WY:-VY THE EVENING TB1ES;; RALEIGH, U. G.j TflTJltSPAtf, MAY Qi910.'r them. We- say. this "much for, the M . . -. them, we-sy """- "" Oij? tiUf tttttn CHltlFS good name of the county, because of . -" -..:. V " w. f.loA aliarm that 'have 'Published Every Afternoon v , ... (Except Sunday) t THE TIMES tiTJU-DING X8-14 East Hargett Street, "Raleigh, N. C. , , i J. V. SIMMS, Editor and Publisher. the many false charges tnat n been made. But there are differen ces of opinion as to matters of county government and county policy, mat ters' that are likely to: be forgotten in the teat of a campaign for the nnntrol of the party machinery. th.th,rd,per8on,re.d orthe JJ JJS STwVlK-S: Now and thus no oie to specialised. Sup- commltui what 0Ula orl,tton lt is seen-that even in that quarter pose, for example, that congress ,ho HaUon foUowe nad DCen voted to sacrince one poy eacu '"-""'rXl" :tI " wtiv weakened; so much so that 4 national Fourth of July Ottering tne presmenr a flo America nearly --just one single boy: What an up- ence.ls most neeoea ; sua . " .."7 w ,.Ver theslender tie. . (.',. ,, annnmu. ommtrv in most StrtK-isurnceu i . roar wewouia ---.-- i- w ". . it i a demonstratea raci due process of law. tne v.cm w lng th: Brvan macb,ne. all-powerful " Capital City 'Phone. , Managing Editor .... , ., ... . raty Editor i. Business' Office Circulation Department ,. ... y -Raielgh Phone; Managrat Editor.., City Editor ..,... .. : ; Business Office .. ... r " r . . SUBSCRIPTION BATES. One tea"; :'.';.'. 1 Six Months Three Months - One Month. . ., . One Week; . . . . Colonel Roosevelt was in his glory yesterday. Specially arranger ma neuvers of the crack' troops of the German army with only the. Kaiser and the Colonel for spectators. Such an appeal as that to the vanity of the l" fninnsi must have been enough 17 . . , 179 satisfy even mm. to If you have any trouble rt Mr Wagner had from the out- ffsas-ass." J rL .r.n.. r .... It, promptly rsmeaiea. in uruc....e -change of address give both old and It develops that there Is one re n..hiiMn In North Carolina who does not want an offlce. He Is h. C. Wag ner, recently appointed postmaster at Statesville. Regarding the ap pointment the Landmark says "As heretofore stated In the Land- new addresses. The Evening Times prints no un clean or objectionable advertising. Neither does It print whiskey or any liquor ads. , used in connection with the postof flee. After Mr. Brown was displaced as collector it was the opinion mat th nohtof flee would be offered to Mr. Waeoner. but the latter announced ,k hiu attitude with reference to th miDointment was unchanged. Re cently Congressman Cowles visited Statesville and after a conference .... thAt ii eommunlca- with memDers oi vne repuumau It Is Imperative that all communis announced that tlons be signed by tne wmer. o . l " '. fnr ,. thev will not be puhlisnea. Mr. wuguei w - maHLer. iwi. no,uwi " slsted in his declination. In the face of this Mr. Cowles has had him an- nninted. Yesterday Mr. Wagner de rilned to" talk about the matter and the situation stands as before, so far as the nubile knows. "While for good and sufficient rea sons Mr. Wagner has declined to be a candidate for the offlce, it is proper m anv that He would mae u mu efficient nnstmaster and a most ac centable one to the community." Tim t tnass-raeetlng will be cer- . Mr xuanpr la an exception. He tain to have the market house smell L0liM no doubt, make a good post Entered at the post offlce at Ralelgb, N. C, as second class matter. The "Me-too" chorus has not. been quite so strong this time. to it What is the difference in a Wake county democrat and any other dem ocrat? "Who broke up. the mass-meeting?" will probably become a demo cratic classic. . master, but at the same urne should not be forced into the profes sional office-holding class of republi ,, wo nrnhahlv don't care for touoi t thot kinH nf comnany and doesn' want to get mixed up with them. THE FARMER. Wake county seems to come in for her share of adverse criticism from a political standpoint. The fact still remains that every body got cursed, . but nobody got whipped