.WAY'S Stocks, Cotton, Grain arid '' New York Stock Market. , . (By Leased Wire to The Times NewYork, April I Vigorous sell ing was in evidence at the outset in ,the stock . market, causing , losses throughout the list ranging from frac tions, to over f point. The reports circulated yesterday about apprehen sion over Attcffney-generar Wicker- sham's attitude' toward the United States Steel Corporation and the manner In which the morning press ' viewed the government; crop report were an Incentive for most of the selllne In -the first few minutes Steel preferred r'waa exceptionally strong. After the first few minutes firmer tone developed.; New York-Closing Stock List. Amalgamated Copper-.:"..' 72 American Ice Securities .. ., American Sugar Refinery .. American Smelting . v. American Locomotive .. Car TTfnindrv . . .. 25'.4 121H 80 49 Vt American Cotton OH . 6 American Woolen ...... .. InoAAnda ... ... .a Atchison :. HHi. Ationtlx Coast TJ.ne .. '.. .. .. .. 127 Brooklyn Rapid Transit ,. .. .. .. 76 Dniin.Aro jb nhln .. .. .. .. HOVi r-nnartian Pacific-.. ... .18M Chesapeake & Ohio .. .. .. OAn.nIIHatcil rigs .. .. ...14014 Central Leather Colorado Fuel & Iron. , Colorado Southern ..-., .. Delaware '4 Hudson .. Denver & Rio Grande .. .. Distillers Securities ... .. Erie .. ..... Erie, pref. .'. - General Electric .. Great Western .. .. ... . Great Northern, pref. Great Northern Ore .. Hocking Coal & Iron .. .. .-. Interboro Intcrboro, pref. .. .. . Towa Central .. .. .. Kansas City Southern ... Kansas & Texas .. .. .. Kansas & Texas, pref. .. .. Louisville & Nashvlle .. Missouri Pacific .. .. New York Central .. ..,( Northwestern .. .. . . . -i. i National Lead . .. , -.v -Norfolk & Western .. Notrhern Pacific ...... 38 68V4 . 169 . 39 . 30 . 28 . 47 . 149 . 27 . 134 . 65 . ' 124 . 21 . 22 . 34 , 40 . 71 . 148 . ,68 . 121 . 150 , 8014 . 102 , 133 . 444 Pennsylvania ... .. Paclflo Mall ..' I:. .. .. Peoples' Gas Co. .. .... Pessed Steel Car .. ... Reading ' Itock Island Rock Island, , pref. .. Republic Iron &. Steel-..1 Republic Iron Steel, pref. Southern Pacific .. ....... Southern Railway ;. .. .. .. Southern Railway, pref. St. Paul .. ; Tenn. Copper ... Texas Pacific .. . ''.' Third Avenue .. .. .. .. Union Pacific U. S. Rubber .. .. .. - Utah Copper U. S. Steel .- U. S. Steel, pref. ..- Virginia-Carolina Chemical Western Union .. ... .. Wabash v Wabash, pref. .. ..... W!tinghouse Electric Wisconsin Central ... Western Mainland .. ... ; Com Products , 135 , 29 .109 , 41 , 162 , .' 45 , 91 , 35 . 99 , 122 .-. 27 . 62 . 140 30 30 6 ,: 182 42 .. 45 82 ; 119 67 71 ae 44 63 i 49 47 16 Chicago Grain. Chicago, April 9 Wheat opened higher, but trade was dull. July sold at 105 V4 to 105 to 103: There was pressure op the market Spring wheat patent flour was quoted 20c. lower, at 6.80. Corn was about steady for the deferred months, while May was off c. July was at 60 tn 0. Oats were off c. July at 39 to provisions were firmer with hogs. t Chicago grain quotations ranged as follows: V.v wtiftat Oben. High. Close. May . . 112 1-4 1.13 1 7- Ti ' 1 nr. 1-2 1.06 1-2 1.06 S-8 sn 102 1-2 1.03 3-8 1.03 3-8 un tM 1.S .58 3-4 .58 5-e f niv . . 3-4 .61 3-4 .61 3-8 .' Kn . .81 7-8 .62 6-8 .62 6-8 Oats .. . , ... . , a j May v -. '-'I - , ' . '.aft k-8 .40 . .40 Sp. . . '. .37 1-2 .38 .37 7-8 Inrh V Mflv i . : 24.10 24.17 1-2 24.13 1-2 . 24.07 1-2 21.32 1-2 24.27 1-2 Sen ... 23.65 .. 23.92 1-2 23. 1-S Lard' 159 13.67 1-2 13.62,1-2 .Tnlv 13.10 13.20 13.17 1-2 Sep. . ; . 