1 Hi partment above competion. Weathers Furniture Co. 121 East Martin Street. THE. WEATHER. For Raleigh and Vicinity: Partly cloudy, with local showers tonight or J"nd,i. For North Carolina: Partly cloudy wuh local showers tonight or Fri day; lisht to moderate variable winds. Weather Conditions. Itain has occurred from the south ern portion of the Lake region to Kansas and Oklahoma and scattered showers arc reported from New York to Florida, also In portions of Louis iana, Arkansas and at a few points in southern Texas. The rainfall was heavy locally at Corpus Christi, Okla homa City, Wcatherford, Okla., and at a few widely separated stations in the eastern portion of the cotton bolt. The weather has continued warm in the southwest, but the cool wave in the northwest is overspreading the Missouri and upper Mississippi val leys anil the lake region. Conditions are favorable for local showers in this vicinity tonight or Friday. L A. DEXSON, Section Director. They Have a Definite Purpose. Foley Kidney Pills give quick re lief in cases of kidney and bladder ailments. Mrs. Hose Glaser, Terre Haute, Ind., tells the result in her case. "Alter suffering for many years from a serious case of kidney trouble and spending much money for so-called cures, I found Foley Kidney Pills the only medicine; that gave mo a permanent cure. I am again able to be up and attend to my work. I shall never hesitate to recommend them." King-Crowell Drug Company. RAILWAY SCHEDULES. ALL TRAINS LEAVE UNION STATION. Seaboard Air Line Railway. Going North. Going South. 1:1:50 a. m. 3:20 a. m. 1:3" c. m. 3:50 a. m. 11:35 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 12:05 p. m. 6:00 p. m. (b) 6:00 p. ru. Shoofly Ar. . 10:15 a. m.' Southern Railway. Going East. Going West. 4:30 a. m. 2:00 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 8:35 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 4:05 p. m. Raleigh and Southport. Going. South Arrive Raletgh. 8:00 a. m. 10:50 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 3:45 p. m. 6:35 p. m. 8:20 p. m. Norfolk Southern Railway. Going East. Arrive Raleigh, (b) 6:15 a. m. (a) 7:55 a. m. (a) 9:00 p. m. (b) 7:15 p. m. (a) Dally. (t) 1ally Except Sunday. SCHOOL TIME! FVIRV MOTH Kit SHOILD BE PLEASED TO NOTE THAT THE LADIES FURNISHING COMPANY, 113 East Hargett Street, Has just received a full line of Children's School Dresses. . The time ha.s passed when SCHOOL DRESSES Had to be made at home. No more trouble for the lady. The 20th century brought forth--the time when all you have to do to prepare for school time is to bring your chiild to the store and be fitted. No stole in town is so well prepared to fill your wants as the Ladies Furnishing Company. SCHOOL DRESSES From 50c. Up All Sizes. Our Manager lias so well prepared for the coming season that you will have no trouble of being tltted. We carry everything for Ladies, Misses, and Children's ready-to-wenr garments. We Would Like to ' ;' r I' B A Customer Here. Ladies' Furnishing Co. Below Rosenthal's Grocery Store. 113 E Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. FROM $4.99 UP I We Paper Average oizea nooms. - Our sensationally Low prices on Wall Papers, Room Mouldings and Pic ture Frames keep this de Kaleigh, N. C, MANY Al'TOMOBILISTS HKRE. Raleigh Becoming Overnight Stop. ping Place for . Automobilista Be tween North mid South. The fact that Raleigh is becoming prominently known as a stopping point for tourists was well shown last night by a number of out-of-town automobiles which stopped over at the Carolina Garage. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Buzzell and driver, of Xew London, Connecticut, were here in, an Oldsmobile bound for Richmond today, after a trip south over the national highway with the intention of returning north via the capital highway. Mr. A. H. McLeod in a White Steamer from Lincolnton and Mr. T. I. Wray, of Columbia, S. C, in a Cadillac, Mr. A- W. Williams, of Bos ton, in a Chalmers, Dr. Geo. Carr, of Durham, in a Ford, Messrs. V. Z. At kinson in an E. M. F., from Holly Springs, and J. Beale Johnson in a Buick '.from .Cardenas,' and Mr. R. C. Welfare, of Wilson, in a Reo, were other visitors. IlKATH OK MR. KK HARDSON. . Thos. X. Richardson Died Riclimond Yesterday Evening. in News reached here this morning of the death of Mr. Thomas N. Richard son, which occurred in Richmond yes- tcrdav evening. The body will be brought hero this afternoon at 6:00 o'clock and the funeral will take place from the chapel at Oak wood cemetery tomorrow morning at 9:50. Mr. Richardson, who was about 70 years of age, was formerly a citizen of Raleigh, leaving here several years ago. He is well remembered, partic ularly among the older citizens of the city, and the news of his death wil), be received with regret. 