1 - PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES: RALEIGH, N. C., FJRIDAY, JUNE 21 .1910. The price is a "Mere they are worth much are guaranteed for a Weathers 121 East Martin Street. THE WEATHER. For Raleigh unil ninity: Fair to night mul Saturdav. .For Noiih Carolina: Generally fair tonight and Saturdav; light to moderate variable winus. Wcullicr Condidoiis. Scattered showers nave occurred over the cotton licit, with a few heavy local rams, temperature being about normal. The weather has continued warm .from: Kansas to the middle At lantic stales, also in the upper Mis sissippi vallev. Following are some of the highest temperatures reported: Richmonil, Washington, Cincinnati.' and Detroit,. 90; Philadelphia, 94: New . York, and Pittsburg, 90 ; St. Pa nl mid North Platte, !I6; Dodge, 98. In the extreme northwest the weather is cool with early morning temperature :!N at Yellowstone Park. fair weather ia indicated for t hid vicinity tonight and Saturday, I,. A. I1K.NSOX, Seel ion Director."-'. RAILWAY SCHEDULES. ALL TRAINS LEAVE IMII.V STATION. KcuImmiiiI Air Liue Railway. Going North. (Join South. 12:!i0 p. in. u:"0 a. in. a. in. 3;."i0 a. in, 11:2.. a. in. 4:10 p. In. 12:05 p. in. 6:00 p. in. (b)5:00 p. Hi. bhoofly Ar. 10:15 a. in. Southern railway. Doing East. Going West. 4:M a. m. 2:00 a. m. -.13:80. p. in. 8:25 a. in. :30 p. ni. 4:06 p. m. Raleigh and Soutliport. Going. South Arrive Raleigh. 8:0fl a. in. in:r,n a. m. 1:15 p. in. 3:45 p, in, 6:25 p. in. 8:20 p, m. Norfolk Southern Hallway. Oolnr Kant. Arrive kalelgh. (b) 6:15 a, in. (a ) 7:55 a. in (a) 8:00 p. in. (lil T: 15 p. in. ta) Dally, (b) Dally Except Sunday. A sure I lung about a man without brains is how he can iuest.ion every body else's. The Store That's Permanent in Furnishing Only the Best Things Wearable for Men. 6iT W (' ;:- , KjF ii Copyrwtit I9IO The Huwe of KurnnhfiflW . Chicago - J. R0SE1MGARTEN CO. FAYETTKVILLK STREET U C O. rhone WATCH THE BOX! We do not mean the "Bal lot Box", but the "Box" you are liable to find yourself in when keeping appointments if you haven't one of our ele gant guaranteed Nicke Watches. Bagatelle," more. They year. Fiifnif lire Gof. Raleigh, N. C. TWO CHARTERS TODAY. A Million Hollar Hand Saw Company For Greensboro. The American Portable Band Saw mill Company, of Greensboro, was chartered today. It will manufacture and deal in saw-mills and saw-mill supplies, and will secure and control the patent rights of B. F. Watklns and Gordon Bryan for a new port able band saw-mill. The authorized capital stock is $1,(100,(110, out will organize and begin business . w ith $5,000 paid in. O, C. Klingman, I.. G. Klingman, and R. B. Stewart are the incorporators.; The Dixie Development Company, of Wadesboro, was chartered to deal in and develop real estate. The au thorized capital stock is $10'1,000 and begins husiness with $17,500 paid in John YV. Gulledge, ,Iohr W. Odom and -others, arc incorporators. TWO Bit; CROWDS. Democratic Candidate Spoke nt Cm' ulcigli and I'Mot Mills. Mr. William B, Jones and Mr. John W. Hinsdale, Jr., spoke to 150 peo ple at Caraleigh and 50 at. Pilot Mills last 'night, making 2 HO people to hear (he "regular" candidates. The spea kers were well-received and : were roundly applauded as tney drove home the points involved in the campaign. Conference Closed. The-St.' Mary's. 'conference closed this afternoon after, very Interesting and successful' sessions....' There will be no meeting tonight as : previously an nounced. Banks on Sure Thing Now. "I'll never be without Dr. King's New I.I fo Pills again," writes A Schingeek, 617 Elm St., Buffalo, N Y, "They cured mo of chronic con. stipatlon when all others failed.' Uncqualed for Rilionsncs, Jaundice, Indigestion, Headache, Chills, Mala ria, and Debility. 25c. at all drug gists. "':." 75 b GRAND DISPLAY OF DOLLAR SHIRTS ALONG WITH OUR SUPERB LINE OF TWO-PIECE SERGE AND WORSTED SUITS. This is the store for you to visit with your needs. Eve ry tli g that 's ilepend altle for the man family young and old is here. The best line of Dollar Shirts' we've.' had in a long time. RALEIGH, N. V. J NEGRO CHICKEN THIEF T IN THE BACK Last night Simon Powell was aroused from his slumbers by the nolso from his chicken coop, and taking his shot-gun he proceeded to investigate. Upon his arrjval at the chicken house he discovered a man leaving rapidly with an armful of his best roosters. After commanding him to halt and upon his refusal to comply with the request, ha emptied his gun into the fleeing man's legs. He fell and lost his chickens and when Simon reached his side found it to be Charley Mooten. The peculiar thing about Hie af fair is that when the wounded man was taken to St, Agnes' Hospital It was found that where he was pep pered with shot the