1 Every Afternoon ,. ( .jtcpt Sunday):.;- .TIMES BUILDING If"" t Hargett Street . P. 'or and Pvblisber, I' 1' c f 'ri Editor m Off! OS . .,. ' :..,,. . . Uu Department fMeisb Those. rra i aging Editor .. v. .. C. jr Editor if ... fcu -lew, Q0n . . ,, ..17 .. 17 v srrscttiPTioN bates. -. Ce Teat fS-00 SU&ontha iijii .. .. 2.80 Tbreej MonUta , .. - '.. 1.28 On MonrVv ,-..-.ViV - dn OneWeekv. .. .', . 4 v? hi Evening times prints n'n cleaa o ' objectionable advertising. -Neither don it print whiskey or aay liquor ads. It yatf have' any tronbla getting The , Evening - Tlmea telephone or , write to til 'Circulation Department and have It .nromntlv remedied. In ordering a ; change of address liva both aid and ' in addresses, , It 'll ImperatlYe that all comraunlca tloni be signed hy the writer, otherwise they will not be published. ' :. . Entered at the poet office at Raleigh, M. 'C.i m second class matter. WHEN AWAY . . FEOMHOME , You should have The Evening Timet mailed you dally. A telephone-call or postal card, giving jour-old address and your new address will do the work. . Yjur address V will be changed as often as. desired. , . 1 Gt the Habit." 'Phones 364. HE" EVENING TIMES, fTse" vfta work ot alandering the good name of the county ' goes on. 1 1 I Wander If any of the candidates wlli Je challenged because they voted tm? tepubyeanticbet?( - . The assault on the management of the county hom has .proven Bome- tblng of a "flareback. v ' What are the ill and aged Inmates of the county home expected to live upon? They are subjects of the county and then in the last illness are entitled to their desires. Mr. Bailey advised bis followers to ""-.""D " " j f- bimaeif at the primary who had been voting the republican ticket. The cballebge ' list for - one 'or two pre cincts' will eagerly be watched for. i TjwEs(iy!cctu ' Dr. Sikes ay be has always stood on-the democratic national and state platforms, yet be says he would not vote for 'Bryan because of the free silver! It had been our impression -that. the democratic platform of 1890 said something, about free ' silver. How about this? ,v s 1 'Good ; for the Raleigh aldermen. They h are at last come to the rescue ot the lty in regard to the dog "anlsabce and have passed an ordi nahce that will effectively remove the worthless dogs from-the street. Dogs on ttt'e street moftt btf muzzled 9rnl'il9esh otherwise "they will bo talteV up. and if not redeemed put to dgatb. ITbe . aldermen have risen to 4kpcaon-and deservw the thanks of a long-suffering pepple.j 4 ' ' WHl Dr E. W. Slkes vote the dem ocratic ticket this-fall? What about ltdoctpr?! there Is no uee in trying to evade the question,. Bo far as you ajreeoitcerbed as an Individual it bo'sn't mak'e any, difference how you 'vote.fT"ou say you' have been abso--lutely under the bontrol if fc corrupt politician fwrieir years, voting just as be' told 'you to vote. "That being true, according to your eonfesi slon,. you are probably acting now at the bidding' -of some jone. else. . o persfjnalJy, your ; vote - does not amount to much.' It, 1b not he ex-, presslon of a ree 1 Amertcaa cltlsen but, simply the vote of ra man who votes'' as he is told "to do. But. you are asking democrats. to vote for you a;. J -they want to know-where 'you t'.u'v j. -They have a right to know.' If v"U invt'u'f found out yet do so at 5 . fi 0Mort tnIty, afl .then let I r -ot know. . Will yoa support .... f ;, . . , ,; , ; iiLKKN'S lATlr Ot'TltUKAK. - This paper has been a strong, a J- mtrer ot.ei-Governor Glenn and: tt has been loth to believe that he has been imaklng the fool of binaelf bat recurring' newspaper " , dispatches would lead one to believe. But' the reports of his outbreaks are. coming too often. Heretofore, he- baa In measure squared himself-by denying in whole or . In