18.00 13.05 13.05 IUbS ; . . ' May . . . 13.25 :( 13.30 13.27 1-2 July . . .12.95 135 13.00 Sep... '. 1 12.8T 1-2. 12,90 ; ,12.90 " Clilcago Live Stock. -. Union Stock Yards, April 9 Hogs: Boceipts, 5,000; 5 to 10c. higher; mixed and butchers 10,30 to 10.55; good' heavy, 10.50 to 10.65; rough heavy, 10.30 to 10.40;. Jight, 10.80 to 10.55; pigs,, 9.35 to 10.15; bulk, in in In m.fiO. " . ' ' :;) Cattle: Boceipts, , 800; . steady;. beeves, 6.50 to , 8.7 0 ; cows ana neu crs, 8.W to B.tOi stackers ttd feed ers, 3.40 to 6.50; texans, 5.75 to 6.90; lcalVes,;6,80 to 8.dd. , Sheep;? Becelpts, l.OOOj ' market steady; native.'and western, 4.90 to 8.00; lambs,. 6.75 to 9.60.. , ' New York Spot Oottoa. i J NewXork, April, 9-Bpot cotoa 15.25-1 -IMTS N'-'. New York Cotton.- " New York, April -9 Cotton opened steady today, 5 points higher to 8 points lower,- influenced- by poor cables and further rain in-' Texas. Old crop positions were given , the most ' consideration.": Shorts cohered on the call, but, were so liberally sup plied by commission houses taking profits In July that prices soon re acted 6 to 8 points from the top. . Opening: April, offered 14.98; May,.44.82 to 14.83; June, 14.67 bid; July; 14.65 to 14.66; August. 14.14 to 14.15; Sept., offered, 13.20; Oct., 12.63 to 12.64; Dec.,: 12.47 to 12.48; Jan., 12.45 to 12.47. - - r ; Open.' High, ., Low. Close Apr. . 14.98 15.00 14.91 14.93 May . 14.83 14.89 14.80 14.83 June . 14.67 14.67 14.63 14.57 July . 14.65 14.69 ' 14.54 - 14.66 Aug. . 1445 ; 14.55 13.98 13.99 Sep. . , 13.07 13.11" 13.06 13.06 Oct. . 12.64 12.64 12.54 18.50 Nov. , , 12.41 Dec. , 12.47 12.48 . 1-2.39 12.40 Jan. . 12.45 12.45 12.37 12.37 Market closed, steady. ' ' .New Orleans Cotton. Open. High. Low. Close, Apr. . . ... . ..... 14.47 May . 14.63 13.63 14.50' 14. M June . : 14.51 July . 14.67 14.67 14.63 14.55 Aug. . 14.04 14.04 13.96 13.98 Sep : ..... 13.10 Oct. . 12.62 12.62 12.48 12.53 Nov. , ..... 12.45 Dec. . 12.49 18.49 18.37 12.41 Jan. . . j.v. . ... . 1 ... .12.43 Market closed steady. . Liverpool Cotton. . ' Liverpool, April 9 Cotton spots moderate business, .. prices steady; American middling, 7.98; sales, 7,- 000; speculation.-and export, 300; receipts 1,000;. American 800. Fu tures opened steady and closed bare ly steady, ; h Open."' . Close. April . . . April-May . May-June'. .7.76 7.74 . 7.78 , 7.70 .. 7.69 7.67 . 7.65 7.62 . 7.00 7.57 7.31 . 7.29 . 6.90 6.88 .'6.70 '6.70 . 6.62 6.63 . 6.60 6.61 . 6.59 6.60 June-July .. July-August August-Sept. Sept.-Oct. . Oct.-Nov. . . Nov.-Dec. . . Dec.-Jan. . . Jan .-Feb. . ; Baleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Johnson ft Co.) Good middling, 14. Strict middling, 14. Receipts, 85 bales. ; -" Port Receipts. New York, April 9 rCottou "port receipts. were as follows: New Orleans, 6,370 against 1,956; Galveston, 1,309 against 4,611; Mo bile, 587 against 1,307; Savannah, 846 against 1,966; .. Charleston, 5 against 888; Wilmington, 82 against 735; Norfolk, 1,242 against 1,982; New York, 5 against 0; Boston, 257 against 104 ; Philadelphia, 9 against 4; Pacific coast, 0 against 3,188. Total, 10,693 against 14,981. Interior Movement: Houston, 1,- 442 against 873; Augusta, 73 against 0; Memphis,, "287 against 1,754 ; St. Louis, 356 against 3,857; Cincinnati, 348 against 366. Total, 2,506 againBt 6,860. Cottoii.seed OH.-' New. York,,, April 9 Cotton-seed prime yellow, oil prices, based on ranged as follows: Closing. May . . . . . . . ... 