skin was covered with feathers stuck into the skin. No one can account for this peculiar ity unless the shot passed through the feathers of the fowl waiie by hi; side. Both parties are colored an the-report from the hospital today that the wounded man is resting easy nsurgents Hold Their Las Meeting (Continued From Pa.gc One.) in office holder under Dan Russell get so much authority that the dem oeratic' executive committee of Wake onnty, consisting of between thirt.; and forty good citizens, should how- to his will? Mr. Battle said that the mass meet nig was called by forty of the best men of the county. It is a good thin he did not say "best democrats." H irobably knew the political record o a large number ot the signers, am; that some of them voted for Jim Young against Xeedham Broughton Mr. Battle concluded with an ap eal to support the insurgent ticket Of course he wanted the ticket sup ported, for he is on it. The band then played something It is not known why the band wai 'nere last night. When Jones and the other democrats spoke a shor time ago, ,tiley "used a band to drum up the crowd. Of course no one dares accuse the hollers of using such methods to get a crowd. Oh no. Doctor Knoch Walter Sikes, who wants' to go to the senate even if h does have to promise to vote for the. crowd that was too bad for him two jears ago, was tiie next speaker. When he mounted the judge's stand fin effort was made to give him an ovation, the chief rooter and his subs jumped (o their feet, waved thei hats and worked their arms like windmills in a gale in an effort to get the crowd on its feet, but after all this exertion about five were induced to get up. The Doctor said he had been digging the grave for the ring t.11 over the county and the people would do the burying. He also de nied the charge of ever losing his temper. He said that the ring had been shooting him with hoi air but had not hurt him. He seemed to havi been considerably inflated with thai tuhstance known as hot air, but it bore the label of another Injector. Continuing, he said he had told his record and now wanted to know theirs. Everybody knows his politi cal record is crooked and that is why they are kicking. If his political re cord was as good as the records o? the regulars he would get along hot ter. His record needed defense, the others did not. He then filed several "indict, menls," Hie first of -which was favo itisrn in the road business to Individ uals and quoted that unknown writer called "Taxpayer," and dwelt upon false charges without giving the true statements as has been published. He said that sixty men were on the list waiting for appointment to the posi lion of road supervisor. The second indictment was ex travagance,' and, of course, the Coun- 'y Home was the particularly swest morsel for this subject. He said li-j a inn t noneve wake county s poor was better kept than in other couu- ties, ,and said the commissioners were responsible for (his extrava gance. Judge Allen said that Wake county's home was the pride of the state. Who is to be believed. Judp? Allen or Perfcsser Sikes?. The former nas vistten tnc nome, wnne it is louhtful if the latter ever saw it. l he third indictment was the sal- rry bill, in which he referred to M: Chas. U. Harris as the sparrow w no had killed Cock Robin. In his efforts to muddy the water he failed to gay that all the candi dates on both sides were committed i the salary bill, and he knows well that it will be a law regardless of which side wins. Anything to fool the people. ; The fourth Indictment was the breaking up of the "iass meeting. He characterized that as the greatest crime that had been committed since Sherman's army passed through here, thus carrying out the general tone of all the speeches that "those who arc gainst us are rascals, while those tbat are with us are pure angels." The Idea of saying thnt there are men In Wake county who are worso than Sherman's army.' Oh. well, any man 'J.wbo will say what Sikes said about iiocric DON. J. N. HOLDING, DM W. C. DOUGLASS, And Other Prominent Democrats Will Address the Democrats of Raleigh Township at Academy of Music Tonight, June 24, 1910 AT 8:30 O'CLOCK P. M. all democrats cordially invited to Attend. Armistead Jones and the Confederacy will say anything. "Their bulwarks," said the Doctor, "are money, fraud and liquor." Those same men mentioned above use those methods to debauch the ballot. Do you believe if.' Vet Sikes said so, and he is a trutiiful mar.' Wow! He further charged that they had taught men to sell their vote, and that the other' side secured votes by using whiskey in quantities from a smell to five gallons. It would be interesting if he had explained what Bailey did with Craig's money two years ago. Here the Doctor got out