START, NOW 7 . I; LCrluJliySTERY i C;c 'r J i Cclion Grain and , ( k Market " (fey iased. Wire to. The Timea New Torfc, Jane a 6Tne majority of stock , inn whicbT there was ; a fair amount 'bf ' . trading . showed .-vsub' V stantlal. losses at the rgpenttrtnud in the-early (ra-Ubgr with American Smelting teh. Hng f decline of, one DOlnt an Hp JtlaT sale.' r - V ' 'itt railrvud. list generally moge , about a-halfna;r .yesterday's evee. . American Smelting' recovered abeut JJtlf TtfclbSgwReadttti'raaatt';- caption ' to: tne 'general r .weakness, AoWtoffbiacjoniil',iinr at' the i'Attbe ead"6i fifteen, minutes 'the list genefallyrnoged very .close to . .ffe raoee Vprevatllng 'at the finish yesterday,, r t ., , ' . " - j vT-".j. 'V V v. , 'New; Yjfrrk; Closing Stock List; Amalgamated' Copper i ., 'American dre Securities American 'Sugar Reflnery , 6H . 23V .117 American omeiung.-v, , American Locomotive , American, jfr Foundry1 ; Vv . :. American Cotton OH , American Woolen if .y .;., 42H 64 1 82 Anaconda ..104 ' Atlantiq Coast Line A . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Baltimore, amf Ohio i i Canadian- Vaaolflc v. . , Chesapeake' and-: Onto v w Consolidated: Oa,, . i. V y Central Leather v . . , Colorado Fue ana Iron -. , Colorado Southern v. ..t.. . - Delaware and' Hudson. I' -i . Denver and .Rio Grande' Distillers' Securities Erie.'. ,f.. j..,. Erie pfd. . vV ,!,- - v- . General El'ectrlc,: ;:, (v Great Westen W .-' .-. Great NorlhettniJpfdt' fl'i Great Northern "Ore . Hpcklng Coat'lndilron . . , Illinois CenCrals? ..V i, . , Interbofo. . ,i'th i . Interboro pfd : r , '.. t. ,. 81- . 37 56 ..165 .. 30 .,146 Vi,2S .:o ..,69 6 ..133 . 18 .. 60 Iowa Central,1. ( 18 Kansas Cltjp SeutheVa .. 31 38 . lxulSTlUe Mliui1 Paclfle ......... X... 66 New Tork Central'.'. M ., V 6 Northwe-tertt f 'J,'.,,: V'l V National Irfd ,l it v, . ,73Vi Norfeik AWe4t.'fSi,.,v,.v1.,'1'.: ,106 Nortfiern Phclnc't.- it Ootario A" WelHi.1. People tCa,;t: iv. ..JO54 pnestfed Bte taf'.v .. . .f 1414 Reading -f. ',i,H4,',. bu laiaoii ,i .' kuK ,-.i'j',..s-4nat Rocks Islands '0rer. i; ..j.. 60 ReptoUc Iron it Steei k Republic iron & Rteerpref . . Slottetheffleld A' J- goutttern Paclfto Southern RaUwy,'-.. ,t 8outhern,4Rai!waXi pref.. ... .. 8u Paul , .. :. .. . 1. Tenn. Coerer-.. .i Teaaa Pacific .. , ,.14 . -v.B14 . w 68 .-..121 28''ii ;;,26i . .,2444 . ...29 4. . ..17114 ,. 87H 43 "I. 77 . ..11514 6914 . .. 6S14 t -r.18 . 4IV4 , .. 61 Third Avenue v"i.!.. .. .. Union Paclllc .,"f.',' r. U.'S. ubbai-.. , Utah Copper rf, ,r .. U.8. Steelsi,v., u. U.tS.x8teel. pref."',. V'iV.'.V ,.. VTrginla-aTpilnk Chemical v . Western -Union ..t ,v'.. Wabash,. ''fi ' '.., - Wabash, pre f . : .v . ' , ; . . . Weetlnghouse'Electrle ..' .. .Wisconsin Central ,.: .." ,v .. 61 Western Maryland .,, ; H Corn Products , ..,.16tt t i ' Chicago Grata. ' , , s . -'(Br, Leased Wire te The Times) r- Chicago, " June uXhe wheat market .opened higher. todsyon-firm Liverpool cables and contlnneddry weather, with hljh temperature" :; the' north west. July was .up H find other months - to 14c Liverpool came to Id higher. ' . Corn opened steady and a4lttte higher with eommlsston. houses on both sides of the tnarket,; .! Weather reports were . Oats, ler Brm.and ap.H' to- Th rmAtnv: - hiu,VAi.' vhh mostly ftf ,.n proit-taklng: intune"; , i";.vA Vj Provisions s werJower., -being rtowemTiorf :prtees at. tn- fluenced 1y 1 th yards." f Oralb ''quotaflous' ranged s as I fdl lows:; i r ;t .vj- IHieat Opto, "lllghr , Close. - July A (tf2- ,3. 