1J. R. LACY, JR., IIKRK. Graduate! From Oxford I'niversity, England, This Summer. Mr. B, R. Lacy, Jr., arrived here yesterday afternoon to spend several weeks with his parents, Hon, and Mrs: B R. .Lacy..'..' Young Lacy has jiist completed his course at Oxford University, England, haying won a Cecil Rhodes scholar ship in 1907 after graduating from Davidson College. He will enter t'nion Theological Seminary this fall to prepare for the Presbyterian min istry. . ' .' Nursing Mothers and Malaria. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For grown pooplq and children, fiOc. DEMAND FpRJ)AnAGES Damages Demanded of the City For Loss at Person St. Fire Attorney Robert C. Strong Makes Formal Demand on the City for Damages Resulting From the Fire on Person Street August . Attorney Robert C. Strong today made a formal demand on the City of Raleigh for damages because of the loss of property in the fire on South Person street Monday morning, Aug-, ust S. It will be remembered that the, tire alarm system failed to work properly that morning, wffieh delayed the ar rival of the fire companies. There was also criticism of the low water pres sure. Two houses, one beloncimc to Mr. Spruill and one to Mr. Moore, were destroyed, and the tenants lost most of their personal property, amounting to about $1,600. This morning Mr. Strong sered the formal demand for damages on the city by handing a copy to Chief of Police Stell. The "demand is as follows: Aug: 16th., 1910. To the Honorable, the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Raleigh. Gentlemen: I hand you herewith, In behalf of my clients, an account against the City of Raleigh for damages incurred by them at a tire at 317 South Person street, Raleigh., about 9 a. m. on Monday, August Sth., 1910; and hereby make demand on the City of Raleigh for its payment. Prom information received from persons In position to know, the city has been negligent in keeping in re pair the Oatnewcll Fire Alarm System, and from this negligence damages arose directly to my clients .in the amount stated in the attached account. - The Gamewell System of Fire Alarm was adopted and installed . by the city some 17 years ago, and covering a period from at least 16 months ago to the present time, It had been run down to such a state of inefficiency as to have become, on a .number of occasions useless and worse than useless. Re quisitions had frequently been made for material necessary to keep the line in proper repair, which the Board of Aldermen' either ignored or permitted to be pigeonholed by committees. 1. On the date above mentioned the alarm boxes were in such condition as to render '-'thorn useless In sending in the alarm for the fire. Two companies were told of the fire, and being near, located it by the smoke. Eventually, an alarm was sent In, but it struck 211, and there was no such box, and at least one company prepared to go out but had no Idea of the direction, when it erroneously understood by phone that the fire. Was on North Person Street, At first the impression was that the boxes- were being tested, but It was generally'. thought that the sys tem was in such a bad shape as to be unreliable. I have heard that it is claimed that the wrong number was struck because nnother alarm had been sent in on the same line, and therefore the strokes of the bell had been mingled and con fused: but under the Oamewell Sys tem, an alarm sent from one box will lock till the other calls on the same line, automatically, rendering this practically Impossible. 