. vri -:.- Wr'.' V "'-V 'r'. t H If i ,,M" - . . .. ' $HE EVENING TTMES7 RAlETGfH, Xj'C.,' FRIDAY; JUKE 24, 1910. PAQEFIVa V mi : .'AiH-.'-.v' 1! .'New X'' . Met7 ' " fty Leased Wirttb 'TRe' Tim) ' f .Tyiiiik;4foiiKlt''tteM d'1bttrt1gulArfty' in thMVlce nnritr ar? the opening; of the stock market the majority of (the, leadlng- 'Issue.: displayed a. fair : amount'; of t -strength ,and( made moderate gains over Vefcteray' blosg, . Union PaeiflS and consonaateo uas were tne mosi prom inent snaking' gaifis of about -Can-vadjaa Jaoln6i lost "over one 'point but recovered part- of Its decline quickly, Steel common' advanced with other In .dustrlala including copper stocks K to - npner . , ,t :f :- ' '.'" . .: t fteyr.York fjlosiug Stock List.1, i ; TBy Leafed Wire to The Times) ,Amsrtga'm4ti'a : Copper . ,.. ..64 Amerlcart lod Securities 24Vi A ni,tl'cM Refinery America,n Smelting r. .. Ahierican Locomotive Ametfcftn, Car' Foundry .. " American-' Cotton Ou. , American Woolen '.. .. Anaconda'... .. .. .. Atchison ; U . Atlantic Clast'I-hie '.;. '.. Brooktyti Rapid Transit' .Baltimore Ohio . ... . . ' . . Canadfan Pacific ,. .. ' Cheiapeake , Ohio . .. Cono)tiJate4 6a Central. Leather Colqrdo sRuel & ;ron Colorado-Southern . i . Delaware & Hudson . Denver ft Rio Grande DtstlV?s Securities .. Erie .. ..v.. , -Erie, prefi , i.,. General "Electric . . . . . GCeat : Weatern a . . Great1, fJortliern. pref.' .'CrVat Northern Ore '. . .HdcTilnif.Cloia. Iron 'in iwrooru ..120 75 ... 48V4 i.64V 61 .. Sl .. 39 ..104 ..116 . 7S ..HI ..194 .;o ..138 . . 35 .. 56 .'.165 .. 354 26 ..44 ..145 .. 26 ..130 .. 59 .. 6 . 132 .-18 lnterboro Itref. .. 52 Iowa eWtrif i .. .. .', .. 18 Kansas City Southern .. .. .. 32 fry...-n' NSi..- ' ' ' :fl'?! KanSas & Texas Kansas & Texas, pref. Louisville & Nashville Mtaspur! PftClflc , - . New oYrlt. Jnlral 37 67 146 66 116 Northwestern .. .. .. .. .",. ".' ..146 : National Lead .... -Norfolk ft Wetftern Northern Paclflf .. Onurid' ft 'Western ' Pennsylvania' .4; Pacific MaU .. '.. ., .. Peoples "Gas Co .. ''Pressled Steel Car 1 Rock' Island ."V' 74 ' ..100 ..125-54 ..44 ..132 .. 26 ..106 . . 35 M56 40 Boch; Island, pref. V; '.; 81 Republic Iron Steel .. .. 33 Republic IfbiV ' Steel, pref." . . . . 84 'Sloss-Sherneld .. 68 Southern PacWci . : . :. .. .. .. ..122 .Southern 'Railway .. .. 25 Southern Railway, 'pref,. v. .. 60 St, Pauli.,. 124 Tjenn-. Copper-; .. .... 24 . Texas. Pecific t..i ,, v.. 1 - ., v. 29 Third. Avenue .... ... .. .. .. .. ... . 7 union' 'Pacific' ..171 V. S.iRuhber: .. 40 Utrfhi Copper .., .. ' 42 u. ar steel ?iiv .'. 77 V: S.vBtel.;,nref., .. .. ..116 virgi We 'Wabash . Watfeih,,Wiil,','.:.t''.. i Westlngh6tte Electric . . ' Wirieohsiit'? Oem raf " .. .Western Marvlapd f .y -.i .Corn PKdMc.ts . .. , 19 43 64 50 44 15 . i ;li '(yhicago Ctraifii ' :; .: (By Leased Wire to The Times) CHlcago,!Sune'24---The wheat market was a ragged affair eftrly but the lin-der-crrent was one of strength, the offerings being held rather tightly. September sold at 96 to 97 and Dec ember 7 to 98. . . Morb was higher and strong. Sep temter sold at 89 to 60 and Decem , her at 5? 'to 58. Oats were up with ;the' othetv tereals;' September at- 38 to t -ant December at 39 to 39. ,1. Provisions were better with higher hogs, ' . - i3rala tjuotatlons ranged as fol- Open. High.' Close. "'.97 .97 .87 ' "Wheat ' ' 1 -jury ; , . ; y:' Sep. . ......v. tDec.' , . . Corn , -?. July.!.'' l f Sep. -. 1 ' rt'Jz? r.-'J-' .99 ,. 1.00 98 98 98 -BAH -.68 " .68 Jl9'V ".Tiilw Sep. '4' 23.55 -5. 22 77 VM.60- 4z .60' ; ,0 . .69 ,.40 , J0 23.65 . 22.77 12.62 12.55- . .59 . 