t t . , THE EVENING TIMES: RALEIGH, N. 0., FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1910. , T7 as mm. . : ... I as vv en i-'i? Sif ij' if : f I:. Selrvlceable Ok'1-- - .4 : 10 : u : If fiicW'lPtdS"dpln. i-CROWELL DRUG CO- WK ARB SOLE AGENTS 1 SMiEm JAMAICA. IOra my gray, sombre skies chill ' mists are falling, " "Your skies 'today are languorous, warm and blue; And leagues away I feel your charm enthralling; ;"0h:"klhd waves, drift' me back to you. In dreams I hear the palm tree's ; ' whispering quiver And tropic flowers shed elusive musk;,: The bamboos droop o'er Rio Cobra's river v -And quickly falls the moist and f V scented dusk. The croaking lizard's plaint, the !,t, nightingale's low singing, The tree frogs' piping with insist ent din. And you, beneath the oleanders stringing That . old sweet tune upon your mandolin. . Fast falls the night, Port Royal's . ltcrlifa ai'a UMllL'intr S Warm waves the corals kiss in softened tune, $jAnd thirsty flowers the scented dews are drinking, v7v The rat-bats flit across the golden moon. ' .;- ' Above Moralit the Southern Cross is lifting, Orion gleams in skits of dusky , 1 blue, ' nd soon around Orocabesca drifting, I'll seek again, dear heart, for you, for you. ". - Clinton McCabe. Mr. and Mr F. W., Bingeman of Sunbury, Pa., are the quests of Mr and Mrs. L. S. Ellison. Mrs. BinKeman is a sister of Mr. Harrison Kauffman, who was one of the most popular mem bers of the Red Bird team last sum mer. " ' Cake Salt-Toinomiw. , .A cake sale will be held in the Capital Furniture store on Saturday, for the benefit of the Kdenton Street i church choir. i . Icli(btful Luncheon. A very delightful luncheon was 1 given yesterday afternoon in honor j of Miss Maude Meriimon. Besides I the guest of honor those present j were, Miss Eleanor Vass, Mrs. Albert ' Baumann, Miss Elizabeth Briggs and Mrs; Thomas Ashe. . . " ''' drejsorj-.HoiMl. , . : j . (Special to The Times.) : " Henderson, June 23 A beautiful mar - riage was celebrated at the Methixtist ) Episcopal church last evening at 6:30 t o'clock, in the presence of a large con -: . course of friends and relatives, w'hen. i- Mu:s Corine Speed, the daughter of Mrs. Cora Gregory was united In inar !' k riage to Mr. Robert Horace Hood, a' native of Sussex county, Va.. but for many years a resident of Henderson, v. . Ushers: Mesrs. R. S. Mct'oin, Garland -Davis, Bailey Owens, Robt, Davis,! f; t) It II ATVtfiroWtvA ( I, U I I 1 ONE CENT , I We are agents, for Chase iL andTas, the, finest .'tcpnbe bought.".- .Our entire, stock consist tf lh,Q. very forisi goods in the line of eat v ables. Our store is the cleanest and most up-to-date jjj- ; in the state atid it wilt dp you good to take a look at it. !' f?V ' Call and 'see us.' ' t. " fioin''the Pinehurst dairies. FOR HCYIER'S CAVDy of Henderson: Herman Wall and M. M. Carver, South Hill, Va.;. Carroll Sihgleton and R. G. Burrougs. Maid of honor: Eula Gregory, sister of the bride, Best man, Mr. Morgan Hood, of Virginia. The bride entered the church with her sister. Miss Elsie Gregory. Rev. 11. C. Craven, pastor officiating. Mrs. A. ('. Lewis, organist: Miss Joseph Bell, of Shawboro, N. C. sang "Melody of Love." After the reception, accompanied by a host of friends ''to. the station, the happy couple bade adieu to their num erous friends and boarded the train for Washington" ami other points. 1..vs.kk;m.x. Beautiful MaiTiuge Solemnized Wudeslmro. at ; (Special to The Times.) Wadesboro. June 24 -A very simple but beautiful wedding was that whieh took place Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ( A. Lawson on Lee ave. The cunlraetinff parties were Mr. Sain- i -A AVf '-:: ?::-:ffff Mr. ami Mrs. Benjamin Howard Browning, who were iiiarrii-d at the Methodist Kpiscopul Church, Little, ton, Weiliiewlay eveniiif;. Airs. Browning nee- liss Helen Johnson Perkins in noteO for her popularity through, out tliat sedion of the stiile, Mr. lirowning is cashier ol llie Ituuk of Littleton. uel Jearld Hrigmair and Miss Sti'lla Lawson. Miss Lawson made a very handsome bride in a; becoming going- away gown of grey, Slie is the only daughter of Mr. and Mis. C. A- Law suir,xa talented young woman and epiite y, favorite with her friends. Mi'i Hrig riiiin holds a responsible position in the eabpard ol'lices here and is held in nigh .est-'em. .