now Line! Great Values ! Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. THE WEATHER. For Raleigh and Vicinity: Show ers tonight and Sunday. : For North Carolina: Showers to night and Sunday; moderate east winds, becoming variable. i Weather Conditions. ; High barometric pressure and gen erally fair weather, with moderate temperature is present over the ma jor part of the country this morning "A trough of relatively low pres sure extends from Lake Superior southwestward to Texas, where the center 1b located. In this trough of low pressure the temperature has risen and local rains have fallen, Local showers continue In tne south eastern states, and it Is somewhat cooler. The weather continues dry and warm in Texas. The present conditions indicate Bhowers with but little change in the temperature for this vicinity tonight and Sunday. CHAS. H. RICHARDSON, Acting Section Director. SHELBY GETS NEW STATION. Corporation Commission Grants Pe ' : tition of Citizens. . The' corporation commission this morning decided in favor of the citi zens of Shelby In the matter of a new passenger station for that town, and ordered that the Seaboard Air Line erect and maintain a passenger sta tion separate from the rre:g:n depot, this to be done within 90 days from date. PERSONALS. Prof. J. I. Foust, of Greensboro, was in the city today. Mr. W, S. Lee, of Monroe. Was a Raleigh visitor today. Lieutenant Governor W. C. Newland was In the city today. Mr. Ohas: M. Saunders left today for Mars Hill to attend school. Mr. Hubert Poteat, of Was Forest, was a Raleigh visitor today. Mr. W. B. LaFar, of Durham, is registered at the Yarborough. Mr. W. E. Twitty, of Warren ton, is registered at the Yarborough. Mr. R. N. Childress left today for Blowing Rock to spend his vacation. Go on Conductors' Excursion to Norfolk Tuesday, August 16th. Round trip, $3.00. 12 2t. HENRY F. MILLER, STANDS FOR THE BEST IN PLAYER, UPRIGHT AND GRAND PE AM When you pay more than the Henry P. Miller price for a Piano yon are paying for something that the Miller Piano gives you without eost. The Miller tone is of that grand orchestral quality not found in other Pianos. In artistic effects the Miller styles and designs of cases lead, but add nothing to the price. V v- The Henry F. Miller & Sons name is famous throughout all Pianodom, but you pay nothing ex tra for it. ".-v :V Before buying a Piano of the highest artistic class, send for a Miller catalogue, price list, and list of Miller Piano purchasers in this state, and you will want no other Piano. : For the first tinie in six years we have a Miller Piano that has been used less than eight months in fine condition, at a special bargain. . : . , RALEIGH, H. C. iii! Raleigh, N. C. ICE JUT) MILK This fund is for the poor and needy of the city. If you wish to gtve,any thing you can either leave it at The Times office or leave it with any of the drug stores and they will gladly turn it over to The Times. If you can not give but a nickel or a dime, re member It will help some poor child or sick person. The following subscriptions have been received: As previously reported. ,. ..$36.75 A Friend. . ... ... . . . . .50 Mrs. P. E. Hines .. .. .. .. 1.00 NICE HAIR FOR ALL. Once Destroy the Dundruff Genn, and Hair Grows Luxuriantly, Any one can have nice hair if he or she has not dandruff, which causes brittle, dry hair, falling hair and baldness. To cure dandruff It Is necessary to kill the germ that caus es it, and that is just what Newbro's Herpiclde does. Cornelius Grew, Colfax, Wash., says: "One bottle of Newbro's Herpiclde completely cured me which was very thick; of dandruff, and it has stopped my hair from failing out It makes hair soft and glossy as silk; delightful odor, and refreshing hair dressing. It permits the hair to grow abundantly, and kills the dan druff germ. Sold by leading drug gists; Send 10c. in stumps for sam ple to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. One Dollar bottles guaranteed. Henry T. Hicks Co. and Tucker Building Pharmacy, Special Agents LOCAL BRIEFS. Rev. L. F. Johnson assisted Rev. A. P, Barbee In special meet- Ings at Catawba Springs this week, There were about fifteen conversions Dr. J. O. Atkinson will begin a special series of revival services at the Christian church, McCullers, next Sunday. He will be assisted by Rev. Charles H. Rowland, of Frank lin, Va. Don't miss going with the Conduc tors to Norfolk