: ' I .' u '' .- ' ,.(,. ' ? J'-'. .' :y.7'v;'v;V' ''''.-' v'S'-: A v... THE VEfllffG TIMES- RAjpy CjVpAy lIAR(;23,;191t);:' " . U - V ,' If: -J: Till? Ffimilk TlIttTft k-l k '-.'' ;',.... vy J.yV ' , - Wben we select OLIVE OIL we select It ftfe taedjclnnl purposes . ..'.'';.' , . , :. -iiA.. .)iv"', .. 5,-v v W therefore It's the best.' Whjf not useifchis iina for yom sabwl ana;. your coo Jung. KING-CRO WELL DRUG CO. WE ARB SOLE AGENTS :. . -. iw 0 Society j- 1 AM VOVli AV1FE. Oh, let me lay my head tonight upon your breast, . And close my eyes against the light. I fain would rest; I'm weary and the world looks sad; this worldly strife Turns me to you: mid oh, I'm glad to bff your wife! Though friends may fail or turn aside, yet I have you And In your live 1 may aliido, for you are true My only solace hi eaili grief and in . despair, iTour tenderness is my belief; it sonthos each care. If Joys of life could alienate this poor : weak heart From yours, then may no pleasure great enough to part Our sympathies fall to my lot. I'd e'er remain Bereft of friends, though truo or not, just to retain Tour true regard, yoiir presence bright thro' care and strife; And, oh! I thank'my Ood tonight, I am yoirr wife! " From the Book' "Heart Throbs." Life's Spun. Man's life is like unto a winter's day, Some break their fast and sd depart away; ... ,, Others stay'-'dihiie'r, then depart full fed; The longest ago l.mt sups and goes to bed; ? Joseph Ilenshaw. Miss Maude I teid ' lewt 'today for Wis ' son.. Miss' Fannie Ji'ihnsnti, ' in th city today. of .Oarner. as Its. Z. V. Peed,, of Wnke Forest, was In th city today, i ; 7 j " :'.:, .s '' M'iss Lillian ' bu'ncan has , returned from -a visit to Beaufort. . ' . Miss Laura Moore, of fireenshoro, ar ,. rived in ..the city , today; to visit Miss Ida Moore. .: i M empvc fed tlie .vMoiiK "ST!P' I V I'M IfMZ FOR D RT TCUR TEfXR. S ) VHt SHOULdI ' : : Tifc ,ct:-S' ( vj :DlNNEti-'.'rr!: I'LL GO WITH YOU TOO TAnG -T ! P ASSENT GO AN HELP YOU A TOUR LIFE IN ( MQmp SHELL Scy CZ ) UR Ha- YOU UAVE ) J'tL HAVE HER t3RAGGOfOU'R.E IT TO ME ! :dyy::r:.. v EATING OUT OF 31, I KNOW HOW 3 : O lVR MAN llmV1 TO HANDLE. i l.;. V B 1 , ' f"1 FOB HTTYLE'S CANDY.. Mrs. J. L. Breckenrldge left today to visit at Dillon, S. C. Mrs. F. W. Lobledd, of New York, is visiting Miss Carrrie Strong. Mrs. E. H. Baker and children left yesterday afternoon for Louisbuig. Mrs. V. C. Sinclair is visiting her mother, Mrs. I'. C. Lyon, at Klizabeth town. Miss Ida Wiggins, of Wilson, arrived in the oily today to visit Miss Bessie House. Mrs. Charles R. Warren has gone to Durham to meet her mother, Mrs.. N. W. Burden. Mrs. B. VV. Stamps lias gone to Macon. Ua., to visit her son, .Mr. Kil wail Koe. Stamps. ;. .. .Mrs. I!. F. Hompass lettuned to' her Home at ( iolUsOoro .today-utter visiting Miss Mattic lieese. "'; ' Mrs. Edwaril Bizzell returned to her home at (Joldshoro todav after visiting Mis. i. Duiuan. Mrs. L. J. Fieot has returned from Macon accompanied by her little grand sun, Master Jack Cassada. . -, -. . Mrs. C. E. ..Houston,' of Monroe;-'wlo has been spending some time, at the home of Mr. B. Moore Parker, has re turned home. . . . ' ; .... ., Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Barrow ha,ve returned . from Wiuston-Salem, where they ' attended . the funeral ." of Mrs. Barrow's brother. ; . . ..... Mrs. Thomas Parliti is attending the meeting of the Woman's Hume Mission ary Conference of the North Carolina Methodist Conference at Elizabeth'! City. Mi s. M. L. Tyson, who has. been the guest of Col, and Mrs, ; Lawrence D. Tyson during the winter will not ex tend her visit here but will return toftlie 4 Try our . Optical Dc- -.' .v... , .- .... t ' .".;liii'tiiieu wlien you need help for- your eyes. We exaimne your eyes free of charge and guarajitee ' satisfaction. ' - ,. , JOLLY & WYNNE ; JEWELRY CO., .... .. ; n JewcIei'S. ' Optometrists. ftaleigh to b(, with her daughter. Mis, Lee. at Easter.