or arrested. We hope those pent-up speeches wIU . find a, free and untrammeled means of escape Saturday. One thing is certain: The light has been turned on Wake's old court house for once In a decade. The fellows who caused the fuss can have all the time and room they want in the court house this time. The receptive candidates are so numerous hat. H is almost dangerous to try to get to the postofflce in daytime. The farmer Is the man that really living these days. The prod ucts of his farm are bringing prices .o. Wnrn married, and he is not dependent upon someone else for livelihood. Yesterday on the local n.orUot a farmer had a two-horse nrairnn ind of home-cured hams, shoulders and sides or "middlins1 and the biggest part of bis load being . i . i J A hams, such as' granamomer uju i have in her smokehouse. x In a reply to a question he said he was getting 21 cents per pound for his hams. It looked like he had as many as twenty or twenty-five of old hickory-smoked hams in his wagon. He said further that he would not have come here with this load had he not had a little spare time. Think of it? A man in such a position that selected and his name and residence careful 5 of expenditures n.nlnff 'i fillYinnAA. I tm1l '.Mnt.Ai oflil thai annniincea suuiv in ... "o- omai. i also, he was as unpromising and un lovable a youngster as couia db iouuu and he lived In a cross-roads village small It was unknown, oeyona me county line. In a few hours me uaiiy press would flood the country wnu extra editions, wnue . era would hurl denunciation ai me law-makers while demanding a spec- session of congress, if necessary. to repeal so infamouB a thing. Mat ters of greatest business, importance, social events of the first order and nrher dolneis Of equal magnitude would have to appear In obscure por tions of the papers. In every city, tnwn and hamlet petitions to me president would form as if by magic; people of every occupation would neglect their business in orur i fix their signature, and before night several million names of angry and determined men and women would have signed the demand. 10 carry the" argument to Its extreme, wo may even assume mi. fused to repeal, tne presmem uc- cllned to intercede anu me ui8"" o..pt Hlri not interfere. An attempt to execute the decree would precipi- dllctB tate civil war. "All this to save one unknown Doy. And jet on July 4th, 1910. two hundred or more boys and girls win iih their lives to a form ot ceieora- tion which has long ago ceased to be even patriotic. 1 '' 1 1'; While the: basis is an impossiuie . . 1 1 . 117111 1 .1 hp one, tne piciureu . iraum . " true in every detail. An entire na tion in arms to save one unwilling victim. The two hundred perish with only a passing notice by the public and sorrow confined to relatives and near friends. Then why should tnis annual sacrifice continue: Are uui the two hundred of equal conse quence as one? As long as we con tinue to be satisfied wim onei an nual regrets, and connne our cuui t to mere talk, conditions will not t.nnFP Twn thines would seem to Lll.uhvt '-' even that memDers realise the wisdom of economy nvornmanijii omendltures.- Gazette News.1 J- ReclssnaUon Hereal)Onts- Under the caption -'Swamp LanJs Chanaed Into; Fertile Farms' the Manufacturers' Record printed In the edition of May 5th last, under date of Belnaven. North Carolina, tlie Story of -how the Wilkinson Broiaem are. conducting the wonderful work of reclaiming..: the swamp lands , of .,.. ,ninn hniiirh drainage, of LUal DIU. VM . " "Cl" - ..ki.i.' . K.if etnrv was Drlnted in W II unvi this newspaper last year. TiiA Ror1 correspondent goes inui detail and prints also illnstra tmn of the country where this wont is being done. The monster dredges nirtured as they go eating their way through the land excavating the ditches which later drain the land so that it may be brought under cum Pictured also are some of the lands uuon which stand grem. .!- of corn, cotton, peas and other pro- The Illustrations snow conou . . . 1 .. Aa- ...ii.. i. w hlarh ana cienni uc- mnnntrate that the claim vervwhere two years ago. has gone h M-ran heap, to borrow iag eart's Dhrase.