Tuesday, August lth. 12 2t This morning's , session at Judge Stronach's matinee was a very unus- ual one for Saturday morning. S ome very interesting cases were tried. . Bessie Miller, colored,' was up' for an affray,' but .she told her tale so nicely that she got out with paying just $2.35 cost. ' : James Adams, white, was 'charged with burying a body without a city permit. This case was -called up a few days ago but continued uiftil to day.' Adams" is the gardner, tinder, taker and general helper around the State Asylum and had ' burled the body of Beavers without securing the city's permit. Dr. McKee, the su perintendent of the State Hospital for Insane, testified that he gave all the orders around the place and Adams was acting under his orders. The death certificate was produced and Dr. McKee said the handwriting was Dr. Picot's and his. Adams knew nothing about this body until orders were given to bury it. Admitted that he had no permit and gave for his reason that the body died late on the night of the eleventh and all day the twelfth was spent trying to commun icate with the dead man's people In Caswell county. Found out late ,ln the afternoon, after 5 o'clock, that the body would have to be buried here, so the body was in such a con dition that it could not be kept out Terrible Wreck Under The Union Station Shed (Continued From Page One.) was a young single man, and was a driver for Mr. W. R. Dorsett. Died Later. Hugh Perry was caught between the platforms of two cars and all the lower part of his body was mashed. The flesh was almost stripped from the right leg below the knee, the broken end of the bones sticking out. All the lower part of his body and both legs were badly crushed. He was carried to St. Agnes Hospital, where he died a few hours later. Two in the Hospital. Joe Black man and Will Harris are at the hosnital. the former suffering from shock and the latter from a bro ken arm, which was amputated this morning. Both are getting along as nicely as could be expected, and will recover. The Causes. ' -The exact cause of the collision Is not known this morning, though an investigation is being conducted to fix the responsibility. Whether it was due to failure to give proper sig nals, misunderstanding or orders, or what. Is not definitely known. The Seaboard has been using the South ern track for some time, and the switch was set for it last night be- 'ore tne swuenman went on auty. me excursion nau jusi puuea imo the shed, and the passengers were leaving their seats. Had the collis ion occurred a minute later, the plat forms would have been crowded, and the loss of life would aouatless have been fearful. It is believed that the crew of the excursion train knew nothing of the approach of No. 84, neither did 84's crew know that the excursion was on the track until It was too late to stop, The Crews. The excursion train was in charge of Engineer Watson, Fireman Adams, and Conductor Oakley, while Engi neer C. F. Vaden, Fireman Brogden, and Conductor Tllgham nac charge of 84. The engineer and fireman on the Seaboard jumped when they saw that a collision was Inevitable. Wreck Cleared. The wreck was cleared this morn ing about 8:00 o'clocK. The rear coach of the excursion train was badly torn up. The engine of the Seaboard train was pretty badly dam- Hearing This Afternoon. The causes that led up to the wreck will be thoroughly investi gated by the corporation commission this afternoon, and until this hearing la held in will not be definitely known who is responsible. The general opinion is that someone was negli gent and that if the proper precau tions had been used the collision could have been avoided. How it Happened. For about two weeks the Seaboard Air Line has been using' the South ern track into the shed, .known- as track No. 2. The condition was that all trains entering ' on" , this , track should have the speed reduced to such a point that a stop could be made almost instanUy. 