parts utterances be was alleged to bave made. But that kind of thing plays out after, a while". We don't know that the ex-governor wijl deny the latest utterance, but whether he does or does not .where there is bo much ' smoke there is bound to be a, little, flre'and , since there have been, so maiy denials al ready, people have lost faith in thena. Of the recent 'outbreak the Norfolk ledger Dispatch says: . ."The platform habit has 3ed many good men into extravagance ot state ment; and declarations calculated to create sensations that: were . hardly Justified under the circumstances. Former Governor Robert. Broad- nax Glenn, of North Carolina, we are afraid has become the victim of this platform habit, . and if he keeps- up the present gait he - la liable to be classed with the parrot that finally admitted that It had 'talked too d- much.' A telegraphic dispatch pub lished yesterday reads as follows: ' . " 'Cleveland, Ohio, June 8 A severe arraignment of the southern states . for their failure to properly educate the negro was delivered here tonight in an address by former Gov ernor R. B. Glenn, of North Carolina. Mr. .Glenn, declared that in eleven southern states, where the negroes form forty .per cent, of the popula tion .only 15. per cent. of. the school fund is devoted to their education. He was speaking at the Euclid Ave nue Christian church.' ' "Mr. Glenn is from North Caro lina, a state second to none in the union, in all of those things that has made ' glorious the history of the southern states. He has been highly honored by the state, and coming down from the executive chair it does not become him to go about the country 'severely . arraigning' ; his own and other southern stattes. He doubtless found an Ohio au dience in the fine f&ympa'thy with his criticism of the south and probably that kind of talk suited the Cleve land folks better than anything else Mr. Glenn could command,-but when his 'platform limitation, and ability to please, is reduced to abuse of the south he had better heed the 'back to, te farm' injunction, , and retire "We do not know that the 'facts warrant his statement, but whether they do or not the business of ex ploiting any deficiencies on the part of southern states should ip left to those who bave not been reared and honored in them. - , - "Some years ago a former confed erate officer went through the north addressing audiences, at 25 ce'dts per head, and at Buffalo, N. Y., after depicting the pitiful Condition f the J south at tne close oi me war, ana other things that be would not have dwelt upon at home, he drew out a concealed national flag, like some sleight-of-hand performer, . and throwing it . around his shoulders awated the thundering applause, or bis hearers. "We know the war Is over all right, and we know that ,the south has not been able to reach the climax of civil excellence, but we have no patience with men who need either money or notoriety badly enough : to Induce them to ' mount platforms In hostile states and de fame the section of country from which they come. It may gain ap plause, and it may fill the tin box at the . door with silver, but it sounds too' much like the old .story of 'the thirty pieces of silver,' to suit us." The esteemed ex-governor is not nearly so popular'; ' a man now - as when he went out of office. There ports of speeches that be has alleged to have made that have come, back to the people bave not set well. Mr. : Glenn is either talking too much or ne Is the vletlm. of very damaging circumstances.. Press Comment , V- ' t WvWtag Wealth.' ' n The. treasury department has Issued another one of. Its delightful little esti mates of the amount of money every; citizen should have If the whole amount In circulation were evenly1 divided. ; , i For purely statistical purposes every one of us have $S4.59 In" his pocket at the present moment. And thafs not all of it, etther.