nit: nvTOi&a times: i:ale:gi n, a, Monday; june is, 1010. 1,-; V t ' x - V 1 . , ; - , , -. . . ,. -. - .r. ..M, i '"''(','' ' ' ' ' -TT- r'"'Tr . , ; , ' 1 i " " ! ' i- - Stci!:n, Cottbri, Grain - and ; Provisions, it ii;e gou;ity i;o:.: New York-Stock Market; --: (By Wire to The -Times.) . . i T New 'ork. .June ljl-YAlthoujrltf Xbw Issues showed 'alight trains at the open Ing, thetone.waa r(irairy- heavy- n4 moderate '.recessions prevailed bi.ithe treat majority;: of active stocks. Unfit ,y v New York Cotton. ' By Leased Wire, to The Times! I ' New Yorky June J3 Cotton mar-j feat, although fairly well supported at tna opening, with,-pnces.B. points low er to I point blgherthe cotton "mar-: TIIE TIUE3' DAILY 5 FINANCIAL STORY ' (By Charles -yV. Storm.) News York, June IS After a heavy opining In .which prices of ' standard railroad said: industrial stocks .showed Paclflo and8teel Were the- only issues t soon (Jevejopod. a weaker under- In-which therf,wv',yAeB;reof jtono owing to aggressive short sell-1 average losses of half a point, the gen activity wtdT rnta-. bem market became strong In Wall In bothWftn l-kv Afferthe1 'At' the end" of " fifteen minutes street today. ' . - : first . few JuJnutW however, the market 1 prices JWd bWD, tocd down 5 nolnul ''Ur,aer the leadership of Steel. Union develop WWf-r :AYKliw-4roM aqdftefen Dolnts bnj?at5l Reading, and Amalgamated ' - - 1 . : 11 Antust which seemed to hri rh itil voP n dvanc occurred that wiped New York, Closing Stock List, t ' " .mmh ! ? , out: all th,ioma a4 established aver- oio; juiy, Sf. PauT'pUrchaseaf on a' liberal1 scale V:AUK-:. Offered . 14. 80r4 and advanned 1 S-R nnlnta At h. hiak Kmeri bugar Kennery ., ,.U7 Ml,4T to t 8;' DecemUar, 18.27 ib IX to," January, 12.21N ta -12.22; Inarch.' 12.24 bid.' ' Market steady. ' tunerliair'&meltfna; Xmeil(an Ut(fcomtttV9 1 DtWelpan,Vcar,-roundry-Ji .". ,. .jMWMWijt toottOrfOU .' w Ai'. i, AmilQn -WooJen r.J .. "., .. Xnaeondr"wv1 V.'..'-.-. ' JKeUtentLVftv'ja.'.vv Atlantic .CpaaV X,lne ,U0' Brooklyh flkpld Transit ,. .. ..77 paltlmore Ohte. .; j.;',.$ f.. Canadian- Pam '. i .. v-v. . ,Wii phesapeake' & Ohio .. .. 80 Consolidated Qa , 75'i 41 m 2 4b 104: Central Leather x Coloradq . JTiiel 4 Iron . Colorado Boythern A .Delaware 4c. JUndsonr . ., T-llll .1.- ' . ' Krie ... . ..v. t - . MM, ,184 June-1" July. Aug j. sen. ., Oct. . Not; . . Dec.' ' . . Jan. A Feb. "... Mar.-.:. ' Open. ;s.ot . )4.0. IS 16 12 47 12.38. 12.27 ' 12 22 High, Low. v 15.19 ,14.67 12.20 12.66 12 32 12.24 14.47 12.11 12.40 u.n 12.17 Close. 16.06 15.16 14.66 13.20 12.49 12.38 12.31 12.2T 12.26 12.26 12 20 12 29 Market closed very steady. Jfirie, prer General Eaectrto 26 44 ,.144. Great. Western,,, '..j ,v .., ., .. 26 ,: Great Northern, pref ,.. . .v -130 ' Great orbern Xhre .. .. .. 58 Hockin .Coal ron 6 V New York Spot Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Tlmea)' New York.- June IS Soot cotton. quiet and unchanged at 1620. Salei iji.uzo bales... , ,. , :v brokens -considered this a . favorable turn. , .