192 Sep. ,.s ,0-- .U . '.90 Dee. .jv-TXi!- h.917-.9J u1y . ''68rF, 8'8'-67 ' iBep.-. . "'.69 '.68 Tpo. f-6',S H" s157 , B6"i July i, ,"3t1 Sep. . -sS5'' Dec.-: i" C 26 i 87' .33 .36 ''35i .ST ' '36', JuIy V.v 22.70V. N23.00- 22.90 - 22.10 ;i 22.40V" ; 22.27 t P. La 1- July,,. Sep i . July , Sep. . ''.N 'i .12.40 12.40 t - ?. 13.02 12.55 '12 60 12 52 12.40 12.40 13 15 13 03 12.62 12.62 i C: itc. 17. J 5 ft CO.) i- , fey Leased Wire to The Tlmert Kwr yorkj- June la Cotton opened easy ki response to poor cables. Inl-, Mai- prices, showing- jt aeclln t to -10 pointy oh the-oId,erop"&nd.aboui-.4 to 6 on the nW positions, r, The weather map. showed less "rain -4a the eastern belt - f ' .Open. High; : Low: Close. June , Jnly Augm' Scn,1,,.. .16i6.6,;, v-n fi ..,. ,15.04 16.M 16.20 15.101612 X4 62' ,J4.H -14.60 14.64 13.13 13.22;. 13.1? 13.14 Oct, ' 12 51 : i2.44 12.45 12 32 12.25 12.22 dec. vH-'W 2:3d 12.44 Jan. ',."12 '24" 2.27 1S.20 Fdb ifrr.;JU2 46 12.26 12.24 farke'closed Steady. "New York Spot Cottoa. .'(Bi teased Wire tt The Times.) UNew Tork:'- June 1 Snnr nnttn QUfet, 10 points lower lil 16.15; sales. 1,390 bales. . New Orleans Cotton, ? (By Leased .wire to The Times.) - - wpen.s.. mgn Low. Close. Jul Aug Sep. Oct 116.0$ ... 16.09 14,98 16,0ft 14.26 14 38 14.26 14.29 12.9? 12.37 12.23 12.44 12.35 ( 'r t -t-fi i2.28 - 12.22. 12 37 Nov. 12 H Deo. Jan. 12.23 ' 12.26 Market closed dnll and steady. j - Liverpool Cottoa." ' . (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, , June 16 Cotton spot easier; American middling, 8.13 sales, 4.000; recelpU. 4,000.' fut ures opened easier-and closed dull. . : --Opening. Closing. June . . Jane-July Jlily-Aug, Aug.-Sept, "..7.86 .,7.76 ..7.67 7.83 7.74 ' 7.64 7.88 7.35, Sept.-Oct , , .t .6.90 w.6.68 ,6.89 Oct-Nov. . 6.67 Nov,Dec. . Dec-Jan.. ; . 6.68 6.68 .6.66 i,( ,6.63 ,6.62 .654 Jan.-Feb.,. 6.51 Keb.-March 6.62 MilrchiAprMf '.' I , Bv ..( By Leased! Ire to The-Tlmesl t New; yorJhne 1 6 Cotton, port receipts eratA follows ,t . '.'New Orleans, 2,873 -against 1, 404; Galveston. 38" against 4.189; Mobllq, 41,i against JO ; Savannah, M : a ainstv t . 4 9 2 j Charleston; 6 against 38;. Wilmington, 255 against Sgj-.Wprftlk.VJ.C-Sv against 768: New "Yorkj. 145 agsJfnat. .r.f- Boston, 69 twin t,. Yriuys ..... against ,:,' 106; i t Otals.5,198 against ,9.086. Interior movement itouston, 108 against 457; - Augusta, -13 v against 20;. Memphis, 805 against 512? St Louis, 35l against 316: 'Ctnclnnatr. 109 aeainBt 240: - Uttln Rnck. . against 68. Totals, 887 against 1,- av ' -. . . "p ' " 1 600. " 1 ' Cotton Seed Oil. - (By Leased Wire bxTbe Times.) New York, jbnb 16 Cotton seed oil 'prices, based on , prima ' yellow, ranged as follows: " , . Closing. June. .rv? 'il....'i, - v T.87fir7.97 July .. . 7 927.95 August'.. 7.86792 September .v., '.r.3fp7.84 October . I 7.267.27 November 6.726.73 6.466.47 : 6.4.48 December . ... , . , -. January . : v . i .-' . Spot oil . i.... , i. -. , -. 7.86 8.20 Sales, l,7p0 barrels. New Yorf Provision Market. ' -New York, June l Cash , pro duce: Wheat No. 1, firm;, Jnly, 99 7-8; Sept., 97 1-4; ted No. 2, .103 in, elevator anq iu v-s- too.