TIIE EVENING TIMES: RAIEIGH, K C, SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 1910. r page Tinrrs; TT 'J, vliBAjaUH STANDING. f tr NATIONALS. ' - ' ( CilftsH? llilti',' A Boston".. .. .. '.. 2 Cincinnati .. ,.' .. .. .. ..2 Pittsburg ,"..' .. .. .. i ' Louis .. .. .. .. .. ..,1 Brooklyn .. .. .,'.. ,. ..' l Philadelphia .. .. . .. .. i New York .' ..' ,. .. .. .. o Chicago .. .. ,. .. Q Won. LA)8t.'Po 0 0 1 1 1 1 2' 2 1000 1000 BOO 600 .600 600 000 000 Club i. Cleveland .. St. Louis (, Boston . . . Washington Chicago .. Philadelphia Detroit .. . New York . AMERICAN. Won. Lost. Pc .. ... ... .. 2 0 1000 . .. .. .,1 0 1000 .. .... 1 0 1000 .. .. ... .. 1 1 500 ...U. '.. .. 11 500 .. .'. .. .. 1 1 BOO .. .. .. : ..' 0 2 000 .'. ... .. ..0 1 000 SOUTHERN. Clubs ' i Won. Lost. Pc. Montgomery ... .. .. .. 2 0 1000 Atlanta.,. .. .. .. .. .. 2 0 1000 Memphis .. .. .. i o 1000 Mobile .. ... .. '.. .... 2 1 667 New Orleans .. .. .. .. .. 1 2 333 Birmingham .. (i 2 000 Chattanooga .. .. ..0 2 000 Nashllle 0 1 0DO SOUTH ATANTIC. Clubs Wort. Lost. Po. Jacksonville .. .. .. .. B 0 1000 Columbus ... y .. ... ..6 0 1000 Augusta .. .. .. .. 4 1 goo Columbia .. .. .. .. ..0 4 000 Savannah 0 5 000 Macon .. ... .. .... .. .. ... 0 4 000 YESTERDAY' 8GAMK. , AMERICAN LEAOITK. At Washington: Philadelphia. Washington, 2. At New York: Boston 2. At Detroit: Cleveland, (10 Innings). At Chicago; St. Louis, 5; Chicago, 4. 8: 3; New York, 6; Detroit. 2, NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis: Pittsburg, 5; St. Louis, At Cincinnati: Chicago, 3; Cincinnati 6. iAt Philadelphia: Brooklyn, 4; Phila delphia, 7.. At Boston: New York, 4 Boston, 5. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At Atlanta: Atlanta, 10; Chatta nooga. 2. At New Orleans; Mobile, 4; New Or leans, 3. At Memphis: Memphis, 4; Nashville, 2. . :-. At Birmingham: Montgomery, 4; Birmingham, S. ,. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Columbia: Macon, 2; Columbia, 2. At Columbus: Columbus, 9; Savan . nan. 1. . At Jacksonville: Augusta, 0; Jackson ville, 2. - How About This? (By Leased Wire to The Times) Detroit, Mich., April 15 Because he claims Cleveland baseball Is "unfair" to organized labor, John Potter, walk ing delegate of ; the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, refused to allow a party of ice workers to at tend yesterday'8 ball game at Ben net Park. - Potter met a wagon of the company hauling men to the game. He ordered all union men In the party to descend. All obeyed except two foremen of the Ice company. , Guilford v. Carolina Today. (Special to The Times.) Durham, April 16 Guilford College and University of North Carolina meet on the new athletic field this after noon at four o'clock and play the second of their series. : The Quakers won yesterday's game at Chapel Hill with Hedgepeth pitch ing and the University will work Stewart this afternoon, Two of the strongest teams meet here today. Guil ford has on that team men who have flayed strong ball pn the state leagues and Stewart will b necessary to save a second defeat. Bule will catch Stewart and the whole team will play, Bivlns formerly of Trinity, playing left field for Carolina. , , Manager LIndsey of the .: Traction .company, and Manager Diane of the University team make announcement that In the event rain interferes with the game before five innings are play ed, half the admission will be refunded. It Is Impossible to give out rain cheeks because no two teams will play .twice on the home grounds. The reduction offered Is all that could be asked. As this Is the first real game of the year, the managers of the two teams and the manager of tb park, are doing extra advertising for . a crowd. ; It his luckily today. The mills of Bast Dur ham and Edgemont shut down at noon Giving Alcohol Why. are you doing this? He would be much better off without it Chil dren do not need stimulants. But1 they often need a tonic, something to give them more color, more life, , fliore strength. Can you find a strong : tonic without a drop of TfYVfll it alcohoI? Ceitainly. Ayer's Sarsa 1 U I villi parilla is just such a medicine. En tirely free from alcohol. No stimu lation. No alcohol habit Ask your doctor all about it Let him decide. 