60 .fi8 '' ' r .39 ' 39 : ;40 28.35 22.50 12.4S. 12.40 12 87 12.47 ,iAttl4 V" 1- l'fi in - .pct. .'. fia.s X" Clotf Livestock. ' 4'? (By'Leaae'd WW to THe Tlmes.f ; trriton 'Stock-T"- 'lXllau., June..i-i nuli vwijb ii,vw.'( iiiai ai. 4i i y av. . tlve; 'Steady-to 10c' higher. Mixed. and butchers .J5. to, 9.6$, . Good heavy 9.15 ti 9.45;. rough heavy 8.90 to 9.10: light 4 .t .'toS' jtlga -fM, to 9.60; buUc,?. to ' , cattlerecelpta 2.00: niarket, stead ; beeves 6.50 toS.60;, cowa , and betters i46 to 6.90-, ,jtockers .and feeders 185 Ma 5,6&..TaxansJ.50 to'.T.JS catyea.6.00, 4ja, l i' , Sheepr-recelpts SOOq;. market. weak;! 'iirftlve, and western .2$. to 6.15; lambs , ,r rtt Afoftngp, Co,) ( ,'' New ITork Cotton Market. Lleased Wire to The Times.) j ( New: York,.. Jyne x2 4 Cotton, seed opened steady,, a points lower, to z points higher. Offerings were some what restricted by ' uncertainty re garding the weather In' Texas. The map showed" enough, ;cloudy weather Id the southwest to suggest the pos sibility of; showers, but no rain, was actually reported and this fact re strained short selling. Opening: June, 14.96 to 14.98; July, ,15.00 to 15.01; Augut, 14.73 to 14,74; Sept., 13.15 to 13. IB; Oct 12.47 to 12.48; Nov. 12.32 to 12.33; Dec, 12.25 to 12.27; Jan.,' 12.21 to 12.22; March, 12. 21, to 12.23; May 12.34 bid. Market steady. Open. High. Low. Close. June.. 14.97 16.00 14.97 16.06 July .. 15.00 " 1510 14.92 15. Oh Aug. .. 14.74 14.77 14.66. 14 Sep. .. 13.15 13.25 13.13 12.23 Oct. ..12.47 12.52 12.43" 12. 4S Nov... 12.32 12.34 12.27 12.34 Dec. .. 12,27 12.32 12.23 12.2s Jan. ' . . 12.22 12:26 12.19 12.2? Mar, .. 12.22 ..... 12.24 - Market closed steady. . New York Spot Cotton. , (By, Leased Wire to The Times) New York. June 24 Snot cotton dull and uncharged at 15.05. New Orleans Cotton. (By Leased Wire to The Times) Open. High. Low. Close June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 14.70 14.29 lS.94 - 12.40 ..... 12.26 12.27 14 14.66 14.30 14.23 12.96, 12,94 12.43 12.-JPS 12.29 12.23 14 14.55 14.28 12.96 12i4i 12.34 12.2, 12.ifc Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton. " (By Cable to The Times.) Liverpool, June 24 Cotton opened easy.Amarlcan jniddllng .8.05; sales 3,000 ; . American 2,700; receipts none. Futures opeed,,.a)ni elps.ed steady.. June .. '.. 7.70 7.74 June-July'.:.. ..' 7.61- 7.61 7.66 July-August .. .. 7.60 7.52 7.46 Aug-lept,fiU(k,4g)7.21 .7.16 Sept-Oct ov-Dec . Dec-Jan .: Jan-Feb .. . Feb-MarchiV March-April April-May 7.787.79 . 7.75 6 69. mSh 447 .... ' . 6 48 6.47 " 6.45 6.46 6.47 ' 6.43 . 6,45 .;. . 6.43 6.44:45 6.42 6.45" 6.42 V 1 - Cotton ffort Receipts. , New 'tork.. June 24 Cotton port re ceipts were as follows!' ... ' ' . New Orleans 923 against 2,232; Gal veston 462 against 616; Mobile 2 against 459; Savannah 32 against 169; Charles ton 0 against 160: Wilmington 15 against 2; Norfolk 135 against 238 Baltimore 1,019 against 333; New York against 350; Boston 78 against 0; Philadelphia 0 against 25 Brunswick against : 400. Newport News 289 against 85. . : ' . fn.i u.i i ... e aa Interior .movement: . Houston 324 against 379; Augusta 76 against- 171; Memphis 257 against 138; St. Louis 632 against 107. Cincinnati 460 against 361 Total 1.749,agalnst 1,219. Cotton Seed Oil. New York, June 2 4 --Cotton seed oU prices based on primers yellow ranged as follows: Closing;. June. . . . . . .; ... , 7.827.r'6 July . i . . . . . . . . . August . . ... . September . . . . . . October ...... ... November . . , . : December . '. . . ... January , Spot oil . . . . Sales, 2,400 barrels. 