- Bacfrone of us "has exactly 14 cents more than he had last month- i ' -' -f - . The- usual way or a man : to de termine how .much money he has- in his pocket Is to turn It Inside out and count the change. ' But that method Is often unsatisfactory- The sum total is sometimes quite depressing. -1 ' The treasury way,. Is better. It In variably gives a fairly reputable re sult.- Take the total amount In circu lation and divide it by the population. and you always come out with ISO or $35, even ' though the ' money is strictly hypothetical. We -can' estimate the vaiii of: these occasional reminders from the treas- ury- that, statistically -Considered. have all. this money that tt meationsT How . mahy dissatisfied" expressions must have vanished at the nre sug, geetlon? -.' -K A i It maybe said that, -after all, the Individual ' may not have I34.S8; that the dieilluslonmeitt when ' he 'reaches down , and : finds a deficit- may cause him to become gloomier- that every and ihat the treasury 'per: capita - figures may thus do harm Instead of rood. Nonsense I Everybody knew- by this time that he has this noney for purely statistical' purpose,. Also that the first quality miulred in money of this sort it that it Is unspendable.. If be could spend tat1stlcak ntoney, where would the sUtltlcs tiet -, t- ' In one t'espeCt this .nfa "be. hn -ln- conVemence. v But. from Another vlew point It t" a great advantage, Being unable to spent it, H mam always baa somewhere: In the neighborhood of $3& of hypothetical or statistical' dollars In hie pocket.i He can never be statistical ly "broke." . But such refinements are really beside the mark. The thing of value is- the reiterated, suggestion from a place of high authority, that, granting certain conditions nbt necessary to dwell en, every one of us has 135 or thereabouts. Where IS. the man so callous as not to feel warmed at this cheerful mes sage from the treasury or nis gov. ernmentY. Where vis-the, critic so 'cap tious as to demand that be have the money In a roll instead of In the form of statistics before he will- allow him self tq share the general gladness? Inter-Ocean. , v,-., A. Page Man, A periodical of fashion has invented the "Man's Page' Here . surely" Is a happy thought, - Too.; long . have -'- the needs and tastes of femininity monopol ised these recurrent UliJ . often be wildering pages and mases of patterns and other contraption that no masculine reader would ever dare to unravel, But now mere , man- t to . oe granted a whole department for his very 'own delectation and Instruction. It is ; a singular and, an ' Interesting reversal that Is thus presented. Here a husband may learn If he knows not already, "How Jo Weee a Wife's Love." surely a, highly commendable toploil . A -brochure of negative counsel upon "How Not to Comb Tour Hair" may prove Of value In preparing for the day's toll.': There Is absent," it Is tor be regretted from this page a single note of advice upon how: to find a lost collar button: but there Is ''an entire essay devoted to the problem of "How to Put 'on a. Collar." .- From .tn one learns that It may , be dangerbua. to undertake to reduce' by .fehemicals Qr manipulation the circumference' of .the neck. That Is evidently tackling the problem at the wrong, end, if one may so speak of a circle. Nor should chem ical solutions be applied to the collar Itself, for they may injure the fabric, not to apeak of the-; wearer. Th's article is upon the whole Inconclusive. Its obvious opportunity for admonition against profanity is wholly neglected. The contractor of this page has, how ever, fields yet unexploited. There are possible realms of advice upon the ap propriate purchase of theatre tickets, bonbons, and the cultivation of the art of ; conversation. - The enterprise . Is plainly commendable. It has porrlbll Itles that beckon ' to ' development Washington Post,' ' r .'','' :"'. : :'" '' ' Blacklisted Millionaires. - Some of the multimillionaires of New port now know whaty It- is to be black listed and - ostracized not socially ostracised, but Industrially ostracised nmnthiiitf whlnK ttft n lnnor miffprlnff Auiltl-mllionaire is often far more ter rible. .