'V J, tt iTEB COMPANY, Lmwll, Hm Boy? Daily movements of the bowels are just as essential for children as for adults. You can easily correct any tendency to constipation by giving small doses of Ayer's Pills. and these patronize the game-liberally. Since the first effort to play, the grounds havebeen smoothed over con slstently and the rain allowed the bumps to be moved. The field Is much better than it was Tuesday, and bar ring softness, is In good shape. The teams are strong enough to put up a good game of ball and as this Is a university town, there will doubtless bo rooting a plenty.. Ql'AKKHS DEl'KAT V. S. C. Carolina Downed 4 to 3 lty the, Marti. Hlttinjr Guilford Team. , (Special to The Times.) Chapell Hill Chapel Hill, April 15 In close game Guilford defeated the University team here this afternoon by the score of 4 to 3. The bame was characterized by hard hitting and good fielding, the visitors having a slight advantage in hitting over the locals. Guilford scored three times in tne Willie Lewis, the New York wel terweight, who has just beenatched for a return battle with Harry Lewis A V jhv ' '"""" """" I WMIIWI II I III 1 1 ""irTW ip MS--. of Philadelifaia, In Paris. In the re cent battle in Paris between the two men, Willie was given a draw al though sporting writers generally de clared that Harry had the best of the affair. a tie. Hackney died second to first, - Doak up in Guilford's half, safe on second's error. Benbor is safe on field ers choice, Doak out at second. John son singled, Benbow going to second and Immediately purloined third. Whlt- aker hit to the center field fence and the game Is over. R. H. E. Guilford .. .. .. 030 000 0014 12 3 Carolina .. .. .. 001 000 002--3 7 3 Batteries: Barnes and Stewart; Hedgepeth and Bule. Klon Tied AnIipvIIIp. (Special to The Times.) Ashi'vllle, April 15 In a beautiful game here this afternoon Elon and Asheville school played a nine-inning tie, neither side being able to score. Hearne struck out thirteen and Pal lock eleven. ' R. H. E. Elon .. .. .. .. .. 000 000 000 0 6-1 Asheville ...... 000 000 000 0 2 1 Batteries: Hearne and Hobbs; Pal lock and Jackson.- .". TRACK MEET TODAY. Wake Forest and A. and M. Will Meet This Afternoon. One of the hottest contested track meets of the year will be pulled off at the Fair grounds this afternoon when th A. & M. and Wake Forest teams will run, Jump and do other athletic stunts tor nonors. A & M. Entries. 100 yards dash Hartsell, Winston, Robertson. 220 yards dash Hartsell, Wlnslow, Robertson. 440 . yards run Cooper, Barnditch, Sexton. 280 yards run Barnditch Small, Sullivan. mile run Babbington, Bruner, One En son. Two mile Nichols. ... 120 yards hurdles Gantt, Hull. ' run Eason, Trotter, Sherman, secorld on hard hitting coupled with a miscue or two. Carolina's first run came in the third, and there was noth ing doing for either ; side . until the ninth, wfien Carolina tied up the score only to have It broken by the Quakers In their half. . Stewart singled over short, and made third .on an error, but ..badly sprained his ankle going into third and was carried from the Held. Mamllton taking his place. Bivens is safe on a fielder's choice, ''Hamilton being caught at the plate. Buie singled, Bivens go ing to third. Hedgepeth hits to center, Bivens and Buie crossing the pan for ftt TO Y0U--MY SISTER V J Ft to Vu Mid (Set .. j taring (rem Woman's Ailments. ' t m ontsn. ' ' I know womann trmcrinjrs. 1 have found tha ciiro. I will mail, frea of any charge, my Iionw treat, matt with full instructions to any airfare fro woman's ailments. I want to tell all woman abou thia cure-you, my reader, (or yourself, Tourdanghtel your mouiar, or your atater. .1 wane u ten you am tO CUM doetu?. to cure youraelvea at homa without tha help of doetui. Han Cannot ..understand women's fluff erlnp What we women know from experience, we kno 1 better than anr doctor. 