a 0 rt.-f - t 1 r l ice Mm In the State s. .... n . v . Don't ask us : ask the State Food Chemist. KING-CROWELL DRUG CO- ; WB ABB SOLE AGENTS 'V Dm, B1 .'" ." 1 ' ' ;'. - -L .. - 'i'. 1 . . iSlNGlXO BY THE WAV. Life holds for most.; my comrades, ' HaK. .happiness., .than-. Rain., , ,',1 '. gives a. week of sunshine : V ; 1 ;Fpr. every week' of rain. " ' So, trusting In the. wisdom , ,- Of his eternal plan, ' 1 1 n Let's-face the rain or Sunshine, . - And- do. the bent ,we can. Oh, lf.us sing, my comrades, '.'Of blessings by the way. Each cloud's a silver iining, ''There's blue beyond the gray! Ah,: as We- sing about It , The .shadows break apart, And all, the. world's In. sunshine Ilecfluse we're light of heart!. " ; Eben K. Rexford. 1 Mr.' and Mrs. O'eo. A. Warren are visiting friends In Wilmington. ' HIM Kate Johnson1,-'' f Oreensboro. Is visiting relatives In the city. Mrs.' W. R. Bishop has returned from a . ylstt to Mrs,. C. .'. Whitted, at , Norllna. '','',' .'''"'''..' Ce.pt. and Mrs. T. W. Davis and Miss Penelope Davis are eisltlng Mis. Frank Borden, at Ooldsboro. j ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. E. Wilson, of Sampson, county, have returned home aftecoii Visit, to .frenda, here. Miss Mary S. Scott, -of Charlotte, whu has been visiting, her sister,, Miss Margaret Scott, has returned home. The Sunbeam Society of Evangel . Baptist church will serve Ice cream and cake at. the church, tonight., PrMsKls Will be used for the benefit of .-the class room. : I-'-; ; : Mrs. H. C. Williams oCSanford. .who has bee(i visiting at the home 'of C'apt. W. H. Randf hps gVijht to Roxburo,- to attend the WomaSi's Missionary Society of the North 1'arolina MethoiHsf.Mnj'lf ference. THE WOMAN'S STORE WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Your Corset Day at pur Store. Fashionable Figures are not made by chance but by care ful corsetting. . S i fl SS!S2' STYLE means a lot to 'a woman. Kowaiid then a woman may sniff, hut if studied one can see a failing in a style direction. . The effect of the. most hea ut if ul gown' may be entirely spoilt if the base the corset is not right. The waist of the dress may not touch the'ft'jeprre at the exact point, the hips not be )rbperl; :-,Jiaped and the gown mav wrinkle, be too tight or too loose CORSETTING will do this oftentimes if the corset shape is not right, or it may .'result from eareless adjusting or wrong laemg.. Ai'n'uill matr tei" like the lacing may throw the entire corset out of figure alignment and the wearer ', will be . wretchedly uncomfortable. . .; ! That is what we are here for for cwrrecting corset mistakes. lUis our business to; study-fig--ures, all kinds of figures, large and small,' tail ahd short, even figures Vitli imperfections, ' slight de formities, and these are well corsetted in a Bedfwn Whalebone or Warner Rust Proof Cofeet.1" ' : A " IIAS0NIOsTEMPU& J '"". t. .... t. - . . FOR HITLER'S CANDY. Peat e Kaculty "At Hoine." The faculty of Peace Institute will be "At Home" to their friends Friday' afternoon from 4:.J0 to 6. To Missionary Conference. The following delegates. , from,. this eitv and others who "joined 'them here left vesteiday at'tel-noon for Koxboro to attend the atinUttl tneetmg of the Woman's Missionary Society ' of the North Carolina .Methodist .Conference: Mrs. W. W. Kitohin, Miss ,M.ary Pef cud. Mi's. K. f, Peseud and Mrs. Le Rov Tlilem. of Raleigh: Mrs. G. -A. Persons, and Mrs. Wiley "Brown, 'oil Greenville: Mrs. T. J. Giles, of Hooker ton: Mrs: Thomas (Jill, Mrs. Walter H. Neal and .Mrs. H. tD.. Wflson, of Laurinbuig. .itiss Kmma Washington Gill. Miss Sullie Lou Mcklnunon. and Miss I Hive Glass, of .Maxton. - ' Tuesday A fterncMin Club, The Tuesday Afternonli Club was en tertained by Mrs. R. B. John at her home on Harrington street yesterday afternoon.' The meeting was a most enjoyable one. the program 'being full of interest and Mrs. . John a most charming hostess. Delicious refreshments were served and the social side of the meeting was greatly enjoyed as well as the literary part." v ' ' . .