1 .,'. Last nleht the excursion Dassed the Seaboard, which was; having some trouble near Method and came Into - the shed. . Southern train No. Ill was standing on the track next to the fence, or track No. .l.v;K is said that the switch was open to this track,; and bad the excursion not been coming In at a slow speed it would Have run into 111, but saw the switch in time to stop. It then pulled into the shed on track No. 2. Just as the excursion tralh was com any longer, so a hurried burial was made. Dr. Rankin argued that It would' not have been Inconvenient to get the permit, as Dr. McKee stated, that all the accessary records should have been on the institution's books. He is held responsible by the state for this law and he bad to see to its en forcement, even If it was at the State Hospital. -Judge Stronach took a band in the matter and suspended judgment, but warned. Dr. McKee to be more careful about this law In the future. - " Ben -Curtis, alias John Smith, col ored, was charged with running hack at night without lights. Police man Wyatt saw carriage. watched it near the. union depot and he stopped it, asking for the name of the driver. "John'Smith" was given. He recog nized Ben Curtis as the driver. Cur tis tried to prove an alibi by a wit ness, who said he met Ben out in Oberlin about 9 o'clock on his way home. . Policeman Bailey, who sum moned Curtis to appear in court, told of asking what his name was and he said ."Ben Curtis." However, Judge Stronach took- Policeman Wyatt's word as he was certain he had the right man, but let him off with the payment of cost, $3.00. Hubert Nipper, C. A. Scott and Theodore King, white, were charged with gambling and paid $10 and costs for the offense. Seaboard train No. 84 came In on its track to the switch which had been left open for it, and, of course, was switched on track. No. 2, the engine striking the rear coach of the excur sion. ; ,-.--; - '.:-' It- is generally believed that 84 came in with a speed which prevented its stopping in time to avoid the col lision. Some place the speed as high as 30 miles an hour, but the general opinion seems to be that It was run ning 18 or 20. which made it Im possible to stpp when the excursion was' seen occupying the track. " A railroad man who had been in vestigating the. cause of the wreck said It was due, in bis opinion, to the Seaboard train coming :n at a speed too fast to avoid the wreck. The Seaboard officials are Investi gating the affair, but it could not be learned where they fix the responsi bility. . , . For Quick Relief From Hay Fever, Asthma and. summer bronchitis, takq Foley's,,. Jjoney and Tar.! It quickly relieves the discomfort and suffering and the annoying symp toms disappear.. It Boothes and heals the Inflamed air passages of the head, throat and bronchial tubes. It contains no opiates and no, harmful drugs. Refuse substitutes. King Crowell Drug iCqmpany. . MAYOR- CALLS MEETING. To Consider Location of Sanitarium In Raleigh Citizens Requested to Meet Monday Night in-43iamber of Commerce Rooms. . ; Dr. J. J, McKanna, who for four years has had a sanitarium" at Relds ville, for the treatment: of the liquor habit, desires to enter a larger field, and to locate at Raleigh an institu tion to receive patients from all parts of the state, and also to arrange for treating, free of charge, in another place, to be- decided by the city, such inebriates as are sent to Sim y this city and other cities, who are with out funds and cannot pay ror treat ment. The city of Columbia, S. C, has adopted a plan by which inebri ates who are before the police Jus tice are given their choice between a sentence of ten days on the roads or three days of .the McKanna cure. Columbia is the first -city to adopt this plan and It Is attracting a great deal of attention all over -the coun try. Raleigh 'is an altogether- ad mirable location and Its very fine railway facilities are the prime cause of the desire of Dr. McKanna to lo cate here. I request Raleigh citizens who are interested in such a sanita rium to meet at the chamber of com merce Monday-evening, August IS, at 8:00 o'clock, to consider this matter, which I regard as important to Raleigh in many respects. J. S. WYNNE, . Mayor. J. B.PEARCE,- .". Pres. Mer,'AsBo. -FRED A. OLDS, Sec Cham; of Com. : Acute or Chronic--Which T No matter if your kidney., trouble la acute or chronic-Foley's Kidney Remedy will reach your case. -Mr. Claude Brown, RynoldsviHe," III., writes us that he suffered many months with kidney complaint Which baffled all treatment.- iAt last . he tried Foley's . Kidney Remedy and a few large bottles effected aom plete cure. He says, "It has been of Inestimable value, to me." 'KJng Crowell Drug Company."