2. Within the door of each alarm box. the key of which Is kept by the chief and certain other high officials of the fire department, !s a push but ton whereby calls can be made for direct pressure, and for the new fire engine purchased for emergencies of the kind existing at the fire complain ed or. The larm failed to ring prop erly, no one was there to take charge of the firemen or to send in the call for direct pressure or for the fire en gine: and If they had been there, the call for direct' pressure and for the engine could not have been sent'ln owing to the condition of the Gamewell System at the time. The call for direct pressure from a box in good condition rings at the Water Tower and at the Pump House, Acting under the neces- t'ity of the case, a good citizen 'phoned the Water Tower for direct pressure, and as he was an ex-officer of the fire department and a member of one of the companies, his Call was obeyed, though he was without authority , to make it. This was done before the 'chief came upon the scene of the fire, but a long time after the fire had obtained good headway. It was after this that some one had to go for the emergency pre engine, which arrived after the fire was under control. 3 Under my reading of the contract between the the city and the Water Company, the former has it In its power to force the latter to supply a sufficient pressure, and is responsible if the Water Company fails in its duty to do so. However, I believe, from my investigation, that direct pressure,' If obtained in time, would have been suf ficient for the extinguishment of (he fire, and that if the alarm had been In reasonably good condition most of the loss would have been prevented. The above is In outline, but If more than meets with the requirement of the law that demand for damages must be made of a city before entering suit for damages, etc. I recognize that a city can not be held legally liable in damages for a judi cial, legislative or discretionary act, but, all of these functions were dis charged, in this Instance, upon '. the adoption and installations were, dis charged, In this Instance, , upon the adoption and Installation of the Game- well System, and- it is only for the failure In the ministerial duty to keep m proper condition and repair tHis system that I think the city can be held: and for this position I have high authority. Besides, under Its -charter and the genefal law the city is charged with the dutv to nrotent the Dronerty of Its citizens from fire. It: Is given We means of dplng; so. Th.eiefore tfte long line of "authorities of our own state that a city Is responsible In dam ages to the person injured by reason of Its negligence in reapecj; 'to Hs streets and jails, is directly in point 'Yoorj respectfully, (Signed) ' $ ... ROBERT C. .STRONG, , J ..-'--. " " Attorney, NEW OFFICERS. The Holt Granite Manufacturing Company Elects Officers. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Hcjlt Granite Manufacturing Com pany, held at flaw River, on Tues day. August 16, 1910, the following were elected- directors of the corpora tion: A. W. Haywood, Haw River; John A. Trolineer. ' Haw River; W. F. Sbaffner, 1 Winston-Salem: John C Mason, Salisbury; E. C. Laird, Char lotte; Thomas Holt Haywood, New York City; C. B. Wright. Raleigh. After the meeting of the stock holders had adjourned the a"bove named directors held a meeting and elpcted the following officers for the corporation, vis: ' A. W. Haywood, president. . John C. Mason, vice-president and agent. John A. Trolinger, treasurer. C. P. Albright, secretary. KILLED BY A TRAIN. Deaf and .Dumb Negro Boy Fatally Injured Near Selmn Yesterday. Omega Beckwith, a deaf and dumb colored boy, died last night at St, Agnes' Hospital as the result pf being struck by a Southern train near Sel ma yesterday morning. The boy was riding a bicycle along the track. Soon after the engineer saw him he got off his wheel and stepped from the track and the engi neer, not knowing the boy was deaf thought he was getting out of the way of the train.' --Just before the train reached the point where the boy was he stepped back on the track and was struck, being fatally hurt about the body and legs. Ho was brought here about 1:30 yesterday afternoon and taken to St. Agnes, whero he died last night. BOUND TO COCRT. Two of the Blockaders Caught Yes terday Bound Over to Next Term