rf I. Special Prices on Refrigerators -.1- - - i . The hot weather season being well advanced we are offering all of our Refrigerators at Reduced Prices. Especially Low Prices for Cash. AUTOMOBILES OUR $10 WATCH. Weighed in. the balance of exacting watch buyers and never found wanting. H. MAHLER'S SONS. Our August Price List Prices arc cut deep and lots are small. You had better come early. Ladies' Fancy Parasols, half price., iaby Caps, 25 and 35c. value, now 19c. v Baby Caps, 50 and 75c. value, nqw 3f)c. Franklin -Price & Company !s -.Po-w.d-ei-s, Toilet "Waters and Perfumes, half prices Ladies' Umbrellas, extra good, 98c. One table of Cotton Goods. XJemnahts and short lengths, 8e. per yawl. India Linon Lawn,-32 inches wide, worth 10c, August price, 6c Jjadies' Gauze Vests, 15c. seller, now 10c One lot Corsets, 75 and $1.00, to close out at 58c Hunter Bros. & Brever Company. WE SELL PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. Dike's Peroxogen Cream A GREASELE3S ANTISEPTIC SKIN TONIC. Gives to the skin that smooth and velvety ap pearance so necessary to a beautiful complexion. Price 25 cents. BOBBITT. WYNNE DRUG COMPANY. J REGAL SHOES Broken lines of sizes at Cut Prices $3.50, $4.00and $5:00 ahlo r un . $2.75, $3.00 and $3.75 Every pair is perfect. Regular prices stamped on each shoe. riluV EDGAR E. BROUGIITON, HABERDASHER, FayettcviHe St Raleigh, N. C. . The following automobile licenses have been deposited in the office of the secretary of state for tUe week ending today. Name of person re ceiging license, residence, name of car, horse-power and seating , ca pacity: ' , 1827. K. M. Nance, Chadburn Bftilck, 20, 4. i .1828. Wm. L. Harvey, Moores vllle; Buick, 18, 4. ' 1829. R. W. Osborne, Albemarle Franklin, 15, 2. 1830. Omo Orr, Asheville; Reo 16, 4 or 5. 1831. ' E. A. Bridges, Dunn Premier, 30, 6. 1832. L. J. Tlmmons, Charlotte .Hupmobile, 20, 2. 1833. J. H. McArn, Rowland Maxwell, 12, 2. 1834. V. A. Martin, East Bend Schacht, 20, 2. v : 1835. S. Z. Gill, Zebulon; Reo 30, 4. 1836. Miss Tilly Teagan, Win ston-Salem; Hupmobile, 20, 2. 1837. Miss Susan Zolllcoffer, Wel- don; E. M. P., 30, 6. 1838. M. C. Toms, Henderson ville; Winton 16, 6; 48, 7. 1839: T. J. Smithwick, Mt. Airy; Ford, 20, 4. 1840. T. A. Newell, Louisburg; Hupmobile, 20, 2. 1841. B. W. Blount, Asheville Cadillac, 30, 4 or 5. 1842. H. A. Dunham, Asheville Hudson, 22, 4. 1843. Hector McLean, Maxton; Overland, 25, 4. 1844. J. H. Broden, Henderson Hupmobile, 20, 2. 1845.: ,H. W. Malloy, Laurinburg; Ford, 20, 5. 1846. Dr. A. H. Zealy, Goldsboro; Maxwell, 22, 4. 1847. W. J. Irvin, Reldsvllle; Ford, 20. 5. 1848. D. H. Pamar, Speed; War ren-Detroit, 3d, 5. 1849. Gr. G. Shannonaouse, Jr., Rockingham; Maxwell, 30, 5, 1850. Auto. Transfer Co., North Wilkesboro; International, 14, 4. 1851. Glover Orr, Henderson- ville; Cadillac, 35, 5. 1852. Dr. K. G. Averitt, Cedar Creek; Brush, 12, 2. 1853. H. O. Absher, North Wilkes boro; Cadillac, 10, 4. 1854. Maxey L. John, Laurin burg; Ford, 20, 4 or 5. 1855. J. Elwood Cox, High Point Buick, 18, 3. - WADKSBOKO REAL KSTATE. Sixty Lots Sold Ginnery. Oil Mill. Ice Factory and Fertilizer Plant To Be Erected (Special to The Times.) Wadesboro. N. C, Aug. 4. The pid coming of the Winston-Salem South Bound means for the entire north part of this county but Just now Ansonville Is the point which seems to feel the greatest impulse. and this hustling little town is mov ng right along. The Ansonville Real Estate Com pany reports the sale of sixty lots to number of different parties, and some of the purchasers will Immedi ately erect buildings. Morrow Broth' er's and Company, a corporation al ready located at Albemarle and Mon roe will erect a large brick store and several warehouses. This firm will do a general mercantile business, Morrison and Wilson, of Statesvllle, have purchased a block of twenty lots on Fries Boulevard and thirteen on Railroad Avenue, and will at once build a large modern ginnery, and oil mill and will later erect ah ice fac tlry and fertilizer plant, the contracts have been let and the 'material