.1" ... - TTO-JjyENlNO TIMES t RALEIGflf N. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 51910. 1 charge of ment. . a large millinery establish I Tiro's a Siring to Your Money Mrs. P. G. Rhodes left toda;' for Richmond. '' '' ' Mit Jane Diniddie left today for ' ' If amy article bought from this store la not satisfactory all ytm hare to do Is to jerk the string ama back. come the cash. This Is the principle upon which the success of this business was founded. MUsfactiou or your "money refunded. ' , "-- i" . a visit to Lexington. : :. Miss Pauline Brown has returned yislt to Norfolk. ' - TTTT- O . m - mmpm 1 - f ' il -.4 ;1 hi. ''3 f' i I" 5; p 'if It : i is1 KING-CROWELL DRUG Cq - We htm the registry of graduate nurses atrW l ! : - .. T y i- . . . ., (fen HARVEST TIME. (Written for The Times.) O, de harves' flel's am ripe, may honey ripe wld golden grain, An' de banjo an' de fiddle am tuned fo' de dance Now's de time ferglt yo' tolftn'set yo' heart free again , now's de happy tune, honey, better take yo' chance. ; ( De harves' bells am ringin' o'er de hills not fer awav, . An' I hears de merry knockn' ob de happy dancers'- feet s Here, take man arm, man honey, let's dance too an' be gav :To de golden harves' music to soft an' so sweet ! W. Frank Booker, Apex, N. C Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Seiffert have gone to Wilmington. Miss Ellen King Is visiting friends In Durham. ,-, . '. Mr. an Mrs. J. A.; Conover spent Sun day at Wrightsville. 1 ... Miss Agnes McOee, of Weldon, is visiting her sister, Mis. E. M. L'zzell. .. - . ... ' Miss Bessie Merritt has returned., to. Mt, Airy after visiting Mrs. II.' C. Brown. '. - .. Miss Jennie M. Scott has returned from a delightful two week's trip1 to Jackson Springs. . . - ' - - Miss Lillian McDonald has returned tq her home at Goldsboro after visiting Miss Maude McDowell. ... ... Miss Jessamine Hardawav. of New man, Ga., who has been visiting nt the hlme of Mrs. Carey J. Hunter has gone to Apex. Miss Sarah Burkhead has returned to. her duties ln, the office ,of the. at torney " genera) after spfeAdlnrf lfto months at her home at Whitevillo. Miss Glenn ford. Miss Mime Wilmington. Ross has gone to San- Allcn has returned from . Mrs. frank , Simpson . froin Elm Citv. has returned Miss Elizabeth Briggs spent Sunday at Wake Forest. , ' V Miss Birdie Clifton, of Clifton, Is vis lting Mrs. J. B. Merritt. i ... Miss Ida Smith has returned from a visit to Rockv Mount. Mrs. Annie S. Willson has returned f nrn a trip to New York. Miss Allie I'pchurch spent Sunday with friends at Henderson. ... Mr. ami Mrs. K. B. Pleasants are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J: D. Berry. Miss Rebecca and Louise Merritt have returned from a visit to Clifton. Mr. and ' Spending a Henderson. Mrs. . W. .jw. .Rnbards are- few (lavs witn relatives at Miss Elsie ft. Riddick has gone to (Jatesville, later going to Ashevllle for a -month's vacation. Dr. Delia Dixon-Carroll left Sun day morning to spend a few days with relatives at Norfolk., Misses Jane and Penelope Meyers, nf Washington, have returned home alter visit to Miss Annie Root. . , . , Mrs. and Mrs. John A. (luiiter nmi 1 1 1 1 lr son, Marion Woodson, of Huek hurn, are visiting friends in the city. ... Dr. N. (5. Carroll nei-ompamed hv Ins sister. Miss rattle Carroll, left Satur day afternoon to visit friends at Hills- horo. Rock Hill, S. C , when has she gone to will have and Mrs: Jv W. Lane, of Dunn atmoU in the city today. - ' . CoU and Mrs. W. D. Pollock and children left today for Klnston. ' Mrs. J. W. Watklns left