of Court. J. Herbert Baker, white, one of the four caught by Deputy Marshal Jordan yesterday'morning, was given a hearing before Commissioner Nich ols today. The evidence was that the still was on Baker's land; that path led from the still to his house, and his hogs had been feeding on the slops. He was held for next court in the sum of $200, which he gave. Theo. Judd, colored, was recognis ed as the man seen by the officers at one of the stills'. ' A J500 bond was required for his appearance at court, which he succeeded in giving. ' : The cases against the others of the quartet will be heard later. Acute or Chronic Which? No matter if our kidney trouble Is acute or chronic Foley's Kidney Remedy will reach your case. Mr. Claude Brown, Reynoldsville, 111., writes us that he suffered , many months with kidney complaint which baffled all treatment. At last he tried Foley's Kidney Remedy and a few large bottles effected a com plete cure. He says, "It has been of inestimable value to me." King Crowell Drug Company. AT TABKRNACLE BAPTIST. Third Regiment Band Will Give Sacred Concert at Sunday Even ing's Service. V ' If the weather is favorable next Sunday afternoon the time of the usual evening services of the Baptist Tabernacle will be changed so as to begin at 6:30 p. m. and will take place in the open air in the park op posite the church, in connection with this service the Third Regiment Band will give a sacred musical con cert. This concert will begin at 6 p. m., at same place. At The Varborough. , The following guests are register ed at the Yarborough today: J. D. Bateman, Norfolk; Henry Tucker, New York; W. S. , Simmons, Rome, Ga.; Stanley Wilson, Baltimore; A. B. Cheatham, Louisburg; J. A. Long, Jr., Roxboro; J. E. Dye, St. Louis; B. A. Pollard, New York; E. A. Nourse, Baltimore; Jas. A. Swaney, Balti more; S. E. Lindsay, Lynchburg, Va.; A. O. Arvin, Greensboro; V. M. Dor sett, SHer City; CK W. Stanford, North Carolina; R. G. Lee', Greensboro; Dudley R. Cowles, Atlanta; S. U. Watkins, Virginia; L. S. Young, Vir ginia; C T. Bronson, Norfolk; W. Henry Hoyt, New York; J. II. Doughton, Greensboro; ' Gilbert C. White, Durham ;, J. W. Cbbb, New Or leans; W. S'. Griffin, Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Everett, North Carolina; R. F. Beasley, Monroe, K.'C; W. A. Fowler, Greensboro; :'.:C.-B. Koin, Philadelphia; R. J. Cobb, North Caro lina; J. L. Lockhart, Durham; W. H. Bixley, Riciijuond; B. H. Beasley, Norfolk; N. P. Edge, Rocky Mount; W. P. Barrett, Louisville, Ky.; 'leo. H. Ellis, Clinton, S. C; Wm. A. Guth rie, Durham; J. O. Craig, Greens boro; T. M. 'Saunders, Virginia.- Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gerow are vis iting relatives in the otty for couple of days. They -will return to Norfolk to make their home, ;m r,;ojfES here Has Secured the Hinsdale Property In Glenwood, Consisting of One Large BuUding and Three Cot tagesHeadquarters to be Klovexl From Reldsville Here, r Dr. J. J. McKanna has secured the Hinsdale property from J. M. Brough ton & Co. and will move his "Three.-. Day Liquor Cure" Sanitarium to this city. The property consists of one large 14 -room building, three cottages and ample grounds situated near the Glenwood car track. - The large building will be used for private patients, while the cottffes will be given over to such habitual users of intoxicants that may be sent here by the various city authorities of the state. Dr. McKanna proposes to give his "cure" to all Inebriates that shall be sent by the mayors or other officials . of North . Carolina towns, the only cost being transpor tation and board. Since opening his Three-day Liquor Cure sanitarium in Reldsville sev eral years ago the reputation of 'the cure has grown remarkably. This growth has caused Dr. McKanna to look over the state for a location that would be in keeping with his prog ress, and after carefully considering various cities and towns' selected Raleigh, because of its location, ac cessibility, and healthful surround ings. . The sanitarium will be opened for the treatment of patients Wednesday, August 23. The sanitarium will he moved from Reldsville at once and Raleigh wlll'bc the home for all the business. Saved from Awful Peril. 