-"Eli attiMidants-were Mr. Y). H. Mas- seK" and Miss Kthorl Patrick, and the ceremony, was performed by Rev. It. M. Maim. : ' y Only tlie immediate' family and imi- itiate friends -were present. The bride and'groom left'" on. the; 7 o'clock train for an ext'etiacd bridal tour of the northern cities. & Sanborns Coffees vimamenrai i: . . . , , . For.the.hrides.can 6eIee'tro'iti;iay oi Jewelry and Silverwt'e, the daintiest and most artistic1 designsv ' 15 Cut Glass Mayonnaise Dishes; Silver trimmed with Spoon to match, v a ; W Silver-lined Lemon hes:mthJS)Obn. Oarving Sets, Berry !;3lowls,. j Brea(3 'Tray&; in Sterling Bowls, Nappieand fancy piece in ' Cut Glass. - 'v' . We could name other desirable' articles . for Wedding Gifts, but we want you to see our display for yourself. . ' Jolly- Wynne Jeivolry Co 1 1 ul;i UK-Kpt-nce. Elizabeth lity, June 24 Invitations have been received, here, which an nounce the marriage of Miss Susie Vir ginia Hudglns of Norfolk to I'rof. Paul Spence of the Norfolk City schools. . Prof. Spence was reared here and is Weil known. His many friends will be interested to learn of the approach ing marriage which event will be sol emnized In the Berkley Avenue Baptist church on the afternoon of the 30th. instant. rt-t Hay at luiiia,v, " More than 50 per cent, of the Christian Sunday school spent yester day at Fuquay Springs. The weather was Ideal. Every feature of the pic nic was interesting and enjoyable. One of the best dinners ever spread on Fuquay lawn. Two interesting games of ball, the niarjied men and single men in : the morning game called at the end of the seven th in ning for dinner, score a lie, S to S, In the afternoon Harget.t street team Hartwick Mills, captain, played Car denas team, J. Heal Johuson, cap; tain; score 4 and 5 in favor of Ral eigh. The pic-nic was one of the best in the histoid of the school. So great was the interest that one of the sen ior members voted to have another today. : I'OIJTICS IX HIWCOMBK. t andidatjes a Plenty in the Tenth His- trict Kvery Office Has n Hunch. Three Candidate foi- CongrcMKioiiul Xoiiiination. Ash.eyllle. N., C, June 24 At no time probably in the history of the county has Buncombe been so Over run with candidates for official post tioh."; Like the immortal pickles, thuy are of "51 rarieties" and it may be that there are a few more in the woods whose , announcements have not- yet reached the political center The democratic primaries will be held Saturday and the activity of the candidates. and their earnest friend liness, with the "dear peepul" is as tonlshiag. But all this aside, they pave.'f-Tor Wie most vart, good citizens end good democrats with many real "friends and each one' has a following so strong that It would be hard to forecast the result with any accuracy." There are six candidates' for' the nomination of sheriff; the "oftr sherlit beingMn the race -wit h. all of ills dep uties running. All areworking.hard, ail seemingly confident, and. pointing with pride to their records a dem ocrats. . . . f ' The'otnce 61 tax 'collector has its' fp)L qiiptA. also and tli'ere, are three very strong men after , the place, each with enough' support to- make him. cxuaQUeut . There will be a lively WW? jUs'sleTouef the "privilege of running for treasurer, as also for clerk of court. Gradually, too, there has grown up an intense interest In the outcome of the nominations of the county commissioners, particularly over the chairmanship. For solicitor In 'the fifteenth jud i ial district, it is generally conceded that Robert R. Reynolds will be nora inated. W.iile the contests over the nom inations are both hard and sharp, it is not thought that the outcome will result in any '"bolts" or "independ cuts." Meanwhile the republicans are saying nothing and are supposed to be "sawing wood." : Buncombe furnishes three candi MOUNTAINS OF GOLD During Change of Life, says Mrs. Cfaas. Barclay Granite ville, Vt,- "l was passing tlirniih the ChanReof Life andsuft'ered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms, and I can truly say that LydiaE.Pinkham'fl Vegetable Com pound has proved worth mountains of gold to me, as it restored my health and' strength. I never forget to tell my friends what LvdiaE. Pinkham'a vcjpiauie vcmrpouna has aone ior me during this trying period. Complete restoration to health means' so much to me that for the sake of other Buffer ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish hub leirer. mbr. i hah. HiRfxiv. !i.F.D.,GranitevHle, Vt. , No other medicine for woman's ills has recei ved such widespread and un qualified, endocsement.'. tio other med icine we know: of has auch a record pures of female ill aa has LydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. , For more than 30 years it has .been curing female complaints such as fnuammatiob,;nlcetation, local weak nesses, 'tibrolcV tumors, Irregularities, ; periodic pains, backache, indigestion and .nervous. prostration, and It is unequalled, tot carrying woman. safely, through the 'period, of c,hange of life, . rptUB 'but 'HttW 1 tf try :Xydi4 , E. Pinkhani's VeKetaWeCoTnoofltxli and. m Mm. larcray sty's, it is " woith uhiiuv- WORTH - ' v - ! 