- Retorting to Lincoln a week ago. and taking it for grant ed that- democracy wa stilly Ma; as set; Mfi'-Bryan had not goirt far be fore he was made aware .inai-i leadership had been repudiated. Not that he had done anything. In his ab sence to alienate bis : long-raitniui following, but that UIs neighbors nao come to see that he had lost his hod da democracy at Jarge, Just ' now tana they had been waiting to knqck the last, prop from under him is not clear, but the resolution and promptt- ..a whlfh s enal zed tneir acuuu when the ripe opportunity came sug gest the Idea that It was not a hasty conclusion. Democracy's step In casting off the old before on with tne new puis me party in the rather awkward position of having no acknowledged leaoer. However, those who heretofore have hesitated to dusplte Mr. Bryan's sway nresumably will now come out In tne open and assert their claims. i ne fall elections may serve to designate Aryan's successor and forge a new party slogan. Washington post. ware -ttompany."' Tt sequel "oi 'the . ooiahntinn of .yesterday was -a oru- vw.n..-. " k- ... ... I Hunt receotioB. given W tne memuen ,1,. rrAatan " Club. .' :to Senator rArmn, and the Confederate tret- i,,. which was ' nn : occasion of v ' . . . a. tt.ln I much pleasure, the gray-naireo .... .t home amona tneir. ineuus, ani were filled with Joy., . , Our senator, possessing jm m uww anil airanie mauueia, wu 1 the, heart ot vour people, who, hope he may succeeq nirosen 1 In the senate. j :...,, c ...Shall Women VowT . If thev did. millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true reme dy for women. For nanisnmg ami, faui feellnes. backache or head ache, constipation, 'dispelling colds, Imparting appetite and toning up the system, they're unequaiea. bmj. safe, sure. . 25c at ail aruggiau. "1 V ! I I 1 .1,' " 1. . . No. man Is so smart that, he" can do more for himself than good luck can. A $1.00, BABGAIN. We hve Hair Bntsh for i $1.00 Uiat is- one 'of 1 tl , best bargains yon ever sawv A good stiff hr)urtv. with strong bristles. .. $1.00, THE HICKS DRUG COMPANY BOTH PHONES. ANtlOUIICEr.ENTS . All announcements and po litical letters and endorsements cash in advance. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the oftice 01 wegisier 01 Deeds for Wake county, suojeci 10 the action of the Democratic Primary. ' C. H. ANDERSON, that the lands are as rich as any in tlie world J yETERAN'S SHOOTING MATCH is well'based. The work or araiums nrt latmina these magnificent io . hnin ' Bncotiraeed by the lUllua ,e i '"O NOrfolkSouthern Railroad Company, ,h ime nenetrate that territory. irhi. ntnriRinbr railroad also is rtprlared to be giving homejeekers in .1 mtoat inw rates and at tracting settlers lanria whfoll J. O in flralnaeo engineer of the United States Agricultural Department, who tuMn assisting in mis reci-- Some After-evonts of Memorial nay at Henderson. ; (Special to The Times) -;: Tlpndeiaon. May 12 After the decorations of the graves of the Con .federate dead were concluded ., tne has tlon project. Is quoted as sayins capable of producing ten per cent of raised in me u"" . . 1 I HAAnAA t aat tholr ahll. to the reciaimeu 1 te!i u jiiiOTn - Wrig'at. supervls- Ity in a snoonng-maicn. 1 u : cessfui coniesianis were iei. 11. T. Short, who was awarded the rifle, J. H. Pool, the razor. W. H. Lang ston, , pocket knife. These . prizes were presented by the Watktns Hard all the corn States.'.: It is planned . . 1 - .. '. olorht feet deen. c.,t the loaical course to bring mues 01 ww -" ,'l about a remedy. Something equally Deafness Cannot be Cured to dig some fifty I With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat 01 tne . disease. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's and from eighteen to thirty-six teei . .... .Aina nrt .it.tluu tnlwlrlo at the hottom. ...r... - . . rich ",u"v v"" children must first De proviaeu us aiuuuuicu "" , A tn I -irr, u,c . ... . . 