-. ' Mrs. J. Y. Joyner read a paper on the Song of Roland.,' This was followed bya reading of O'Hagin's translation of the Song' of Roland, by Mrs. J. S. Wynne. Mrs. 'W. R. Crawford led an Interesting discussion un famous swords. , '':' ". KKCITAIAT I'KACK. By Miss Julia Culbrelh of (Jradiiat- '-':. k "as. . . . This evening at 8:30 O'clock at Peace Institute. Miss Julia K.: Culbretl : of this city, will give her graduating re cital.. . ."...'" . ; '.-, . MIs'S CtiUivoth Mm already, lieitome tonnwii as a vocalist of much promise. .She has often given pleaur by her FAMOUS WARNER? CORSETS. Your Corset Day at our Store. The New Fig- M.A S AilVUg ated , Waist, Curved . and Defined Hips Curving Too, - - - KALEIGHy N, C. , m mm mm 1 I'ySEj'f blAMON'DS of Rare VuWty of Color, Dia moiids large or small for any purpose whatsoever, can be found in an unequaled assort ment at our store. l'lck out the stone yon like mid we will mount It for you. JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY COMPANY. JEWELERS . . . OPTICIANS. m.- ; i - n..i.ti.ui'. Z J Mnging: In the city and-'her' ."recital will doubtless be a mont enjoyable one. The music loving public is Invited. The" 4rtgram is as follows: 1. (a) Abendlled Wicklede: b) All! t ..'tis .ar. Dream Hawley ; (c) The , S.wan Bent 'Low MaeDowell: (1) A Maid Sings Light MaeDowell. 2. (a I Hosemonde ( 'hflmlnude; (b) , ..Sonnett d'Amour Thome; (c) Sand .j mawichen Brahms; (d) Sapplsche , Ode Brahms.. . . s.' "Arie-Liidenide Flanimen, . U Tro- vatore Verdie. 4.' (ii) SiJhniade Nevln: (b) Thilu'lt ' Like tmto a Flower Ftublnstein (c) Faith in Spring Schubert. Miss .VJIllje jKeai'd at the Piano.' ; IARi;UiE AT ;OLl)SIK)RO. Miss Kvnns, and Mr. Davis Slurried ,. Last Nij-lit. (Special to The Times) Goldsboro. May 12 Miss Maude Evans and Mr. D. Wilburn Davis were married last night. The' mar riage took place in the new JaCobl Memorial building, which had been beautifully -decorated for the occas ion and it was in every way a pretty event. Rev, D. H. Tuttle performed the ceremony. Miss Lowder Wins low was iaid of honor and Mr. H. Winston Davis besi man. Mrs. H. G. Maxwell was dame of honor. Other attendants' were Miss Sudle Gurley and" .Mr:' Leslie Davis, Miss ilamie Best and Mr. T. R. Andrews, Miss Hiittte Brinson and Mr. K.'! fl'.' Moore, Miss Glenhie Yelverton and Mi'. J, L. Frank, Miss liridley and Mr. Ed. lavish . KKCIf Al, AT MKHKOITH. ( v I'll by .Miss llayncs, Soprano, mid .Miss Slieariii, Pianist, Vestertlay Afternoon. . 'iihtf'df riie most popular ri'ritals nf fhtyi-Ai at Mcivflith ('ollego. tfas'glvt'ti yt'Stwiday ul'ti'iNiion at Hve o'clock in .the coljeg,. atiditoi ium by At ins. Minnie Haynes, soinano and Jliss Ada Louise Shcarin, niani-t. ' . ; . ... ..,':'. Yllis' was the sci-und ill' the recitals by IntMoij'ers if the senior class' and adVaiK'P4T stndents and to It was at trnctvd a une ...-.audience ' of music lovers, showing the 'popularity, of both young 'adies. Miss Haynes has by a number of pre vious appearances established a repu tation for herself as a singer of much promise. ' Her voice never fails to please and in the recital yesterday .'