- In London, American , stocks were Ir regular, but moat Issues showed slight gains: Trading In American stocks abroad Was on a very light scale. - On the New? Yorkwurb trading was Hkht and v gilt-edged mining shares showed no material change in price. , Stagnation ruled the market the greater part of the afternoon; For two hours price changes were merely fractional, Union Pacific, Reading, Amalgamated and a few other react ed .slightly under.' selling, but ' the move was viewed as of no slgnifl canoe. uonsoiiaated Uas was a strong feature, showing a gain of two pointB.. , , , t Illinois Central ; ,. .. , Interboro,i.v v Interboro,. prefam,.... ., -., .:. Iowa Central,. .jrly ,'r Kansas CHy. - Southern iiw-Vt Kansas Texas . r..,.. Kansas: ft Texas,"' pre.' .-. Louisville. & NaabviUe .... ; Missouri PaclBcHv -i ' -' New York .Centraji h.-v- 4 Northwester. - National '-bead. ''.'.-.W im-p. Northern Pacific ..... (OntaTloy. Western - Paclfle Ball,., n-.. ,j Peoples Gas -o. ' ,t ; ; Pressed. Steel Car '. .' vs v., , Beading ",-VV' J" " U . Sock .Island .-v, ,. Bock Island, pifefU 1.V Republic Iron ft Steel Republic Iron & JSteel, pref. .. - Sloe-8h4f field v.! .. 8outberir PadfOo' 'Vj .... -i ; Southern Rqllswy Boutherrt'laHwAy, pneT. w; H'. Teftn. Copper . .J. i. Texas Racine ..lUi ,. 18 . .. 61 ..144i ;,.144H ... 72 ,.124 ... 43U ..1S1H .4 ..106 .. 40 i. 'New Orleami Cotton.' .? (" (By Leased Wire to, The Times.) . -. . Qpen. High. - Low. Close. June July... Atlg, .. Sep. . . Oct..,. Ndvij Jin. ;?. Market closed steady. 14.99 14.31 13.01' 12.S7 16.06 H4.36' 13.09 '12.42 4 14.43 14.21 12.97 12.32 l2.2o 12.29 ' 12.20 14.84 16.05! 145 13,0S: 12.41 12.30 12.26 12.31 : v- New York Money. - : ' f" :; By Leamd Wire to The Times.) ' , NewH York,, June 13 Money on call Vk .percent; time money easy, CO days ifk percent; . 90 days S to V& six months-34. fosted Bates: Sterling ex Change 48S to 487 with actual busl. ness In' bankers bills at 486V to 486.80 for demand and 484.30 to 484.40 for sixty day bills. .. Prime .mercantile pa- . Liverpool Cotton. ' (By Cable to The Times. Liverpool, ;t -June ' U-CotWin spot l steady:-American-middling 8:13; sales 000;, -receipts none.. Futures quiet and steady and closed , steady. JJune' ..'' 1 7BU. n . - -.: . i. :.- gju I June-Julys ...i 7.68 BaUimore Grain Market ' (By Leased Wire to The Tlnies) . Baltimore,, Md., June 13 Wheat closed' weak ; No.. 2 red spot il yt ; July- 89, nominal. . - corn closed weak; spot 60 July 61, nominal., , - Oats closed easier; , No. 2 4 4 ; 4 4 ; NocS 4 3 4 4 2 miked 43. ' - A:;t lis ftegcdcd Statement of the Expenses of thfl Home: for: the Year Rowland Answers Charges of Extravagance. ' " To the Voters of Wake County: ' ' My; administration of the affairs on the County. Home have been, attacked and! aav ben charged with extrav agance. -l desire to make, a -state ment And lay1 (he affairs of that In stitutibn-Jefore : the people ot the county; in order that" they may pass their, Judgment. k The groea expenses of the County Home for the. past year were $13 The income from cotton and other products, sold was $2,318.34. t The county, therefore, to maintain the hom. and provide permanent Im provements; was put to an expense pyer 'die .in'come of the institution of U,lH,5fJ . This -item : is made upon the fol lowing expenses! - Labor of all kinds, Includ ing overseer','-farm hands and all -other, labor. . . .11.958. 