- Corn No. '2; steady' 66 3-4 fob. pa,ts No. white; SWady ;, 4 4i V2. , , , . V I - . ."Rya -Ndi.' e8terv'i63 l-ft fob. t Barlejr-rBlaltlng, 6fl M' '; 66, Flor Steady; ' 6 J" 8 6- for spring patentA; - straights, 4.86 s.OO. , n . v 1 : "t. Mllf feed Spring bran, ?0.0Q, Tallow Prime city. dull;6 34". r Lard4Prlm'e western,; easier; 12.- 60 0 J2.70. , 11 ' Pork-T-MessPrm; S4.50 '25.0H. if -ConWi-No. 7 R10. 8' i-4t : !- Sijgar Oranulatad, 615. - 'v. C , . ... ' v v- S-t Louts Gniinr 5Tarket.u .' -gt-.' Louis, June. 16 Cash wheat Nor 8 red,' 9 2 ' t -2 1 corn No. 2 6 1-2 ; oats No., 2, 36 , "' " , -. Flituresi, Wheat-Wu!ly SO ; -;.J2 bid, Spt.f9 "1-3 bid. - Cprn; July, 58 3-8 Tld; 'Sept,"S8 6-81 v i 'it, : .Oats: JulK .35 :Jt4 jasfced; Sept, 34 3-8 1-2 - , ' J i Ualtlmore Grata Market , Baltimore,, ; ,, June '.f 1,6-Wheat closedeasier; No- 2 red spot 96 lr2e nominal; July,- 90-. 1-i-BomlnaL . , " Corn, closed easier; spot, 81 1-4; Julv, 62 non-'-M. . 1 : , ' ( j . ' ' : v 2 . , 44 " 1 1 " ' 3 f 4? 1 c Provlsiona THE TIKE3' DAILY . ' FINANCIAL STORY j, Cfearles W Storm.) ' " NW Tirk, June 1-With Hie ex ception cf -Reading,' stocks . opened heavy lb, Wall' street today wits losses ranging Irojji - tl point In the most active Issues.- -Reading was about the Lonly Jssue which sbowedstrength, an auc 9(i nu-vafiw vi nau a puiIlL. littler II spjd off In sympathy . with the . balance-' ot the list ( s ; gmelters was the heaviest issue and lost one point ob small sales.- r Amalga mated Copper, flteel. Union Pacific and Southern, Padinc all lost halt a nolnt. Trading became extremely illl at the lo prlcea i American shares were lower in Lon- don. i .- . ' - . i"1 -..On-the New York curb market Gold- Held- Consolidated . showed strength around 9. ' Other mining -Issues were nrm and trading was quiet. . - ; New Ybrk Cotton Letter. (By W(. B.' Hlbbs & Company ) NeWlforkJjine I It was a repetl tlon Iti most - respects - of 'yesterday's market. -, Further undeslred Tains.. In 01 Atlantlo .States and ,fbe decrease. in contract stocks here to 161,600 bales against., 158.100 yesterday and msxxr last, week, and 246,000 on" May M against j,wi fast, year': helped - f o sustain prlcfeS-r - r r. These features offset further unfav orable reports rrom the milling anU dry goods -districts and also the duller and weaker Liverpool markets and" absence or mimic buying. . .' - - - rrices aeciwea 10 points for near months and six to eight for new at the opening when there was the only ac tivity. This causd a slump In July to 15.10, August 14.60, September. 13.13. October 12.44, December 12.24 and Jan uary ; 13.20. These were the lowest prices Goad support 'and .further accumula tlon of August by bul leaders recovered most of the , Joss , In the later trading. June 28 Is first notice day for tend ?ra or deliveries on July contracts here. There may be -some scattered liquidation In that option before then: There Is not. enough, long Interest to be liquidated among outsiders, how ever, ' td cause any Important, slumnj nun August i.wm i eveniuaiy sen . even or go to premium with It. e-would (Continue to avoid' tradihjr in Utiese ; mppths, and follow selllna side of the new crop options and recom mend- suqh -transactions on further hard spots. ' 7. May Imports and Exports, 1910.; foreign' trade during the