today fori iKunoiK, 10 visu, ner daughter. Capt. and Mrs. 8. E. Linton return ed today from Ellerbee Springs; ' Miss Ruth Ivoy has returned from a visit to Hiddenite and Charlotte. Miss Virginia Cook, of Norfolk, Is I in the city, the guest of Miss Mary Sherrill. Mrs. vv. J. Calvert returned to Portsmouth today, after visiting Mrs. T. H. Calvert. Miss Mona Massey and Miss Vivian Cattls returned today from a visit to Wakefield. . Miss Sackie Mitchiner returned to Garner today, accompanied by Miss Lena Whitfield. ' v'.: . M(, and Mrs. J. R. Seehrest left to day for Cincinnati to attend the Ohio! Valley Exposition. '-,: :C'.,r ' Miss Frances Sharp, of Townsv'llle, returned home today, after visiting Miss Amy Storkard. f f NEW NECKWEAR When we say new we mean the very latest fads and fancies. Not only new. Jiere, but. among the latest ideas to come out. The styles now are in Persian Collars; Folds, Ruffles, Bows, Scarfs and in Ruch ings. "We have just received them and marked the prices at 25c, 50c, and $125,; FOR COMFORT Yon should wear a C D. and P.N. Corsets. We have them in all sizes as well as styles, 50c. and $2.50. THOS. A. PART1N CO. LADIES' FURNISHINGS AND NOVELTIES. 181 FAYETTEV1LLE STREET . . . . . . RALEIGH, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Powell, of Hen- (Wrson, returned home today, after vtsiting at the home of Rev. John N. Cole. Miss Bertie Spruili, of Winston-Salem stopped over in the city with Mrs. Hubert Perry, while- on her way to Oriental. . Mrs. Ueorge E. Crabtree and daugh ter. Miss Eleanor, of Goldsborof are visiting her sister, Mrs. James E. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hawes, of Atlanta, have returned home after,vis iting their daughter, Mrs. Edgar E. Brougliton. Miss Rosa Barrow lias returned to Carthage to resume her work as teacher in the primary department of the public schools there. ' . 5 Mr. and Mm' A. B, Andrews, Jr., have returned from a six week's visit to Watch Hill, R. I.. Garden City, Long Island, and Media, Penn. Mrs. Helen De B. Wills, who has been ill some time Is somewhat Im proved and has gone to Chapel Hill with her sister Mrs. Julia Graves. Ibitetnaii-OKlesliy. The following announcements , have; been issued : ; ( ' ' ' Mr.: and Mrs? A.;E. Oglesty : announce the marriage of their daugh- ' - tor Margaret Dianna to i Mr. Andrew- L. Bateinan on Wednesday, Sept. l!lst nineteen hundred and ten i , ' : at 8 p. m. ' Raleigh. N. C. At Home September, the twenty ninth ; Pljiuouth. N. C. i : S ' Enterlained At Luncheon. At a delightful luncheon Saturday afternoon at her home on North Blount street. Miss ,Willa .Norrig an nounced to a number of friends her en gagement to Mr. James MeKimmon. The marriage will take place Novem ber second. '. '.'Those present were: Misses Mary Hull and Margaret.-cKtmmon, Miss Anna MeKimmon," "Miss LQula j I Mc Donald. Miss Emmie Drewry, Miss Ruby Norrls, Miss Katherlne 'Whar ton. Miss Margaret Lee,r.;-Mrs. W. N.. Holt.' Miss Eliza Knox, and Miss Louise Wright. . : ;. '. , . . ALMOST A WRECK A Wrerk Narrowly Avertefl on the Southern, Near Morrisville Yester day. . ' Yesterday Southern passenger train which is due here at 12:30 o'cIock, was delayed over four hours by the breaking of a driving wheel. The ac cident occurred a few. miles. from Morrisvllle. One of the big drivers broke loose and flew out, but was held by the connecting rod until the train could be brought to a standstill. Fortun ately the wheel went clear of the cross-ties, which prevented the tear ing up of. the track. ' (Jrace .Fitch Conner, sister of Vera KiU'h, tjro bpauUltil irl who1 shot herself in 'cv Vork'K fashioiiitlile Ho tel Astoj ret'cntly, ami Whose H-peat-1- dtiiU.rif. . relationship ,f(,r. , onie time tUnai tcd the police in their at tempt to clear up -the attempted sui ride inystei-y. BrhAv'Dr. 