0 salaries 6t myself and. wife 720.00 Fertilizer -,v.V . . . . . 385.00 Feed-stuff, for fifteen cows 675.00 Pernfanent improvements as fol lowsi i iii?V,.. . One pair jnuBW .'. . .. $565. 00 Three wagonsV ;:. . 196.00 Two seta double harness. :. ,. 76.00 Two sets of single harness . . 35.00 One water eystem complete.. 650.00 One shreding machine -. . . . -237.00 Overhauling -binder and re ' pairs to mower .... . . . 34.60 One wood saw.. . . 32.00 One hay press.. ...... . . . .. 90.00 Total Total white c; No, 30 ..126 ..24 29 6 .,170 8 a. 4 J ;v77 .-1R ,'. 43 .18 41 (0 41 44 . .7.77, .. 7.68. 749 . 7.29 6 82 ,6.61 6.47 '44 " - 6 46 6.44 , Third. jAvenuw , vAi -u .jv.. Union, Pacific- j.f,i ' .V-.. R'.aflV tjBbbe..'.ifv'. m.i:V.-i.' ITfah fcopner . .. vSSteel..v-iv4 w--..r-- V'"'.-i: V. ''steel,.pf:i,.',tt- .n ;r frtrgknl-X?atnlhi Chemical WeetfTrt Uliloaf. ' SVabask . . u .. Wabash, pref. ri-r.Vr.J. Weatingbeuee; Bkott'kr -,i Wiscoialn Central Wrttero -Marylahd ' if, "'. N - i Chicago Grain. w (By Leased1 Wire Jo The Times.) v .Chicago, June UEasy-. cables, Jin '.- weather j and favorable crop news .. eaused'aneaay cipenlnrin' the wheat market, this motnlng). July and Sep 'a.' temberioid .pfl 'about', but soen.rat ' lledflh, iihort ipvering and scattered Buying. There was'aieo an easier open . Ine lh corn: and orioei were off J4 to 9! recovering slightly. Commission houses :. and casb -people were, vthe: best sellr, . shorts the et -buver. Oats were easy and on to o with other . grains .;uode:jhihe. I. influence f-.Of fine :weatheri?.i':,i j:';! 'f :''-Ah Provisions were sharply lower ' in sympathy -with hogs at the yards, The .bears' W'ere 'oh. 'top today' artd Wheat soldy.dowteito l :e. Warmer weather has to;, principal " bear help, St. Louis antl KahBas City 'cash wheaj prices .were'off sharrily for the day and this was;' a'' JtectDr'. tthti 'entire . tre9e sold. J ShOrtB iwsre the buVera.' JulyAug .i 7.6 Aug-Sept 7-32 , Bep-Oct 8. ..s-., .. .6 84 ' Octf Nov X-W- b 8.60 NovDee -,'-6 62' teo-Jani. ,kY .47" Jaa-Peb .'..'.. .-.".n.'j .46J ' Feb-Maroh 1 .. , i.. .t March-April ..?.; (.t-. -4.46 Saleldi Cotton Market. : (Reported by C. X. Jonnaon ft Co. Good- middling,' 14 c. . : , "Wddllng, 144c, . -.; 8trct middling 14 c. -Receipts ! bale, . J ' (By Leased Wire to The Times) New Tork Jnn'vl3-4-Cotton port receipts wreas -follows: v New Or leans, 1,379-agalnsD 1.87S;. Galveston, 768 against 709; . Mobile, '46 against 281; Savannah, 3 94 ttgalhst 313; Charlestoir,' against 107J -WU- mbagf on, 1 against 74 ; -Norfolk-148 agaiintfr'720r- Boston, 22 against! j Brunswick; against '111 Pepsa coia,. againstS.OSd. "Total..,- 7, 6 1 vagalniift 54c h'0 ' ' Interior Movement!' Houston, 919 against- 1,1(1 h Augusta, 69 against Memphis,; '462 against 507;- St. Louis, 1 99 against ; ' 2,9 5 ; vCIndinnatL 173 Mmt: E391.1ttte Rock. against 6 Total,, 1 ,81 2 against 607. : -'''. ' -'. .' - ':i-: oil- prices, based, on prlmew yellow. St. Louis Grain Market. (By Leased Wire td The Times.) St. Louis, ,Mo., 4une 13 Cash No 2, red,wheat.; 102108; Uo. 2 corn 68. . Futures: .Wheat July, 89 f'Corn July, 67 bid; Sep.,'479i bid. i- vOats July,c33 asked; Septem ber. 34. V . : ,' t Chicago Live Stock. (By Leased Wire to The TImegV v Union ptock Yards, Ills., June 13 -Hogs Receipts, 42,000; 15 to 20e lower; Mixed .and butckers, 9 M to 9.46; gopd heavy.'