THE 'EVENING TIMES: RALEIGJI, N. G, MONDAY, MAY 30, 1910. PAOE BEVEIT M Porch EgS RE-ENFORCED . HAMMOCKS, i THE KIND THAT LAST - THE MAN FROM HOME. It is a well known fact (lint store is easily known as one ,f the most reliable and de pendable drug stores. What a very fine thing this is to remember to the person traveling away from- home. I'erhaps in some strange town, but in need of some little arriele from the drug store, and perhaps not desirous of putting their trust in whatever store they And themselves nearest to. The man from home can easily send home for any of the things found in the drug store, knowing that we will select whatever he wants very carefully, pack and mail tov him immediately and without any extra cost. 1WKBHT-WYNNE The Best Products of the Season at the Lowest Prices. Printed Jaequard.s, Foulards, Suesines, etc., re duced from 50 to 35c. per yard. Tattiste, Mulls, Poplins, Silk effects aud Liu- . ens, 25 and 35cj values for 40-in White Lawns, 71.C . India Linoiis, 34-in-., worth 8 and 10c;, G'c New Dress Ginghams,- only 10c. , Colored Lawns, 5c. Colored Klaxons, 15c. 50 Pairs Ladies Tan and Ulack Oxfords and Pumps, sold for $2.50 and $2.00. Special price this week, .$1.49. Hunter Bros. & Brewer Company. WE SELL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. J' ALLOW US to iTcomuieiiii OUR Repair Department for the repairing of Jewel-' ry, Watches, Trinkets, etc. Expert workmen who are thoroughly versed In every detail of the craft, insure you careful, painstaking, perfect work when trust ed to this establishment. Our prices are as reasonable as our work Is excellent. H. MAHLER'S SONS. . JEWELERS. . $1'.J5,0 CITY OF RALEIGH MIT NICIPAL BUILDING BONDS. Dated July 1, 1909, payable July 1, 1939, without prior option. Interest live per centum per annum, payable semi annually January 1 and July 1. Both principal and' interest payable at the Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Baltimore, iMd. The undersigned. City .Clerk, will receive sealed bids at his office, - Raleigh, North Carolina, tor said . bonds until 12 o'clock M-, June 101 h. 1910. . '.. Y ; Printed circulars, giving full inform ation and blank forms on which all bids must be made will be furnished on application to-the undersigned.. WILLIAM W. WILLSON. 6-10-30d. . . Ci'y OUrlr Succeed when everything else fells, in nervous prostration and female weaknesses tbey are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it Is 'the best medicine ever said : over s, druggist's counter. - Headquarters for SummerFurniture Porch Sets, Swings and Coucly Hammocks. Refrigerators rmongKt our homo people this DRUG COMPANY. 19c. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Scenic Route to the West THREK FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleepers to Louis ville. Cincinnati, Chicago, . nd St Louis. ' , P. M. P.M. P. M Leave Richmond 2:00 6:45 11:00 Ar. Charlottesville 5:15 9:25 Leave Lynchburg - . 5:15 a.m. ; Ar. Louisville TOM 7:30 , P. M. A. M. P. M. Arrive Cincinnati 7:30 10:00 SM Arrive Chicago 6:25 6:00 , 7:10 Arrive St; Louis ' 5:51 ' 6:10 ' 7:17 "Mountain Special" week days for Hinton leaves Richmond 12:00 ,M; Charlottesville 2:50 p in. - Only one night between Raleigh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. Direct Connections for All Iolnts West and Northwest. QUICKEST AND BEST ROUTE. The Line to tho Celebrated Resorts of I Virginia. For descriptive matter, schedules and Pullman Reservation, address W. O. WARTHEX, D. P. A., Richmond, Va, rso. D. POTTS, GeD'L Pass. Agent - . i - ) SUflDAY KING FIRE One House Destroyed and Two Others Damaged Again the Fire Alarm Failed to .Work Loss Amounted to Several Thousaind Dollars, Mostly Cov ered by Insurance. Yesterday morning about 10:00 o'clock, Are broke out In the cottage owned by Miss E. S. Stunkel and oc cupied by CapL T. W. Wilson, 40:1 West Hargetti street, completely des troyed one house and badly damaged two others. The Are was discovered by neigh bors and several attempts to turn in the alarm failed to get any response, and the telephone had to be- used, which took considerable time, and the entire house was in flames be fore the fire department could get there. It was seen that the Wilson house