'arl I'eiin, a mystic, with whom .Mrs. Cbimcp j associated. ' Wlien Vera Fitch was re Krtcd to Mrs. Conner n' lying at Ihe point of (Icalh, 'and ii l Oiiildct idciiti Mention was desired, Mrs. Cobjt, iu order to com-eii) 'wlii'if she considered the disgrace, liiniibeil niii jiikcd about the mutter in a way to end'rely' throw the police oil' the 'scent" for' a time. The sisters are daughters of the late General Henry'- Fitch, C. N.' A. and a cousin of the late Clyde Fitch, the playwright. Business Meeting of Lca lie. The regular business Heel ihK (,f nle Edenton street KiiworLh League -..will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the league room. It is earnestly desired that all mem nets be present as . -business ' of im portance will be transacted. '- ' ' Engagement Announced. jne a-nnoiineeinont ot the "engage ment of Miss Sir, nmt' Crow to Mr. Robert . Anderson- Brown will he of Special interest ' to inriny'-.'fVieniW,'; the -wedding." will tuke place at the homf, of f'the Vide'-oj'e'ct. 'pu Nortli Hal ifax street;' September il. Miss Crow is flic, daiu;ht(,'i: of, Mrs. Clinton C. Crow and is.fi.yoiiiig.wJiuar! of unusual personal ,1-barni,,. who has won many friends by her loveuble dis position, ; . - , I.:-" -; ivir. ttrown who iioltls a, position in the Citizens '-National Bank, is the son of Mr. and. Mrsl. 'Jofteph Or Brown and is one of Raleigh's niost promising young men. No cards will be Issued. CKEEL-PUTNEY. at Opening of Schools (Continued From, .pae One.) phia, going later , to France ..to con tinue her studies. Miss Louise' tfili,, '"of! Lexington, who conies as an assistant. Is . the other alumnae addition to the. teach ing force. She was here as-a stu dent from 1905 to 1907, when she' graditpted With credit." Since that time she has been at home teaching music and In the graded schools of Surprise Marriage Last Night Home of Mrs. Taylor. . Many of the friends of Mr. Thomas Braxton Creel and Miss Bessie Ellen Putney' will be surprised to learn of Lexington. Sthelr marriage wnicn took place last night at 9 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. R. M. Taylor, corner of Person Dd Martin streets. The ceremony was perrormea.ny mr, v. ri, nawyer juki, ice of the peace in the presence of'only a few friends wno naa Deen lei inio of WinstotjPaiem and the secret. ! . ' . . . . . , , , .. . ... I , , , V, n sir. v reel nuiua a ijuoniuii hm ( n, ., .. i .. . , ,. Henry T. Hfcks uptown flrtig store. He in t. .Mary . .he ntered Brvn Mawr was former traveling egent for The ftnd remained there tiiree years, up Times and,' hai innde -jmnny fHends to the beginning of her senior year; Evening Times and has made ..many Since leaving college s!ie has been friends throughout the state. ' living 'tohtfme'.'nnrt'te'Sr.hB-n the The bride is i a popular young " mMak titi5aBs -Sue' is::Very; ponu- l ! M'l'noft ' aa 'lli'rf'Wflds 1 beA Miss -Anna C. Buxton, of Winston- Salem, N. C., who takes Miss. Tower's place in the English' wbrk, is nn alum nae addition to tiie.fAr.uUy, . She is the daughter of Hon. j'.'' 