-afternoon showed how much her voice had gained in artistic finish and inter pretation from earnest work during this year, - Miss Shearin has been doing advanced work in piano this year having given, her , graduating . recital in - 1H0X. Her playing was characterized by in- t lligent Interpretation and added much to the success of the recital. Miss Day played the accompaniment for the vocal numbers. .THE StKTAL l'ROULK.M. ' ' .' -: !: Tlw Other Hulf Lives Will be now . .Shown in Illustrated Lecture at Central ilwrcli, : "The Social Problem" tonight at Central entire!) is an illustrated' lecU ture on the moral and reriglon'con ditions In our large cities. It is full of viral interest and information: Ellis Island, The East Side, and The Bowery in. New. York, Chinatown In Saa .Francisco, Kerry, Patcu -. in St, Louis, and a port on the Great Lakes, anevshown ..rue to life. It is.a. study in moral and social economics with a suggestion, a to the power , of -. the chur-ch. to remedy - the conditions? Come and see iiow the other half of yie ..world,... lives, . .., An UlnstratetH lymn will be sung. More than 100 colored View'B. Bring your friends. KINtJ'S OAVGHTKRd MKKT. Stale Couvention Being Held at' kocktughaih Opening Session. i. .' (Spetial to-The Times.) :'.. t Rocitlnghart, N. C, May -IZ-The State Conventio ef King's Daughters some Interesting sessions.. Wif1 k-ii h,, .ion4 therefore a-; natltra 4&ttiiil-ia in-, honor of the delegates, who have! beei given a hearty welcome to our cltv. ' ..- - ""-.' -" - -V'v The meetings are being heiaSn tii, I Methodist .church. , -. s '-. f , -'. Tb,e following was theprogram , or the opening session? V 1 ' ; ,t .. . . 11 a. m: I ' v . Opening-fclioir, "Oh C6rhe, LetSj Va Stag fJiito the lowr" ' i -Convention called to order fcy 'Mrs. W;:W: i fittrgwyti,tf ?WlAon, pres-ij Davis "trom MattneW 13th and prayer offered;."' 1 ' ' ' ' ; Choir "Oli Paradise." i GreeHng 'By Rev." 'DaVis to' s the church. . 1 v " ' . . Mayor VI. N.; Evefett gaye t:ie,dlr egates a most-cordial, wttlcjnie, td Rockingham In behalf of . the 'mayor, town commissioners, city people and citizens, saying anything lie could do for the comfort - and pleasure of the Indies would be considered a privi lege, v .-' Vii!ii.'t . : " ' Mrs.' Boyd R. Gasque, in a few well .chosen ; worjB, welcomed the ladies to trie town as the guests of the-"Silver Cross" Circle. ,: In closing Mrs. Gasque quoted Governor' Bob Taylor, saying: "If welcomes were flowers, I woudl give to' e!ach lady" f"brtnca of ' American Beauties' and forget me nots, and RockingHam' would be a wilderness of flowers today." . tne response to these addresses of welcome was made by Mrs. E. A. Moye, of Greenville. Roll call and minutes by the state recording secretary, Mrs. G. A. Cog gesliall, of OxfoVd. The credential-committee was re ported by 'Mrs. ' Everett; auditing committee, Mrs. 'J. P. Leak, state Re cording Secretary, Mrs. G. A. Cogge shall, reported 736 members. Mrs. D. Y. Cooper, of -.Henderson, read a most pleasing report. Mrs. M. R. Russell, secretary of the Silver Cross Magazine, made a very interesting talk" in regard to her work. Hymn R9L, Benediction by the 'pastor. Rev. E. H. Davis. , A. most delightful luncii was serv ed at Hotel Rockingham to tae en tire convetion. . Thei;if.tevnQn1sssion met at 2:00 and reports from the circles through the state were, read, , Adjoui;p,ed to meet at 8::i0. '.