could not bo saved and the fire men devoted their attention sav ihg the houses nearby,, which had caught. One of these, owned by Mr. John A. Mills, had the roof almost entirely destroyed, and tne building was otherwise damaged. The resi dence of Miss Stunkel was badly scorched, and only heroic wors iy the firemen saved It from serious damage. The firemen were handi capped by" the low pressure or wa:er, nevertheless they did gooa work un der the circumstances. The cottage destroyed was vlaued at $2,500 or $3,000, and insured for $1,500. Captain Wilson succeeded In saving most of his furniture. The Mills house was damaged con siderably, but was covered by insur ance. .-.,' The residence of Miss Stunkel was not so badly damaged as me ivliiis house. The total loss will amount to $4,000 or $5,000, mostly covered ;y insurance. The origin of the-'fire is unknown, and many theories have been ad vanced. When discovered 'tae main part of the house'was in a uiaze, and It is thought that the lire Jiad been smoulderingfor some time aerore it was discovered. It was lucky that more damage was not done 'on.-.: account of the strong wind, failure of the fire alarm lo work and the weak water pressure. The last two conditions snouid be looked into and remedied. This Is not the first time that the alarm sys tem has failed, and some of these days Raleigh will suffer a aangeroue fire just on that account. DEATH OF MRS. WYATT. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Wyatt Died Here Yesterday Afternoon at ;t: 10 O'clock. Yesterday afternoon at ten min utes past three o'clock, Mrs. Eliza beta Annie Wyatt died at her home, 218 N. McDowell street, aged eighty three years. : Mrs. Wyatt had spent almost all her life here in Raleigh and by her gentleness and christian character had won many friends who will learn of her death wita genuine sorrow. She is survived by seven sons, as follows: Messrs. Job P. .Wyatt, L. R. Wyatt, M. U. Wyatt and P. T. Wyatt, of Raleigh; W. F. Wyatt, of New Be ii : W. J. , Wyatt, of Morehead City ,and Jno. M. Wyatt, of; Rich-. mon. She also leaves tnree sisters, Mrs. Susan Watkins and Mrs.,W. T. Mabry, of Raleigh, and Mrs. Nannie Pope, of Dunn. The funeral wil be conducted from the residence this ''.afternoon at 5 o'clock by Rev. W. C. Tyree, of the First Baptist church and the intern ment will be in Oak wood ceme.tery. The pall-bearers will be: J.' J. Towler, I. M. Proctor, T, H. 'Briggs, C.-.J. Hunter, B. R, Lacy anil WN. Jones. " :'".' ;.''-- SAMPLE OF B. How's Blood? effects of Blood Poison Cured by B. S. B. H. R. B. qickly cres. all effects of Bad, Impure or Poisoned Blood, Weak Back, All Run Down Feeling, If you have aches and Dalns in Bones. Back or Joints. Mucus Patches in mouth Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out. Itching Watery Blisters or Open Humors. Risings or Pimple of Ec zema, Bolte. Swellings, ' Eating Sores, Old Rheumatic or Catarrh take B. B. B. It kills the poison, makos the blood pure and rich, completely changing the entire -body Into clean, healthy condi tion, healing every sore or pimple and stopping all aches, pains and inching, SUPREMECOURT OVER "-.-- i For the First Time In Many Years All Cases Disposed of Every Case On the Large Docket Was Disposed of aud Court Adjourned I ntll Fall Term Opinion Handed Down in Three Cases. Today at noon the supreme court ad journed after having disposed of every cace on its docket. The docket was heavy this year, but every case where one of the litigants was ready was argued, and all cases argued were de termlned, and no case was taken over under addvlsirl. This is very unusual very few courts in the union with dockets as heavy as North Carolina get through with It. The United States supreme court is' three years behind. It has been eleven years since the North Carolina court cleared its docket. This-record Is a most excellent one and speaks well foi tlx; hard work and speed with which our judges despatch the business before them. The following opinions were handed down today, after which the court ad journed to meet again August 29: Sandeiiin v. Lukens, from Currituck, affirmed. ' Hipp v. Fiber Company, from Bun combe, no error. .Bailey v. Hopkins, of Graham, do fendant's petition to