month of ,My shows smaller Imports 'than in any month since August of last year - and larger exports than lnJ May of any year with the single ex ceptlon of 1907.: -The total imporU tor .the month, as shown by the bureau of statistics of the - depart ment or . commerce and labor, were 8119.929,608. against 3133,923,3619 In April and $162,999,435 in THarpb Lpf the' present yekr. ' nThe- exports of the month were t' 2131,145,428 gainst 123,322.778 In 'May, 1909, $113,610,378 in May, 1908, and $134,759,568 in May, 1907. the single' year -which shows a higher record of May exports than the one just announced". The excess' of ex ports over imports for the month of May, 1910, ' is $11,216,820 against $7,262,243 in May of last year. The total imports for the eleven months ending with May, 1910, were $1,438,169,502 .and the total exports, $.l,6f7,159,178, making the excess, of exports over imports' tot Ihe eleveh months' period $178,989,- 676,.' The, exports for. the eleven months ending with May, 1910, ex ceeds thoBS of the ' corresponding months of last year by $7r,567,,663 Sew York Money Market. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) new; .York.- June .16 Monev v on call, v2 . 7-8 per cehU , time" tnoney, eaBy; 60 days, 3 per cent; 90 days. 3 1-4 to 3 1-2; six months, 4 to 4 1-4 Posted rates:' Sterling "exchange. 486 to 487 -1-2 with actual' business demand and 484 40 to 484 1-2 for 60 day , bills; - Prlm mercantile paper. unchanged-ill rhtea v''. ;v v-;.Nawal;;iStores; ''4ftK .'( By Leased Wire to The Times )v v Savahnah, Ga., Jutte 16 Spirits turpentine, firm, 69; receipts, L061; sales..4T9 . Rosins flrmr receipts,x,597;'alel none. ' Quotes, WW, 5.80 to -SjSS; WXJ. 6.70; to, 6.151 N. 5.40 to''.46?VM. 5.30 to 6.46; K, 5.30;1, 5.25. to 6.27 2 H, 6.26. to 6.27 1-2; :G,-6.16 to 5.26: D. 6.22 1-2; E. 613. 1-2: D. 4.8.0'; C. B. A.,'4.53 to 4.64.- r ! -; , - Chicago Live Stock.. v ?'(By Leased Wire' to The Times) Union: 8tock Yards. Ills, -June 14-r Hogs receipts 17.000; market slow. Mixed-and bntckers 9.36 to 9.70; good heavy 9.60 to 9.(7; rough heavy 9.35 to 9.46: . light 9.40 to 9.70; pigs 8.60 to 36; bulk 9 65 to 9(5. Cattle receipts 6,000; market weak. Beeves 6.76 ,to - 8.7S; cows arid heifers ,76- to 7.10; stockers and feeders, 4.10 to (.26; Texana (.00 to 7.26; calves (,76 to 8.50. ' -. - : : -r':. 8heep receipts 18000; market .weak; heep-4.00 to 6.25; lambs J to 9.40, , a z-4 . Ud -'Steles ttassla Warns - Rassion Suspect - Re-' leased Divers Searching for the Body of -Cftarlto Bmipect : Bald to Be Uswter' Surveillaace in Lon ' l.Rv Cjtble to The Times.) -. f - Comov: Italy.-' June-'l 6 Russia and the United) States nave clashed over he Lake Oomo-murder mystery. It was .learned -mdajr?i from, an author itative . source j, Jhat .-International compllcatioasiii.had!, developed .over. th holding of Constantin Ispolatoff, the -Russian susneot? arrested . im mediately, after t&e Ahwdvery of the body . Of Mrs. ? Mary Scott Castle CUafUon Jn a trunk lp,the lake. A request , yrom jthe Russian con sular authorities for the release of the prisoner, unless definite evidence against him were obtained, 'resulted iu.ja protest, from the, American of- flciah twbo have urged on the Italian ponce; rv" ', , , AmbassadortLeishmann, as well as Consul' Charles M. Caughy, of Milan, is Unaers(ood