THE EVENING TIMES: RALEIGH, N. 0.; THURSDAY,' MAY 12, 1910. "PAGE FIVE -i TODAY'S Stocks; Cotton, Grain and Provisions. ; Nw York Stock Market. , (BJLeasedWire to The Times.! New ork, -Hay IS Pennsylvania w&a unusually prominent at the opening and. wan the strongest feature. , It opened up me point and although transac tions after, the start were made at concessions the price above' yesterday' closeWATter th fractional recessions the price '.lifted slightly above the opening; The-rest of the Hat generally started ''With moderate fractional' de cllnes but before the end of 15 minutes trading a strong1 tone developed prices- moving, above yesterday's close. . New Tork Closing Stock List. ' (Br iieased Wire to The Times) Amalgamated Copper .. .. American Ice Securities .. . American Sugar Refinery . American' Hmelting' ,j ... ... '.X . America ti Ijoepmotive ., . . 9 25 ..123 American Car Fouftdry .'. ' . .. 61 A "..... " .11! ..-65V4 American Woolen vil i. Anaconda ., Vr Atchison .. ... .. .' 1. Atlantic 'Coast Line ... v Brokly'n Rapid Transit Baltimore & Ohio .."' ..' Canadian' Pacific li Chesapeake & Ohio .'.:.'.' Consolidated Gas .. .. .. Central Leather .. . . ... .. . . 85 ..109 ..124 .'. 80V4 ..189 ... 86 ..139 . . 42 .. 38 Colorado Fuef & Irtm Colorado Southern .. 60V4, Delaware & Hudson;1 . ..171 Denver & Rio Grande .'. . Distillers Securities ' .. Erie .. .. .. .. .. .. Erie, pref. .. '.. .. .. .. ., General Electric .. .. .. .. Great Western . . Great Northern, 'pref JF'. y. Great Northern Ore Hocking Coul & Iron . . Illinois .Central-V.X-Vv; , . Interboro , Interbpro, pref. -...'. ; .. Iowa Central' Kansas City Southern;. . .. Kansas. A Texas , Ixiuisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific .. .. .. .. New Tork Central ' ... Northwestern' ..W .. . National Lead '..v.. Norfolk & Western ... .. .. Northern Pacific .; . Ontario' Si Western V. .. .. Pennsylvania .. .. ... .. .. Pacific Mall '; .1 ..' . Peoples Gas Co .. .. .. , Pressed teel Car ........ ., Reading , ,. .. .. . Rock Island .. .. .. .. .. . Rock Island, pref .. .. .. . Republic Iron & Steel .. .. . Republic Iron- ft Steel,' fref. gloss-Sheffield .. '.. .. . Southern Pacific .. .. .. ... Southern Railway .. '.. ., . Southern .Railway,- pref St. Paul'-V. .. ,. .. ....... . Tenn. Copper .. .. .. .. .. . Texas Pacific .. .. .. Third Avenue .. .. .. .. .. . Union' Pacific .. . .. II. . Rubber .. .. .. .-. .. ... Utah Copper,,. .. .. .. U. S. Steel .. .. ... .'. .. ... U. S. Steel, pref. .'. ., ... .. Vlrglnla-Carlolina Chemical Western Union . . . . Wabash .... .. .. ...... . Wabash, pref .. .. .. .. ... Westlnghouse Electric ... .. Wlfconsln Central ;. ... . Western Maryland ...... Corn Products .. .. .. ..' .. . ". 31V4 .' .. 2894 , ..149 ..27 ..137 . . 62 ..186 . . 20 ..55 Vr 2 ..34 .. 42 ..146 .. 69 ..121 ..152 .. 77 ..102 '..132 44 ..135 .. 26 ..108 .. 89 ..160 .. 44 .. 90 . . 83 .v6 ..73 -..126 ..26 .. 62 ..138 .. 27 .. 32 ... 6 ..182 v. 43 .. 45 "... 82 .118 67 .. 68 .. 20 .. 46 .. .62 . . 47 .. 46 .. 16 Chicago Grain. '. ,-"'; (By Leased Wire to The .Times) '. Chicago, May 12 The offerings, of wheat were small this morning and prices were firmer and higher In con sequence. Colder weather In the north west was the power behind the throne. July sold at 103 1-4 to 103 5-8 to 103 3-4. ''. '"''" ''".': .''"' Corn opened 3-8 to 1-2 higher with sales of July at 63 3-4 to 63 to 63 1-8. ''.-'- . ': :' Oats were 1-4 to 3-8c higher; July at 40 7-8 to 41. ' '--y i " , ' Provisions were lower In the face of a steady hog market. There was ' buying of deferred months by scared shorts late .today on the bulge in. May. wheat abd prices closed at 113 for May against a resting spot of 112 yesterday. July was 'up c. and September gained ?c. -: .Wheat was nervous all around, with, trade the smallest In - weeks. Corn was to -atgher. The rnai kef ruled duir and featureless, Oats were to ' better. Market quiet, with phicea well held. Provisions were weak . and -lower ' all around, most of the day; yet there was fairly good buying on- the weak spots. Chicago grain quotations' ranged as follows: i -c Open. '.High. Close. 