pur chased and work will begin on the first building the coming week, and will be pushed to completion. TVPHOID IN WASHINGTON. Thirty-One Cases in Washington in ' One Week. . (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Washington, Aug. 4 Following several weeks of vigorous efforts to stem the progress of Infantile paralysis, which has stricken a num ber of children In the city, officials of the healtii department today an nounced that typhoid now threatens to become epidemic. Health department records for the last week show that thirty-one cases of typhoid fever have been reported for that period, nearly three times the number of cases reported in the preceding week. No cause for the unusual prevalence of the disease lias .yet been ascertained by the health authorities. Some scientists blame the house-fly. Five additional cases of the mys terious malady known as Infantile paralysis, for want of a better name, were reported to the health depart ment yesterday. , Jmut .... ; " ", " " i ; - ( A J '' - L -I mil I iM " f Ym It MILS., ALTCE SMOKES. Insuector Pew;, of Scotland Yard who made the dramatic trip across; the Atlantic - aboard the, steamer Lanrcntic in nunuiit of H. H. Crinnen and his typist, Miss Ethel ILeNeve, which resulted, in the arrest of the pair aboard -the steamer Monlrose, as it was Hearing port in Cunailu. But the Ladies Are Getting After - Her Good and Hard. (By Leased Wire to The Times.) Chicago, Aug. 4 To Induce Mrs, Alice Roosevelt Longworth to give up the cigarette habit is the object of a crusade wuich today is occupy ing the time of hundreds of club women In several cities of the west. The crusade already has acquiro:l a momentum which promises to sweep the whole nation. The movement has struck Chicago. In this city it crystallized in a circular letter sent out by Mary F. Balcomb, secretary of the Young Peo ple's Civic League, to 500 young peoples organizations of Chicago, asking them to discuss the matter and to impress upon children that Mrs. Longworth's cigarette smoking habit should be regarded as an Il lustration ' of an evil to be avoided rather than an example to be imitated. From various other cities news has come of similar action having been taken by church organizations, the membership of which is composed of both, sexes, and by clubs whose membership consists of women alone. Within the next two weeks Mrs. Longworth will receive a deluge of petitions, telegrams, letters, circu lars, and other written and printed matter, beseeching her to cease smoking cigarettes. In addition, deputations of women .will travel from various parts of the country to Cincinnati personally to place the matter before her in her own home. TAFT PLAYS GOLF. Gore Charges Are Being Now ; Investigated (Continued-From Page One.) homa. ' lie said he wrote the letter on account of his personal interest in the Indians welfare. He referred to a talk with Mc- Murray several months ago when the He and John Hays Hammond En- former came to him relative to In-1 Vane in Game on Links. dian land conditions, in Oklahoma, which he (McMurray) thought I (By Leased Wire to The Times.) should be taken care of by lawyers, ! Beverly, Mass., Aug. 4 President At that time, according to the wit- Taft was one of the first golfers on ness. he told McMurray he waB strict- the links at the Myopia Club this ly opposed to spending the Indians' morning, where he played with his money for lawyers and would not almost daily opponent, John Hays sanction any legislative movement to Hammond. The only caller at the bring it about and that particularly president's home today was Senator was he opposed to any deal whereby i Henry Cabot Lodge. The senator attorneys fees should be ten per drove over from Nahant. It Is be- cent for. obtaining the sale of their lands. , ' Senator Gore stated prior to the opening of the hearing that he was ready to tell names of persons who offered him and the member of the House of Representatives each $25, 000 to withdraw opposition' to the scheme, MCMurray announced through counsel that he would con tend contracts were valid without Congress' sanction and that he was unaware of any bribery offers. Gore Names Bribers. Muskogee,' Okla.. Aug 4. Senator Gore to-day named Jacob Hamon. former National Republican Com mitteeman from - Oklahoma, as the man who offered him and a member of the House of Representatives each $25,000 to withdraw opposition to a scheme whereby $3,000,000 would be paid for "attorneys fees" on a sale of Indians lands The offer, he said. was made in Washingtin on May 6th last.