0, Buxton, was a Sb. After leav-' licve will be equaly popular at St. Mary's. V Mrs. Lavinla Gretter, the new ma tron, lies in Henderson, N. C. Meridith College. Meredith College will reopen this year on September 14th with bril liant prospects, ; 225 boarding stu dents being expected at the opening. Although there has been no new building during the summer nor any special improvement, yet the college is in splendid condition to receive the large number of students who will arrive in a little over a week. Among the members of the faculty there have been some changes. Miss Alice Whittier Mescrve, professor of Latin, will be back at the college this year after a years' study in Chi cago University. Mr. Wade R.' Brown, dean of .the music school, together with Mrs. Brown, will spend the winter study ing in London and Berlin, having been granted a years' leave of ab sence. During his absence the music department will be under the direc tion of Prof. Gustax Hagodorn, pro- lessor of violin, who returns from a years study in Kurope. Miss Hage- dorn, who as Miss Elizabeth Burtt, was one of the most popular mem bers of the music faculty, will resume her work after her year abroad with her husband.' Dr. L. E. M. Freeman, of South Carolina, conies to Meredith this year and will have charge of the depart ment of Bible and philosophy. Miss Gertrude Itoyster, of this city, who for five years has been assist ant in the department of physical training, will this year become direc tor of the department. . Friends of the college will be glad to know that Mrs. Ernshaw will re turn and have charge of the clubs. Pence Institute. At peace . institute this summer a great number of improvements have been made, new buildings erect ed and much inside improvements. A now boiler house and well equipp ed steam laundry has already been completed, The new studio for both cne music ana an departments, as well as the laboratories is now In course of erection and will be com pleted by. November first. An improvement that will be great ly appreciated by the students is the large outdoor gymnasium, which, is boing arranged from one of the outer courts. On the inside w-ork has also been goin?; on so that it will be almost new rcare Institute to the students. Prof, Brawley, after his years' ptudy in New York and his summer abroad, will be hack as head of the music department. Miss Paulsen, a Norwegian, and an honor graduate of the Royal Con servatory at Leipsic, will be professor of violin. ihe new lady principal, Mrs. J. E. Booker, comes to Peace after several years as lady principal of the state Normal School of Virginia. She Is the wife of the celebrated evangelist, itev. j. k. Booker. . Presides tHocknrd, In speaking ofj the- prospects of Peace this year, said that practically every, space had been engaged. " Tfley.eipec't to take care of more girls than ever before. The opening will take place at 10 o clock Thursday, September 15. Mr.- W. B. Hunter, has returned from New York where he purchased the 'fall find winter stock for the Hunt er Bros. Brewer Co.., . ' ' 2 ?' f ' ; r. ' t i, : 1 ' " ,-. ",'-' Mr T. P.-Jerman returned today from-;at4iaeo, ' :.'': t.ii.:'" ..(' '" y ' " ' :. -'" ' ' ' , ..' .'"' ." .. "-V. . . We have just gotten in the greatest assortment of Hair Goods .' That was ever brought to Rdeigh. iil We are going to pay a great deal of attention to this department and we ' '- - ?-' .' v; -'..; .'..'''' .;:' can save you money. ' '' " '. , -"' 'A. Switches from $2.48 to $5.00 Cluster Puffs $2.48 and $3.00 First Quality Hair Fall' Millinery : Is beginning to come in and we will soon be ready to show you the grandest lot of high class imported and domestic - hats ever offered. New Goods Coming I r in Daily. i i ":"".'', - ' - - ' ' . ?,va: nWiir (irrifi: The only store in Raleigh selling for Cash and always busy. 'V- ''Civ