. 9.30 ' to' 9.42 rough- heavy, 9.15 to 9.25; - light 9.15 to 9.45; pigsr 8.40 to 9.26; ,ljqlK, .3o' to .40. ' . ,. :;" i : Cattle Receipts,; 24,000 ; steady 10c lower; beeves, 6.8610-8.75; cows and heifers. 2.76 to. T.lOi ..sloekers and feeders, 4.15 to 6,40; Texans. o.uu j ao; caives, s.7t to s.7a 'Sheep Receipts: 18.000: steadv native and western,. 4-60 to dau Iambs, 6.25 to 9.00. ' --Mr. R. W.. Ylncent, managing editor of the Charlotte Observer, and Mr. Milton Tiddy. editor or tne Lin coin County News, spent Saturday night here -on.-their way home from the meeting of the Press Association -Corn- clbserw fo W lower on favor I , ? . . ,; . " able t weather,'. . Tb 'country. ;wasi Cash sale's rTOt00lf bushel wheat, 270,000 bushel cortir, and 210,000 bushels eats.. 'ftii'.AZii -fi ." iked., as. tol- lows:. yrMW-H: Wheat-J . .' Open. High, i Close. .93 L.4Jl 19,,; -'-.88 ec . .. 1 1 urn; " .it1'., i ' " ' drain okoiationa .ranga ThMUj - i Onr,n. Hla Sep.. ',.V'i;,Si.c. July . , September-,', betober ; .. . November y-.. Decern bet January:fr'.Av,-v, Spot oil ;i. i; r '.'f-f : Closing. 7.9808.02 7.977.98 7.96 7.97 7.86 7.88 7.22 7,2 8 6,46 6.48 ,8.00 8.25 OlBy Leased Wire to.The Times) ; -tWiike8barre, t . Pa., June , 13 t MB'r! Catholic 1 ckurch at .Ayona, the., -parochial house,; and fourteen other- buildings were badly damaged today', when a mine'eaved In benefit them.- More damage is expected and Inhabitants of the town are fleeing In , (ear that it .will be destroyed.-. ;-. -V;. . 'W ": .:" . ; -o-m I VvRdIm sno korwii ..: - e,.v-.;." Corn. ';f 'n-tvj-.:,, ..y-vv.- lit, -1 . - '.; y ..; --;;-.; . ; July Sep.,; . Dec Sep. -66 ,ifiVj):44;. v-?) New prk;June3( ri. ! i ' I auc " w neat -so. it easier July, bldr Sept, 6A4 jreo: No2, " 1105 fct!!vaiMt Bil . 1 AS Ul - fnh ' i ' tk5f;-W:;-h'';.': f;w?-vt'i- ffil.t-af'W-..ToJ' -f.Ws4-84-wlitef;4ji , u --'-?)-v-.K-.i';A'-----' . - General Deflciency Bid, (By Leased. Wire to The Times) ;Washlngton, June 13 The house today ' began consideration ' of the deficiency bill the ' last ' of the ap propriation measures. Under the rule the day should have been de voted' to the affairs of the pistrict of , Columbia, but as the- membece are: anxious to , get . away; the dis trict bill was not.-taken up.' - V i '.-. ; ... ". . ' . ...V "? ; ' - By .discovering-' the north pole (Peary worked himself "out of a steady. JOBf . - ' 1 ' ' ? rit you. have nothing rto do you !e atwaye aepena on a. lazy man to help you. 'i ,i , ,;.-.'.. :-.,;;,,;;.,...: ... , 12.S2-A - -il!t. i f' ? Hy-No-. 1 western, -nominal S 3 r4u,,.W;. -12.72' 12.87: i' supposea to oe aDie to, say n ne want- 425 MISS LUCY BROWN. , " Thiemany , friends ot- Miss 'Lucy , tp!f.wtu.i9i,.ff :..v Vi,Ur.i ' ft i it 'is "V . - -1 ne many , mends -or Miss ' Lncy U;T. :." '" ' SSSS ?ww oo pleased to learnthat fc)-?.'4XtA. ft?rat,r...'-Hj.' she hag resumed her position at Toy . 