1 knew that mr home tnel ment fa sate and aura oure for Laucnrrhoee 4 I Whltleh dUcbarcea, Ulceration. Displacement t 1 Pelllnar of the Womb. Profuse, senntv or Painh ' Periods, Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Clrowthn also pains itf the head, back and bowels, beariti down feeluiir, nervousnnse, creeping feeling: v tne spine, oiciancnoiy, aesire to cry, not uasno weariness, kidney and bladder troubles what caused by weaknesses peculiar to our sai. I want to (end you, a complete tea day's traai neat entirely free to urove to you that you can eo yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. B nwmfaHL that It will coat you nothinc to alv t' teataMnt complete trial : and tt you should wish to continue, it will cost you only about It cento reek, or laaa than twoeentaaday. It will not Interfere with your work or occupation. Just ecu ta your name and addreaa, tell me bow yaa suffer if you wish, and I will eend you the treotmo n- i-.l u ... m.-.'! . ' w:n -lu uwl ud frn tkf mtt. n eok ryour emne. entirely free, in plain wrapper, by return mail. - will also send you free of cost, e ok WOMANIS OWN MBUICAl. ADVISER" with explanatory flluntration chowina; wl eotnen cuftr. and how thny can euiiyoure tuamnelvea at home,. Every woman ehoald have It ai tarn to think for herself. Thea when the doctor aaya "Yod must Bavt, an operation.", you e (vide for youne'f. Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy Jt bunas a Id or younfr- To Mother of Deuchtera, I will explain a oimple home treatment which speed! Ui elfeotuallr cures Leucorrhoea. Green 8icknen and Painfid ox Imsrular Menctruatioa. la You r let. - fiumonera and health always results from Ha Bee, - , , , n hrever fat live, I caa refer yon to Mies of your own tfst7 ro know afsa will eladly b ytv suti'.rer tnat this Home Treatment reallv curee all wtnen's diaeasoe. and ntakeo women wo tone, plump and robu-t. Jast eend me your eddresa, and tho free ten&u'a treatmeat la you iKoiuetMtk, Wrlie taitnr, as ynuuiay not awi tUtaoJlc? y. ' vks. m. eyrisMSJts. eoi; h. .. . neai id., o.s.i High Jump Robertson, Cooper, Ross. Broad jump Robertson, Russ, Floyd. Pole Vault Rolllnson, Sherman, Hurlt. Shot put Floyd, Glenn Van Chris tien. Discuss Throw Floyd, Hu'rlt, Pope. Hammar Throw Dunn, Floyd, Hurlt. Wake Forest Entries. 100 yard dash: Coughemour, Olive, Highsmlth. Hammer throw O'Brien, Coughe mour. 220 yards . dash Murchlson, High smith. Coughemour. : Shot put Horton, Hutchins, Coughe mour. Discuss throw O'Brien, Horton, Couehemour. . . n. Half mile run Davis, Jones, Murchl son. 1 mile run Jones, Davis, Murchlson. Boad Jump Coughemour, Hutchison, Olive.. High Jump-jHutchlns, Olive, Ken nedy. 120 yard hurdle Hutchins, Olive, f-Kennedy. ' 220 yard hurdles Hurdles, Olive, Kenedy. Pole vault Settle, Carrlck, Gare. 2 mile run Smith, L. Olive. a e KAMOIGH HKiHS UKKKATKO. The Bull City Boys Wallop Raleigh 13 to 4. (Special to The Times.) Durham, April 15 The Durham High School team defeated the strong team representing the Raleigh High School here this afternoon by the score of 13 to f The game was slow, and the Raleigh boys seemed to have lost all the spirit they displayed when they de fnated the Durhamites 2 to 0 a short time ago, the final score being lit to 4 . .. . a e ' TRINITY IiOSES. Mercer Defeated the Tarheel Metho. dists in the Ninth. ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) Macon, Ga., April 15 Mercer defeat ed Trinity here this afternoon - In a ninth Inning rally by the score of 7 to 4. Claude West was In the box. though suffering with, a sore arm he hold 'the locals to one hit until the eighth. The score was 4 to 1 In favor of the vis itors when the nine frame rolled around, when hits, errors," miscUes, etc. netted six runs. ' ' R.H.-E. Mercer .. 100 000 0087, 7 t Trinity . 301 000 0004 7 2 Batteries: Smith and Voss C. West and Flowers. HOME RUN OF SAME JONES WON GAME IN NINTH INNING. 