-' - " : Wake's Oldest Farmer. , Wake counly possesses ' in Mr. W. J. King about the oldest active far mer In the' ; state. ' Mr. King la 8 8 year old and Uvea but on the Hills boro road. , w, '.). ' -Mr," King has 'farmed himself this year fifteen acres of corn aad five acres of cotton, by himself. This is a record for. Wake county, unequalled In the state, as we are told. - V : A Bid SPRINKLER, The New Water Waflmi Tried Out on , the Streets Today - ; , The big street sprinkler which will ba used along the car tracks all over the city has arrived and was given a try-out this afternoon and from all appearances it Is a "dust '' killer" proper. It is an Immense tank,' set upon tracks like a' street car, and at veacli end is a covered platform ! for the motorman. same as on the care. The tank nas a capacity or 4,ouu gauons The city ; purchased the sprinkler and the street car company will op erate it free of charge daily over its entire system. This afternoon the sprinkler was brought up town, given a try-out and worked' to perfection, throwing wa ter from curb to curb. From Sickness to ('Excellent Health." So says Mrs. Chas. Lyon, Peoria, 111.: t"I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for backache and kidney trouble which bothered me for many months. I am now enjoying excellent health which I owe. to Foley Kidney ! Pills." Klng-Crowell Drug Company, ' "ikt M tat rm -WAWIS- - ONE CENT A WORD - A Want Ad. in The Evening Times goes, on that buyer-Beeklng errand for you, goes Into the little houses and the big, among the rich and the poor talks the language of 'self interest" to the thrifty and finds youf markets for you. ; Get the Servant Sell the Lot Rent the House Find the Lost. , Evening Times Ads. Can Do Most Anything. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 10c. WANTED Gentle, well broke "Billy Goat". Address 1. O. Box 424. . ; It FOR SALE One nice light spring wagon. B. E. Rogers. It WANTED TO RENT Cottage with modern conveniences. Good loca tion; near car line. Address, "S", Times. -': It $10 AND UPWARD LOANED TO any responsible man or ' woman anywhere In U.S,; no publicity,; no delay; long time; easy term: Write Kanter & Co., 454 B. 47th St., Chicago. It WANTED Railway Wall Clerks, Postofflce Clerks, Carriers. Ex aminations in this district in No vember. Bureau of Information, Rochester, N. Y. ; It HIGH GRADE 8ALESMKN We pay each Thursday; $25 expenses ad vanced weekly,. No selling, col lecting or. carrying samples. Our men make $250 monthly and over. Small bond required, Interna tiona Co., 208 Mclntlre Bldg, Day ton, O. .. , It $IOO MONTHLY AND EXPENSES to travel and distribute samples for big manufacturer; steady work. S. Seheffer, Treasurer, K204 Chica go. ...,,;;;,;....;.: v -'-it PHONE J. P. WHITLEY, 716, FOR gasoline,' 18c. Y ' It oil, 10c; WANTED Boy, age 15. The Texas Oil Co. v It WANTEI Men to learn uarber trade. Practice furnished by free work, careful Instructions by ex perts. Few weeks completes, tools given, board secured. Experience in shops before completing. Cat alogue mailed free. : Moler Bar ber College, Atlanta, Ga. 13-6t Manhattan Shirts Too many Shirts on hand that Is the reason we are going to sell put our entire stock of Manhattan Shirts t the f ollowlntfreduced prices: $1.15 instead of $1.25 instead of Many of tht best patterns left. Better come in earl before the best pickings are gone SEE OVR DISPLAY. Cross 8 Linehan Company, - 1 GIBSON LGCJkil ' x . Convicted of Cutting and Bound Over render $300 Bond -Ariotlier Near f hec, Jpint opened. ... - i - ' ; ; (Special to ,Th Times.) t Apex, Aag.'lv-Thelal of Charles Olbson Who eriously cut 'youtt Zeb Satterfleld near br some . time - ago, was' held, here yesterday evening, 'Squire J, C fiurns of flplatlng . Mt H., E. - Norrls anared for th plaintiff. Gibson WAS bound .ovet to court under a, 60e lustlftabie bondV which he4dld ot make any attempt to give, oy xne advice of his attorneys. Deputy Sheriff Wall Immediately after the trial re turned to Raleigh with the. defendant to,; await .the next term '-of criminal court In Jail. '.;'.';-! .-V ., Neap beer license has been granted (o a Mr Campbell who is about ready to' open his nl-beer stand here, iltls stated that there are other applica tions before the board for near beer license, n ';:.. . s Foley Kidney Fills. ' - Tonic in quality and action, quick In results. For backache, head ache, dizziness, nervousness, urinary irregularities and rheumatism. King Crowell Drug Company. - Licensed to Wed. The following couples received marriage license today : Mr. Nathan Glover 'Moore .and Miss, Christabelt Brantley, of Zebu- Ion, and. Mr. Thomas H. Starnes and Miss Maggie Wbitaker, or Wakefield. -- CASH IN ADVANCE WANTED -To rent nice cottage or small house. Only couple and will take good care of property. - Give location and price to "Cot; tage", care The Times. 