rehear. Former judgment was modified and uftinned. EXERCISES AT THE HOME. Birthday of Jefferson'. Davis, Only President of the Confederacy, to be Observed June :$. . The public fs cordially Invited to the exercises In the chapel at the Soldiers' Home on Friday at 4 p. m. June the third on which date President Davis is celebrated all over the south. The local -chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy has arranged for '..these. exercises . In honor of the only presi dent of the Confederate States and they hope that the citizens will come out and take part in them. The Ladles' Memorial Association, Confederate Veterans and Sons and all visiting Veterans and Daughters are especially Invited. Program. Prayer, Rev.. Mn, White, chaplain. A song Miss Marshall. Introduction of the speaker, Hon. John W. Hinsdale, Jr., master of cere monies..-' '''. '- " Address Hon. W. A. Graham. Violin Old Southern Airs, Miss Fannie Hlnes Johnson. ' Bestowal of Crosses of Honor Misses Margaret Demon Raney, Anna Ball Stronach Thomas, Elizabeth Flint, Nancy Battle, Isabel Jones, Elizabeth Baker with Mrs. Josephus Daniels, president of the chapter. Hmyn, 507. "A Son of God Goes Forth to War" Miss Ebie Roberts, organist. ; . Benediction, Rev. Me. White, chaplain HON. B. F. CROPS E HERE. Insurance Commissioner of Maryland the Guest of Hon. James It. '' Young. ., "' Hon. B. F. Crouse, insurance com missioner of Maryland, Is in the city this week, the guest of Insurance Commissioner James R. Young. Mr. Crouse is chairman of the committee on examinations which was appointed at the last convention of Insurance commissioners and Mr. Young is sec retary. ONE CHARTER TODAY. Alamunce Hospital of Near Burling ton Incorporated. The Alamance Hospital, Ineorpof' ated, of near Burlington, was char tered today, to build and maintain a hospital. The authorized capital stock is $100,00(1 but will organize and commence business with $55 paid in. W. O. Stafford, J. A. Long and others, incorporators. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Powers, Jr., of Wake Forest, were. . Raleigh visitors today. B. B. FREE TO ALL. Your Itching 8cabby Eczema I Cured by B. B. B. curing the worst; case of Blood Poison, Rheumatism of Eczema. Thousands of hopeless cases cured by B. B. B. after all else failed. , BOTANIC, BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.) Is pleasant and safe to take; composed of pure Botonlc Ingredients. DRUG GISTS iX PER BOTTLE, Free Blood Cure Coupon. This coupon from Raleigh Time8 Is good for one sample of Botanic Blood Balm mailed In free plain package. Cut out this coupon and mail to Blood Balm Co., At lanta, Ga. State name of trouble. I m "Blue Monday" presented quite a crowd of offenders before " Judge Stronacn's court tais morning. J. E. Waldron was the first offen der called, being charged with drunk and disorderly. He was allowed to go out ori bond until tomorrow morn ing. A small colored girl, named Cora Harris, about twelve years of age, was charged with stealing some sil verware. Mr. W. N. H. Smith; who employed the girl, testified that she took three forks, two silver spoons, some knives and otiier ware. He went on to state taat when he was at the dinner table Friday all the ar ticles were on the table and he came down town and spent just about an hour, when he returned to the house and there remained all tUe af ternoon. He declared no other ser vant was on the premises at all dur ing the afternoon and the articles could not have been taken by anone else but this girl. He said he went to the closet to get some whiskey and missed some and hunted up tile girl, whose breath gave her away. Sh admitted drinking some of the li quor and then begged Mr. and Mrs. Smita not to tell her mother about it. They discharged her,, knowing she would be dangerous to be arouna the children when she would drink. It was supposed that she then in her furious condition went to the pantry and got tae silverware and hid them. Later some forks and knives were found, and even broken, thrown into the grass behind the kitchen window. Mr. Smith recognized the silver in the iiands of the court to be his. Other members of the family corrob orated tae statements of Mr. Smith. Col. J. C. L. Harris