- The assistant gardeners-- -of Newport, realizing the Importance, of. their function, recently demanded an increase of 15 a month In their wages. Seme of. the biggest -garden -.keepers refused. -Hence the -blacklist, which bears such names- as .Goelet, Astor, Berwlnd, Kernochan, . Belmont,, and VanderbHt. t t - ' Will the 'multimillionaire be driven. to trimming their own hedges, training their trwn rose vines' and cutting their own lawns? A Newporter's reputation amoiig Ills.' neighbors' i Is determined largely by the way he keeps his garden. He can afford tO' neglect It less than tl;e Long Island commuter cfcn afford to neglect 2 feet of , parking in, front of his 35-foot lot. If the demands of the assistant gardeners -keep ( on Increas ing, however, he may-have to assume the disguise of overalls and take some of his exercise with a hoe, a lawn mower, or a pair of grass shears. But-the poor multimillionaire should not lament too much. He should not think himself the only one abused In this way. There are others. Many persons In modest circumstances who live in the country round about New York city have felt the tooth of the domestic employes' unions. In some places these unions are very active, and be tween them and the employment agen cies the bumble householder Is kept In hot water a good part of the time. The gentle, guileless rose grown In hts front yard seemeth a sweet gift of nature. But alas! It costs much agony and sweat New-York Globe; .. Boosevelt and the Ethlce ttl Criticism. Just, how far may a distinguished- visitor go In arraigning his hosts at the bar of. logic. Justice or expediency?': 1 Roosevelt's, performances throughout Europe" ,glve fresh pertinence to the querv. :. :'. -- ' " , .' Good-natured, yet with force, he held up France to the reproval of the world because .-of , her known ' race-suicide tendency " , - " , , , In i Italy,,- even In Germany, ' and In other places,: Jils set or tm prompt J ad- ..'v.'",' '-.'.".--'1.; .'V'..:V.'.BAiEIGB;,'N. C.' '' .'. " ' : '- ' V College fdvanclng every year -both in standard and in quality ' of work.U Thorough courses lu 'the Libera) Arts, an In ' Music," Elocution J 'Regular;.depsj-tmen of Education wKh obiiesvay .. Uon school for those desiring to (each., ' ' ;::. " : : . ; ' 1 : -Academy for girls and for. boy up to twelve .Begins with frs& grade and prepares for college. Eight (8 teachers. Terms ' In college and i acdenay beloT aeAuartt.' .. ''': "-'v": - . - . -dvesse'hav m t bevlj without the- note .e4j criticism. j (- jj Of course, H was in Bjigl&nd that this tendency reached its clunax, -In a wa that has set all Europe boning-, with argumentative echoes In this country, ; : One may not gauge Roosevelt by the conventional . diplomatic standards. The Ideal, diplomat would have tWed afar different course in the old world that that upon iwhlch the Colonel set his vigorous steps. , His discourse would have .