7.80 7.81 7.89 7.94 7.46 7.05 6.79 July . . ... ... 7.87 September-. . . .,. 7.93 October . ..... 7.45 November . . . . . . . 7.00 December . ... . . . 6.71 Spot oil, 7.77 & 7.8 J; sales, 5,600 barrels. Naval Stores. Savannah, April - 9 Turpentine: Firm; 59 to sales, none; re ceipts, 220. , Rosins: Firm; sales, none; re ceipts, 431. Quote: WW. 6.40; WG, 6.35; N, 6.0.; M, 6.25; K, 6.20; I, 5.40; H, 6.10;'G, 4.95; V, 4,90; E, 4.70; D, 4.40; C, B, A' 4.20. " New York Provision Market. New York, April 9Cash produce: Minneapolis No. 1 Nothern wheat 113 4. ,, - , -. Wheat No. J red 124 nominal fob. Corn No. 2 mixed unquoted. -Oats-No. 3 white 46 1-c1 in elevator. Rye No. 8 western Nominal. Barley feeding nominal. '' ' Flour spring- . patents'' 6.75 -winter straights 5.46. . . T . j Mill Feedeprlng bran 22.85 a 23-.25v Lard prime western 14.30. . - TalloWj-Piltne city 7 1-2. Pork Mess 26.50. ' ' . CofteNo.' 7 Rlo.8 1-2. Sugar granulated 5.25. , St..Loal8 Grain. -St: Louie. Mo., April 9 Wheat No. t red 416; Corn No. 2, 60 1-2 a 61: oats No. 2. 41 1-2. - - Futures Wheat May 110 7-8 a 111; July 104 5-8. Corn May 69 6-S a. 1-4: July . 6 1-2. Oaja May 41 B-8; July 39. ' v j - BY WIRE. Provisions. THE TUXES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (B.v CHARLES W. STORM.) New Yorkt April t-Rumors that At torney Genera). Wickersham would at tack the corporation in an address to.- night, together with the disappointment In connection -with the government crop report and the . report of the Copper producers Association again today ex erclsed a good influence on the stock market. , Although offering were on moderate scale, Union Pacific, Amalgamated and Steel declined nearly a point. Steel de clined' 1-2 and other Issues showed small' fractional losses, 'In London, American shares were slightly- lower. ' -- Copper stocks were fractionally lower on the New York curb market. Trading in the industrial shares on the curb was very light, with no material price changes. .- New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hibbs & Co.) : New York, April 9 The too sharp advance In cotton up to the close of buslnes syesterday caused , spot deal ers and spinning Interests generally to Stop buying. Where they , were willing tp buy heavily during the re- cen.t depression they have been unwil ling to increase their supplies by fol lowing any advance at present over the basis of 14 cents for either the May or July options. ', A's a conse quence of this there was more dispo sition shown among professionals to realize profits both here and at Liv erpool today. This gave our market an easier tendency. Prices slumped 10 points on .the new crops and 10 to 14 on .July and August. April and May, however;- being so near 'spot cot ton was more firmly held. . ': The market closed quiet and steady at this recession, with no new fea tures of importance in the week-end statistics or In the weather and new crop news or general trade situation here for enthusiastic bullish senti ment. While still favoring a traders' po sition on the bull side of the market we have been more inclined to' advise taking profits the last two days and we still feel this is the' proper thing to do In any further strength early next week and await a fresh setback in the general option list before recommending purchases again. The May option is a dangerous one to trade in either way and should be left alone; " Further operations should be confined to July, August, October, and December. . . Bank Statement. . New York, April 9 Average cash reserve, 25.55 per cent; reserves de crease, 14,178,775; less U. S. depos its, decrease, $4,167,350; Joans de crease, $9,274,800; specie decrease, $9,158,300; .legal tenders decrease. $635,700; deposits decrease, $22,- 460,900; circulation decrease, $107, 500; actual cash reserve, 25.56 per cent. . . Baltimore Grain. Baltimore, Md., April 9 Wheat closed quiet. Spot contract 114. 