7.847.85 7.827.SK 7.837.86 7.237.25 6.686.70 6.486.50 6.486.5l 7.807.S6 New Yrk Prvlslon Market. New York, June 24 Wheat No 1, excited; July, 105 bid September. 102 -4; No. 2 red, 105 In elevator, 106 12 fab. . . Corn No. i, steady, 68 1-4 in ele vator. " . . v Oats No, 2 Shite, strong, 44 to 46 1-2. 'ft Rye No. 21 western, nominal, 8.: ftb. v Barley Nominal; malting. .62 to 66. .. v ffl5urDutl; spring -patents, E.2ft to 5.50; Btraights, 4.90 to 6.10. : , ;iHlltFeed Spring, braq,'2i,l0 v aijo-ffrTime cityt-auieij o Lard-U-Prlme. ' -westevn, steady. 1145 to 12.66... ,,; Pork Mess,' i4.6tf .-to 26.00. s . . t?olte.eANo. 7;Jll0i-:8Cl-4. , ' ' Sugaf-r-Oranulated, 5.16. . Raleigh Produce Market. Reported Daily by M. Rosenthal Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Butter ,r,ti f i0 to S5e. Eggs.'.'' t , 85c. Hams Sugar Cured . . . ...2c. . NortB Cavdllna ... .22. Virginia . ....... 27 C Bacon . - . . . . . . . . 17 e. Spring Chicken '. ; . .40 'to (Oe. Hens. , V,..rl . . ..... ...60 to J5c. Irish Jotaioes .V;. ....... I MS bn, Cabbage -. to' 16. Meal . .. . A ? P 0 at. I Fiout v: .' . .., . t:. :v:roo'bbi. THE TIMES' DAILY: : FINANCIAL STORY ' (By Charles W. Storm.) New York, June 24 Rainfall in some parts of the northwest today caused a strong opening in the stock market. Union Pacific, Reading and Steel were the leaders. Gains averaging a point were . scored although trading, was On a light scale, . Traction shares showed strength and moderate gains. Nearly all specialties were strong in sympathy with the leaders. American shares were irregular in London. ' On the New York curb, market trad ing was light with no material changes in -prices. ' ' The market became eteadler in the afternoon following a decline of from 1 to 2 points in the late afternoon trading. Most of the buying in evi dence, however, was short covering by room traders. , New York Cotton Letter. (By W. B. Hlbbs & Co.) New York, June 24 There was no new developments of Importance in the general situation today. Liverpool markets were disappointing and there was an absence of outside demand and trade conditions continue poor. nut on the other hand, there was a further decrease In contract stocks of cotton here today to only 106,000 bales against 114,000 yesterday and all the western half and north central portion of Texas continues without the rain the crop so badly needs now in that section of the' belt. . These conflicting influences kept trading conditions nar row today and -fluctuations were con fined within a range of 3 to 5 points of last night's close for all options be yond July. That month was hammered by the bear element early to a decline of ten points from yesterday's closelng to. the basis of 14.92 but the bull lead ers, readily absorbed all such offerings and one of ,them stopped at New Orleans all of the notices tendered there this morning " for deliveries on July contracts amounting to about 500 bales. They have also made arrangements for stopping all tenders made in that op tion in this market next Tuesday which la, the first day for Issuance of no tices for deliveries on July contracts here. . . The market remains In the same un certain position as recently outlined In these reports. Until Texas had gen eral rains all over that etate we would continue to advise conservatism- In further Selling -operations except on the scale up in the new crop' months. New York Money Market. . (By Leased Wire to The Times) . New York, June 25 Money on cell 2 7-8 per cent j time money, easy: 60 days, 3 to 3 1-4; 90, days, a 1-4 to 3 1-2;' six months, 4 -per cent. Post ed rates:. Sterling exchange. 