1 nil. .viol lannH win uc 1 cvm.... 1 hcls uirvciiv Ull uic WIWl suDstituie. ana -.. . thom-L.t.iiv the Record tells of the oua surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure second, me juu. . ""'"T.Z.' "7 K...no.a f the Nor- not a ouack medicine. It waa pre. selves must work to accompnsu ine great iumue..UB . scribed by one of the best physicians Change. This would pronaoiy oe fom:isouinern ier. - . - - m thg country fpr year8 and is a regu done by a national movemeui ui" rating through the public scnoois. the reclamation work lar prescription. It Is composed of the America from the dredged earth on one sloe .... -,-..1. --a ..nomito rarkers isl.. .w onii 1 hurt "make' a road jy iiaiu.o v j " " - i w i i u i- dredges when they dig the big ditches begt tonlCB knovn, combined with the no lnsignincani uuuciiue, - nothing to what the Spartan youths did voluntarily." - NOTICE. Psjitical letters, endorsements and olovated and naturally oraiuea. The fact is set forth ih the story In question, that the lands In Eastern North Carolina are nit malarial as the low lands of tae west and far south are. TUis. when it shall be come known must cause them to be .. .... . . n this .i Gn..rht for. The Diaca sun all political aaveriiseiucuio s 6F"j " . naoer as regular advertising and U ten feet deep In many places and mt h n,M in advance. This rule ia wonderfully producUve ii0 i avorvnne and no exception that in the neighborhood of the so- ayy.iw w - 1 -- . . x,,fiu to this rule will be made to anyoouy. called Dismal owamu, uot. where the Lindsay farms are, .wu.u are heina dredged and which pro duce the horse tooth corn largely ex- nriaii from Norfolk and sold at iat blood Durlflers. acting directly on the mucuous - surfaces. Tn perieci combination of the two Ingredients Is what nrnduces such wonderful results in curlna Catarrh. Send for testlmoni ala free. p. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.., Toie do. O. Sold by druggists, price 71c. . Take Hall's Family Pills for conatl patlon, ' TO THE PUBLIC. ' I am a candidate for fe-nomlnatlou for the ornce oi me neiuiiw, " Deeds for Wake county. l am not how and never nave neen a member of any faction of the Dem ocratic party and- have aevo.ei m lime and attention to thr mannge inent of tlie office : to which I was elected. ! . I am hot now. and have never oeen opposed to the salary basis if tiie peo ple of Wake county want it. I have made your ornce inorouisu- ly modern and up to aate m respect and have given you first class service. Do you want an officer who has de- llveredthe goods, or do you want an experiment? J. i- BERNARD. 11 t. f. v ,'v. - ' ' . . . . vnDDHDii I IIIIUl IIIIIUIIII w. UUvLj RALEIGH, N. C S125.000 CITY OF RALEIGH MU NICIPAL BUILDING BONDS. nirt .Tniv l. 1909. payable July 1,1 1939, Without prior option. Interest five per centum per annum, payable seml .nn...uv January 1 and July 1. Both .rf.i.iiii and Interest payable at the Bv.rn.or anl Merchants National Bank, n.uimnra. Ud. The "undersigned, City Clerk,' will receive sealed bids at his office. Balelgh. North Carolina, for ld bonds until 12 o'clock M., June 10th. 1910. -' ' " : Tttv.tt.A oirpulara. a-ivlnC full Inform ation- and blank forms on which all bids must be made will De lurnisneu wn application to the undersigned. WILLIAM W. WILLSON, 5-IO-30d. . f . City Clerk. Press Comment prle materially higher than the ordi nary variety. The Norfolk-Southern which has "To the editor" is 'such a nice sweet way to introduce the subject in a hot campaign like this one in Wake.'- .-v. A Rotten Apple. ' . . h. nrattv Tne state press -."'I- ... i,a nH has mlle- evenlv lined up in the matter oi tne now - "- : h n.iaiU row. The particular cuam- age of more tna su r- -.