- v He also implicated Vice President Sherman. lieved that tae two found plenty of food for discussion in the recent in surgent victories in the west. Tomorrow will be the real busy day for the president. The presi dent's guest is to be President Pedro Montt, of the republic of Chile. President Montt is scheduled to ar rive in Boston tomorrow morning. The Mayflower is to leave Burgess Point in the . morning, going to Boston and return with President Montt aboard. Ambassador Bryce, now visiting at Beverly Farms, is expected to call on the president to morrow afternoon. Won't Need a Crutch. When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cornelius, N. C, bruised his leg badly it started an ugly sore. Many salves and ointments proved worth less. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed It thoroughly. Nothing is so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Bolls, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 23c. at all druggists. ffe.K.:.:S)K V s4M try , w Warren G. Harding, who was re cently nominated for governor of Ohio at the republican state conven tion at Columbus. Mr. Harding was nominated on the third ballot. Hard ing was born in Blooming lrove, Morrow County, Ohio, on November 2nd, 1805. : He is the .proprietor of the Marion Star, where he lives. Harding is the man whom Joseph Foraker used to deliver the body blow which unset the leadership' of Mark Hanna. Holers Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever csid over a druggist's counter. very VoKian b interested and should know aoont the wondenui Marvel "R" rtih.t m Ask' onr drtmrlat for it. If he cannot inprlT khm MARVKL. accent no v..a .1 . . rn r. mM trated book sailed. It gives fall t!li rticuiara ana airecuonB laviuuaoie Win' tUBVEL CO - 44 6. JM .. Vott ; own your own homk. and save rent. We have a new four- room cottnge. well located, with wa ter connection, which we can sell for part cash and the balance in easy payments. A bargain , PAKKEll IH'NTKR. f The Souther Itallway'a excursion, consisting of special train of elegant electric-lighted coaches and flrslcltt8ti sleepers, will be operated August Oth to Norfolk. Don't' miss It. See ad vertisement, -r, - . The 'City .of-.. Luxembourg will spend about $2,600,000 to develop electric power from the River Sure, in Belgium. ' - - (DN'TT MEAD THIS Unless You Are Going on the Grandest Outing ot the Season Via Southern Railway on August 9th to Norfolk, Va , the Virginia Seashore. This elegant train of large electric lighted - coaches and Pullman sleeper will Leave Gibsonville . ........ ... ... 7:15 p. 111. $3.50 Leave Burlington ............ . . . 7 :33 p. m. 3.25 Leave University 8:45 p. m. 3.25 Leave Durham . . .... . .... . . . . . . 9:20 p. in. 3.00 Leave Oxford ................ . . 10:50 p. m. 2.50 Leave Raleigh 4:05 p. m. 3.00 Arrive Norfolk 5:30 a. m., August 10th.' Leave Nor folk returning 6:15 p. m., August 11th. ft Two days and one night in this magnificent city wit li lts Sea Bathing, Fishing, Boating and many historic points of interest. ' Separate coaches for colored people. For rates, schedules, etc., from other points ask your agent or write . H. H. PARNELL, . Traveling Passenger Agent, 'Raleigh, N. C. Don't forget that delightful excursion to Norfolk on August Oth. A special train of elegant, electric-lighted coaches and Pullman's. Two days and one night of sea" bathing, fishing and boating. HEALTII INSURANCE The man who lnsur Jils Ufa if wise for bis family. : ( The nun who Insures his health is wise both for bis family and himself. " You may Insure