--Iviioxvillu Journal and Tribune. MissMiunie .Mann, of llluelield, W, a., who lias been the guest of Miss Willa Xoiiis has returned, home. Pr. lirtting Kennedy, who has been ll.ie guest oi Dr. lVixonCarroll, returned to her home at upper Moiitclair, N. J. I.Mt.iy. . Mrs. F. ii. Stronai-h and Mrs. AV. H. Jones have returned noiii New York and Boston. Miisicalc Monday XiIil . m Easter Monday night at iianey Hall a inusieale will lie given Tor the benefit of the new Kdenton street Sun day school. An inteicsting program will be 'renderid, uliicli will be mi notmocd later. r A Lirn.i: niitirs :i)i-' ii tipped I, it He Wild Flower at the ... of Miss Mihlred Ui'iss's. '"M'is's'inidred Briggs the little thirteen ! old daughter nf Mr. p. H. Briggs Ha'd ; a' peeuliar' experience yesterday aiTiM'noon its she was returning from tlio Wiley Hi-lmol. Tlie incidenf would make a good story for a nature maga zine. t '; .rMfei Mildred , is e.V"!etiUE:JV tor of nature and a close oliserver. Just as '"He was p.:ss:ing .the home ' 'nf, Mr. Keliehan Cameron, opposite St,' Mary's, she says she was atiraet(d b.Uia abso lufe,' . tilliiess of the day. No curs U)V vihieles were in sight and she seem&l to In: the only person passing. The.ro' was nothing to break, the stillness of the perfect spring afternoon, She 'stop ped for a few moments to eniov it all. ijuiet, tlie smell of llowefs. and etc. ir teve 'fbr nature ami appreciation of pected anJ almost startling manner.' A little bird began circling round and round iust above . ier, ; all . the time coming nearer, She .kept perfectly still, watching to sea what the. Jittle bird was going to ao, il cireieu lo ine groithd dtreetfy in front 'of her and to her great ' astonishment ' dropped Mttie ble : wild - flower from its beak on her hoe. Then hopping aside the little, bird turned: its head and watched her from its little bead-like eyes, evi dently to see how its little gift was go. ing to be received. . It was doubtless satisfied for Miss Mildred was overcome with delight at "being singled out by the little bird' Tor Us dainty little gift M ERR V WIVES OF WINDSOR. Will lie Presented by Meredith (iirls at Woman's Club Meeting. The Literary Department of the Wo man's Club , will entertain the club Thursday ; r afternoon. Th meeting promUe&.td be 'unusually attractive as the Elocution class of Meredith Col If gf urter direction of Miss Phelps will tiresent . Shakespeare s Merry Wives' o? Windsor." . ; Mrs. F. L. Stevens will read a paper on "The Culmination of the Drama in Shakespeare." , - TI KMAV, AFTERNOON. Cl.l'l .Meet inar Held With Mis. W. It. ("raw. ford YeRterdny Afternoon. The Tuesday Afternoon Club met with Mrs. W. It Crawford yesterday afternoon and had a most, delightful meeting.. The subject o- discussion was ,'in interesting one, "Spa nisli le gends." These are all grouped around the legendary hero of Spain, the Cid Mrs. S. W. Brewer read an interest ing paper on "Legends of the Cid." Mrs. Carey J. Hunter read some selections from Lockhart's "Ancient Spanish Bnl lads.":. The Cid In art was discussed gener ally by the club. efreshmenis were served and a d lightful social hour 'was enjoyed by all. , . - : '. :''- TEA AND Ml'SI('.l,E. Christ Church Relief Society to Aid TlionuKon Orphanage, An invitation to drink a cup of tea with the ladies of the Relief Society of Christ church, is extended to all who love music and children. A fund for the Thompson orphanage has been begun and it is hoped to add a little to it. The music will begin at a quarter past six o'clock; but the tea and the welcome begin at five The entertainment will be 'given at tlio home of " Mrs. Alfred Thompson hop the afterneen of Wednesday, March thifct(jr4vJ:t4 frfiyiy.eto .wen. o'clock. AfilVer'offerftig will fie taken 'at the door. - n v rt 4 ' -M- ' ; 'f RECEP'ION i AT PEACE. And Entertainment by Choral Class Tomorrow Evening. , Tomorrow' cven.ng .at .Pence Insti tute '.there will be a reception apd. an entertainment by the Choral class. Both will no doubt be delightful events. The reception will be given by the book committee, who will' be.