fb believe in the double murder lUepry. and bis in fluency' naa been used, to secure the arrest ! oOtfcO "Russian soldier of i fortune. t. f :; 'The .new; thate; Italian officers were preparing to release Ispolatoff came' almost simultaneously with the discovery -In-- his. rooms of the brass i knuckles iwhlch.. he borrowed from the Moltrasiof chemist a day or sp befqre. the murder of Mrs. Charl ton. ' Brass knuckles.' ot the type used by American thugs, are not com mon in Italy. .. In the opinion of the police, the murderer ot Mrs. Charl ton wore this pair or a pair exactly similar when he beat her insensible before jamming her, still alive, Into the trunk. Nevertheless; rthe American of ficials 'Who have, taken the search in band are practically, ihtt only per sons here wtrt firerst Jto jbelte- jng inat sorter .jumaruon,. tne nua ban 'was tilled by ,lbe person or persons who., murefjea nis, oriae,' , It was the persistence' ofmbas sadbr Leishmann and. Mr. Caughy that; led to- the, arriva J,oday of the drying equad -of the rmal Italian av,i-'Pepafed''t seaTh,tke bottom of . .! Lake Com for . the (.youthful bridegroom's body. i, aiv ,Th,ali$t.HIng" ot. thevavaj.,dlver8 was cou,rtsy , to the Americans on theivpartr'crf TthItallan,sjpo.yernmenti FOf tbe 'first 'time the bottom of the iae was fxpiorpa touay-' uy proitjo- sionai ' pivers, - tnereiovee tne iasa is extremely "hasarddwi "Us 'the floor of the lakerops suddenly pot far from ' where the1 trunk was found, and the f till depth -has never teen measured, tit is a submerged pre- ' .Tjtk repor(J that CbarTton - was seen to' cross the Swiss; frontler-?-or -a man closely resembling, him--dlsgufsed as a priest, persiatst in Bpite of the- more detailed accounts of travellers who declare, they Sre posl tlve'that he escaped by train. , , After the divers had worked a short ' time . without success, they were , compelled to abandon their ef forts for the time being, because of the crowds of sightseers. Scores of boats filled with the enrlous ham pered the divers. - Preparations were immediately made to conduct the search by night.: powerful . search lights being; ordered tc-i aid the div ert, who will also be provided ' with Individual electric lamps.' '-.-.;- Suspect in London., ;. London. June 16-r-Persistent re ports that Porter , Charlton, husband of the American woman killed at Cdmd, Italy, baa, been -found ; in or near London, were -circulated today. The reports are so definite thafthey even-' declare Charlton Is ill in . a sanitarium, and has been located by Scotland -Yard detectives. .Although Charlton according to the stories, has -not' been arrested a detective has 1ilnv nndei ual. readt .to take him Into" custody at any moment. The declaration published ;today tb 'tbe London Express to; the effect that Charlton has bean found in L,on- don,' is understood to -be-based on semi-official authority. 1 - : : 4,,TVant to Help Some Ooo. i For 'thirty jears J. F. Boyer, of Fertile-Mo., needed help and' coulj not find it.1 That's why he wants to help soma - one,- no.w. Suffering so long Jilmsetf he feels for all distress from Backache, Nervousness; Loss of Appetite,, Lassitude and Kidney-disorders. He shows that Electric Bit ters work wonders for such troubles. 