health by cuard inc K. It Is worth (uardlas;. At t h e first attack of disease, . which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests Itself In Innumerable ways TAKE. MW And save your health HOTEL If ST. DENIS U BROADWAY and 11th NcwvoRKcrrv 91 ST. Wiikia cut mccema ol wrery point M te. HaU block mm wwwmuac t Five mtnut e walk of SWpmi Diatriot. NO I tU hOKi txceUsaca ot comfortable appointment, coortooita aemce and homelike aunounouita. Rooms $1.00 per day ans! on With privilege ol Bath 4 $1.50 per day and up EUROPEAN PLAN Tabla sTHote BrMkfast . ' Mt WM.TAVLOR SON, la. MORTGAGE SALE. Bv virtue of a mortcraee deed exe- cuted by Mary A. Stone on March 7, 1902, and recorded in the office of the' Register of Deeds of Wake County, in Book No. 167. at Daare 802. I will sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash at the court-house door In Raleigh, N. C, on August 15th next, at 12 o'clock m., the following lot or parcel of land situate In Ral eigh, and bounded as follows: Begins at the southeast corner of tha Intersection of Salisbury and John son streets, in the city of Raleigh; runs thence south along Salisbury street 141 feet to a stake; thence east In a line perpendicular to said Salis bury street 70 feet to a stake; thence north in a line parallel to Salisbury street 61 feet to a stake; thence west In a perpendicular to Salisbury street 18 1-2 feet to a stake; thence north In a line parallel to Salisbury street 80 feet to Johnson street; thence west along Johnson street 51 1-2 feet to the beginning, containing about 1-5 of an acre and being part of Lot No. 344 In the plan of the city of Raleigh. JOHN W. HINSDALE, Attorney. July 13th, 1910. o.a.w. 4w. Twenty-four Hours At the Seashore. 'Special train every Saturday from Raleigh, Wilson, Greenville and In termediate Btatlons to Morehead City and Beaufort. Lowest week-end rates. Returning special train leaves' Beaufort and Morehead City. Sunday Evening. '. Saturday Monday only Schedule only P. M. A. M. 12:35 Lv. Raleigh 12:45 2:19 Lv. Wilson 10:37 3:10 Lv. Farmvllle 9:48 3:39 Lv. Greenville 9:111 5:30 Ar. New Bern 7.35 6:60 Ar. Morehead City 6:05 7 :U5 Ar. Beaufort 6:40 1". M. P. M. Saturday Sunday only ; only Round Trip Rates. Moiehead City. ' Beaufort, i J3.00 3.20 .' 2.75 . - ' 2.95 : 2.25 ' 2.45 2.25 2.45 For complete information ask near est ticket agents. W. W. CROXTON, A. G. P. A.. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A., Norfolk, Va. DURHAM & SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule in Southbound. Read Down. No. 5. No. 41 Mixed. Pass. A.M. P.M. . 11.25 4.40 Lv 9.65 4.10 Lv 8.55 3.28 Lv 8.45 3.20 Lv 9.07 3.37 Lv 9.2G 3.52 Lv 9.45 4.02 Lv Effect Januarys, 1010. Northbound. ' -.- s Read Up. No. 88. No. 6. Pass. Mixed. P.M. P.M. Ar 10.35 13.10 Lv 11.10 12.45 Lv 12.00 1.60 Ar 12.10 1.00 A.M. Lv 11.47 Lv 11.30 Lv 11.17 11.50 P.M. 12.05 12.20 12.52 t.12 1.32 1.46 2.25 3.00 4.66 Lv 6.06 Lv 6.14 Lv 6.32 Lv Lv 5.45 5.67 Lv 6.04 Lv 1W Lv 6.30 Ar Apex Upchurch G. D'hara Durham Oyaraa Togo i ; Carpvnfr H. Rp'ngs Wllbon Varlna Angler Barclay s vllle Coats Turl-g-on Duke Dunn ; Lv 10.18 1.35 1.16 U.bo A.M. 11.60 Lv 10,08 11.20 Lv 10.00 11.00 Lv 140 10.30 Lv j 1.28 tt.15 Lv 9.17 165 Lv (.08 Lv 8.58 Lv 140 143 1M 0.00 Connections. ' No. 38 makes connection at Apes With Seaboard Air Line No. 88 for Raleigh. Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, Balti more. Philadelphia, New York. Baltl norihern points; and with Raleigh J SouUiport train No. 64 for Durham. No. 41 makes connection at Apex with .Seaboard Air Line No. 41 for 8anford, Pinehurst. Southern Pines, Hamlet. Charlotte, Rockingham, Athens, At. lanta, Birmingham. Montgomery aad ill points In the West and Southwest; Columbia, Savannah, - . Jacksonville, Tampa and. all points In Florida; and with Raleigh A Bouthport train No, 6k for Favsttevllla. ' . r NO SUNDAY TRAINS. . . f ,. . . , . D. LUMPKIN, . Acting Oen. Pass. Agent,- j . ' BURKB HOBOOOD. ! Sol, Pass. Arest. j General Offlcea, Dorkam, N. 0, '

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