1.12 ' 1.13 1.13 J.03 1.04 1.03, 1.01 1.01 1.01 May i .-. July t . Sep. , , Corn ; May . , July . . Sep. , . Oats . 61 L.651 .63 .6 .63 .64 .61 -.63 .63 ,,42 .40 .39 . May . July .'. , Sep. '. , Pork Ma . . July t ,4J , . '.41' .38' 2 .41' MM 22.38 22.60 22.1iO .12.66 r 12.46 12.6Y 12.40 12.32 22,42 ;U57 22.60 V .82.65 Sep. '. . Lard ", Mayx . . , 12.67 12.62 12.60 July Sep. TnW 1(J.i2.8:: , 12.47 12.42 12.32 12.49 12.37 , Sep. The -man, who trusts not one doesn't know what disappointment is. ..: '.' .,. . , ....... .'. Vt-i -v . ; r:;W ;j-v filAEiKETS; ' " 1 fcNew York Cotton. , (By Leased Wire to The Times.) . New York, May 12 The Opening of this morning's cotton was firmer at an advance of 2 to 6 points. The short Interest, was a heavy, buyer, of July and (August, forcing the whole market , into new ; high ground Brown bid for large-blocks f August. LlyerpaoL. started.' pobrly but rallied sharply .before our' start. : ' ..'.-. Open. : High, -. low. . Close May: ,, 15.44 : 15.67 16.41 15.53 June , . 15.41 . 16.41 15.41 15.48 July ., 16.30 . 15.48 15.27 15.44 Aug. . . 14.78 14.96 . 14.78 ! 14.92 Sep... J3-.58 J3.70 -13.566, 13.6.6 Oct. . : 12.98 ,18.03 '12,89 t 12.98 NOV.-- ... 12.78 "12.78 12. Dec.. .. 12.71 12.84 12.70 12.79 Jan. . 12.66 12.81 12.66 12.75 Market closed steady. ' New Vork Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) New York, May .12 Spot cotton. quiet, 15 points 'uiguer at 15.95. sales, spot, 6,168 bales; delivered on contract, 4,400 bales. . New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to Tile Times.) Open. 15.09 15.29 15,50 14.68 13.77 12.88 12.76 ' 12.78 ' 12.78 High. 15.30 16.29 15.57 ' 14.95 13.77 12.99- 12.76 12.81 12.89 Low. 15.07 15.20 16.28 14.78 13.35 12.86 12.70 12.78 12.78 Close. 15.17 15.18 15.39 14.88 13.70 12.92 12.85 12.80 12.82 May June July , Aug. ' Sep.. , Oct. . Nov. Dec. . Jan. . Market closed steady. Iilyerpooi Cotton. ; (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, ' May 12 Cotton spot sales 5.400. closed steady; American middling 8.13; 15,000; receipts 6,000, . American Futures opened steady, and barely .steady. May.'. .. .. .. .. .. 7.89 7.80 May-June .. .. .. .. 7.83 7.83 June-July .. .. 7.79 :" 7.79 . July-Aug. 7.78 7.73 Aug-Sept. ..... ..' 7.45 ' 7.46 Sept.-Oct. 7.01 7.01 Oct-Nov. ..v f. .-.-'.. 6.83 6.83 Nov-Dec. 6.75 6.74 Dec-Jan. .. .. .. .. 6.73 6.72 Jan-Feb. .. .. .. 6.71 6.7l Feb-March JO, . 6.69 Raleigh Cotton Market. (Reported by C. E. Jonnson ft Co.) Good middling, 15c. Strict middling, 1 4 c. Middling,, 14c. , Cotton Seed Oil. (By Leased Wire to .The Times.) New York, May 1 2 Cotton seed oil prices, based on prime yellow. ranged as follows: ;.'..;:..';' .'.'V ", Closing. May ....... , . , . ". 7.95 7.98 July .. .. .. .. ,. ,. 7.927.95 September , . . . . . . , 7.927.93 October . i . . . .'. , ., . , 7.38 7.39 November ..... .. 6.896.92 December . . ... . . . 6.626 J5 January ; . . . , ; , , , , 6,626.64 Spot oil . . .'. . . . . 7.95 & 8.05 Sales, 7,300 barrels. . New York Provisions..'...'.:...'. (By Leased Wire -to The Times) New York, May 12 Wheat, No. July, firm; 110. Wheat No. 2 red, 116 in eleva tor; 117 f.o.b. . Corn No. 2 In elevator, 69 c. Oats Firm; No. 2 white, 46 to 48. 1 '.,' '-'..,' Uye No. 2 western, 85 f.o.b. " Barley Nominal. : ; , '. Flour Spring patents, 6.35 .60; -straights, 4.90 to. 5.15. Milk Feed Spring bran; 22.35. Tallow Prime city, 7 to 7. to Lard Prime western, ' 13.30 to 3.40. ' . ' - Pork Mess, 24.04 to 24.60. Coffee No. I Rior8c. Sugar Granulated, 5.25. Chicago Live Stock Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Union. Stock -Yards, Ills. May 12 Hogs receipts "17i000; steady at yes terday's average; mixed and butchers 9.85 to 9.76;. good, heavy 9.56 to 9.70 rough heavy 9.36 to 9.50; light 9.35 to 70; . pigs 8.60 to . 