-:-'- AT ST. MAHV'S. Oraan Recital by Miss Rouiitr Soiir Recital by Pupils of Mr. R. Itlinn Owen. : On Friday evening. May Kith.. Miss Ila Adile Rountree, of the senior class of St. Mary's, will give an organ re cital in the school chapel. Miss Rountree- wil be assisted by Miss Emily Rose Knox violinist, and by Mr. Henry Grady Miller, baritone. On Saturday evening May Mthi, the voice pupils of .Mr. R. Klin -Owen will give a song;, recital ,ln the auditorium at St. Mary's. ' Some of these pupils are from the student body of St. Mary's but most of thana are men and many from the town' of Raleigh. An at tractive and, varied programme'"' has been arranged.'1 K A oortUal invitation to both recitals is xteaded to tlje . public. . ... r--; " ""' PARKKR-HINTER COMPAXV. -. - 1 ' Stockholders Klectcd Ofllcei's and !! reijors, Vestprday Afternoon. The stockholders of the Parker- Hunter Realty Company 'met yester day afternoon jn4 . elected the fol lowing directuvH, and officers: President Carey .1, Himter. Vice-prisident Henry . E. Litch ford. '' r:. , ''."'.'' '.: ;'' ,,i ..': -v ! Secretary and Treasurer V. O. Parker. ., , . .-, .: , . Board of Directorg-rrQ.. J.; Hunter, H. E. Lltchford, V. O. Parker, B. F. Montague, R. .1. Mehane, H.'X -Hicks, and .1. R. Rogers. The corporation has an authorized capital , stock of $100,000. : One of the purposes is t5 develop the Cam eron property west of St.' Mary's, which was sold some time ago for $90,000. '.. . Mr. W. J. Hrogden, of Durham, here today on legal businesb.' GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD Mrs.. Mary Neelyfc Qf Penver, Tells An Interesting Story of Her Experience with Cardui. , ? : Denver, Tenn. "I think there Is no tonic on earth as good as Cardui," writes Mrs- Mary -Neely, :qf' Denver, Tenni "I have tfsed WwllA'the Very best results. I had backache, and faeariy everything a woman could suf fer with, until 1 took Cardui, .but now 1 feel better than I have since two years ago, so I Shall always recommend It to other suffering wo nen.f ' t' y 's tiappy is tne girv or woman wno has neMer suffered 'from ianyof the diseases! of w oinanhood. Or, if she has been a sufferer, happy is she if she . has learned of the wonderful curative '1WefS6f Cardur " ' I Cardui is a gentle tonic that can do you nothing but good: 'r ft Is pre pared- from herbs-, wtth' .k 'speclns; medicine you j-an feeIcoifldgl)cer In -a iafev Aa'rale8ir'Tettbnr inlif 'c,lne, .'of long knorn meritif-jfiSt,- ! tnpusanas or letters' .ncn vp,. Have received prove thatma'ny ladles consider it the greatest woman's rem edy $ ttfdriv "rfAC'rt ! Yonr druggist fells' H. F.Oet il" ppti' jjte frpnj him tadiy. .-ft ' ! , N. B. Write to: Ladies . Advis pry rept., ChattanoogamwrfJifSCh:, nattinooga, Tenn.;: iarvapeaiav in- imctae-gagqJQk'JPOiileac RIVER DOAT ffl3S Thirteen Drowned In Water Pilot Rau Roat ona Rock Near the . . Shore Wreck Wa so clone to the ' RIVer Rank that. Gang Plank Was -Thrown rflit Boat to Shore and Many Saved. (By Leased Wire to The Times) St. iJJUis, Mo., May 13 After a night of searching, it was declared today that thirteen lives were lost when the river steamer City of Sal- til lo tore out her bottom on a rock, and. turning turtle, sank off. Olet Park, Mo., twenty-four miles south of here, last evening.. , Many of the survivors of the twenty-seven passen gei-8 aboard at the time of the acci dent are in a serious condition. The City or Saltillo, a big 940,000 stern wheeler, was one of the fleet on which President Taft and the con gressmen went down the Mississippi in the company of the Deep Water ways Convention delegates. The accident occurred at the worst time possible, while the passengers were retiring or were already abed. The high stage of the river. It was said today, deceived the pilot, who took his vessel too near shore. She struck a rock and, pivoting on that, careened and then toppled sideways. In the wild scramble pf the pas sengers and the crew more than ,50 persons all told there was no time to account for all. It was each one for himself. j. i So close was the slilp to' the shore that, after the first moment of citement,: a board was thrown" from the ship to the bank', and across