'Five boUlas.' , he , writes, , "wholly cured me and no w .I am well and hertyv It's al bo .positively guaran tee for Liver Troubles, Dyspepsfa, Blood Tisorders, Female Complaints and llalaria. ' Try them. 60s. at all durtslsts, f f . , , Kr. T. M. Woodhull. 4t New Bern, s'thTar'irii-'nugh. . : - - I - v, . -' bV'V :w;:?0Byis r'K and keep It ap. . . , . . MAKE A' DJEPOSIT of the amount yon can save ,- .1 " 1 'EVERT WEEK,' We do a Savings Bank bnsinessk par PER v A" '. CENT. x V ' compounded quarterly, : and keep open - . SATVRDAT NIGHT. , THE - MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. 8occeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY-LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever soid ' over a druggist's counter HUBBARD BR0S.& CC HANOVEB SQUARE, ' HEW JTORK- II EMBERS of New fork Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change. Associate Members Liver pool Cotton Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pnr ckass and sola of Cotton for f utnr aallvorv florrMDOiidmsa InvttW Money to Lend In Wake County Only. On either Real or Personal Security IV F. MONTAGUE, dooms lft-10 Pollen Boildlrur. Citv United States of America Eastern District Court of North Carolina. In the District Court at Raleigh. IJnlted. States vs. Maurice Todes. This being an action brought by (plaintiff against the Defendant for the cancellation of Naturalization certificate issued out of the Superior Court'Of Granville County, NV C' dnd' it appearing to the Court that tbe defendant is a non-resident of this District and State, and cannot after due diligence be found in this Dis trict and State, now therefore, notice is hereby given that the Defendant De and appear before the' District Court to be held in the City of Raleigh on the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in October, it being the 21st day of November, 1910,. and answer or demur, to the. complaint filed, or judgment' will be entered according to the prayer therein. : , This June 2nd, 1910. OSWr4w.' H. L. GRANT, olerk. United Statesof America Eastern District of North Carolina. In the District Court at -Raleigh. United States vs., Louis, A. Darnes. : This being an action brought by the Plaintiff .. against ; the defendant for the cancellation of Naturalization certificate Issued out of the Superior Court of Granville County, N..C, and it appearing to the Court that the Defendant is a nofi-resldent of this District and State and cannot after due diligence be' found in this Dis trict and State, now therefore, notice i? hereby given that the Defendant be and appear before the District Court to be held in the City of Raleigh on the 'fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in October, it being the 2.1st day of -November, 1910, and answer df demur-to the complaint filed, : or Judgment will be entered according to prayer therelu. v H. L. GRANT, Clerk; This June 2nd, 1910. 0aw-4w. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF ' STOCK. ' Under and by virtue of an' order of -the Superior ' Court ;ot Wake county, In a special proceeding 'en titled John H. Winder, Guardian of Rnfus Sylvester . Tucker, Gertrude Octavia Tucker, and Marie Aorelia Tucker, 1 will, on Monday,, the 27th day of June, 1910, at 12 o'clock, at the court house door, in the city of Raleigh, expose for sale and sell for cash' to the highest bidder, fifteen shares of stock in the Wake Water Company. JOHN H. WINDER, f . .. . . , .., Guardian. This :2nd day of "June, 1916V oaw-20d. . 