9.50; bulk 9.60 to 70. ! . . ..... i' ,. .. . ... . . Cattle receipts 400; market steady: Uwevea 8.00 to 8.T0; cows and heifers 2.76 to 7:40; stockers and feeders 4.25 to 6.66; Texans 6.60 to 6.66; calves 6.26 to 7.75. Sheep receipts. 12,000; market steady. Sheep 4,75 to 7.60! lambs 6.76 to 8.90. , .-."..' Naval Stores." . .. : (By Leased Wire to The Times)' Savannah, Ga., May 12 Spirlti Tur pentine 60 to 60 3-4; receipts 9.30; sales none, ' - r , . , Rosins- flrmr-receipts 2,061; -sales none... . , . . - Quote: WW 5.95 to 6.10: WG 5.76: N 6.00; M 5.36 to 6.5t K 6.10: I 5.00: H 95: G 4.80; T 4.70: E 4.50 to 4-62 1-2; 4.80 C a A 4.05 to 407 1-2. t '.SU'IiOnis Grain. - . (J3y Leased Wire to The Times) v St. Louis, May 12 Cash No. 2 fed wheat, .131 to l?3;No. 2 corn, 66; No. 2 oats. 42. , i' Futures Wheat: :ltir.i 11 i: Julv. ft3' asked. ' Corn. May, 64; July, Hi maraA rinta Man ' 441 .- hM !By WIRE.' THE TIMES' DAILY FINANCIAL STORY (By Charles W. Storm.) New Torn, May 12 Gilt-edged rail road and Industrial shares were sold In-Wall street today on a liberal scale tn . expectation ' - that announcement would be made of the terms Rt which the recent bond sale In Europe, by American railroads were made. 'These1 terms, are. expected to show that the securities were sold at bar gain prices.. . Declines averaging half a point throughout, the list were recorded with SteeK Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Amalgamated and Smelters most ac five. -' .': -y ;- , '. - : Pennsylvania surprised traders by advancing oyer a point in the first few minutes of trading. Its strength was attributed to the fact that the Man hattan terminal of the company will soon be finished. Consolidated Gas was steady and It is now believed Insiders have been purchasing the stock recently because of the proposed ."Jokers" which It is believed will be added to the Public Service act. American shares in London were ir regular. Trading oh the New' York curb was very light and gilt-edged mining shares showed no material price changes. The New York Stock Exchange will not open until 12 o'clock on May 20, the day of King Edward's funeral, while, the stock exchange In London will be closed that day. New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hibbs & Co.) New York, Ma 12 Today's market was a repetition of the character of the trading and advance of the pre' vlous three days this week. Prices were carried up 15 to 18 points further under the lead of the old crop options before the end of the forenoon with everything on the list making new high records since the sharp recovery in February from the big break In Jan. uary from the basis of 16 1-2 cents for the May and 13 3-8 cents for Octo ber options. The new crop options were up 16 points today entirely In sympathy with the continued advance in the old crop months which continued to lead the upward movement. Since this rise started there had been an ad vance of 90 points In May and July while October' has gone up about forty. This was widened the difference-be tween the active months of the old and the new crop options from 200 points which prevailed up to last week to 246 points at present. :' ' From the .present speculative post tlon and general cotton situation it looks very much as though this differ ence will continue to widen from the greater bullishness In the position of all the old crop itjonths on the actual supply conditions ana snort interest. . As -has been the case since the open Ing of the week covering of shorts with, the bull clique extending its , ac-. tlvrty and buying to the July and August options was the principal cause of today's further advance. As the shorts generally are now exhibit ing apprehension and more anxious to continue covering the indications are the advance will be continuedAmtil the! bulk of this interest has been finally covered. , COttoA Port Receipts Today. (By Leased Wire to The Times) New. "York, May 12 Cotton . port re ceipts were as follows: . New Orleans 3,497 against 1,745; Gal veston 1.614 against 4,833; Mobile 7.005 against 469; Savannah 283 against 3,674; Charleston 5 against 353; Wilmington 166 against 562; Norfolk 484 against 1,236; New York 684 against 46; Boston against 0; Philadelphia 0 against 42; Pacific coast 1,572 against 0. Total 9,895 against 13,050. 