- been, aJmostr uhdllutedlv. com' posed of bland compllnfents; ever' dis carding Unpleasant topics 1 for ' those breathing fragrance and searching for the : flattering platitude instead of the Ntacous - and inflaming .truism. - , Now, had Roosevelt been what the world considers a diplomat, he would haVe left his train 'ttn -' aggregation of . smiling and tickled auditors. ' But they, would have forgotten him almost aS goon as' hi face faded from their eyest , and he would have . left upoH their, minds- and morals none of those deep and Wejlble .Impressions which v?rwnuiu- are ei oown as tne ueg in nings of history., 'i - .. .vwuipiauiv ta iiwue mat c . tltude of Roosevelt in "England was tantamount to a slap In the face of the host. The stricture Is short-sighted. How many hundreds of foreigners of distinction has. America lavishly trt tertalned, only to 'be told to Its face that the country was crude, Its cltlsen ship Indolent -'and. Inefficient and h 'future dlamal?!-f''' . v.- . 1 . " " v ' Even the English ambassador, Jame Bryce, Who knows, us better than the "majority: of , us know, 'Ourselves, hda not scrupled ;ta Inform us. gently," of course, .that while we have made won derful progress, (the Mdy.polltlcs is yet teeming , with rotten spots and funds-, mental weakness: . .. - : ' ; klt comes,, after 'all, to a contest be twenthat . candor . which is .friendly and healthful, and that squeamishness' ivirich Is the. garb of expediency is not nly coward," but - what Is more, un- achieving. ' ': '- . Viewed from this angle, we are lnT ctlned to acquit the -colonel of the charge of impertinence, even of. the less gfave charge of perpetrating faux pas. . : . . ...... ; .And as between' the faults of frank ness and of serpentine and Insincere diplomacy give us, every, time, the former! Atlanta Constitution. ' SHAVE" , YOUESELP. . It .doesn't take . experi " Kw:": ':' v. , 7 1 . .. . ' .-s,.' .ec. "We have a great display of Safety Itaior, ' Safety Razor ' Blades, k t - I1 . . Safety . Rasor ' Sbavlng Strops. In fact hi the necessary articles . .. for 'it abaving punPes, i m TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY. Both Phones. What Is More Refresliing ; Than one of our cold. drinka these hot days? Everything that Is served at -a first-class aoda fountain. R. C. Datclielor 120 East Martte" Street, ' .'.'.- - A . C T. UcDOlIALD, notary rvsiAo. '. , Room 204 Tacker IMldlsMb RALRIOKv n. n. THE NORTH . CAROLINA .State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the Ute for1 the Wo men of North Qaroitna."' Four regu lar Courses leading! 'An " Degree. Special Courses for Teacher. ' Fall Session ' begins September ,14 1910, "Wioset desiring to enter should ap ply as early as possible.. For cata logue and other Information'' address 5 JULIUS J. FOUST; President, . ' . Greensboro, N. Ctf . PRESIDENT H, T. V,vV,i A Genuine Paeamatie Can, f 3.69, Operated by compressed, air, It is a rsprlng gun., It send a shot throegh e, pine" board balf-tnob UtMu So safer gam wade. . -' , ' .it-'vi. -..'.' . 'J '- the cLirjAinn ;i i U Immensely Popular.-' ' S 'i . v V S Sons v The Jiig Hardwire Vzx ' Notfee of Democratic Primary Jaectloa. '. l Notice la hereby,, 'given ;. that, the Democratic, primary election for Wake county will be held at tne various vot ing places .In the county to nominate candidates for State, Judicial, 'congres sional, legislative, oounty and -town ship officers, and members of tne pent 6crBti& executive committee,-end del- gates to the county convention .to be held In ttalelah on , the gnd. day of July, 1910, for each precinct, on Bat' ilrrlav . June tRth. 1910. .v. The polls in all precincts' or Raieign township will be opened at o'ctoolij a. m. and closed at o'clock p. The- polls In all county precincts, eut. sideof Ralelghtownshlp, will be epened at 7 a. to. and closed at sundown. The following are the polling place, and the penholders:;- .-,.. , Raleigh Precincts. : First Ward, First Dtvtelon-Cajital Fire Co.; C. D. Arthur, E. A. LassKer, A. H. Qreen." ' .- . .-s - First Ward, Second DIvlBlnif Harris' Warehouse; W. Mj Utley, Ji. B. Beale, L. 8.. Ellison. ..'