anothe,- indictiiient : "They have constituted themselves the supreme court of tin; party." Just before this Mr. Cattle-:. ''wau telklng about the entire executive committee not bowing before Josian VV ' The speaker said, "Wo are trying o rid our party of bad lenders,'.' Guess, he wants to put In men of boUi parties, judging by the ticket he i-. running on. He says put out "ba'i mans," Armistead - Jones, the old warhorse, who. has always been straight, and put In Bailey, the good Wouldn't that ho a swap to please you! The band played some more, then Mr. Bailey mounted the stand. He said (hat this marked the culmina tion of the most intense campaign in Wake county, hut he forgot to tell them that he was the solo cause of ii. He said it was all over but the shouting. He said that he would make cer- ain awards to the other side. Jones will get a rest. A bottle of osotiiin syrup for Hinsdale; Rass will be court jester; Sea ra will bo given re lief, but not the kind Hinsdale gave him; Bernard will be given a chance to make a living outside of office; Pe gram will be given a ring to wear ound his neck; an automobile for Brewer (o use on his good roads; a pair of buzzard wings to The Even- ng Times, so it may flop gracefully; will bury the slate democrat;, a halo made of the smoke and breath of Sherwood I'pchurch, Nick DeBoy and Etob Lewis. After getting his system relieved of he above, he grew awfully funnyl?) He also said that A. Jonod' thoughts were "nib and my job; son Buck and his job." The speaker raid something about going to the ballot box with a de- ectivc. He, said not to let the repub licans vote, and some of the candi dates got nervous. He then tried to iirgue taut the present movement was the same as swept the city a year go, but of course this fooled no one. o concluded by saying the Insur gents would carry the city and the county by from 750 to 1,000 votes. Shortly after 10 o'clock the meet- ng adjourned. ' The band, the great amount of ad- ertisements, etc., drew not . more than four hundred, if that nifiny. Democrats of Wake Connty ' Should Cant Their Votes For Henry C. Brown For Corporation Commis sioner. To the Editor: I am for Hen ry .C Brown for, cor poration commissioner and intend to vote for him to fill out B. F. ' Ay- cock's term, for the reason that I be lieve be is the best equipped man for this important office. ' My acquaintance with Mr. Brown began eighteen years ago when he first moved to Raleigh. . He has been Voting, paying taxes and spending his earnings In this county ever since. and I would be glad r see . Wake county give him a unanimous tote. - R. G. DUNN. 4 a n ON Wickersham Says He Will Rout Trust (Continued From Page One.) dreds .of authorities, from the fore fathers of the country down to the latest decisions of the United States supreme court, to show that the na tional government may regulate rail road securities. "Congress assuredly may regulate and restrain the state corporation in the exercise of these powers (to Issue securities) and liiny prohibit it from issuing obligations or slock for any purpose relating to interstate or for. erign commerce except In accordance with' rules of restrictions prescribed by it for the purpose of preventing such evils as watered stocks," said (he altorney general. He declared tho speculative issu ance of securities to be an evil and Sale of Judgments by Merchants' As sociation. By virtue of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Association, Judgments against the parties named below will be sold on Saturday, July 9th, at 12 o'clock noon, at 'the court house door, In the city of Raleigh, to the highest bidder for cash. These Judgments are against the following persons, in the amounts named, ex clusive of interest and costs, vis Mrs. J. M. Leach, Raleigh, N. C. fll4.:,2. W. F. Draper, Raleigh, N. C, I3.4S. Klla Taylor, Hnlelgh. N. C M7.00. T. -E. Campbell, Raleigh, N. C. $7:05. Oraham Waddell, Raleigh. N. C $5.20. J. W. Lassiter, Wake Forest, N. C I12.C0. Mark I Collins, Raleigh, N. C, $112.02. K. L. King, Raleigh, N. C, $R.&5. John O'Kelley, Raleigh, N. C, $4.26. Lewis Carver. Raleigh, N. C, $30.60. The right is reserved to reject any bid for any judgment and to withdraw any judgment from sale. From time to time other judgments will be advertised for sale. The Merchants' Association of Ral eigh, j Price $1.00 CROSS & LINEH AN Fayetteville Street - - .... . . - - . . pointed to the "era of receivers" In the railroad world to prove tuo need of effective national supervision. Mr. Wlckersham' stated that the great difficulty of drafting a law that wonld stand 'the test of the courts caused this' feature to be dropped from the administration railroad bill at this session ' '-of congress, but a clause was inserted authorizing Pres ident