485-to 487 with actual business In bankers' bills at 486.1'0 to .15 for demand and 84 1-4 to .40 for 60 day bills. Prime mercantile paper, 4 1-2 per cent. St. Louis Grain. (By Leased Wire to Th Times) St. - Louis, Mo., June 24-HCash Wheat No. 2 red 104. , Corn No. 2, 61 to 62; Oats No. 2, 36 to 36. Futures Wheat July 96 asked: Sep tember 96 to 96. Corn July 59; September 60. Oats July 37; Sept. 37. , C0TTd;i LEAK CASES FINALLY ENDED . (By Leased Wire to The Times) ' Washington,. June 24-After fighting Indictments returned against them for nve years,-, juoses Has? ol few x ore, and Frederick 4- Peckham, 'of Clncin natl today paid fines of $6,000. and $5,000 respectively, as the result of proceed, ings brought against them, by-the de partment of - agriculture ' following the '.'cotton leak". Episode in the statistics division- Justice Gould imposed the fines which were Immediately paid and othet- Indictments against' them, were polle prossed. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In (the Dlstrlut Court, Eastern Dis ' itrlct of North Carolina. . In the matter of T. L. Chisholm, bankrupt, the petition of T. L. Chis holm, of Sanford, North Carolina;, for a full discharge in bankruptcy, having been filed' in said court, it is ordered by the court that a hearing be had on the 6th day of July, 1910 befre the deferee V. H. Boyden. of said court .at Raleigh, Nort'u , Caro Una, at. 12 o'clock, noon, and that all known creditors and other persons in terested may appear at said time and place and snow just cause, if any they have, -why the prayer of said pe titioner should' not be' granted. . This 24th day of June, 191.0. ' - . U. S. GRANT, Clerk U. S. District Court, - - ; ; r -. Raleigh. N. C M'DONAID'S SPECIAL DO YOU WANT MONEY? See, See, C. C. MePonald, He will secure you money on REAL . ESTATE or other good ; collateral, and charge you a brokerage for so doing, c.c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. DIXIE FIREStttANCE COMPANY. .v (1 own 65 shares of this. Capital 7 Stock paid in, SURPLUS' FRND,'$25G; 000. " . .. ;, Paid in $110 for every share.- - ' t'- 7-' I ONLY ASK $65. . This s a .bargain for some one- l am sellins: because 1 bought to sell. I NEED THE MONEY. Book Value $156 for everv $100. -A c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. Many a-man who expects to go to heaven pays out a lot of good money for fire Insurance. '' Southern Railway SCHEDULE. Of Tralnr Leaving Raleigh, N. O. N. B. The following figures art published only as Information and are not guaranteed. No. Ill West 2:00 a. m. for Durham and. Greensboro. Uandle Pullman. sleeping ear', Raleigh to. .Winston-: Salem, which Is open at :00 v. in. at Union Station for occupancy, connect' Ihg at Greensboro for all points. North. South and West. No. 21 West (:S5 a. m. through witti Chair Car for Durham, . Greensboro, Salisbury, and Ashevlllw, connecting al Durham, with train for Oxford, Hen derson. .Norfelk Keysvllle. " Richmond and Washington, at Oreeaaboro for points North and South. " '. ; No. 139 West 4:05 p. -li.: handler through Pullman .steeping oar for-Atlanta, connects with , train, at .Durban for Oxford and Keysvllie. at Greebt-i bora with through train for Washing-: tojw -Baltlioore,.! Philadelphia, and. New fork, also Connects at Of poro foi AsbavtUe,. Knozvitl,.,CticlnaU. lAiila-, vllle and 8t Loula. - . :; ; . 1 N Ut East. 4; 80 a, as. tor Belma and.' Goldsboro. ponneotlng at Belma with A. C. L Ry., for Wilson, and Reeky. Mount, at Ooldsboro- for Wil mington, also for Kinston,' New Ban and Morehead, .-''' 'i No. 1H East It: p. m. f Selma and: Ooldsboro.