'Interior receipts: Houston 931 against 1.900; Augusta 31 against 227; Memphis 225 against 1,679; St. Louis 814 against 488; Cincinnati 1,714 against 1,414. Total 3,715 against 6,798. " . Baltimore Grain Market. , (,By Leased Wire to The Times.) Baltimore,'. Md.; May 12 Wheat closed quiet; No. 2 red, spot, 108 bli; July, 103; nominal. Corn closed quiet. Spot contract and May, 64 bid; July, 67 bid. Oats closed firm. No. 2 white, 49 to 49; No. 3 white, 47 to 48; No. 2 mixed, 47 to 47., ! Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Daily by M. Rosenthal Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Butter . . .... .'. .30 to 36c. Egs . . . . . . .......... .... . 25c. Hams Sugar Cured . .. . ...22c. North Carolina . . . .22c Virginia . ........ .i7c. Bacon . . . 17 He Spring Chickens . .. . ...40 to 60c. Hens. . ........... rr. 60 to 76c. Irish Potatoes ,. . a." .$1.26 bU. Sweet Potatoes . '- . . . . . . .$1.20 bn. Cabbage ........... .5 to 16c. Onions -.- ; . . . v.v. ;v . ; 60o: pk. Flour . .' .......... .$700 bbl. HeaT $2.00 bag. Be a dreamer If you will,, but get up and hustle when the alarm clock goes off. . ' ' -. . t- - . ' "' , A ' man may bow to the Inevitable,1 but he doesn't lift his hat. -, .. ; - . i A. man isn't necessary conservative because he's slow. w takes a wise guy to assume tb( rlgh aliasr v r,. , F bad dbt like t -be. B2crDMGetPayForIt " (Continued From Page One.)-1 mail tfqytj" . replied Mr. Balllnger. .- -t'Why da you use the expression 'that manHoyf?" ' " s' . "Because I do not believe he ever had" Mr. Balllnger snapped out, but here the caught himself and con tinued, 'because I believe it is an exaggerated statement." ' "You mean he was telling a false hood?'' asked Mr.' Brandeis. ' "Yes, if you want to put It that way,', replied Mr. Balllnger. - "That, is the reason you used the expression "that man Hoyf?" Mr. James suggested that ' Mr. Wlckersbam be called to testify as to, whether he had the conversation with Hoyt. Thereupon Mr. Brandeis made formal request to have the attorney-general summoned.. Mr. yrrees said he had no objec tion. ; The committee took no action on the request, but it is understood that Mr. ;Wickereham will be Bum mnned.: . . . '."" Mr.. Balllnger .apparently realized he had gone too far in giving the lie to the statement of Mr. Hoyt and pro ceeded tei qualify his, answer. He said he knew nothing of the conver sation which Hoyt had had with the attorney-general,, but that he con sidered Mr.. Hoyt's testimony as highly colored. Mr. Hoyt was United States dis trict attorney at Seattle when he had knowledge of the Alaskan claims, and subsequently .:' was' attorney-general for Porto Rico. ' He resigned this po sition a short time ago, after Riving his testimony against Balllnger be fore the.-investigation committee. HAPPY RKStlTS OBTAINED. By Uuf.Use of the New Scalp And- septic. It: wouldn't take long to number the hairs In the heads of some peo ple, the ' reason being , they haven't maany to number. In most instances, however, the fault. Is their own. A germ at the root soon plays havoc with-the most luxuriant growth and causes it to fade and fall out. A rem-' edy for this has recently been discov ered, called Newbro's Herpicide, that acts by destroying the germ that does the damage, besides removing all im purities from the. scalp. In addition it permits new life and vigor to enter the scalp and happy results are sure to be obtained from Its use; ; Try it. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpi cide Co,, Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed.. Henry T. Hicks Co. and 'Tucker Building Pharmacy, special agents'. .' ;' .'''';. ; ,"'' PENNSEVANIA TRAIN DITCHED (By Leased Wire to The Times) Cleveland, O., 4tay 12 Pennsyl vania passenger train No. 307, leav ing Pittsburg at. 6:30 a. m., and due in Cleveland at 11:00 a. m., jumped the track at Pensingtou, 16 miles south of Alliance today. Some of the coaches rolled down., a 20-foot em bankment. Many are reported in jured. . The engine, baggage car, and two coaches went in the ditch.. A special train with' physicians was made up at Alliance and rushed to the scene of the wreck. What Everybody Wanta. Everybody desires good health which is impossible unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first indication of any irregularity, and a serious illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kid neys and bladder to their normal state and activity. King-Crowell Drug Co, (as Jleter Exploded. Buffalo, N. Y May 12 Five children were frightfully burned and three of them may die as a result ot a gas explosion that occurred in the home of William Moran early this morning. A gas meter, which the police as certained was Installed only 24 hours before the explosion, and which was placed too close to a stove, blew up. Senator Travis Improving. A 'phone message from Richmond today stated that Senator Travis, who is In a hospital there, was doing nicely, and he had been able to sit up several hours this morning. This news will be heard with pleasure, for it had been reported that his condi tion was extremely serious. Foley Kidney nils contain In con centrated form Ingredients of estab lished therapeutic- value', for the relief and cure of ail. kidney and bladder ailments. Klng-Crqwell Drug Co. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. If The Times la not delivered to your home each afternoon by 6:30 please call 364, Capital City Phone, and one will be sent you, by messen ger. ... ' ,v' , - ,. ;.- ..... tf PRESSING, CLEANING, DYEING and repairing. Clothes returned , promptly and work first class. Give us work and look bice. Caro lina Pressing; & Tailoring Co., 106 , ;'soutH 'lmingtoij atreeV ; C. C. Phone 836-y. 1 ' BAPTISTS OPEN TIIEIR POCKET BO OKS . (By Leased Wire to The Times) , Baltimore, ' Md., May 12 The spark 'of enthusiasm, waved Into flame by stirring oratory, fired the Southern Baptist .convention this morning and In fifteen minutes nearly 830,060 had been subscribed for., the endowment fund of the Southern Baptist Theologi cal Seminary at Nashville, Tenn. Toweling as a central figure upon the platform during the announcements of the contributions was Dr.- W. E. Hatcher. : He addresy.pd the coventlon, urging the need of money for the en- dowmeat fund. , Many of the delegates, closing their minds for the moment, Ilnugined that before them was none other than "Joe" Cannon, speaker of the house of repre- sentatives minus the inevitable cigar. Why Is Sugar Sweet? If sugar did not dissolve in the mouth you could not taste the sweet. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC- is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dissolve In the mouth, but do dis solve readily In the acids of the stom ach. Is just as good for Grown peo ple as for Children. The First and Original Tasteless Chill Tonic. The standard for 30 years. 