3-4; No. 2 red western 115; April 114 8-4. - " Corn closed quiet; spot contract 61 3-8 a 1-2; April 61 3-8 a 1-2; May 62 -8 a 62 3-4; July 65 5-8., Oats closed dull. No. 2 white 49 a 50: No. 3 white 47 1-2 a 48 1-2. No. 2 mixed a 47 1-2. Biggest Fish Story (Special to The Times) Wadesboro, April 9 The biggest fish story of this season comes from Ansonville township. Sam Davis, col ored, who lives on George B. Dun lap's place on the Pee Dee river in that township, reports a German carp caught with a hook and line that weighed '27 pounds.: NOTICE OF SEIZURE AND LIBEL. District Court of the United States, Eastern District of North Carolina. No. 57 Libel, United States against 95 sacks of corn meal, shipped by "B. "D. Booth & Company, Peters burg, Virginia, on or about Febru ary 28 1910. to The C. Woodard Company, Wilson, North Carolina. To B. D. Booth ft Company, Peters burg, Virginia, and to all whom it may concern Greeting: Notice is hereby given, That the above mentioned property was seiz- ed by Claudius Dockery, U. S. Mar shal for; the Eastern District of Nqrth Carolina, on the 4ti day of April, 1910, as forfeited to the uses of the Unitod States, for violation of - the Pure Food and Drug Act, June, 1906, and the same is libelled and. prose-' cuted in the District '' Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said, libel of inforv matlon set forth; and that the said causes will stand 'for trial at the Court Room of said Court, in the. City of Raleigh, on the 4th Monday of May next, If that he a Jurisdiction ' day, and If not, at the next day of jurisdic tion thereafter, when and where you and all . persons are warned to ap pear to show cause why condemna tion should not be decreed, and judg ment accordingly entered,and to in tervene for their interest. 1 . Given under my' hand, at office In Raleigh, this 6th day of April, 1910. CLAUDIUS DOCKERY. ;v .. . ( U. S. Marshal... oVa. w.. 4wW. : '.. , r,i'DO;jAlD'S - GUARANTEE ' GUARANTEED. ; No' premiums to pay. I will deposit with. Merchants National Bank and get a cer tified check to guarantee to save vou 3 from now till July 1st. v Tiiis is 12 9c a year. Do you want more.? It so don't buy anything from me. I can sell you N. G, 4, due July, 1J)10, which is a net 3 investment to you trom now till July 1st. I will pay vou cash June 30, $1,020 for all the 1910 N. C, 4's you buy from me now. Think of it! Use your common sense and you can't help buying N..C. 4's, 1910 's. You get 4 from now till July 1st on your money, y ou save $20 on each $1,000 by June lat, June 30th I pay; you $1,020 for every $1,000 N. C. 4' 1910 you buy from m0. Ke- member the guarantee will be deposited with Merchants National Bank. - c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. THINK OF IT. Like "picking up money in tne road'.- or "getting money from home"; You save $25 on each $1,000 from now until June 1st, and get 4 from now until July 1st, and get money back and in terest July 1st by 'buying NORTH CAROLINA 4 Bonds. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. But tor fear you might forget, I have a few 1910 and 1913 State of North Car olina 4 Bonds on which you pay NO TAX and get 4 NET. On the ,. 1904 's, due July 1, you save one year's tax and get vour money in 3 months. SUPPOSE YOU HAVEiMONEY, You are paying Citv, County and State taxes 2y2 for keeping it- Suppose .you are getting 4 2 say, from January to July, you . are paying ; City, County and State 12 of V;c more than you are getting. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N; C. HAVE YOU ANY MONEY What are vou doing with it? Did you know that I can save you $25 on each 1,000 1'rQiiLiJo.vLtilU.une 1st ITbis is 2 and you get 4 on your $1,000 from now till July 1st. This is 1, making 3 from now till July 1st. This is at rate of 14 a year. I am only charging you par, half interest. Bond costs you $1,015. You get $1,020 July 1st. Save $25.00 in taxes by having bond instead of monev. This is a net profit of $30.00 on each $1,000 in three months. These are solid facts. You can't put your money in anything bet ter or safer. I have $33,000 N. C. 4's, 1913 's. ,c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh,N. C. DID YOU KNOW IT? Well it's a fact beyond con tradiction. Do you lend Wi.ni. m 11 -mJJm-- :i -.H .Commercial Account? and all other active bnalneM handled with the tttmoat care.. The Citixens Kational Bank, JOS. O. BROWN President. HENBT E.' LITCHrORD, Cashier. UT.nr rnmfiin RAcniirrpe mniv thnn TWH money onReal Estate mort gage. " Did you know that a N. C. 4 or 6 Bond, at the price that you can buy them, will NET YOU MORE MONEY than you get on a 6 loan. No risk, no delay. Ycni get your money when due and know what to count on. No extension of time. In case of fire or robbery (you can have them regis tered with State Treasurer) you can't lose. He sends you a check every six months. ; c. c. Mcdonald, jStocks & Bonds, Raleigh,N. C. North Carolina 4's, 1913. run 2Y2 years longer than 1910 's and have $100 more coupons on each $1,000. Do you want a longer invest ment than the 1910's? If so I will exchange for a differ ence, c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks&Bonds,Raleigh,N.C. r Entire Stock Furniture at Beep Cut Prices. It must', be sold within a few weeks) either wholesale or retail the newest and best -to be found in the city. If you want the best at a big reduction come right on and choose, for yourself. Watch - this space for prices next week. CAPITAL FURNITURE CO., BAXEIGH, N. C. JF5 Merchants National Bank, :y OP BALEIGH, N. C., Offers every accommodation consistent with prudent management. Pays 4 interest in Savings Depart ment. ' . . ; E. C. DUNCAN, President. WM. H. WILLIAMSON, V.-P. W. B. DRAKE, Jr., Cashier. W. F. UXLlfiV, 2nd V.-P. S. J. HINSDALE, Asst. Cashier. THE RALEIGH BAMKHIG & TRUST COMPANY, WITH ; An nnsnrpaased history behind it ilace 18IS. Safety to ita Depositori. Accommodation - -. - . . .. . CHAS E. JOHNSON, Freaident. SECURITY AND SERVICE. are the prime essentials in conducting financial transactions which are d Surplus of $380,000.00, reason of its Capital anafforded by this Bank by together with its adequate equipment and the standing and experience of its Board of Directors. The Commercial National Bank, Raleigh, N. C, CHAS. N. C. 6 BONDS. Due April, 1919. Coupon or registered. Come only in $1,000. You get $30.00 every April and October on the first day. No taxes. Cheaper tnan jn many years. Can furnish any quantity. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. START NOW and keep it up. MAKE A DEPOSIT of the amount you can save EVERY WEEK. We do a Savings Bank business, puy FOUR PER CENT. 1 compounded quarterly, and keep opeu SATURDAY XIGHT. THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. to ita Coatomen. Wflllng aervice to ito trienda. F. H. BSIGGS, Cashier Raleigh Savings Bank & Trust Co., A per Interest CEWT- Quarterly "" on Savings Deposits. Aay deposits made by 8d draw "- Interest as of 1st. tOBS T. PTJLLEN President. JOS. G. BROWN . . Vlce-Pres. BOOT Cashier. .MIT I JON HfiT I ARC The Beiining - There is no Piano wblcb gives such universal satisfac tion as the Behning. , , , ', If you wish to purchase a Piano that is handsome, artist ic in design and finish, refined in tone, and in every way dur able, get the BEHNING In it you will find all these de sirable qualities at a price with in reach of the average size pocketbook. Some splendid bargains just now . in slightly used pianos. Our tuning and repair de partment is the best of anyin the state. Charges reasonable, Darnell & Thomas, RALEIGH, N. C. POWELL & POWELL "Incorporated" Alpha Cement Ivory Cement Plaster. Finishing Lime. Sackett Plaster Board. Red Cedar Shingles. PHONES 41. V K AUK AGENTS for the fam oils Hotel Astor Coffee. Sold upon 'its merits and used by the Hotel Astor in New York exclus ively. Give us a trial order anu le convinced that it is far super ior to any other Coffee on the Market. . lib Cun . . . . . v . . $ .35 li Can . 1.00 BOTH PHONES. RUDY & BUFF ALOE. 708 E. Hargett St. The Office Stationery Co., JAMES E. THIEM, Mgr. 12 E. Hargett St. Times Building. Capital City Phone 814-F. Notice of Summons. North Carolina, Wake County, In the Superior Court. Baleigh Banking & Trust Company. Plaintiff, vs Estelle Enniss King and others, Oglesby, DeWitt Cob : pany, a corporation, H. E. Lyon and Charles King, Defendants. The Defendants, Oglesby, BeWItt Company, H. E. Lyon and Charles King-, named above will take notice that a Summons In the above en titled action was, on March 24th, 1910, issued against them by the Clerk of said Superior Court, returnable to said Court, in Raleigh, N. C, on thj 25th day of April, 1910; that the purpose of said action is to forclose a certain Deed of Trust on a house and lot on the South side of East Hargett Street, in Raleigh, N. C, formerly belonging to Andrew J. King, deceased, all as de scribed In the Complaint filed in said Action; and so exclude the said De fendants from any Interest In said property. The said Defendants will further take notice that they are re quired to appear at the term of said Court to be held at the Court House in Raleigh, N. C, on the 25th day of April, 1010, and answer or demur to the Complaint of said Plaintiffs, or tlio relief demanded will be granted. This March 25th, 1910. W. M. BUSS. Clerk Superior Court for Wake County, N. C. o. a. wt 4w. HUBBARD BROS SCO. HANOVER SQUARE, ' NEW fbBly' MEMBERS. of New York Cotton Bx- change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Kembera LItst pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the put. chase and sole of Oottoa for futon delivery.. . Correspondence tarrtat Jr" 1 ; pi " Orl-' (0: k '' 4 r'";?M X - ( Lett I JUl WtW Han44. K-tFF Hud I Il iDBi ''" ' I turn lKfWTijli i &lj I . ic"S?.lF " :j: insist ; 1 .Point Hliii!; '.K, . . . t j mrt . wf ; ! ":M y&Qid ! : I klmw ill f5t S ' y Sunotmphui'V Hi I Limmmi -Miarynl!l: m." i STATIONERY. I Office Supplies and Specialties. ,

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