that men, women and children, In tli dark, crept to safety. So great was the confusion that even those traversing the plank were unable to tell if those before tliem were safe or slipped In death in the river. . :' . ' Captain Harry Crane and the offi cers of the Saltillo, according to the stories told today by survivors reach ing here, displayed heroic coolness, doing all that was possible to quell panic. : . .. :. The noise of the accident the cras.i of the hull on the rocks, the whistle, and the shrieks of the pas sengers brought put the ' entire population of -Glen Park. Withint'a short time a fleet of small craft bad taken up the search for victims, atpi the river was dotted with the Ughi's. The search continued throughout tho night and today. " A special train was rushed from St. Louis and in the meantime emergen cy hospitals were organized at Glen Park, where the passengers and the crew were attended itntil the special arrived to bring them to St'. Louis. Though the wreck created excite ment in the little town, the citizens of Glen Park turned over their homes to the victims, supplying sustenance and clothing. Physicians were taken to the town from Sulphur Springs, aiding the Glen Park doctors, who had their hands full attending the in jured and reviving the half drowned. Some of the passengers on their arrival here were able to continue on to their destinations. . ' VERDICT FOR $fM). Jury in the Case of Nowell vs. Cotton , .Mills Reached a Verdict This Morn-InK- ; ''"' ' "''. '".:'' ':. : The jury in the case of J. H. Now ell vs. Royall Cotton Mills, after be ing out all night, reached a' verdict this morning at 6:00 o'clock, giving the plaintiff $500. - fr:v J.vfL--Nowell was -Injured' -by the falling of an elevator of the Roy all Cotton Mills, of Wake Forest, and brought suit for $5,000. The trial began Monday and every inch of the ground was contested.' the case was given to - the Jury yesterday after noon at 4:30. After wrestling with the 'case until 6:00 this morning a verdict was reached. There were three Issues submitted: Was the plaintiff injured?: Did these Injuries result from the negligence of the de fendant? and How much damages Is the plaintiff entitled to? . The first two issues were answered' in the af firmative, and the third was answered by giving the plaintiff 45 00. . MOONSHINER CAPTURED, . i Another Flanged Into -a Lake and . : .. Escaped. ! ':' " United Suites' officers made a raid in the southern part of Wake county yesterday afternoon and ' captured Walter McLean colored," in the act of operating, an ilUclt distillery: ' He was brought to. Raleigh . and tried this afternoon. The evidence of h:s uilt wjr-MMhwN w4 was bound over, to court In the sum of $200. '' 'Another negro waa there, but suc ceeded in escaping by plunging into a lake -and Crossing it, learink the of fl eers en the oftier"lde. l. ' f- V' v : .r. ." , ;vr-; , NOTICE TO SUttSCRIBEKS. , ,l3f fThe- Time Is et delivered .td yftur -oojne CBf -ftefnoon y 6:0 SAMPLE OF ... . - ' i '-! V, . L -' 3 0 - . i . . , 1 We have left about lOOsample? of the fomous Opera Waists, arid to close them oilt-we offer a special discount of 10 per cent. Frpm their original wholesale price. These waists are the most perfect fitting antlibest!' made waists that are on the market. I 1 1 If -4 Pita We are still selling all the Pat tern Hats at $3.98 There are some beauties and this price does not represent one third their real value. The only store in Raleigh selling M Cash and always busy. J . '-'-e ..V J.p ' ' ' f 0 - for ft Mlh and one wilt be sent yon by messen .. J 1 . .'- BctljtorrrteatflBg ftp Iter.' E. & $&&rv,iu.3qMU 1 e, f '.'.'J V 4'treatment for Women," sent In plain