- ,o .. -... RalIev Beem to what perhaps only when he has nothing else to oo . . . rhUv territory in this country, .i,IiH,n thnnh the latter has been devoid "What do you know?" is a famil iar whisper on every corner in Ral eigh now. This muttering thunder looks bud to us. can he bring a wagon-load or juicy country hams, the smallest of which was worth ?2.50 to the market. When a man has twenty-five or thirty hams and other farm products In pro portion, he is fixed such as few oth ers are. Nobody but the farmer Is I- onMi a condition. His smoke house is full of meat, criD run corn, plenty of wheat or flour hanrt rnttnn money in the bank, chickens running arouno no more to say man ui n . side Daniels and Bailey are on. mu3t be the right side. The Monroe paper calls the opposition to Daniels and Ratiev "hoodlumism" and says of tne ottnotinn- "We have here the ob is about the richest which has nf transportation iacii- ities and now is -being opened and ttio,i with the exbectatlon that It DV.VU " will soon be a great garden The Norfolk-Southern and their allies are doing great work in the up- h..iiriinr nf this section and wnen on. e - A.. nan.A settlers to locate VIOUS example Ul iue -- - - . ,k rlh lanria of Wake county has taken unto her- cotf a tprrihle renutatlon among the spring hens laying a dozen or i day, a spring house plain democracy of the state for a general place for rucasses. every oolitics that is cursing America The Chronicle's Idea or it is urni there Is absolutely nothing on either side to the Wake county rucus that could call for commendation or de- fenae. It is simply a rotten apple eggs cut in halves. Charlotte Chronicle. well- stocked with butter and fresh milk, xney can Kcn Him In Washington. If two slates are made up for the all of Which commands the best price I ' AUer many ups and downs, but Eastern North Carolina," which by the nay are soon and easily reached from Norfolk, whence their products are shipped to New York and other large markets by water atyow cost, mcj are doing a great service for tne set tler and also for we consumer, these times of high prices for pro ducts of the land. Ledger-Dispatch runners what in the name of common sense will the plain democrats do who wish to run. It is peculiar de mocracy to us.' ' today in history. The farmer is me I mainly dowus, there is one situaimu .. uwon-iont man nf the coun- which the old Cannon, or icanj ..luce - . . of . ... miii an nil ill m Mil itr iu Lmiuub ' I WnO KOOWU oui "' late they have Deen compimmuB. A Chicago scientist has discovered that six drinks are equal to a full days work. In this town six drinks are eqnaf to a full man before day is far gone. try, and is the one and cares less for the trials and trib that th other classes bear Lllll liuu" " with. The farmer Is king. the Jiitjriklng v similarity between Wake county nd old England: "The king is. dead-, long live the king", was cried in England, while in Wake it seems to be "Death to the Ring: Long Uv the Ring", "v o Wresentative Payne has had p dome tp the defense of the Payne Aldrlch tariff by making a speech In the house: ; He,; too, has' probably i.lA 'ntar lom'e of the , tolks: at pomv ; , -' 'TliaL:tber Is any,, corruption In Wake euBty government bo ob bs lleven, o matter how often, nor how loudly K is prdtlaimed, hofr hy. whom The officers , of ths sotunty. . ,are,-. aU men whd1 stand head and shoulders above anybody who has attacked "A SANE FOURTH." Much has been we re- with a bitterness of spirit natural in much abused men.1 that President Taft has forsaken tnem at uuie when his help was most needed, and when the wicked insurgents, with their democratic allies, were Insurg- ing most effectively. Last . weea, while the railroad bill, very close to the heart of the administration.) was belne emasculated, and the regulars were driven to the most desperate straits, agreeing to vote with ' the democrats to throw out certain pro visions In order to get democratic lioin In defeating tae tunumm written about Sane Fourth", but a Recent editorial i Dnmi ar iMAcnanica loons w IU V 1' I' . ' " cnhiont from a somewhat different . .inui a view that Is en uugic, o tirely new and striking, and produce It in full: ; Th annual . celebration of out n.tinnal birthday is rapidly approach- omonnment. the president was in ing, and for scores of happy, neauny j pituhurg attending ball games ana boys and girls who are now setting aside precedent to give inter- their lessons and romping with their i.,ata th rtavB of aw are nearly bnndred days In euueu. . " " - hia onrid is al lthat remain to them. It Is almost certainty mat Borne w the narents who read these lines, and