1 .ft HVyl '-,'' 1 . JJ V I WW , from" the old styles,' and make it possible for you to , have individually . -V'.,.' Distinctive Clothes : We'll tailor your choice to order, with fit and .workmanship 1 beyond reproach, for- a .price lower l- than: is usually quoted, and uarantee to please, you. Call today and place your order. ' 1 ' n ; . North Carolina's Booms 209-210-211-212, RALEIGH, N. C. The Laundry for the Folks Who Care. Because it is equipped with only the best machinery. . . Because We have competent employees. Because it Is returned to yon on "schedule" time. Because we are the Oldest and Best. ? - : v OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH N. C. 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT : .," for cash., In order to reduce our stock before taking inventory, ' "' ,'vt!"n.vnmBn rr j thi- ir-w ' ' Cabinets; TyiWriwi CrlWh Piair.'M Inlt, Typewriter ' Paper, Sectional Book Cases, Card Index .Cabinets, etc S disco ant - on our "Special" Four-draw Cabinet. No discount on Fountain Pens ; ' or Moore Loose Leaf Books. Post Cards at one-half the , original price (some, exceptions). Good until June the 18th, THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, JAMES E. TOTEM, Manager. - . , ' . 12 East Hargett Street. ' v ' - Times Building. Capital City Phone 844-F. v THEIR The relations existing between this Bank and Its customers are close and cordial. We esteem It a compliment to have people lay claim to this institution, as being THEIR .Bank. Make It XOUR& ' Raleigh Banking & Trust Company. : "The Round Steps , Bank". With SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR 'RENT. .-, ,' , , DIRECTORS: Chas. E. Johnson, Jas. A. Briggs, W.JL Idne. han, H. E. Norris, F. O. Moring, W. N.- Jones, J. R. Chamberlain, T. B. Crowder, Alfred Williams, Thos. 8., Kenan, John W. Harden, ARE( YOU SAVING YOUR MONEY? 1 11 j ' If not It is time for yon to get busy along this line. "We are ready to help yon save. Bring a portion ot your earnings to the MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANG each Saturday night. - We pay 4 Interest COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY In Savings department. " , Open from 5 to 9 P. M. Saturdays. We want your' business, OFFICERS: E. C. Duncan, President; Vm. H. WllUamsoa, Tlc. . . President; W. F. Utley, Second Vice-President W. B. Drake, Ci 'r., Cashier; 8. J. Hitisdale, Assistant Cashier, ; . . fW TWlfBUBiw The safety assured by this large financial fautttotioa leaniat ter of interest to everybody In this -community. , The fact) thai fie posits are safeguarded by a Capital and Surplus amounting to wrer Three Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, Is. an anchor for the faith and confidence of every one residing la Raleigh) and Wain County. - ' the Commercial National DahL AUUeigH, , r ' B. B. JERMAN, Pres. ' E. B. CROWt'Caahle. , n Fresh- 'of 'Tjattern . and sJiade in our Spring! t Woolens tdf fer a deUght'; iiu cnange Foremost Tailor., -. ,' Carolina Trust Buildlnfi V-r 1 BANK j an Honorable History Since 1865.,! WA' wvmmfTx? ... ft, liq . ' v A. A. Thompson T1cePrea. A. P. BAUMAN, Asst. Cashle. Df J t , V' i i t nr

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