'I never felt so near my grave," writes Lewis Chamblin,, of Man chester, Ohio, R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung , trouble pulled me down to 115 pounds In spite of many remedies and th best doctors. And that 1 am alive to-aay is due solely to Dr. King's New Dis covery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for Coughs" and Colds, its the most cer tain .remedy for LaGrlppe, Asthma, desperate lung trouple and all bron chial affections. 50c. and $1.00.- A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. You've got no kick coming if you deserve the mean things south about yon., ;: "? '"'..--' START NOW ad keep It up. MAKE A DEPOSIT of the amount you can tavi EVERT WEEK. We do a Savings Bank business, pay FOUR PER , CENT. compounded quarterly, nd keep ppea '-. ;.'' SATimDAr HlGflT. THE -MECHANICS' SAVING BANK. Manhattan Shirts Tyo many Shirts on hand that is the reason we are gotn$ to sell out our entire stock of Manhattan Shirts at the following reduced prices: $1.15 instead of $1.25 instead of xMany of the best patterns left. Better coine in p&kings are gone ' . :,-;, ' ': v V.' -J- - . -..-- .-. ':IJiS Capital Stock; , deposits llespurces . . ..... 4- : p . . Iiitere'st Paid on Deposits, Coijjpouiided . It "4 Certificates Deposit Issued. - ' ' Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. . Call on or write jo&. G. Brown, President; A. B. Andrews, Vice-President; H. E. Litchford, Cashier, at Cozens National Bank; or John T. Pullen, President; Jos. & Brown, Vice-President; Chas. Root, Cashier, at Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company. 4 o Certificates pf Hipit . ' : ; . - Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Raleigh Banking & Trust Company. . D1RKCTORS: Chas. E. Johnson, Jas. A. Brings, V. A. Line linn, H. K. Norrls, P. O. Morlng, W. N. .Tones, J. R. Chamberlain, T. B. Crowder, Alfred Williams, Thosf S. Kenan, John W. Harflen, Carry K. Dnrfey. -ADV IN serving the patrons of the Commercial National Bank it is the aim of the men directing its affairs, not only to Invito accounts sub ject to check and to Issue, certificates of deposit bearing 4 per cent, but also to render'evcry assistance made possible by their experi ence in financial matters. Our officers and (directors are always pleased to furnish any information upon business, Investment or banking subjects in which their knowledge can be of value. The Commercial National Bank, RALHIGH, N. C. B. S. JERMAN, President. E. B. CROW. Cashier. Merchants National Dank, OF RALEIGH, N. C, Respectfully solicits your account. If you arc contem plating opening a new accoun, or changing your'present banking arrangements call in to see us or write. DIRECTORS E. C. Duncan, Wm. M. Williamson, -W. F." Utley, C. H. Smith, J. G. Ball, Alexander Webb, James R. Young, Job P. Wyatt, Chas. B. Aycock, George P, Folk, Jas. R. Rogers, George E. Hunter, J. L. O'Quinn. w; B. Drake, Jr. Aycock & Winston.- - Attorneys. .- -, , Let the Oldest and Best Be the Best for You. , phone us and we'll call for your bundle. If our work is not the best, there will be'the reason for your going elsewhere we know that it WILL PLEASE VOL'. - OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, KALEIGH N. C. HALF BATES TO FUQUAY6PRINjlS " .' , "':. ' r Fayettevllle and Raleigh From All Stations on Raleigh and Southport Railway. . ' Effective Saturday and Sun day, July the 2nd and 3rd, and each Saturday and Sunday thereafter un til further notice, the Raleigh and Southport Railway will sell round $1,50 $1.75 $1A0 $im THE CLOTHIERS. The Citizens KaticnslBaiik nun tuc v: , mw m m mm t . , Raleigh Saving Bank and Trust Comoo. ' mm mm m m r ..-- ;.,$. 315,000.00 1 JL,60j),000.00 . . . . . . . . sw,wu.uu I C Ej trip tickets from all Btations to Raleigh,- Fuqtiay Springs and Fayette vllle a rate o( one fare 'for the round trip, minimum 25 cents. - Tickets will be good to 1 return only on date of sale and will not be transferable. All other round-trip rates are with drawn. JOHN A. .MILLS, ' , President. Reduced instead of $2.00. instead of , earl before the best 5EE 0VR MSPLAY. v 'fV. '.-'.?.'i. "'."'-"' f :.. I .' ' - , v -, v i:mmmmM6mftmtit':4i r 1

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