think nf the fatality as ' coming to Other children than their own, will be .n. thnaa to whom July 4th Will v ft hrinv nnlv the saddest of UCIWWi " " O . memories. . " UV"5-1"-''- "Our indifferenco to the ; matter prises from the" inborn human ten dency to always think of disaster In . tr. Mrinrtera. tenina wuui fine mW BalUnger is, and how glad h i that Governor Hughes Is to ac cept the position ot associate justice of the supreme court. . . . But" as we were saying, aistraugm regulars may how take, the situation in hand and keep tne priuu. v home. The president has , . already exhausted his traveling fund, and all the sinking fund' available, and says he must have an emergency travel ing fond at ohCft Mf.-Aldrlch, mean- Passenger Station. Raleieh. if memory serves aright, was the first place in the state to get a decent passenger station. Other places had quite -as hard a time do tal the same thing, it requireu vears and years of work here, but when it was completed. It did not give satisfaction to. the- road by any means, not to mention the public, and aome of these-days, a century hence or thereabouts, Greensboro will have another; While Raleigh's wo aii rts-ht when erected, it is not adequate orv.ecni now and the people 'are pulling tor an other; The various traae ouuie i lined up and a strong fight is being mario with three railroads In that place it does seem that Raleigh is entlUed to better- accommodations. ureensDoro ttecoru. Democracy Without V JM"1'. fjpnpral recocnitton of the truth Of what The Post set forth last fall rel otiv t Mr nrvan's loss of. the party leadership J now being given. - It was pointed oat : then, that ihe ,de mncracv of the east, and south had fallen away from te fortunes of the Nphraakan: thatYhe middle west, and the Pacific oast were practically t th' nam mind, and that only N- Storage Facilities. we 1 . rvA 'oW unro nf mir increasing businesss have rented a warehouse 30x100 feet, in addition to our present quarters, and in future we will bo in posi tion to store furniture and other goods. When in need of this service give jts a call. Our charges will be reasonable. m CASH OR CREDIT. The Raleigh Funiture Co. T. E. flroen. St, and Tras. M. RIGGAN, Mgr. 17 East Martin; 18 Market Streets. RALEIGH, N. C. We Are Agents For Remington Typewriters. RALEIGH ART GO. ,04 W. HARGETT STREt, . . . : .... OPPOSITE BROWN'S. do not put you off when yon send for os o do your paper-hanging. Our work Is the best. Ou price, within reach. YOUNG MAN! What of Your Future? ' Your future success or fail ure defends not upon luck, but upon what you are doing NOW. Preparation or no preparation determines the future. Gradu ates of the North Carolina Ag ricultural and Mechanical Col lege for the Colored Race are in great demand, , receiving splendid compensation dilut ing farms, dairies, and indus trial departments in prominent schools over the country! suc cesful contractors and build ers. J Such ' preparation has helped others and will help YOU. ..,.-' Best accommodations, lowest terms. Really cheaper to go to school than to stay at home." Board lodging - and tuition, $7.00 per month. For catalog, free tuition and other Informs tlon, address, PRKSIDENT DUDLEY, . A. & M. College, Greensboro - - N. C. J HAMS AND B. BACON. P. F. V. Hams. Reliable Hams. Rusy Bee Hams. Star Hams. . V Kingan Shoulders. . i Plc-Nlc Shoulder. -', KiuRUil B. Bacon. Pure and ConnM)und Iiard. RUDY & BUFF ALOE, ; s Both Pliones. : .103 East Hargett Street. , SCREEN DOORS.: WINDOW SCREENS. WHITE FROST Telephone 887 M. The Laundry lor the Fcllio Ulio Care. " Because it is equipped with only' the best machinery. ' Because we have ompeen npioyerm .Because it Is returned to you on rschedule" Because we are the Oldest and Best. - time. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, ThosllBriggs&Sons The Big Hardware lien. t BAIiEIGH, Jt. C SALE Elegant house at 828 W. Jones St., ... a IviUrrn rooms cor, Marnngiou o- and hath, big lot, with all the latest; up-to-date Improvements. First class condition. WIU sell below cost. Apply to ' , PROF. J. LEVIN, ; M8-W. Jones St Raleigh, N. C.,