Taft to appoint a commission to investigate this matter of federal su pervision of railroad securities. .. ' "The first question' which arise in the consideration of this' manner will be necessarily, the power of congress to legislate in the premises,, atid It therefore seemed to be that a discus sion of that subject would be of tlmo ly interest," said Mr. Wlckersham at the beginning of his speech. A girl needs a full moon to appre ciate having a man make love to her, unless there Isn't any. when she can do just as well without. f lc. WANTS lc.) ClaMdSed advertlsemeaU for this eolwBB will be accepted at oe ceat per word for each s laane, CASH with order.. No ad re-, UsemeBta under thla head will ' be charged. No Adv. taken for lsa thaa 10 CENTS aa tasertloa. Bach flgore charged aa ou word. lc. WANTS lc. 1 FRESH VEGETABLES DELIVERED every morning. J. F. Cam & Son, Mon., Wed., Frl. , LADIES' AND GEXTS DRY CI.KAN ing Tailoring and Pressing. Kid gloves cleaned. Chas. Cardwcll, 201 S. Salisbury. Capital City Phone 826-Y. Mon., Wed., Frl. FOR RENT Modern residence, 60 yards from car line. Polk street, near Blount, Bix 524. 30-eod-tf FOR RENT Eight room house In Glenwood, corner Boylan Avenue and Devereux street. Water, elec tric lights. All modern conven iences. Beautifully shaded. One block from street cars. An Ideal j homo. John W. Hinsdale, Citizens ' National Bank Building, e. o. d. 3t. FOR RENT One 6-oom house half block from Peace Institute. Ap ply at 611 Halifax St. 23-tf TELEPHONE FOR ONE OF OCR family price list. People's Laun dry. 23-4t. DON'T WAIT Come quick. More bargains and better bargains at Ha i ley 's Store. GET THE REST ACCIDENT AND health insurance C. B. ..Part in. It WANTED TO TRADE An all-round good farm horse for saddle or buggy horse. Koonce Bros., 106 and 111 E. Hargett Street, 24-2t THE GREAT SAMPLE SALE WILL close tomorrow at Hailey's Store. If. ; THE GRASS THAT IS TROD I'NDEH foot will spring up. Although I have fallen I am not utterly cast down. I am now in my new shop on South Person street, better : pre pared than before. I have ample hitich room. Neat stalls, water convenient. B. E. Rogers. - 24-lt INSCRE VOI R HORSE AGAINST death from auy cause. Capital City 'phone 192. C. B. Partin. It NOTICE We have cngagco extra wagons and your cream will be de livered in time for your Sunday dinner. Betts' ice Cream. 24-2t A $4.00 .SKIRT AT $2.00 AT HAIL- ey's Store. ' it "MOTHERS FRIEND" BOYS WASH SUITS. Just the thing for the little fellows. We are showing the most complete line ever shown in the city. , Better come in early and see the best patterns. to $100. FOR RENT-r-Two nice , connecting rooms in Masonic Temple. Apply to John C. Drewry, Masonic Tem ple. 2Q-6t FOR SALE OR RKNT My home at 1215 Hillsboro street. This Is one of the nicest and most comfortable homes In the city for a small fam ily. Will be glad to show any one interested. Apply by letter, .or 'phone 230. Possession given July 1st. J. Will Hunter. 16-t f. FOR SALE- -A deslrablo building lot Blount sttect. Apply on North Box 464, Raleigh, r- 20-6t AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn J 100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. - No canvassing. Send for particulars. Press Syn dicate, B 5363 Lockport, N. Y. 4-l t. f. .' ' ( ANVONK, ANYWHERH, CAN START a mall or dor business at home. No canvassing. B,e your own boss. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Heacock, A 6262 Lockport, N. If. 4-19 t f. GOLD MEDAL COFFKK IS THE best for the money, 2 Tic. a pound; !i pounds, $1.00. W. R. Dorsett ft Co,. 20-at SHIRTWAIST AM) HKIilTS LAI N- drled to perfection. People's Laundry. 22 4t. EVERYTHING SANITARY AT PEO ple's Laundry. Phone 74. 22-4L NEW RIVER MILLETS AT W. Mann & Co. 22 3 1. B. WANTED Boys to carry routes In afternoon. Good pay to right boys. Apply Circulation Manager The Evening Times. FOR HALE Sweet milk and cream by Mrs. Sam Ashe. 20-6t WANTED A lodger. Nice room, private "family. Bath. Phone 970-M. . 20-6t LACE tTRTAINS CLEANED BY hand. People's Laundry. 22-4t. LADIES WASH SI ITS LALXDKIED in our hand department ; P-eoplo's Laundry. . , 22 4t. Either 2g PhoaCv 10 East HargeXt St., Raleigh. What is More Refreshing Than Good Iced Tea? Our Own Mixture i n Mend of high-grade Teas, which ' e have been selling for several years is a good Tea to use. Cost you OOc. a, pound, and is better than most higher priced Tciin. Try mime of this Tea. We guarantee It will please you. Fresh Eggs, 25c. Dozen. H.J.JOHNSON, Successor to P. T. JOnNSON A SON. What is More Refreshing Than one of our these hot days? tbal Is' served at soda fountain. cold drinks Everything a first-class It. C. Batchelor 130 East Martin Street, y t CO. . Ealeigh, N.'(J.

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