..' Ti1 . li Second Ward, First Division Viator fire uOi, Hi. M. uieaaoe, . ev uwnu, T. A. Branaham. "! . Second Ward, Second Division R. CarroiU M. T. Barnes' ' Store; E. Ray, E. H. l,ee.' " - ' ' Third f. Ward,- First Division Wood- all's Stables, formerly -JOnes' Ware house; M. iB. 'Durham,.;. J.; ,E. Chappell, Ti, D. Dlckerson., .' fi-.-V-" Third Ward, iJecbnd DlvtelorvRoyel Knights Hallr C. R. . Harris, Joseph Williams, A. E. Olmstead. - :, Fourth Ward, First, DIVJslon-431ty Lot; E. w:1 HIghtower,,Thos Burnes, Sherwood. Brockwell. ,i';" " . V ; Fourth Ward, Second Division P. Jeffrey's .Store; Albert Ferneit, H. W. Branch J6.;'.lt Britton.,, :. ,.'', ''' 'i. : Outside East; North Pace's Store; Jt.i E. - Oglesby. L. ' N.- Clifton, beorge Kennedy Cn' , ' . "'i' ' Outside East. South Soldier's Home; "A.- L. Bashford, Qeqrge Johnson, NV A. Cunnit .-.- ' :i,v " Outside West, North Parker's Store; C. S. Parker, John . Davis, . Talcptt Brewer. . . , . Outside West, South Morgan's'store; Ben Morgan. P. C. Smith, P. A. Ho) It day, . , - ' ( .Oounty Precincts. ' '.Barton's Creek--Baira Store; B. T1. Bledsoe, H.' T.' Bailey. R'-'F... Brog ue". " . i -Buckhorn New Hill; fohn. Wilson, b. L. D. Lashley, J. "Vf; Wonjble. Cedar, j Fork-rMorrlsvlila; W. ' U Page, W. H. Carpenter., bLP, Seerfes. Cedar Fork Pollard;. J.'. R. House, I. P. Warren, J. E Mari&omo,. iv Cary Cary: W. N. ttfowe,' A. Ma. Pleasants, Charles J; Holleman." : . s-3 Holly Sprlngs--Holly Springs; R. H. Templeton, J, t. Marcom, R. ,-A. wood. , , v ' . House Creek Edwards' Store; Q. "L. B. Penny, , James.- 8.' Hai;ey, ; af . J. Carlton. ' .-. . -':. House Creek-O'Kelley'r Store ; Rlcb ard Blakel R. M. ; Davis, . Charles E. Williams. ' Little' River Wakefield: T. U. Hon neycutt, R. B. Nichols. Leroy Massey. Little River Mitchell's Mill; Solon Baker, Hubert Hagwood. A. C. Brought ton. - . -. ' . Mark's , Creek Eagle Rock; f A. R. Hodge, Jr., L. U Doub, E. V. Richard son. ' ,' '''' ' ' -'."'' ' Middle CreekSexton; W.'P. Steward, John Holland, D. H. Smithy :-. -. Neuee River Millbrook;-' N. W. Hatch, C. F.. Honneycutt, , W. C. wtntree. , ' - ' ' ' New Light Stony Hill; P. R.Uen, J. M. Keith, j; A:i Powell.'A',('-v..,..-.. k,H - j ?jif2r ' Byrd. f ' t Oak Grove Ray's Store; M. C. King, J. tt. Horton, S. Jl. Chandler. ' Panther - Branch Township House;. C. ' F-. PHlsb. .JB. : 0.t. Partln.- James Adams. , . 1 - St Matfliew'sMUIburhJei :c; t. Hester,, Arthur jLedford. ft. J. ..Buffalo. St. Marys AUburnr , j.- . wiison. John Allen. J. C. Pool ; ' ' ..-,'-. St Mary's Garner; J.! D. Johnson, J; R BrDughton, p. V. Mltchener. v Swift Creek Franklln'S; J. J., Bag well, David Stephenson.' Len Pearce. Wake ForestWake Fdrest; Ed. A I len, Isaac Fort, John Mills..' " . Wake Forest Rolesyllle1; W. B. Hor ton; H. 8. Jones, W. D. ; O'Neal.' White oakApex; Tneo. ataynara, J. M. .WIlHams. C, F. Williama. , , , ARMISTRAD JONES, Chairman Demoorattc Executive Com mittee Waka County. . - . . ' ' . - WOMIXATION FOB SHERIFF; , " Having' been endorsed' by the Mass Meeting of Democratlo voters' for the position of sheriff of Wake county, . I hereby: announce myself a .candidate for ' that office, and pledge myself. If nominated, to observe and enforce the platform adopted, by thatmeeting. I am a Den.'icrat,' and am a ca"3idate subject to the primaries, Jtjna ,. . . ':..- -' II. D. li.A O, - ' : ( -, . ... C. . 1 1 M l - CaBll.lJl c r- -f a Cdtlal date for no.uluuu i Sheriff Of WaVe- Con the acting Cft alt .f ' ' to -ry, - JOSEPH H. E2AR3. To the Democratic Voters of Yv&a 'County' ' ' 7 T -' t hereby announce "tayself a can didate lor re-nomibatlon for the x sttlon of Treasurer or Wake County, subject to the action Of the Demo cratic primaries; oik June it, iio. ;::?. U BROWN PEOItAM. 