- dressed to represent familiar books. The guests will bring books or an offering in money to aid in replenishing, the library. To add to the delights of the occasion the Choral class will render the follow ing program: Boat Song Abt. Black-eyed Susan Old English. Ceratine from Frelschirty, (Weber) Miss Ethel Fielding. , Cigarette-Giti, chorus Bizet. Largo Handel. : Arie from Figaros Hoclizeit, (Mo zart) Miss Julia Culbreth. Spinning Song Wagner. . " Miss Ieonoinie Diimais is and Miss Millie Beard, pianist dire, for tie jvening. CoppedKC-OeorKP, Wilmington. March 23 A quiet but attractive h'.me wedding took place yesterday .'.morning on Harvey street at 7:30. o'clock, "ut the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. : Christ opher George. The contracting parties were tliwir daughter, Mis.s Mary Kliza beth, ami Mr. Calvin Coppedge, book-kei'pi-r for MeKeel-Hichardson Hard ware Co.. formerly of Henderson, N. C. Tlie eeremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Hoffman, of the Baptist church, in tlie nresence of a few friends. Immediately after the nuptials the bride and groom left on the Atlantic Coast Line train for Henderson, where they will spend a few days with the groom's parents, afterwards they will return to this city, their future home. The bride Is a most attractive and popular young lady. The groom is a young man of promise. . . ' Favorable Riwirt on lore$ R4jerve , " ' 5 Hill. " .Washington, 'M(rtcll t?MSlWouc coinmjtlee on agriculture today or dered a favorable report on the White Mountain Appalachian forfert, reserve hill. . The hill provides an approVria lion of $11,(100,(100, to be expended in five years. Bill to lrevent Sale of Contract ; ; Prison-Made faKids. ' ' ' ' t '(By leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, March 23 The house committee on labor today-held a hearing- on the bill t prohibit the sale of contract prison-made goods. Representative Kusterniari, of Wis consin, made argument against the measure. . .... Naitel to ,Seak in St. Ijouis. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, March 23 Secretary of Commerce and Labor Nasel ia to leave here for SL Loui Friday night, where next Saturday evening b will address this -iConHnercia , Club fn "Extension of Trade. 'V: --r-:' t.; i . ' '' . - v . , ' Diplomacy . W wanting : to Insult a man -and letting him do It to you. . SEVEN MORE OF THE GRAFTERS ARRESTED (By Leased Wire tp The Times.) , Pittsburg, Pa., Marqh 23 Seven more councllmanic. grafters, today confessed their guilt to Judge Robert 8. Frazer, and it Is reported that William Brand, former president of the corrimon coun cil, and Charles Stewart, a former member of the select branch, have ad ded their confessions to the others. If Charles Stewart "comes clean" the whole boodling systetm will have been fully exposed. . At noon it was announced by District Attorney Blakeley that no more con fessions will be received. Those caught in the dragnet from now on will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. . . ' .. Indictments will be turned today, it is said against the bribe-givers, the men who tempted councilmen to sell their honor, as well 'as the principal bribe-takers. ' District Attorney Blakeley expects to go into an Investigation of some mat ters which may Involve some of the present members of councils. He an nounces that rf anything conies to his notice involving the present councils he will look Into it. A large audience was in court tills morning to hear the confessions of the men brought in and the evidence given was sensational. Joseph C. Wasson, who last week started on his sentence was brought from tlie penitentiary and In the office of District Attorney. Hlakehy made a complete statement of his connection with and knowledge of municipal cor ruption. . In every particular he cor roborated the confession of John F. Klein. His story details the actions of the men higher up and for the first time introduces tlie names of men Into (he case who have never been publicly privately known to have connec