8f If V . Mrs. YerbeH-Mlzner, widow of C. T. Vcrkes, of tliicago Traction fame, and divorced wife of Wilson Mizner, who will receive $16.1,302 out of the proceeds of the estate of her first I husband, as administered by the re ceivership of the United Mates Cir cuit Court. A linal docre was re cently handed down by Judge Ward, in which that sum was set over for the widow's dower, the accounts of the receiver approved and the receiv ers themselves discharged. dates for the nomination of congress man for the tenth district. Gudger, banking on his past record as a "get ter;" Hewitt who goes out as a busi ness man and who is to some extent allied to both capital and labor; Cocke making the fight on his en thusiastic youth and maiden fearless ness. Each claims that if he is nom inated it will all be over but the shouting, but Grant men do' not seem to view the situation with alarm. To Fight Extradition (Continued From Page One.) lorney General Wlckersham being in Chicago today the matter was taken up with Solicitor General Bowers, who Is In charge, of the office. The opinion is expressed at the 1 department that the Charlton case is a" purely extradi tioll matter. If W'Tll be considered by tile attorneys of the" 'department who will investigate and weigh the circum stances surrounding the murder of Mrs, Charlton 'and the capture of Charlton before giving an opinion. Will Not Ask For Extradition. ( By Cable to The Times) Rome, Italy, June 24 The for eign office issued a statement today that the extradition of Porter Charl ton will not be asked by the Italian government, but that that country will do everything in Its power to aid in his conviction in America. NEWS FROM BETSEY CITY, Plans for July 4th Ball Game Ep worth tieague Naval Reserves Hold Meeting. (Special to The Times.) Elizabeth City, N. C, June 24 Plans are being perfected for much amusement in Elizabeth City on the fourth of July. ' The Pasquotank Driving Club Is making preparations to have a series of races on the afternoon, in which some of the best racing stock in this section will participate. A number of entires have already been made and many more are expected before the entries close. The racing will begin at 1 o'clock and it will be preceeded by a motor cycle race in which J. Boyd Anderson, the champion motorcyclist of- the world, will jiai-ticlpate. Other fea- ures of the event will be an automo bile race and a riding tournament. A large crowd is expected to- be present to witness the races At 5 o'clock of the same afternoon the Western Bloomer. Girls' baseball team will play a game of ball with the local team. The announcement that this team is going to play here Is attracting a great deal of. attention and there will be a record-breaking crowd, at 'the ball park to witness t!io game. .. : ' '" .: The. hp worth League. 'Conference convened this morning in Hertford. A large number of league workers from this city and the surrounding community went to Hertford this morning to be in attendance upon tlio meeting. . : '- . ... , ; The Elizabeth City naval reserves held a meeting last night in the ar mory for the purpose of re-enlisting, and reorganizing the company. Prac tically all the old members of the company were enrolled as members again. The reserves will meet again next Wednesday night when the com missioned officers will ' be , elected.. The three years term of enlistment of the reserves expired the. flrat of June and the past month the , coiu papy has been without .formally or ganization. - .. ; ' .- Its ai way safe to reservcyotir cottt. gratulatione -uUI the. palr( bare' beett marriea t testst a yaarJiNs" '? When you go should consider a ! lot of tilings. Style, shape, comfort. These requirements are all em braced in the Royal Worcester Corsets - i . . . - No 413 is an unusally long heavy boned, perfect fitting Corset that fits and give you a perfect figure. No. 460 not quite as long, yet graceful '. ."' ""' ..:.'- These two stylesK- tail for $1.00 and W better Corset was ever made for the .-' .-':-'.. money. We have shorter styles and higher price ones, but these two we are pushing. Mtra heavy, extra long, extra good Cor set worth 75c. A new lot for special sale. Ask for No. 385, the price is 50c. j7.; t!r. ' I Z ' ' 1 ( : ; . i z,, j--i-f "-vi-ii ".; ,!',' The pnly store in Raleigh selling for Cash and always busy. ' --a , iVAU it n t'ift fit . ' ' f SffifS to buy a Criifef you wearing quality and ; v J - I H . ).. '4', .! :lrf,ij: "j'--' i s i M ii t'U - 1st ?j i ii ,: 7 . -?- lit ...wtr5,:,-.w'