1 hereby announce myself a candtf aate ror - nomination tor reflection s Clerk of Court bf Wake' County, subject to the action of the Demb- cratle Primary. . . ' W. M. RUSS. 1 1 hereby announce niyseit as a ca.a didate for- re-election to the office lof constable of Raleigh Township, -stib-Jeot :to, the vote pt ,the Cemoofatie Primary." . BD. BYRUJ. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for nomination- of County Commls8loner, southern part of the county aubject to; the Democratic Prjmary to be held prf June .S6th. .I'.lnlioV::-:';,., ' J;: E. SJIN80N. To the Democratlo Voters of Wake ' County:" f betehs announce that I wi 'be a caridldate forth Senate trdm- tbls c)ubJty subject- to the-actlon" ef tbe DemocraMo f Primary, ;,to Te beld 'on JenelStb. ' - JVm, iJON3. May If. JJ10., ; . f- ; ' TO-.thfJ Democratic1' ;Voter of Wake Countyf ' '! ' r ' I hereby announce myself a a cap- didate for the House Of Repjresenta- tlves,. subject to, tbe action of tbe Democratic Primary, to , be held on June, ?6tb?; ' '.,- ;'';' R'.?;.:-'-" ; ' i : ' GEORGE; MJTCHENER. I hereby announce myself aa a candidate , for ' tbe . House . of Repre sentatives. Bubject to tbe. Democratic Primaries. . ; ; . : '- , c X JOHN W.' HINSDALE, Jr. I hereby, announce myself -as a. can. didate- for' the House of Representa tives subject to the action ot the Demo cratic , prtanariea. - :".''fi 'v " .- - JUDSON H- KEITH I hereby announce myself a tandl- date for' the ' office- of Register of Deeds Hi Wake SCountr. ublect: to the actlon-of the Democrats, Primary. . '. .' &;.H. .ANDE!R8pyr;,i I hereby announce; myself ... can didate) for County Commissioner of Wake county 'aubject to the gcCion of i ine uaoiocriuc miliary. -. ., .. , . ', - . :' 'M.-W. fATEiJ, I' befeby announce myself es a.can- didate 'for re-nomlnatlon for the of- floe of Couhty Commissioner, aubject to the action" of the Democratlo Pri mary. - : ' o. b. makhisuw; Having been endorsed by tbe mass- meeting of democratic voters lot the position of treasurer of Wake.eoua ty I hereby announce myself' can didate fbr that office, and pledge my self, if nominated; to observe.and en force tbe platform adopted by that meeting. ' I am a democrat and am a candidate,' subject to the primaries. 4 une i 6tb, GEO T.-NORWOOD. Having been Cudoreed by the, Mass meeting of Democratic, toters for the position of .County Cemmjaeionev of Wake County. I hereby , announce my self a cauiUdaU for that of&oe, and pledge myelf,,i( nominated, ., to - bp- serve and . enforce the platform adopted by (-hat meeting. I am a Democrat, and am a candidate, sub ject to the Primaries June 25th... I. H. JjTNN. v ' Having been endorsed by tbe masa- meellng of Democratic voters for the position of member of the House of Representatives from Wake county. hereby announce jnyself a candi date fdr ttiia office,, and pledge- my selfif nominated, to observe and en force the platform adopted, by bat meeting, i ain'4 Democrat, and. am a candidate aubject to the Primaries June 25. " - J. T."JtoD. - Mew Hilt; ut- 'Having been-endorsed by the mass- meeting of Democratlo voter for the position of Senator for Wkke County hereUauhtfubce myself a candidate for that office, and pledge myself, Jf nominated,' to observe and . enforce the platform adopted by that meeting.-' I amn Democrat; and km a can didate aubject to tbe Primaries-Jane B5. i . - i E. W. SIKES. I am a capdidte tor tbe'ofttce of Clerk, of Court for Wake county and Hsive received the endorsement of Ue mass-meeting of Democratic voters. held on May 14th, which endorsement Js'subject to tbe action of tbe demo cratic primary June 25th, and if rat ified, 1 will be glad to serve you. 1 mo. v MILLARD MIAU - - TO THE PUBLIC. , I am a candidate , for re-jiomlna- tton for the of flee of Register of peeds for . Wake county. j. 1 am not new, and never 'have been, a member of any faction of tbe Democratic party,: and, bave devoted my time and'lu. :;t!od to tbe man agement Of the clce tff wLlcb I was elected. ' . ' .' ' -' 1, , i , 9 1 , J ll '. ' ' ' - Ii- I .3. i erfT A(... UL... Job. P. Wyatt '"Sui i i i r. - t ' ARCLJliXTS. -r-& W. Barrett 1 1 7 V4 FayetteVllle.; - , , ' ? ., yt F. B. Slmpson-Capitnl Club Eldg. ' AliCHlTECT-ia.