tion- with the tale of Pittsburg's- dis grace. John F. Klein -litis supplemented his first confession, and names of five prominent Pittsburgers who acted for the banks in the payment of the bribe money for the passage of the deposi tories ordinance. These "men' are a bank president, a real estate dealer. manufacturer pnd bank directors. and two-relatives of the latter indi vidual. . Much of this new material will be given to the grand jury and some of it so startlingand opens up so many leads that detectives are searching to day for corroborative evidence. While District Attorney Blakeley does not promise immunity to the big men the-bankers and other outsiders who nipted the council men to sin he lot s say that if they come forward and confess their , crimes he will ask the court to take into consideration .their irMon. When the bars finally close every man on tile outside will have to fight to keep out of prison. The trial list for next Monday will contain the first of tile eases. WITNESS HAD H.l MKMOKV. Couldn't Iteiiieinber .Many Important Tliingi When Questioned. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, M-'Icii 23 The board of aldermen of New York were brought into the investigation being conducted by State Insurance Super intendent Hotchkiss of Lie alleged fire insurance "yellow dog" fund of 100,000 today when Mr. Hotchkiss asked W. E. Hutchins, president of the North Kier Fire insurance Com pany, "Do von know that the New York board of fire underwriters or your own co'npauy ever ma.Io pres- ti t h (if Tii:i:i:y to aldermen?" The witness, whose memory was bad all day, said lie never heard of such gifts. He corroborated Lie stor ies of "presents" to state : law-makers-and a $5,000 contribution to the epuhlican campaign funds told by previous witnesses. : Carl F. Stui'ha'.in, manager here for the Uossiii insurance Company of St. Petersburg,- one of (he three for eign insurance companies benefitting by the Grady reinsurance law, testi fied that his company gave W. H. Buckley S 13,500 "counsel fees." Buckley had a bill of $15,000 against the underwriters for "accelerating" legislation. POWDEIt THIEF' KILLED. Caused Explosion of Powder and Death of Three Persons. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Webb City, Mo March 23 The explosion of two tons of powder late last night at the Ked Dog mine, near here, killed an unidentified nnrti and Kdward Benson, a miner, and fatally hurt Benson's wife and her mother, Mrs. Ellen Allen and John Baldwin, power plHnt eugineer. Tlio unknown Ictim was a powder thief and his work Paused the explosion.' Benson's two little children were1 found un hurt in i ne debris of his home. Despondent and Couunits Suicide. (Ily 'Leased Wire Ao TbeTimes) ... ftyehester, -iN, X.. MarijUv 2-De- Kponuent because of the death, one year ago, of his beautiful young wife, Fritz ward blew out .his brains this morning. He was a member of one of the most prominent families oi this section, the '' champion tennis player. f western New York and the cashier of the Rochester Trust & Safe Deposit Company. . CJovernor'n Salary Increased. (By. Leased Wire to The Times.) ; Albany, N. Y.. March v 23. The senate today passed' the Dana -constitutional atriendrnent which increase the governor's1 ".salary from' $10,000 fcr r20,000., .v.'W.'.-.: ! ' " , Loaterai should take a walk Instead of taking tip our time. mm ifoi ; 1 liiils That you must get besides your EASTER There Hosiery Belts and all those little things that go to complete your toilet We are showing a very large and dainty line of all the very newest ideas in neck wear. Collars, Sirs, Bows. x Our strongest line is " 25 Cents. Yet we carry them Ask to see our Gauze Lisle Hose at 25 Cents. They are the very thinest made and wear well '.'' - Gloves in lisle, silk , We are agents for Butterick Patterns. - VI 0 )) -.-Hh - v' '' ,i:;.AV:;4?'-'-'"' V4: '-'.." ..V.- if ;t". are Gloves - Jabots, Stocks and at 50, 75 and $1.00 or kid, 50c. to $1.50 Neckwear

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