1 With the yells of a multitude of fans ringing In his ears Sam Jones, the veteran pinch hitter of Shaw Uni versity, walked up to the bat yester day afternoon In the ninth inning and planted the ball in deep right for a home run, winning the game. .The two negro teams were well matched and , neither . had been de feated in two- years. Claflln Univer sity, or South Carolina, has on of the strongest infields seen, this trea son on a loonl diamond. ThMr Bhort stop pulled oft some grand stand plays And time after time he robbed Shaw of what would have been pretty singles had a slower man been on the Job. ,. Gorham, for Shaw, pitched an ex cellent game , striking out 13 of his opponents apd allowing only four hit i'he ClafliQ, team was superior in the field but ; at the bat Shaw showed her jupremacy. ,' Invihe last half of the ninth inn ing, 'twith. wo men on bases, and , jjio outs the Shaw Kiipporters went wild, 'l'he:ne3rt;two men were eaBy for Cla flln bHt. when Sam Jones stepped Out to batythe ;trowd went-wild. Bam spat lnte'hll hands', squared himself at the', ftate . 4tnd wrenched his back striking at the first one. The sec ond lo'oke,l easy and e swung .again. Two strytdB', two down and two men on bases. .The next ball split the plate and catching it on the end of Ilia bat . Jones drove to deep right, far over the head of the fielder. Every thing scored and not even Ty Cobb or the mighty Haus Wagner were in Sam's class among the colored popu lation last night. He towered above them all. - . . . Score: '. R. H. E. Shaw , I . , .000 000. 2035 9,3 Claflln . .:. .102 000 0003 4-2 Batteries: , Shaw, Gorham and Gunn; Claflln, .Mitchell and Parks. Struck out by Gorham, 13; by Mitch ell, 4. Bases on balls off Gorham, 2; oft Mitchell, 4. Three base hits: Shaw,-' 3.' Home run: Sam Jones. Umpli-e,' King Kelly. Time, 2 hours and 10 minutes. ' e ; CATCHER JOHN KMXG ' .. WIl'Ii.FORM NEW LEAGl'E. (By Leased' Wire to The Times.) Boston, Mass., April 16. That John Kling, the famous catcher of the Chicago Cubs is negotiating for the formation of a league to com pete with the National and American baseball organizations was the start ling statement made here today by a prominent uaseball man. : This man declared that Kling's failure to return to the Cubs is caus ing suspicion and uneasiness in na tional league circles. There Is a re port current that he has threatened to Invade New York city with a semi professional team to play a series of games around the meropolis. 'Any such action would mean his perma nent blacklisting. '. The magnate whose fears are so thoroughly aroused said: v "Kling's refusal to sign and his contemplation of a series of games In New York means there is a well laid scheme to organize a third league. Kling is a thinking man and not an unreasonable one. He knows that he can not afford' to ruin his whole base ball career p.s he will if he runs against the national commission again. He would take no cnances now if he did not feci sure that he is fixed all right. He is no fool.' New York, Chicago, Cincinnati and Pitts burg would form the nucleus of the new league. I am not the only one who believes this. The opinion that such a move is inevitable and will de velop witiiin a short time is held ( by manv other magnates.. Kling has an ace up his sleeve or he wouldn't take chances of being forced from the game." ; . ; e ' THIS A X Of P DAY AT JKITRJES TRAINING CAM I. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Jeffries Training Camp, Rowartlen- nan, Cal., April 1C This was one of the off days in Jim Jeffries' training routine. The big fellow Is still suffer ing from a stiff neck, caused, he says, by a blow which Bob Armstrong landed on the top of , his head day before yes-' terday and on the advice of his trainers decided to take things easy. The early morning hours were spent at his favor ite fishing resort and just before lunch-! eon he took some mild exercise on the, handball court. ' I It is an open secret around campi that Berger is not well pleased with ! the shotting made, by Jeffries in his) several boxing bouts. .. Haberdasher j Sam sees something lacking in Ilia I speed something that will ha ve to be I remedied. While most of the campj followers are very optimistic because of the apparent ease with which big Jim does three men's work, Burger Is alive to the fact that his charge has some serious bustnes before him. "No sir," said Sam, this morning, "I didn't like the way Jim worked yes terday. IPe's worried, I know, but' BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. BOYLAN-PEARCE CO- NEW MILLINERY EVERY MONDAY ii euGst, Latest Stylos Suits, Dresses, Waists and Skirts TaiWr-made" Spring Wool en !Su its. Kxtni special values . . .. .... $15.00 Lace and Embroidered Lingerie Dresses, over-skirt el'fecls, colors, white, pink," and blue . . ". . .... ........ .... .. .. $7.50 to $25.00 Ohe:piece Linen Dresses, Kyelet Embroidered, Hand work and beautif ully . - ? braided white and fancy shades $11.50 to $35.00 Linen and Crash Suits, white, natural and street colors .... ... $12.50 to $40.00 , One-pitece Silk Dresses, Foulards, Taffetas, Messalines and Rough Rajahs, - $15.00 to $50.00 French Voile Skirts in the latest Tunic effects. Very special. ... ... $7.50 Splendid Wire-twist, Dust Shedding Voile Skirts. . .... $10.50, $12.50, $15.00 TiiiiPi'i-in Wjiists. marie hciiiitifnllw Ij;ici ;md Knihrnidcrv on sheer Lawns. $1.UU, ipl.bU, $2.UU Linen Waists, tailor-made . ... . . . . . . . . .... .... . . $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Fancy Net Lawn and Silk Waists . . .". .... . . . ... ...... . . $3.50 to $7.50 EXTRA PARASOL VALUES. Very pretty and picturesque styles differing f rom past season's. Stylish and serviceable colors, plain with fancy borders, long mission handles, $1.00 to $3.50 Children's Parasols . : . . . . . . ...... . . . . 50c. to $1.50 SPECIAL WHITE GOODS SHOW. , k ,,t Most appropriate for the Commencement Season are shown the newest things in Sheer White Goods for pretty graduating gowns. : ; Flaxons, French Lawns, -Mescalines, Barred Muslins, Checked Batiste, Dotted , Swiss, etc. . . .... .. .... ...... .. 15 to 50c. Linens, Linonettes and Crashes ........ .... . . ............ 10 to 255c. KID AND FABRIC GLOVES. ' White Kid, Silk, and Lisle Cloves in all lengths. Various qualities and at all prices from .. .. ., ...... .. .... .. .... ........ 50c. to $2.00 BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY. in aside from that he lacked life. In the handball game he might have won hands down if he had tried, but he never showed a disposition to do so until the last few points when he thought I was going to take him into camp." . "You see." continued Berger, "con dition counts for everything in this fight. Some think Jeffries can win If he Is, only half right, but I take the opposite view. Jim has to be abso lutely perfect. He can't go into the ring carrying an ounce too much, con sidering his disadvantage of five years of Inactivity, Mind you, I think he's going to win I am sure of that, hut it all depends on condition. He has a fight on his hands with a scrapper end if I thought he could not get right I'd throw tho match in a minutes. "You know this fight means much more to us than the championship and the money. Usually a fallen champion becomes a popular idol with the public but its reverse with us. Jim's a fellow that doesn't make many friends prin cipally because ho keeps to himself and his family nlmost entirely and the very fellows who forced him into the light would be first to rap him should he suffer a reverse. "So you see, I am watching the big boy more closely than anyone around here and If he don't work right I am going to know It. No doubt yesterday was an oft day but It didn't' suit me at all." Rerger intimated that he would in sist on Jeffries cutting out all heavy work for the next few days but whether he succeeds in carrying? out his ar rangements remains to be seen. MONDAY, APRIL 18TH. MR; PAUL GILMOR In a Big Revival of His Greatest Success The Mumitiy ' AND THE numniing Bird A Comedy Drama of Society Life With Miss ADELAIDE FRENCH AND AN ALL STAR , CAST. This is a Guaranteed Attraction. Prices: 50. 75. $1.00. $1.50. THE GRAND THEATRE HOME OF POLITE VAUDEVILLE. ALL NEXT WEEK. , HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE AND" MOTION PICTURES. Three Big Vaudeville Acts GOOD PICTURES. PEOPLES POPULAR PRICES. . : MATNUi;, Sr. and 10c. Ji -HMXIiS, 8:(M and :30j , 10c. and 'Mv. Handsome Wall Chart CONTAINING THREE MAPS, Wake County, North Carolina and (he United States - FREE"";'':ig TO EVENING TIMES SUBSCRIBERS ''" i 'I.'-. . V ..S . ' S:,' Send $5.00 for years subscription tor The Times and have this handsome CliAHT delivered to you absolutely free. Do it today, the supply is limited. Address ;; ; Evcninfl Times CircuiaUon Dip't, Rdeinh, - - - North Ccix!!" IIS