-.: Frank: K. Thomson MasouIc Temple i ABTIST8V MATL;:iAIJv riCTURES' Jos.- C, Ellington 112 Payettevllle.' ART POKTRAIIS. " Wharton & Tyree Studio. -, h Hi FayetteVllle-; " - ' "v AUCTIONEERS. ' Balelgbr Auction, '1I0ifs',;I f - 215 South Wilmington;' ; ' AUTOMOIULE.S sCPf Ui& -, -Carolina Garage' k 7'Khlue Cft.'" , ' 10s West Hajgatt,i:';R' AUTOMOBILI-B "JACKSON," - ' Raleigh Motor Car and Machine Co-,' ' JOS East Morgan ft MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK. Respectrully Solicits lY6Ur Business. ". 'RALEIGH IUNKINO AND . : i - r 1 v- TRUST COMPAKV, P - , Honorable" History" Slpoe 1865. , MECHANICS SAVINGS HANK.,, ' BOOKS 8TATIONERJT, , " Pescud'a Bookstpre-109 FayetteVllle BOOKKEKPINO-SHORTHAND. " t' , Draqghon's Prac'tleal . Business ' - ' . College: v t; t ' ' BUGG1T BUILDERS-REPAIRING. " John W. Evans' Son MOrgatt and - Blount j . " CAFE GIERSCB?. Fayettevllle andHargetfc',v CHIN A HOUSEPUKNISHINGft. -Mrs. L. F. Medltn J. D. :RIggan. ::-",;-;" v--.i.:8 :East Hargett. .; '". i 1 1 - ..... CONFECTIONERS .-' WHOLESALE.' Porter Candy Co., 103 West Martin; DRY CLEANINOr-r PBESSWO. ' C. E. Taylor-Popular : Price-: Tailor: 17' West Hargett ' ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Carolina Electrical Co., .Fayettevllle.' SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING, King's Business College.,' Inc.', - 'J r . S25 FayettevHle. FEED FOR STOCK AND POULTRY ' F.;' B;rPbinipBHeiulmlcrFee4;- 'X FINE MILLINERY.- ('. 3 Misses Reese ft CoVlflS FayetteVllle. FUNERAL DIRECTOR-- EMBALM EBL G., A. Stjlcklabd N; 'WnmWgton; FURNITURE RUGS. MATTINGS, r. . - A.j Tucker aC6.;t B. Malnii -' - GROiXRIKiWWHOLESAJtfE. , v "- v FEED DEALERS., x?' : -: Norris Bros., E, WllniUigton ,knd ':.:.va'.: '.'-i'".;j; Martlft. .n.'it-sS,-. KODAK WORK FINISHED, Miss B. Darnell 118 Fayettevllle. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES . Freeman's 120 E, Morgan. ' ' LUMBER WHOLESALE. R. B.. Godwin,. Jncl; Carolina Trust Building, -v MANICURE HAIR DRESSIflG. ; , Miss O'Briant, 408 Masonic Temple- : MANTELS TILES GRATEjfc. J.vG. Council. Mantel Co.i -' ' .' 10:Weet:'Martig.-y MERCHANT TAILORcW , Brldgers Tailoring Co.,"-- f ' 180 FayetteVllle'.; J' " - MILLINERYt Mrs. Frank Redford-13 W, rgett. MONEY LOANED WAKE COUNTY , B. F. Montague, Attorney;. ' ' 10 Pnllen Building?; v MONUMENTS. Coopers of Raleigh. c, OPTOMKIIUoIi'V- W 8. Barnes, 220 R" Sattobf-ry.v OLDEST AND BEaT siiLUARY ' ' - ACADEMTv'.'-r''': In U. S." For Catalogue';, ddresa ? , Peeksklll. MUltary Academy, .- f. PeeKs1clIi;:ii.;jrt;;'r'';:i't', '" PRINTERS BlNDEKSri v '"j ' Ex M. Vsaell ft Co., 120 W.vMsrtlti. ' Rl'KUKH STAMPS .AlliW.uAPliS. Terry, "The Stamp 'ManA'.-".?, " 210H Fayetteville. i,1;' J ' ., . SECOND- HAND GuouS, Ik A. Emory ll W, Wilmington. SHEET METAt FUBNACB WORK. L,umsden Bros.," 225 8. Salisbury. THE NW HAWtVAiiii MAST. - L. W, Bowden, 12Q MartlKV: v etekinakiAn. 1 Dr. h: P. Koonce, J16 E.'Morgau.' EiiCLES lIAi.! . '.kicD. s. W. tfoiioway, 117 u.; iiarrtt. . .ruuLfc,aALE L-vv - ' W.H. King Drug CorT i uy. - '. WALL PApjkivr i a 4..-Jj.,,..J ;' Green Watson Co., 11. W. Hargett : J. O. Ball Co., 1S3 8. Wllmlhgtbn. David O. Sunderland, Elks tulldlng. Iillju'' CAfj ,.ssuiaf' - . uuer -bury; 25c. Corner Hargett nd-f, Ll a , l-. .. i.. t in-v . ' ,J..! Hunter A,-rro... r ; "slon Central Lire,: 203-4-& Merchant Na tional Bank Building. '-.' ". '.- '-.-. t ie of the r. i t i t ttl ; all ' ' ' N

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