50c. There is a great deal in recognizing good luck. Foley Kidney Pills are antiseptic. tonio and restorative and a prompt corrective of all uiinary irregularities: Refuse substitutes. King-Crowell Drug Co. . Darnell & Thomas, 118 Fayettcville Street. RALEIGH, N. O. Music Hath Charms to Drive Away Dull Cares and ".,.' .. with a Behning Player Piano in your home you can satisfy your longing for music they can be played either by the hands or with the aid of a per forated music roll. The simp lest yet most durable mechan ism of any player-pianos made. The. lurge, sale of these instru ments speaks volumes for their quality. Their musical value is above that of any other in strument made that's why we've selected them out of the great number of player pianos made. - Money to Lend In Wake County Only. On either Heal or Personal Security. E. F. MONTAGUE. Rooms 18-19 Pollen Bullillntr. City Spring and Summer Changes of the Southern Railway Effective June 5, 1910. On the above date the Southern Railway will put in operation their elegant Summer Service of Sleepers and Parlor Cars from all important points. Jacksonville, Atlanta, Ma con, New Orleans, Memphis, Chatta nooga, Columbia, Charleston, Nor folk, Raleigh, etc., to Western North Carolina resort, "The Land of the Sky", and all other Summer Resorts. Cheap round trip rates effective May 15 to September 30, final return limit October 31, 1910. For further information regarding rates, schedules, Pullman reserva tions, etc., apply to your nearest agent or to H. F. Cary, General Pas senger Agent, Washington, D. C, or W. H. Parnell, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh," N. C. Destine Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousand have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it k the best medicine ever o!d over a druggist' counter. Buyers START NOW and keep It up. ' I MAKE A DEPOSIT of the amount yon can save EVERY WEEK. We do a Savings Bank business, pay FOUR PER CENT. compounded quarterly, and keep open SATURDAY NIGHT. THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. ifff A. C. in -'i North Carolina's' Foremost Tailor. Rooms 209-210-211-212, Carolina Trust Building, RALEIGH, N. C. Merchants National Bank, OF RALEIGH, N. C, We have ample facilities for providing for the wants of our frieud.s. No matter how small or how large. If you save only a DOLLAR a week, deposit that dollar In Iho MKRCHAXTSNATIOXAL BANK OP RALEIGH, N. C. ---- - E. C. DUNCAN, President. S. J. HINSDALE, THEIR The relations existing between this Bank and Its customers are close and cordial. We esteem It a compliment to have people lay claim to tlUs Institution as being THEIR Bank. Make it YOURS. Raleigh Banking & Trust Company. "The Round Steps Bank" With an Honorable History Since 1805. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. DIRECTORS: Chas. E. Johnson, Jas A. Briggs, W. A. Line han, H. E. Norris, P. O. Morlng, W. N. Jones, J. R. Chamberlain, T. B. Crowder, Alfred Williams, TUos. S. Kenan, John W. Harden, Carey K. Durfer. . OF INTEREST TO EVERYBODY. The safety assured by this large financial Institution Is a maU ter of interest to everybody In this community. The fact that deposits are safeguarded by a Capital and Surplus amounting to over Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, is an anchor for the faith and confidence of every one residing In Raleigh and Wake County. The Commercial National Bank, Raleigh, B. S. JERMAX, Pres. E. B. CROW, Cashier. SPECIAL SAIXS BARGAIN DAYS EVERY DAY -AT T-O-Y-L-A-N-D Mis. L. F. Medlin. 3. P. Riggan. TOYLAND. Mrs. L. P. Medlin. J. D. Riggan. HUBBARD BR0S.& CO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW TORK. MEMBERS of New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Member Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For tb pur chase and sole of Cotton for fntnn 4allTry. Corns Dondsae Isvvfta There are Good Clothes ... " . ' ,---.': without style, arid stylish clothes that are not good but clothes we make expressly to your order are guaranteed to -be both Stylish and Good Fabrics, tailoring and style are correctly balanced; many of the patterns are exclus ive, fit is assured, and prices are modest. Let us show you we're right. HINTON, J W. B. DRAKE, JR., Cashier. Assistant Cashier. 4 BANK. N. C., A. A. Thompson, Vlce-Pres. A. P. BAUMAN, Asst. Cashier. 4 IflL'f', I! Hi ir ?-i -i Hi J?0MBINED $2,250,(XX)7ASSEm , f ' I ' - . v -, -

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