'ivy : 1 .-it'.to 9e Times.$: H..." V.1'V' ' ."' 1 i.-' lna she will be pleased to see Juh -I3plrti ;tttjfr "''Uf.tnf ,: he many frienda ; ai;tn..;vsame old pentiii. -t. i, of, to? 67. vSales IfiOKres celpts I l.!.;.;:-i S-Nvi ' Urs Boeinffr-flrm; .vsa,lessadnes- ,V receipts 1.718. .; .'. i 3V-'?--;'-"'-' V , Quote;- AT? .25rWO 6-7 to 6.96iN 1.40; M. 5 " K $.27; H 8.2S; O 6.22; I1D .V '-' . -j,uiw-t-prm -pity ami; e vi Lard prime western. asy; 12.40 12. 50,;,.-;.')-v- . $4 , r, ' i Porkmess easy; l,litt :r24.25. . Coffee4;Nai1t,?' W' mx. stand. - Toy land :.will move to their new store on east' Hargett atreet In a (etr days; Remember the place -Vtrd name Toyland the 'only one ih the city. Mrs. JUr F-: Medlln and Mr. J. D.sRIggan are -the owners and mana- . . v. . . .$1,814.00 expenses of administration exclusive of maintenance of inmates, hands and my family, $5,462.01. Deducting this amount, $5,462.01 from the $11,134.51 you have $5. 682.50 .a8 the cost to the people of Wake county of maintaining the In mates of the home, thirty-four of whom are' fnsane and- epileptics, the prisoners, hands, myse'f and family. mere , are approximately 6 per sons to supported , out of this simple Calcuiation wll show that the average' dost- to the peeple of Wake county of maintenance, Including the expenses of; my family, "is less than $5.00 pef month; or.i pot taking Into consideration the profits of $2,318.34 about $7.00 per nioWTh; ; - The farm, besides making $2,318.. 34, produced about 4,J-00V pounds of meat, instead of 8,000 as stated in the .News . and,., Observer, vegetables (or the Jnmatesvand al the milk and uinier mey requirea. - killed last jrear, twenty-eight hogs and I now have on hand 114 hogs, shoats and, pigs, v ' I am charged With belne extrava gant in - that 4 beCneertaIn table delicacies such" fis shad, , oysters. canned peaches;, ham," etc. There .are many pld and feeble persons -at, the HomeJnd these, sick and decrepit' people f frequently re quest of -me fruits, chickens, fish and other -delicacies. 'I; buy ' them in reason for them frrfai the' dictates ot my conscience and upon the advice ot the county physician, and under the direct supervision of Mr. D. T. John son, the purchasing agent. : - ' Relative to tbe had, I ate part of them; and sent the greater share to the" sick Inmates. At this time I had certain old parlshoners who on their death . beds asked . for these things. Since Christmas ten tof the fold peo ple have died. v ' i i -,: -t ': . Relative to- the canned peaches, canned tomatoes,, fish roe, evaporat ed apples, I buy these by the case and they are; served, to the inmates se v eral" times - a'v'week;A;r Several -times during- the spring months I buy fish by . the-' box for the 1 ates.! have had) turkey tor the grand 'juries and for "myself at thknkseivihir 'V and ChrlStTOas. On the fourth of-' July, Thgnkl-jlving and Christmas I always give the inmates a good dinner. ' '. In ednclusieC I: will; say , that so long as I am at the . head of the Cohnty Home V am, going to- see to It that these -unfortunate people are wel treated and well fed. - As to my personal table, It ia uddderate ' and modest.