13-3t AGENTS- 5 dally can be earned by everybody by undertaking ah easy agency , as an extra; expert Knowl edge unnecessary. Write (If pos- stble In German language I to Mr. A. Steenken, AmsterGam, Holland. $25 WEEKLY AND EXPKNSES TO trustworthy people to travel and distribute" samples ' for big whble- , sale boused C. H. Emery, P 304, Chicago. ' It LOST Thursday afternoon on car or Glenwood, small silver mesh purse. Finder will please phone this pf ; floe, v Reward. , ; It MEN Learn automobile business. "Wages $25 weekly; $ la while learning. We ': teach by mail. Rochester Auto School, Rochester, N. Y. v:: It FOR SALE Beautiful residence lot on Boylan Heights ($560), one half cash;, balance In one year. P. O. B. 326. , It WANTED-r-A reliable and industri ous colored boy. Apply 323 South McDowell St. . -;.: ft OPEN SUN DAY' Leavister's Phar macy, 702 N. Person St. C. C, Phone 221. . v' It ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS bought, sold, exchanged. Smltq's Book Store. ' It FOR GLASSES give comfort Building. THAT FIT see" BarneSj AND Elks 13-17 TWENTY ENGLISH BERKSHIRE Pigs for - sale. Seven weeks old, A Dughl. - It $1.50 $1.75 $1.40 $1.90 THE CLOTIIlERS. hOl i..'. ' .Oa car line, ".coltajje; six rooiiii, all modern Improvements. r Address Cottage, care Times. ; s 12 3t.-. ;s-J-;'' V" ? FUtini I SAL K Almost any size and location. 'Ask for lisl. .' R." 8 . 'Prinoeltalelghk N. C, . 12 3; : OtH vOti &4.A4wd wi ITSELF,'1-, i, Let. s show you.;' All work guar ' ; anteed... Hajelgh - French j. Dry -: Cleaning and Dyeing Co. - C. C. ; h phone 781.1 - . ' ' . , li-St . WHEN. IN. NEED - OF SADDLE i Horses or, light livery, call. Wood all's Stables, corner Davie nd Blount. - 12-6!; WAGONS AND BUGGIES RE. horseshoeing. Baker . & Stewart, : 321 S.' Blount, 13-7t" NEW LINE OF 5 AND 50 CENT fiction at Pescud's Book Store.- $ Mon., Wed.', Fr. " 1 ALL KINDS OF PICTURE FRAMES made to order. , Hobby Bros. Banks Furniture Co. 118 East Martin. : - ' ' n-3t jjjj RENT FI'RN1SED FLAT.. 215 N, Elm street. ji-6t FRE8R .VEGETABLES. DELIVERED daily. : J. F.'Caln 4 Son.,.' 9-11-12 FOR RENT Comparatively, new 7 room, two-story . house. West' Lane street. ., Conveniently ar ranged. '. Modern conveniences. Possession given at once. Bell Phone 520. Box 266.' 22-eod-tf SAVE MONEY Bay coal now at ; summer prices. Powell 4 Powell. . Phone 41. 0-3t SACLARA SMOKER, 5 CENTS. ALL ;' Havana. - - 8 t. f. SAWS SHARPENED AND RK palred. . Walter Hicks, "10 ' East Davie. ' 9-5t FOUNTAIN DRINKS AT BRAGAS sa's, Academy of Music Building. Open Sundays. 8 6t. MAGAZINES, NOVEt, CIGARS and Candy. Bragassas, Academy of Music building. . , 8 6t. NEW LINE ,OF DRUGS AT THE . new drugstore, corner Martin and Blount. E. O. Edgerton, manager. 11 3t. CHEAP FARMS FOR SALE .Sev eral valuable - well-improved 'To bacco, Cotton, and Grain Farms for sale in Wake and Chatham . Counties. Full description sent on application. A. C. Hughes, Apex N. C. . 7-6t ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mall order business at home. - No canvassing. Be your own boss. Bend for free booklet. Telia how. Heacock, A 6263 Lockport, N. Y. 4-19 t. t WANTED Boys to carry routes In af ternoqn. Good pay to right boys. Apply Circulation Manager The Evening Times. . - AN INTELLIGENT' PERSON MAX earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. No eanvasalng. Bend for particulars. Press Syn dicate. B 6363 Lockport. N. Y. MONEY TO LOAN- On Raleigh . real estate. R. N. SIrams, attor ney. Tucker Building. 6-8t JUST RECEIVED. . , KINGAN'Sr Sugar Cured Hams . . 23 to 25c. lb. (Small and Medium Sizes.) Smoked Beef Tongues , . 27 He lb.. Boneless E, C. B. Bacon ., 87 He. lb Sliced B. Bacon , . . . . 35 c. ti. Potted Cheese v . ... . . lOctvkg. Extra Nice Young Chickens (medium, large and extra large) 30c. to 40c. to 50c. each. , , . Fresh Eggs, now ..... . 25c. dos. . EITHER 23 PHONE. H. J.JOHNSON, Successor to -D. T; JOHNSON A SQN. , 10 . Hargett St., Raleigh, N. O. Reduced instead of $2.00 instead of$f? ing to a standstill on iracic mo. z, c " kV.y, lb !.'. '

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