and a higher grade of Leather must be used. Increases. our cost a little; but makes Shoes with "Class." The last, many of 'them are different, giving you a line of Oxfords that are of exclusive and distinctive character. ' The Ralston Oxfords . . . . . ... .$4.00 The Edwin Clap Oxfords . . . .... $6.00 and $6.50 CROSS & LINEHAN COMPANY, Fayetteville Street, . . . .. . , . . Raleigh, N. C. Remember Our Shoes Fit. v ' ill- ! i . j

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