-, I have no more delicacies than the : 'ordinary . man; and I have no apologies to make for anything what y.ihdugh't ttj Ma; H$hL ? ;; -' I believe the people ot Wake eoun ty rl be satisfied when -they' learn that the Inmates, hands aid my fam ily . are supported at .a cost of $5.00 pef month to.-them.-.. -t '. .- '::- -f"- ' our eW: triily,; '' -i. s-"-- . A- ROWLAND. Raleigh, . June 13,, I? j f j ;. Gre:t Less of life In a Fire Today . ' (Continued From Page One.) have . been killed, and the body of One stereotyper was among the first taken out. The Herald is an evening . paper and. the plant was going at full blast when the disaster came. -: ' - ' The collapse of the roof came soon after the fall of the water tank; at1 10:15. The compositors were carried down through' the ruins, with their .type setting machines and pressmen in the basement were crushed under the debris.. .:.-. -.' '- .-:.'' - Firemen with extension ladders did heroic work; saving several of the girls in the .bindery. One, Phillls Guerdon, taken out in a critical con dition, declared that more than a dozen of the girls were cut off from escape when she last saw them. The fall of the great tank set the whole building atremble. It tore a great hole in each of the five floors. and through these openings men, wo men and machinery were poured as through a gigantic series of funnels. The pbltce declared that the fire was caused by the collapse of the wa ter tank,-which, they say, was too heavy for the building. Among the first- of the badly hurt to be taken to hospitals was the so-' clety editor. Miss Henback. ' i ' ' ' - ' '"'' -" '' ' '''' " ' 'i' " -"- i r Banks on Sure Thing Now. . Til never be without Dr. King's New Life Pills again," writes A.J Schingeck, 647 Elm St., Buffalo, N. Y.., "They cured me of chronic con stipation when all others failed." Unequaled for Biliousnes, Jaundice, Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Mala ria, and Debility. 25c. at all drug gists. It takes a crafty widow to make a man believe she thinks his faults are virtues. , '.-'. '' - START NOW Fresh-- tlPC 1V) and Variety: of - pattern and' 'sliade to our Spring Woolens Of fer a delight , , ful , change from the old 'styles, and make it possible for. yon to have individually . v V;-"'!a',A Distinctive Clothes We'll tailor your choice to order, with fit and workmanship beyond reproach, for a price flower than is usually quoted, and uarantee. to please you. Call today and place your order. .w-:''..': A. C. HIIXJTO North Carolina's Foremost Tailor.4 i Rooms 209-210-211-212, Carolina Trust Buildin, RALEIGH, N. C. 'i nd keep It np. MAKE A DEPOSIT of the amount yon can save EVERY WEEK. . tve do a Savings Bank business, nay FOUR , PER CENT. compounded: quarterly, and keep open SATURDAY NIGHT. r THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. Money to Lend - In Wake County Only. . On either Real or Personal Security. . B. F. MONTAGUE. Rooms 1H-1R Pnllon Rnllding. City Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are -the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is .the best medicine ever sold . over a druggist's counter. . . ' The Laundry for the Folks Who Care. ; Because it is equipped with only the best machinery. Because we have competent employees. - Because it is returned to yon -on "schedule" time. Because we are the Oldest and Best. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH N. C. , l LZJ Kan pes, dElii 'Interest on sawV(?st Compounded Quarterly ' ItapMtts msda dnriar tb. mil THBXB) JtAY9 et tnth DRAW INTEREST nox tk. xnfr. w Vir. MONTH. , ..'. V ' F. F. V. Ham..::1 r-:- ;;v'';. ' BeUahle Hanai J 1 ' .Busy Bee-Haras. :-:;-,' r-ry- X Stejr Bams.- ' hi";" 'W:-'C' -Tore W Compbniid Lard. ; v.i -r :,-:' .. NOTICE. " Having qualified as executor of the will of the late H. T. Pennington, de ceased," late of Morrisville, N. C, Wake County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of the' said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on . or be fore the 18th day of May, 1911, or this notice will pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. , , This, the 18th day of May, 1910. . C. D. McDONALD, Executor. West Durham, N. C. ; 23-oaw-4t THE! R (BAN K ? The relations existing between tliis Bank and its coatemers are close and cordiaL We esteem it a compliment to have people lay claim to this institution as being THEIR Bank. Make if YOURS. . Raleigh Banking & Trust Company, v "The Bound Steps Bank" With an Honorable History Since 1865. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR BENT. ' ! . DIRECTORS: Clias, E. Johnson, Jas. A. Briggs, W. A. Line, han, H. E. Norris, F. O. Moring, W.. N. Jones, J. ,R.. Chamberlain, T. B. Crowder, Alfred Williams, Thos. S. Kenan, John Wr Harden, Carey K. Durfey. -...;:-: VV (r ..,. . .: . - . . .. .. . ARE YOU SAVING YOUR MONEY? . I-. If not it is time for yon to get busy along this line. We are ready , to help you save. Bring a portion of your earnings to the MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANG each Saturday night, We pay 4 interest COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY in Savings department. . , ". . Open from 5 to 0 P. M. Saturdays. We want your business. OFFICERS: E. C. Duncan, President; Wo. H. . Williamson, Vice. President; W. F. Utley, Second Vice-President; W. B. Drake, Jr., Cashier; S. J. Hinsdale, Assistant Cashier. . ' -.-'; "v- ' ... .-, v .... , ' ':-'.''-;'';-'.:.. 11UBBARD BROS. SCO HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK-ICSMBELjRS-ot New Terk Cotton Kx .; ehange. New Orleans Cotton Ex kange. Associate Hemken Liver ' pool Oottoa AseooUaoa. ; ORDERS SOLICITED Tor tke pur ekaae and sols of Cotton tor futon Mirers'. Oomenondenea tavttad OF INTEREST TO EVERYBODY. The safety assured by this large financial institution Is snal ter of interest to everybody in- this community. The fact , that deposits are safeguarded by a Capital and Surplus amounting to over Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, is an anchor for the faith and confidence of every one residing in Batoigh and Wake County. ' ' The Commercial National Banlf, Ealeigh, N. 0 '- B. 8. JERMAN, Pres. A. A. Thompsoa, VIceFrea. ' B. B. CROW, Cashier.; A. P. BAUMAN, Asst. Caahlel. iv ' tj F 6.20;i 13 .10, to- 6.17; f 6.00 o-f.06j C B A 4,60 to ..).'''-'. .- V'.":';' .' y Toyland, ; ':.';Vj X: . -fit ;:.