- connecting' .at Betrna with A, U for pointa south and north, also at Ooldsboro. for Wilming ton, Kinston and Now Bern. : . -J No. U East l:W p. m. for Belma and Goldsboro oonnectln ' at Selma ' Cot' nomta south on Atlantlo Coast Uu RrV and 'at Goldsboro for WUaoa Aid RBoky Mbunt ' '' 'O,' .'s' ' For furthar . information as to acno uleo Pallmaa AeoommodaUona, - oto. addrsaa the undersigned. ff , W. H. PARNELU -.i SURPLUS FUNDS. . The supreme ,. court of North Carolina has decided that surplus funds of any BANK or CORPORATION in NORTH CAROLINA in vested in North Carolina Bonds (this applies, only to. 1949 and 1950 N. 0; 4 s and no others) shall hav? a credit from assessed value of stock by CORPORATION COM MISSION of amount of sur plus funds so . invested. In other words, stock in any corporation worth $150 a share is only taxed . $100 a share when said corporation holds the difference in 1949 or 1950 ;N :C 4'aj riiin.' same proportion.. : (w .; Individuals, do. not have to pay anv tax on j,yiu, .ms .n. Cv 4's, or 1919 N. C. G"sYi949 and 1950 N.'C.'i's or U. S. Bonds, so it does lot matter to then which b,ond th hold, there is ho tax. -CORPORATIONS that want any of these exempt bonds for SURPLUS FUND investment can be supplied 'by me. ' ' ' v" $ , c. c. Mcdonald . Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N. C. Iloat-Defying Clothes for Lion t" Yes, It is hot enough for anybody but no matter how hot the weather gets, we are here with the clothes to take off the sharp edge of the heat for you and in this important point Berwanger's Clothes differ from the majority of thin warm-weather suits. ' : " "" " ; - ' " ' , THEY HOLD THE1B SHAPE UP TO THE END OP THEIK WEARING. ; : , - They don't bag and sag and wrinkle and pucker under tbe Influence of . steamy, scorching , weath,er. Only the highest skill of tailoring can insure the shape that stays in liglit-suits. j ' ' ' '''''' ' Thinnest skeleton-lined suits, if you please, plain and fancy serges, , tropical worsteds, crarenette, '.mohair, etc. -' .--';''..; . :;.,.-.; : ... ..:.;,:. .y ;"ii''V:l. ".if'Sj '',.','i-?':'Vi Can best please the man with' S15 to spend as well as the man who' wants to pay up to J26 -add 30.r; SUMMER SHIRTS AT $1.00. ' V. Very special at the price tasteful designs cut on full gold fitting' patterns, city from 11.60 to 2.00i ' 'i- . v ' , ;.. Remember, we carry an up-to-date line of SUIT CASES and HAND BAGS. Pfice fl.SO to $16.00 . Finest lino of -stiirui i InTthaF . EER.WANGE1R: J, THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER. v CAPITAL CITY PHONE 159. ALL MAIL ORDERS W1XL HAVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTI ON. RALEIGH, N. C.' bonds will get cash for them July 1. Do you want your MONEY, or had )rou rather have a 40-year investment that pays you 4 net and saves you taxes at anv point of residence in NORTH CAROLINA? -What is your tax rate? You know by this what you save. I can supply you, in 1950 's, 1913 's or 1919 N. C. 6's for a DIFFER ENCE. - ; ; I take your 1910 's at par July 1st and send you any of above. ,;, Do vou want a short time investment ? Then buy N. C. 4's due July, 1913. Do you want a little lon ger investment ? Then buy N. C. 6's due April 1919. If a longer investment, buy the 1950 N. C. 4's, .The N. C. 6 s (in coupon or registered) nets you just as much at price as 4's. c.c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh,N. C. The Laundry for the Folks Who Care. Because it Is equipped with only the best machinery. Because we have competent employees. ' Because it is returned to "yen on "schedule" time. Because we are the Oldest and Best. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, RALEIGH N. C. i Vs. SLi l)cmA9U.CmrqeRl WaxuM W.lfX&s. Gtmim PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVINGS Compounded Quarterly Drps.tta muda dnrlnir th FIRST TRsKI BATS tt msntli DBA W INTEREST VHOM the ran IIAf MONTH. .. . START NOW and keep It np. I . MAKE A DEPOSIT of the amount you can save EVERY WEEK. We do a Savings Bank business, pay FOUR PER CENT. . compounded quarterly. , and keep open SATURDAY NIGHT. THE MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. HAVE YOU LISTED YOUR TAXES NOT A 6nE Y1ENDER, but a money-getter. T secure LOANS for customers" o)i REAL-ESTATE Snd";Other good collateral ; and ,; Charge them a brokerage for it, d c. Mcdonald. StfA'alaleigh;TO NORTH CAEOLIIIA If not do so at once. Time expires June 30th. ' M.R.HAYNES, ; L. D. WOMBLE, , v : ' " " : List Takers. THEIR BANK The relations existing between this Bank and tta customers are close juk! cordiaL"We8toei'its '-compliment to lurre-eopl lay' claim to this institution as being THEIR Bank. Make it XOCRSL - .,...':'.. .... . .i.-.7-.' . Raleigh Banking, & Trust Company, "The Round Steps Bank" With an Honorable History Since 1808. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT.. ' v; DIRECTORS: Chas. E". Johnson, Jas. A. Brlggs, W. A. Iilne" han, H. E. Norrls, F. O. Moring, W. N. Jones, J. R. Chamberlain, T. B. Crowder, Alfred Williams, Thos. S. Kenan, JohnW. Harden, Carey K. Durfey. ,. 5v Merchants National Banlt, OF RALEIGH, N. C. , Tills bank will pay 4 COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY on money deposited in Savings Department. . . ' - Both Commercial and Savings .accounts solicited. If it is banking proposition call on the t MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OP RALEIGH, N. C. 7? J- vi ; NOTICE OF SALE. '.By. virtue of an order directed to the., undersigned from the Superior Court of , Wake County, I will on ' Thursday, June 80, 1910, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door. of. said county, offer for sale to the highest, bidder for casn, all the right, title and Interest which the Carolina. Woodworkers Company has tn the plant, equipment and real es tate owned by It at the corner of Peace and Belmont streets. In Glen ,wk4, and on the line of the Norfolk Southern Railway. ';' - , B..W. BAKER, :'; ';' '' , Receiver of Carolina ' 82-tda '-'.':,; 'Woodworkers Company. Money to Lend b Wake County On ettker Real .Personal Seeartty; BANK TA LK; In choosing a Bank you should consider " 1 ' '"'' . SECURITY. . ; This Bank's paid-up capital, surplus and profit account Is over $385,000,000, with additional stockholders liabUity of $300,000.00, making over $685,000.00. The Commercial National Bank, B. & JERMAN, Pres. E. B CROW, Cashier. Raleigh, N. C, ' A. A. Thompson, Tice-rres. A. P. BAUMAN, Asst. Onahlet. The Raleigh Savi ngs Ban and Trust-Company. v These Two InsUtnUons Are Now United With Combined Re- sources of More Than . ,-,1 i.r . Two and a Quarter Million' All Invested for the benefit of this community and section. : ; To show our absolute faith In the credit of the Bute, we will on thef first day of July, when the new bonds are issued, ha .the owners ot 37v t 000.00 of State Fours, probably the largest amount , held by any, , Bank , within the bounds of the, State...., , , - . s . i : In addition ta these, we own $300,000 Government Bon4,lBkl?""j guarantee to oar Depositors ef mor than: ' Half Million Dollars of ih4 , r beat .eennUeftkMirn, .V-i .v nWj ! i A United Capital and Surplus, M4,28.6 J! V Joseph G7mu:tiamC''$h . PutxrSf, p'wy, tt " t iJ. "Si Ue. i. 14 HO'.' ' V : !v- v'. '-v;; : , " .v' '

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