put the girl ori the stand, and, of course, she denied everything that had been said. She declared Mrs. Smita saw her put it away in tho proper place and she knew nothing of the articles being in tae garden. Judge Stronach, how ever, believed her guilty. Col. Har ris contended it. was not a case of lar ceny but malicious mischief. Siie was found guilty and the decision was reserved. Ed. Johnson, charged wita disor derly conduct, was the next defend ant. Policeman Brown stated John son was driniiing a little but not very disorderly and furthermore that. he was usually a good, steady worker. His honor suspended judgment but taxed a cost of $2.25 on aim. Jesse Thompson was charged with being drunk and disorderly and beat ing his wife. Several witnesses told of noise in tae house but Susan Kit trell went far enough to tell that she sawjiart of the affray. Jesse's wife was on her steps when he grabbed aer by the arm and jerked her away and dragged her to her home and kicked aer into the door. Locking it TREASURER LACY MOl'RXS. Lost Twenty-eight Chickens by Fire ' , Yesterday. State Treasurer Lacy is worrying today over other things -.besides tiie issue of slate bonds. Yesterday a brooder at his home caught tire and was destroyed, burning twenty-eight little chickens to death. Mr, Lacy says this was a hard blow, just as he was looking forward to. feasting -on. .fried chicken a little later on. But he bas- more, so he wont' have to worry so much alter all. Sent to the Roads.' Allen I'nchurch. colored, of Zebu- Ion, was broiiKht here today to worii on the county roads for thirty days for fast and reckless driving. Richmond Pearson Hobson Here. Hon. Richmond Pearson Hobson, of Merrimac fame, member of con gress and noted speaker, who will deliver the commencement address at . & M, College tonigat, arrived here today and is stopping at the Yarbor ough House. PERSONAIiS. Mr. M. B. Stickley. of Concord, Is in the city. Mr. Dave Reid. of Winston-Salem, is in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Jordan, of Gulf, are Rulelgh visitors today. : Mr. Wm. A. Guthrie, of Durham, is a visitor In the city today. Dr. Janiee Worrill and son. of Falk land, are guests at the Yarhorough. Mr. J. V. Mason, of Rocky Mount. is here to root for the Railroaders against Red Birds, A Man Like Root. In Henri Barboux, who died : at Paris the other day, only a short time after his election to the French academy as the successor of Ferdi nand Brunetiere, France has lost her most eminent lawyer and forensic orator. Bardoux disputed with the late Weldeck-Rousscau the leader ship of the French bar,- and . after Waldeck-Rousseau's death he was Its acknowledged head. His oratory' was of the Ciceronian order, and lis heavy ornateness used to be con trasted with Waldeck-Rousseau's simple and businesslike style. But Barboux had the great virtue In a lawyer of winning his cases, and if he began to beat her. Frances, his wife, told of her being up town when she met Jesse and he told her taai her sister was at home, for her to g- home wita him. There seems to have been some trouble over a man work ing at Giersch's Hotel, Jesse charg ing ais wife with being too intimate with him, which sne denied. She told of his jerking her by tae arm and after kicking her into the house, nailed the windows down and threat ening to kill her. He beat her all over the face and head with an old shoe and left aer to get something to kill her with. When he went to an otaer room she broke tnrough the front door and made her escape. He ran after her to an 'old field nearby, where Officer Barrow arrested hini. Mr. Barrow told of how he tried to force the woman to tell the officer that he had not hurt her and taat he j was very drunk and even resisted the arrest. Mr. C. U, Harris, who appeared for Thompson, submitted no evidence after Officer Barrow had testified, as it. was seen the officer corroborated the woman and it was seen she waa telling the truta. She exhibited a cut on the arm and swollen face. Judge Stronach found him guilty and fined him $15 and costs, telling aim if he hit his wife again and ap peared before him lie would send hini j to the roads. j William Randalls was charged with being drunk oh the street and was fined $8.25. Rufus Beck, a small wnite boy, was up for shooting a gun, playing ball on the street, breaking some elec tric light globes, and shooting a buz zard at the city cemetery. His fa ther was wita him in court. His honor gave the boy a good talk and allowed aim to go free with the un derstanding he does away with the gun and stay out of the cemetery. FreJ Harris was found guilty of as saulting. Walter Chavis, but the cir cumstances were such tnat tae judg ment was suspended. Chavis was following Officer Denning, who was -running a man and he passed thuouga Harris' garden and he threw a stick at him and hit him on the head, knocking him down. It seemed all accidental and he wan let off light. George Royal, a small colored youth, was caarged With shooting a beanshooter. When lie saw Police man Denning coming he threw it down and ran. He was allowed to go, provided he? would not use a bean shooter any more. Rufus Clarington, charged with vagrancy, was given a -job by Owen Long, a plasterer, so he was let go. Ed. Hoge assaulted a boy with a beef bone, having ait him on tae head and causing quite a bad cut. He was fined J7.75. Some other cases called were pos:. poned. he chose to combine the interests of literature with the interests of his client he did the latter no harm and gained for himself a place among the Forty Immortals.'. Barboux was of a lype that comes much closer to our American lawyer of the highest class than the 'French man of letters or artist conies to his American counter part. Our writers and artists do not live as intensely in the world of ideas as the Frenchmen do. But the close connection between law and politics with us has maintained the connection between law and ora tory. We have bad our Evarts and Rufus Croate and Bayard, and we still have men like Joseph H. Choate and Mr. Shepard in the pro fession, and men like Governor Hughes and Senator Root, whom pol itics has claimed. New York Even ing Post. HOTEL ST- DENIS BROADWAY and 11th ST. NEW YORK CITY Within eniy acceu of every point ol ilk teraat. Huf block from Wanunalter a. Five minute walk ot shopping Uutnct. NOTED FOR: Excellence of cuiaine. comfortable appointmenta. courteoua ervicA and homelike aurroundinca. Rooms $1.00 per day and on With privilege oi nam a $1.50 per day and up EUROPEAN PLAN Table eVHote Breakfast SCr WM.TAYLOR SON, Ino. HOTEL BUFFALO, fl ll RALEIGH. N. a Long Distance Telephone. . 15th Season. STOP AT THE Hotel Ponce de Leon AND ANNEX WHEN AT ATLANTIC CITY. Virginia Avenue and the Beach. The Hotel Ponce De Leon Is newly furnished throughout with rare taste, and possesses all modern requisites for, con venience and comfort - of guests. Hot and Cold Sea Water Baths. A BOOKLET will be gladly furnished on application. Rates, running from $12.5 "to $30.00 per week, according to location of the rooms. Offic ial Hotel American Motor League and the International Automobile League, GARAGE CAPACITY 300 MACHINES. For further information ad dress, ALFRED B. GRINDROD, Proprietor and Manager, Atlantic City, N. J. Hotel Empire, Broadway and 63d St., New York City it MJi.'l',. r"'"affRi' In the Very Centre of Everything. AH Surface cars and Sth Ave. Motor busses pass or transfer to door. Subway and "L" Sations one minute. ALL MODERX IMPROVEMENTS. Rooms, with Detached Bath, $1.50 per day up. Rooms, with Private Bulli, $3.00 per duy up. Suites with Private Bath, $:t.50 per day up. Excellent Service Fine Music. W. JOHNSON QUIJfN. Proprietor. RIGGS HOUSE WASHINGTON, D. C. The hotel "par excel lence" of the National Capital. First class in all appointments. Opposite the U. S. Treasury; one block from the White House. An illustrated Guide to Washington will be mailed, free of charge, upon receipt of two 2 ccnt stamps. O. G. STAPLES, Proprietor LENOX N. Y. . -'-; - Highest Grade. ; Fireproof. Service Vnexcclled. Conveniently located In most beautiful part of Buffalo, the Ideal summer city. Southern families find Tne Lenox a delightful stopping place. EUROPEAN PLAN. $1.30 Per Day and Up. Special Weekly and Monthly . Rates. Patrons may take taxlcabs or carriages from depots or wharves direct to the hotel, charging same to The Lenox. C. A. MIXER, Manager.

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